The meaning of the word pragmatism. Definition of pragmatism and a pragmatic person


Pragmatism- a term used in historical science quite different meanings. The word "pragmatic" (Greek) πραγματιχός ) comes from πραγμα, which means deed, action, etc. This adjective was first applied to history by Polybius, who called it pragmatic history (Greek. πραγματιχή ίστορία ) is a depiction of the past that concerns state events, the latter being considered in connection with their causes, accompanying circumstances and their consequences, and the depiction of events itself aims to teach a certain lesson. Pragmatist- follower, supporter of pragmatism as a philosophical system. IN everyday version: pragmatist is a person who builds his own system of actions, deeds and views on life in the aspect of obtaining practically useful results.


When they talk about pragmatic history, they usually mean or especially bring forward one of three things: either purely political content history (state affairs), or the method of historical presentation (establishing a causal relationship), or, finally, the purpose of historical depiction (education). This is why the term Pragmatism suffers from some uncertainty.

The central point of Pragmatism can be considered the depiction of human actions in history, even if not exclusively political and not for the sake of teaching, but one in which their causes and consequences are sought first of all, that is, the motives and goals of the characters. In this sense, pragmatic history differs from cultural history, which deals not with events resulting from human actions (res gestae), but with the conditions of society in the material, mental, moral and public relations, and connects individual facts with each other not as causes and consequences, but as different phases in the development of one or another form. From this point of view historical facts can be divided into pragmatic (events and human actions, their components) and cultural (states of society and forms of life), and the historical connection can be either pragmatic (causal) or evolutionary.

According to this understanding, pragmatism in history should be called the study or depiction of the causal relationship that exists between individual actions of individual historical figures or between entire events in which the actors are not only individuals, but also entire groups, for example, political parties, social classes, entire states, etc. Such an understanding will not contradict the definition given by Polybius and most historians who used the term pragmatism.

In any case, pragmatism is interested in the person acting in history, her motives and intentions, her character and passions, in a word, her psychology, which should explain her actions: this is - psychological motivation historical events. The causality that reigns in the world of phenomena manifests itself in different areas of this world. in various ways, as a result of which there is a need for special studies of causation (for example, causation in criminal law). In the field of history, this issue has been developed very little (see N. Kareev, “The Essence historical process and the role of personality in history", St. Petersburg, 1890).

The theory of pragmatic history would have to explore how some events are generated by others, caused by various changes in the volitional sphere of actors under the influence of the action on them of certain events, which themselves, in latest analysis, the essence is only some actions. Pragmatic history differs from consistent history precisely in its penetration into inner world people, in order not only to tell the event, but also to present its direct effect on the thoughts and feelings of contemporaries, and also to show how it itself became necessary due to the existence of certain motives and intentions among the people who committed it. Wed. E. Bernheim, "Lehrbuch der historischen Methode" (1894).

Pragmatism as a philosophical movement of the twentieth century

  • Pragmatism (from the Greek prágma, Genitive prágmatos - deed, action), subjective-idealistic philosophical doctrine. The founder of P. is Charles Sanders Pierce.


Pragmatism emerged as a philosophical movement in the last decades of the 19th century. The foundations of the philosophical concept of pragmatism were laid by Charles Peirce.

Pragmatism has become popular since 1906, when Peirce's follower William James gave a course of public lectures that were published under this title.

The third most prominent representative of pragmatism was John Dewey, who developed his own version of pragmatism, called instrumentalism

Provisions of pragmatism

According to pragmatism, the objectivity of truth as such is denied, and the real truth is considered to be that which produces results that are practically useful.

Main directions


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See what “Pragmatist” is in other dictionaries:

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who follows narrow practical interests, considerations of utility and benefit in everything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who follows narrow practical interests, considerations of utility and benefit in everything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatists, pragmatists (

Many people in life have had to deal with people seeking only to gain benefits. Moral and other aspects of life are of secondary importance for them.

Attitudes, beliefs and actions are aimed solely at obtaining results that are useful in a practical sense. Those around him often condemn him for this.

