White currant jelly: cooking recipes - how to make currant jelly from white fruits in molds and for the winter. Recipes from black, red and white currants

The one who at least once in his life tried white currant, in without fail fell in love with the berry for its unusual aroma and delicate taste. And preparations from white currant berries for the winter are not only tasty, but also very necessary. A variety of canning recipes allows you to choose the one that your soul wants: with and without sugar, jams and jelly, wines and compotes.

From domestic article you will determine the highlight of canning white currants for the winter by various methods.

Why is it worth harvesting white currants for the winter

Currant of all varieties is considered one of the most useful berries. It has 4 times more vitamin C than all the adored citrus fruits and 2 times more potassium than bananas. In addition, vitamins of groups B, R. Due to the presence of vitamin A, currants can improve vision.

Regular consumption of currant helps to strengthen the immune system, enhances metabolism, enhances hematopoiesis, removes toxins, salts and heavy metal toxins.

Whitecurrant, like any other berry, is best picked in dry and sunny weather.

Proper preservation for the winter will help preserve the maximum of the necessary substances contained in the berry, under such conditions. all year round there will be an opportunity to compensate for the lack of vitamins with a natural and tasty product from the pantry.

Preparing berries for canning

Before preparing preparations for the winter, the berries must be cut off from the stems (despite the fact that some prefer to leave the remaining clusters in the jam completely), sorted and cleaned of dry leaves, other debris and twigs that fell during the collection from the bush. After that, rinse well and dry.

Before canning, sort the berry and separate from the stem

White currant is a specific berry. Pale yellow jam, despite the fact that it is very tasty, but unusual to the eye and some people think it is inconspicuous. Based on this, housewives often prefer to combine white currants with dark or red, with other berries: raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, cherries.

By experimenting with the proportions of different berries, it is possible to get a completely new aroma and unique taste every time.

Whitecurrant jelly - unusual and tasty

Jelly is one of the winter sweets, which children love very much, it is prepared from berry juice and sugar. White currant is perfect for making jelly, and here's why:

  • the bones of this berry are too large, they affect the taste of jam, giving it excessive astringency and breaking the consistency. Based on this, harvesting for the winter only from white currant juice is a perfect option for its preservation;
  • so that it turns out to be a good jelly, it is not necessary to add a large number of Sahara. The content of pectin in boiled juice contributes to better gelation of the mass. Not all fruits contain pectin, it is found in sour apples, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, gooseberries, quince and, of course, currants of all kinds.

Whitecurrant jelly is transparent and very fragrant

Advice! In not fully ripe berries, the pectin content is an order of magnitude higher than in ripe ones, therefore they are more suitable for making jelly.

How to get juice from white currant

Getting rid of the peel and seeds of white currants is not so easy. Small bones clog the holes of a mechanical juicer, and crushed in an electric one, they give a peculiar taste to the squeezed juice. Based on this, it is better to use a juicer or to act shabby good method: rub currants through a sieve.

In order to make it easier to deal with tight berries, they are scalded with water or, in addition, boiled until softened. This juice will be thick and rich.

To get clarified juice, there is a second recipe: the berries are boiled (adding little water) until they release juice. After that, filter and set aside for days in the refrigerator. Before cooking the jelly, the settled juice is again cautiously poured into another bowl so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the first.

White currant juice

It is possible to make jelly from prepared juice in two ways:

  1. cold method. Sugar is added to the raw juice (in a ratio of 1:1.5, and preferably 1:2) and stirred until completely dissolved. The settled jelly is packed in sterile jars, rolled up with metal lids and put in a cold place without fail. Will provide a lot of sugar good storage such harvesting for the winter, along with this, vitamins will remain in approximately the same quantities as in fresh berries.
  2. With the warm method, the juice is boiled over high heat, sometimes stirring and removing the foam until the amount of juice is halved. After that, sugar is added (0.5-0.8 kg per 1 liter of juice), boiled for no more than half an hour (later the pectin begins to break down). If a drop of brew does not spread, but keeps its shape, then it's time to pour the jelly into sterile jars.

