Alexander Gordon and his last. Alexander Gordon: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. How and when did host Alexander Gordon become famous? Who is the wife of this loving man now

The TV presenter and his 22-year-old wife Noza Abdulvasieva do not often delight fans with photos from their family life. Parents try to keep their sons away from prying eyes. Today, one of these family pictures appeared on the Web.

The photo shows the journalist, his lover and their eldest child.
Son Alexander appeared in the family three years ago. The journalist could not hide his happiness from the appearance of the heir. Although, Gordon tried not to talk about family matters. And delight fans with frequent family pictures not in a hurry. Actually, like Noz's wife. She is also very secretive in her microblog.

“He lives in the next room, he is silent, like me. I miss him all the time. All the time. Even when I'm around. This is such happiness, of course, ”Gordon once said in one of the TV programs, and after this revelation there was silence again.

Three months ago, the young wife gave the TV presenter a second child. Then joyful parents shared their impressions with journalists and even published a picture with a newborn. But after that, there was silence again. Unlike many women famous people, Noza does not advertise every step of the baby. She does not keep regular notes with stories about how the baby develops and how she raises him.

“Passionate Sashas,” Noza captioned the photo.

But Noza recently surprised everyone by posting several photos at once with the eldest heir. On one of them, son Alexander is depicted with his father, on the other, Noza is walking with a baby sitting in a stroller. And the third shot shows how the child is growing rapidly - he is busily walking down the street with his mother. Probably for some business.

Six months ago, Alexander Gordon introduced Sashenka to his eldest daughter. It was an important meeting for the family - after all, Anna lives in the USA. The girl then shared with her father that she was very worried. Then the TV presenter's wife also added rare frame on the social network and succinctly wrote: “Brother and sister met.” By the way, Noza is six years younger. eldest daughter her husband. However, the women are on excellent terms.

Noza with younger son Alexander Gordon

The couple met on the set of the series "Clever". Gordon played one of the roles, and Noza came as a correspondent to do a story about the film. At that time, the presenter already had two children. The first was born during an alliance with Maria Vedernikova, the second from a journalist from Krasnodar. In an interview, Gordon once mentioned that he does not see his daughter Alexandra, but supports her financially.

Today, our article is presented by the legend of Russian television - Alexander Gordon. A large number of opinion polls showed that he is one of the most popular stars on the screen of Russian Television. It is also worth introducing Alexander as a teacher and author of a large number of films. Thus, it is safe to say that he is one of the most successful people on modern screens viewers. The following is the life and acting path of Alexander Gordon.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gordon

The TV presenter has an average build, and many fans are interested in exact data, such as height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gordon - frequently asked question among viewers of his projects. So, answering this question, we turn to the Internet and get the following data - Alexander's height is 179 centimeters. The weight is approximately 73 kilograms. It is easy to calculate that if he was born in 1964, then this moment he is already 53 years old. For especially inquisitive fans - according to the sign of the Zodiac, Alexander is Pisces.

Biography of Alexander Gordon

Biography of Alexander Gordon begins in Kaluga region, the village of Belousovo. He was born in 1964, in February. But in the place of his birth, Alexander did not live long - when he was three years old, his family moved to live in the capital. It was here that the conscious childhood of the actor passed.

Already with childhood, Alexander showed creative inclinations. At the age of five, he set his own puppet theaters which attracted a sufficient number of spectators. Another major increase for the actor was hockey, which he could play even on grass or asphalt. Alexander later admits that he wanted to be an employee internal organs or director.

Having gained some experience, he decided to go on creative way. After graduating from school, Alexander goes to study at the Shchukin school, specializing in acting skills. While studying, he himself was engaged in teaching activities in children's circles.

Immediately after Shchukinsky, he was hired by the Theater-Studio. Simonov. It was 1987, but Alexander did not work there for long. A year and a half later, he took his family and went to live in the United States of America. Here are his first creative success. He gained great fame and popularity thanks to the role of the host on one Russian-language channel.

In the nineties, he was filmed on some of the main television channels in America. On one, he is a director of television programs, on the other, he is a correspondent. For several years, he worked in his own company.

Since 1994, he begins to cooperate with Russian TV channels, and in 1997 he leaves back for Russia. However, today he has US citizenship. At one time, he was a participant in many television shows, such as "Gloomy Morning" or "Frequent Case".

One of the first projects that received a large number of positive feedback from viewers, and therefore attracted the attention of people, became the "Collection of delusions."

