Alcohol while breastfeeding - how long after you can feed your baby if the mother drinks alcohol. Drinking beer while breastfeeding, what awaits the baby

The period of breastfeeding is extremely important for the baby. It has long been known that even the best mixture for baby food cannot replace mother's milk. The development, growth and health of the child depend on the mother's diet. Many young mothers try to increase lactation using various methods. For example, it is believed that drinking beer during lactation promotes milk production. Fans of the intoxicating drink claim that it contains B vitamins and many microelements that are beneficial for the body. However, recent research has proven that this is just a myth.

Is drinking beer while breastfeeding good or bad?

Drinking beer while breastfeeding is unacceptable. Brewer's yeast can be beneficial; it actually contains a lot of minerals and trace elements necessary for the baby and his mother, as well as vitamins in large quantities.

Possible consequences for mom

An irresistible craving for this drink may be due to a lack of B vitamins. Beer is an alcoholic drink. Contact a specialist so that he can examine you and prescribe vitamin therapy. Ethyl alcohol in its composition is considered a poison and causes irreparable harm to the mother’s body, namely:

  • Destroys liver cells.
  • Causes harm digestive system and kidneys.
  • Leads to hormone imbalance;

During breastfeeding, very important role Prolactin and oxytocin play. The first promotes milk production, and the second ensures its flow into the mammary glands. Beer won't help mom with this. Beer causes increased lactation, but makes milk supply more difficult. In other words, milk will be produced better, but it is doubtful that the baby will receive enough of it.

Possible consequences for the baby

Young children are very susceptible to any harmful substances entering their mother's milk. Beer that enters a child's body through mother's milk can lead to the most dire consequences. In addition to ethyl alcohol, it contains preservatives and other dangerous chemical compounds.

An infant will not be able to overcome alcohol intoxication, because his body is not yet able to produce enzymes that inhibit alcohol. The baby's liver removes alcohol very slowly. In addition, the child may have problems sleeping and delayed motor development. The enzymes involved in fermentation, once in the child’s stomach, will cause colic and bloating. If a nursing mother drinks a harmful drink regularly, this will lead to more serious consequences, namely:

  • Worsening weight gain or loss.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Developmental delay, both physical and intellectual.
  • The emergence of a tendency to viral diseases.
  • Risk of hypoglycemia.

What if you replace it with non-alcoholic one?

Can a mother breastfeeding her baby drink? The fact that non-alcoholic beer contains very little alcohol does not mean that it is harmless to the baby and mother. This is a regular malt beer, from which all the alcohol has been evaporated during the production process. In addition to a small proportion of alcohol, it contains a whole bunch of harmful chemical substances, which and healthy people cause harm, not to mention the babies and mothers nursing them. Non-alcoholic beer contains:

  1. fusel oils;
  2. flavorings;
  3. preservatives.

All this helps to increase shelf life. None beneficial properties non-alcoholic beer does not. On the contrary, such aggressive compounds can be destructive for the baby. They are completely useless for a nursing mother and her baby.

Find the strength to give up the harmful drink at least for a while. Mom shouldn’t drink it later. The healthier your diet, the healthier your baby will be. Also, do not forget that if you drink beer in front of your baby, he will consider it normal and may later become addicted to drinking. Should a mother set a bad example for her baby and drink beer?

For most breastfeeding mothers, alcohol is a taboo product. However, rumors persist among young parents about the fabulous effects of beer on lactation. In addition, there are many brands of non-alcoholic beer on sale now. But will it help increase milk supply? Let's think about this topic together.

Photobank Lori

There is not a single study that has proven the benefits of beer for increasing lactation. It contains various substances that can affect milk production, but this effect can be either beneficial or unsafe.

All useful material, which are contained in beer, can be obtained from other products. Harmful elements, such as fusel oils, nullify all the “benefits” of this drink.

A nursing mother, without harm to the baby’s health, can drink no more than 250 ml of weak beer (with an alcohol content of 6% or less) or a maximum of 500 ml of non-alcoholic beer per day. It is also important that the child is already 3 months old by this time, and that he is healthy, and that beer is consumed only occasionally.

Beer self-hypnosis

Many nursing mothers say that after drinking beer, they felt a strong rush of milk. Some even recommend that friends with lactation problems drink it to increase their milk supply.