Whitecurrant jam recipes for the winter

White currants can be closed with whole berries, or it is possible to grind them in a meat grinder. Like jelly, jam is possible from raw berries, perhaps it can be boiled down with sugar - it all depends on the wishes of the hostess members and the tastes of the family. Jam lovers can offer the following recipes:

Recipe 1. Jam with oranges (without cooking)

1 kg of white currant, 1-2 oranges, 1.5-2 kg of sugar.
oranges and currants (pitted, but with peel) must be ground in a meat grinder, mixed with sugar until completely dissolved. It is possible to easily warm up the mass in order to speed up the process. After that, decompose into sterile jars.

In the refrigerator, it can be kept for a long time, in addition, covered with nylon lids.

Currant jam can be rubbed through a sieve - it will be very gentle

Recipe 2. Good jam

1 kg of white currant, 1.3 kg of sugar, 2 tbsp. water.
Pour 1 kg of currants with the same amount of sugar, set aside until juice appears. From 300 g of water and sugar, boil the syrup, dip the berries that allowed the juice to enter into it. Cook until translucent, skimming off foam and stirring lightly.

1 st. white currant, 500 g sugar, 1 tbsp. water.
In order to make jam, you need to select berries on twigs (clusters). Under such conditions, there will be a product that will be able to decorate any dessert in the winter: cakes, pies, jellies, etc. In a thick syrup obtained from water and sugar, carefully put the berries and cook until transparent.

Cool, transfer to jars.

Advice! It is better to cook such jam in a wide bowl so that the berries remain intact and retain the shape of a bunch.

Preparations for the winter from white currant without sugar

Who said that berries in jars for the winter must be with sugar? This is not true. For those who do not like sweets, consider sugar harmful, or simply cannot afford it, we offer a recipe for currants in their own juice.

Whitecurrant blanks will become a real delicacy for the whole family.

For this recipe, large juicy fruits of white currant are suitable. Pour prepared dry (!) Berries into jars, cover with lids. Pour a little into the sterilization dish hot water so that it was up to the mark of the shoulders of the cans. Warm up on strong fire until the currant allows the juice to enter.

The berries will settle, so it is possible to pour them from several jars into one. Then heat the water to 85 degrees, pasteurize for about 25 minutes, and then roll up.

Second, more simple recipe: put 1 kg into the pan big berries and pour 50 g of water (possibly juice). Bring to a boil over low heat, carefully put in sterile jars. Roll up.

Whichever recipe you choose, in any case, you will win by taking an additional portion of vitamins from nature in the winter.

The benefits of currants for humans: video

White currant blanks for the winter: photo

Recipe: Currant for the winter

How to Save Currants for the Winter, Recipe (Currants in the Fridge)

By far, the most useful white currant is a berry just picked from a bush. In recipes, heat treatment takes several minutes, which saves appearance berries.

There are a whole lot of options for preparing whitecurrant jam, here (in the article) the most delicious and proven preservation recipes are collected.

Valuable berry

Whitecurrant is not as popular as black or red. Currant is a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. If you eat 35-40 pieces every day, then the berry enriches the body with iron, vitamin C and E.

The berry is indicated for heart disease, influenza, viral infections. Also, such currants are in no way inferior to pomegranate and figs in useful properties Oh.

White currant contains a lot of pectin, thanks to which it is not necessary to add gelatin or agar-agar to jams and desserts.

Old grandmother's ways have faded into the background, now fresh jam is being prepared, which retains more vitamins. The berry is passed through a meat grinder to avoid fermentation, and slow heating does not destroy the vitamin content in the currant.

Classic winter recipe

Fragrant whitecurrant jam will surprise all family members and will suit even the smallest gourmets.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • For syrup - sugar (1 cup).

Immediately you need to prepare the berries, gently rinse and cut the stalks.

Let's start with the syrup. For it, take the necessary ingredients (water and sugar) and mix in an enameled or stainless steel container. We put it on the stove, heat it up and periodically stir constantly with a silicone spoon until the sugar is completely diluted.