By the way, few people know that Alexander was going to become president Russian Federation, and even hosted his own political TV show, in which he covered his party activities. This happened in 1998.

After the 2000s, Alexander Gordon was the leader of many projects of various kinds. He starred on such central channels as NTV and the First Channel "Russia".

So, the TV show "Closed Screening" received big success. She helped Alexander receive three awards in the field of Russian television.

As for his directorial work, Alexander Gordon has four films to his credit. It is impossible not to note his acting work in some films. Also, he voiced some characters in the Russian distribution of cartoons - "Crazy Help", etc.

He gained great popularity among young viewers thanks to his role in the television series Fizruk, where he plays the role of the father of the main character.

Personal life of Alexander Gordon

The personal life of Alexander Gordon is full big amount women. With his first wives, he worked on television. But these marriages did not last long. Then he lived for 7 years with an actress of Georgian origin. In 2011, he married a young student.

From all marriages he has 4 children - two sons and two daughters. It is worth noting the second daughter, who was born during a short romance with a journalist.

Currently, he lives with his wife. Some fans are already confused about the actor's marriages, so in Lately, the query "Alexander Gordon, last wife, photo" becomes relevant.

Family of Alexander Gordon

The family of Alexander Gordon was intelligent and respected. So, his mother was a doctor, and his father was a respected and popular writer. But it so happened that Alexander lived with his stepfather, because. Harry left the family when his son was 4 years old. As he later confesses, Nikolai Chinin (stepfather) was the only father for him. In addition, he made a huge contribution to the education of Alexander Gordon. The mother had to work in three places, so the upbringing of her son mainly lay with her grandmother.

Children of Alexander Gordon

So far, the last, fourth son of the actor, was born in January 2017. Thus, now the children of Alexander Gordon have 4 children - two daughters and two sons. Sons were born from last wife with which they still live. But the first daughter went to Alexander from his first marriage with Maria Verdnikova. Most famous scandal associated with a second daughter, because a journalist gave birth to her, while the actor was married to another woman.

Daughter of Alexander Gordon - Anna

The daughter of Alexander Gordon, Anna, was born in 1988 from her first marriage to Maria Verdnikova. She is now 29 years old and lives in the USA. In 2016, she saw her brother for the first time, as revealed by photos on social media. By the way, it is worth noting that the real wife of Alexander Gordon is 6 years younger than his daughter. But, this does not prevent them from remaining on friendly terms.

Daughter of Alexander Gordon - Alexander

The daughter of Alexander Gordon - Alexandra was born in 2012, in a short novel that did not become something more, with Elena Pashkova. The acquaintance of Alexander and Elena happened at one of the film festivals. Gordon fully recognizes his daughter and supports her. Little is known about her, because. Alexandra stayed with her mother Elena. The basis for the scandals was the fact that at the time of the birth of his daughter, Alexander was married to another woman.

The son of Alexander Gordon - Alexander

The son of Alexander Gordon - Alexander was born in 2014, in a legal marriage with a student of VGIK Nozanin Abdulvasieva. The son was named after his father, and as Noza notes, she herself insisted on this. In many interviews, the father admits that he is madly in love with his son and is ready to spend all the time with him. An interesting fact is that the public learned about the son, and about marriage in general, after his birth, because. Alexander Gordon carefully concealed this fact from journalists.

The second son of Alexander Gordon - Fedor

The son of Alexander Gordon - Fedor was born in January 2017. The information that the actor had a fourth son was published by an employee of the maternity hospital in which Noza gave birth. She noted that she considers them a very successful couple. During childbirth, both spouses kept well, and after, Noza admitted that she was the happiest mother in the world.

The ex-wife of Alexander Gordon - Maria Verdnikova

Maria Verdnikova worked as a journalist and translator. They met during an interview, while Maria was still studying at the institute. They got married in 1987, and a year later, their first child, Anna, was born.

The marriage broke up after they moved to the United States. The ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, Maria Verdnikova, continues to work in the media field and often appears on the central television channels of America. She married in 2007 and took her husband's surname.

The ex-wife of Alexander Gordon - Katya Gordon

The ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, Katya Gordon, bore the name Prokofiev in her youth. They got married in 2000 and lived together for almost six years. The age difference between the actor and the student was 16 years, but they were not shy about it. Many journalists claimed that Catherine agreed to this marriage in order to climb the career ladder. But, the picture is just the opposite - she revealed all her creative potential after the divorce. She maintains her popular blog, participates in social life and plays music. group.

