Vyacheslav Yurievich Lazarev biography. Sergey Lazarev: biography, personal life, wife, family, children (photo). The beginning of a musical career

Talented and handsome, young and rich - this man has long been the idol of thousands of fans. Many of them are interested in how old Sergei Lazarev is, because on the screen he looks very young.

There are few such versatile personalities on the Russian stage. It's boring for him to just be a successful singer. That is why he became a showman, actor, and participates in all kinds of television projects. And this is not for PR, but in order not to stop on the path of self-improvement.


Sergei was born in Moscow. On April 1, 2014, he will turn 31 years old (information for those who are interested in how old Sergei Lazarev is now). Since childhood, his mother Valentina Viktorovna instilled in her son the idea that in life it is necessary to try your hand at many areas in order to understand which path to take. From the age of four, Sergei began attending the gymnastics section in order to grow up healthy and strong. The boy became interested in the classes, he participated in competitions, received prizes and awards, and achieved the third youth category. He was the pride of the coaches. He was predicted to have a great future in sports. At the same time, he studied music with his mother, and at the age of nine he began singing in the Loktev choir.

There was practically no time left to play with peers in the yard. But such a schedule taught the future star discipline, which helps him in his work even now.

As a teenager, Sergei made an unexpected decision for his family to leave the sport. As it turns out, he wants to sing much more than he wants to jump and run. The mother did not dissuade her son. She got him into the famous ensemble "Fidgets", which raised many stars Russian stage. As part of the ensemble, Sergei traveled all over the country, participated in competitions, and received awards. In addition, it was during these years that he starred in the television magazine “Yeralash”. By the way, the song “Boys and Girls...”, familiar to all of us, which sounds at the beginning of each episode of “Jumble”, was performed by our today’s hero.

Sergei dreamed of the stage, so in 1999 he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. Lazarev successfully graduated from it in 2003, receiving a diploma as an actor. His diploma work was a role in the play based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky.

The beginning of a musical career

While still studying at the theater school, singer Sergei Lazarev, whose biography was already inextricably linked with creativity, together with his ensemble colleague Vlad Topalov, performed and recorded a track from the famous musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which was supposed to be a birthday present Vlad's father.

The hero of the day liked the performance of the guys so much that he made them an unexpected offer - to create a musical duet. This is how the interesting pop group Smash appeared on our stage. It existed for five years. A charming brunette and a handsome blond turned the heads of millions of fans. A video appeared, and then the guys became winners of the New Wave competition in Jurmala. They were very popular and recognizable.

Vlad Topalov and Sergey Lazarev began releasing albums of their songs from the first year of the group’s existence. The first of them was sold in huge quantities in Russia, the CIS countries and South-East Asia. It was re-released twice, eventually achieving platinum status. Twice the guys were supposed to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest, but at the last moment the decision of the organizing committee changed.

It still remains a mystery, known only to Vlad and Sergei, why such a successful and promising group broke up. It is only known that the breakup occurred on Sergei’s initiative.

Solo career

Many fans of the singer are interested in the question of how old Sergei Lazarev is. It seems that he has been on stage for so long, but he is still young and handsome.

Probably the reason lies in his athletic youth and his habit of maintaining good physical shape in any situation.

After the breakup, Sergei did not give up. He announced the start of his solo career. Only five years later, for a decade no longer existing group, to the delight of fans, Sergei and Vlad teamed up again to perform together. Whether old grievances were forgotten or it was just a publicity stunt, only these two guys know, but be that as it may, they never performed together again.

First solo album

In December 2005, Sergei Lazarev, who at that time was only 22 years old, released his first solo album, long-awaited by all fans, for which he received an MTV Award as best performer. Despite his very young age, Sergei did not get sick star fever- He worked hard and a lot.

Versatile personality

Sergei Lazarev, whose biography consists of various experiments and searches, in parallel with his musical activities, played in the theater, led concerts, and participated in television shows. He received two statuettes in the “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Love Scene” categories at the Chaika Award.

Sergei’s second album was released in 2007, and at the same time he became the winner of the ice show “Circus with the Stars” (first season), and in the most popular show “Dancing on Ice” he took an honorable second place. In addition, he provided voice acting for feature and animated films. Many will ask how old is Sergei Lazarev, and when does he manage to do all this? Yes, this strong and purposeful young man is only thirty. However, the hard work and self-discipline that were instilled in him since childhood made Sergei a real fighter.

Personal life

Sergei never lacked fans. It was completely normal for him to come to a star-studded party with one beauty and leave with another. The long line of the singer’s girlfriends was interrupted by the famous Lera Kudryavtseva. And then the fans again asked the question of how old Sergei Lazarev is. Despite the fact that Lera looks simply breathtaking, she is older than her admirer. Yes, indeed, she is twelve years older than Sergei.

During their existence together, this couple was always surrounded by rumors, sometimes not the most verified, and sometimes even offensive. They said that Lazarev had found himself a star “mom” to advance his career or that in this way he was hiding his Let these rumors remain on the conscience of those who spread them. We propose to believe that between two successful and beautiful people a strong feeling could arise.


