What can you eat on fasting days? What can and cannot be eaten and drunk on fasting and fasting days?

The end of winter and the beginning of spring is the time of Lent for Orthodox Christians - the most important, long and strict one. It lasts for seven whole weeks, which are called weeks. And it is not very easy to fast, especially if you are not used to it.

Needless to say, many of us are great sinners and cannot deny ourselves even a very small pleasure.

And, if you are fasting in food for the first time, problems may begin such as a constant feeling of hunger, flatulence due to a large amount of vegetables in the diet, constipation or diarrhea, other gastrointestinal problems, loss of strength and, most importantly, Bad mood. After all, limiting yourself in something is very difficult morally, and when something is impossible, you want it many times more.

Therefore, priests often say that sometimes it is better to eat meat than to start “eating” your loved ones.

Great Lent, if we consider it only as a restriction in food, is ideally designed to cleanse the body and give it strength for the entire next year. To prepare for the conception of healthy children and the spring planting season.

What not to eat during Lent

First of all, you should not eat animal food - meat products. This:

  • all types of meat
  • milk and dairy products
  • butter
  • fish*
  • pastries and white bread

*Allowed on Annunciation Day Holy Mother of God(if it does not coincide with Holy Week) and in Palm Sunday. On Lazarus Saturday you can eat fish caviar.

All these products cannot be eaten not only in their pure form, but also as part of various dishes, for example, sweets and cakes. Therefore, carefully look at the composition of store-bought treats.

Alcohol is also prohibited, but there are days on which it can be consumed in reasonable quantities to increase vitality. It must be high-quality grape wine.

What to eat during Lent by week and day

Meals during fasting are divided into the following days in meals:

  • dry eating - plant food, cooked without fire and oil, and unheated drink. You should drink water. Such days fall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, which are also fast days during normal times. Practiced mainly by monks and nuns.
  • hot (boiled) food without oil - boiled, stewed, baked, fried in a dry frying pan. Fresh vegetables and fruits can and should also be eaten.
  • boiled food with oil - frying in vegetable oil is allowed on weekends, along with grape wine (no more than 200 ml).

There are also days during which you cannot eat anything at all. They fall on the first and last weeks of Lent, which are considered especially strict.

Lent menu by week

1. First week. On Monday of strict fasting one does not eat anything at all. On Tuesday you can eat bread with salt and water (kvass, tea). Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - dry eating.

2. Second - sixth week. The food is approximately the same: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - dry food, Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, Saturday and Sunday - dishes cooked in oil and a little wine. During this period there are fish days and a day with caviar.

3. Holy Week. From Monday to Wednesday - raw food, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed for the laity. On Friday there is dry eating after the removal of the Shroud. On Saturday you can eat hot food with vegetable oil.

How to eat properly during Lent

If you have never fasted, you should limit yourself in food in moderation so as not to harm yourself. Abrupt change in the diet can have a negative impact on health.

And preparation should begin in advance. It’s not for nothing that they exist for a year fast days- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and other, less strict and lengthy fasts. Who can not fast?

Strict fasting is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, sick and hard working people. Doctors especially do not recommend fasting if you have problems with blood pressure, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

From a medical point of view, serious restrictions in food are undesirable for children under 14 years of age, people leading active image life and living in northern conditions.

What can you eat during Lent?

There is no need to think that fasting is hunger. Your table will include fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, marinades and pickles (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.), mushrooms, nuts, honey, black and grain bread, crackers and dryers, legumes, various cereals. AND delicious dishes Believe me, you can cook a lot of them.

The lack of animal protein is compensated by vegetable proteins. These are mushrooms, soybeans, beans, peas, lentils and other products. There are many valuable fats in nuts. Habitual sweets are excellent substitutes for raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, dried figs and other dried fruits, as well as jam.

Plant foods contain many different vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which helps digestion.

Thanks to fasting, you can pleasantly lose weight, with health benefits. During these days, metabolism normalizes, blood circulation improves, and the body as a whole rejuvenates. Vegetarian diet short term even improves mental abilities.

You need to exit the post correctly. Do not rush to load up on deli meats, fatty and sweet dishes at once. Allow your body to readjust to new way. To break your fast, all you need is a couple of eggs, a piece of Easter cottage cheese and Easter cake.

