James Cook's second trip around the world. The history of travel around the world: from Magellan to Picard

Modern world seems so small. Just think, today it is possible to get from one corner of the planet to a completely different one even in a day. Every day, millions of passengers travel by plane over distances that would have been difficult to even dream of 200 years ago. And all this became possible thanks to the brave and purposeful people who once made a sea voyage around the world. Who was the first to take such a brave step? How did it all happen? What results did it bring? Read about this and more in our article.


Of course, people did not immediately cross Earth. It all started with small trips on ships that were less reliable and fast than modern ones. In Europe in the 16th century, the production of goods and trade reached such a level that there was an objective need to search for new markets. But first of all, searching for new sources of useful and accessible resources. In addition to the economic aspects, a suitable political situation has also emerged.

In the 15th century, trade turnover in the Mediterranean fell sharply due to the fall of Constantinople (present-day Istanbul). The ruling dynasties of the most developed countries set their subjects the task of finding the shortest route to Asia, Africa and India. The latter country at that time was considered truly a land of treasures. Travelers of those times described India as a country where gold and gems do not cost anything, and the quantity of such expensive spices in Europe was unlimited.

TO XVI century the technical component was also at the required level. New ships could carry more cargo, and the use of instruments such as a compass and barometer made it possible to move considerable distances from the coast. Of course, these were not pleasure yachts, so the military equipment of the ships was important.

Leader among countries Western Europe By the end of the 15th century, Portugal was the leader. Its scientists have mastered the knowledge of sea tides, currents and the influence of wind. Cartography developed at a rapid pace.

The era of great sea voyages around the world can be divided into two stages:

  • Stage No. 1: The end of the 15th - mid-16th centuries - Spanish-Portuguese travel.

It was at this stage that such great events as the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus and the first voyage around the world by Ferdinand Magellan took place.

  • Stage No. 2: Mid-16th - mid-17th centuries - Russian-Dutch period

These include the Russian exploration of Northern Asia, discoveries in North America, and the discovery of Australia. Among those who committed were scientists, military men, pirates and even representatives of ruling dynasties. All of them were extraordinary and outstanding personalities.

Ferdinand Magellan and his first voyage around the world

If we talk about who made the first trip around the world, then the story should begin with Ferdinand Magellan. This sea voyage initially did not bode well. After all, even immediately before departure most of commands refused to obey. But still it happened and played a huge role in history.

Start of the journey

At the end of the summer of 1519, five ships set out from the port of Seville on a voyage with no definite purpose, as they then believed. The idea that the earth could be round was, to put it mildly, distrustful to most people. Therefore, Magellan’s idea seemed nothing more than an attempt to curry favor with the crown. Accordingly, people filled with fear periodically made attempts to disrupt the journey.

Thanks to the fact that there was a person on board one of the ships who carefully recorded all the events in his diary, the details of this first trip around the world reached his contemporaries. The first serious skirmish took place near the Canary Islands. Magellan decided to change course, but did not warn or inform the other captains about this. A riot broke out, which was quickly extinguished. The instigator was thrown into the hold in shackles. Discontent grew, and soon a new riot was organized demanding a return. Magellan proved himself to be a very tough captain. The instigator of the new riot was immediately executed. On the second day, two other ships attempted to return without permission. The captains of both ships were shot.


One of Magellan's goals was to prove that there was a strait in South America. In the fall, the ships reached the modern shores of Argentina, Cape Virgines, which opened the way for the ships into the strait. The fleet passed through it in 22 days. The captain of another ship took advantage of this time. He turned his ship back home. Having crossed the strait, Magellan's ships found themselves in the ocean, which they decided to call the Pacific. Surprisingly, during the team’s four months of travel across the Pacific Ocean, the weather never deteriorated. It was clean water luck, because in most cases he cannot be called Quiet.

After the discovery of the Strait of Magellan, the team faced a four-month test. All this time they wandered around the ocean without meeting a single inhabited island or piece of land. Only in the spring of 1521 did the ships finally land on the shores of the Philippine Islands. This is how Ferdinand Magellan and his team first crossed Pacific Ocean.

Relations with the local population did not immediately go well. Magellan's team received an unexpectedly hospitable welcome on the island of Mactan (Cebu), but was involved in tribal feuds. As a result of the clashes on April 27, 1521, Captain Ferdinand Magellan was killed. The Spaniards overestimated their capabilities and opposed an enemy that outnumbered them many times over. In addition, the team was very exhausted from the journey. Ferdinand Magellan's body was not returned to the crew. Now there is a monument to the great traveler.

Out of a team of 260 people, only 18 returned to Spain. Five ships left the shores of the Philippines, of which only the Victoria ship reached Spain. It was the first ship in history to circumnavigate the world.

Pirate Captain Francis Drake

No matter how strange it may sound, one of the most prominent roles in the history of navigation was played by a pirate. In addition, this navigator, who was the second in history to circumnavigate the world, was also in the official service of the Queen of England. His fleet defeated the Invincible Armada. The man who was the second to circumnavigate the world, the navigator Francis Drake, went down in history as a pirate captain and fully confirmed his status.

History of formation

At a time when the slave trade was not yet legally prosecuted by Britain, Captain Francis Drake began his activities. He transported “black gold” from Africa to the countries of the New World. But in 1567, his ships were attacked by the Spaniards. Drake came out of that story alive, but the thirst for revenge consumed him for the rest of his life. A new stage in his life begins when he single-handedly attacks coastal cities and sends dozens of ships of the Spanish crown to the bottom.

In 1575, the pirate was presented to the queen. Elizabeth the First offered the pirate service to the crown in exchange for funding his expedition. The only thing is that an official document stating that Drake represents the interests of the queen was never issued to him. The main reason for this was that, despite the official purpose of the trip, England was pursuing completely different interests. Initially, losing to Spain in the development of lands overseas, the queen made insidious plans. Its goal was to slow down the progress of Spanish expansion as much as possible. Drake was on his way to rob.

The results of Drake's expedition exceeded all expectations. In addition to the fact that the Spaniards' confidence in their superiority at sea was significantly undermined, Drake made a series of important discoveries. First, it became clear that Tierra Del Fuego is not part of Antarctica. Secondly, he discovered the ocean separating Antarctica and the Pacific Ocean. He was the second in history to travel around the world, but was able to return from it alive. And also very wealthy.

Upon his return, Captain Francis Drake was knighted. So the pirate, the robber, became the queen's knight. He became a national hero of England, who was able to put the fleet of arrogant Spain in its place.

Invincible armada

Be that as it may, Drake only slightly dampened the ardor of the Spaniards. Overall they still dominated the sea. To fight the British, the Spaniards created the so-called Invincible Armada. It was a fleet of 130 ships whose main purpose was to invade England and eliminate the pirates. The irony is that the Invincible Armada actually suffered a resounding defeat. And largely thanks to Drake, who at that time had already become an admiral. He always had a flexible mind, used tactics and cunning, more than once putting the enemy in a difficult position with his actions. Then, taking advantage of the confusion, strike with lightning speed.