In fact, beer has no magical properties. A surge of milk occurs in women both from a hot drink, and from a massage of the cervical-collar area, and in the sauna, and even at the moment when loving mother looks at a photo of her baby while at work!

It is provided by the hormone oxytocin, which is most actively produced in the body in response to the baby sucking at the breast, and also under the influence of heat, relaxing massage, stroking and even just pleasant emotions.

The feeling of a rush of milk when drinking beer may be associated with the dilation of blood vessels and relaxation of the milk ducts, into which milk from the milk lobules begins to flow sharply. Another option is that this feeling is simply an indicator of the pleasure that a nursing mother experiences when she allows herself a tasty but “forbidden” drink.

Only the first glass of beer can have this effect. breastfeeding, which does not significantly increase blood alcohol content. As soon as its level becomes noticeable, the beer will cause the opposite effect.

Ethyl alcohol has the property of blocking milk secretion because it reduces the level of oxytocin in the blood. It looks like this: the breast seems full, but at the same time the baby begins to latch on to the breast more often and sucks out less milk.

Subjectively, the mother may feel this condition as a hot flash large quantity milk. But the baby receives less of it, because sucking becomes more difficult - the mammary gland “helps” the child less well in this process.

In addition, if the mother drank more than one glass of beer and the baby is too small, he may become drowsy. Not only will he not finish eating because the milk is not flowing well, but he will also sleep more soundly under the influence of alcohol.

And then the woman can conclude that the child sleeps well because he is full. This is one of the reasons why regular drinking of beer by nursing mothers can lead to the fact that infants begin to gain weight worse.

Sometimes you can hear that a nursing mother, who was completely indifferent to beer before pregnancy, suddenly begins to reach for it after giving birth.

The beer has a pleasant bready aroma because it is prepared using brewer's yeast. Our body responds well to this smell, since it is inherent in foods high in vitamin B1 and B2. The first helps a nursing mother restore strength and improve metabolism, in addition, improves the tone of the skin, blood vessels and the uterus, which contracts after childbirth. Vitamin B2 improves skin renewal. Cracked nipples in some cases may be due to its lack.

In addition, brewer's yeast contains a substance that, under the influence sunlight on the skin can be converted into vitamin D2, which is extremely useful for strengthening the bones and teeth of the nursing mother herself and for the development of her child. In general, this brewer's yeast is a storehouse of benefits. Only in beer their content is minimal.

A balanced diet is the best source of any vitamins. If a nursing mother has a craving for beer, she needs to increase the proportion of whole grain bread, vegetables, bran, meat, fermented milk products. You can use pharmaceutical brewer's yeast as a vitamin supplement (but only after consulting a doctor).

Even a small amount of ethyl alcohol and fusel oils, which are contained in beer, will do more harm to the body than a handful of vitamins and minerals from a glass of this drink. Moreover, beer long-term storage has no beneficial properties at all, and preservatives and flavorings in combination with alcohol can have the most unpredictable effects. Therefore, those of us who drink beer for pleasure while breastfeeding should not refer to its dubious health benefits. But if a few sips can bring pleasure to a nursing mother, she can afford them. The main thing is not to harm either the baby or yourself.

Beer safety rules

Non-alcoholic beer contains from 0.5 to 1.5% alcohol. This is slightly more than in kefir, but less than in live kvass. If the child does not react to the carbon dioxide that is present in beer, and he does not have an allergic reaction to hops or other components of beer, then 500 ml of non-alcoholic beer will not affect either the mother’s lactation or the baby’s well-being.

Beer with a low alcohol content (up to 6%) in an amount of 250 ml will be eliminated from the body in 1-1.5 hours, and then there will be no alcohol left in breast milk at all, so there is no need to express it and pour it out.

To ensure that alcohol and other unsafe substances do not enter milk, you must follow these rules:
- it is better to start any tastings when the baby is 3 months old and his intestines begin to better filter harmful substances;
- a portion of alcoholic beer for a nursing mother should not exceed 250 ml, and non-alcoholic beer - 500 ml per day;
- the mother should feed the baby right before drinking beer, and then wait until the alcohol is completely removed from the blood (this process takes 1-1.5 hours);
- if a woman feels very intoxicated even from a sip of beer, we may be talking about individual intolerance to alcohol or a lack of enzymes for its absorption in the body. Then alcoholic drinks in any quantity will be dangerous for both her and her baby.

