Meaning of the female name Albina. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Albina

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Albina is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Albina. Albinka, Bina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya, Alvinka, Bella, Bine, Albininya, Bininya, Binka, Ala, Alba, Alba, Albushka.
Synonyms for the name Albina. Alvina, Albine, Albin, Albinnen, Albella.
Origin of the name Albina. The name Albina is German and Catholic.

The name Albina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name comes from the Latin cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Albinus, derived from “albus” - “white”. The Roman generic name Albinius is also derived from the cognomen Albinus.

According to another version, the name Albina is a form of the name Alba, which is a related name for Albina. These names are used as diminutives for each other.

The name Albina has different pronunciations. The name Albina is most often used among Czechs, Poles and Americans. In Russian, the name Albina can be an analogue of some Slavic names, such as Beliana, Belana, Belyanitsa, Bela. Sometimes Albina is called Albella, Bella. In Russia and the CIS, this name is widespread among the Tatars and other Turkic peoples.

Some diminutive variants of the name Albina - Alya, Alina, Bella, Lyalya - are also independent names and are used independently.

The name Albina is not commonly used among Orthodox Christians. For the name Albina, Catholic name days will be indicated.

Albina's personal qualities contradict each other. On the one hand, she may seem like a cold and strong-willed girl. On the other hand, she displays charm and gentleness of character. She is sweet and calm only until her pride is hurt. At this point she becomes arrogant and arrogant.

Albina really likes her rare name. She is proud and proud. Some representatives of this name have a pronounced sense of their own uniqueness. This illusion can awaken Al's arrogance and sense of superiority.

The girl does not like conflicts, but she is often the one who provokes them. Ali's opponent usually reacts violently and throws out all the negative emotions. Albina, in turn, usually shows contempt and indifference towards such an interlocutor. As a result, such a quarrel inflames even more. At these moments, Alya feels her “elevation” above the others. Albina develops unfounded conceit very easily. She is not always able to understand another person, which often leads her to display “boorish” character traits. Therefore, from childhood, a child with this name should be taught a respectful attitude towards others.

Albina's poise conflict situation, the ability to remain calm and arrogant behavior contribute to Albina’s career advancement. Her personal qualities make Alya a leader in the team and provide her with an advantageous position in resolving disputes. Albina is a leader not only at work, but also in the family. She's doing great. This woman does not show her emotions in vain, but knows how to find the most painful point of her interlocutor.

Albina is capable of achieving success in almost any field. She must not forget about the ability to be compassionate and accept people for who they really are. Only in this case will Albina be happy and warmed with warmth.

To establish communication with Albina, you do not need to impose your company on her, insult her, or try to prove anything. Any ridicule directed at her can throw Alya out of balance. Then at one moment she changes and becomes vindictive, cold and arrogant. It is better to avoid such situations with her.

The owner of the name Albina tends to choose a profession related to direct communication with people. She will make a good teacher, an excellent sales representative. She will reveal her abilities in the field of trade, Catering or education. The prestige of the profession has absolutely no meaning for Albina. She makes her choice of profession based mainly on her desires.

Famous people named Albina

  • Albina Deryugina ((born 1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
  • Albina Akhatova ((born 1976) Russian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998))
  • Albina Dzhanabaeva ((born 1979) Russian-Ukrainian singer Kazakh origin, soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (“Nu Virgos”))
  • Albina Shulgina (Mikhailova) ((1937 - 2009) screenwriter, poetess, playwright)
  • Albina Shishova ((born 1966) Soviet gymnast, master of sports international class. World champion in team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in all-around (1983). USSR champion in beam exercises (1982), silver medalist in all-around (1982).)
  • Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Ayken ((1911 - 1964) American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion in 1928)
  • Albina Osterman ((1856 - 1936) Moldavian ethnographer)
  • Albina Apanaeva ((born 1981) popular Tatar pop singer)
  • Albina- “white” (lat.)

    She is quick-tempered and emotional by nature. It needs to be held in your hands from childhood. She cannot sit still, she constantly moves, dances and sings. She lacks balance and stability. She often incites anger herself in order to give herself courage and impress others.

