Vss firing range. Special sniper rifle (VSS) “Vintorez. Disassembly and assembly of the special sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez"

Silent sniper rifle for units special purpose. GRAU index - 6P29. Created in the 1980s at TsNIITochmash in Klimovsk under the leadership of P.I. Serdyukov. The name "Vintorez" remained in use after its use in design documentation.


Until the 1970s, special forces units of the USSR operated mainly modified models of small arms and grenade launchers for general military purposes, equipped with integrated silencers and using special ammunition with subsonic bullet speeds. Examples include the “Silence” complexes based on the AKM and the 6S1 “Canary” based on the AKS74U, as well as the PB and APB pistols.

However, such solutions had their drawbacks (for example, a significant increase in the size of pistols with silencers, a sharp decrease in the effective firing range of machine guns with PBS-1 and its limited resource), therefore, at the same time, special samples of narrowly targeted assignments that could provide much greater secrecy in the actions of special forces.

Conflicting tactical and technical requirements for a sniper rifle and machine gun, put forward by various departments, became the reason that by 1983, only the requirements for a sniper rifle were agreed upon with customers, which were as follows:

Covert defeat of enemy personnel at ranges up to 400 m;
-piercing a steel army helmet at a distance of 400 m;
-possibility of using optical sights during the day and electro-optical ones at night;
- compactness and lightness;
-the ability to disassemble into main components for covert transportation and quick assembly after that.

To meet competing demands, designers had to create new ammunition.

The first version of the rifle, which received the RG036 index, was created under the leadership of V.F. Krasnikov and chambered for the 7.62 US cartridge, which was used in silent systems based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The rifle had an original design of the gas exhaust system: a ring-shaped gas piston located around the barrel also acted as the rear wall of the silencer expansion chamber. This simplified and facilitated the design of the weapon, but had a negative impact on reliability in different conditions operation.

At the end of 1981, a second version of the rifle was created under the same index, but chambered for the RG037 cartridge and with a more traditional gas outlet through a side hole in the barrel wall, rigidly locked by turning the bolt. The shot sound suppression system consisted of a chamber muzzle silencer and an expansion chamber and made it possible to reduce the sound pressure to the level of a PB pistol.

Besides distinctive feature The rifle was small in size (length - 815 mm) and light in weight (only 1.8 kg), despite which, it ensured the defeat of manpower in army helmets or behind sheet steel 1.6 mm thick.

The new rifle passed preliminary tests, but in 1985 the requirements for a silent machine gun were approved, based on which it had to ensure the defeat of the enemy wearing 6B2 body armor at a distance of 400 m. In this regard, the designers of the rifle came to the conclusion that the RG037 cartridge would be ineffective for combat the enemy in promising personal protective equipment, so further work on it was curtailed, and the sniper rifle was completely redesigned for the soon-created 9x39 mm ammunition.

It entered service with the KGB and GRU units in 1987 and subsequently served as the basis for the development of the AS Val.


The operating principle of the automation is a gas outlet. Locking is carried out by turning the bolt cylinder during the forward movement of the bolt frame - with locking on six lugs. The trigger mechanism provides both single shots and burst fire. It should be noted that conducting automatic fire through a silencer, regardless of its design, always negatively affects the quality of suppression. The powder gases do not have time to dissipate and cool, and the pressure does not have time to drop. The VSS rifle has an expansion-type muffler integrated into the design with annular diaphragm elements that reflect shock waves of powder gases.

The barrel has several holes to relieve pressure into the rear cavity of the muffler (which distinguishes the integrated muffler from a conventional one). The silencer can be separated for cleaning and storage, but shooting without it is prohibited. Silencing the sound of a shot is based on the integrating principle. When a bullet passes past many holes in the walls of the barrel, powder gases penetrate through them into the expansion chamber of the muffler not immediately, but sequentially. With such a consistent expansion of hot powder gases, their temperature drops, therefore, the volume and “exhaust” pressure are reduced. In addition, during the process described above, a single sound exhaust is split into many components. Residual sound waves, reflected from the obliquely placed partitions of the separator, overlap each other in opposite phases and are mutually absorbed.

The rifle's sights consist of an open mechanical sight (on the rear of the muffler there is an adjustable rear sight, graduated to 400 m, and a front sight with a protective post placed on the muzzle of the muffler), as well as a side bracket for mounting a number of optical and night sights. In particular, the standard PSO-1-1 optical sight (which differs from the PSO-1 in a different aiming mark for a much steeper trajectory of bullets from the SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges).

The VSS is equipped with a wooden non-folding butt, very similar in design to the butt of the SVD rifle, but with a wider and more comfortable control handle. The stock is removable to reduce the size when storing the weapon.

On the basis of VSS, the “Val” AS assault rifle (special assault rifle) was created and adopted for service. It differs from the VSS in the presence of a folding metal stock and a larger capacity magazine - 20 instead of 10 rounds (magazines are interchangeable). The magazine can be equipped with clips.

The VSS has a “ dovetail", as a result of which a sight of the PSO-1 type, any standard night sight (NSPUM, NSPU-3), as well as sights of the PO 4x34 type with a special adapter can be attached; An open sector sight is also installed on the muffler casing.

The service life of the VSS is officially 1,500 rounds, but with timely care, cleaning and lubrication, this weapon can withstand up to 5,000 rounds without deteriorating in combat quality.

The BCC is not a completely silent weapon. The sound of the shot is approximately equivalent to a small-caliber rifle and can only be heard in silence, which is much better than that of weapons with silencers. However, weapons equipped with a silencer and using, like the VSS, subsonic ammunition, are often capable of producing a comparable shot volume.

Operating countries

USSR - in 1987 it was adopted by the KGB and the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
-Russia - used by special forces units of the armed forces, state security and internal affairs agencies.