Spontaneity and ingenuousness in the eyes of a pragmatist are stupidity.
Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Pragmatist thinking style

Pragmatists strive to achieve a goal using all currently available opportunities. They will not look for additional information, funds, resources, because this is an unjustified loss of effort and time. Problems are solved as they arise, so as not to be distracted by main goal– obtaining a specific result, even small.

The constant search for new methods, experiments and other actions do not indicate a deviation from the chosen course. This does not come from a desire for novelty, but is dictated by the desire to achieve results as quickly as possible. For this reason, they are ready to listen to other people’s opinions, in the hope of finding the shortest path to the goal.

This approach may seem superficial. It differs from generally accepted norms, and pragmatists give the impression of inconsistent people, devoid of principles. They are of the opinion that everything that happens around depends little on a person’s abilities and desires. The main thing for pragmatists is not to miss the favorable moment when everything goes well. Their belief in the unpredictability and uncontrollability of the world justifies the strategy “today it will be like this, and then according to circumstances.”

It is impossible to influence a pragmatist with emotions and manifestations of feelings, unless they become an objective obstacle to the path or, on the contrary, help in a given situation. They have an excellent sense of the situation, quickly reacting to its changes. They easily cooperate, enthusiastically participating in discussions of important issues and developing collective solutions.

Pessimism and a negative attitude are not typical of these people. The problems that arise are not able to turn them off the chosen path. They connect to the solution with positive attitude, pragmatist, in simple words, is an incorrigible optimist who strives to turn difficult circumstances in his favor. The established worldview does not allow us to overdramatize and take the difficulties that arise too seriously.

Behavior and thinking are flexible. Communication skills are well developed, they can easily imagine themselves in the place of another person and understand the consequences of their actions. They care about other people's opinions exactly to the extent that their future depends on it.

Features of the behavior of a pragmatist

Good luck in politics, management activities pragmatic people often achieve. This is due to their character, life attitudes, style of thinking.

They are characterized by:

  • searching for the shortest paths to making a profit;
  • quick adaptation to new conditions;
  • interest in new methods, innovations;
  • using any means to achieve goals;
  • creativity.
They are intelligent, quickly learn new things, using every opportunity to get closer to their goal.

Management values ​​pragmatists for the following qualities:

  • concentration on obtaining maximum profit, the fastest return on investment;
  • thinking through the tactical and strategic aspects of the matter in advance;
  • the ability to influence others, to convince them of the correctness of their ideas;
  • does not get lost in difficult situations, looks for non-standard ways out of them;
  • loves bold experiments and introduces innovations.

Disadvantages of pragmatism

Like all other people, pragmatists have not only strengths, but also weaknesses.

They appear as:

  • indifference to the long-term prospects of a business that will not bring income in the near future;
  • the desire to achieve quick results at any cost, long waiting is not in their nature;
  • attention is focused only on the material side of the matter, everything else does not matter;
  • from the outside it seems that for the sake of profit they are ready to make any compromises;
  • tendencies towards maximalism, they try to get the greatest return from all available resources.

Pragmatists will not worry about failure for long. They will look for new ways if old methods no longer work. Having drawn conclusions from the mistakes made, they will not repeat them in the future.
They understand that they need to work hard to achieve their goal.

They will not rely on outside support; they are accustomed to relying only on themselves. They can help if you ask them about it. If in the future there is an opportunity to compensate for the costs, then the applicant’s chances increase significantly.

Inactivity is impossible for them; a pragmatist is a person who, with his optimism, is able to motivate those around him to achieve hard work. Developed intuition allows you to choose from many options one that is effective and quickly gives results.

A cynic, a romantic, a lyricist, a pragmatist - absolutely everyone dreams that someday “ Scarlet Sails».
Oleg Roy

Pragmatist and relationships with others

When communicating with others, a pragmatic person makes a pleasant impression. He is open to communication, likes to joke, does not argue, and easily finds contact with any people. In conversation he often uses examples from life and stereotypical phrases. The tone of statements is often enthusiastic and enthusiastic, which sometimes gives the impression of hypocrisy and insincerity.