Holidays are rarely complete without alcoholic beverages. They help you relax, relieve tension, and create a certain mood. But any alcohol during breastfeeding, including wine, is contraindicated for the mother, because during feeding it is passed on to the baby. The period of alcohol elimination from the developing body is 3-4 times longer than in adults. During this time, ethanol molecules can harm the developing central nervous system, gastrointestinal organs, and cause hypoglycemia.

Alcohol and breastfeeding

Research by Serge Rend has confirmed that drinking grape-based ethanol drinks improves immunity, improves mood and generally has a good effect on organ function. But alcohol has the opposite effect. It penetrates into all organic fluids, lymph, and interferes with normal lactation. Therefore, when asked whether a nursing mother can drink, 99% of doctors will answer that it is not possible. If you have drunk a couple of glasses of any alcoholic drink, then wait until your organs process it.

Does alcohol pass into breast milk?

Alcohol penetrates all organs immediately through the bloodstream. Before drinking a glass of wine, young mothers should not only think about whether alcohol gets into their breast milk, but also about the condition of your liver. Hormone surges lead to changes in the functions of this organ and metabolism. With such disorders, ethanol will quickly spread throughout the body and leave it very slowly. Alcohol penetrates into milk after 30 minutes. The decomposition time of the substance depends on the weight and condition of the mother. If you want to drink alcohol, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep in mind the baby's age. Up to 3 months, the little body is too sensitive to alcohol, which can cause poisoning.
  • You should not drink wine, vodka, champagne or cognac an hour before feeding, because the liver and pancreas will not have time to process them.
  • Consider your own weight when taking products containing alcohol. The lower it is, the longer you will have to wait for ethanol to leave the body.
  • You can drink one glass of wine, 250 ml of beer or 30 ml of cognac per day. They cannot be taken together.

What percentage passes into breast milk?

Ethanol is absorbed female body faster, but comes out slower. When asked what percentage of alcohol passes into breast milk, doctors answer that only 10%. The percentage may vary. It is affected by the mother's weight and the amount of alcoholic beverages she has taken. If you have problems with metabolism, then the percentage increases to 20. Ethanol leaves the mammary glands easily, but stays in the brain for a very long time, so even 3 hours after drinking wine or beer, women are not recommended to drive.

How long does it take for it to pass into milk?

The absorption time of any substance is determined by a person’s complexion and the rate of metabolic reactions. For this reason, it is impossible to accurately answer how long it takes for alcohol to enter breast milk. Approximate time is 25-40 minutes. Alcohol will be passed on to the baby even 2 hours after consumption. Many women find that under the influence of Cahors or beer, the child begins to fall asleep faster. This condition cannot be attributed to complete sleep. It is caused by intoxication and intoxication when feeding with alcoholized milk.

How long does it take for alcohol to be eliminated?

The average time for the breakdown of alcohol by all organic systems is 2-3 hours. This figure is also relevant as an answer to the question of how long it takes for alcohol to be excreted from breast milk. The amount of liquor taken and the person’s metabolic rate make their own adjustments. In people with quick exchange substances, ethanol will be destroyed in less time than in those who have digestive problems.

Alcohol elimination table

Before drinking wine or champagne, many nursing mothers think about how long the drinks will take to be excreted. Ideally, it is believed that a healthy body can remove up to 120 mg of the product in an hour. The following is a table for the removal of alcohol from breast milk. From it you will learn how long it takes to remove 130 ml of various drinks containing ethanol from the body.

Woman's weight in kg/Name of drink

Gin and tonic 9%

Champagne 11%

Port 18%

Do I need to express milk?

Alcohol, once in the stomach, penetrates everywhere. The main difference is the concentration of the substance. Only 10% of the ethanol molecules contained in the blood penetrate into milk. The substance is removed simultaneously from all organic systems. Therefore, when asked whether it is necessary to express milk after drinking alcohol, doctors answer that this is not necessary. But if you have a child under 3 years of age at home who needs feeding every 120-150 minutes, then you should leave a bottle with nutritional liquid.

Expressing to minimize the concentration of alcohol in the blood is useless, since all organs are renewed in a certain mode. It will not be possible to influence him from the outside. After the time indicated in the table has passed, you can continue feeding without fear that the baby will be poisoned by ethanol molecules. To be safe, you can add 1-2 hours to the alcohol withdrawal time, and then feed the baby.

