Military drones: armed and especially dangerous. Drone: review of Russian and foreign unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) American drones drones

IN modern armies the world uses UAVs - unmanned aerial vehicles. They are used in two directions - for reconnaissance and direct attack of enemy targets. It still remains topical issue the ethics of waging war with the participation of such machines, but in reality, drones are still used without restrictions.

History of military drones

Aircraft began to be used for combat operations back in the 19th century. The first ancestor of modern combat drones is considered to be balloons for dropping aerial bombs. Developments unmanned vehicles began in the 30s in the USA, and the Second World War gave a new impetus to the development of technology.

At that time, the Americans had a project to re-equip B-17 bombers, which would allow them to be controlled remotely via a radio signal. The plane could not take off on its own - this required a flight mechanic and a pilot, who then ejected from the board.

The unmanned B-17 was followed by an escort aircraft, from which the drone was controlled via television and radio communications. 17 vehicles were converted, of which only one completed the task. After this, the project was closed and did not return to it until the mid-60s.

The British also tried to use drones during World War II. They created the Interstate TDR-1 torpedo bomber, designed to destroy enemy ships. In 1942, tests were carried out and it was ordered to create 18 attack squadrons of 1000 vehicles. However, the enemy fleet was soon destroyed by conventional aircraft, and therefore the need for such developments disappeared.

Advantages and disadvantages of combat drones


  • small size, reduced cost of devices;
  • no casualties among personnel;
  • difficulty in detection and destruction;
  • transmission of information in real time;
  • performing reconnaissance, adjustment and combat missions;
  • rapid training of control operators;
  • high mobility and combat readiness.


  • “dampness” of technology - the problems of landing, control, and rescue of equipment have not been fully resolved;
  • short range and low autonomy;
  • flexibility and reliability are lower (compared to conventional aircraft);
  • V Peaceful time In many regions, the flight of such aircraft is prohibited.

History of application

First successful application military drones are considered 1983. Then, during the Lebanon War, the Israeli army, using UAVs, destroyed 86 Syrian army aircraft and 18 air defense batteries. After this demonstration, states took a fresh look at the capabilities of unmanned aircraft.

Since the 90s, the leadership in the production of military quadcopters has passed to the Americans. Such devices were actively used during Operation Desert Storm and during the bombing of Yugoslavia. In 2002, the Americans, using an assault drone, destroyed a car in which one of the leaders of Al-Qaeda was traveling - after which the US Army began to actively use drones specifically to destroy militants, their bases and strongholds.

As for the use of such machines by Russia, the problem began to be seriously addressed only after the eight-day war with Georgia in August 2008. The Russian Army uses two drones - "Orlan" and "Forpost", which were baptized by fire in Syria.

Possible applications

Depending on the type of device, it can perform the following tasks:

  • Intelligence service. The main purpose of the UAV.
  • Transfer data to the control center online.
  • Guiding missiles and artillery at enemy positions.
  • Electronic warfare - jamming an enemy's communication channel.
  • Rebroadcast. Using several drones, you can create a chain through which an encrypted signal will be transmitted.
  • Dropping bombs and launching missiles from the side.
  • As a target during exercises to repel an attack with air defense means.

Problems of combat use of UAVs

The most active user of combat drones is the United States; the devices are mainly used during combat operations and anti-terrorist operations in the Middle East. For example, in 2011, military drones discovered Bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan. With the outbreak of the war in Syria, the same devices helped in the detection and destruction of Jihadi John, who became famous for posting videos of people being beheaded online. Exactly how many people died from the actions of drones is unknown. For example, according to the CIA, from 2004 to 2016, up to 4 thousand people died from the actions of American drones in Pakistan, of which 1 thousand were civilians.

The world is discussing the issue of waging war using UAVs. Main reason - a large number of victims among local population. Other problems include:

  • "The illusion of permissiveness." Does the command have the moral right to use drones to kill people?
  • High turnover among management operators, main reason- pangs of conscience due to killing people.
  • Used for control and target recognition artificial intelligence(neural network), some are afraid of the “rebellion of the machines.”
  • AI often cannot distinguish between a combatant and a civilian. For example, military drones destroy children who play with toy machines.
  • The neural network is unable to distinguish a combatant from a prisoner of war who no longer offers resistance and wants to surrender.
  • Availability of technology. Terrorists can buy a quadcopter on the black market and use it for their own purposes. Recent examples include massive ISIS drone attacks on military bases and airfields in Syria.
  • Terrorists can use civilian models of drones to carry out attacks in cities in Europe and the United States. For example, spraying poisonous or radioactive substances over large gatherings of people.
  • The legal aspects of using such machines have not yet been resolved. Accordingly, operators may be convicted.