In the first 3-4 days after fasting, try not to eat fatty fish, lard, smoked meats, heavy cream, pastries and cakes with butter cream, chips, carbonated drinks. If you still really want to eat tasty and hearty, take a Mezim tablet with enzymes that improve digestion before eating.

(11 Votes)

Any fast is designed to cleanse both a person’s thoughts and his body. During the year there are 2 large fasts lasting more than a month and four one- and two-week ones. To eat according to all the rules, you need to know a number of nuances, be aware of all the prohibitions and strictly follow them. Are church rules really so strict and what is still allowed to eat during Lent?

Nutrition rules during fasting

There are many different fasts throughout the year, each of which has its own nutritional rules. For example, the Great One is strict and forces you to exclude all animal products, while on Christmas Day you can eat fish 5 days a week. The week-long Petrov fast is strict for only 1 day, and the rest of the time only meat, eggs and dairy products are prohibited.

In order not to get confused in all the instructions, it is useful to turn to a special church calendar.

But there are rules that are the same for all posts.

  1. You need to know when to stop. Often people who fast for the first time try to compensate for their usual food with large volumes of lean dishes. Since fasting involves, first of all, complete cleansing of both soul and body, it is necessary to eat in regular portions and within the limits of permitted foods. Various delicacies and overseas delicacies cannot be eaten.
  2. You can't eat only what you like. For example, someone enjoys eating strawberries and mangoes, and therefore decides to eat them every day. Despite the fact that these products can be classified as fasting foods, if a person gets special pleasure from them, then this contradicts the main idea of ​​fasting. Food should be as simple, modest, and no frills as possible.
  3. There are also restrictions on what time of day you can eat this or that product. According to the basic canons of the church, there are days when a person eats only in the evening, and he goes hungry all day. Modern Orthodox Church does not force parishioners to adhere to such a schedule. Earlier Lent fell at a time when people were not busy with hard work at this time of year; they spent a lot of time at home doing light things. Now a person leads an active lifestyle, moves around the city and works all year round, and therefore fasting during the day can have a bad effect on his health.
  4. As for the use of vegetable oil, you cannot eat it on every day of strict fasting. The preferred methods of cooking food at such times are stewing without oil, boiling in water and steaming, baking in a sleeve or foil.
  5. There is a lot of controversy around drinks, since it is recommended to drink during the period of restriction plain water. Is it possible to have coffee during fasting? There are no direct prohibitions, but since this is an overseas product that many people are addicted to, it is better to give it up for a while. But is it possible to drink wine during Lent? The answer will be positive. Not every day and not in large glasses, but red dry wine not forbidden.
  6. There may be special restrictions during one post. For example, Palm Sunday is a major holiday in the spring; what can you eat during Lent on such a day? Despite the strictness of Lent, it is allowed to eat some fish on this day, while other animal products are still prohibited. Fasting during Holy Week imposes strong restrictions. At this time, you need to eat as modestly as possible; food is prepared without vegetable oil and without water, so you can bake vegetables in the oven or eat them raw.

Authorized Products

All products of plant origin are allowed during any fast. Separate restrictions are imposed only on vegetable oil. Fish and seafood are also controversial products in some cases; their use during fasting requires special explanation.

Vegetables and fruits

During fasting, you should eat only those vegetables and fruits that are familiar to you. local climate. For example, although pineapple is a frequent guest on store shelves, it is more of a delicacy than a regular food.

Fruits can be eaten fresh or canned, prepared into compotes, or used as jam. They are also suitable for filling pies. You can add dried berries to water-based breakfast cereals.

Vegetables are also allowed to be eaten in the most different types. They can also be eaten in fresh salads, cook pies with them. Many housewives prepare cutlets without meat and eggs from cabbage, carrots and potatoes. There are many quite tasty Lenten recipes vegetable dishes that are easy to make.


You can eat any nuts, but it is best to use the usual hazelnuts or hazelnuts. It can be consumed as a snack, added to cereals and pies.

During fasting, you can only use vegetable milk, which is essentially a cocktail of water and nuts, for which you need to soak 100 grams of hazelnuts, almonds or cashews in water for several hours, and then beat them with a blender in a liter of water. If you strain the “milk” through cheesecloth, you can drink it just like that, cook porridge with it, or make pancakes. The cake is often used in cookies.


