Tasks on what the number 8 looks like. Outline of a lesson in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic. Statement of educational problem

Evgenia Gontsova
Lesson summary “Number 8. Number 8”


Create conditions for children to master ordinal counting within 8



*Introduce number and number 8,

*Form an idea of ​​future education numbers by adding one, and also by adding 5 and 3, 6 and 2, 4 and 4.

* Strengthen the ability to correlate number with quantity, line up number series , practice forward and backward counting skills within 8;


Develop speech, attention, mental operations, logical thinking.


cultivate restraint, perseverance, goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance, and a desire to help.

Methodical techniques:

Showing, explaining, asking questions, encouraging, examining.

Activities: gaming, communicative, motor, perception of fiction.

Demo material:

counting material (apples, cards with numbers from 1 to 8) toy hedgehog and bunny, basket, house for securing the composition number 8.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys!

Hello, gentle morning

Hello, kindergarten

Hello, good friend

Hello everyone around

We are very glad to have guests

We give you warmth!

Surprise moment

Appearance soft toy a hedgehog who came to visit the guys with a basket of apples.

We need to find out how many apples the hedgehog brought. How to find out?

Main part.

(children sit on chairs)

The bunny comes running

Oh hedgehog, you lost the apple.

Guys, let's help the hedgehog and the bunny, count how many apples there are

became (8) .

How did we get number 8(we added 1 apple to 7 apples and got 8 apples).means 7 and 1 will be 8.

Conversation with children.

Getting to know number 8. The teacher puts a picture on the board numbers 8, asks the children what she looks like (two hoops, bagels, snowman, glasses, etc.). Then he learns a poem about eight with the guys rke:

Number eight, number eight

We always wear it on our nose.

Number eight, yes hooks -

You get points!


Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

A game "Compound number 8»

Guys, look at the house in the attic that lives number 8, and 2 residents will live on each floor. We'll put 7 and 1 here

How else can you get number 8 of this number are apples?

(2 children are called, they divide the apples into parts 4 and 4.5 and 3,6 and 2) we move into the house.

Well done guys helped populate the house, secured the composition number 8.

A game "Alive number series»

The teacher distributes to the children numbers(from 1 to 8). Children line up in order according to number. At the end, a forward and backward count is made within eight (first in chorus, then with two or three children independently)

Final part of the Game "Neighbours", "Which the number is lost»

Bottom line classes.

With which number and figure met today?

What were your favorite moments?

What difficulties did you encounter along the way?

At the end, children are given cards with the image numbers 8 and eight apples(for coloring in free time).

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group “Number 8. Number 8” Purpose: 1) To introduce the formation and composition of the number 8, the number 8. 2) To consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 7, counting skills within limits.

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Math lesson notes. Topic: “Number 8. Number 8” Objectives: To develop counting skills within 8, mental counting from 1 to 8 in forward and reverse order. Continue to teach students to decide.

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Lesson type: lesson on explaining new material (lesson on developing initial subject skills and learning skills, mastering new subject skills)

The purpose of the lesson: teach students to recognize and write the number 8

Lesson objectives:

  • Subject:
    • Develop the ability to count both forward and backward (from 0 to 8).
    • Develop the ability to recognize the number 8 in a symbolic environment (in a series of numbers, letters and symbols)
    • Learn to write the number 8 correctly and correlate the number of objects with the number (from 1 to 8).
  • Metasubject:
    • Regulatory:
      • Record individual difficulties in a trial action.
      • To facilitate the implementation of a trial educational action - searching for the number 8.
      • Create the opportunity to plan your actions together with the teacher in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.
      • Develop skill junior school student monitor your activities as the task progresses.
    • Cognitive:
      • Develop the ability to analyze, compare, contrast and generalize.
      • Understand the concept of numbers and numbers 8.
      • Help to highlight and formulate a cognitive goal.
      • Develop the ability to work with different types of information.
      • Work on developing the skills to perform actions according to the model.
      • Work on the use of iconic and symbolic means.
      • Encourage children to express their opinions and evaluate their activities in the classroom.
    • Communicative:
      • Create conditions for educational collaboration with the teacher and peers.
      • To facilitate the interaction of the child with his desk neighbor.
      • Help your child argue his or her opinion
  • Educational (personal):
    • To form a motivational basis for learning activities, a positive attitude towards the lesson, and an understanding of the need for learning.
    • Understand and follow the norms of aesthetics in activities.
    • Work on self-esteem and adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities.
    • Develop the ability to adapt to difficult situations.
    • Follow installation on healthy image life and its implementation in real behavior.
    • To promote the manifestation of cognitive initiative in helping fellow students (through a system of tasks that orients the younger student to help the heroes of the lesson).
    • Follow moral and ethical requirements in behavior.
    • Promote independence in different types children's activities.
    • Work on understanding responsibility for the common