Belarus - was in service with special forces units of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus. Due to the lack own production SP-5, SP-6 cartridges and prospects for their supply have been replaced by other types of firearms.


Weight, kg:
-2.6 (without magazine and sight)
-3.41 (loaded and with PSO-1 sight)
-Length, mm: 894
-Barrel length, mm: 200
-Cartridge: 9x39 mm (SP-5, SP-6)
-Caliber, mm: 9x39
-Principles of operation: removal of powder gases, rotary bolt
-Rate of fire, rounds/min: 40-100
-Initial bullet speed, m/s: 280-295
-Sighting range, m:
-up to 100 at the head target,
- up to 200 in the chest,
-up to 350 in height
-Maximum range, m: 400 (effective)
-Type of ammunition: box magazines for 10 or 20 rounds
-Sight: sector, it is possible to install optical (initially supplied with 1P43 and PSO-1-1) or night (1PN75 or 1PN51)

Intensifying confrontation between the USSR and America in the 70s of the 20th century, local clashes and undeclared wars necessitated the emergence of special types of weapons. One of these types of weapons was the VSS (special sniper rifle), which ideally combined all the technical and tactical requirements of that time.

However, even in our time, Vintorez is very popular. It is included in the arsenal of almost any computer “shooter” and serves as the personal weapon of heroes in many feature films related to war stories. But most importantly, the sniper "Vintorez" long years serves faithfully in special army units.

History of Vintorez

Special troops Soviet Union Quite often they were involved in armed conflicts localized on the territory of friendly states. To counter enemy sabotage operations and carry out reconnaissance missions, it was necessary to create a new sniper kit. Because at that time the entire arsenal consisted of powerful but noisy weapons.

Interesting. It is believed that the name “Vintorez” was assigned to the sniper rifle during its testing. It was a working term that collects the phrases: “rifle” and “ rifled barrel"in one word. In the documentation, the weapon is designated as a 9 mm sniper rifle or product 6P29.


The designers were tasked with creating a model of a highly effective rifle that could be used in covert special operations. The first prototype of such a weapon was designed by engineer V.F. Krasnikov chambered for 7.62US. It was named RG036.

However, the simplified scheme significantly reduced the reliability of this model and it was not further promoted.



At the beginning of the 80s, tactical and technical requirements were put forward for the new rifle; it had to combine the following characteristics:

  • be able to fire semi-automatically, with maximum noiselessness and absence of flame;
  • mandatory presence of special mounts for installing an optical sight;
  • combine the ability to aim a shot and penetrate a steel helmet at a distance of up to 400 meters;
  • the design should have a light weight and be compact, if necessary, quickly assembled from the main elements and disassembled.

In 1981, a new modification RG037 was created. It was distinguished by its small mass and size. To remove powder gases, side holes in the barrel were used, and the extensive and muzzle chamber dampened the sound, which significantly increased the noiselessness of the shot. The rifle made it possible to penetrate with close range steel, 1.6 millimeters thick, but this was not enough.


In 1985, the designers received new instructions; the weapon was supposed to penetrate body armor on the enemy from a distance of 400 meters. Such characteristics were not suitable for the RG037 cartridge.

The next modification of the rifle, using the 9x39mm cartridge, became the basic modification of Vintorez. In 1987, the BSK (silent sniper complex) was put into production and adopted, which includes:

  • VSS (6P29);
  • sniper cartridge SP-5/SP-6 (9mm);
  • optical sight (day PSO-1-1 or 1P43, night 1PN75 or MBNP-18).

VSS (special sniper rifle) is intended to destroy enemy targets during covert group operations for attack or defense. It is designed to destroy manpower and disable enemy technical equipment at a distance of up to 400 meters (during the day) and up to 300 meters (at night).

On a note. For SP-5 and SP-6, a modernized cartridge case from 7.62x39 cartridges is used. Its muzzle has been re-compressed for new ammunition. To test Vintorez components for strength, special SP-5UZ cartridges are produced. They are used only in factory conditions because they have a powerful charge. For training they use SP-5UZ.

Technical characteristics of VSS

Performance characteristics of Vintorez:

  • Caliber - 9 mm;
  • cartridges used - 9×39 mm (type SP5, SP6);
  • weapon length - 894 mm, barrel - 200 mm, optical sight - 375 mm, night sight - 340 mm;
  • weight without ammunition and optics - 2.45 kg, optical sight - 0.58 kg (with power source - 2.1 kg);
  • shooting mode - single/automatic;
  • bullet speed (initial) - 290 m/s;
  • firing rate - 800 - 900 rounds per minute;
  • rate of fire - from 30 to 60 rounds per minute;
  • aimed shot range using optics - 400 m, night time - 300 m;
  • magazine - 10/20 rounds.

​​​VSS "Vintorez" sniper rifle

Lethal force and effective range

The impact force of the VSS when using the SP-5 cartridge penetrates two-millimeter steel protection from a distance of 500 meters and causes damage to living targets. With SP-6, a four-millimeter steel sheet and 6B2 (Zh-86-2) body armor can be penetrated from 400 meters.

Despite the fact that the maximum required distance for a silent shot is considered to be 300 meters, Vintorez with additional optics is capable of covering a 500-meter distance with 100% accuracy. This is confirmed by numerous successful tests sniper rifle.

On a note. The technical documentation notes that the “VSS” resource is designed for 1500 shots. However, with the right maintenance weapons and keeping them in dry conditions, this figure can increase to 5000.

Design Features

VSS barrel

The barrel with six right-hand rifling is made of chrome-plated steel and has a length of 200 millimeters. In the middle part there is a cavity for exhaust gases (gas chamber), as well as a platform for attaching a device that reduces the noise from a shot. There are 54 holes cut into the barrel, which allow the powder gases to be diverted into the expansion compartment of the muffler. Using a special separator spring, the muffler is centered relative to the barrel channel guide.