The most dangerous military drones

WU-14. A Chinese machine that was initially positioned as a “scientific apparatus”, but was later recognized as a military drone. Designed for ultra-long flights, it can deliver nuclear weapons to another continent.

Taranis. Secret development of the British military-industrial complex. It is known that the device is equipped with a stealth system and is suitable for intercontinental flights.

X-47 B C. American development. Autonomous take-off and landing; missiles are installed under the wings, which are launched by an operator from the headquarters.

The ability to preserve the most valuable resource - fighters on the battlefield from the beginning of the first wars was the most important and promising. Modern technologies allow the use of combat vehicles remotely, which eliminates the loss of an operator even if the unit is destroyed. One of the most pressing issues these days is the creation of unmanned aircraft.

What is a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)

A UAV is any aircraft that does not have a pilot in the air. The autonomy of the devices varies: there are the simplest options with remote control, or fully automated machines. The first option is also called remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), they are distinguished by the continuous delivery of commands from the operator. More advanced systems require only occasional commands, between which the device operates autonomously.

The main advantage of such machines over manned fighters and reconnaissance aircraft is that they are up to 20 times cheaper than their analogues with comparable capabilities.

The disadvantage of the devices is the vulnerability of communication channels, which are easy to disrupt and disable the machine.

History of the creation and development of UAVs

The history of drones began in Great Britain in 1933, when a radio-controlled aircraft was assembled based on the Fairy Queen biplane. Before the outbreak of World War II and in the early years, more than 400 of these vehicles were assembled and used as targets by the Royal Navy.

The first combat vehicle of this class was the famous German V-1, equipped with a pulsating jet engine. It is noteworthy that warhead aircraft could be launched both from the ground and from air carriers.

The rocket was controlled by the following means:

  • an autopilot, which was given altitude and heading parameters before launch;
  • the range was measured by a mechanical counter, which was driven by the rotation of the blades in the bow (the latter were launched by the incoming air flow);
  • upon reaching the set distance (dispersion - 6 km), the fuses were cocked, and the projectile automatically went into dive mode.

During the war, the United States produced targets for training anti-aircraft gunners - Radioplane OQ-2. Towards the end of the confrontation, the first repeatable attack drones appeared - Interstate TDR. The aircraft turned out to be ineffective due to its low speed and range, which were due to the low cost of production. In addition, the technical means of that time did not allow targeted fire or combat at a long distance without being followed by a control aircraft. Nevertheless, there were successes in the use of machines.

IN post-war years UAVs were regarded exclusively as targets, but the situation changed after the appearance of anti-aircraft guns in the army. missile systems. From that moment on, drones became reconnaissance aircraft, false targets for enemy anti-aircraft guns. Practice has shown that their use reduces losses of manned aircraft.

In the Soviet Union, until the 70s, heavy reconnaissance aircraft were actively produced as unmanned aircraft:

  1. Tu-123 "Hawk";
  2. Tu-141 Swift;
  3. Tu-143 "Flight".

Significant aviation losses in Vietnam for the United States Army resulted in a revival of interest in UAVs.

Here tools appear to perform various tasks;

In this form, the 147E was used, which collected intelligence so effectively that it recouped the cost of the entire program for its development many times over.

The practice of using UAVs has shown significantly greater potential as full-fledged combat vehicles. Therefore, after the beginning of the 80s, the United States began to develop tactical and operational-strategic drones.

Israeli specialists took part in the development of UAVs in the 80s and 90s. Initially, US devices were purchased, but their own scientific and technical base for development was quickly formed. The Tadiran company has proven itself best. Israeli army also demonstrated the effectiveness of using UAVs, carrying out operations against Syrian troops in 1982.

In the 80-90s, the obvious success of aircraft without a crew on board provoked the start of development by many companies around the world.

In the early 2000s, the first percussion device- American MQ-1 Predator. AGM-114C Hellfire missiles were installed on board. At the beginning of the century, drones were mainly used in the Middle East.

Until now, almost all countries are actively developing and implementing UAVs. For example, in 2013, the Russian Armed Forces received short-range reconnaissance systems, the Orlan-10.

The Sukhoi and MiG design bureaus are also developing a new heavy vehicle - an attack aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 20 tons.