Equipment and materials:

  • math set;
  • cards with examples (for group work and pair work);
  • plasticine;
  • souvenir - maple leaf (dried leaf);
  • multimedia projector,
  • computer,
  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentation “Number 8. Number 8.”


1. Motivation to educational activities

- Guys, guests came to us today to see how you study. At the beginning of our lesson, let's greet our guests and wish everyone well.
You and I will go on a journey with a maple leaf.
So, let's go!

2. Updating knowledge

A) Teamwork

In a forest clearing
The proud maple tree stood
Wonderful leaves
It was decorated. (8 leaves)

On a maple tree you see leaves, on each leaf there is a number. You need to count the example and find the answer on one of the maple leaves. ( Annex 1 )


2 + 1 4 + 1 5 – 1 3 – 1 6 + 1 2 – 1 7 – 1

(one without a number - a funny smiley face on a piece of paper)

– Arrange the numbers in ascending order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
– Which piece of paper was left without a number? (8)

Among hundreds of different leaves
Beautiful, solemnly important,
There was one, very small, nimble baby,
A playful, cheerful, robust leaf.

– He asks you to complete his task

b) Front work

– Name the neighbors of the number “2”;
– What number comes before the number “6”?
– What is hidden behind the number “5”?
– What number is written on the card that is located between the 3rd and 5th cards;

Game “We populate the houses”(write on the board)

The teacher writes on the board:

5 6 7
/ \ / \ / \

– Now let’s complete the next task of the leaf.

c) Work in pairs

On cards (1 card on the desk)

– Solve the examples together, write down the answers, and as soon as you solve them, join your hands in a “house.”
– Let’s check (the cards are printed) ( Appendix 2 )

3 + 2 6 + 1 4 – 2 5 – 2 2 + 1

3. Working with mathematical sets(Slide 4)

– Guess the riddles, what kind of bird are we talking about?

Blue feathers, yellow belly.
This little bird is called... (titmouse)

- Listen to the problem. Create an example using the signs “+, –, =”

There were 6 titmice sitting under the maple tree, and 1 more titmouse flew up. How many tits are there?

4. Dynamic pause (physical education minute)

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on the branches.
The wind blew and they flew.
We were flying, we were flying
and sat quietly on the ground.
The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves.
Spun and flew
And they sat down quietly at their desks.

5. Statement of the educational problem

The wind picked up the leaf,
He lifted it up and spun it around.
A leaf flew over the house,

-Who lived in this house?

Friends of different heights
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

– Fairytale nesting dolls lived in this house.

a) Work from the textbook (you will find a hint on page 53)

We are greeted by nesting dolls (reading a poem (p. 53)

b) Teamwork

- Look, count the nesting dolls on the board (there are 7 of them)
– Are there really 8 of them? (Collectively we count)
– What needs to be done to make them 8?
– Can we write down this expression? (Yes, 7 + 1)
– Can we write down the result? (No, since we were not introduced to the number and number 8.)
– Formulate the topic of our lesson? (Number 8. Number 8.)
– What should we learn? (Get acquainted with the number and number 8, learn the composition of the number 8)

6. Primary perception and assimilation of new theoretical educational material

1) Find the card with the number “8”.
2) What does it look like? (Matryoshka dolls look like the number “8”)
(Slide 7)

a) Number 8 is so tasty:
She is made of two bagels.

b) Number 8, number 8
We always wear it on our nose.
Number 8 plus hooks–
You get: glasses.

c) You probably guessed it with me too -
Eight looks like a snow woman.

3) Connect your fingers in a figure eight.
4) Connect your hands and make a figure eight with your hands.
5) Interesting Facts(Slide 8)

Let's ask nature together,
Who has eight of what?
A spider has eight legs
The stalk is thinner than a hair.
An octopus has eight legs
There are many suckers on the legs.