Often offers simple ideas, briefly explaining them with examples from personal practice. He does not shy away from exchanging opinions and organizes collective discussions of important issues. Considers serious debates boring. He prefers real, practically implementable proposals to theoretical and philosophical long-term reasoning. Being in a tense state gives the impression of a bored person who is not interested in the issues being discussed.

Most successful politicians and businessmen, artists and singers, managers and producers achieved their positions in the profession thanks to the use of sober calculation. They do not tend to stray from the intended path, being distracted by sentimental thoughts and wasting energy on emotional actions. In life they are guided only by cold calculation.

Public opinion

You can often hear negative reviews about successful people.

The following traits of pragmatists cause indignation:

  1. Cynicism. The belief that everything has a price in monetary terms and that you can do anything to achieve positive results causes rejection. As a result, others consider them immoral.
  2. Lack of authority. For pragmatists who seek profit in everything, only their own interests are important. They can listen to other people's opinions, but will only take them into account if it suits their interests. In other cases, they will not rely on other people’s words, authority and actions.
  3. Selfishness. All efforts are made only to achieve the set goal. On the way to her, he will not be stopped by other people's emotions and losses. They are not interested in the interests of others, since the main thing in life is the result at any cost.
It is these qualities that cause negative attitude, are necessary to implement the plan. These people do not stop in front of obstacles; difficulties only strengthen their character. All this allows you to finish the job you started.


Anyone can develop the best traits of pragmatism. To do this, you need to set specific goals, plan for the future, bring what you started to the end, without giving in to difficulties. There are not so many people who can be called pure pragmatists. In most cases, one person has different abilities, inclinations and desires to varying degrees.

Modern conditions require people to be able to plan, adapt to the fast pace of life, and quickly respond to changing circumstances. A practical approach allows you to achieve success, so we can say that a pragmatist is a person who is goal-oriented, and feelings and emotions do not matter much to him.

They are often disliked, envied for their assertiveness and energy. As a rule, ill-wishers are weak-willed, weak-willed individuals. Do you consider yourself a pragmatist or their critics?

Some people are distinguished by their ability to quickly and purposefully achieve their goals. This indicates the presence in their character of such a quality as pragmatism. They confidently move towards their goal despite any obstacles. For pragmatists, the result is important. If they doubt that the matter will have a positive outcome, they will not waste their energy on implementing the planned event. Pragmatists are punctual, calculating and demanding people.

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What is pragmatism?

The meaning of the word “pragmatism” implies a tendency to follow narrow practical interests, considerations of utility and benefit in everything, to build one’s own line of behavior and a system of views on life aimed at obtaining practically useful results.

The essence of true pragmatism is to set clear goals and look for ways to achieve them and further implementation. People with this quality are also characterized by prudence and common sense.

Pragmatism helps a person to reveal his full potential, to concentrate all his attention on priorities and primary needs with a view to their step-by-step implementation.

Pragmatism is often perceived as a negative character trait, since it is believed that this quality speaks of a person’s commercialism and cynicism. Distinctive characteristic pragmatics is the ability to ignore everything unnecessary that prevents you from implementing your plan, correctly planning and distributing every minute of your time.

Unlike commercialism, pragmatism is not characterized by pettiness, prudence, or the desire to seek benefits for oneself in any situation.

Traits of Pragmatic People

A pragmatic person is the master of his own destiny, because he knows what he wants to achieve in life and how it can be achieved. The minds of these people work calmly, prudently and without unnecessary emotions. This character trait is more often present in men, since women are more susceptible to the influence of feelings.

The main thing for a pragmatist is the end result. If a person sees a successful outcome of a planned event, then he will achieve his goal. Otherwise, the pragmatist will not waste his precious time, since material results are considered an indicator of success for him. He tries to get more out of what he has.

Pragmatists are not characterized by daydreaming, living in a world of illusions and fantasies. They look at the situation soberly and do everything possible to find a basis for the implementation of their principles and views.

One of positive aspects pragmatism is that a person does not have a stage of euphoria, and, accordingly, no reason for disappointment.