The purpose of the drone

Unmanned aerial vehicles are mainly used to solve the following tasks:

  • targets, including to distract enemy air defense systems;
  • intelligence service;
  • striking at various moving and stationary targets;
  • electronic warfare and others.

The effectiveness of the apparatus in performing tasks is determined by the quality of the following means: reconnaissance, communications, automated control systems, weapons.

Now such aircraft successfully reduce personnel losses and deliver information that cannot be obtained at a line-of-sight distance.

Types of UAVs

Combat drones are usually classified by type of control into remote, automatic and unmanned.

In addition, classification by weight and performance characteristics is in use:

  • Ultralight. These are the lightest UAVs, weighing no more than 10 kg. They can spend an hour in the air on average, the practical ceiling is 1000 meters;
  • Lungs. The mass of such machines reaches 50 kg, they are capable of climbing 3-5 km and spending 2-3 hours in operation;
  • Average. These are serious devices weighing up to a ton, their ceiling is 10 km, and they can spend up to 12 hours in the air without landing;
  • Heavy. Large aircraft weighing more than a ton are capable of rising to a height of 20 km and operating for more than a day without landing.

These groups also have civil structures, of course, they are lighter and simpler. Full-fledged combat vehicles are often no smaller in size than manned aircraft.


Unmanaged systems are simplest form UAV. Their control occurs due to on-board mechanics and established flight characteristics. In this form you can use targets, scouts or projectiles.

Remote control

Remote control usually occurs through radio communication, which limits the range of the machine. For example, civilian aircraft can operate within a range of 7-8 km.


Basically, these are combat vehicles capable of independently performing complex tasks in the air. This class of machines is the most multifunctional.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of a UAV depends on its design features. There are several layout schemes that most modern aircraft correspond to:

  • Fixed wing. In this case, the devices are close to the aircraft layout and have rotary or jet engines. This option is the most fuel efficient and has a long range;
  • Multicopters. These are propeller-driven vehicles, equipped with at least two engines, capable of vertical takeoff/landing and hovering in the air, therefore they are especially good for reconnaissance, including in urban environments;
  • Helicopter type. The layout is helicopter, the propeller systems can be different, for example, Russian designs are often equipped with coaxial propellers, which makes the models similar to machines such as the Black Shark;
  • Convertiplanes. This is a combination of helicopter and airplane design. To save space, such machines rise vertically into the air, the wing configuration changes during flight, and an airplane method of movement becomes possible;
  • Gliders. Basically, these are devices without engines that are dropped from a heavier vehicle and move along a given trajectory. This type is suitable for reconnaissance purposes.

Depending on the type of engine, the fuel used also changes. Electric motors are powered by a battery, internal combustion engines are powered by gasoline, jet engines are powered by the appropriate fuel.

The power plant is mounted in the housing, and control electronics, controls and communications are also located here. The body is a streamlined volume to give the structure an aerodynamic shape. The basis of the strength characteristics is the frame, which is usually assembled from metal or polymers.

The simplest set of control systems is as follows:

  • CPU;
  • barometer for determining altitude;
  • accelerometer;
  • gyroscope;
  • navigator;
  • random access memory;
  • signal receiver.

Military devices are controlled using a remote control (if the range is short) or via satellites.

Collection of information for the operator and software the machine itself comes from sensors various types. Laser, sound, infrared and other types are used.

Navigation is carried out using GPS and electronic maps.

Incoming signals are transformed by the controller into commands, which are transmitted to executing devices, for example, elevators.

Advantages and disadvantages of UAVs

Compared to manned vehicles, UAVs have serious advantages:

  1. Weight and size characteristics are improved, the survivability of the unit increases, and visibility for radars decreases;
  2. UAVs are tens of times cheaper than manned airplanes and helicopters, while highly specialized models can solve complex tasks on the battlefield;
  3. Intelligence data when using UAVs is transmitted in real time;
  4. Manned equipment is subject to restrictions on use in combat conditions when the risk of death is too high. Similar problems Automated machines do not. Considering economic factors, sacrificing a few will be much more profitable than losing a trained pilot;
  5. Combat readiness and mobility are maximized;
  6. Several units can be combined into entire complexes to solve a number of complex problems.

Any flying drone also has disadvantages:

  • manned devices have significantly greater flexibility in practice;
  • It is still not possible to come to a unified solution to the issues of saving the device in the event of a fall, landing on prepared sites, and ensuring reliable communication over long distances;
  • reliability automatic devices still significantly lower than its manned counterparts;
  • For various reasons, in peacetime, the flights of unmanned aircraft are seriously limited.