Wine while breastfeeding

During pregnancy and after it, you can safely drink only soft drinks. A glass of wine while breastfeeding will harm lactation and the baby. It would be more useful to replace it with a glass of pomegranate juice, which improves the process of blood production. If you really like this drink, then wait until your baby is 4 months old. Then white and red wine will not cause much harm, even if they remain in the mammary glands and blood for longer than the prescribed 2 hours.

Beer while breastfeeding

This drink does not affect milk volumes. Beer is contraindicated during breastfeeding, as are other alcohol-containing products. It has long been rumored that a certain amount of a mixture of hops and malt has a good effect on lactation and can help new mothers restore the process of milk production. Research has refuted this information. Slight breast swelling after beer is observed for the following reasons:

  • Ethanol retains fluid in the vessels, which leads to swelling of the lymph nodes and veins.
  • High levels of alcohol inside the body suppress the production of oxytocin. This hormone is produced in mothers when the baby begins to breastfeed. It promotes the release of fluid from the breast. Without it, it remains in the glands, and the baby receives less food.

Champagne while breastfeeding

Sparkling wine is considered safe for maternal health. This alcohol-containing product will not cause severe intoxication; its effect on lactation is minimal. Champagne can be consumed during breastfeeding, but the dose should not exceed 200 ml. You should not drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach. The average time for the body to break down champagne is 180-200 minutes. Measure this interval after drinking a glass of sparkling wine.


Mother's milk is a natural food for newborns. Everything that enters the baby’s body comes from what the mother eats and drinks. Sometimes something gets into her body that a baby shouldn’t get into. Let's figure out whether you can drink beer while breastfeeding.

The benefits of beer during breastfeeding: fact or fiction?

Beer is the most insidious alcoholic drink. Many people believe that it should not be included in the list of alcohol, because a small percentage of alcohol is harmless. This is true, but in reasonable quantities for adults. But what about the mother of an infant who hears that it’s not only possible to drink beer, but even necessary?

Some advise a nursing mother to take beer to increase lactation. It's a delusion. Beer does not contain substances that can improve or accelerate the lactation process. After all, two hormones are responsible for it - oxytocin and prolactin. There are no them in beer, and there is nothing that would stimulate the production of these hormones.

There is also a popular misconception that through milk the baby receives the vitamins contained in the beer that the mother drank. Indeed, this drink contains many B vitamins. These include cobalamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, folic acid, biotin and thiamine. But so little of them enters mother’s milk that there can be no talk of any benefit for the child. In addition, along with beneficial vitamins and microelements, beer also contains toxic compounds: fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers, methanol. Which also end up in milk. Should I feed my baby this?

Sometimes women justify drinking beer while breastfeeding by saying that it stimulates the baby's appetite. Forgetting or not knowing that appetite depends on the intensity of hormone production, the amount of energy expended and the baby’s metabolic rate.

The effect of beer on the body of mother and baby

Scientists have proven that 1 liter of 5% beer kills 6 thousand nerve cells in the body of an adult. And once in a child’s body, it has a detrimental effect on the liver, kidneys, disrupts the rhythm of the digestive tract, and upsets hormonal background, nervous system, leads to general intoxication or addiction, developing into addiction. Neonatologists note that when a nursing mother regularly drinks beer, the following happens to the child:

  • addiction. According to doctors, this is the least bad thing that can happen to a child who regularly receives a dose of alcohol through breast milk;
  • destruction nervous system. The baby does not yet have the enzymes that can neutralize the effects of alcohol and remove it from the body. They are formed only by 4-5 years. As a result, the child may develop mental retardation and become disabled with impaired motor skills;
  • allergy. Alcohol is a food provocateur. It accumulates in breast milk in approximately the same amount as in the blood. And in the baby’s body, it can cause irritation in the form of redness on the skin, diaper rash, seborrheic crusts on the head, as well as gastrointestinal disorders;
  • convulsions. When breastfeeding, a baby can be poisoned by ethyl alcohol products. And they, in some cases, entail convulsions that develop into terrible disease– epilepsy;
  • brain damage. This is the most terrible consequence. Its symptoms do not appear immediately; the disease can only be diagnosed after 5 years. Organic brain damage cannot be treated; such children will forever experience frequent mood swings, sudden outbursts of aggression, and unpreparedness for adult challenges.

How to protect a child from the influence of alcohol during feeding if the mother has already drunk?