It became the last glorious fact in the pirate’s biography. Afterwards he failed the crown’s task to capture Lisbon, for which he fell out of favor and was sent to prison at the age of 55. New World. Drake did not survive this trip. Not far from the coast of Panama, the pirate fell ill with dysentery, where he was buried at the bottom of the sea, dressed in battle armor, in a lead coffin.

James Cook

A self-made man. He went from a cabin boy to a captain and made a number of important geographical discoveries, making three round-the-world sea voyages.

Born in 1728 in Yorkshire, England. Already at the age of 18 he became a cabin boy. I have always been very sensitive to issues of self-education. He was interested in cartography, mathematics and geography. From 1755 he served in the Royal Navy. He took part in the Seven Years' War and, as a reward for his years of work, received the rank of captain on the ship Newfoundland. This navigator traveled around the world three times. Their results affected the further history of human development.

Circumnavigation between 1768 and 1771:

  • He proved the assumption that New Zealand (NZ) is not one island, but two separate ones. In 1770 he opened the strait between the Northern and Southern Islands. The strait was named after him.
  • He was the first to pay attention to the study of the natural resources of New Zealand, as a result of which he came to the conclusion about the high potential for its use as a dependent territory of Great Britain.
  • Carefully mapped the eastern coast of mainland Australia. In 1770, his ship went around the eastern side of the bay, where it is now located. The largest city Australia - Sydney.

Circumnavigation between 1772 and 1775:

  • The first person in history to cross the Antarctic Circle was in 1773.
  • He was the first to observe and mention in reports such a phenomenon as the aurora borealis.
  • In 1774-1775 he discovered many islands off the coast of Australia.
  • Cook was the first to demonstrate South ocean.
  • He suggested the existence of Antarctica, as well as the low potential for its use.

Sailing from 1776 to 1779:

  • Rediscovery of the Hawaiian Islands in 1778.
  • Cook was the first to explore the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea.

The voyage ended in Hawaii with the death of Captain Cook himself. The attitude of the local residents was unfriendly, which, in principle, given the purpose of Cook’s team’s visit, is quite logical. As a result of another conflict in 1779, Captain Cook was killed.

This is interesting! From Cook's on-board notes, the concepts of “kangaroo” and “taboo” first reached the inhabitants of the Old World.

Charles Robert Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin was not so much a traveler as a great scientist who became the founder of the theory of natural selection. For constant research, he traveled all over the world, including a round-the-world sea voyage.

In 1831, he was invited to take part in a voyage around the world on the Beagle. The team needed naturalists. The circumnavigation of the world lasted five years. This journey in history is on a par with the discoveries of Columbus and Magellan.

South America

The first part of the world on the expedition's route was South America. In January 1831, the ships reached the coast of Chile, where Darwin conducted a series of studies on the coastal cliffs. According to the results of these studies, it turned out that the hypothesis about changes occurring gradually in the world, distributed over very long time periods (the theory of geological changes), is correct. At that time this was a completely new theory.

Having visited Brazil, near the city of Salvador, Darwin spoke of it as “the land of wish fulfillment.” The same could not be said about Argentine Patagonia, where the explorer headed, further moving south. Although the desert landscapes did not fascinate him, it was in Patagonia that the fossilized remains of huge mammals similar to sloths and anteaters were discovered. It was then that Darwin suggested that changes in the size of animals depended on changes in their living conditions.

During his exploration of Chile, the great scientist Charles Darwin crossed the Andes Mountains several times. Having studied them, he was extremely surprised that they consisted of streams of petrified lava. In addition, the scientist focused on differences in the composition of flora and fauna in different climatic zones.

Probably the most important event for the entire sea voyage around the world was Darwin's visit Galapagos Islands in 1835. Here Darwin first saw many unique species who do not live anywhere else on the planet. Of course, the giant turtles made the strongest impression on him. The scientist noted this feature: related, but not identical species of plants and animals lived on the neighboring islands.

Pacific Ocean Research

Having explored the fauna of New Zealand, Charles Darwin was left with an indelible impression. The scientist was surprised by these flightless birds, like a kiwi or an owl parrot. The remains of a moa were found here - largest birds that lived on our planet. Unfortunately, moas completely disappeared from the face of the earth in the 18th century.

In 1836, this navigator, who circumnavigated the world, landed in Sydney. Apart from the English architecture of the city, nothing attracted much attention from the researcher, since the vegetation was very monotonous. At the same time, Darwin could not help but note such unique animals as the kangaroo and the platypus.

In 1836, the voyage around the world was over. The great scientist Charles Darwin began to systematize the collected material, and in 1839 the “Diary of a Naturalist’s Research” was published, which was later continued by the famous book on the origin of species.

The first Russian trip around the world 1803-1806 by Ivan Krusenstern

In the 19th century, the Russian Empire also entered the arena of maritime research. The round-the-world travels of Russian navigators began precisely with the journey of Ivan Ivanovich Kruzenshtern. He was one of the founders of Russian oceanology and served as an admiral. Largely thanks to him, the formation of the Russian Geographical Society took place.

How it all began

The first sea voyage around the world took place in 1803-1806. A Russian navigator who circumnavigated the world with him, but did not receive the same fame, was Yuri Lisyansky, who took command of one of the two ships of the circumnavigation expedition. Kruzenshtern repeatedly submitted requests to finance the trip to the Admiralty, but they never received approval. And most likely the round-the-world voyage of Russian navigators would never have taken place if it were not for the financial benefits of the highest ranks.

At this time, trade relations with Alaska were developing. The business is extremely profitable. But the problem is the journey, which takes five years. A private Russian-American company sponsored Kruzenshtern's expedition. Approval was received from Emperor Alexander the First himself, who was also one of the shareholders. The Emperor approved the request in 1802, adding an embassy assignment to the purpose of the trip. Russian Empire to Japan.

They set sail on two ships. The ships were led by Kruzenshtern himself and Yuri Lisyansky, his closest comrade.

Travel route and its results

From Kronstadt the ships were heading to Copenhagen. During the trip, the expedition visited England, Tenerife, Brazil, Chile (Easter Island), and Hawaii. Then the ships went to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Japan, Alaska and China. The final destinations were Portugal, the Azores and the UK.

Exactly three years and twelve days later, the sailors entered the port of Kronstadt.

Results of the sea voyage:

  • The Russians crossed the equator for the first time.
  • The shores of Sakhalin Island were mapped.
  • Kruzenshtern published the Atlas South Sea».
  • Maps of the Pacific Ocean have been updated.
  • Russian science has developed knowledge about inter-trade wind countercurrents.
  • For the first time, water measurements were taken at depths of up to 400 meters.
  • Data has appeared about atmospheric pressure, ebbs and flows.

The great navigator traveled around the world, and later became the director of the Naval Cadet Corps.

Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich was born in 1858. His father was Nikolaevich, who recreated the Russian fleet after the Crimean campaign. From childhood his purpose was naval service. Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich's trip around the world took place in 1874. At that time he was a midshipman.

Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich set a trip around the world as his goal, since he was one of the most educated people of that era. He was interested in seeing the whole world. The prince was fond of art in all its manifestations. He wrote poems, many of which were set to music by the greatest classics of our time. His beloved friend and mentor was the poet A. A. Fat.