For Lera and Sergei, career and creativity were always in the foreground. Starting a family was not part of their plans. News of separation star couple came out completely unexpected. As Lera and Sergei explain their breakup, they brought too much personal information into public view, and at some point they went too far. I must say that they had the strength to remain good friends.

Filmography of Lazarev

“Beauty Demands...” (2008) - a musical comedy about another beauty contest, which, by coincidence, turns into bedlam.

“Detective Brothers” (2008) - detective melodrama. Detective Fyodor Streltsov is a convinced bachelor, he dreams of interesting operational work, and starting a family does not bother him. The bosses trust him only with paperwork. Fyodor’s precocious twelve-year-old brother comes to his brother’s aid. The brothers take on the investigation of cases that experienced detectives have long abandoned...

"Most best movie-2" (2009). This film is a continuation of the adventures of the Comedy Club residents in the cinema.

Sergey Lazarev is a popular pop performer, TV presenter, native Muscovite, born on April 1, 1983.


The singer’s childhood can be called happy, even despite the fact that his parents divorced early. Loving mother gave all of herself to him and her older brother. She did everything to ensure that the boys did not need anything and could develop fully and comprehensively.

Sergei in childhood

At first, Sergei dreamed of Olympic medals. From early childhood he was involved in gymnastics and showed very good results. Sports training helped him a lot later when he had to withstand a tough touring schedule.

However, already in primary school The boy was found to have a wonderful voice and excellent acting abilities. At first he sang in the school choir, then together with his brother he joined children's group named after Loktev. And at the age of 11, after passing a tough competitive selection, he ended up in the children's pop group "Fidgets".

The ensemble “Fidgets” was an interesting innovative project organized at the Ostankino television studio, from which many pop stars subsequently emerged. The team brought together the most talented children, with whom the best vocal teachers and choreographers worked. The children often toured and traveled almost the entire Soviet Union.

Often the children were invited to appear in the super popular children's television magazine “Yeralash”. This way they also had the opportunity to learn how to operate cameras properly. All this helped Sergei a lot when he started his professional career. And the fact that his life would be connected with music became clear even in adolescence.

The beginning of the way

Actually, it was in the ensemble “Fidgets” that the project was born, which became the debut in Lazarev’s professional singing career. There he met and became friends with Vlad Topalov, who asked him to help prepare a creative surprise for his father’s birthday. The guys split their voices into two and superbly performed an aria from the famous musical “Notre Dame de Paris”.

Topalov Sr. was delighted with what he saw and invited the boys to shoot a video, which became their creative debut. Already on the second day after its release, the video took first place on most charts and stayed there for several months. Thus the duet SMASH was born.

With the same song the guys took to the main stage music festival country "New Wave", which was then held in Jurmala. There they consolidated their success by receiving the Grand Prix. Afterwards, an active touring life began.

In 2003, the group recorded a full-length album, which almost immediately went gold. And a year later he releases another one, but, alas, the last one. Lazarev stated that he wants to continue his creative path on his own.

Solo career

After leaving the group, Lazarev leaves for London, where he begins to work on a solo English-language repertoire. In preparing the album, he is helped by the famous and very experienced producer Brian Rowling, who made stars out of Britney Spears, Celine Dion and other young performers. The presentation of the album of 8 tracks took place in 2005.

Then Lazarev returns to Moscow again, where he continues to actively perform, but as a solo performer. However, from time to time he comes to London to record new songs and improve his English. During my creative career Lazarev recorded four full-length solo albums, which brought him great popularity.

In 2016, based on the results of audience voting, Lazarev was selected as Russia's representative at Eurovision. He brought there the composition “You are the only one” with a very complex technical show. But according to the results of the general voting, he took only third place. Although he managed to win the Audience Award.

In addition to his singing career, Sergei plays in the theater, tries to act in films and regularly takes part in various television shows. He was even able to win Circus with the Stars. Since 2008, he has been a permanent host of the “Song of the Year” program. He hosts several music programs on various TV channels.

Personal life

Sergei’s personal life has always been so turbulent that it was not even discussed in too much detail by journalists. They simply did not have time to follow his next passions, which did not linger in the singer’s life for more than a few months. This is not surprising - having become popular early, Sergei had many thousands of fans, each of whom would be happy to accompany him at social parties.

But in 2008, she began to appear more and more often next to the young singer, with whom he has an almost 10-year age difference. However, the romance that began in a romantic atmosphere on the New Wave did not progress. Moreover, rumors spread about preparations for the wedding.

In 2011, the wedding did take place and it was impromptu. The singer’s friends reminded the singer of his public promise to marry Lera, brought rings and quickly organized the wedding. But this did not save the relationship, and a year later they finally separated, and then legally divorced.

With Lera Kudryavtseva

Currently, Sergei's heart is not free. But he no longer discloses the name of his chosen one, which indicates the seriousness of his intentions. They live in civil marriage, and at the beginning of 2016 Sergei let slip that he had become a happy father.

He sang in the Song and Dance Ensemble named after V.S. Loktev of the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity, and at the same time participated in performances of the Moscow Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of B.A. Pokrovsky (now the Chamber Musical Opera Theater named after B.A. Pokrovsky).