The ex-wife of Alexander Gordon - Nina Schipilova

The difference in the age of the third marriage was 30 years. Many, by the way, consider this the main reason for divorce. The marriage was kept secret for some time, because. Alexander was embarrassed by the age difference. They met at the university, where Alexander worked as a teacher, and ex-wife Alexandra Gordona - Nina Schipilova was trained. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, and Alexander has no children from Nina. But, during this marriage, the second daughter of the actor appeared, from Elena Pashkova, with whom Alexander had a short-term romance.

The wife of Alexander Gordon - Nozanina Abdulvasieva

Nozanina Abdulvasieva was also born and raised in creative family. Has noble roots of writers and artists. They met on the set of the film "Egghead", where Alexander played a central role, and Nose needed to be interviewed. As a result, they got married, and at the moment they have two sons.

Despite her young age, Alexander Gordon's wife, Nozanin Abdulvasieva, behaves modestly and reservedly in public.

Photo by Alexander Gordon before and after plastic surgery

As is known, famous actor and the director never went under the surgeon's knife. Moreover, he considers it a waste of time and money, because the main thing in a person is his inner beauty. The second wife of Alexander - Catherine made herself plastic surgery, not so long ago. However, it was almost insignificant and necessary, rather, for medical reasons. “Photo of Alexander Gordon before and after plastic surgery” is a favorite topic for speculation among journalists of the yellow press.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Gordon

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Gordon are frequent requests among fans. As you know, the actor does not lead the page in social network Instagram. He has his own website and a Facebook page where you can find out last news from the life of Gordon. In addition, there is an official VKontakte community where fans can discuss various aspects of the life of a star. You can get all official information from the official website of Alexander Gordon.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva - actress, documentary filmmaker, fourth wife of the famous Russian actor, director and TV presenter.

Nozanin (abbreviated as Noza) Abdulvasieva is Tajik by nationality. But Noza was born not in Tajikistan, but in Moscow in July 1994. The girl grew up in a creative family, where everyone managed to realize themselves and achieve considerable success.

Great-grandfather Nozanin Abdulvasieva - Mirsaid Mirshakar - People's Poet of the Tajik SSR and public figure. Grandfather Valery Akhadov - director, Honored Art Worker of Russia and Tajikistan, board member of the Guild of Film Directors of the Russian Federation and academician Russian Academy cinematographic arts "Nika".

Noza's parents are also closely connected with the world of cinema: her mother Takhmina Abdulvasieva is an actress, her father Abdul Abdulvasiev is a producer, known for his work on the film "Stone" and the TV series "Nezlob".

Nozanin also decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents: the girl chose cinema. She entered the legendary VGIK, choosing the department of documentary directing for herself.


Nozanin Abdulvasieva inherited from her ancestors the same active life position, leadership qualities and a desire to improve. The girl pleased her parents with successful studies at school, continuing this "tradition" at the university.

Creative biography Nozanin Abdulvasieva began when the girl was barely 17 years old. She tried her hand at the military melodrama "Atonement" by Alexander Proshkin. The main roles in this picture went to Tatyana Yakovenko. young actress played an episode: Noza appeared in the image of a gypsy Zara.

Once again, Abdulvasieva appeared on the screen as an actress in 2016, playing the heroine Maryam in the TV series by Sergei Lesogorov and Gennady Baysak "Everything is according to the law." Her partners on the set turned out to be such famous artists, like Igor Stam, and.

In 2015, Nozanin Abdulvasieva made her directorial debut. She presented a 15-minute short film "Karpunina". As the description of the film says, happy people who know how to enjoy life and find the bright side in it, no matter what. The heroes of the short documentary are real characters, a young Moscow family, Ksenia and Alexei. They live in an apartment with Alexei's mother and 6 children. For each family member, there are no more than 3 square meters area. But soon at happy parents the seventh child will appear. And there will be even more happiness.

Personal life

They started talking about Nozanin Abdulvasieva after a 20-year-old student of VGIK was seen together with 50-year-old Alexander Gordon. As you know, the popular TV presenter has already had three marriages. His first wife was Maria Verdnikova, who gave birth to Alexander's daughter. The family lived in America for several years. But the relationship deteriorated, and this marriage has exhausted itself.

IN civil marriage the actor and TV presenter lived with the actress for several years. But the couple did not reach the official status and the birth of children.

The second registered marriage of a TV star with suffered the same fate. Relations with the third wife, 18-year-old student Nina Trigorina, Alexander Garrievich deteriorated after the scandalous news of the birth illegitimate daughter, whose mother was the Krasnodar journalist Elena Pashkova.