In total, the Grand Duke devoted fifteen years to serving in the navy, while remaining at the same time a true admirer of art. Even on his trip around the world, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich took with him the painting “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper,” which had a magical effect on him, despite the threat to its safety.

Grand Duke Constantine died in 1915, unable to withstand the trials of fate. By that time, one of his sons had been killed in the war, and he was never able to recover from the blow he received.

Instead of an afterword

The era of greatness and discovery lasted more than 300 years. During this time, the world changed rapidly. New knowledge and new skills emerged that contributed to rapid development all branches of science. This is how more advanced vessels and instruments appeared. At the same time, “white spots” disappeared from the maps. And all this thanks to the exploits of desperate sailors, outstanding people of their time, brave and desperate. You can easily answer the question of which navigator was the first to circumnavigate the world, but the whole essence of the discoveries is that each of the voyages is important in its own way. Each of the travelers contributed to the world that surrounds us today. The opportunity to travel today, and, if desired, to repeat the interesting and exciting path of any of them, but in a more comfortable conditions- this is their merit.

The discoveries of Russian travelers are amazing. Let's bring to chronological order brief descriptions seven most significant trips around the world of our compatriots.

The first Russian trip around the world - Around the World Expedition of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky were combat Russian sailors: both in 1788–1790. participated in four battles against the Swedes. The voyage of Krusenstern and Lisyansky is the beginning new era in the history of Russian navigation.

The expedition started from Kronstadt on July 26 (August 7), 1803, under the leadership of Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, who was 32 years old. The expedition included:

  • Three-masted sloop "Nadezhda". The total number of the team is 65 people. Commander - Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern.
  • Three-masted sloop "Neva". The total number of the ship's crew is 54 people. Commander - Lisyansky Yuri Fedorovich.

Every single one of the sailors were Russian - this was Kruzenshtern’s condition

In July 1806, with a difference of two weeks, the Neva and Nadezhda returned to the Kronstadt roadstead, completing the entire journey in 3 years 12 days. Both of these sailing ships, like their captains, became famous throughout the world. The first Russian round-the-world expedition had enormous scientific significance on a global scale.
As a result of the expedition, many books were published, about two dozen geographical points were named after famous captains.

On the left is Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern. On the right is Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky

The description of the expedition was published under the title “Journey around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”, under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Kruzenshtern,” in 3 volumes, with an atlas of 104 maps and engraved paintings, and has been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Italian and Danish.

And now, to answer the question: “Which Russian was the first to travel around the world?”, You can answer without difficulty.

Discovery of Antarctica - round-the-world expedition of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev

Aivazovsky’s work “Ice Mountains in Antarctica”, written based on the memoirs of Admiral Lazarev

In 1819, after a long and very careful preparation From Kronstadt, a south polar expedition set off on a long voyage consisting of two military sloops - “Vostok” and “Mirny”. The first was commanded by Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen, the second by Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. The crew of the ships consisted of experienced, experienced sailors. There was a long journey ahead to unknown countries. The expedition was given the task of how to penetrate further to the south in order to finally resolve the question of the existence of the Southern Continent.
The expedition members spent 751 days at sea and covered more than 92 thousand kilometers. 29 islands were discovered and one coral reef. The scientific materials she collected made it possible to form the first idea of ​​Antarctica.
Russian sailors not only discovered the huge continent located around South Pole, but also conducted important research in the field of oceanography. This branch of spiders was just emerging at that time. F. F. Bellingshausen was the first to correctly explain the reasons causing sea ​​currents(eg Canary), the origin of algae from the Sargasso Sea, as well as coral islands in tropical areas.
The discoveries of the expedition turned out to be a major achievement of Russian and world geographical science of that time.
And so January 16 (28), 1820 is considered - opening day of Antarctica. Bellingshausen and Lazarev, despite dense ice and fog, passed around Antarctica at latitudes from 60° to 70° and irrefutably proved the existence of land in the region of the south pole.
Amazingly, the proof of the existence of Antarctica was immediately recognized as an outstanding geographical discovery. However, then scientists argued for more than a hundred years about what had been discovered. Was it a mainland, or just a group of islands covered by a common cap of ice? Bellingshausen himself never spoke about the discovery of the mainland. The continental nature of Antarctica was finally confirmed only in the middle of the 20th century as a result of lengthy research using complex technical means.

Traveling around the world by bike

On August 10, 1913, the finish line of a round-the-world bicycle race took place in Harbin, which was ridden by a 25-year-old Russian athlete, Onisim Petrovich Pankratov.

This journey lasted 2 years 18 days. Pankratov chose a rather difficult route. Countries from almost all of Europe were included in it. Having left Harbin in July 1911, the courageous cyclist arrived in St. Petersburg at the end of autumn. Then his path ran through Konigsberg, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Greece and again through Turkey, Italy, France, Southern Spain, Portugal, Northern Spain and again through France.
The Swiss authorities considered Pankratov crazy. No one would dare to ride a bicycle through snow-covered rocky passes that are accessible only to experienced climbers. It took a lot of effort for the cyclist to overcome the mountains. He crossed Italy, passed through Austria, Serbia, Greece and Turkey. He simply had to sleep under the starry sky; often he only had water and bread for food, but he still did not stop traveling.

After crossing the Pas-de-Calais by boat, the athlete crossed England on a bicycle. Then, having also arrived in America on a ship, he again got on a bicycle and rode the entire American continent, following the route New York ─ Chicago ─ San Francisco. And from there by ship to Japan. Then he crossed Japan and China on a bicycle, after which Pankratov reached the initial point of his grandiose route - Harbin.

A distance of more than 50 thousand kilometers was covered on a bicycle. His father suggested that Onesimus make such a journey around the earth

Pankratov's trip around the world was called great by his contemporaries. The Gritzner bicycle helped him travel around the world; during the trip, Onisim had to change 11 chains, 2 steering wheels, 53 tires, 750 spokes, etc.

Around the Earth - the first space flight

At 9 o'clock 7 min. Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Having flown around the globe, he returned safely to Earth 108 minutes later. There was a pilot-cosmonaut, Major, on board the ship.
The weight of the spacecraft-satellite is 4725 kilograms (excluding the last stage of the launch vehicle), the total power of the rocket engines is 20 million horsepower.

The first flight took place in automatic mode, in which the astronaut was, as it were, a passenger on the ship. However, at any moment he could switch the ship to manual control. Throughout the entire flight, two-way radio communication was maintained with the astronaut.

In orbit, Gagarin carried out simple experiments: he drank, ate, and made notes in pencil. “Putting” the pencil next to him, he accidentally discovered that it instantly began to float away. From this, Gagarin concluded that it is better to tie pencils and other objects in space. He recorded all his sensations and observations on the on-board tape recorder.
After successfully carrying out the planned research and completing the flight program at 10 o'clock. 55 min. Moscow time, the satellite ship "Vostok" made a safe landing in a given area of ​​the Soviet Union - near the village of Smelovka, Ternovsky district, Saratov region.