Fact. The complex that allows centering the muffler is original and patented in Russia.


The skeletal type stock is made of plywood with a large number of layers. It is attached to a special receiver trim that has a lock. This design makes it possible to quickly disconnect the elements if necessary.


This part of the design allows you to connect weapon components. The receiver is produced by milling from steel. This scheme significantly increases structural rigidity, but at the same time the labor intensity and cost of Vintorez production increases.

A special cover helps protect weapon mechanisms and components from dust and dirt. On the right side there are holes for ejecting spent cartridges and a special cutout so that the bolt handle can move. On the left side there are protrusions for attaching optics.


An integrated silencer and separator complex ensures a silent shot. The muffler consists of a muzzle compartment and an expansion chamber, which allows the discharge of powder gases. Inside the body there is an aiming block with a bar and a retainer for the separator.

The separator itself is installed in the front part, which includes: a washer, an insert, a clip and a bushing mounted on the separator spring.

Information. If the muffler is incorrectly attached or is mechanically damaged, shooting accuracy will be impaired, since it houses the front sight and sight.


The mechanism prevents the possibility of accidental shots during impacts or other unforeseen situations. This is ensured by the fact that the fuse closes the windows for moving the reloading handle.

9-mm sniper rifle VSS


Depending on the time of day, night or day optical sights can be installed on Vintorez.

PSO-1-1 is equipped with a convenient sighting reticle, designed specifically for the use of the SP-5 cartridge. The distance scale allows the sniper to calculate the necessary correction and determine the distance without rotating the flywheels. The sealed housing, filled with nitrogen, completely eliminates fogging when the air temperature changes from 50 degrees cold to 50 degrees warm. It is also possible to use another day sight - 1P43 (PSV), with fourfold magnification and illumination.

For night time, MBNP-1 (1PN75) and NSPU-3 (MBNP-18) can be used.

There are newer modifications, in particular 1PN93. If daytime optics break down, you can use a mechanical device consisting of a sector sight and a front sight with a front sight. Adjustment occurs in horizontal direction and height.

Interesting. The history of the word “sniper” goes back to a small swamp bird - snipe. Due to its size, specific flight path and high speed, it is almost impossible to hit a feathered target. Snipe hunters were called snipers.

Design advantages

Compared to other Vintorez models, the following advantages:

  • high accuracy and accuracy of fire is ensured by a modernized barrel design;
  • Thanks to the integrated muffler, the VSS can drive silent shooting with no flash when fired;
  • the muffler is used throughout its entire service life without replacement;
  • the bullet has high speed and powerful damaging effect;
  • design features allow for quick dismantling and assembly of weapons;
  • disassembling the rifle into three parts makes it possible to carry it concealed;
    double-row mechanism in which the cartridges are staggered;
  • safety of use is ensured by a safety lock that completely prevents a shot from being fired when the trigger is accidentally pressed (during impacts and falls).

Interesting. It is believed that, despite the stated four-hundred-meter range of the VSS, an accurate shot at the enemy’s head is only possible from a distance of 250 meters.


The VSS is supplied complete with SPTA-O (spare individual package) for its maintenance, consisting of:

  • ramrod;
  • knife;
  • oilers;
  • scraper;
  • five full five-round magazines;
  • belt

The full ammunition kit also includes a backpack for carrying Vintorez and a backpack containing an optical sight, an individual bag and a belt with four magazines with cartridges.

When disassembled, the weapon takes up very little space. The elements can be easily removed from the portable backpack. Assembly can be done in a matter of seconds.

Fact. A special suitcase (diplomat) was developed specifically for storing the Vintorez sniper rifle in a dismantled state.

Options and modifications

Sniper special modernized VSSM

The latest modification of the VSS with an increased service life, a skeletal-type buttstock made of metal, an adjustable butt plate and cheek pads, as well as a bipod and a rail mounting system (Picatinny rail).

Special automatic machine AS "Val"

This weapon was designed in the 80s of the twentieth century on the basis of Vintorez. Elements of a machine gun and rifle have a 70% unification rate.

"Val" is compact and has no heavy weight, which makes it convenient to use. The weapon has powerful destructive power and can penetrate armor protection or the body of a car. SP-5 and SP-6 can be used as cartridges.

The integrated silencer ensures concealed use, and the design features allow you to quickly (from 30 to 60 seconds) assemble and disassemble the speaker and put it in a small case.

On the receiver there is a rail with the ability to attach optical sights (for day and night).

Special automatic machine AS "Val"

Fact. The silent complex includes VSS, AS “Val” and NRS (scout shooting knife). All models were developed by the Tula Arms Plant as a personal weapon for special forces special forces. Automatic and rifle magazines can be loaded from a clip.

Self-loading hunting carbine KO VSS

The modernized version of the sniper rifle differs from its prototype primarily in its elongated barrel (up to 403 millimeters) and the absence of perforations. This weapon is optimized for the 9x39 cartridge. The total length of the product is 985 millimeters, and the weight is 2.9 kilograms.

The carbine does not have the ability to fire bursts. But the muffler installed on this model is a real one, a combat one, with standard “stuffing”.

The arms factory in the city of Tula produces two models of hunting carbine: KO VSS and KO VSS-01. The latest modification is distinguished by the presence of a Picatinny rail.

KO VSS-01 and KO VSS

Civilian weapons are intended for amateur hunting and fishing in almost all climatic regions. The exception is tropical zones with high humidity.


The high interest in sniper weapons at present is associated with a specific international situation, an increased number of terrorist attacks and local conflicts. Its effectiveness has been proven by many years of service in special units of the armed forces.

Of course, these weapons are modernized and changed, adapting to new requirements. However, today, the VSS firmly occupies one of the first places among rifles of this level.