People with this character trait do not like to be frank; they are not characterized by sincerity, talkativeness and sentimentality. They understand: if someone has confidential and personal information, then the data obtained can be used for someone else’s selfish purposes for blackmail or manipulation.

A pragmatic person tries to maintain purely formal relations with all people from his immediate environment, keeps his distance, and is careful in his communication. He will never change his plans because of someone's whims, stubbornness or whim.

In addition, pragmatists are characterized by the following qualities:

  • diligence;
  • demanding of oneself and others;
  • responsibility;
  • obligation.

Pragmatism is a familiar word and people often hear it in such concepts as: pragmatism, pragmatic person. In the usual average view, the term is associated with something integral, solid, efficient and rational.

Pragmatism - what is it?

Since ancient times, people have sought to give everything a name and explanation for the practical purpose of passing on knowledge to the next generation. Translated from other Greek. pragmatism is “action”, “deed”, “kind”. In its main meaning, it is a philosophical movement based on practical activity, as a result of which the stated truth is confirmed or refuted. The founding father of pragmatism as a method is an American philosopher of the 19th century. Charles Pierce.

Who is a pragmatist?

A pragmatist is a person who is a supporter of the philosophical direction - pragmatism. In modern everyday meaning, a pragmatic person is - strong personality, which is characterized by:

  • predominance of logical and;
  • strategicity;
  • denies idealism;
  • checks everything in practice (“people of action”);
  • knows how to plan his time wisely;
  • the goal must have a specific result in the form of benefits;
  • achieves everything himself;
  • manages his life as much as possible;

Is pragmatism good or bad?

If we consider any personality quality, moderation is important in everything. Positive personality trait in the hypertrophied redundant version it turns into a trait with a minus sign, and pragmatism is no exception. A person who is accustomed to achieving his goals can “go over his head” without taking into account the feelings of others, while becoming tougher every time. In society, such individuals are more likely to cause envy - people see the successful result of their activities, but do not imagine what efforts the pragmatist had to expend and think that he is just “lucky” with connections.

Pragmatism in philosophy

Using the ideas of pragmatism, which took shape in independent method only in the 19th century can be traced among ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle. Pragmatism in philosophy is the views that have come to replace or counterbalance the idealistic current, “detached from reality,” as Charles Pierce believed. The main postulate, which has become the famous “Peirce’s principle,” explains pragmatism as action or manipulation with an object and obtaining a result in the course of practical activity. The ideas of pragmatism continued to develop in the works of other famous philosophers:

  1. W. James (1862 - 1910) philosopher-psychologist - created the doctrine of radical empiricism. In research he turned to facts, behavioral acts and practical actions, rejecting abstract ideas unconfirmed by experience.
  2. John Dewey (1859-1952) saw his task as developing pragmatism for the benefit of people to improve the quality of life. Instrumentalism is a new direction created by Dewey, in which the ideas and theories put forward should serve people as tools that change people's lives for the better.
  3. R. Rorty (1931-2007), a neo-pragmatist philosopher, believed that any knowledge, even through experience, is situationally limited and historically conditioned.

Pragmatism in psychology

Pragmatism in psychology is the practical activity of a person leading to a certain intended result. There is a stereotype that pragmatists are mostly men. The trend of today shows that women are equally successful in achieving their goals. The pragmatic approach in psychology divides manifestations into successful (useful) and useless (braking on the path to success). Prudence and pragmatism are the key to a good life, pragmatists believe, while psychologists see this life position not quite in rainbow colors:

  • pragmatism is not an organic model;
  • pragmatists often violate the traditional and moral way of life: for them the result is more important than human interaction;
  • In many countries, pragmatism has shown itself to be a dead end. Bringing people together to achieve results is considered a higher priority.

Pragmatism in religion

The concept of pragmatism has its origins in religion. A person belonging to one or another faith interacts with the divine principle through the experience of self-restraint: fasting, prayer, deprivation of sleep, the practice of silence - these are those practical tools developed over centuries help to enter into special condition unity with God. Pragmatism is most expressed in the Protestant principle of freedom of conscience - the right to personal freedom of choice and belief.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what a pragmatic person means. You will learn what the characteristic manifestations of such a personality are. Find out what pragmatism is. Find out what the disadvantages are this state. Let's talk about how you can develop it in yourself.