In 1995, Sergei Lazarev became one of the participants in the children's ensemble of the Fidget Theater Studio. As part of "Fidget" he took part in television programs and festivals, in 1997 he became the winner of the children's music competition"Morning Star".

In 1999 he entered the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School, from which he graduated in 2003 (course of Roman Kozak, Dmitry Brusnikin and Alla Pokrovskaya).

In 2001-2004, together with his colleague from “Fidgets” Vlad Topalov, he was the lead singer of the duet Smash. In 2002, as part of the group he became the winner International competition young performers "New Wave".

Since 2004, Sergei Lazarev began a solo career. In 2005, he released his debut album Don"t Be Fake, produced by Briton Brian Rowling. In 2007, the album TV Show appeared. The album Electric touch, released in 2010, was recognized as "Best Album" at the Muz-TV Awards 2011. The song Instantly from This album became the soundtrack of the film "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Treader of the Dawn Treader" (2010) in Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2012, the album "Lazarev" appeared.

In 2013, the singer presented the show “Lazarev” at the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow and went on a tour of 60 cities. In 2014, for this show he received

MuzTV-2014 award in the category "Best Concert Show of the Year".

The singer released the album The Best in Russian and English versions, which included 45 of his popular hits.

In December 2015, it became known that Lazarev would represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.

The premiere of the video and song You Are The Only One took place, with which the singer will perform in Stockholm at the competition. Within a month, the video for the song on YouTube received more than three million views.

Sergei Lazarev made his debut as a theater actor in 2002, playing Romeo in a play at the A.S. Theater. Pushkin's "Romeo and Juliet".

In 2003, at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, he performed main role directed by Alla Pokrovskaya based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel “A Few Days in the Life of Alyosha Karamazov.”

Lazarev is a guest actor at the Pushkin Theater. For the main role in the sitcom "Borrow a Tenor", which premiered in 2005, he received two theater awards - "The Seagull" and "Crystal Turandot", and an award from the non-profit foundation for the support and development of the Oleg Tabakov Theater.

In the current repertoire of the theater, Lazarev plays leading roles in the performances “Talents and the Dead” based on the play by Mark Twain and “The Marriage of Figaro” by Pierre-Augustin Beaumarchais.

Sergei Lazarev made his film debut in 2001 in a cameo role in the crime action film “Master of the Empire.” He also starred in the television series "Club" (2006-2009), the comedy "Beauty Requires..." (2008), the parody film "The Best Movie 2" (2009), the television musicals "New Year's Matchmakers" (2010) and "The New Adventures of Aladdin" (2011), the romantic comedy "Cinderella" (2012), the series "Daddy's Daughters. Super Brides" (2012-2013).

Sergey Lazarev in various television shows. In 2006, paired with figure skater Anastasia Grebenkina, he won second place in the “Dancing on Ice” project.

In 2007, he won the Channel One project “Circus with the Stars.”

In 2011, Lazarev was awarded the Audience Award at music project Channel One "The Phantom of the Opera". In the summer of 2013 it became bronze medalist Russian version show The Ultimate Entertainer - "Universal Artist" (Channel One), in September 2013, as part of the "Hit" project ("Russia-1"), helped Alexander Penkin's song "Into the Heart" win. The track became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and received the Golden Gramophone award.

Sergey Lazarev is the host of the competition for young performers “New Wave” and the country’s main music festival “Song of the Year”.

In 2015, together with Ekaterina Varnava, he was the host of the “Dance!” project. on Channel One.

The singer and actor’s work has been awarded various awards. He is the winner of the MTV Russia Music Awards, MUZ-TV, Golden Gramophone, etc.

In 2011, Lazarev won the Fashion People Awards in the “Most Stylish Performer” category. Among his awards recent years- Russian Music Box channel awards (“Singer of the Year”) and “Golden Gramophone” for the song “7 Figures”, Russian National Music Award and LOVE RADIO AWARDS 2015.

Sergei's theatrical works were awarded the "Seagull", "Crystal Turandot" awards, the Oleg Tabakov Theater Support and Development Foundation award, as well as the "Theatrical Star".

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev. Born on April 1, 1983 in Moscow. Russian singer, theater, film and voice actor, former member group Smash!!. Sergei Lazarev's repertoire is predominantly English.

From the age of 4 he was engaged in gymnastics.

His parents Vyacheslav Yurievich and Valentina Viktorovna Lazarev divorced when he was still little, and Seryozha and his brother Pavel were raised by their mother.

“Despite the fact that we grew up without a father, my mother’s love was distributed equally. We were my mother’s helpers, real men.”, - says Sergei.

Gradually, Lazarev stopped attending sports sections and continued studying in various children's musical ensembles.

Sergey Lazarev in childhood

From 9 to 11 years old, Sergei Lazarev sang in the ensemble named after Vladimir Loktev together with his brother Pavel (died after an accident in March 2015). At the same time he played in the Boris Pokrovsky Theater.

In 1995 he became one of the members of the children's ensemble "Fidgets". As part of Fidget, he took part in famous television programs and festivals.

In 1995, he starred in the television humor magazine “Yeralash”.

Subsequently, Sergei said that in “Jumble” he had to “play with the face” of the lyrical heroes, the roles were almost wordless, but those fleeting shootings in “Jumble” made him a real man.

