Muscle anatomy and muscle groups. How do muscles grow? How to build muscle quickly and correctly

If you have a fast metabolism and a thin figure, building muscle can be very difficult. If you want to build up quickly muscle mass, you will have to make a few compromises, such as increasing fat mass in addition to muscle mass and giving up other types physical activity(for example, from running) so that your body concentrates on gaining muscle mass. You will need to eat more, use the right strength training strategy, and perform exercises designed to increase muscle size. Keep reading and you will learn how to turn into a muscleman in a few weeks.


Strength exercises to build muscle

    Start with basic strength training. Most core body exercises should start with basic, multi-joint strength training that will allow you to lift more total weight, including the bench press for the chest, overhead press for the deltoids, bent-over rows for the back, and squats for the legs. This will allow you to lift more weight when performing exercises, and at the same time be fresh and have sufficient energy reserves to better stimulate muscle growth.

    Give it your all. The key to building muscle is performing exercises at high intensity. Exercises performed at low intensity, even if performed over a long period of time, cannot come close to achieving the conditions in which muscles are broken down and then repaired. Plan 30-45 minute workouts 3-4 times a week (every other day). This may seem surprisingly doable, but remember that during each workout you should be working as hard as possible. Don't worry, you will definitely feel pain in your muscles and soon you will see the result and the pain will go away.

    • Each workout, lift as much weight as possible using proper form. Experiment to find out how much weight you need to lift by performing sets with different loads. You should be able to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps without lowering the dumbbells or barbell. If you can't do it, then reduce the weight. Typically, sets of 6-12 reps will promote volumetric muscle growth, and lower reps will be endurance work at the expense of muscle volume.
    • If you can do more than 10 reps without feeling a burning sensation, add weight. You won't gain muscle unless you push yourself to the max.
  1. Do the exercises correctly. To develop precise technique, perform each repetition with correct form. Beginners, aim to keep your target reps within your strength limits. Find a rhythm for each exercise. Don't reinforce the wrong technique from the start.

    • You should complete each movement without feeling the need to bend over or change position. If you can't do it, then you need to use less weight.
    • In most cases, you start the exercise with your arms and legs extended.
    • Before performing the exercises on your own, practice with a trainer several times and learn the correct forms of various exercises.
  2. Alternate muscle groups. You don't want to train the same muscle groups every workout or you'll end up damaging your muscles. Alternate muscle groups so that you work on each group for an hour each workout. If you workout three times a week, try something like this:

    Avoid so-called plateau periods. If you do the same exercise for a long period of time, you will not notice progress. You need to add weight and when you reach a plateau with the new weight, switch to another exercise. Be aware of your progress and notice when your muscles seem to be stagnant for a while. This could be a sign that it's time for you to add more weight.

    Rest between workouts. For people with fast metabolisms, the rest period is almost as important as the workout itself. Your body needs time to build muscle tissue without burning tons of calories during other activities. Running and other aerobic exercise can slow muscle growth. Relax between workouts. Get a good night's sleep so you're refreshed for your next trip to the gym.

    Make a connection between your thoughts and your muscles. Research confirms that developing the mind-muscle connection helps improve training results in gym. Instead of thinking about your day or the blonde next to you, try to focus on building muscle to improve your performance. You can do it like this:

    • As you perform each repetition, visualize the muscle group you are pumping in front of you.
    • If you are performing sets with one arm, place your other hand on the muscle you want to improve. This will help you feel where exactly your muscle is tense and refocus your efforts.
    • Remember, it's not the weight you lift that matters, it's the effect that weight has on the muscle that results in increased size and strength. It has a lot to do with what you think about and what you focus on.

    Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

    1. Eat high-calorie natural foods. You should get your calories from whole and natural foods, which will provide the fuel your body needs to build muscle quickly. Foods rich in sugar, high-grade flour, trans fats and additives are characterized big amount calories, but not enough nutrients- they promote fat growth, not muscle growth. If you want your muscles to grow and look ripped, you need to eat foods from every food group.

      • Eat protein-rich foods such as steaks and roast beef, fried chicken (with skin and dark meat), trout, eggs and pork. Proteins are very important for muscle growth. Avoid bacon, sausages and other smoked meats, which contain additives that may be harmful when consumed. large quantities.
      • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits of all kinds. They supply your body with fiber and essential nutrients, as well as water.
      • Eat whole grains: oat, wheat and buckwheat instead of white bread, cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles and so on.
      • Eat legumes and nuts such as black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, walnuts, peanuts and almonds.
    2. Eat more than you think you need. Do you eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full? This sounds quite normal, but not when your goal is to build muscle. In this case, you should eat much more than usual. Take a supplement to your regular portion, and even more if you can handle it. The idea is simple: to build muscle, your body needs fuel.