The first people who met the astronaut after the flight were the wife of a local forester, Anna (Anikhayat) Takhtarova, and her six-year-old granddaughter Rita. Soon, military personnel from the division and local collective farmers arrived at the scene of events. One group of military men took guard over the descent module, and the other took Gagarin to the unit’s location. From there, Gagarin reported by telephone to the commander of the air defense division:

Please convey to the Air Force Commander-in-Chief: I completed the task, landed in the given area, I feel good, there are no bruises or breakdowns. Gagarin

Immediately after Gagarin’s landing, the burnt descent module of Vostok-1 was covered with a cloth and taken to Podlipki, near Moscow, to the sensitive territory of the royal OKB-1. Later it became the main exhibit in the museum of the rocket and space corporation Energia, which grew out of OKB-1. The museum was closed for a long time (it was possible to get into it, but it was quite difficult - only as part of a group, with a preliminary letter), in May 2016 the Gagarin ship became publicly accessible, as part of the exhibition.

First circumnavigation of a submarine without surfacing

February 12, 1966 - a successful round-the-world voyage of two nuclear submarines started Northern Fleet. Moreover, our boats passed the entire route, the length of which exceeded the length of the equator, underwater, without surfacing even in little-studied areas of the Southern Hemisphere. The heroism and courage of Soviet submariners had outstanding national significance and became a continuation of the combat traditions of submariners of the Great Patriotic War.

25 thousand miles were covered and the highest degree of secrecy was demonstrated; the voyage took 1.5 months

Two serial production submarines without any modifications were allocated to participate in the campaign. The K-116 missile boat of Project 675 and the second K-133 boat of Project 627A, which has torpedo armament.

Besides the huge political significance, it was an impressive demonstration of scientific and technological achievements and military power states. The campaign showed that the entire World Ocean has become a global launching pad for our nuclear submarines, armed with both cruise and ballistic missiles. At the same time, it opened up new opportunities for maneuvering forces between the Northern and Pacific fleets. In a broader sense, it can be said that in the midst of " cold war“The historical role of our fleet was to change the strategic situation in the World Ocean, and Soviet submariners were the first to do this.

The first and only voyage in the history of solo circumnavigations on a 5.5 meter long dinghy

On July 7, 1992, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Gvozdev set off from Makhachkala on his first solo circumnavigation of the world on the yacht “Lena” (micro class, length only 5.5 meters). On July 19, 1996, the journey was successfully completed (it took 4 years and two weeks). This set a world record - the first and only voyage in the history of solo circumnavigations made on an ordinary pleasure dinghy. Evgeny Gvozdev went on a long-awaited trip around the world when he was 58 years old.

What is surprising is that there was no auxiliary engine, walkie-talkie, autopilot and stove. But there was a treasured “sailor’s passport”, which the new Russian authorities issued to the yachtsman after a year of struggle. This document not only helped Evgeny Gvozdev cross the border in the direction he needed: subsequently Gvozdev traveled without money and without visas.
On his journey, our hero experienced a severe psychological shock after a collision with treacherous Somali “guerrillas” who, at Cape Ras Hafun, robbed him completely and almost shot him.

His entire first trip around the world can be described in one word: “in spite of.” The chance of survival was too slim. Evgeny Gvozdev himself sees the world differently: this is a world similar to a single brotherhood good people, a world of complete selflessness, a world without obstacles to global circulation...

On hot-air balloon around the Earth - Fedor Konyukhov

Fyodor Konyukhov was the first in the world to fly around the Earth in a hot air balloon (on his first attempt). A total of 29 attempts were made, and only three of them were successful. During the trip, Fedor Konyukhov set several world records, the main one of which was the duration of the flight. The traveler managed to fly around the Earth in about 11 days, 5 hours and 31 minutes.
The balloon was a two-level design that combined the use of helium and solar energy. Its height is 60 meters. A gondola equipped with the best technical instruments was attached below, from where Konyukhov piloted the ship.

I thought that I had committed so many sins that I would burn not in hell, but here

The journey took place at extreme conditions: the temperature dropped to -40 degrees, the balloon entered a zone of severe turbulence with zero visibility, and a cyclone with hail and strong winds also passed through. Due to complex weather conditions The equipment broke down several times and Fedor had to fix the problems manually.

During the 11 days of the flight, Fedor hardly slept. According to him, even a moment of relaxation could lead to irreversible consequences. At moments when it was no longer possible to fight sleep, he took an adjustable wrench and sat down over an iron plate. As soon as the eyes were closed, the hand released the key, it fell onto the plate, making a noise, causing the aeronaut to instantly wake up. At the end of the journey, he performed this procedure regularly. He almost exploded great height when he mistakenly started to interfere different kinds gas It’s good that I managed to cut off the flammable cylinder.
Along the entire route, air traffic controllers at various airports around the world helped Konyukhov as best they could, clearing the airspace for him. So he flew across the Pacific Ocean in 92 hours, crossed through Chile and Argentina, rounded a thunderstorm front over the Atlantic, passed the Cape of Good Hope and returned safely to Australia, where he began his journey.

Fedor Konyukhov:

I circled the Earth in 11 days, it is very small, it must be protected. We don’t even think about it, we people only fight. The world is so beautiful - explore it, get to know it

June 1st, 2018

Ask anyone, and he will tell you that the first person to circumnavigate the world was the Portuguese navigator and explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who died on the island of Mactan (Philippines) during an armed skirmish with the natives (1521). The same is written in history books. In fact, this is a myth. After all, it turns out that one excludes the other.

Magellan managed to go only half of the way.

Primus circumdedisti me (you were the first to circumvent me)- reads the Latin inscription on the coat of arms of Juan Sebastian Elcano crowned with a globe. Indeed, Elcano was the first person to commit circumnavigation.

The San Telmo Museum in San Sebastian houses Salaverria's painting "The Return of Victoria". Eighteen emaciated people in white shrouds, with lit candles in their hands, staggering down the ramp from the ship onto the Seville embankment. These are sailors from the only ship that returned to Spain from Magellan's entire flotilla. In front is their captain, Juan Sebastian Elcano.

Much in Elcano’s biography is still unclear. Oddly enough, the man who first circumnavigated the globe did not attract the attention of artists and historians of his time. There is not even a reliable portrait of him, and of the documents he wrote, only letters to the king, petitions and a will have survived.

Juan Sebastian Elcano was born in 1486 in Getaria, a small port town in the Basque Country, near San Sebastian. He early connected his own destiny with the sea, making a “career” that was not uncommon for an enterprising person of that time - first changing the job of a fisherman to being a smuggler, and later enlisting in the navy to avoid punishment for his too free attitude towards laws and trade duties. Elcano managed to take part in the Italian Wars and the Spanish military campaign in Algeria in 1509. Basque mastered maritime affairs well in practice when he was a smuggler, but it was in the navy that Elcano received the “correct” education in the field of navigation and astronomy.

In 1510, Elcano, the owner and captain of a ship, took part in the siege of Tripoli. But the Spanish Treasury refused to pay Elcano the amount due for settlements with the crew. Having left military service, which never seriously attracted the young adventurer with low wages and the need to maintain discipline, Elcano decides to start a new life in Seville. It seems to Basque that a brilliant future awaits him - in his new city, no one knows about his not entirely impeccable past, the navigator atoned for his guilt before the law in battles with the enemies of Spain, he has official papers allowing him to work as a captain on a merchant ship ... But the trading enterprises in which Elcano becomes a participant turn out to be unprofitable.