23088 10/08/2019 7 min.

The Vintorez rifle was developed for use by special units when performing secret missions. Its range and accuracy are highly appreciated by fighters. It is possible to wound a person protected by a 6B2 type body armor; an army helmet can also be pierced if the shot is fired from a distance of at least 400 m.

History of creation

Until the 1970s, USSR troops in most cases small arms and grenade launchers were used, which were well modified, but not perfect. It was distinguished by integrated silencers; cartridges with subsonic flight speed technology were used.

Such weapons were successfully used, but their shortcomings were very noticeable:

  1. Silenced pistols were enormous in size and heavy in weight, making it difficult for soldiers to move and react quickly.
  2. Short firing range, insufficient number of bullets that can be loaded into the machine at one time.

Improvement small arms led to the emergence of such models as, as well as. And . Americans are also actively developing this sector, as evidenced by its popularity.

In this video, the Air Force sniper rifle Vintorez and AS Val.

Due to the obvious technological possibility weapons improvements, under the supervision of the KGB and the GRU of the USSR, the latest models of rifles were designed, which were intended for a narrow range of purposes.

With their help, it was planned to effectively hide the main actions of special units, which made it possible to achieve greater efficiency in their work and surprise during activities of exposing or capturing dangerous individuals.

Various departments put forward their requirements for technical equipment new rifle, so they were only able to agree on it in 1983.

They were as follows:

  1. The ability to defeat living beings (not equipment) on the battlefield up to 0.4 m in a hidden form.
  2. Penetrating a helmet made of steel according to the military model at a distance of up to 0.4 m.
  3. Using optical sights during the day and electro-optical ones at night.
  4. The need to significantly reduce the weight of the weapon, improve the shape and size of the VSS rifle.
  5. Quick disassembly and assembly for successful transportation and almost instant readiness for the start of battle.

The first option was developed using the Kalashnikov base. The design has been simplified, making it much lighter by connecting some parts. The experimental approach had a negative impact on the reliability of the rifle in various terrains and conditions of use.

The second option was more improved, so it was approved for mass production. The gas outlet was carried out through the side holes in the barrel. It was fixed by a special shutter. The volume of the shot was greatly reduced by reducing the sound pressure. The rifle had record minimum dimensions and weight. Watch the video:

In 1985, new requirements were formed, which provided for a new rule. The weapon must be able to hit even those opponents who are wearing body armor. The rifle was converted to chamber 9×39 mm. It began to be used by special units only in 1987.

Operational and technical characteristics

6 caliber rifle. Shoots at a speed of about 125 m per second. If the ball has a mass of 28 g, then there is a significant decrease in speed to 105 meters per second. Recharging is fully automatic, Uninterrupted shooting is possible thanks to the gearbox. First of all, you need to know and.

It operates under the influence of high-power batteries. The batteries are placed in the pipe according to official form nunchuck. When the battery needs to be charged, the muffler must first be removed.

You can place up to 380 bullets in the magazine at a time. The weight of the entire device is slightly less than two and a half kilograms.

When choosing a gun case, Dimensional variability must be taken into account. When the stock is connected, the length of the device is 910 mm, and when it is disconnected, only 620 mm remains.

Available for loading bullets in the form of plastic balls. You can change the shooting mode, yes automatic bullet feed and the ability to fire single shots, each time independently carried out by the shooter. The special sniper rifle is made from a wide range of materials.

For the history of the creation of the rifle, see the following video:

The body is made of aluminum, and the box lid is made of steel. The stock is made of ordinary plywood and then varnished. The forend has a special pad for convenient positioning of the weapon during shooting; it is made of plastic.

Depending on the model, the length of the barrel varies, but is always at least 400 mm and no more than 420 mm. The main trunk is made in the form of an attachment in a container covering it on all sides. It is stronger and more reliable, therefore it serves for protection.

The design uses a third generation gearbox, which ensures operational reliability. The fuse is made without the use of automatic technologies; it must be manually moved. This is very convenient to do, since it is located on the right side in the form of a small lever.

Special devices for correct zeroing made in open form. The rear sight is adjusted by moving up and down, and the front sight is adjusted from side to side. You can additionally install various sights for convenience and excellent shot quality; for this purpose, an easy-to-rearrange standard mount is provided.

SVD air sniper rifles stand out with similar characteristics, about them. Price for air rifle IZH 61 can be found. Read about the most powerful air rifles without a license.

Device and circuit

The design is made according to the classical scheme. The magazine is located at the front of the rifle. There is a pistol grip where the stock is installed.

The batteries in the pipe are arranged according to a special plan. It is designed to reduce bullet spread by making the muzzle of the barrel particularly heavy. The buttstock is made without the possibility of folding or disassembling it; it is a single piece.

If a standard battery is installed, then the rifle’s operating speed is 11 rounds per second. Fight with of this weapon possible in two configurations: sniper work and assault attack. Also suitable for such purposes. Read also about the German assault rifle. See photo.

Standard equipment

  1. Muffler.
  2. Barrel equipped with a functional box.
  3. Trigger mechanism.
  4. Return mechanism.
  5. Gas pipe.
  6. Frame.
  7. Gate.
  8. Spring.
  9. Handguard.
  10. Buttstock made of metal. There is a possibility of folding it.
  11. Magazine (cartridge container).