Pour a little white currant into the boiling syrup and boil. As soon as the foam appears, pour in the next portion of the berries. Stir gently and boil for 5-7 minutes. It is unacceptable to boil violently.

Pour the boiled dessert over the jars washed with soda and let cool at room temperature. Close up white currant jam for winter plastic lid.

"Five-minute" for those who are in a hurry

Whitecurrant jam for the winter "Five Minute" is such a preparation that is perfect as a semi-finished product for pastries and desserts. In this recipe, the berry is suitable for any ripeness.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Water.

From this number of products, 3.5 liters of dessert are formed.

To properly boil the syrup, you need to take 200 ml of hot water and one third of sugar. Boil in an enameled or stainless container (this is a must, because the berries contain a lot of acid), stirring occasionally with a silicone spoon. The fire must be medium so that the sugar does not burn.

In order for the berry to look beautiful in dessert, not to lose its shape, there is a little secret - be sure to pour boiling water over the currants.

Pour the white currant into the syrup, stirring. Bring back to a boil, add the remaining sugar. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Berries should boil for 5 minutes.

White currant jam "Pyatiminutka" thickened, changed color to darker. Ready! Pour hot currants into jars washed with soda and close with a plastic lid.

Red and white currant jam

Fragrant jam turns out to be a pale pink shade with multi-colored berries. A real summer cocktail to enjoy on a winter evening.


  • White currant - 0.5 kg;
  • Redcurrant - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Sort the berries from the stalks, wash and cover with sugar. Leave for a couple of hours until the juice separates.

In an enameled or stainless steel pan, put the currants to heat up. Stir occasionally with a silicone spoon or spatula, boil for 5 minutes. Let cool completely. Repeat the procedure at least three times.

Pour the hot jam into hot soda-washed jars and close with a plastic lid. Leave to cool.

winter jelly recipe

Jelly-like whitecurrant jam for the winter is very convenient and correct to make from a mashed berry that has lost its presentable appearance. The basis of this preparation is currant puree.

The berry contains natural pectin, due to which it thickens itself. Dessert is used for making fruit drinks and as a basis for jelly.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Wash the berries and remove the stems. For puree, you need to use a blender, rather than a meat grinder.

Thanks to this, the jelly will be softer, the currant skin particles will not be felt.

Pour a little currant into the bowl and start whisking.

Then grind the resulting puree through a sieve or cheesecloth for greater uniformity.

Set aside the pomace, they are suitable for making marmalade.

We proceed to the juice, pour sugar in small portions. The amount of sugar directly depends on the conditions in which you will store the jam.

Whether it is a refrigerator, sugar is required in proportion to the juice one to one. When stored indoors, the amount of sugar doubles.

In an enameled or stainless steel pot, heat the juice, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil. You should only stir with a wooden spoon to avoid the oxidation process. Consistency on this stage liquid.

Pour the jam into hot jars washed with soda and close with a plastic lid. After cooling, the puree will acquire a jelly-like consistency.

Marmalade for children

Every housewife in the kitchen non-waste production. So, having made currant jelly, berry pomace remains. They are just right for this recipe. The resulting product is in no way inferior to the purchased analogue. In addition, it contains all the vitamins. Healthy and delicious for kids.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 gr.

The pomace (cake) from the preparation of jelly after squeezing 1 kg of berries remains approximately 600 grams. For an equal amount, add the remaining 400 grams of fresh berries. Before that, steam them with a little water.

Using a meat grinder, twist the berries with cake until smooth. The next stage is the grinding of the resulting mass through a sieve. In an enameled or stainless steel saucepan, put the puree on low heat and gradually add sugar.

If you feel that the mass is very thick, then you should add a couple of tablespoons of water. At this stage, it is impossible to leave and it is necessary to stir the berries, because. they thicken quickly. The process takes approximately 25 minutes.