Nevertheless, work continues to improve technology, including neural networks that can influence the future of UAVs.

Unmanned vehicles of Russia


This is a drone developed by the Irkut company - an unobtrusive device capable of conducting reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroying enemy combat units. It is expected to be equipped with guided missiles and bombs.

A-175 "Shark"

A complex capable of all-weather climate monitoring, including on difficult terrain. Initially, the model was developed by AeroRobotics LLC for peaceful purposes, but manufacturers do not rule out the release of military modifications.


A reconnaissance and strike vehicle capable of staying in the air for up to two days. Practical ceiling - 12 km, speed within 150-250 km/h. At takeoff, the weight reaches 5 tons, of which 1 ton is the payload.


Civil development of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. In the reconnaissance modification, it is capable of collecting diverse data about objects on water and land. Can be used for monitoring power lines, mapping, and monitoring meteorological conditions.

US unmanned vehicles


Developed by Northrop Grumman. In 2017, three vehicles entered the United States Army. They were sent to the UAE.


A Lockheed Martin drone designed not only for surveillance and reconnaissance, but also for electronic warfare. Capable of continuing flight up to 15 hours.


The brainchild of Aurora Flight Sciences, which is being developed as fighting machine with vertical take-off. It reaches speeds of more than 700 km/h and can carry up to 1800 kg of payload.

MQ-1B "Predator"

The development of General Atomics is a medium-altitude vehicle, which was originally created as a reconnaissance vehicle. Later it was modified into a multi-purpose technique.

Israeli drones


The first UAV created by the Israelis was the Mastiff, which flew in 1975. The purpose of this vehicle was reconnaissance on the battlefield. It remained in service until the early 90s.


These devices were used for reconnaissance in the early 1980s during the first Lebanon War. Some of the systems used transmitted intelligence data in real time, while others simulated an air invasion. Thanks to them, the fight against air defense systems was successfully carried out.

IAI "Scout"

The Scout was created as a tactical reconnaissance vehicle, for which it was equipped with a television camera and a system for broadcasting collected information in real time.

I-View MK150

Another name is “Observer”. The devices have been developed Israeli company IAI. This is a tactical vehicle equipped with an infrared surveillance system and a combined optical-electronic filling.

Unmanned vehicles in Europe


One of the recent developments is a promising reconnaissance and strike vehicle, which is being created jointly by Italian, Spanish, German and French companies. The first demonstration took place in 2018.

"Sagem Sperwer"

One of the French developments, which managed to prove itself in the Balkans at the end of the last century (1990s). The creation was carried out based on national and pan-European programs.

"Eagle 1"

Another French vehicle, which is designed for reconnaissance operations. It is assumed that the device will operate at altitudes of 7-8 thousand meters.


A high-altitude UAV that can fly up to 18 kilometers. The device can survive in the air for up to three days.

In Europe as a whole, France takes the leading role in the development of unmanned aircraft. New products are constantly appearing all over the world, including modular multifunctional models, on the basis of which various military and civilian vehicles can be assembled.

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Moscow, August 13 - "Vesti.Ekonomika" In early August, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was assassinated. The case is unique: for the first time in history, they tried to kill the head of state with drones - the drones were carrying a kilogram of C-4 and were supposed to explode next to Maduro during his speech. Experts say there will only be more such stories in the future. After all, anyone can buy a drone, and the security measures are not yet particularly effective.

Last year it became known about the development of a new type of killer drone - TIKAD, which can carry on board sniper rifle, a machine gun and even a grenade launcher.

The founder of the startup Duke Robotics, Raziel Atuar, is a former copandir of the special forces of the Israeli armed forces. Arm the drone with combat small arms he conceived it after participating in counter-terrorism operations, in which he had to fight in the midst of peaceful settlements. In his opinion, the use of armed drones can reduce the number of civilian casualties. The first TIKAD prototype appeared in 2015 and was immediately adopted by the IDF. Over the past three years, the drone has been modified; now he is no longer thrown back by recoil thanks to new system stabilization.

The latest version of the drone lifts any weapon weighing up to 10 kg into the air. The drones are controlled remotely and fire only at the operator's command - at least for now. Now the startup is looking for investors, but there are rumors that the Israeli military has already agreed with Duke Robotics to purchase a batch, and negotiations are underway with the US Armed Forces.