    Seeks intense participation in public life. Overly self-confident. Has strong intuition. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the violent manifestation of joy, most often unfounded, after which long-term depression sets in.

    Albina extremely active, especially when we're talking about about the family that she is ready to protect by any means. However, he also participates in public life not without pleasure. However, she is more passionate about her inner world than work. A pleasant activity for her is improving her home. From early childhood she loves to help her mother or grandmother, early she learns to cook and perform homework. Labor activity Albina requires wide contact with people: in the service sector, catering, trade, educational institutions.

    Her intuition is associated with impressionability. The woman is charming and charming, she perfectly uses these qualities to her advantage. She has a synthetic mind. Has a lively, well-developed imagination, excellent visual memory, remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. Albina tries to hide her feelings, which is extremely harmful for her to do, as it can lead to frustration nervous system. She is equally pleased with her own and other people's successes. The fall of others hurts and irritates her.

    Her health is initially good, but she is prone to obesity. IN mature age problems with the genitourinary system may occur. She should lead healthy image life, play sports, especially water sports. You should not abuse medications, especially tranquilizers, which she is prone to.

    Albina's sexuality is great and manifests itself early. But she is more faithful and sentimental than she lets on.

    Seminal and social taboos can lead to a sexual complex. He loves noisy companies and enjoys receiving guests. She is the perfect housewife. He adapts well in life, feels great everywhere, and sparkles with the joy of being. Albina a very interesting woman, the core of the family, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

    “Winter” is quick-tempered, a hurricane if she gets angry.

    “Autumn” is more restrained. Can work as a chief accountant or economist. The name matches patronymics: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lyubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

    “Summer” - active, emotional, receptive.

    “Spring” is sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant.

    Albina can work as a teacher, sales worker. The name matches patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentyevna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

    Meaning of the name Albina option 2

    1. Personality. Singing women.

    2. Character. 83%.

    3. Radiation.88%.

    4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s.

    5. Color. Blue.

    6. Main features. Will - receptivity - excitability - intuition.

    7. totem plant. Cherries.

    8. Totem animal. Cicada.

    9. Sign. A lion.

    10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know whether they will explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

    11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. They strive for an active social life. Overly self-confident.

    12. Will. Strong, sometimes simply despotic.

    13. Excitability. Albina so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

    14. Reaction speed. Very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

    15. Field of activity. They are more interested in their inner world than in their work. Best deal for them it is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other housework early... Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.

    16. Intuition. Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and are excellent at using these qualities to their advantage.

    17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mentality, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what amazed or alarmed them.

    18. Receptivity. Although they try to keep their distance, this hides their highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

    19. Morality. They are equally pleased with their own and others’ successes.

    20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should maintain a healthy and active image life, play sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

    21. Sexuality. Strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in them.

    22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

    23. Sociability. They love to receive guests; they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Albina achieves some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of his own personality.

    Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - the cherry blossom, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

    Meaning of the name Albina option 3

    Female form of the name Albin. Comes from the Latin word “alba” - white.

    Albina She is very similar to her father; therefore, it is better to judge her character by her patronymic. True, Albina almost always has such traits as integrity, stubbornness and arrogance, which her father may not have. Nevertheless, Albins - father's daughters, and they are perceived as such from childhood.

    Albina's integrity as a teenager can cause a school conflict or family quarrel when Albina“out of principle” he will not yield to his class or decides to pout on his mother. At school Albina strives to stick to boys, she likes their interests more than purely girlish joys and problems. With age, this trait will remain, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding will always reign in Albina’s family: for the sake of football, which her husband adores, she may well neglect her favorite program.