7. Application of theoretical principles in the conditions of performing exercises and solving problems(Slide 9)

- Let's see how people agreed to write down the sign indicating the number 8.

Number 8 consists of upper and lower small ovals. The upper oval is slightly smaller than the lower one. They begin to write it a little lower and to the right of the middle of the upper side. Draw a line to the right and up, round it in the upper right corner of the cell, then from right to left to the middle of the bottom side of the cell, round it and rise up to the starting point.

– How many elements does this figure consist of? Let's try to observe the example of how to write the number 8.
– How many elements does this figure consist of?

Showing numbers on the board in the air

Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.

We lay out the number from plasticine on a sheet.

– How do ovals differ from each other?

Work in notebooks p. 14 (learning to write the number “8”)

8. Dynamic pause (eye exercise)(Slide 10)

9. Incorporation of knowledge and repetition into the system

a) Working with mathematical typing
b) Look carefully. Find identical nesting dolls.
c) What kind of equality or inequality can be made? (2 = 2)

10. Reflection. Self-esteem

– So the task of the leaflet is over.
- All tasks completed. Our lesson has come to an end.
– What number did we meet?
– What number did you learn to write?
– Remember and name the composition of the number 8. (Slide 11)

– You did a great job today, for those who found it easy to complete the tasks, draw Sun Those who find it difficult - a cloud, those who find it difficult - a thunderstorm.

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course... (leaf fall)

– I give everyone a maple leaf as a memory of the lesson.


  1. M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova“Textbook on mathematics” 1st grade, 1st part, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013.
  2. M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova « Workbook» 1st grade, 1st part, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014.
  3. M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, S.V. Stepanova « Toolkit for the teacher" 1st grade, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013.
  4. M.I. Moreau, N.F. Vapnyar“Cards with mathematical tasks” 1st grade, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012.
  5. ABOUT . Stepanova"Outdoor games and physical exercises in primary school"Published: Balass, 2012

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 21, Kirovsky district, St. Petersburg

Summary of GCD for the preparatory group on FEMP

Topic: "Number 8. Number 8. Journey to the land of knowledge"

Saint Petersburg


Topic: “Number 8. Number 8 “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Program content.



  1. Strengthen your understanding of the composition of the number 7, counting skills within 7
  2. Continue to form temporary representations (days of the week)
  3. Introduce the formation and composition of the number 8 and the number 8;
  4. Strengthen the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number;
  5. Fix the name of the geometric shapes; relationship between the whole and the parts


  1. Develop logical thinking
  2. Give ideas about true and false judgments


  1. Develop the ability to focus on the task at handDevelop the ability to work in a team, perseverance, the ability to understand and independently carry out the teacher’s tasks
  2. Cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards others, work independently with handouts.

Priority educational area: " Cognitive development»

Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “physical development”

Types of activities: cognitive, motor, gaming, communicative, labor.

Objectives of integrated educational areas


  • develop children's free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • activate children's vocabulary.


  • to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children.

Physical Culture

  • continue to develop children’s motor activity during a dynamic pause


  • strengthen children's ability to hear and move to music of various dynamics.


Take away workplace, keep it in order

Methodological techniques.

  1. artistic word;
  2. questions for children, answers; guessing riddles;
  3. independent work on cards;
  4. individual and choral responses;
  5. ball games, counting out loud;
  6. working with benefits
  7. surprise moment;
  8. encouraging and praising children.

Preliminary work:

Learning to count to 10 and back, getting to know geometric shapes, getting to know educational games, production of manuals, cards, handouts.

Material for GCD : magnetic board, cards with numbers “7”, “8”; number series with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of wild animals (hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, lynx, elk, hedgehog), pictures depicting objects what the number 8 looks like (pear, matryoshka, tumbler), a house “Composition of the number 8”, cards with squares for the house, red squares 10 x 10 cm, 7 pieces, squares of blue color 1 PC., simple pencils according to the number of children, sheets of paper with the number 8 (by dots) for children to work independently, plates for handouts according to the number of children, a ball, magnets for securing aids, glue, a brush, chocolates according to the number of children, emoticons according to the number of children, music from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkovo”, music for physical education.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

IN. - Hello guys -

Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other.Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

IN. - In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's start the lesson

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text. 1 time

IN. - You will all listen carefully, answer questions with complete answers, do not shout, do not interrupt your comrades, listen to the teacher.