For a while, Gordon led a bachelor lifestyle. But meeting with oriental beauty Nozanin Abdulvasieva turned his life upside down. The couple met on the set of the film "Egghead", in which Alexander got the main role. Noza came to the film studio to make a report about the artist.

The 30-year age difference did not become an obstacle to the happiness of this couple. Relatives of Alexander and Nozanin also did not see the reasons why the lovers could not be together. The famous grandfather of Noza, Valery Bakievich Akhadov, shared that he had known the "half" chosen by his granddaughter for a long time and considered him an intelligent and worthy person. With him, your beloved granddaughter will be in safe hands.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva herself told reporters that she perceives a significant difference in age exclusively with a plus sign, because with an adult man who has already decided in life and stands firmly on his feet, she is comfortable and simple.

The couple registered their union quietly, trying not to attract unnecessary hype, in the summer of 2014. After the wedding, the couple went to Dushanbe, and then to the Pamirs.

In the same year, Nozanin gave birth to her husband's son, who was named Sasha. Once, the TV presenter shared that he misses the baby if he breaks up with him for at least a few hours. As Alexander Gordon himself stated in an interview on the program “Alone with Everyone”, he does not teach his wife anything, since it is impossible to teach life experience. According to him, Noza treats him as a husband and father of his children, and he likes such simplicity and honesty. Alexander believes that this marriage will be his last.

The personal life of Nozanin Abdulvasieva has developed happily. In October 2016, the couple came to the premiere at one of the Moscow cinemas, where journalists noticed the "interesting" position of Gordon's young wife.

And in January 2017, it became known that the second son Fedor appeared in the family, who became the fourth child of Alexander. First congratulatory post in " Instagram”appeared on the account of the obstetrician-gynecologist who took delivery. The photo showed a happy mother with a newborn in her arms, her husband and a doctor.

Alexander prepared for replenishment in the family by buying a spacious Vacation home, in which he moved his wife with children after the birth of Fedor. Prior to this, the newlyweds lived on rented apartment. Gordon began working on the mansion project after marrying Noz, but since the TV journalist could not find a contractor for a long time, the construction dragged on for several years.

Having chosen a place on the bank of the Pestovsky reservoir, Alexander free time dedicated to the project. The built house is divided into two parts, one of which is intended for the owners, the other for guests. Both halves are connected by a common living room. The walls are a double frame with communications hidden inside. On the roof of the building there is a terrace for relaxation, and the main place of the master's part for Alexander was his office. There is a bathroom and a garage on the property.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva now

Gordon's wife supports her husband's undertakings in everything. It is not always possible to avoid conflicts on the Male/Female program run by Alexander Gordon. According to the participants of the program, their behavior on the air is regulated by the scenario, which is negotiated in advance with the editors. The straightforwardness and corrosiveness of Alexander Gordon also impress the creators of the show, as these qualities of a TV presenter are welcomed by the audience of the program.

However, the plot of the issue does not always unfold according to the planned plan. It is impossible to predict the unexpected reactions of guests and TV presenters. So it was on the issue dedicated to the victims of domestic violence. According to Alexander, who was supported not only by the entire studio, but also by viewers, the girl who asked for help was herself a provocateur of aggression. On the air, the heroine was supported only by Alena Popova, co-author of the bill on the prevention of domestic violence.

Since Alexander Gordon spoke unflatteringly about Alena Popova on the air, she filed a lawsuit against the TV presenter. The demands were based on the article “Humiliation of the honor and dignity of a group of persons by gender”. An online petition has been created to ban journalistic activity Gordon, so Alexander filed a counterclaim for reputational damage. But both petitions after consideration by the court were not satisfied.

Noza did not remain indifferent to the conflict. The girl shot a short film "Soon on the First" about the process of creating the "Male / Female" program. The film was about the behind-the-scenes kitchen of the TV show. The short film is included in competitive program documentary film festival "Chesnok-2017", which was held in Pridnestrovie.

Now Noza is involved in the process of creating the film "Uncle Sasha" by Alexander Gordon. Filming was completed in 2017, but the premiere of the film will take place only in 2018 at the Kinotavr film festival.

The famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon, at the age of 50, married a 20-year-old girl for the fourth time, reminding his fans of the song from comedy club, which contains the words: "she is younger than their age difference." A native of Tajikistan, a student of VGIK and a representative of the cinematic family, Noza Abdulvasieva, became the chosen one of the loving star.