      • A good breakfast for muscle growth may include a bowl of oatmeal, 4 eggs, two or more pieces fried beef, apple, orange and banana.
      • For lunch you can have a chicken sandwich with whole bread wheat flour, a few handfuls of nuts, 2 avocados, and a cabbage salad with tomatoes.
      • For dinner, cook a big steak or other protein food, potatoes, vegetables, and feel free to take extra.
    3. Eat at least five times a day. Don't wait until your stomach craves food because when you are in the muscle-building phase, you need to constantly replenish your body's reserves. It won't last forever, so try to have fun! In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat two extra times a day.

    4. Accept nutritional supplements, but don't rely on them entirely. Don't count on muscle-building protein milkshakes to do all the work for you. To build muscle, you will need to get the lion's share of your calories from whole, high-calorie foods. As stated earlier, you can help speed up the process by taking certain nutritional supplements that will not harm your body.

      • Creatine is a protein supplement that helps build muscles. It is sold in powder form, mixed with water and drunk several times a day.
      • Protein milkshakes like Ensure are acceptable supplements to have on hand if you have trouble getting enough calories between meals.
    5. If in this moment If you don't have dumbbells or a barbell and haven't done any strength training, start with push-ups or pull-ups. At first they will be quite effective.
    6. Do reverse push-ups: start at the top and slowly lower down. Get down as low as possible without your chest and stomach touching the floor. Then get back up and start again. This is a good option if you are not strong enough to do regular push-ups.
    7. Warnings

    • Exercising too intensely can be detrimental to your health. Monitor your health and limit your efforts to avoid injury.

What a Scott bench is for and what a barbell is is already known. Let's start training like adults, and consider the training process of forming muscle volume correctly.

This is not your first time in the gym and you know what pronation and supination are, but this is not enough - we will continue to learn how to correctly and efficiently gain muscle mass for an accomplished adult man.

You will be provided with the entire training process, program, by a professional in this field. Learn to understand loads, dosage, volumes, understand how to optimally choose one or another weight for yourself, how much and what kind of rest you should have, and much more, which will lead you to maximum success.

Nowadays, there are enough ways that are not always correct in everything, and therefore we will approach this issue using only proven and effective methods. It is necessary to understand how training of different intensity ultimately leads to a beautiful, sculpted body.

It is very important to understand the importance of increasing the intensity of the load, but for some reason this is not taken into account and, accordingly, even experienced bodybuilders who participate in various competitions and simply experienced athletes do not use it. And in this matter, qualifications or the number of hours spent in the gym do not matter at all - the main thing is to increase the intensity of training!

For more than 6 months, or even a year, you have been doing a certain number of approaches to an exercise with the same number of repetitions, with the same weight, without changing anything in this program - in this case, we can say with confidence that you are “treading water” place, and you are unlikely to “sculpt” a beautiful, sculpted body. The reason is that with this training regimen, the body is “accustomed” to a certain load, and it does not need to work particularly hard to change something, in this case, muscle mass.

After training, usually, muscle size increases, this is how it should be, but there is no stimulation of their growth. In order to dramatically increase mass and build large muscles, in the case of certain training sessions that have been going on for a long time, this is especially important for professionals participating in competitions, special measures must be taken.

Term "intensity" takes on special meaning and significance when the moment of preparation comes. When composing a training complex, it is very important to increase or decrease the intensity in everything in order to exclude when working with large scales. With sufficient knowledge of the body's reactions to different types loads, you will be able to competently use a variety of techniques for building muscle mass, receiving physical and mental satisfaction from the process.

Proper muscle building

As a rule, when you decide to go to the gym, you are driven by the desire to look attractive, that is, to “pump up.” But after some time, such a desire should develop into an understanding of the need to “swing” correctly. Here it is important to study the biomechanics of the body, this will help to understand correct technique execution, dosing the load - that is, adequate weight, the number of exercises performed, approaches, as well as proper rest and much more.

There are two very important concepts in creating a quality training program for experienced athletes that determine the level of intensity -.

In order to make the most of your natural potential, opportunities must be applied during your work in the gym different weight projectile and a different number of approaches. This type of training will also help avoid overtraining. Also apply this to different parts of the body, based on your knowledge of your weak points.

What are these methods for pumping up muscles?