Small copters previously could not lift a heavy rifle, but now designers have created a whole range of heavy-duty models capable of carrying loads weighing up to 18 kg - this is more than enough. Be that as it may, there is still the problem of stabilizing the rifle and the strong recoil that can spin the copter in the air.

The creators of TIKAD say they have a “unique solution for stabilizing the drone and suppressing recoil” - the weapon is mounted on a robotic gimbal that rotates in real time, keeping the barrel in the desired direction. The recoil energy is distributed using flexible plates, which minimizes (but does not completely eliminate) displacement.

Another approach is to use a weapon without recoil. Instead of large-caliber rifles, drones are armed with missile clusters that can quickly fire a swarm of projectiles at an intended target.

The Taiwanese government was so inspired by the success of drones that it commissioned engineers to build their own. Armed drones are being prepared for the army assault rifle T91 and three 40mm grenade launchers. There are concerns that drones could end up in the hands of terrorists. In this case, incidents similar to the Venezuelan one will end very badly.

TIKAD was originally intended to carry out missions in critical situations where a common person could not cope or was subjected to unjustifiable high risk, but it is clear to everyone that very soon drones will become a mass phenomenon and, with the growing level of technology, will begin to gradually displace people from combat operations.

Experts are concerned that military drones are the next step towards autonomous weapons that select their targets without any human understanding of legal, moral or social norms.

At the same time, the development of new methods of combating drones is one of the priority tasks Pentagon. It recently became known that Lockheed Martin will produce such weapons. New anti-drone guns will be installed on airplanes and helicopters. They will allow you to disable enemy drones with a directed beam of microwave radiation.

A robot cannot cause harm to a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed.
- A. Azimov, Three laws of robotics

Isaac Asimov was wrong. Very soon the electronic “eye” will take aim at the person, and the microcircuit will dispassionately order: “Fire to kill!”

The robot is stronger than the flesh and blood pilot. Ten, twenty, thirty hours of continuous flight - he demonstrates constant vigor and is ready to continue the mission. Even when the overloads reach the terrible 10 “zhe”, filling the body with leaden pain, the digital devil will maintain clarity of consciousness, continuing to calmly calculate the course and monitor the enemy.

The digital brain does not require training and regular workouts to maintain qualifications. Mathematical models and algorithms for behavior in the air are forever loaded into the machine’s memory. After standing in the hangar for a decade, the robot will return to the sky at any moment, taking the helm in its strong and skillful “hands.”

Their hour has not yet struck. In the US military (the leader in this field of technology), drones make up a third of the fleet of all aircraft in service. Moreover, only 1% of UAVs are capable of using .

Alas, even this is more than enough to spread terror in those territories that are given over to hunting grounds for these ruthless steel birds.

5th place - General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (“Harvester”)

Reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight of about 5 tons.

Flight duration: 24 hours.
Speed: up to 400 km/h.
Ceiling: 13,000 meters.
Engine: turboprop, 900 hp
Full fuel supply: 1300 kg.

Armament: up to four Hellfire missiles and two 500-pound JDAM guided bombs.

Onboard radio-electronic equipment: AN/APY-8 radar with mapping mode (under the nose cone), MTS-B electro-optical sighting station (in a spherical module) for operation in the visible and infrared ranges, with a built-in target designator for illuminating targets for ammunition with semi-active laser guidance.

Cost: $16.9 million

To date, 163 Reaper UAVs have been built.

The most high-profile case combat use: In April 2010, in Afghanistan, an MQ-9 Reaper UAV killed the third person in the al-Qaeda leadership, Mustafa Abu Yazid, known as Sheikh al-Masri.

4th place - Interstate TDR-1

Unmanned torpedo bomber.

Max. take-off weight: 2.7 tons.
Engines: 2 x 220 hp
Cruising speed: 225 km/h,
Flight range: 680 km,
Combat load: 2000 lbs. (907 kg).
Built: 162 units.

“I remember the excitement that gripped me when the screen rippled and became covered with numerous dots - it seemed to me that the remote control system had malfunctioned. A moment later I realized it was anti-aircraft guns shooting! Having adjusted the drone's flight, I sent it straight into the middle of the ship. At the last second, the deck flashed before my eyes - so close that I could see the details. Suddenly the screen turned into a gray static background... Apparently, the explosion killed everyone on board.”

- First combat flight September 27, 1944

“Project Option” envisaged the creation of unmanned torpedo bombers to destroy the Japanese fleet. In April 1942, the first test of the system took place - a “drone”, remotely controlled from an aircraft flying 50 km away, launched an attack on the destroyer Ward. The dropped torpedo passed directly under the keel of the destroyer.