Cereals are traditionally the basis of any fast. You can eat buckwheat, pearl barley, and rice. Porridges are cooked without milk, and nuts and dried fruits are often added. They can be cooked with vegetables or mushrooms in pots, for which both the oven and the microwave are suitable.

Legumes and soybeans

If the fast is strict, then the person experiences a protein deficiency. To compensate for this deficiency, it is imperative to include a large proportion of legumes in the diet. Soups are prepared from peas, beans and chickpeas in vegetable broths. You can do it with them delicious cutlets in a frying pan with or without oil.

Soybean has become widespread as a meat substitute, products from which can be purchased in large supermarkets in the diet food section.

Flour products

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to eat bread during Lent. If it is made according to traditional recipes without milk, butter and eggs, then you can eat bread and any pastries. As a sweet for tea, many people buy simple sushi and eat them with jam.

Fish and seafood

On days when you are allowed to eat fish, you can also eat seafood. At the same time, the church does not prohibit their use on days of strict abstinence. That is, to the questions whether shrimp or squid can be eaten during Lent, the answer should be in the affirmative. But since seafood is a delicacy for most Russians, and eating delicacies is prohibited during Lent, it is better to abstain from seafood.

When can you eat fish during Lent? It is allowed during many fasts, even when consuming milk and eggs is prohibited. For example, the Nativity Fast consists almost entirely of “fish” days, but on Great Lent this product is only allowed for 2 days during the entire period: on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

By the way, on these same days of fasting (on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday), except for fish, any products of plant origin are allowed, but meat, milk and eggs are still prohibited.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is allowed during fasting, but it cannot be consumed every day. When this product is prohibited, the day or week will be called “dry eating,” that is, all products must be eaten either raw or baked without oil and water.

As a rule, if fish is allowed during a certain period, then oil is also allowed, so dry eating is widely practiced on large days. church holidays, as well as during Lent.

Honey and other sweets

Honey and sweets are not forbidden during fasting, but it is better to abstain from consuming them or severely limit their quantity. Is it possible to have chocolate during Lent? If there is no milk in the bar, then eating a couple of pieces a day is not forbidden.

Is it possible to have marshmallows during Lent? Due to the fact that it is made using egg whites, this sweet is strictly prohibited. The same applies to marshmallows, many types of jellies, pastries, chocolate spread, and so on.

Prohibited Products

The strictest fast is Lent, which precedes Easter. During this time, it is prohibited to eat any animal products. This means that you will have to give up:

  • dairy products (milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.);
  • red meat;
  • poultry meat;
  • gelatin (in desserts it can be replaced with agar-agar or pectin);
  • fish and seafood;

If it is not Lent, then you can eat fish and seafood. Vegetable oil is often banned. Product manufacturers are now adding the inscription “ lean product“, but with strict adherence to church regulations, you should carefully read the composition. As a rule, such a product will not contain animal products, but may contain vegetable oil, which is not allowed every day.

How to properly exit a post

Breaking fast is directly related to how long a person ate according to church instructions.

  • If it was a short restriction of 1-2 weeks, then the exit should last up to 3 days. If it is Lent or the Nativity Fast, then it will take at least a week. The essence of this process is to gradually return to your previous diet, but without creating additional stress for the body.
  • When can you break your fast during Lent? If a person went to church for a night service, then he can eat at 4 o’clock in the morning. If he was sleeping peacefully, then the first meal will be for breakfast.
  • The most important rule when leaving any post, it says that in everything you need to know when to stop. Often, after several weeks of restrictions, a person attacks prohibited foods. This often leads to digestive problems and even poisoning, despite high quality food. After a break in eating animal products, you should introduce them into your diet gradually, trying to avoid fatty and fried foods. The lighter the food, the less animal fat it contains, the better. For example, if a person really loves fermented baked milk, you shouldn’t drink a whole liter on the first day you go out. This product contains a high fat content, so you should start with milk or kefir, and after a few days introduce fermented baked milk into your diet.
  • When returning meat to the menu, in the first days they eat chicken or turkey breasts, then move on to gray poultry or lean veal. After some time, you can start eating red meat again.

07 May 2017 577

Orthodox fast These are the days when people are cleansed in spirit. But at the same time, the body is also cleansed, because everything in every person should be pure - soul, body, and thoughts. On fasting days, you need to be attentive to your psychophysical state. A person who has decided that he is ready to limit his diet, in principle, knows which foods are allowed to be consumed in a given period and which are not.