    In choosing a specialty Albina proceeds from what she likes; considerations of the prestige and profitability of the profession are usually in the background. Albina’s inherent stubbornness and arrogance will not please her mother-in-law, and if Albina If he doesn’t try to change at least a little after marriage, conflicts are inevitable in the family. But you need to try, because with their husbands Albins, as a rule, mutual language found. They live by their interests, adopt their habits and tastes, demanding one thing in return - worship. At worst, it may just be ordinary attention, but it should be a lot and it should be constant. Albins are careful in their behavior household, deliciously cooked. They love to tidy up their rooms and closets. Capable of easily forgetting a recent insult. They are jealous of their husband's female entourage. Children at

    Albin is usually visited by all the prestigious ones; sections, schools and clubs. Albins cannot tolerate their husbands' drunkenness and practically do not drink alcoholic beverages themselves.

    Meaning of the name Albina option 4

    Albina- from lat. white. Derivatives: Albinka, Vina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya.


    This woman is noticeable in any society; she attracts the most discerning connoisseurs. female beauty and strong intellect. Its rich spiritual world, ardor, sensitivity are perfectly combined with common sense and practicality. Albina skillful housewife and loving wife. But her interests are not limited to the home; She easily gets along with people, though she also breaks up with them without any special regrets.

    Meaning of the name Albina option 5

    ALBINA - white (lat.).

    • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
    • Planet - Proserpina.
    • White color.
    • The auspicious tree is silver willow.
    • The treasured plant is the white aster.
    • The patron of the name is the stork.
    • The talisman stone is white agate.


    Albina has a rich spiritual world, a subtle, sensitive nature. With just her presence, this woman can decorate any society. She is hospitable, sociable, gentle. He quickly gets along with people, but also easily breaks up with them. The ardor of her nature is perfectly combined with practicality: Albina a wonderful housewife and loving wife.

    Meaning of the name Albina option 6

    Albina She looks like her father in everything, and her character should be judged by her patronymic, but at the same time we should not forget about the traits that are inherent in Albina herself. She is stubborn and principled. She is extraordinarily devoted to her children. She is most often happy with her marriage. Despite the fact that her husband often turns out to be a cunning man, Albina, as they say, on your own mind. But for her, children decide everything in the family. She is ready to do anything for them.

    Choose your specialty according to your liking. Do something you don't like Albina can not. Its performance depends on mood and on peace of mind, stability in family relationships. She prefers to see men among her friends. Their hobbies and interests are close to her. Albina loves hockey, enjoys visiting the stadium, watching football matches. She also likes running.

    Meaning of the name Albina: This name for a girl means “white”, “snowy”.

    Origin of the name Albina: Latin.

    Diminutive form of name: Alya, Alechka, Bina, Binochka, Albinochka.

    What does the name Albina mean: This girl is calm. She does not enter into conflicts, clearly enjoying her own composure. It’s not easy to become Alya’s friend; she expects reasonable delicacy from the applicant. For a girl, marriage comes first, and career comes second. Alya creates a cozy atmosphere for her husband and children.

    Angel Day and Patron Saints: the name Albina does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


    • Zodiac – Virgo
    • Planet – Proserpina
    • Albina color - white
    • Auspicious tree - silver willow
    • Treasured plant - white aster
    • Patron – stork
    • Talisman stone – white agate

    Characteristics of the name Albina

    Positive features: She combines gentleness and charm with determination. The name Albina gives the ability to show coldness. She is sweet and calm, but if her pride is hurt, arrogance will appear in her eyes.

    Negative features: Pride is often accompanied by excessive pride. A girl with this name does not waste her emotions on screaming, but with her contempt she often hits where it hurts most. She can turn into an extremely arrogant person.

    Character of the name Albina: What character traits does the meaning of the name Albina determine? She has a rich spiritual world, a subtle, sensitive nature. With just her presence, this woman can decorate any society. The girl is hospitable, sociable, gentle. Alya quickly gets along with people, but quickly breaks up with them. The ardor of her nature is perfectly combined with practicality: she is a wonderful housewife and loving wife.

    By nature, Albina is quick-tempered and emotional. It needs to be held in your hands from childhood. This girl cannot sit still, she constantly moves, dances and sings. She lacks balance and stability. Often she herself incites anger in order to give herself courage and impress others. A woman named Albina strives for intense participation in public life. Overly self-confident. A girl with this name has strong will. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the violent manifestation of joy, most often unfounded, after which Ali begins to suffer from long-term depression.