(2 minutes)

IN . - (invitation to the country of knowledge of mathematics).

IN. - Guys, what can you travel on?

D. - By bus, plane, boat, train, bicycle.

IN. - You and I are going on our journey by train.

To do this we must buy tickets.

1. Game exercise with the ball "Train Ticket"

To board a train you need to know how to count forward and backward to 10.

You count while passing the ball to each other.

V. - you are great, you counted well and we can all take our seats on the train.

The music “Locomotive from Romashkovo” sounds, the children go to their places at the table.

So as not to get bored on the way, we will play with you (we raise our hand when answering)

2. Game task “Number Neighbors”

IN. I name the number, and you call its neighbors

Name the neighbors of number 2; neighbors of number 4; neighbors of number 5; neighbors of number 6

IN . Guys, do you know in which fairy tales the number “7” appears?

1. In which fairy tale were there seven kids?

2. Which flower fulfilled all the wishes of the girl Zhenya?

3. What is the name of the fairy tale where there were gnomes and one girl?

4.What is the name of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin where there were seven heroes?

Children's answers: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Tsvetik - the Seven-Coloured Flower”, “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"

IN. - How many days are there in a week? What is the seventh day of the week?

IN. - Number 7, denoted by the number “7”

V. - Well done! Now we have reached the first stop.(4 min)

IN . - The first stop is Lesnaya station. Guess the riddles and find out who lives at this station. The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them. Pictures of the guessed animals are displayed on the board at the same time.


1. Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.(hedgehog)

2. Clubfooted and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it? (bear)

3. Gray and toothy
Created a commotion in the forest.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals...(wolf)

4. Long ears, fast legs.
Gray in summer, but not a mouse, white in winter.
Who is this? (hare)

5. Touching the grass with your hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.(elk)

6. Less tiger, more cat,

Above the ears there are brushes-horns.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger!(Lynx)

7. Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

IN. - How can you call these animals (wild animals) in one word? How many animals are there in total? (7) The teacher counts and removes. Animals are preparing for winter, they have a lot to do, and we will move on (music) while the music is playing, prepare the squares on the board

Next station"Digital"

Here we are. What an interesting task they have prepared for us

Q. - what do you see on the board? Guys, there are red and blue squares on the board in front of you.

How many squares are there in total? (7)

Q. How many red squares? (6) how many blue ones? (1)

How did we get the number 7? to 6 +1=7

And now we will play the game “Day-Night”

V.- Look carefully at the squares on them and remember.

The children close their eyes, night has fallen.

The teacher changes the blue square to a red one.

The day has come, we open our eyes, “What has changed?”

D. - Blue was changed to red. How many blue squares are there? (7)

Night, close our eyes. The teacher adds one red square.

IN. - The number eight is indicated by this number.

(The number 8 is displayed on the board)

Number 8 is so delicious, it comes from two bagels.

IN . – What number lives to the right of the number 8? (7). To the left of the number 8? (9)

Is there an eighth day of the week? (no, after 7, again the first day of the week)

IN. - Let's take a close look at the number. What does it look like (children's answers) pictures (tumbler, matryoshka, pear)

Children draw the number 8 in the air like a fox with their nose, with their hand in the air, then on a sheet of paper using dots(working with a notebook)

Physical education minute.

IN. -Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted

We reached our socks,

Turned right, left

Everyone sat down quietly.

Close our eyes tightly

We count to 8 together

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

Composition of number 8

"House" on a board with circles.

Q. - What is the number of this house? (8)

How to divide the number 8 into 2 smaller numbers?

How many circles do you need to add to make the number 8?

The teacher shows a table with squares and discusses the options with the children: 6 and 2; 5 and 3; 4 and 4; 3 and 5; 2 and 6; 1 and 7;7 and 1;

Conclusion : the teacher says it can be composed in different ways and lists all the options according to tables 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 4 and 4; 5 and 3; 6 and 2; 7 and 1; how many options do we have for the composition of the number 8?