Properly boiled white currant marmalade after boiling again weighs 1 kg. You can check the readiness as follows: drop a drop of boiled mass onto a plate, if it does not spread and keeps its shape - it's ready!

Pour into silicone molds and chill in the refrigerator. Cut into slices and sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Royal jam in tandem with orange

White currant jam with orange is a light, unsweetened delicacy, children eat it with pleasure.


  • White currant - 1 kg;
  • Oranges - 2 large pieces;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Berries should be washed properly, sorted out from the twigs. Twist the white currant in a meat grinder on a large wire rack. If there is no equipment at hand, you can kill it with a crush in a glass using the old proven method.

Wash oranges and cut into small pieces. The bones must be removed, because. they will be bitter, and interrupt the taste of currants. Together with the zest, we pass the fruit through a meat grinder.

For this proportion we take at least 1.5 liters of sugar. It is more convenient to measure banks. Mix thoroughly by hand with a spoon. We leave whitecurrant jam with orange to infuse for 1 - 2 hours so that the sugar dissolves.

Prepare jars: rinse with soda and sterilize for 30 minutes. In order for the jam not to ferment, we do not pour the jar to the end, leave 2 cm. Close with a plastic lid.

You need to store jam in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In addition, you can store in plastic containers in the freezer.

Original delicacy of white, red currant and cherry

Cherry gives an unusual taste and, of course, aroma. In a duet with currants, you get a rather memorable dessert. And the syrup infusion method will help the cherries open up.

Jam Ingredients:

  • White currant - 500 gr;
  • Red currant - 500 gr;
  • Cherry (or cherry) - 300 gr;
  • Sugar - 1 cup (for sweet lovers, increase the rate by one and a half times).

Wash the berries thoroughly, the stalks of the currant can be left and not removed, the pits can be removed from the cherries.

Prepare jars: rinse with soda and sterilize for 30 minutes. Fill the jars with berries by two thirds of the volume, the displacement is unimportant here. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with a metal sterilized (boiled) lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, drain the water into an enameled or stainless steel pan, leave the berries in a jar. Put the dishes on the stove to heat up and add sugar in small portions.

If you use cherries, you should take 1.5 cups of sugar. Boil until boiling and complete dilution of sugar. Then add berries little by little. Boil for 5 minutes and fill the jars with the contents. Roll up the jam with a metal lid, wrap and let the jar cool upside down.

We also advise you to read, This berry is so useful that it simply cannot be missing from your stocks for the winter.

A lot of housewives do not like zucchini, but this is completely in vain. You can make a lot of them delicious meals, wonderful preparations for the winter and even pineapple-flavored compote. the technology of preparation of such an unusually tasty squash drink is described.

And read about how to preserve cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars.

Have you cooked a treat with a low sugar content and are afraid that it might ferment? There is a little trick - cut parchment or paper according to the diameter of the neck of the jar and dip it in vodka. Pour the jam and put the paper blank on top of the berries.

It is preferable to cook dessert in a copper basin. This will preserve the aroma and color of the berries. There will be no oxidation process.

The key to unboiled berries is ideal ripened and harvested fruits. It is better to take unripe than overripe berries.

Stir vigorously while cooking. Thanks to this, the berries are all enveloped in syrup and do not wrinkle.

Do not be too lazy to cook whitecurrant jam for the winter according to one of the described recipes; in the cold season, it will undoubtedly come in handy for you. Good luck preparing!

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  • canning Homemade preparations for the winter are always tastier than store-bought ones! And most importantly, you know exactly what vegetables and fruits they are made from and never add harmful or dangerous substances to winter canned food! In our family, they always preserved for the winter: As a child, I remember my mother always cooked tasty and fragrant jam from berries: strawberries, strawberries, blueberries. We prefer to make jellies and compotes from currants, but gooseberries and apples make excellent homemade wine! The most delicate homemade marmalade comes out of apples - unusually bright and tasty! Homemade juices - no preservatives - 100% natural and healthy. How can you say no to something like this? Be sure to make winter spins according to our recipes - useful and affordable for every family!
  • Redcurrant is a real storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food in winter, and at the same time useful product we will tell you how to cook delicious jelly from red currant for the winter. Jelly is the perfect dessert on its own, but can also be used as an accompaniment to other sweet treats such as smoothies, pies, ice cream, etc. It also perfectly complements cereals, pancakes, yoghurts, cottage cheese and sweet dumplings. In general, everything that can be made even more delicious and sweet goes well with this wonderful dessert.