In 1517, to pay off debts, he sold the ship under his command to Genoese bankers - and this trading operation determined his entire fate. The fact is that the owner of the sold ship was not Elcano himself, but the Spanish crown, and the Basque, as expected, again had difficulties with the law, this time threatening him with the death penalty. At that time it was considered a serious crime. Knowing that the court would not take into account any excuses, Elcano fled to Seville, where it was easy to get lost and then hide on any ship: in those days, captains were least interested in the biographies of their people. In addition, there were many of Elcano’s fellow countrymen in Seville, and one of them, Ibarolla, was well acquainted with Magellan. He helped Elcano enlist in Magellan's flotilla. Having passed the exams and received beans as a sign of a good grade (those who failed received peas from the examination committee), Elcano became a helmsman on the third largest ship in the flotilla, the Concepcion.

Ships of Magellan's flotilla

On September 20, 1519, Magellan's flotilla left the mouth of the Guadalquivir and headed for the shores of Brazil. In April 1520, when the ships settled for the winter in the frosty and deserted Bay of San Julian, the captains dissatisfied with Magellan mutinied. Elcano found himself drawn into it, not daring to disobey his commander, captain of the Concepcion Quesada.

Magellan energetically and brutally suppressed the rebellion: Quesada and another of the leaders of the conspiracy had their heads cut off, the corpses were quartered and the mutilated remains were stuck on poles. Magellan ordered Captain Cartagena and one priest, also the instigator of the rebellion, to be landed on the deserted shore of the bay, where they subsequently died. Magellan spared the remaining forty rebels, including Elcano.

1. The first circumnavigation in history

On November 28, 1520, the remaining three ships left the strait and in March 1521, after an unprecedentedly difficult passage across the Pacific Ocean, they approached the islands, which later became known as the Marianas. In the same month, Magellan discovered the Philippine Islands, and on April 27, 1521, he died in a skirmish with local residents on the island of Matan. Elcano, stricken with scurvy, did not take part in this skirmish. After the death of Magellan, Duarte Barbosa and Juan Serrano were elected captains of the flotilla. At the head of a small detachment, they went ashore to the Rajah of Sebu and were treacherously killed. Fate again - for the umpteenth time - spared Elcano. Karvalyo became the head of the flotilla. But there were only 115 people left on the three ships; There are many sick people among them. Therefore, the Concepcion was burned in the strait between the islands of Cebu and Bohol; and his team moved to the other two ships - Victoria and Trinidad. Both ships wandered between the islands for a long time, until, finally, on November 8, 1521, they dropped anchor off the island of Tidore, one of the “Spice Islands” - the Moluccas. Then it was generally decided to continue sailing on one ship - the Victoria, of which Elcano had recently become captain, and leave the Trinidad in the Moluccas. And Elcano managed to navigate his worm-eaten ship with a starving crew across the Indian Ocean and along the coast of Africa. A third of the team died, about a third were detained by the Portuguese, but still “Victoria” entered the mouth of the Guadalquivir on September 8, 1522.

It was an unprecedented transition, unheard of in the history of navigation. Contemporaries wrote that Elcano surpassed King Solomon, the Argonauts and the cunning Odysseus. The first circumnavigation in history has been completed! The king granted the navigator an annual pension of 500 gold ducats and knighted Elcano. The coat of arms assigned to Elcano (since then del Cano) immortalized his voyage. The coat of arms depicted two cinnamon sticks framed nutmeg and a carnation, a golden castle topped with a helmet. Above the helmet is a globe with the Latin inscription: “You were the first to circle me.” And finally, by a special decree, the king granted Elcano a pardon for selling the ship to a foreigner. But if it was quite simple to reward and forgive the brave captain, then resolving all the controversial issues related to the fate of the Moluccas turned out to be more difficult. The Spanish-Portuguese Congress met for a long time, but was never able to “divide” the islands located on the other side of the “apple of the earth” between the two powerful powers. And the Spanish government decided not to delay the departure of the second expedition to the Moluccas.

2. Goodbye La Coruña

La Coruña was considered the safest port in Spain, which “could accommodate all the fleets of the world.” The importance of the city increased even more when the Chamber of Indian Affairs was temporarily transferred here from Seville. This chamber developed plans for a new expedition to the Moluccas in order to finally establish Spanish dominance on these islands. Elcano arrived in La Coruña full of bright hopes - he already saw himself as an admiral of the armada - and began equipping the flotilla. However, Charles I appointed as commander not Elcano, but a certain Jofre de Loais, a participant in many naval battles, but completely unfamiliar with navigation. Elcano's pride was deeply wounded. In addition, from the royal chancellery came the “highest refusal” to Elcano’s request for payment of the annual pension granted to him of 500 gold ducats: the king ordered that this amount be paid only after returning from the expedition. Thus, Elcano experienced the traditional ingratitude of the Spanish crown towards famous navigators.

Before sailing, Elcano visited his native Getaria, where he, a famous sailor, easily managed to recruit many volunteers onto his ships: with a man who has walked around the “apple of the earth,” you will not be lost in the devil’s mouth, the port brethren reasoned. In the early summer of 1525, Elcano brought his four ships to A Coruña and was appointed helmsman and deputy commander of the flotilla. In total, the flotilla consisted of seven ships and 450 crew members. There were no Portuguese on this expedition. The last night before the flotilla sailed in La Coruña it was very lively and solemn. At midnight, a huge bonfire was lit on Mount Hercules, on the site of the ruins of a Roman lighthouse. The city said goodbye to the sailors. The cries of the townspeople who treated the sailors with wine from leather bottles, the sobs of women and the hymns of pilgrims mixed with the sounds of the cheerful dance “La Muneira”. The sailors of the flotilla remembered this night for a long time. They were sent to another hemisphere, and they now faced a life full of dangers and hardships. IN last time Elcano walked under the narrow arch of Puerto de San Miguel and descended the sixteen pink steps to the shore. These steps, already completely erased, have survived to this day.

Death of Magellan

3. The misfortunes of the chief helmsman

Loaiza's powerful, well-armed flotilla set sail on July 24, 1525. According to the royal instructions, and Loaysa had fifty-three in total, the flotilla was to follow the path of Magellan, but avoid his mistakes. But neither Elcano, the king's chief adviser, nor the king himself foresaw that this would be the last expedition sent through the Strait of Magellan. It was Loaisa's expedition that was destined to prove that this was not the most profitable path. And all subsequent expeditions to Asia were sent from the Pacific ports of New Spain (Mexico).

On July 26, the ships rounded Cape Finisterre. On August 18, the ships were caught in a strong storm. The main mast on the admiral's ship was broken, but two carpenters sent by Elcano, risking their lives, still got there in a small boat. While the mast was being repaired, the flagship collided with the Parral, breaking its mizzenmast. The swimming was very difficult. Not enough fresh water, provisions. Who knows what the fate of the expedition would have been if on October 20 the lookout had not seen the island of Annobon in the Gulf of Guinea on the horizon. The island was deserted - only a few skeletons lay under a tree on which a strange inscription was carved: “Here lies the unfortunate Juan Ruiz, killed because he deserved it.” Superstitious sailors saw this as a terrible omen. The ships hastily filled with water and stocked up on provisions. On this occasion, the captains and officers of the flotilla were convened for a festive dinner with the admiral, which almost ended tragically.