V. - Well done! We did well.

In the meantime, we will go to the next station and play a game

Didactic game: “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

1. Is there a circle with three corners? (no, the triangle has three corners)

2.Do squirrels and baby squirrels have 4 tails? (no, 2 tails 1 +1=2)

3.Does a bunny have 4 legs? (Yes. The hare only has 4 legs)

4. Is there a round square? And why? (No. A square has four corners)

5.Do foxes and baby foxes have only 4 ears? (Yes. A fox has 2 ears + a fox cub has 2 = 4)

V. - Well done!

We arrived at the station – “Geometric Figures”.

What geometric shapes do you know? (Children call)

Q. - What geometric figure do I have in my hands?

Take the same one in your hands geometric figure.

The teacher shows the children a circle, asks them to name a geometric figure and divide it into 2 equal parts, then asks: how many parts have you divided the circle into, what can you call each part? Which is greater: whole or ½

Which is smaller: half or whole? The teacher asks the children to divide the circle again into two equal parts: how many parts are there in total? (4)

What can you call each part? What is greater: a whole or ¼? Which is smaller: ¼ or a whole?

V. - Congratulations! You did a good job and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. (music)

IN. - Today we made a fascinating journey through the land of “Knowledge”. Did you enjoy the trip? What did you like? What was interesting? What number and figure did you meet? You guys are great, I really enjoyed working with you. I want to give you stickers - emoticons - as a souvenir of our lesson, which you can stick on your notebooks.

The teacher praises the children.

To get kids interested in learning numbers and to teach kids how to write correctly, teachers and parents are sometimes ready to do anything. Puzzles, tongue twisters, rhymes, sayings, proverbs, photos, presentations, etc. can help with this. Folklore genres and video materials will not only help attract children’s attention to the subject, but will also contribute to the development of intelligence, perseverance, and ingenuity.

Count it: how many horses are there? English language?

An interesting question to start the lesson will be: what does the number 8 look like? Most likely, the answer will be that the number 8 is like two rings, two donuts, etc. To encourage children to give more original answers to what the number 8 looks like, you can offer them sayings, puzzles, riddles, mathematics in pictures, etc. Let them come up with as many ideas as possible about what the number 8 looks like.

Aids for learning numbers

To study the number 8 with your child, it is not necessary to immediately take up mathematics or copybooks. It’s better to start getting acquainted with numbers in an original, unusual way.

Puzzles are tasks in which the number 8 is encrypted. To solve the puzzles, the child will have to make every effort and intelligence. Puzzles make you think, use logic and imagination. It is the puzzles from all the tasks in the textbook that are most often remembered by children who attend 1st grade.

Proverbs and sayings can be an interesting solution for a math lesson. Offer the kids proverbs and sayings if they need to take a break, get distracted, but at the same time not lose the kids’ attention. For teachers who are going to class in 1st grade, sayings will be an excellent addition to a fact-filled lesson. Use proverbs and sayings more often to develop your child’s speech. It wouldn’t hurt to include tongue twisters with the number 8 in your practice.

A genre of folk art close to puzzles is riddles. It is riddles that make it possible to develop children's intelligence, associative and creative thinking. Riddles contain a description of an object or phenomenon, and from this description you need to guess what we're talking about. In the case of the number 8, riddles describe it using objects similar to the number eight: rings, donuts, hoops, etc. Riddles will help a teacher coming to 1st grade to attract children's attention to the material in the lesson.

Poems will help develop speech and at the same time teach counting. It is best to use S. Marshak’s poems for children, which can be downloaded on the website. However, if this is not possible, take into account the poems of modern children's authors. Poems will be useful for children to develop a sense of rhythm, memory, and imaginative thinking. Ask to learn poetry at home as a homework. This is very useful exercise for children attending 1st grade. Poems not only teach, but also instill a love for native language.

Coloring will help prepare your child for spelling. Even if the child is already in 1st grade, coloring will be useful for him to practice fine motor skills. Coloring will not only teach you how to trace and color pictures correctly, but later coloring will also be a faithful assistant in copywriting. Let the coloring book enter every home where there are children. Coloring would also come in handy during a lesson in a kindergarten or development center.

Of course, copybooks will help teach children how to write the number 8 correctly. Writing the number 8 is quite simple: just draw two circles one above the other. But even this simple technique can cause difficulties. To learn how to write the number 8 correctly, you need to develop the skill of continuous writing, which results in two circles. Writing numbers correctly is a great skill, and the children will still have to learn it using copybooks.