Graduated (studied from 5th grade) from Moscow school No. 1061.

For Sergei’s 25th birthday, his museum was opened at the school where he studied.

“Yes, it was a gift from my mother together with the school principal for my 25th birthday. It contains gifts from my fans, certificates, diaries, posters, awards. The school is proud of me, and that’s nice.”, he says.

In 1999, Sergey Lazarev became a student theater university- Moscow Art Theater School, and graduated from it in 2003.

In 2001, Sergey Lazarev, together with his colleague from “Fidgets”, Vlad Topalov, became a participant in the musical project Smash!!. The idea to create their own duet project came to the guys while they were working in the Fidgets ensemble. The idea turned into concrete execution when Vlad’s mother suggested that the boys record an aria from the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” together as a birthday present for their father.

At first, the duo was managed by Simon Naper-Bell, who was a former manager of Wham!. In August 2002, the duet of Lazarev and Topalov won the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala. The duo's first video for the song "Belle" stayed at the top of the MTV charts for six months. At the same time, Lazarev took part in the play “Romeo and Juliet” at the Theater. A.S. Pushkin, where he got the main male role.

Smash!! -Belle

In February, the band's long-awaited debut album Freeway was released, which almost instantly acquired gold status (more than a million licensed copies were sold). In 2003, the role of Alyosha Karamazov in the play “A Few Days in the Life of Alyosha Karamazov” at the Moscow Art Theater was added to Sergei’s numerous achievements. A.P. Chekhov.

On December 1, 2004, the group's second and final album, Smash!!, was released. - 2nite, and at the end of the year Sergey Lazarev left the group and began a solo career. The singer signed a contract with the recording company Style Records, and began searching for and recording material himself. He also returned to his native Pushkin Theater to participate in the play “Borrow a Tenor!”

On December 1, 2005, Sergei’s debut album, called Don’t Be Fake, was released. It included 12 compositions recorded in London, eight of which Sergei recorded in collaboration with producer Brian Rowling, famous for his work with performers such as Celine Dion, Enrique Iglesias, Craig David, Rob Thomas, Britney Spears. Since the beginning of 2006, Lazarev’s first Russian-language composition, the ballad “Even if you leave,” appeared on Russian radio stations.

At the end of 2005, the expert council of the prestigious theater award "Chaika" confirmed Sergei's worth as an actor, noting his performance with two statuettes at once - in the categories "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Best Love Scene". Recently, Sergei’s talent was recognized and Lazarev received the Master’s Fund Award for “Talented fusion of the art of a comedic character artist with musical talent” in the play “Borrow a Tenor.”

In June 2006, he received the Crystal Turandot award in the category “Best acting debut 2005-2006”.

In 2006, Sergey received the MTV Russia Music Awards in the “Best Performer” category.

In May 2007, Sergei Lazarev's second album, TV Show, was released, five songs from which video clips have already been shot. Sergei recorded a Russian-language version of the ballad “Almost Sorry,” called “Why was Love Invented?” It is noteworthy that the Russian text of the song, as conceived by Sergei himself, is not a translation of the original text. That same year, he took part in the New Wave competition, where he sang Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" (which is also included in the Don't Be Fake album).

Sergey Lazarev - Earth Song

In 2007, he won the first season of the television competition “Circus with the Stars.” He played the main role in the 2008 New Year's television show on Channel One. He also participated in the “Dancing on Ice” project, where he took second place.

He was actively recording his third solo album, and again in England. There he decided to pay attention to his knowledge of the English language, studying various dictionaries and textbooks and communicating with his foreign musicians.

Lazarev's repertoire is mainly in English. “Sometimes my English-language hits are not always associated with me. Then people come to the concert and are surprised: “So it’s Lazarev singing? Cool!”, he says.

Sergei took part in the dubbing of the films “High School Musical”, “High School Musical: Vacation”, “High School Musical: Graduation Day”. The films were shown by Channel One.

In March 2010, Sergey Lazarev signed a contract with the music company Sony Music Entertainment. On March 31 of the same year, the release of Sergei Lazarev's new album Electric Touch took place. The album was certified gold in June 2011.

In July, Sergey and Ani Lorak recorded a joint song for “ New wave": "When You Tell Me That You Love Me."

Sergey Lazarev and Ani Lorak - “I won’t give up without a fight”

In February 2012, Sergey Lazarev sang again with Timati and for the first time DJ Meg with the song “Moscow to California” and a video was released. Filming of the video took place in Moscow and California.

In the same year, the premiere of the play “Talents and Dead Men” took place at the Pushkin Theater, in which Lazarev remains the permanent leading actor today.

In December 2012, Sergei’s fourth studio album, called “Lazarev.”, was released. The album was initially available for sale digitally in the iTunes Store online store, and a little later appeared on physical media. It soon became the best-selling album in Russia, and already in March 2013 it acquired the status of a “golden disc”. In addition, on February 8, a separate single “Cure the Thunder” was released, recorded as a duet with American hip-hop artist T-Pain. The video premiered on February 17. There is also a second version of the single - solo. On March 30, at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, Sergei presented a new concert show designed to support the album “Lazarev.”