Disassembly and cleaning

To learn how to clean a weapon, watch the video:

Disassembling a rifle in an incomplete (most common) version:

  1. Disassembly is carried out in the likeness of a Kalashnikov assault rifle. There is a separate lever on the receiver, located on its rear. To disconnect the cover, you just need to press it, then you can remove it with a slight movement.
  2. To remove the muffler, you need to press the button at the rear of it; it is removed through the muzzle compartment of the barrel. Sometimes this part is difficult to remove due to the complex mechanism of its fastening, then you need to move the device several times in opposite directions.
  3. There is a screw located on the flat section of the handle; it should be carefully unscrewed.
  4. To remove the cover receiver, you need to find the button in the upper compartment of the butt. Then it can be easily removed, which will allow full access to the structure located inside the rifle.
  5. A more complete disassembly is only necessary for periodic complete cleaning or insertion of improved parts. If the user is not yet experienced in disassembling and assembling a rifle, it is advisable to use the help of people more experienced in this matter or contact specialists.

Preparation for use

Before using VSS, you must complete the main set of measures to avoid misfires or other failures:

  1. Careful quality check of cartridges.
  2. Cleaning all weapon parts.
  3. Inspection components, coating them with lubricant.
  4. Full inspection of the rifle after assembly, checking the fastenings.
  5. Researching the correctness of the optical sight is important to know.

Repair and replacement of parts

The Vintorez rifle very rarely breaks down, complex violations can only appear in the operation of the gearbox. This distinguishes it from classic examples air guns. To eliminate all inconsistencies, you can only completely disassemble the structure and replace the parts with new ones.

There are no other repair options for the airsoft silent sniper special air force. If it is impossible to repair the weapon yourself, it is advisable to bring only the gearbox to the workshop, having disconnected it in advance. This is very convenient and does not attract attention, unlike carrying an assembled rifle.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. A convenient and functional design will help a person in war to successfully fight, and a weapon lover will be able to add a beautifully crafted sample to his collection.
  2. Low price compared to rifles with similar technical characteristics. Individual elements can be purchased for a low cost, but a serial, fully equipped model costs about 350-450 euros.
  3. Partial disassembly and subsequent reassembly are very easy, this process is semi-automated. The internal design is standard, so it is not difficult to repair or clean for professionals or experienced gun enthusiasts.
  4. The play of parts is not sensitive.


  1. All parts of the weapon are secured with screws. In aesthetic terms, this indicator is assessed positively; for combat, this aspect is not important, but for a collector, this feature can become a significant disadvantage, since the usual stylization is not performed.
  2. A spare magazine can only be purchased at a fairly high price, it is at least 45 euros.
  3. The butt is long, which makes it less comfortable for people of short stature.
  4. The rear sight may move out of position if excessive load is applied, as it does not have sufficient rigidity.


The VSS Vintorez silent sniper rifle has minor flaws, but is a professional weapon with excellent technical characteristics. It is easy to use, reliable, suitable for most combat situations, and can also be used as a collector's item.

They also enjoy worldwide fame. Read about how to choose an air rifle for accurate shooting.

Fans of small arms will like this item in all aspects. For professionals, some adjustment of the mechanism for specialized purposes will be required.

This VSS is intended not only for combat, but also for shooting training. It helps you fully master all the necessary knowledge for the correct use of any sniper rifles. Often used for sports. See how to shoot with a sniper rifle. But don’t forget about the safety rules for handling weapons, read about them. Read about the repair and modernization of air guns. We also recommend that you read the material about and.

VSS "Vintorez" (Special Sniper Rifle) is part of a silent sniper complex (BSC), consisting of a 9-mm sniper cartridge SP-5 (or armor-piercing SP-6), a rifle, an optical sight PSO-1-1 or 1P43 and night sights 1PN75 and MBNP-18.

VSS Vintorez rifle - video

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle was developed by designers V.F. Krasnikov and P.I. Serdyukov at TsNIITochMash in the city of Klimovsk.

In 1987, the VSS Vintorez complex was adopted by reconnaissance and sabotage units of the USSR Armed Forces, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces units of the KGB of the USSR under the designation VSS (index 6P29).

VSS "Vintorez" sniper rifle - designed for silent and flameless sniper shooting at enemy personnel (defeating enemy reconnaissance groups, his command staff, sentries and observers), as well as disabling elements military equipment, surveillance devices and unarmored enemy vehicles at a distance of up to 400m using an optical sight, and up to 300m using night sights.

The VSS rifle consists of:

The barrel connected to the receiver
- butt
- bolt carrier with gas piston
- shutter
- return mechanism
- drummer
- mainspring with guide
- trigger mechanism
- receiver covers
- muffler housing, separator and forend.

The principle of operation of the automation and the purpose of the parts and mechanisms of the Vintorez rifle are based on the use of the energy of powder gases removed from the barrel bore into the gas chamber, and then converted into the kinetic energy of the moving automation system. Locking and unlocking the barrel bore is carried out by rotating the bolt around the longitudinal axis. The trigger mechanism is a striker type of original design, with the ability to conduct single and automatic fire. The cartridges are supplied from a double-row sector magazine with a staggered arrangement. The cartridge is chambered using the bolt. The spent cartridge case is removed by a spring-loaded swinging ejector mounted on the bolt. To reflect spent cartridge case serves as a spring-loaded reflector located in the shutter.

The rifle barrel is only 200 mm long, chrome-plated, and has six right-hand rifling. On the hem of the barrel there are protrusions with bevels - for preliminary rotation of the bolt at the beginning of its locking. In the middle part of the barrel there is a gas chamber, as well as a cylindrical surface with annular grooves for attaching the muffler housing. In the muzzle there are 54 holes (6 rows of 9 holes), drilled along the rifling of the barrel. They are designed to discharge gases from the barrel bore into the expansion chamber of the muffler. Placed on the muzzle of the barrel special form separator spring. It ensures that the muffler is centered relative to the axis of the barrel bore. The muffler centering unit was created as an original design; its device is protected by a Russian patent.