Basic canons of nutrition during fasting

You need to figure out what you can still eat on fasting days, and what foods you need to exclude from your diet. So, the following are subject to mandatory exclusion:

  1. Meat products;
  2. Milk, as well as butter, cottage cheese and cheeses;
  3. Eggs and mayonnaise;
  4. Fatty sweets and baked goods;
  5. Fish and vegetable oil (in strict days post);
  6. Alcohol and tobacco.

These foods should not be eaten during Lent. There is an opinion that if a person does not eat meat, eggs, or drink milk, then he is deprived of protein, which is so necessary for the body. But with the right approach to a lean diet, this is absolutely not the case.

There are many foods that are rich in protein. If you diversify your lean diet with mushrooms, eggplants, legumes and soybeans, you can get the required amount of protein. After all, even nutritionists have proven that soy can easily replace fish and meat.

And yet, before fasting, you should find out whether it will become dangerous for the body, because not everyone may benefit from abstaining from certain foods.

What is allowed to eat during strict fasting?

In Christianity, fasting days vary in severity. On one day one thing may be allowed, on the second - another. And there are days when you can’t eat at all. The strictest fast for Christians is Lent.

It lasts 40 days, during which any entertainment activities are prohibited. In addition, there are some canons that must be adhered to:

  1. It is forbidden to eat any food on Fridays, as well as on the day of the beginning of Lent;
  2. The first and last weeks are marked by the permission to eat vegetables, fruits and bread. Water is allowed as a drink.
  3. On other days, honey, nuts and any plant foods are allowed.

What can you eat during fasting on non-strict days:

  1. Eggplant;
  2. Zucchini;
  3. Fish;
  4. Lentils;
  5. Oatmeal;
  6. Any fruit salads, of course, without dressing them with sour cream.

Plant products become the main food during fasting. These are mainly cereals (the best of course are buckwheat, wheat, barley and oatmeal, since these are native Russian types of cereals, and they are also rich in fiber and minerals).

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that fasting does not cause a violation of the diet. You should not skip breakfast, and you also need to remember that it is advisable to snack more often during Lent.

Due to the fact that the Lenten diet does not contain animal protein, which gives the feeling that a person is full for a long time, you want to eat something substantial, especially in the first days. But in this case, you can forget about cleansing.

The best option here is regular nutrition, as well as the inclusion of whole grains in the diet, and of course beans.

It is important to remember that you need to prepare your body for any food restriction. For him, it will be the most severe stress if a person overeats every day and suddenly suddenly stops eating. There will be no benefit from such an attempt at cleansing.

Features of nutrition after fasting

Some people think that if the fast is over, then they need to make up for all the days and eat everything at once, and even more.

At the same time, without thinking at all that in this case there will not only be no benefit from abstinence, but even, on the contrary, only harm. How to eat after the end of fasting?

The first days should be like a gradual “fading” of fasting. It is not recommended to eat these days:

  1. Meat (except perhaps chicken, turkey or fish);
  2. Mushrooms, especially pickled ones;
  3. Don't get carried away with baking;
  4. High-calorie sweets such as cake, pastry with butter or cream;
  5. Sausages and smoked meats.

Since the body, during the period of fasting, becomes weaned from animal food, you need to start eating it little by little, as if re-accustoming yourself. You should not eat fried meat or fish. It is advisable that the food be boiled and should be eaten in small portions, little by little.

It is better to limit salt in the first days after fasting. Do not get carried away with flour products based on butter and eggs. Dishes made from cereals will be much healthier (rice, buckwheat, millet or oatmeal - no of great importance) with fruits, to which it is advisable to add more greens. After all, the body needs vitamins during this period.

The Sacrament of Communion - how to prepare for it, what can you eat?

The shortest duration of fasting before Communion is three days. It happens that a person cannot withstand these restrictions due to illness or even hard, exhausting work, while the body requires a lot of calories.

In this case, at confession, which necessarily takes place before communion, the priest must repent of this sin as well. What you cannot do is tell the priest that you have been fasting if the fast is not maintained.

So what can you eat during this fast? Almost the same things are allowed as on other fasting days:

  1. You can eat vegetables and fruits;
  2. Cereal porridge;
  3. Boiled or baked fish;
  4. Bread;
  5. Nuts.

You can also eat sweets, such as dark chocolate, kozinaki, but it is better to limit the consumption of these products. The main thing is to remember that when consuming even those foods that are allowed, you need to know when to stop and not overeat.