Breastfeeding is a long process that lasts for a year or even longer. And it is quite possible that a woman with a baby will want to drink beer. Is there any way to prevent alcohol from getting into a child’s body? It turns out yes! To do this you need:

  • reschedule the intake of alcoholic beverages until the evening, after feeding and putting the baby to bed beforehand;
  • feed the child immediately after drinking beer, while ethyl alcohol has not yet entered the milk.
    do not combine beer with medicines containing paracetamol. This is a killer formula for a baby;
  • strictly abstain from drinking any alcohol, including non-alcoholic beer, until the child is 3 months old. Since at this time the child’s body is still very vulnerable to any irritants, and almost all products labeled “non-alcoholic” contain alcohol, albeit in a small amount, about 0.5%;
  • express milk before an event where there will be alcohol, so that you can feed your baby later.

Of the total amount of alcohol contained in the drink, about 10% passes into mother's milk. This means that if a woman weighing 60 kg drank 250 ml of beer with an alcohol content of 5%, the alcohol will be eliminated from her body, and therefore from her milk, in about 3 hours. Expressing before this time will not bring any results, since alcohol has not yet been eliminated from the body, therefore, when new milk is formed, it will get there too. With moderate (no more than 500 ml per day) consumption of non-alcoholic beer, and the alcohol content in it is usually 0.5%, no more alcohol enters breast milk than when the mother drinks kvass or natural kefir. Therefore, in principle, it is possible to feed a child with this milk.

If it so happens that a nursing mother has already drunk more than the “safe” dose of beer, the baby can be put to the breast only after 24 hours, or, in extreme cases, after 12 hours. Complete removal of alcohol from breast milk occurs approximately on the second day. This process can be accelerated by taking activated carbon– it is safe for mother and child.

Summarize. It is not recommended for nursing mothers to drink even non-alcoholic beer. Children's body facing negative impact alcohol, begins irreversible processes, which are then very difficult to stop. But if you want some beer, it’s better to give preference to quality soft drink. If you still want to drink alcoholic beer, express the milk in advance and observe the measure.

Is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding? Today this question is heard on many programs about your baby’s health and is discussed on forums for young mothers. Oddly enough, the opinions of doctors and some nursing mothers are divided. The fact is that this alcoholic drink actually contains beneficial substances. However, the harm of such a drink lies in fusel oils, which neutralizes all benefits.

In addition, doctors say that beer does not help increase lactation at all, and this is already a common self-hypnosis. Mothers, in turn, describe the miraculous effect of alcohol in small quantities. They tell how they have tried all the remedies and teas, but nothing helps. Then one of them drank a little beer, which led to a large flow of milk.

How can we explain this? It has been scientifically proven that this drink tends to accumulate in tissues, which leads to their stretching and swelling. Thus, the mother begins to feel a rush of milk, but feeding is difficult for the baby. Why? Beer retains fluid in the body, including mother's breast milk, which forces the baby to suck with all his might.

Is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding? The answer is ambiguous. If a young mother consumes, for example, at least 250 ml unfiltered beer, then, undoubtedly, it gets into the milk, although after some time. If you drink non-alcoholic drink, then the permissible dosage is approximately 500 ml, nothing will threaten the baby’s health.

Of course, there are times when you want to drink, but you need to think about the child first. Any, even a small amount of alcohol is harmful to the baby. According to research results, it was found that the drink itself has an effect on milk production, but this can bring both benefit and harm.

Many mothers cannot imagine their life without alcohol. As for pregnancy, there are all sorts of bad habits should be excluded. After giving birth, it is usually necessary for at least 3 months to pass before breastfeeding and alcohol can be combined.

Maybe this is self-hypnosis?

Modern mothers both smoke and drink. Then they only wonder why their child is sick. It has been proven that during breastfeeding, the baby absorbs along with the milk everything that the mother ate and drank the day before. That is, if you do drink, then depending on the weight and amount you drink, you cannot feed the baby for some time.

Experienced mothers advise all other breastfeeding women to drink a little beer, they say, it helps you relax and the baby is well-fed. However, something completely different happens. You couldn’t resist allowing yourself a glass of alcoholic drink and soon decided to feed the baby. He seemed to have eaten (as it seems) and fell asleep. In fact, alcohol penetrates the body and, accordingly, into the milk. It feels good, you relax. Next, the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for milk production, slows down this process, and you feel that there is a lot of milk in your breasts. During breastfeeding, a baby who is trying to suck milk (but it doesn't come out well) finally stops doing it, never having had enough. Soon he falls asleep and sleeps soundly. This happens under the influence of alcohol that gets into the milk during feeding. It's good if you drank a little and the baby is more than 3 months old.