The receiver serves to connect the parts and mechanisms of the rifle. It is made by milling from a steel billet. This significantly increases the rigidity of the structure, but at the same time increases the complexity of its manufacture and increases the cost. However, for special forces it is quite logical to have weapons that are more expensive, but provide high accuracy of fire and reliability. The top of the box is closed with a lid that protects the parts and mechanisms of the weapon from contamination. It is made of thin sheet steel by stamping. To give rigidity, with a small thickness of the metal, there are extrusions in it. On the right side of the cover there is a window for ejected cartridges and a cutout for moving the bolt handle.

The safety lock, which, when turned on, eliminates the possibility of turning the trigger, ensures the prevention of accidental shots due to falls, weapon impacts, or accidental pressing of the trigger. In the on position, the safety box closes the cutouts for moving the reloading handle and thereby protects the receiver from sand and dust getting into it. Protection against premature shots when the bolt is unlocked is provided by a self-timer, as well as by the relative position of the bolt frame and bolt when closing the barrel bore and locking the bolt.

On the left side of the receiver there are dovetail-type protrusions - seats for optical sights. The central and two rear protrusions serve as a base for mounting night electro-optical sights, and the two front and central ones serve as a base for daytime optical sights.

The receiver also contains a fire type translator and a magazine latch with a spring.

The main rifle shooting mode is single. However, the design of the trigger mechanism, located in the receiver, provides for the possibility of automatic fire. The fire type translator is attached to the receiver inside the trigger guard, behind the trigger. To conduct single fire, the translator is placed in the “Single fire” position (indicated by one dot), and for automatic fire - “Automatic fire” (indicated by three dots). You can use the translator with the thumb and forefinger of the hand holding the handle.

To increase the accuracy of a sniper rifle, it is necessary that its mechanisms affect the weapon as little as possible during operation.

To fulfill this condition, the automatic rifle has light moving parts (bolt and bolt frame). Another solution was the use of six bolt lugs in the locking mechanism, interacting with the protrusions of the receiver. In this case, the two lower lugs act as a cartridge rammer. Locking and unlocking of the bolt is carried out by rotating it around the longitudinal axis, which occurs through the interaction of the tracking grooves of the bolt frame and the leading lugs of the bolt. This made it possible to ensure rigid symmetrical locking of the barrel and reduce energy losses when unlocking the bolt.

Another solution that helps accurate shooting, there was the use of a striker-type impact mechanism. The light striker serves to break the igniter primer and, when de-cocked, gives the rifle a slight disturbing impulse. In addition, this design solution made it possible to facilitate the operation of the automation. This, as well as the specially designed layout of the gas outlet unit, ultimately made it possible to reduce the “tossing” of the weapon during a shot, which in turn made it easier to monitor the results of shooting through an optical sight.

The VSS strikers of the first series have a firing pin and a tail, in which there is a hole for the guide of the mainspring, grooves for guiding in the receiver, protrusions for cocking and for setting the striker on the self-timer. In subsequent releases, the firing pin was moved to the bolt. The cylindrical surface of the striker enters the bolt channel.

The return mechanism is designed to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position after firing or loading the weapon, as well as to fix the receiver cover. Guide return spring together with the rod they form a telescopic structure that provides the required stroke length of the bolt frame. To reduce noise when the moving system hits in the rear position, a polyurethane gasket is provided in the design of the return mechanism stop. To prevent the penetration of exhaust powder gases from the receiver to the shooter's face, there is a rubber sealing ring between the protrusion of the return mechanism stop and the receiver cover.

The mainspring serves to impart energy to the striker sufficient to break the cartridge primer. The mainspring guide also has a telescopic design.

The integrated silencer is an integral part of the rifle. It includes the muffler body and separator. The muffler body consists of an expansion chamber for preliminary release of gases and a muzzle muffler chamber. A separator is installed in the front part of the housing.

RVVDKU cadet with VSS at demonstration performances

The separator is a stamp-welded structure consisting of a bushing, insert, washer and cage. The cylindrical surface of the washer and bushing is used to ensure alignment of the separator and the body, the conical surface of the bushing is used to install the separator on the separator spring located on the muzzle of the barrel.

The silencer is put on the rifle barrel and secured to it with two cotters and a latch. This mount makes it easy to remove and install the silencer on the weapon. After the shot, when the bullet passes the front, perforated part of the barrel, part of the powder gases rushes through the side holes in the barrel into the expansion chamber of the muffler. In this case, the gas pressure in the barrel and their speed after the bullet leaves are reduced. A stream of powder gases flowing from the muzzle of the barrel hits a separator, which “divides” it into numerous multidirectional flows, intensively reducing their speed and temperature. As a result, the gases escaping from the silencer have a subsonic speed and low temperature, that is, they do not create pop or muzzle flash, and the sound level of the shot is approximately 130 dB, which corresponds to a small-caliber rifle.

The use of an integrated silencer made it possible to reduce (compared to a silencer mounted on the muzzle of the barrel) the overall length of the weapon.

The sight block with the aiming bar, the front sight base with the front sight, and the separator latch with a spring are attached to the muffler body.

The removable butt of a skeleton-type rifle (like the SVD) is made of multi-layer plywood. It is attached to the receiver using a dovetail lug and a latch. When creating the butt lock, an original design solution was used, protected by a Russian patent. The clamp ensures quick removal and attachment of the butt, and a rigid (without play) mount on the weapon.

The forend of the Vintorez rifle is made of plastic and is designed for ease of control of the weapon when shooting, protecting your hands from burns and securing the tube. The forend is held by the muffler body, and when the muffler is removed, by the body latch, which is automatically pressed during the assembly process by the internal inclined plane of the forend.

The trigger mechanism is used to release the firing pin from the combat cocking and from the self-timer cocking, to ensure single and automatic firing, to stop firing, to prevent shots when the bolt is unlocked and to put the machine on safety. The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver and includes a safety, sear, disconnector, translator, self-timer, trigger, trigger spring, trigger axis, self-timer spring, sear spring and disconnector. The design of the trigger mechanism is also protected by a Russian patent.