Let's get acquainted with the number 8 in English. Here you first need to circle the numbers 8 and write them yourself, and then count the groups of objects and circle those of which there are 8 each.

Topic: "Number 8. Number 8."

Program content.



    Strengthen your understanding of the composition of the number 7, counting skills within 7;

    Continue to form temporary ideas (days of the week);

    Introduce the formation and composition of the number 8 and the number 8.


    Develop logical thinking;

    Give ideas about true and false judgments.


    Develop the ability to focus on the task at hand;

    Develop the ability to work in a team, perseverance, the ability to understand and independently carry out the teacher’s tasks;

    Cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards others, work independently with handouts.

Priority educational area: “Cognitive development”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “ Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Physical development».

Objectives of integrated educational areas:

Speech development

    develop children's free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking

    activate children's vocabulary.

Social and communicative development

    to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children.

Physical development

    continue to develop children’s motor activity during a dynamic pause

Artistic and aesthetic development

    strengthen children's ability to hear and move to music of various dynamics

Methodical techniques:

    artistic word;

    questions for children, answers; guessing riddles;

    independent work on cards;

    individual and choral responses;

    ball games, counting out loud;

    working with benefits

    surprise moment;

    encouraging and praising children.

Preliminary work:

Learning to count to 10 and back, getting to know geometric shapes, learning educational games, making manuals, cards, and handouts.

Material for OOD: cards with numbers “7”, “8”; number series with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of wild animals (hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, lynx, elk, hedgehog), pictures of objects, what the number 8 looks like (pear, matryoshka, tumbler), red squares 10 x 10 cm in the amount of 7 pieces, blue squares colors 1 pc., simple pencils according to the number of children, sheets of paper with the number 8 (in dots) for children to work independently, a ball, magnets for securing aids, emoticons according to the number of children, music from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkovo”, music for physical education.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Teacher:- Guys, guests came to our lesson today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Say hello to your guests.

Teacher: Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other.

Children and the teacher stand in a circle.

Teacher: In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's start the lesson

(Children perform exercises in accordance with the text 1 time).

Teacher:– You will listen carefully to everything, answer questions with complete answers, do not shout, do not interrupt your comrades, listen to the teacher.

(invitation to the country of knowledge of mathematics).

- Teacher: Guys, what can you travel with?

D.- By bus, plane, boat, train, bicycle.

- Teacher: You and I are going on our journey by train. To do this we must buy tickets.

1. Game exercise with the ball “Train Ticket”

To get on the train, you need to know the forward and backward count to 10. You count by passing the ball to each other.

- Teacher: Well done, you thought well and we can all take our seats on the train.

The music “Locomotive from Romashkovo” sounds, the children go to their places at the table.

In order not to get bored on the way, we will play with you (we raise our hand when answering)

2. Game task “Number Neighbors”.

Teacher:- I name the number, and you name its neighbors.

Name the neighbors of number 2; neighbors of number 4; neighbors of number 5; neighbors of number 6.

Teacher:– Guys, do you know in which fairy tales the number “7” appears?

1. In which fairy tale were there seven kids? "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

2. Which flower fulfilled all the wishes of the girl Zhenya? "Flower - seven-flowered"

3. What is the name of the fairy tale where there were gnomes and one girl?

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

4. What is the name of the fairy tale where there were seven heroes? "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

Teacher: How many days are there in a week? What is the seventh day of the week? (7. Sunday)

Teacher: The number 7 is denoted by the number "7".

Teacher: Well done! So we have reached the first stop.

Teacher: The first stop is Lesnaya station. Guess the riddles and find out who lives at this station.

The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them. Pictures of the guessed animals are displayed on the board at the same time.


1. Angry touchy 2. Clubfooted and big,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest. He sleeps in a den in winter.
There are a lot of needles, loves cones, loves honey,
And not a single thread. (hedgehog) Well, who will name it? (bear)

3. Gray and toothy 4. Long ears, fast legs.
Created a commotion in the forest. Gray in summer, but not a mouse,
All the animals ran away. White in winter. Who is this? (hare)
Scared the animals... (wolf)

5. Touching grass with hooves, 6. Less than a tiger, more than a cat,
A handsome man walks through the forest, with horns above his ears.
Walks boldly and easily, Looks meek, but don’t believe it:
Horns spread wide. (elk) This beast is terrible in anger! (lynx)

7. Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

Teacher:– How can you call these animals in one word? (wild animals). How many animals are there in total? (7)

The teacher counts and takes off.