The benefits of fasting for a person or “why fast”

Eating according to all the rules during fasting is very beneficial for human health. Allowed foods will provide the body with the necessary substances, and the absence of foods that are prohibited will prevent the body from wasting energy fighting toxins, etc.

Lenten nutrition inherently normalizes the functioning of the entire body, but its main benefit is this:

  1. Improved digestion;
  2. Getting rid of dysbacteriosis;
  3. Cleansing the liver and normalizing its work;
  4. Complete cleansing of the body. Slags and toxins are completely removed;
  5. Eating every day will prevent gain excess weight.

Some people, fearing excess weight, do not touch, for example, pies with potatoes fried in oil, even vegetable oil. If you pay attention to fasting days, then on weekends this food is completely permissible and is not at all harmful to health.

Why is this happening? It's simple. Even if you allow yourself to enjoy your favorite pies on a day off, all the substances the body does not need will be eliminated from the body over the next five weekdays.

Little joys after fasting

Only those people who actually observed Lent, after its end, can fully experience the pleasure of everyday food. In the first days, after forty days of abstinence, ordinary food tastes unusually “sweet.”

Those foods that seemed ordinary before fasting seem like the most delicate nectar. Not everyone can experience such sensations. Only those few who truly abstained from forbidden food are capable of this.

After all, you no longer need to ask yourself the question: can I do this today, now? After all, no matter how hard a person tries, there is not always enough time for cooking, and on fasting days tomorrow you won’t be able to eat what you ate today.

That’s why it turns out that all food often consists of water, nuts and dried fruits.

To fast or not?

In any case, regardless of whether a person fasts or not, one must know moderation in everything. After all, if you exhaust yourself with constant hunger, the body will not receive the substances it needs and will use internal resources, which are not infinite.

But in the end, it will simply “get tired” of working and stop. Are there any benefits from such fasting? The answer is obvious - no. The same can be said about overeating. Excess will be deposited in the body, and as a result - obesity, heart disease and other internal organs.

So whether to fast or not is everyone’s business. The main thing is not to go to extremes.

The most important and strictest period in the church calendar is Lent. Over the course of several weeks, believers not only undergo spiritual cleansing, but also limit themselves to foods. On some days, the most staunch Orthodox Christians go without food at all, on others they eat only Lenten dishes. So what foods can you eat during Lent? The list, as well as the list of prohibited foods, follows.

Important! Lenten dishes are dishes that are prepared only from products of plant origin. When will it be and what can you eat?

List of permitted foods during Lent

Vegetables: beets, radishes and radishes, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic, cabbage, turnips and zucchini. They are used to prepare steamed, stewed or baked dishes. When cooking, always throw vegetables into boiling water, this will preserve more useful substances in the composition. The menu includes various salads from fresh vegetables, stew, gravy, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar. Potatoes and carrots make delicious pancakes and cutlets.

Important! Vegetables contain a large number of fiber. It cleanses the intestines well.

Greenery: parsley, dill, various salads, sorrel, cilantro and mint are an excellent source of vitamins.

Rye flour bread, bran, malt.

Fruits, starting from apples and ending with overseas specimens. Just like vegetables, they are sources of fiber and vitamins. They are consumed fresh, and dumplings, pies, pies, jelly, and fruit drinks are also prepared.

Porridge- one of the main foods during fasting, it gives a feeling of fullness. Any cereal is suitable for its preparation - rice, millet, oats, bulgur, couscous, buckwheat, barley or pearl barley. You need to cook the porridge in water, without oil. For taste, you can add pieces of fruit, nuts, candied fruits, and dried fruits.

Legumes: beans, peas, lentils. They make excellent soups, and also try making hearty pates or cutlets.

Not last place on the list of what foods can be eaten during Lent are mushrooms- frozen, fresh, dried and nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews. These foods (legumes, mushrooms, nuts) are necessary as sources of protein. In addition, plant protein has an advantage over animal protein; it is more easily absorbed by the body. When does it come?

Unrefined vegetable oil- olive, corn, sunflower. It is consumed on certain days, flavoring salads with it, adding it to porridge. It supplies the body with fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and microelements.