For aimed shooting For rifles and machine guns, various day and night sights are used at different ranges.

The daytime optical sight of the PSO-1-1 rifle is similar to the PSO-1 sight of the SVD sniper rifle, but with remote scales for the ballistics of the SP-5 cartridge. The upper handwheel of the sight - for setting the range - has a scale with numbers from 5 to 40, with a division value of 25 m, which corresponds to aiming angles for firing at ranges from 50 to 400 m. Since the ballistics of the SP-6 cartridge is close to the ballistics of the SP cartridge -5, the sight scale is used when firing both cartridges. The side handwheel, as in the PSO1 sight, is used to introduce lateral corrections. The sight reticle has one main square for aiming at the target. To the right and left of it is a lateral correction scale, below is a rangefinder scale for a target 1.7 m high (height figure) with numbers from 1 to 40 in tens of meters of range. The PSO-1-1 sight has 4x magnification and a field of view of 6°, its weight is 0.58 kg.

In addition to the PSO-1-1 sight, another daytime optical sight, the 1P43, can be used for firing from the VSS.

For shooting at night, the NSPU-3 or MBNP-1 night sight is used. IN Lately A new generation of night sights has been created - the 1PN93 series of sights.

Fighter 45 OP Special Forces Airborne Forces with VSS

In case of failure of the daytime optical sight or the impossibility of its use for other reasons, a mechanical sighting device is used, consisting of a sector-type sight and a front sight in the front sight adjustable in height and in the lateral direction. The sight and front sight are located on the muffler body. The sighting bar has a mane with a slot for aiming and cutouts for holding the clamp in position. The sighting bar has a scale with divisions from 10 to 42: on the right side from 10 to 40, on the left - from 15 to 42. The scale numbers indicate firing ranges in tens of meters. This scale allows you to set the sight according to the distance to the target with an accuracy of up to 20 - 30 m.

On the base of the front sight and on the body there is a general mark that determines the position of the front sight after the weapon is brought into normal combat.

When using the weapon, placing the sight and front sight on the silencer requires strictly monitoring the correct connection of the silencer, protecting it from impacts and other mechanical damage.

One of the requirements for the new rifle when it was created. - possibility of concealed carrying and high readiness for combat use. Therefore, the rifle is disassembled into three main units - the rifle with the stock and silencer removed, the silencer and the stock. The time it takes to transfer it to a combat position is no more than 1 minute.

If necessary, the rifle can be transported disassembled into its main components in a 45x37x19 cm case or in a bag. To make the packaging in the case, a split wooden model of the rifle was created.

Ammunition VSS "VINTOREZ" SP-5, SP-6

Shooting from the VSS Vintorez rifle can be carried out:

SP-5 cartridges (sniper)
- SP-6 (increased armor penetration).

These cartridges have the same charges, but differ in the design of the bullets.

The bullet of the SP-5 cartridge has a steel and lead core placed in a bimetallic shell. The shape of the bullet provides it with good ballistic properties when flying at subsonic speeds. The SP-5 cartridge does not have special markings; packaging cardboard boxes with such cartridges are labeled “Sniper”.

The bullet of the SP-6 cartridge consists of a hardened steel core of increased length, placed in a lead jacket and a bimetallic shell. The tip of the SP-6 cartridge bullet is painted black, and there is a black stripe on the box. The cartridge cases are steel, coated with green varnish.

Both cartridges have similar ballistics and can be used in both VSS and AC. At the same time, the SP-5 cartridge has better accuracy, and the SP-6 has armor penetration. The latter should be used to defeat personnel wearing personal protective equipment, as well as in cars or behind light shelters.

SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges are produced by the Klimovsky Stamping Plant.

In addition to standard ammunition, there are training cartridges SP-6UCH - for training in loading weapons. There are longitudinal grooves on its sleeve, and on the box there is the inscription “Training”.

To test the strength of the weapon locking unit, the SP-5UZ cartridge is used. On the packaging box with these cartridges there is the inscription “Enhanced charge”. They are used only in factory conditions; the use of such cartridges in the army is strictly prohibited.

Partial disassembly of VSS Vintorez

Silent weapons, when fired, become more contaminated with powder soot than conventional ones. Therefore, after firing the VSS, you need to clean it as quickly as possible. To do this, the rifle is partially disassembled, which is done without special tools.

Order incomplete disassembly next:

Disconnect the magazine and check to see if there is a cartridge in the chamber.
- Separate the muffler and disassemble it.
- Remove the separator spring from the barrel.
- Disconnect the rifle receiver cover.
- Remove the return mechanism. 6. Remove the mainspring from the guide.
- Take out the drummer.
- Separate the bolt carrier with the bolt and separate the bolt from the bolt frame.
- Disconnect the handguard.
- Separate the tube.
- For VSS - separate the butt.
- Assembling the weapon is done in reverse order. It takes from 30 to 60 seconds.

VSS rifle configuration

Each VSS rifle is equipped with an individual set of spare parts ZIP-O.

VSS "Vintorez" - a special sniper rifle, is part of the BSK complex (silent sniper complex), consisting of a rifle, a 9-mm sniper cartridge SP-5 (armor-piercing cartridge SP-6), an optical sight 1P43 (PSO-1-1 and night sights MBNP-18 and 1PN75).

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle was developed by designers P. Serdyukov and V. Krasnikov at the Klimovsky TsNIITochMash.

In 1987 new complex VSS "Vintorez" is adopted by special forces units of the USSR KGB troops and reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Soviet Armed Forces and units of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the designation "special sniper rifle" (VSS) index 6P29.