    She is extremely active, especially when it comes to her family, which she is ready to protect by any means. However, he also participates in public life not without pleasure. However, Albina is more passionate about her inner world than work. A pleasant activity for her is improving her home. From early childhood, the girl loves to help her mother or grandmother; she learns to cook and do housework early. Ali’s work activity requires wide contact with people: in the service sector, catering, trade, and educational institutions.

    Her intuition is associated with impressionability. The woman is charming and charming, she perfectly uses these qualities to her advantage. She has a synthetic mind. Albina has a lively, well-developed imagination, excellent visual memory, and remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. This girl tries to hide her feelings, which is extremely harmful for her to do, as it can lead to a breakdown of the nervous system. have for her special meaning equally both your own and others’ successes. The fall of others hurts and irritates her.

    Albina loves noisy companies and enjoys receiving guests. She is the perfect housewife. He adapts well to life, feels great everywhere, and sparkles with the joy of being. This is a very interesting woman, the core of the family, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

    “Winter” Albina is quick-tempered and a hurricane if she gets angry.

    “Autumn” is more restrained. Can work as a chief accountant or economist.

    Albina and her personal life

    Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Albert, Arthur, Martin is favorable. The name Albina is also combined with Eduard. Difficult relationships names are likely with Vissarion, Gennady, Gerasim, David, Dragomir, Zinovy, Izyaslav, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Mitrofan, Timur.

    The name matches patronymics: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lyubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

    “Summer” - active, emotional, receptive.

    “Spring” is sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant. A girl with this name can work as a teacher or sales worker. The meaning of the name Albina matches the patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentievna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

    Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Albina promise happiness in love? If she wants not success, but real happiness, do not forget that happiness is impossible without the ability to sympathize and love people as they are.

    Ali's sexuality is great and comes out early. But she is more faithful and sentimental than she lets on. Family and social taboos can lead to a sexual complex.

    Talents, business, career

    Choice of profession: She gives great value the ability to maintain balance in a conflict situation. This can benefit Albina in terms of her career or business and make her a leader, the founder of a new direction in literature, fine arts. She will probably try to take on a leadership role both in the family and in business, and most likely she will succeed.

    Business and career: This girl is able to achieve a high position in society and establish relationships with rich and powerful people. Perhaps she will take up art. The owner of the name will have good luck in financial affairs or in any business that involves working for the public, if she follows her own intuition.

    Health and energy

    Health and talents named after Albina: When the child is brought from the hospital, it takes her a long time to get used to the house. After birth, a child sometimes gets sick with croup, so they are discharged from the hospital late. The child is developing normally, eating and drinking well. The young girl with the name is a calm girl. Loves to bathe in the bath. A girl inherits a lot of things, so she is prone to many diseases.

    Her health is initially good, but Albina is prone to obesity. In adulthood, problems with the genitourinary system may arise. She should lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, especially water sports. She should not abuse medications, especially tranquilizers, which she is prone to.

    If a girl was born in May - "May" - she is prone to skin ichthyosis, so she should be bathed in water infused with various herbs: oak bark, chamomile, celandine. In infancy, the child sleeps poorly, but gains weight normally. The girl loves to be carried in arms. At the age of two, she becomes active, curious, and it is undesirable to leave her alone. It is also prone to various infectious diseases, so it needs to be constantly hardened.

    Such a girl very often suffers from respiratory diseases and sore throat, which was passed on to her from her mother. It is not advisable for her to give kindergarten, it’s better for her to be at home before school so that she gets sick less and strengthens her immunity. In general, “May” Alya is developing well, her teeth appear early, she boldly begins to walk, but she definitely needs to follow a routine.