It is interesting that in November last year, the TV presenter broke up with his third young wife, student Nina Trigorina, and the reason for the divorce was a big difference aged. But Alexander decided to take another chance. As usual, oh important event in his personal life, Gordon did not tell the media representatives; on the personal page of his bride, there is also not a hint of new status or relationship with Alexander, joint photo not with him.

Sharks of the pen found out all the details of the wedding from the grandfather of the TV presenter's new wife, director Valery Akhadov. “In June, they registered a marriage: they went quietly and signed. And at the end of July we are planning a wedding for all relatives and friends from both sides. We have a lot of relatives from different places, we want to gather them all in Moscow,” said Valery Bakievich. I knew before, but of course not so close.I have a lot of respect for him, he is very clever man. The only thing I said: "Sash, well, you got it! There is an oriental family here, you can't get anywhere. Hands are tied. So this is the last option for him."

The relationship of the couple for Akhadov did not come as a surprise. "I was not surprised that my granddaughter fell in love with him, and he with her. They harmonious couple, despite the difference in age, and have a good influence on each other. She - with her freshness, he - with experience and knowledge. It’s good for her,” Noza’s grandfather is convinced.

At the moment Abdulvasieva is studying documentary directing at VGIK, she graduated from the second year. "They have something to talk about and argue about. Noza is a very energetic, businesslike girl. She is interested in everything, she has many friends. To be honest, I thought that her chosen one would not be of the same age, not from the course, as often happens. She when I was in the sixth grade, I went to classes in the 10th. Her brains are “older” than her peers, ”Valery Bakievich proudly told about his granddaughter to the Antenna-Telesem magazine.

The young people met on the set of the film, where Alexander was filming, and Noza was reporting from the site. new wife Gordon has already met his mom, dad, adult daughter . And all of them, according to Akhadov, are very good relations. For Alexander, this is the fourth official marriage. As already written Days.Ru, in November 2013, the TV presenter broke up with his third wife Nina Trigorina due to a big age difference. Despite the fact that Gordon himself categorically does not comment on the circumstances of his personal life, the Russian press reported that his marriage to a student was annulled.

The information was shared in the "School of the modern play". "As far as I know, the divorce is formalized," a source told reporters. close circle TV presenter. According to the theater staff, The reason for the divorce was a 30-year age difference: Alexander Gordon at that time was 49, and his ex-wife Nina was 19.

The news that the TV presenter married his student shocked not only the townsfolk, but also his many fans. As it turned out, Gordon carefully concealed his romantic relationship with a young passion, and then waved his hand at public opinion and married her. The wedding ceremony took place in December 2011 However, the celebration turned out to be so conspiratorial that it became known many months later.

The first wife of the TV presenter was journalist, writer and translator Maria Berdnikova, who now lives and works in the United States. Alexander's second wife was radio host Katya Gordon ( maiden name- Podlipchuk). For quite a long time, Gordon lived in a civil marriage with actress Nana.

Alexander Gordon is a rather colorful and prominent figure on Russian television. He tried himself in different guises: director, actor, theatrical figure, presenter, and each time he managed to prove himself in a new way, to appear in a new perspective.

Let's take a closer look at how A. Gordon came to his popularity, and what kind of person he really is.


In the inconspicuous village of Belousov, Kaluga region, on February 20, 1964, Alexander appeared in one of the maternity hospitals. The family was simple, of modest means. Mom - Antonina Dmitrievna worked as a nurse in a local hospital, and her father - Harry Gordon was a creative person.

He wrote books, composed poetry and was famous for his paintings. In the USSR he was quite famous. However, immediately after the birth of the heir, he leaves the family, leaving only Jewish surname— Gordon.

Sasha came to Moscow at the age of 3. Acquaintance with the capital began with the Danilovsky district, a year later - the family moved to the Chertanovo district.

The upbringing of a boy up to 4 years old was mainly done by his grandmother, because. Mom had to work several jobs so that her son had everything he needed.

Soon a man appears in the family, who replaced Sasha's father. Nikolai Chinin, becoming Antonina's husband, becomes Alexander's stepfather.

He took an active part in his upbringing, and subsequently A. Gordon in his interviews will call his stepfather "Russian hero".

Alexander could well have become Chinin, but at the insistence of his grandmother he took the name of his own father - Gordon. Little is known about how and where the childhood years of the TV presenter passed.

It is known that, like any child, he first dreamed of a brilliant career in the prosecutor's office, then dreamed of becoming famous as the director of his own theater.