On May 14, 2013, a video clip was released for the single “Tears in My Heart” from the singer’s fourth album “Lazarev.” On June 12 of the same year, an updated version of the single was presented, which was produced by DJ Chinkong.

On August 26, 2013, the single “Stumblin’” was released, and on October 10, a video clip was released. On October 12, the premiere of the Russian-language version of the single entitled “Drunk Song” took place. On December 5, the video clip “Into the Heart” was presented, which was filmed for the winning song in the “Hit” musical project. Later, the composition was included in the collection of the project “The Hit Show, Season 1.”

Sergey Lazarev - Stumblin’

On March 12, 2014, the “Take It Off” video was released, which was presented two years after the premiere of the song itself. On May 25, another single in support of the album “Lazarev.” became the track “7 Wonders”. In September of the same year, the Russian-language version of “7 Digits” was also released as a single, and on November 14 the official video clip was released.

Also in April of the same year, the premiere of the play “The Marriage of Figaro” took place at the Pushkin Theater, which became the third main role in Lazarev’s repertoire in this theater.

In December 2014, the musician released the video album “Lazarev Show”: Live in Moscow, which was specially recorded on March 30, 2013 as part of a grand show at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Earlier, with this concert tour, Lazarev won the Muz-TV award in the “Best Concert Show of the Year” category.

In 2015, Sergey Lazarev became the host of Channel One’s “Dance!” project.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of his solo career, on April 1, 2015, Sergey Lazarev released a collection of his best songs in Russian The Best (Russian Edition). In addition to the songs “Into the Heart” and “Spring”, which were previously released as singles and were not included in the singer’s numbered albums, the collection also includes the hits “Heartbeat”, “Even if you leave”, “Remember” and a ballad version of the song "Tears in my heart."

On October 23, 2015, a collection of the same name with the best English-language songs was released, which included 29 tracks, including a completely new song, Hard To Love. In November 2015, a large tour with the same program started.

“For me, Madonna has always been a reference point. You can talk about her meager vocal abilities, but an aunt at more than 50 years old leads young people. At the same time, the old public does not turn away from her. This is an example of how you can and should feel the time, how It’s important for an artist not to stop at one trick that you once caught.”, he says.

Sergey Lazarev - Scream. Eurovision 2019

Sergei Lazarev is known for his special socio-political position.

He has repeatedly stated his tolerant attitude towards LGBT people. He expressed a sharply negative opinion regarding the adoption in Russia of a law banning the promotion of homosexuality.

In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1” in June 2014, he noted that he “did not experience joy or euphoria” about the annexation of Crimea to Russia. “Perhaps Russian fans will throw tomatoes at me now, but I’m so used to it that when I come to Yalta, it’s Ukraine for me.”, - he said. However, the singer later stated that with the help of editing, the interview was edited in such a way that his answers looked anti-Russian.

Sergei Lazarev's height: 181 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Lazarev:

Not married. In the past, I met with the famous TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva for almost 5 years.

Sergey Lazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva

According to Lazarev, the reason for breaking up with Lera Kudryavtseva was that the couple was simply tired of each other. Plus, constant close attention, publicity and gossip, which at some point affected their relationship.

"I realized that I need to keep my personal life a secret. Otherwise, a lot of questions, speculations, rumors immediately begin, and then quarrels follow. After all, when people are happy, it infuriates everyone. You shouldn’t show your houses, relationships, children. One or two covers, but ", - said Sergei Lazarev after breaking up with Kudryavtseva.

Sergey Lazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva broke up after 5 years of relationship in 2012, and at the beginning of 2013 Kudryavtseva married hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 20 years younger than her.

Sergei Lazarev did not have any high-profile romances after breaking up with the TV presenter.

In the summer of 2013, information appeared about the affair between Sergei Lazarev and the singer, former lead singer of the group “VIA Gra” Santa Dimopolous. They were often seen together, incl. in an intimate setting. However, this relationship did not last long.

Sergey Lazarev and Santa Dimopolous

According to some reports, Sergei Lazarev is bisexual. Yes, in a star party for a long time they talked about the singer’s romance with his director Mikhail Dvoretsky.

Sergey Lazarev and Mikhail Dvoretsky

On October 21, 2015, in an interview with the Telesem newspaper, Sergei admitted that he has a girlfriend. All that is known about her is that she is from a show business party (where they met).

At the same time, Sergei Lazarev now prefers not to disclose information about his personal life. According to the singer, he no longer intends to talk about the details of his personal life.

“I have exposed my personal life to the public enough. I realized that this was a mistake and a lesson that I realized. When you show your personal life, it affects it itself. Envy and conversations arise.”, emphasizes Lazarev.

“Now I want to have a part of my life in which you can close yourself off - this is your personal life. I don’t want any more public affairs.”, - Sergei pointed out.

In December 2016 it became known that. Paparazzi photographed the singer with the boy during a visit to a Moscow temple.

Lazarev confirmed to reporters that he really is the father, but categorically refused other comments. “This is my personal life, which I would not like to make public,” the artist snapped. He also refused to talk about Nikita’s mother.