    If Albina is “September” - born at seven months, she develops well, does not get sick often, but is still prone to tonsillitis and other diseases. Most of all, she is tormented by bronchitis, so you should pay attention to this and strengthen your immune system. WITH three years old Albino girl gets overpowered infectious diseases, and she tolerates temperature very poorly. Therefore, mother needs to make sure that she does not catch a cold. I need to take her for walks more often. fresh air, in winter it is better to sleep with the window open - this improves the child’s health. The girl is predisposed to kidney diseases, so at the age of fifteen she should be checked by a urologist.

    If she was born in February - "February" - gets sick very often school years. She is a very restless child. She has nervous breakdowns. During the transition period, sometimes he cannot find a common language with his mother and can be rude to her. In class, a girl sometimes does inappropriate things, and the guys laugh at her. Perhaps her restless disposition is due to the transferred to early childhood diseases.

    Since childhood, she has been subject to whims; when eating food, she can spit it out or bite someone. But parents do not pay enough attention to this, which leads to various problems at school. In such cases, you should contact a neurologist. You need to be very careful with difficult children.

    She is Albina of southern origin and all the girls have a very complex character with a strong masculine. When a girl becomes an adult, a lust for power manifests itself in her character. From the age of twelve, it is recommended to send her to sports sections.

    Albina's fate in history

    What does the name Albina mean for a woman’s destiny?

    1. “Albina” is the name of one of Alexandre Dumas’s books, written in the tradition of the so-called Gothic novel.
    2. Albina Deryugina ((born 1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
    3. Albina Akhatova (born 1976) - Russian biathlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1998).
    4. Albina Dzhanabaeva (born 1979) is a Russian-Ukrainian singer of Kazakh origin, lead singer of the Ukrainian female pop group “VIA Gra” (“Nu Virgos”).
    5. Albina Shulgina (Mikhailova) (1937 - 2009) - screenwriter, poetess, playwright.
    6. Albina Shishova (born 1966) - Soviet gymnast, international master of sports. World champion in team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in all-around (1983). USSR champion in beam exercises (1982), silver medalist in all-around (1982).
    7. Albina Lucy Charlotte Van Ayken (1911 - 1964 - American swimmer, two-time Olympic champion in 1928.
    8. Albina Osterman (1856 - 1936) - Moldavian ethnographer.
    9. Albina Apanaeva (born 1981) is a popular Tatar pop singer.

    In Latin it means "white" and "pure". If you go deeper into history, in the Roman Empire, female names were forms of generic names. So, for example, the name Albina, which originally sounded different - “Alba”, meant that this girl was from the Alb family. What is noteworthy is that women of the same clan had the same names in those days. The only difference was age. So, the eldest woman in the clan was called Alba Maior, that is, the eldest of the Alb clan. Next came Alba Secunda (second) and so on. The word Minor was added to the youngest one.

    If we go back to the present day, the name Albina is more common in Poland or the Czech Republic, as well as in the USA. In America it often sounds like Bella. In Orthodoxy, the meaning of the name Albina is not considered ecclesiastical and is not recognized. Beliana or Belana may be consonant with this name.

    But let's move on to character traits. Knowing the meaning of the name Albina, you can guess that this child has been restless and curious since childhood. The girl is interested in every thing. Growing up, Albina becomes a good helper to her parents. She loves order and comfort. As a rule, a girl with this name has many friends and girlfriends. Albina is friendly and ready to help. However, people often take advantage of her good nature to their advantage, but, as a rule, she does not hold a grudge against them. It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Albina is pure and white. Having already matured, the girl becomes more reasonable, calm and pleasant in communication, which earns the respect of others.

    In life, Albina is not a leader, so professions related to management are not suitable for her. The most she can achieve is managing a small department. Albina is an excellent housewife at home. As for her figure, most often this girl keeps herself in shape, so she is not deprived male attention. She is in no hurry to get married. He is very scrupulous about marriage. Therefore, marriage most often occurs at an age well over twenty years.

    Albina carefully selects her husband. She must wait for a person who will not only be loved, but also financially secure.

    The most suitable men for marriage with Albina are Igor, as well as Alexander and Grigory. You should not marry Ivan and Vasily, as well as Nikolai and Peter. Here the relationship will not be permanent; most likely, such a marriage will fail, and the spouses will have to divorce.