    Due to the fact that there are many gelling substances in red currant, gelatin does not need to be added to the jelly, and it can be stored for a long time. To begin, consider conventions which we will use in this recipe:

    1 glass = 250 ml. water = 250g. water, this volume usually has an ordinary table glass that can be placed in a cup holder. Or you can use a measuring cup if you have one at home.

    1 faceted glass = 200g. water, it is less table glass by 1/5. In the jelly recipes below, we will use a regular table glass.

    Consider the most common cooking methods.

    Without heat treatment

    • currant juice - 200 g;
    • sugar - 250 g.

    It is necessary to cut the currant with twigs so that it does not glass and is not wrinkled. Wash the berries cold water, dry and further cut off the berries from the twigs. If you have a juicer, then it is better to use it. An alternative is to buy a food processor with the appropriate setting. If not, then first you need to grind the berries, and then strain the resulting puree through a sieve or a well-aimed sieve. The resulting residues must be discarded and not used in the future.

    Next, add sugar to the resulting juice and stir to completely dissolve the sugar. To speed up the process, put the resulting syrup on a small fire and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is also necessary to prepare in advance the jars into which you will roll the jelly, they must be washed and sterilized.

    The resulting syrup is poured into jars, on top we cover the jars with nylon lids or parchment paper, which must be tied with a rope or pulled off with an ordinary stationery rubber band. The next day, the jelly will reach the desired consistency.

    You can store the resulting jelly in the refrigerator or in the basement, if you have one.

    How to make jelly

    • red currant - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 800 g;
    • water - 50 g.

    So that the berry does not wrinkle, it is best to carry out the primary processing of berries that are still on the branches. They must be thoroughly washed and dried, and only then stripped from the branches. Put them in a saucepan and fill with water. Then put the saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly.

    When you see that the heated berries begin to burst, you can additionally ceiling them. This is necessary in order for the currant to let the juice out faster, due to which the heat treatment process will be reduced, and, therefore, a lot of vitamins and minerals will remain in the resulting jelly. useful substances. Bring the resulting puree to a boil and cook for another 5-7 minutes, not forgetting to constantly stir the puree.

    To get rid of the seeds and peel of the berries, the resulting puree must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze. So that there are no impurities in the resulting jelly and it is transparent, you do not need to use force when squeezing the puree, you need to take only the juice that drains on its own. To speed up the process, use a spoon, stir the puree so that the juice drains faster. Then it will take less time to cook redcurrant jelly.

    Now it remains to pour sugar into the juice and cook until the moment when the juice begins to thicken and begins to resemble unthickened jelly. After that, remove the jelly from the fire.

    Banks must be sterilized in advance. To do this, first they must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Pour jelly into prepared jars and cover it with iron or nylon lids, or use parchment paper as in the previous recipe. Put the jars to cool and then put them in a cold place, it can be either a refrigerator or a basement.

    The syrup will turn into jelly after complete cooling, one day is enough for this.

    If the jelly is not frozen

    If after cooking your jelly does not thicken and resembles ordinary syrup, then you can additionally put it on fire and cook for 5 minutes, it all depends on the density of your syrup. When you start noticing that the jelly is starting to stick to the sides of the pot you are cooking in, that means the jelly is ready to be poured into jars. A wide pan with low sides is best for making jelly because the evaporation surface will be large, which will help the jelly thicken faster.

    If you chose a taller dish, then you will need to spend a lot more time for the jelly to thicken.

    What to do with waste? The cake obtained after straining the berries can be used for cooking compotes. The recipe is very simple: throw the cake into boiling water and boil for two minutes and then leave it to infuse the compote.