In April 2017: she gave birth to a boy surrogate mother. “I found out that he had a son only when it happened. And also from a surrogate mother,” Kirkorov said in the “Secret to a Million” program.

Discography of Sergei Lazarev:

Smash!! includes:

2003 - Freeway
2004 - 2nite

Solo albums:

2005 - Don't Be Fake
2007 - TV Show
2010 - Electric Touch
2012 - Lazarev.


2015 - The Best (Russian + English Edition)

Video albums:

2012 - Show “Heartbeat”: Live in Moscow
2014 - Show “Lazarev”: Live in Moscow

Filmography of Sergei Lazarev:

1995 - “Jumble”. Issue 124, episode 1. “Liar” - art school student
2001 - Master of the Empire - Pavlik
2006-2008 - Club (TV series) - cameo, Vasilisa’s first love
2008 - Beauty requires...
2008 - Detective Brothers
2009 - The best film-2 - cameo, boxer
2010 - Matchmakers - cameo
2011 - New Year's matchmakers
2011 - New Adventures of Aladdin - Loser Groom
2012 - Cinderella - cameo
2012 - Daddy's daughters - cameo.

Popular Russian singer, theater and film actor, former soloist groups Smash!!. Representative of Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.

Sergey Lazarev is the winner of more than 20 awards in the field of music. Participant in TV projects " Dancing on Ice" And " Circus with stars", in 2008 he was the host of the program World Music Chart on the MTV channel, is also a columnist for the program “ Infomania" In 2009 Sergey Lazarev took third place in the category " The best man world" according to the magazine " Yes! Stars».

Biography of Sergei Lazarev

Sergey Lazarev born April 1, 1983. At the age of four he began doing gymnastics. By participating and winning competitions, he already understood that everything you want can and should be achieved through hard work and diligence. At the same time, with this understanding came another: sport is not something he can practice all his life, because full immersion is necessary for full return. The transition to music occurred with the appearance of a dream - then he really wanted to win the competition “ morning Star", popular among children's groups and performers.

The creative path of Sergei Lazarev

Sergey Lazarev gradually left the sport, switching to music, which attracted him instantly and, apparently, forever. And again there were years of studies, work in various children's ensembles, which ultimately led to the fulfillment of a cherished childhood dream - victory in that very competition. It often happens that a star that lights up in childhood, goes out even before reaching adulthood, leaving only a trace in a person’s later life, often painful, not allowing him to be realized in anything else. But Sergei’s early involvement in show business was most likely due to the fact that he could not imagine himself without music, and it should become his life’s work, his profession.

Sergey Lazarev: “My entire childhood is connected with the stage, with the audience, with the joy of victories and achieving goals, with the desire for self-improvement, when I had to experience failures and defeats. But I never doubted that I would continue my musical activity, or rather, I didn’t even think about it, I just knew that it would happen. Because it simply cannot be otherwise. When the realization came that childhood was over, I realized that it was necessary to continue my musical career in a new capacity. For some time it was completely unclear where to move next. And then everything happened by itself.”

Best friend of Sergei Lazarev Vlad Topalov I sang with him in the ensemble " Fidgets", and it was there that they began to think about making their own duet project. The idea became a concrete embodiment when Vlad’s mother suggested that the boys record an aria from the musical together Notre Damme de Paris as a birthday present for dad. This is where it started new stage in Sergei’s career - participation in a duet Smash!!.

Back then, many different projections were made on the boys, they were also called “Reverse Tattoos” (ironically, girls from Tattoo studied in the same children's ensemble and were friends with Vlad and Sergei), and “Wham! 21st century", since at first the duo was managed by Simon Naper-Bell, the same Simon who was the manager 20 years ago Wham! and became famous for taking the duo to China to the first concert of Western stars in the history of this country... But, despite all the analogies drawn, despite all the skeptical reviews from critics, the duet of Vlad and Sergei fell in love with a large army of Russian fans precisely because it was a duet of two real friends who sincerely wanted to say something with their songs that passionately strived to perform high-quality music on a real, adult level...

Sergey Lazarev: “The bar we set for ourselves in Smash!! was very high, and I am glad that I had the opportunity to work with people who gave me the opportunity to collaborate with world-class professionals, producers and musicians, authors and arrangers. When I started my solo career, the experience I gained in Smash!! was very useful to me; after working in this duo, I had all the prerequisites to further develop from a very high start.”

Despite the crazy busyness in the project, Sergey Lazarev I was still able to complete my studies at Moscow Art Theater School, where he entered acting shortly before the start of his pop star career. After completing his studies, Sergei played the main role in the Pushkin Theater’s play “Romeo and Juliet” for a whole year, but ultimately he had to give up his “professional hobby” - there were more and more concerts and trips, Smash!! were at the peak of popularity, there was no opportunity to do anything else.

Solo career of Sergei Lazarev

Project Smash!! didn’t last long, what now? Sergey Lazarev speaks without regret, with gratitude and joy - circumstances have again developed for him in the most favorable way.

Sergey Lazarev: “I really believe that if you spread good things and really try to change the world for the better, it will work out. I would not want my words to be perceived as false pathos or pretense. It is very important for me that the people for whom I sing experience positive emotions with me, think with me, develop, become smarter. Wherever I am, whatever I do, the most important thing for me is to feel that I am on the right path and doing the right things.”