TDR-1 taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier

Encouraged by the success, the fleet leadership hoped to form 18 attack squadrons consisting of 1000 UAVs and 162 command “Avengers” by 1943. However, the Japanese fleet was soon defeated regular planes, and the program lost priority.

The main secret of the TDR-1 was a small-sized video camera designed by Vladimir Zvorykin. Weighing 44 kg, it had the ability to transmit images via radio at a frequency of 40 frames per second.

“Project Option” is amazing with its boldness and early appearance, but we have 3 more amazing cars ahead:

3rd place - RQ-4 “Global Hawk”

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with max. take-off weight 14.6 tons.

Flight duration: 32 hours.
Max. speed: 620 km/h.
Ceiling: 18,200 meters.
Engine: turbojet with a thrust of 3 tons,
Flight range: 22,000 km.
Cost: $131 million (excluding development costs).
Built: 42 units.

The drone is equipped with a kit intelligence equipment HISAR, similar to what is installed on modern U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. HISAR includes a synthetic aperture radar, optical and thermal cameras, and a satellite data link with a speed of 50 Mbit/s. Installation possible additional equipment for conducting electronic reconnaissance.

Each UAV has a complex protective equipment, including laser and radar warning stations, as well as an ALE-50 towed decoy to deflect missiles fired at it.

Forest fires in California captured by Global Hawk

A worthy successor to the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, soaring in the stratosphere with its huge wings spread. The RQ-4's records include long-distance flight (USA to Australia, 2001), longest flight of any UAV (33 hours in the air, 2008), and demonstration of drone refueling (2012). By 2013, the RQ-4's total flight time exceeded 100,000 hours.

The MQ-4 Triton drone was created on the basis of the Global Hawk. A naval reconnaissance aircraft with a new radar, capable of surveying 7 million square meters per day. kilometers of ocean.

Global Hawk does not carry strike weapons, but deservedly falls into the list of the most dangerous drones, because he knows too much.

2nd place - X-47B “Pegasus”

Stealth reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight 20 tons.

Cruising speed: Mach 0.9.
Ceiling: 12,000 meters.
Engine: from an F-16 fighter, thrust 8 tons.
Flight range: 3900 km.
Cost: $900 million for research and development work on the X-47 program.
Built: 2 concept demonstrators.
Armament: two internal bomb bays, combat load 2 tons.

A charismatic drone, built according to the “duck” design, but without the use of PGO, the role of which is played by the supporting fuselage itself, made using stealth technology and having a negative installation angle in relation to the air flow. To consolidate the effect, the lower part of the fuselage in the nose has a shape similar to the descent modules of spacecraft.

A year ago, the X-47B amused the public with its flights from the decks of aircraft carriers. This phase of the program is now nearing completion. In the future - the appearance of an even more formidable X-47C drone with a combat load of over four tons.

1st place - “Taranis”

The concept of a stealth attack UAV from the British company BAE Systems.

Little is known about the drone itself:
Subsonic speed.
Stealth technology.
Turbojet engine with a thrust of 4 tons.
The appearance is reminiscent of the Russian experimental UAV “Skat”.
Two internal weapons bays.

What is so terrible about this “Taranis”?

The goal of the program is to develop technologies for creating an autonomous stealth attack drone, which will allow high-precision strikes against ground targets on long range and automatically evade enemy weapons.

Before this, debates about possible “jamming of communications” and “interception of control” caused only sarcasm. Now they have completely lost their meaning: “Taranis”, in principle, is not ready to communicate. He is deaf to all requests and pleas. The robot indifferently looks for someone whose appearance matches the description of the enemy.

Flight test cycle at the Australian Woomera test site, 2013.

“Taranis” is just the beginning of the journey. Based on it, it is planned to create an unmanned attack bomber with an intercontinental flight range. In addition, the emergence of fully autonomous drones will open the way to the creation of unmanned fighters (since existing remotely controlled UAVs are not capable of air battle, due to delays in their telecontrol system).

British scientists are preparing a worthy ending for all of humanity.


War does not have a woman's face. Rather, not human.

Unmanned technology is a flight into the future. It brings us closer to the eternal human dream: to finally stop risking the lives of soldiers and leave feats of arms to soulless machines.

Following Moore's rule of thumb (computer performance doubling every 24 months), the future could arrive unexpectedly soon...

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