I must say that at the age of 5 Sasha was able to organize a small theater group, which was a success. Also, his childhood hobby was hockey, but not on ice, but on asphalt.

IN school years the rebellious, sharp-witted character of Alexander began to appear. As a joke, he wrote and posted advertisements for the sale of a helicopter.

But representatives of the protection of law and order did not appreciate the joke, and held a preventive conversation with him on the topic - "What is good, what is bad." The older Gordon got, the more he tried to attract attention. No wonder he actively attended the theater studio.

Youth on the stage

After graduating from school, far from being a good one, at the insistence of his friend, he passes the entrance examinations to the Yaroslavl Theater School. Having skipped the entire first semester at student parties, he applies for his expulsion from a number of students.

It was extremely uninteresting for him to study there, because all these basics of acting, which were taught to freshmen, he perfectly mastered even in the theater school studio.

Attempt No. 2 in obtaining a profession was admission in 1982 to the Higher Theater School. Schukin. Due to a small scholarship, in parallel with his studies, he begins to teach acting skills to children.

After 5 years, in 1987, he successfully graduated from college. The acquired knowledge goes to work out in the theater-studio. R. Simonova. Thus began Alexander Gordon's career.

The beginning of a television career

After working on the stage for 2 years, Gordon decides to go to the USA to his relatives, with his family: his wife and daughter. There, his first job was fixing air conditioners, then there was pizza delivery.

The wife of A. Gordon, having a literary education, got a job on the first channel in America for Russian-speaking citizens. On this channel, Alexander begins to take his first steps in a television career.

He took on absolutely any job: from writing a script to filming and editing. For 2.5 years, he learned and studied the whole wrong side of the filming process.

After a major scandal, he had to leave this channel and get a job on WMNB television, owned by the Italian Morro family.

1993 was marked by the creation of his television company ‘Wostok Entertainment’, where he begins to produce a program for Russian television “New York, New York”.

The program is gaining popularity and unprecedented interest among the Russian audience, so Alexander Gordon, after 2 years, returns to his homeland.

In 1997 he became a correspondent for the program " special case”, six months later he already holds the position of TV presenter and author. Alexander completely immersed himself in the work on the program, because he himself was interested in the changes that had taken place during his absence in Russia.

In 1998, he became a little interested in politics. Creates a party of public cynicism, which he himself heads. Plans to run as a candidate for the presidency of the country. However, after a few years, he sells the batch for a couple of dollars to an unknown person.

In 2001, the program "Gordon" appeared on the NTV channel. After 3 years, Alexander launches another television project "Stress", where he takes an active part.

In 2002, an important meeting takes place in his life, which slightly changes the direction of his life. A. Gordon meets his biological father, and starts with him joint activities for the production of the film "The Shepherd of His Cows".

This film enters the Russian film festival "Literature and Cinema", where it receives a jury prize as the best directorial debut. In 2004, Alexander Gordon staged a performance based on Dostoevsky's play "Demons" on the stage of the "School of Modern Play" theater.

In 2007, he began to conduct "Closed Screening", "Gordon Quixote". Actively leads public life by participating in various social projects, for example "Image of the future".

Since 2010 resumes teaching activities. Starts lecturing at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

In 2013, he became a co-host of P. Tolstoy in the talk show "Politics", and in the fall of the same year, together with E. Strizhenova, he hosted the program "For and Against".

In 2014, he begins to sort out difficult issues in the relationship between a man and a woman in the television project of Channel 1 - “Male / Female”.

Personal life

Maria Berdnikova, with whom he emigrated to the United States, was his first wife. The marriage with her lasted 8 years. This union gave A. Gordon a daughter.

Then, fearing an official marriage, he has been living in a civil union with Nana Kiknadze for 7 years. She is replaced by a host with scandalous fame - Ekaterina Prokofieva. Living together lasts 6 years, and ends with a loud, public showdown and divorce.

In the winter of 2011, at the age of 47, the presenter enters into a third official marriage with 18-year-old Nina Trigorina. Due to the large age difference, the couple rarely appears together at social events. Their unequal marriage only lasted 2 years.

However, at this time, for the second time, he becomes the father of a charming daughter, whom Elena Pashkova gave him. Elena is a journalist with whom Gordon had only a fleeting romance.

In 2014, Nozanin Abdulvasieva becomes the fourth wife. She is almost 30 years younger than Alexander. Recently, a son appeared in the newly made family.

Prizes and awards

For my television career Alexander Gordon has repeatedly received the national TEFI award in the following categories.

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