Starting a solo career immediately after leaving the project Smash!, Sergey Lazarev he was sure that he was on the right path, and this helped him move on. Having signed a contract with the label " Style Records"and having recruited a team, the singer personally took up everything that in Russia it is customary for “producers” to do: searching for material, recording, selecting directors for videos... The motto of his first single, a ballad Eye Of The Storm, became the phrase from the chorus: I Live My Life The Way I Want And Chose, and numerous interviews were full of headlines “I don’t want to be a doll”, “Lazarev broke free”, “Sergei Lazarev in independent swimming”.

The young artist Sergei Lazarev is seriously engaged in proving to everyone and himself first of all that he is wealthy, independent and does not need people who will think for him.

This is unprecedented for the Russian market, where all pop performers (and often those who call themselves rockers) work exclusively under the strict guidance of producers who are never in a hurry to take into account the artist’s opinion, and often do not even bother to hear it.

Sergey Lazarev: “I co-produce all my tracks, and until the sound satisfies me, I never stop making amendments to the work of music producers. Maybe I can be a little too picky, but I just can't accept an arrangement that I don't like 100%. This is how it is with me in everything, and I consider it normal. Who, if not myself, will appreciate my work with the greatest passion? I want to give to people quality product, and not anyhow. This comes first for me."

Of course, now Sergei has even less time for leisure and personal life than ever: work takes all his energy, and after leaving the duet he had the imprudence to return to his native Pushkin Theater to participate in the play " Borrow a tenor" In addition, Sergei successfully continues his solo career, and also often appears on television. In 2006, he took 2nd place in the television project of the TV channel " Russia » « Dancing on Ice", and in 2007 participated in the program Channel One « Circus with stars ». Sergey Lazarev also acts in films and has done voice acting for the American musical " Cool musical"and animated films" Shrek the third" And " Shrek Forever After ».

In 2010, the musician signed a contract with Sony Music Entertainment and a year later released his new album, which received gold status. Later, Sergey Lazarev recorded songs together with Ani Lorak, Timati and DJ Meg.

Sergey Lazarev is the winner of many prizes and awards, including such prestigious ones as “Golden Gramophone”, “Stopudovy Hit”, awards from the music channels MUZ-TV and MTV, as well as prizes from the magazines “7 Days”, Glamor and “Yes! Stars" etc.

In 2012, Sergei Lazarev played the main role in the play “Talents and Admirers” at the Pushkin Theater, and at the end of the same year the musician’s fourth solo disc was released. He had big success and by March 2013 it became “gold”.

The musician often declared his tolerant attitude towards people of non-traditional sexual orientation and spoke negatively about the adoption of a law banning “homosexual propaganda.”

On March 12, 2014, the Take It Off video was released, which was presented two years after the premiere of the song itself.
Also in April of the same year, the premiere of the play “The Marriage of Figaro” took place at the Pushkin Theater, which became the third main role in Lazarev’s repertoire in this theater.

In December 2014, the musician released a video album “The Lazarev Show: Live in Moscow,” which was specially recorded on March 30, 2013 as part of a grand show at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Earlier, with this concert tour, Lazarev won the Muz-TV award in the “Best Concert Show of the Year” category.

In 2015, Sergey Lazarev became the host of the First Channel project “Dance! "

In honor of the 10th anniversary of his solo career, on April 1, 2015, Sergey Lazarev released a collection of his best songs in Russian, The Best (Russian Edition).

In 2017, Lazarev took part in the comedy show “Love is”, hosted by Ekaterina Varnava, Marina Fedunkiv, Natalya Yeprikyan, Maria Kravchenko, Ekaterina Skulkina, Nadezhda Sysoeva, Natalia Medvedeva, Tatyana Morozova.

In the same year, Sergei voiced one of the main roles - a cat named Sly Tail in the full-length cartoon "My Little Pony at the Movies".

In 2016, Sergey Lazarev was on the jury of the “Children’s New Wave”, and in 2017 he assessed the performances of the “New Wave” participants.

The show, the first season of which was successfully broadcast on NTV in 2017, features children and teenagers – pupils of orphanages from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other republics former USSR. Sergei Lazarev already had before “You are super!” » experience as a mentor in music talent shows. For example, in 2014 he was a vocal teacher in the project “I want to go to Meladze”, where his team won.

Sergey Lazarev: “Back in December 2017 on the set New Year's program NTV I met the guys who participated in the first season of the show. I was struck by their childlike professionalism, desire to be on stage and realize their vocal talent... Under New Year I received an offer from the NTV channel to become part of the history of the “You are Super!” project, and I agreed. It's not easy vocal competition, this is a project about how the dreams of children with difficult fates come true.”

Sergey Lazarev at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016

In December 2015, it became known that Sergey Lazarev was chosen by VGTRK as the representative of Russia at Eurovision 2016. A little later it became known that the singer would perform song You Are the Only One (music authors Dimitris Kontopoulos and Philip Kirkorov, authors of the text John Ballard And Ralph Charlie).

Before the start of the competition, 17 European sites accepting bets on Eurovision participants identified Lazarev as the main favorite.