A huge, unknown breed of fish was served on the table. According to Urdaneta, Elcano’s page and chronicler of the expedition, some sailors who “tasted the meat of this fish, which had teeth like a large dog, had such stomach pain that they thought they would not survive.” Soon the entire flotilla left the shores of inhospitable Annobon. From here Loaisa decided to sail to the shores of Brazil. And from that moment on, a streak of misfortune began for the Sancti Espiritus, Elcano’s ship. Without having time to set sail, the Sancti Espiritus almost collided with the admiral's ship, and then fell behind the flotilla for some time. At latitude 31º, after a strong storm, the admiral's ship disappeared from sight. Elcano took command of the remaining ships. Then the San Gabriel separated from the flotilla. The remaining five ships searched for the admiral's ship for three days. The search was unsuccessful, and Elcano ordered to move on to the Strait of Magellan.

On January 12, the ships stood at the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, and since neither the admiral's ship nor the San Gabriel approached here, Elcano convened a council. Knowing from the experience of a previous voyage that there was an excellent anchorage here, he suggested waiting for both ships, as was provided for in the instructions. However, the officers, who were eager to enter the strait as quickly as possible, advised leaving only the Santiago pinnace at the mouth of the river, burying a message in a jar under the cross on the island that the ships were heading to the Strait of Magellan. On the morning of January 14, the flotilla weighed anchor. But what Elcano took for a strait turned out to be the mouth of the Gallegos River, five or six miles from the strait. Urdaneta, who, despite his admiration for Elcano. retained the ability to be critical of his decisions, writes that Elcano’s mistake really amazed him. That same day they approached the present entrance to the strait and anchored at the Cape of the Eleven Thousand Holy Virgins.

An exact copy of the ship "Victoria"

At night a terrible storm hit the flotilla. The raging waves flooded the ship to the middle of the masts, and it could barely stay on four anchors. Elcano realized that everything was lost. His only thought now was to save the team. He ordered the ship to be grounded. Panic began on the Sancti Espiritus. Several soldiers and sailors rushed into the water in horror; everyone drowned except one, who managed to reach the shore. Then the rest crossed to the shore. We managed to save some of the provisions. However, at night the storm broke out with the same force and finally destroyed the Sancti Espiritus. For Elcano, the captain, the first circumnavigator and chief helmsman of the expedition, the crash, especially through his fault, was a big blow. Elcano had never been in such a difficult situation. When the storm finally subsided, the captains of other ships sent a boat for Elcano, inviting him to lead them through the Strait of Magellan, since he had been here before. Elcano agreed, but took only Urdaneta with him. He left the rest of the sailors on the shore...

But failures did not leave the exhausted flotilla. From the very beginning, one of the ships almost ran into rocks, and only Elcano’s determination saved the ship. After some time, Elcano sent Urdaneta with a group of sailors to pick up the sailors left on the shore. Urdaneta's group soon ran out of provisions. It was very cold at night, and people were forced to bury themselves up to their necks in sand, which also did little to warm them. On the fourth day, Urdaneta and his companions approached the sailors dying on the shore from hunger and cold, and on the same day Loaiza’s ship, the San Gabriel, and the pinassa Santiago entered the mouth of the strait. On January 20, they joined the rest of the flotilla.


On February 5, a strong storm broke out again. Elcano's ship took refuge in the strait, and the San Lesmes was thrown further south by the storm, to 54° 50′ south latitude, that is, it approached the very tip of Tierra del Fuego. In those days, not a single ship sailed further south. A little more, and the expedition could open a route around Cape Horn. After the storm, it turned out that the admiral's ship was aground, and Loaiza and his crew left the ship. Elcano immediately sent a group of his best sailors to help the admiral. On the same day, the Anunciada deserted. The captain of the ship, de Vera, decided to independently get to the Moluccas past the Cape of Good Hope. The Anunciada has gone missing. A few days later, the San Gabriel also deserted. The remaining ships returned to the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, where the sailors began repairing the admiral's ship, which had been battered by storms. Under other conditions, it would have had to be abandoned altogether, but now that the flotilla had lost three of its largest ships, this could no longer be afforded. Elcano, who, on his return to Spain, had criticized Magellan for staying at the mouth of this river for seven weeks, was now forced to spend five weeks here. At the end of March, the somehow patched up ships again headed for the Strait of Magellan. The expedition now consisted of only an admiral's ship, two caravels and a pinnace.

On April 5, the ships entered the Strait of Magellan. Between the islands of Santa Maria and Santa Magdalena, the admiral's ship suffered another misfortune. A boiler with boiling tar caught fire and a fire broke out on the ship.

Panic began, many sailors rushed to the boat, not paying attention to Loaiza, who showered them with curses. The fire was still extinguished. The flotilla moved on through the strait, along the banks of which on the high mountain peaks, “so high that they seemed to stretch to the very sky,” lay eternal bluish snow. At night, Patagonian fires burned on both sides of the strait. Elcano was already familiar with these lights from his first voyage. On April 25, the ships weighed anchor from the San Jorge parking lot, where they replenished their supplies of water and firewood, and again set off on a difficult voyage.

And there, where the waves of both oceans meet with a deafening roar, a storm struck Loaisa's flotilla again. The ships anchored in the bay of San Juan de Portalina. On the shore of the bay rose mountains several thousand feet high. It was terribly cold, and “no clothing could warm us,” writes Urdaneta. Elcano was on the flagship the entire time: Loaiza, having no relevant experience, relied entirely on Elcano. The passage through the strait lasted forty-eight days - ten days more than Magellan. On May 31st there was a strong wind northeast wind. The whole sky was overcast. On the night of June 1 to 2, a storm broke out, the most terrible that had occurred so far, scattering all the ships. Although the weather later improved, they were never destined to meet. Elcano, with most of the crew of the Sancti Espiritus, was now on the admiral's ship, which numbered one hundred and twenty people. Two pumps did not have time to pump out the water, and it was feared that the ship could sink at any moment. In general, the ocean was Great, but by no means Quiet.

4. The helmsman dies as an admiral

The ship was sailing alone; neither sail nor island were visible on the vast horizon. “Every day,” writes Urdaneta, “we waited for the end. Due to the fact that people from the wrecked ship moved to us, we are forced to reduce rations. We worked hard and ate little. We had to endure great hardships and some of us died.” Loaiza died on July 30. According to one of the expedition members, the cause of his death was loss of spirit; he was so worried about the loss of the remaining ships that he “became weaker and died.” Loayza did not forget to mention his chief helmsman in his will: “I ask that Elcano be returned the four barrels of white wine that I owe him. Let the crackers and other provisions lying on my ship Santa Maria de la Victoria be given to my nephew Alvaro de Loaiza, who should share them with Elcano.” They say that by this time only rats remained on the ship. Many on the ship suffered from scurvy. Wherever Elcano looked, everywhere he saw swollen, pale faces and heard the groans of the sailors.