    The zodiac sign that best matches this name is Cancer. A talisman, a talisman for a girl named Albina is a moonstone. The most successful day is Wednesday. Therefore, it is better to postpone the most important things on this day of the week. Albin's name day is December sixteenth.

    If you named your daughter Albina, the meaning of the name may vary depending on exactly when the child was born. Thus, girls born in May are predisposed to They sleep poorly in infancy and love to be carried in their arms. September Albins rarely get sick, they have a predisposition to tonsillitis. If a girl was born in February, she often gets sick during her school years. Such girls are restless and irritable, prone to nervous breakdowns.

    So, the origin of the name Albina is from male name Alben. Its roots are Latin. Beautiful and consonant, this name will bring happiness to your child.

    Many researchers consider the female name Albina to be a diminutive or affectionate variant of the name Alba. It was formed from the Roman personal or generic nickname Albinus, derived from the word “albus”. Translated from Latin language takes the value "white". This is what girls with light skin were originally called. The name has common roots with the name of the country Albania, which was part of the Roman Empire.

    Name Astrology

    • Zodiac sign: Cancer
    • Patron Planet: Moon
    • Talisman stone: moonstone
    • Orange color
    • Tree: fir
    • Plant: jasmine
    • Animal: squirrel
    • Favorable day: Wednesday

    Character traits

    The secret of the name Albina hides an active, emotional, hot-tempered and secretive personality. This girl is overly self-confident and impressionable. She likes social work, but she quickly gets bored with it if her responsibilities are narrowed down to carrying out specific assignments. A woman understands this activity in a simplified way: “See others and show yourself.”

    Albina is a mediocre student at school, but she knows how to organize things for herself. positive ratings helpful character, ability to be useful on time. She has excellent memory, well-developed imagination. She easily adapts to a change of place of residence, everyday life and living conditions. Her mood changes frequently. Sometimes one look she doesn’t like is enough to cause a storm of anger and loud accusations.

    She is the favorite child in the family. Albina reciprocates and is ready to do everything possible to protect her family and friends. In adult life such a trait is ingrained in her character. She enjoys running the house, caring for children, raising them, creating comfort in the house, receiving guests, and also helping her husband “make a career.”

    Interests and hobbies

    In Albina’s house you can find collections of unique flowers, the cultivation of which brings her pleasure and pride. She cooks great food, knows a lot about healthy food, and is passionate about fitness. In addition, she loves shopping and spends a lot of free time buying clothes for her family and children.

    Profession and business

    He chooses a practical, financial profession, but does not always cope with it due to its complex and conflicting nature. A woman named Albina approaches work with coolness, even hostility. For her, this is a heavy and unpleasant burden if there is no material interest. She finds satisfaction in working with people, where she needs to communicate, make decisions, and feel power. She is suitable for professions in the police, schools, children's correctional institutions, the public catering system, as well as entrepreneurial activity, sociology, floristry.


    Albina is prone to obesity. Her passion for cooking also does not have the best effect on her health. But the most dangerous is considered to be its secrecy, which provokes nervous diseases.

    Sex and love

    Albina pays a lot of attention to makeup and wardrobe, but scares off fans with feigned modesty. The most important thing is that such a woman is confident in herself, and this is already a victory. The winter representative of the name has the greatest sexuality.

    Family and marriage

    An amorous character is the reason that Albina gets married early. She's trying to keep this romantic feeling for a long time. She does not have sexual experience, but the girl is doing everything possible to develop it. Not only meditation helps her in this, but also her attractive appearance.

    Albina's fate becomes an inseparable part of her husband's life. She can be guided by his interests and adapt to her husband’s habits. Unnoticed by everyone, he becomes a professional butler in the house (manager of the property and household of the family). She is very jealous, must be aware of her husband’s affairs, know everything that happens at his work. Such a wife does not allow her husband to become addicted to alcohol or be a member of a “dubious” male company or control his personal wages.

    Albina raises her children strictly and checks every step. But she also protects family members, especially children, like a real lioness.

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