    Jelly from different varieties of currant

    According to the recipes that we reviewed earlier, you can make delicious jelly using three types of currants at the same time: red, black and white. If desired, raspberries can be added to the resulting mixture to increase the taste and beneficial properties. There is also such an interesting recipe for blackcurrant jelly.

    The jelly that you get is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, which, in addition, has a unique aroma. This is great medicine in winter.

    The proportions of currants can be different, we offer the following (measured with table glasses): red and white - 3 cups + black - 1 cup + 1 cup raspberries. Red and white currants are the basis for this jelly assortment, as they contain the most gelling substances.

    It is almost impossible to find a garden that did not have at least a few currant bushes. And although the black currant firmly holds the primacy among the species, many gardeners are happy to grow white currants. The difference between white currants is not only in color, but also in taste. Therefore, the variety of recipes for preparations for the winter from the berries of this currant is in no way inferior to red currant. Jam and jelly have an amazing taste and are distinguished by an unusual amber color.

    About the benefits of berries

    This berry is valuable for its high content of vitamins, sugars and organic acids. Do not forget about potassium and iron, which are so necessary for blood vessels and the heart. characteristic feature white fruit is high in pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the blood, and helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

    White currant is no less useful than red or black

    Compote of white currant

    Preparing such a compote is very simple. First you need to wash the berries. You can clean it from the stalks, or you can put it in jars with whole tassels, shaking them slightly so that the berries thicken. Prepare syrup. For 3 kg of currants, 1 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar are needed (the amount of sugar can be changed to taste). Pour sugar into water, bring to complete dissolution and boil for several minutes. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pour into jars with berries. Close jars and sterilize in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you want to add some color to the compote, you can pour a handful of rose hips, blackcurrants or cherries there.

    White currant compote has a beautiful amber color

    White currant jam

    Jam is prepared no more difficult than compote. For 1 kg of berries you will need 1–1.2 kg of sugar. The berries must be separated from the stalk, washed and dried, laid out on paper napkins or towels. Pour currants with sugar in the proportions of Art. sugar per st. berries. Send to a cold place for 7-8 hours. Pour two 2 tbsp into the rest of the sugar. clean water and bring to a boil. Add the candied berries to the boiling syrup and cook over low heat until the berries become transparent. Roll the jam into sterilized jars.

    To keep the workpiece well, wash the currants thoroughly and remove the stalks

    Eating vitamins is not only healthy, but also tasty. You can please children in winter with unusual candied white currants.

    Candied fruit recipe

    1. Prepare 1 kg of berries. Rinse, separate from the stalks.
    2. Pour 300 ml of water into 1.2 kg of sugar and put on fire. Boil the syrup for five minutes, then strain through cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and bring to a boil again. Pour the berries into the boiling syrup, boil for five minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.
    3. After a while, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook until tender.
    4. Boiling pour into a colander and leave for several hours so that the syrup completely drains and the berries cool. The resulting syrup can be rolled into jars as jam. It is no longer needed for the preparation of candied fruits.
    5. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and spread the berries on it in slides, each slide of 10-12 berries. Put in the oven and dry at a temperature of 40 degrees for about three hours.
    6. Get the berries and roll into balls, sprinkle with sugar and re-send in the oven for three hours at 40 degrees.
    7. So that candied fruits do not dry out before winter, they can be rolled up in sterile jars.

    The syrup is ready when the sugar has completely dissolved in it.

    White currant wine

    While the kids are waiting for delicious candied fruits, their parents may be interested in a recipe for whitecurrant wine.
    For 10 liters of wine you will need:

    • 4 liters of currant juice;
    • 2.4 kg of sugar;
    • 4.5 liters of water;
    • 1 liter of vodka.

    Carefully sort the berries, remove twigs and spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry and squeeze the juice. Pour 1.6 kg of sugar into the juice and put it in a cool place for 10 days.