The new one, which is a group means of covert attack and defense, was intended to hit targets with sniper fire in conditions requiring silent and flameless shooting at open enemy personnel (destruction of enemy command personnel, his reconnaissance groups, observers and sentries), as well as disabling devices surveillance, elements of military equipment and destruction of unarmored equipment at ranges up to 400 m during the day with optical sight and 300 m at night with a night sight.

The design of Vintorez is extremely simple. Its special feature is the firing mechanism, consisting of a firing pin and two sears - one for automatic, the other for single fire.

The VSS rifle consists of a barrel with a receiver, a silencer with sights, stock, bolt carrier with gas piston, bolt, recoil mechanism, hammer mechanism, trigger mechanism, handguard, gas tube, receiver cover and magazine.

The principle of automation and barrel locking is the same as that of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The VSS automation operates on the principle of removing powder gases from the barrel bore into a gas chamber located on top of the barrel under a plastic fore-end; the barrel bore is locked by turning the bolt with six lugs. Gas piston rigidly connected to the bolt frame. The inside of the piston is hollow, and a return spring enters it at its front end. The USM is a striker type, allowing both single and automatic fire.

The safety box, located on the right side of the receiver, simultaneously closes the groove for the reloading handle, protecting the box from dust and dirt getting inside. The fire type translator is mounted inside the trigger guard, behind the trigger. When it moves horizontally to the right, single fire is conducted, and when it moves to the left, automatic shooting occurs. The reloading handle is located on the right side of the receiver.

Sights consist of an open sector sight mounted on the muffler body and designed for a firing range of up to 400 m, and a front sight in the muffler. The Vintorez VSS can be equipped with a PSO-1 type sight, any standard night sight (NSPUM, NSPU-3), as well as PO-3x34 type sights with a special adapter.

Food is supplied from a plastic box magazine with a double-row arrangement with a capacity of 10 or 20 rounds.

The butt is wooden, made similar to the SVD and equipped with a rubber butt.

The VSS Vintorez rifle is equipped with an integrated device for silent and flameless shooting (SFS), mounted on the barrel. The action of the PBS rifle is associated with the unusual design of the barrel itself. Its front part, closed by a muffler, has six rows of through holes made along the bottom of the rifling. When fired, as the bullet moves along the barrel, the powder gases exit through these holes into the muffler cylinder, and then are successively dispersed, pass through expansion chambers, a separator, are broken into mutually extinguishing flows, and are cooled by a mesh radiator rolled into a roll. The separator includes several partitions installed at different angles to the axis of the bore. A similar design of the muffler, along with the use of the SP-5 cartridge with optimal ballistic characteristics, made it possible to significantly reduce the level of unmasking signs (the sound and flame of a shot).

Shooting from the Vintorez VSS is carried out with special SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges.
The 9-mm SP-5 sniper cartridge with a heavy bullet weighing 16.2 g was created by TsNIITOCHMASH designers N. Zabelin, L. Dvoryaninova and Yu. Frolov based on the cartridge case of the intermediate cartridge mod. 1943 Subsonic starting speed The bullet of this cartridge (270 - 280 m/s) provides the necessary reduction in sound level when using a silencer, and the increased mass of the bullet with a steel core provides sufficient penetrating effect at ranges up to 400 m. The weight of the SP-5 cartridge is 32.2 g, the length of the cartridge - 56 mm. The relatively low speed of a heavy bullet is partly compensated by its high energy and lateral load, which ensures stability on the trajectory and sufficient penetration. Based on the SP-5, the SP-6 “armor-piercing” cartridge was developed. SP-6 has a bullet with a tungsten carbide core and powder charge, reinforced by 20% compared to the SP-5 cartridge, which allows it to penetrate a 6-mm steel plate at a distance of 100 meters. At a distance of 200 meters, a bullet from the SP-6 cartridge pierces a steel sheet 6 mm thick, at a distance of 500 meters - 2 mm thick, while unconditionally hitting living targets located behind these covers. However, unless necessary, it is not recommended to shoot only SP-6 cartridges, as they cause increased wear on the barrel and weapon mechanism. The SP-5 cartridge is used for shooting at unarmored targets and for training. The ballistics of the SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges are different in trajectory height, so the rifle must be sighted separately for each of these ammunition.

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle can be disassembled into three units (barrel with silencer, receiver with firing mechanism and butt) and, together with the sight and magazines, is packed in a “diplomat” type suitcase with dimensions of 450x370x140 mm, and the time required to transfer the weapon from transport position in combat, is no more than 1 minute.

The service life of the VSS rifle is officially 1,500 rounds, but with timely care, cleaning and lubrication, this weapon can withstand up to 5,000 rounds without deteriorating in combat quality.

The BCC rifle is designed to perform precise, accurate and quiet "bite and run" operation. You should not get carried away with frequent and prolonged shooting from it. For precision combat, the backlash between the working surfaces of the working parts is left minimal, and after shooting three full magazines, deposits of powder deposits negatively affect the flawless operation of the mechanism. In continuous mode, the weapon can withstand large quantity shots, but after cooling down, the Vintorez begins to delay. This phenomenon is especially noticeable in wet weather, because when high humidity air, powder soot tends to “swell”. Therefore, the rifle should be cleaned as often as possible.

The disadvantages of this rifle, from its experience combat use in the troops, this includes the low strength of some parts, especially the receiver cover, as well as a click when switching the fire mode safety switch lever. VSS rifle, just like any other sniper weapon, requires especially careful handling, which is not always possible to observe in combat conditions.

IN combat use"Vintorez" is an order of magnitude more effective than all known weapons of this class and purpose.

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle is produced at the Tula Arms Plant and is in service with special forces of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the FSB and the Presidential Security Service. In addition, it is exported to the Middle East and South America, as well as in the USA.

The design of the rifle was considered so successful that on its basis they created the Special Automatic (AS) “Val” and the small-sized SR-3 “Vikhr” assault rifle.

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