Animals are preparing for winter. They have a lot to do, and we will move on. (music) While the music is playing, prepare the squares on the board

next station"Digital".

Here we are. What an interesting task they have prepared for us.

Teacher:- What do you see on the board? Guys, there are red and blue squares on the board in front of you. How many squares are there in total? Let's do the math. (7)

Teacher:- How many red squares? (6) How many blue ones? (1)

How did we get the number 7? to 6 +1=7

And now you and I will play a game "Day Night"

Teacher:- Look carefully at the squares and remember them.

Night has come. We close our eyes.

Children close their eyes. The teacher changes the blue square to a red one.

The day has come, we open our eyes. What changed?

D.- Blue was changed to red. How many red squares are there? (7)

Night, close our eyes.

The teacher adds one red square.

How much is it in total? Let's do the math. (8) How did we get the number 8?

Teacher:- You guys are probably tired. Let's all get up and rest a little.

Physical education minute.

Teacher:- On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday I painted,

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face,

And on Thursday I played football,

On Friday I jumped, ran,

I danced for a very long time,

And on Saturday, Sunday

I rested the whole day.

- Teacher:- The number eight is indicated by this number.

The number 8 is displayed on the board.

Teacher:- Number 8 is so delicious, it comes from two bagels.

Teacher:– What numbers live next to the number 8? (7 and 9).

Is there an eighth day of the week? (no, after 7, again the first day of the week)

Teacher: - D Let's take a close look at the number. What does she look like (children's answers)

pictures (tumbler, matryoshka, pear)

Teacher:- Let's draw the number 8. How will Pinocchio write the number 8 with his nose? How does the conductor write it in the air? Like a fox with its nose and hand in the air.

Now let’s connect the dots on the pieces of paper.

Children draw the number 8 in the air, then on a sheet of paper using dots. (working with a notebook)

The teacher lays out all the compositions of the number 8 on the board,

children call them.

Children, you just told me which two smaller numbers make up the number 8

-Let's call them again.

Teacher:- Well done! We completed the tasks well. Let's move on. (music)

We arrived at the station - "Geometric figures".

What geometric shapes do you know? (Children call)

Teacher:– What geometric figure do I have on my hands? (circle)


Take the same geometric figure in your hands.

Now what kind of figure do I have in my hands? (square)

Take the same geometric figure in your hands.

Now what kind of figure do I have in my hands? (triangle)

Take the same geometric figure in your hands.

Now what kind of figure do I have in my hands? (rectangle)

Teacher:- Congratulations! You did a good job and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. (music)

– Today we made a fascinating journey through the land of “Knowledge”. Did you enjoy the trip? What did you like? What was interesting? What number and figure did you meet? You guys are great, I really enjoyed working with you. I want to give you emoticons as a souvenir of our lesson.

The teacher praises the children and gives everyone emoticons.

Municipal state educational institution

secondary school with. Tsrau

Alagirsky district of North Ossetia-Alania


Self-analysis: The purpose of the lesson was communicated to the children, was clear to them and corresponded to the content of the lesson. The selected methods and techniques corresponded to the age of the children and were selected taking into account their individual characteristics (state of attention, degree of fatigue, etc.). Visual and verbal instructions were presented accurately and clearly. The following assistance was used: attracting attention, stimulating speech and thinking activity through instructions, advice, using questions different types(direct, leading, prompting), the use of additional visual supports (pictures), demonstration of the image of a separate action and activity as a whole.

The stages of the lesson were interconnected and sequential.

In order to develop speech motor skills and prepare speech apparatus children used play gymnastics for the lesson. . To develop memory and attention in children, the game “Day - Night” was used.

Throughout the entire lesson, the children maintained interest, which was facilitated by the dynamics of the lesson. All tasks were selected based on several analyzers and contributed to the development of higher mental functions (attention, perception, memory, thinking).

The lesson created a favorable emotional background. Since I believe that creating positive motivation for completing a task, encouraging correctly performed actions builds the child’s confidence in the ability to overcome existing difficulties and facilitates the transfer of methods of action to other conditions. The children showed a positive emotional attitude and achieved their goals.

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