Served for dessert honey, jam and jam, halva, as well as baked goods. But pies or buns are made with lean dough. Do you miss chocolates? Replace them with dried fruits - raisins, apricots, dried apricots, prunes, figs or candied fruits. It is not forbidden to put sugar in tea (in moderation) or put candy in a vase.

Green and black tea, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, cocoa (without adding milk) can be drunk during fasting.

The list of foods that can be eaten during Lent includes various pickles- canned vegetables, sauerkraut, soaked apples.

Important! The first dish is always prepared during Lent.

Soup is simply necessary for the body, since a large amount of vegetables, nuts and cereals can cause intestinal upset. You can prepare various first courses from the permitted products: lean cabbage soup and borscht, mushroom and vegetable soup, rassolnik, beetroot soup.

During Lent, many products with the “Lenten” sticker appear on store shelves, but you should not trust the manufacturers; be sure to check the ingredients. Sometimes an unscrupulous manufacturer uses ingredients of animal origin when preparing products.

Important! Lay people, unlike clergy and monks, can eat food several times a day.

What foods should you not eat during Lent?

To avoid mistakes, you need to remember the list of foods you should not eat during Lent:

  • meat products: beef, pork and other types of meat, including poultry;
  • semi-finished meat products: various sausages, frankfurters, sausages, brawn;
  • dairy products: milk, butter, fermented milk - cottage cheese, sour cream, cheeses;
  • bread and pastries - baked goods from wheat flour with the addition of butter, dairy or egg products;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate and chocolate candies, if they contain milk.

Important! You should absolutely not drink alcohol.

Fish and caviar are consumed V certain days. Shrimp, squid, octopus, and crab meat are fish products. pay attention to exact dates, .

Despite the large list of prohibited foods, the table will not become poorer. It will appear in more healthy foods, from which you can prepare various simple and satisfying dishes.

Orthodox believers today began Lent, which will last until April 15. Believers spend this time in prayer and spiritual cleansing. In addition, they limit themselves in the consumption of certain foods.

If you decide to adhere to Lent, then during this time you will have to give up meat and meat products, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Allowed foods during Lent must be consumed in a limited manner and in accordance with church rules.

Great Lent is one of the strictest fasts church calendar, it begins seven weeks before Easter and consists of forty days (Quentum) and the week before Easter ( Holy Week). Pentecost is celebrated in honor of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert for forty days, and Holy Week commemorates the life of Christ in last days His life, His crucifixion and resurrection.

As for meals, there are some rules during Lent:

First and last week During Great Lent, a particularly strict fast is observed.

Meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk), eggs, are excluded. That is, all products of animal origin.

You can eat only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays you are allowed to eat twice a day, at lunch and in the evening.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eat cold food, without vegetable oil. On Tuesdays and Fridays, hot food without oil is allowed.

On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, and it is also allowed to drink grape wine (except for Saturday of Holy Week).

On Good Friday (this is the last Friday of Lent) you should abstain from food altogether.

On Saturday, many who observe fasting also abstain from food until the onset of Great Easter.

What foods are allowed to be consumed during fasting?

If you approach your diet wisely during Lent, then, firstly, you will not have to go hungry, and secondly, even during the period of strict fasting, your diet can be quite varied and balanced.

So, the main products allowed during fasting:

Black bread, cereal crispbread.

Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)

Salted and pickled vegetables, berry and fruit jam.

Mushrooms of various preparations.

Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)

Dried fruits, nuts, honey.

Seasonal vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, radishes, etc.)

Fruits in season (apples, bananas, pomegranates, oranges, etc.)

Fish is allowed to be consumed twice during the entire fast. On the feast of the Annunciation (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 9).

But there can be no talk of any unauthorized fasting according to the charter or even close to the charter, if there are diseases associated with the stomach or metabolism. The Church also allows travelers, children, pregnant and nursing mothers not to fast.

We offer to those who are fastingnutrition calendar by day

Lent 2017 nutrition: first week

Monday, February 27 – complete abstinence from food.

Tuesday, February 28 – dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 1 – dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Thursday, March 2 – dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 3 – dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Saturday, March 4 – boiled food with added vegetable oil, wine.

Sunday, March 5 – boiled food with added vegetable oil, wine.

Lent 2017 nutrition: second week

Monday, March 6 – dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

What else to read