Lazarev presented the single and video clip in the “News on Saturday” program on March 5, 2016 on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Lazarev will sing the song “You are the only one” at Eurovision. After its premiere on YouTube, the video for this composition collected more than a million views within 24 hours.

On May 10, 2016, the first semi-final of the Eurovision 2016 music competition took place in Stockholm. Russian singer Sergey Lazarev, who performed number 9 in the first semi-final, performed the song “You Are The Only One” (“You are the only one”) and qualified for the final “ Eurovision».

After the completion of the semi-final, Sergei Lazarev said that intends to improve the number that secured him access to the finals of the competition.

“I can already see what can be improved. Everything will be better in the end. I'm happy though. I have already watched a portion of the broadcast. I’m happy that we are already in the finals,” said Sergei.

Together with Lazarev, participants from Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Malta became finalists.

In the final of Eurovision 2016, held on May 14, according to the results of voting by the professional and spectator jury, Sergey Lazarev took 3rd place. At the same time, the Russian singer, who received 491 points in the final, was, according to the audience, the best. Lazarev received the Marcel Besançon Prize in the Audience Award nomination.

The first place was taken by the Ukrainian singer Jamala, and the second place by the Australian singer Dami Im.

Immediately after the final SergeyLazarevposted a video message to fans on Instagram. He thanked everyone who supported and voted for him. Lazarev noted that third place is an excellent result, especially taking into account the victory in the audience vote.

“I’m happy for the result,” the singer emphasized, adding that first place among the audience means a lot to him.

Personal life of Sergei Lazarev

For several years the musician dated a popular Russian TV presenter and actress Leroy Kudryavtseva, who is 12 years older than Sergei. In the summer of 2012, after five years of relationship, the couple announced their breakup, the reason for which was work and constant travel. Nevertheless, Sergey Lazarev And Lera Kudryavtseva remained friends and intend, as before, to conduct the competition together “ N new wave».

A few months later, the musician announced his new romance - the lead singer of the group “ A-Studio" by Keti Topuria. However, this relationship did not last long. In 2013 Sergey Lazarev began appearing at social events with Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulos, a graduate of the third season of the Ukrainian project “ Star Factory"and former soloist of the group "Seventh Heaven". In addition, from December 2011 to October 2012 she was the lead singer of the popular group " VIA GRA" According to Sergei Lazarev himself, he and Santa are only friends.

On December 23, 2016, the singer admitted that in 2014 his son Nikita was born; the singer periodically shares his photographs on his Instagram profile. In December 2017, the singer first showed in in social networks son's face.

“Thank you for everything to my family, and my beloved son Nikita. The time has come for me to show it to you, since it is already quite big, and I am so proud and love it! I wish everyone good, peace, health, may everything be safe in your families.”

Discography of Sergei Lazarev

As part of Smash!!

  • 2003: Freeway
  • 2004: 2nite

Solo albums

2005: Don't Be Fake
2007: TV Show
2010: Electric Touch
2012: Lazarev


2015: The Best (Russian + English Edition)

Video albums

  • 2012: Show “Heartbeat”: Live in Moscow
  • 2014: Show “Lazarev”: Live in Moscow

Filmography of Sergei Lazarev


  • LOVE IS (TV series, 2017 – ...)
  • Father's daughters. Super Brides (2012-2013)
  • The New Adventures of Aladdin (TV, 2011)
  • New Year's matchmakers (2010)
  • The Best Movie 2 (2009)
  • Beauty requires... (2008)
  • Thank God you came! (TV series, 2006 – 2010)
  • Yeralash (TV series, 1974 – ...)


  • My Little Pony at the Movies (2017)
  • Alpha and Omega: The Fang Brotherhood (2010)
  • High School Musical 3: Prom (2008)
  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year… Zac Efron – Troy Bolton
  • High School Musical: Vacation (TV, 2007)
  • Shrek the Third (2007)
  • High School Musical (TV, 2006)

ACTOR (playing himself)

  • Dance! (TV series, 2015 – ...)
  • Muz-TV Award 2014 (TV, 2014)
  • Muz-TV Award 2013 (TV, 2013)
  • Muz-TV Award 2012 (TV, 2012)
  • Evening Urgant (TV series 2012)
  • Cinderella (2012)
  • Muz-TV Award 2011 (TV, 2011)
  • Voice of the Country (TV series, 2011 – ...)
  • Hipsters show (TV series, 2010 – 2011)
  • Muz-TV Award 2010 (TV, 2010)
  • Story Russian show business(TV series 2010)
  • New Year's Matchmakers (TV, 2010)
  • Olivier Show 2011 (TV, 2010)
  • New Year in the village of Glukhareva (TV, 2010)
  • Muz-TV Award 2009 (TV, 2009)
  • Big Difference (TV series, 2008 – 2014)
  • MTV Russia Music Awards 2008 (TV, 2008)
  • Comedy Woman (TV series, 2008 – ...)
  • My truth (TV series, 2007 – ...)
  • MTV Russia Music Awards 2007 (TV, 2007)
  • Club (TV series, 2006 – 2009)
  • Star Factory (TV series, 2002 – 2007)
  • KVN – Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful (TV series, 1961 – ...)

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