If you want to increase lactation, you don’t have to use a product whose benefits you doubt. Usually milk appears when you experience any positive emotions, take a hot shower, directing it to the back at chest level, or from a hot drink. Here, as in the famous proverb, all means are good. The main thing is that it is pleasant. This, by the way, can be achieved with an ordinary massage or watching good movie. But alcohol in any form or quantity has never brought benefit to nursing mothers.

The point here is precisely in self-hypnosis, which refers to psychological aspect. This is a kind of placebo method, that is, a person convinces himself that it is useful, necessary, necessary, but in reality - the opposite or no result at all.

Therefore, do not be deceived when on some forum one young mother advises you to drink your favorite alcoholic drink. And then you won’t have to look for reasons to drink a glass a day.

Beer and breast milk: are there any benefits?

Most often it happens like this: a mother gave birth, and then she was drawn to beer. Why? Although she is not an alcoholic, sometimes she really wants to drink. This is explained by the fact that real beer actually contains a substance that has beneficial properties. This is brewer's yeast. The smell of beer is bready, and the body of a young mother associates it with vitamins such as B1 and B2, as well as D2. In the first case, the vitamin improves metabolism and restores strength, and in the second, skin renewal occurs, which has a beneficial effect on appearance. Vitamin D2 is essential for strengthening teeth and rapid hair growth. In addition, the above microelements help the development of the child.

Therefore, as soon as you feel the urgent need to drink beer, reconsider your diet, it lacks these vitamins. Try to increase your consumption of bran, whole grain bread, vegetables, meat products and, accordingly, fermented milk. It is very important to monitor your nutrition during feeding, as this is what you are feeding your baby.

How to drink beer correctly and what you can replace it with

So, here you need to take into account that you will be drinking exclusively non-alcoholic beer. But even it contains approximately 0.5-1.5% alcohol. If the child is not allergic to the components of this drink (for example, hops) and does not react to carbon dioxide, which is an integral component of beer, then 500 ml will not cause any particular harm to either mother or baby.

As for the 6% alcohol content of this drink, the dose should be halved, that is, 250 ml. Do not forget that you cannot feed the baby for an hour, since ethyl alcohol has not yet been removed from the milk. By the way, after this time there is no need to express milk, there will be no alcohol in it.

Beer while breastfeeding: some tips.

  1. The child should be fed before drinking alcohol and after 1-1.5 hours. This way you will protect him from alcohol entering his body.
  2. Don't drink beer if you get drunk even from one sip. This is explained by the fact that there are not enough special enzymes for the absorption of alcohol, or there is individual intolerance.
  3. Remember, the lower your weight, the slower the alcohol is eliminated. However, due to the fact that almost every seventh mother drinks alcohol (mostly beer or wine), doctors have drawn up rules to protect the child from the harmful effects of alcohol.
  4. One of the main conditions is the age of the child. Until 3 months, his intestines are not able to filter good and bad substances. When breastfeeding, he absorbs absolutely everything. Therefore, set yourself a ban on alcohol at least in the first few months of his life.

You can always substitute beer. The same percentage of alcohol is contained in live kvass and kefir. This is much more useful, and the effect is the same. However, if there is a repeated need for alcohol, it means that a mechanism for the development of alcoholism has been launched, and when a person drinks systematically (especially a woman), this can become an incurable problem.

To increase lactation while breastfeeding, consume more water, juice, tea.

The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy; it is based on herbs that promote milk production.

What to do if you really want to drink during lactation?

There are cases when a woman during breastfeeding for some reason cannot give up alcohol, for example, on her birthday. It is necessary to protect your baby from possible negative consequences. To combine beer and feeding, good option will express milk in advance for one or two feedings. When feeding, it is advisable to consume no more than 0.5 liters of beer, and the gas must first be released. Breastfeeding after alcohol is not recommended for 12-24 hours; it is better to use milk prepared in advance.

One more point: it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (even beer) on an empty stomach. Always have something to eat and then drink alcohol. Otherwise, you will quickly get drunk, and the alcohol itself will be completely eliminated after many hours. A nursing mother cannot take such risks.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only made after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

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