Definition of pragmatism

The meaning of the word implies a predisposition to follow narrow, practical interests, search for benefits for oneself, build a line of behavior, search for useful acquisitions, valuable results. The point is to formulate clear goals and search for options for achieving them, as well as implementation. Pragmatic individuals are characterized by common sense and prudence.

Pragmatism is often seen as negative trait character. Some people are convinced that in a person it indicates the presence of cynicism and commercialism. The fact is that pragmatists skillfully ignore everything that interferes with the implementation of their plan and distribute all their time by minute. And if we consider commercialism, then a pragmatic person is not characterized by prudence and pettiness.

Who are pragmatists?

A pragmatic person is an individual whose judgments are primarily based on practice. Such a person sets a clear goal for himself, does everything to achieve it, calmly solving any problems that arise. life path. Such a person will not think about the past, he will plan more.

Such people:

  • responsible;
  • executive;
  • mandatory;
  • They are demanding of others and themselves too.

There are a number of qualities that describe a pragmatist.

  1. Any event, action or object is evaluated from the point of view of benefit. Such an individual does not think about how beautiful his outfit looks, the main thing is that it is comfortable.
  2. Focus on results. It will be difficult for such a person to understand the need of other people for a hobby that has no income.
  3. Pragmatic women are excellent housewives, creating cleanliness and comfort.
  4. They enjoy small joys, value the comfort of home, and do not see the point in luxury.
  5. There may be a craving for art, however, there is no admiration for it.
  6. Pragmatists are not emotional people, and they will not build castles in the air, romantic images.
  7. Such individuals live in real world, they know how to get what they want.
  8. Such people are responsible and proactive, they can come up with something new and bring it to life. There are many pragmatists among scientists. This quality not only does not hinder discoveries, but also promotes them.
  9. Discipline, the need to complete all tasks to the end.

Those around a pragmatist may have negative feelings towards him. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the pragmatist looks cynical, he believes that everything can be bought and sold, and this indicates his insensitivity;
  • he does not trust anyone, he always questions the actions and words of other people, such a person has no authority;
  • pragmatists behave selfishly.

How to become a pragmatic person

  1. Set a goal for yourself. Spend all your time thinking about it.
  2. Think about how you can achieve results, what “tools” will be the most suitable.
  3. Plan ahead. Pragmatic people are not dreamers, because they always think about how to turn any idea into reality. Even if there is a feeling that some of your plans cannot be realized, perhaps they need to be slightly adjusted, transformed into something feasible.
  4. If you start something, don’t leave it unfinished, no matter how difficult it may seem to you. Once you have overcome and gone through this difficult path, having solved a difficult problem, you will have more self-confidence.
  5. You need to learn to think strategically. Try to remember all your desires that remained unfulfilled. Choose from these events the most significant for you, think about how to bring it to life. In particular, you need to think about whether outside help will be needed, whether any financial expenses. Determine what might make it difficult to achieve your goal.
  6. Learn to plan first for a week in advance, then for a month, then for a year. So you will learn to determine what awaits at the end of the journey. In addition, having a clear schedule of his tasks, a person gets more done, he has time to complete things that have long been waiting in the wings.
  7. You need to learn how to build logical chains. In this case, you need to make a wish list, choose one, write an indicative plan that will allow you to achieve it.

By transgressing to the creation of some life goal, you must follow a certain sequence of actions.

  1. We decide on a clear goal.
  2. We calculate the required money, time and other costs necessary to achieve the goal, as well as possible obstacles.
  3. We draw up a clear plan for the implementation of the idea, we begin to implement everything step by step, in accordance with the points of the plan.
  4. We don't switch to new stage until the previous one is completed.

Now you know the definition of pragmatism in simple words. A person must understand that it is important to regularly make plans, even for situations that seem fantastic and unattainable. If a person makes certain plans and sets goals, this will allow him to achieve personal development, because a serious incentive will appear.

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