    Whitecurrant wine is a real dessert: fragrant, with a delicate taste

    When the time is up, you need to alcoholize the wine. To do this, add vodka in a ratio of one to ten. Let the wine brew for another 5-7 days.

    Add the remaining sugar to the wine, mix thoroughly and pour into bottles, which are then tightly closed and stored in a cool place. After two or three months, the wine can be served at the table.

    Aromatic currant jelly

    White currant jelly will become no less popular with children and adults in winter. The secret of this recipe is that it is prepared with almost no sugar. For one liter of juice you need no more than 0.25 tbsp. Sahara.

    Wash and crush fruits. Cook the resulting berry gruel over low heat for five minutes. Throw in a colander and rubbing the gruel with a wooden spoon to express the juice. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and boil for a quarter of an hour. The jelly is ready, it remains only to roll it into a sterilized container and wrap it. Well, in the remaining berry squeezes, you can add a little sugar and boil for five minutes. By morning you will have an excellent compote.

    whitecurrant marmalade recipe

    Marmalade is loved by everyone, especially when it is cooked at home according to a proven recipe, without chemical additives and impurities.

    Currant marmalade retains all the benefits of fresh berries. Your children will be delighted!

    The procedure for preparing dessert for the winter:

    1. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into the bottom of the pan, add 1 kg of berries and cook them until completely softened.
    2. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve, mix with sugar (2.5 tablespoons) and cook until tender. Check readiness drop by drop: it should not spread on a plate.
    3. Pour the finished marmalade into molds and leave to harden. Roll in sugar and store in closed banks in a cold place.

    Advice. Another way to harvest white currants without sugar is pickled currants. Yes, yes, it may seem strange to someone, but currants prepared according to this recipe are perfect for meat and poultry. If you want to surprise your family and friends - be sure to prepare this for the winter.

    Pickled currants and sauce for different types of meat

    The sterilized liter cans Arrange 5 peppercorns, 10 cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. Wash and dry the currants right on the twigs. Fold in jars on the "shoulders". For a tighter packing, the jars can be shaken slightly. Boil the marinade. For 1 liter of water you need 150 ml apple cider vinegar and 0.5 kg of sugar. Pour the boiling marinade into jars, put the jars to sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment the liquid boils in them. Roll up lids.

    Surprise loved ones unusual sauces currant for second courses

    In addition to pickled currants, sauce is also ideal for meat, which should also be stocked up for the winter. The sauce recipe is very simple:

    • for 300 g of currants, take 100 g of dill and garlic;
    • grind it all with a blender or meat grinder;
    • add 50 g of sugar and bring to a boil;
    • the sauce can be eaten immediately after cooling or rolled up in jars for the winter.

    How to freeze or dry currants

    The undisputed leaders in usefulness are frozen and dried berries. After all, they, unlike other methods of harvesting for the winter, are not subjected to heat treatment.

    Currants are dried in the same way as any other berries. Lay out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, so that the berries cannot dry out not only on top, but also on the sides, and leave in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. The oven door does not need to be closed. After two hours, check if the berries do not stick together in your hand, then the currant is ready. Store dried berries in tightly closed jars.

    Freeze the berries by laying them in an even layer on a baking sheet.

    There are two ways to freeze currants: in the form of mashed potatoes with sugar and whole berries without sugar.
    For the first method, twist the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, mix with sugar to taste, arrange in molds and put in the freezer. The resulting frozen tablets can be folded into one container. You can even eat this puree as ice cream.

    Attention! Frozen berries should never be re-frozen - the quality of the product will decrease.

    The second method involves freezing without sugar - with whole berries. To do this, the berries need to be laid out on a board in one layer, so that they do not stick together and put in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, they must be poured into Plastic container or in a package.

    From berries frozen in any of these ways, you can cook compotes, make cocktails, even when there is a fierce winter outside and a blizzard sweeps outside the windows. And is winter so terrible when your shelves in the pantry and refrigerator are filled with jars of summer with the sweet smell of currants?

    Whitecurrant jam: video

    White currant blanks for the winter: photo

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