From the time they left the strait, thirty people died of scurvy. “They all died,” writes Urdaneta, “because their gums were swollen and they could not eat anything. I saw a man whose gums were so swollen that he tore off pieces of meat as thick as a finger.” The sailors had one hope - Elcano. They, in spite of everything, believed in his lucky star, although he was so ill that four days before Loaisa's death he himself made a will. A cannon salute was given in honor of Elcano's assumption of the post of admiral, a position for which he had unsuccessfully sought two years earlier. But Elcano's strength was running out. The day came when the admiral could no longer get out of bed. His relatives and his faithful Urdaneta gathered in the cabin. In the flickering light of the candle one could see how thin they had become and how much they had suffered. Urdaneta kneels and touches the body of her dying master with one hand. The priest watches him closely. Finally he raises his hand, and everyone present slowly kneels. Elcano's wanderings are over...

“Monday, August 6th. The valiant Senor Juan Sebastian de Elcano has died." This is how Urdaneta noted in his diary the death of the great navigator.

Four people lift the body of Juan Sebastian, wrapped in a shroud and tied to a board. At a sign from the new admiral, they throw him into the sea. There was a splash that drowned out the priest's prayers.



Worn by worms, tormented by storms and storms, the lonely ship continued on its way. The team, according to Urdaneta, “was terribly exhausted and exhausted. Not a day went by without one of us dying.

Therefore, we decided that the best thing for us was to go to the Moluccas." Thus, they abandoned the bold plan of Elcano, who was going to fulfill Columbus’s dream - to reach east coast Asia, following the shortest route from the west. “I am sure that if Elcano had not died, we would not have reached the Ladron (Mariana) Islands so soon, because his always intention was to search for Chipansu (Japan),” writes Urdaneta. He clearly thought Elcano's plan was too risky. But the man who first circled the “earthly apple” did not know what fear was. But he also did not know that three years later Charles I would cede his “rights” to the Moluccas to Portugal for 350 thousand gold ducats. Of Loaiza's entire expedition, only two ships survived: the San Gabriel, which reached Spain after a two-year voyage, and the Santiago, under the command of Guevara, which sailed along the Pacific coast of South America to Mexico. Although Guevara saw the coast of South America only once, his voyage proved that the coast does not protrude far to the west anywhere and that South America is shaped like a triangle. This was the most important geographical discovery of Loaiza's expedition.

Getaria, in the homeland of Elcano, at the entrance to the church there is a stone slab, a half-erased inscription on which reads: “... the illustrious captain Juan Sebastian del Cano, a native and resident of the noble and faithful city of Getaria, the first to circumnavigate the globe on the ship Victoria.” In memory of the hero, this slab was erected in 1661 by Don Pedro de Etave e Azi, Knight of the Order of Calatrava. Pray for the repose of the soul of the one who was the first to travel around the world.” And on the globe in the San Telmo Museum the place where Elcano died is indicated - 157º west longitude and 9º north latitude.

In history books, Juan Sebastian Elcano undeservedly found himself in the shadow of the glory of Ferdinand Magellan, but in his homeland he is remembered and revered. A training sailing ship in the Spanish Navy bears the name Elcano. In the wheelhouse of the ship you can see the coat of arms of Elcano, and the sailing ship itself has already completed a dozen expeditions around the world.

And you will hear: “Of course, Magellan.” And few people doubt these words. But Magellan organized this expedition, led it, but was unable to complete the voyage. So who was the first navigator to circumnavigate the world?

Magellan's Voyage

In 1516, a little-known nobleman, Ferdinand Magellan, came to the Portuguese king Manuel I with the idea of ​​​​carrying out Columbus's plan - to reach the Spice Islands, as the Moluccas were then called, from the west. As you know, Columbus was then “interfered” by America, which was on his way, which he considered to be the islands of Southeast Asia.

At that time, the Portuguese were already sailing to the islands of the East Indies, but bypassing Africa and crossing the Indian Ocean. That's why new way they did not need to go to these islands.

History repeated itself: ridiculed by King Manuel, Magellan went to the Spanish king and received his consent to organize the expedition.

On September 20, 1519, a flotilla of five ships left the Spanish port of San Lucar de Barrameda.

Moons of Magellan

Nobody disputes that historical fact that the first trip around the world was made by an expedition led by Magellan. The vicissitudes of the path of this dramatic expedition are known from the words of Pigafetta, who kept notes throughout the days of the journey. Its participants were also two captains who had already visited the islands of the East Indies more than once: Barbosa and Serrano.

And especially on this campaign, Magellan took his slave, the Malayan Enrique. He was captured in Sumatra and served Magellan faithfully for a long time. On the expedition, he was assigned the role of translator when the Spice Islands were reached.

Progress of the expedition

Having lost a lot of time crossing and passing through the rocky, narrow and long strait, which later received the name of Magellan, the travelers reached a new ocean. During this time, one of the ships sank, the other went back to Spain. A conspiracy against Magellan was discovered. The ships' rigging was in need of repair, and supplies of food and drinking water were running low.

The ocean, called the Pacific, at first met with a good tailwind, but subsequently it became weaker and, finally, completely died down. People deprived of fresh food died not only from hunger, although they had to eat both rats and skin from masts. The main danger was scurvy - the threat of all sailors of that time.

And only on March 28, 1521, they reached the islands, whose inhabitants answered with amazement the questions of Enrique, who spoke in his own language. native language. This meant that Magellan and his companions arrived on the East Indies from the other side. And it was Enrique who was the very first traveler to travel around the world! He returned to his homeland, circumnavigating the globe.

End of the expedition

On April 21, 1521, Magellan was killed after intervening in an internecine war between local leaders. This had the worst consequences for his companions, who were forced to simply flee from the islands.

Many of the sailors were killed or wounded. Of the 265 crew members, only 150 remained; they were only enough to control two ships.

On the Tidore Islands they were able to rest a little, replenish food supplies, and take spices and gold sand on board.

Only the ship "Victoria" under the control of Sebastian del Cano set off on the return voyage to Spain. Only 18 people returned back to the port of Lukar! These people are the ones who were the first to travel around the world. True, their names have not been preserved. But Captain del Cano and the chronicler of the journey, Pigafetta, are known not only to historians and geographers.

The first Russian trip around the world

The head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition was. This voyage took place in 1803-1806.

Two sailing ships - "Nadezhda" under the command of Kruzenshtern himself and "Neva" led by his assistant Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky - left Kronstadt on August 7, 1803. The main goal there was exploration of the Pacific Ocean and especially the mouth of the Amur. It was necessary to identify convenient places to anchor the Russian Pacific Fleet and the best routes for its supply.

The expedition not only had great importance for the formation of the Pacific Fleet, but also made a huge contribution to science. New islands were discovered, but a number of non-existent islands were erased from the ocean map. For the first time, systematic research in the ocean was started. The expedition discovered inter-trade countercurrents in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, measured water temperature, its salinity, determined the density of water... The reasons for the glow of the sea were clarified, data on the ebb and flow of tides, and weather components in different areas of the World Ocean were collected.

Significant clarifications have been made to the map of the Russian Far East: parts of the coast Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka Peninsula. For the first time, some of the Japanese islands were depicted on it.

The participants of this expedition became those Russians who were the first to travel around the world.

But for most Russians, this expedition is known by the fact that the first Russian mission led by Rezanov went to Japan on the Nadezhda.

Great Seconds (interesting facts)

The Englishman became the second person to circumnavigate the world in 1577-1580. His galleon "Golden Hind" first passed from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through a stormy strait, which was later named after him. This path is considered much more difficult than through due to constant storms, floating ice, sudden changes in weather. Drake became the man who was the first to travel around the world, rounding Cape Horn. Since then, the tradition of wearing an earring began among sailors. If he passed leaving Cape Horn on the right, then the earring should have been in the right ear, and vice versa.

For his services he was knighted personally by Queen Elizabeth. It was to him that the Spaniards owed the defeat of their “Invincible Armada”.

In 1766, Frenchwoman Jeanne Barré became the first woman to sail around the world. To do this, she disguised herself as a man and got on the Bougainville ship, which set off on an expedition around the world, as a servant. When the deception was revealed, despite all her merits, Barre was landed in Mauritius and returned home on another ship.

The second Russian round-the-world expedition led by F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev is famous for the discovery of Antarctica in January 1820.

On January 7, 1887, Thomas Stevens from San Francisco completed the first trip around the world by bicycle. In three years, the traveler managed to cover 13,500 miles and open a new page in the history of travel around the world. Today about the most unusual trips around the world.

Thomas Stevens's trip around the world by bicycle

In 1884, “a man of average height, dressed in a worn blue flannel shirt and blue overalls... tanned like a nut... with a prominent mustache,” this is how journalists of the time described Thomas Stevens, bought a penny-farthing bicycle, grabbed a minimum supply of things and Smith & Wesson 38 caliber and hit the road. Stevens crossed the entire North American continent, covering 3,700 miles, and ended up in Boston. There the idea of ​​traveling around the world came to his mind. He sailed to Liverpool by boat, traveled through England, took a ferry to Dieppe in France, and crossed Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. Further, his path ran through Armenia, Iraq and Iran, where he spent the winter as a guest of the Shah. He was denied passage through Siberia. The traveler crossed the Caspian Sea to Baku, reached Batumi by railway, and then sailed by ship to Constantinople and India. Then Hong Kong and China. And the final point of the route was where Stevens, by his own admission, was finally able to relax.

Around the world trip in an amphibious jeep

In 1950, Australian Ben Carlin decided to travel around the world in his modernized amphibious jeep. His wife walked three quarters of the route with him. In India, she came ashore, and Ben Carlin himself completed his journey in 1958, having covered 17 thousand km by water and 62 thousand km by land.

Around the world trip in a hot air balloon

In 2002, American Steve Fossett, co-owner of the company Scaled Composites, who by that time had already earned fame as an adventure pilot, flew around the Earth in a hot air balloon. He had been striving to do this for many years and achieved his goal on the sixth attempt. Fossett's flight became the first solo flight around the world in history without refueling or stopping.

Traveling around the world by taxi

Once, the British John Ellison, Paul Archer and Lee Purnell, the morning after drinking, calculated the costs associated with it and found out that a taxi home would cost them much more than the drinking itself. Probably, someone would have decided to drink at home, but the British did something radical - they pooled together a 1992 London cab and set off on a trip around the world. As a result, in 15 months they covered 70 thousand km and went down in history as participants in the longest taxi ride. History is silent, however, about their activity in pubs along the road.

Around the world on an ancient Egyptian reed boat

Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl made the transatlantic crossing on a light reed boat built on the model of the ancient Egyptians. On his boat "Ra" he managed to reach the coast of Barbados, proving that ancient sailors could make transatlantic crossings. It is worth noting that this was Heyerdahl's second attempt. The year before, he and his crew nearly drowned because the ship design flaws several days after the launch, it began to bend and broke into pieces. The Norwegian team included the famous Soviet television journalist and traveler Yuri Senkevich.

Around the world trip on a pink yacht

Today, the title of the youngest navigator to complete a solo circumnavigation of the world belongs to Australian Jessica Watson. She was only 16 years old when she completed her 7-month circumnavigation of the world on May 15, 2010. The girl's pink yacht crossed the Southern Ocean, crossed the equator, rounded Cape Horn, Atlantic Ocean, approached the shores of South America, and then returned to Australia through the Indian Ocean.

A millionaire's trip around the world by bike

The 75-year-old millionaire, former producer of pop stars and football teams, Janusz River, repeated the experience of Thomas Stevens. He changed his life dramatically when in 2000 he bought a mountain bike for $50 and hit the road. Since that time, River, who, by the way, is Russian on his mother’s side, speaks excellent Russian, has visited 135 countries and traveled more than 145 thousand km. He learned ten foreign languages and managed to be captured by militants 20 times. Not life, but a complete adventure.

Jogging around the world

Briton Robert Garside bears the title "Running Man". He is the first person to travel around the world by running. His record was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Robert had several unsuccessful attempts to complete the round-the-world race. And on October 20, 1997, he successfully started from New Delhi (India) and finished his race, the length of which was 56 thousand km, at the same place on June 13, 2003, almost 5 years later. Representatives of the Book of Records scrupulously and for a long time checked his record, and Robert was able to receive a certificate only a few years later. On the way, he described everything that was happening to him using his pocket computer, and everyone who cared could get acquainted with the information on his personal website.

Traveling around the world by motorcycle

In March 2013, two Britons - Belfast Telegraph travel expert Geoff Hill and former racing driver Gary Walker - left London to recreate the round-the-world trip that American Carl Clancy made on a Henderson motorcycle 100 years ago. In October 1912, Clancy left Dublin with a companion, whom he left in Paris, and he continued his journey to the south of Spain, through North Africa, Asia, and at the end of the tour he traveled across America. Carl Clancy's journey lasted 10 months and contemporaries called this trip around the world "the longest, most difficult and most dangerous journey on a motorcycle."

Solo non-stop circumnavigation

Fedor Konyukhov is the man who completed the first solo non-stop circumnavigation in Russian history. On the yacht "Karaana" 36 pounds long, he traveled the route Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney. It took him 224 days to do this. Konyukhov's round-the-world trip began in the fall of 1990 and ended in the spring of 1991.

Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov is a Russian traveler, artist, writer, priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in sports tourism. He became the first person in the world to visit the five poles of our planet: the Northern geographic pole (three times), the southern geographic pole, the Pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest (the pole of heights) and Cape Horn (the pole of yachtsmen).

A Russian crosses the Pacific Ocean on a rowing boat
Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, who has traveled around the world five times, is currently crossing the Pacific Ocean on the Turgoyak rowing boat. This time he decided to make the transition from Chile to Australia. As of September 3, Konyukhov had already managed to cover 1,148 km; more than 12,000 kilometers of ocean travel remained to Australia.

An excellent example for novice travelers can be the experience of Nina and Gramp, a married couple who have been married for 61 years. They packed their bags and created.

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