It is generally accepted that increasing muscle mass is achieved by using heavy weights with short repetitions per set. This is not entirely true - muscle strength increases, but you are unlikely to achieve the desired growth using this method.

You can work differently - don’t take heavy weight(about 50% of your max), but do a lot of reps per set. Thus, muscle strength remains at the same level, and trophism increases.

It is a big misconception to work in one familiar mode without diversifying the load. A high-quality complex, especially for experienced athletes, necessarily includes various loads - heavy, medium and light.

To achieve progress in bodybuilding, having been training for quite a long time, there is a method of progression. That is, constant increase your his maximum weight the equipment used and alternating the number of repetitions in the approach (few - many), this is one of the main methods of building large muscle mass.


This is all that you do during training plus the weight of the equipment used, and is usually called volume. If you want to create a large, ripped body, then work as hard as possible during training, and use a fairly high intensity - then you can significantly increase your muscle mass. With such work, another mechanism of our body is activated - hyperplasia. Surely everyone knows such a concept as hypertrophy is a reduction in muscle cells in the human body. So hyperplasia, on the contrary, increases their number.

But still, with a frequent and sharp increase in repetitions and approaches, even understanding their effectiveness, it is quite possible to achieve a state of overtraining.

The best way to work this way is to maximize muscle growth with high volume training, alternating from time to time with low volume training. This will make it clear that your body is responding adequately to the load and working in the right direction.

Muscle failure

Here, when training to increase muscle mass, both large and small weights of equipment are used. The specificity of this method is that the approach must be continued until you feel that you cannot do it any more without the help of a partner.

The use of this method allows you to achieve a greater training effect, in contrast to the method of early termination of the exercise. But even in the case of premature stopping of the approach, before muscle failure, it can also help in increasing volumes. The mechanism is as follows: the main factor in muscle growth in this case is overload. Regularly working with heavy weights, but with different quantities repetitions, you overload the muscles, and thus adaptation occurs faster.

And yet, how to train?

Increasing muscle strength does not occur in one mode; this process occurs in different ways - sometimes it accelerates, sometimes it slows down. Knowing this, training complexes for athletes who are seriously involved in this must necessarily have different types of loads - exercises to muscle failure, close to failure, and classical approaches. When training to failure, you can also use a couple of approaches, finishing the exercise close to muscle failure. For example, one or two repetitions remain until the critical moment, and you stop, thereby maintaining the training effect, but the nervous system does not suffer.

Proper rest

Usually bodybuilders rest as standard, as they prefer, without leaving their comfort zone. But you should take into account and understand that properly selected rest between approaches and exercises is another method that can increase the intensity of the training process and thereby help build more muscle mass.

How much time will be needed to rest depends on the amount of available energy sufficient for the muscles to complete the next approach. With a sufficiently long rest in 3 minutes, your muscles return to normal 100 percent, thereby giving you the opportunity to work with the largest possible weights for you. This is the reason why many experienced bodybuilders use this rest interval. The use of long rest intervals between approaches and the use of maximum weight is mandatory for complexes of highly qualified athletes, since these methods help the muscles to adequately perceive overloads and achieve proper mass growth.

When using shorter rest intervals - 60 to 90 seconds, you thereby recover by 85-90 percent, and in this case greater influence appears to affect growth hormone levels, as opposed to a 3-minute rest. Short rest intervals are suitable for muscle hypertrophy, that is, with moderate or low load, with many repetitions per set and maximum volume. Practice has proven that a large hormonal surge occurs if you use it to build muscle mass. 10 repetitions per set and rest between them lasts from 45 seconds to a minute.

Based on all of the above, in order for the process of muscle growth to occur constantly and steadily, it is necessary to know and apply all these important training methods - volume, muscle failure and rest, adjusting them from time to time.

All these three points are interdependent, so when adjusting one, you need to pay attention and change the other two accordingly. If you have decided to become a highly qualified bodybuilder, then you simply must know and apply all these methods during training.

In fact, the most difficult thing to write a correct and effective training program is to gain muscle mass and form a beautiful, ripped body. With high ability human body adapt, if you stop and stop changing conditions, then it will simply stop changing. Create a program that will “shake” your body properly with a good and correct load, and you will achieve the desired result from it!

Swing correctly
in the gym is very important, since the result of your workouts directly depends on it. But the correctness of training is determined not only by general, but also by individual factors. Thus, for a beginner athlete, a correctly constructed split is one thing, but for a more advanced athlete it is completely different, and the stage of training should also be taken into account. Some rules apply to gaining muscle mass, others when working on strength indicators, and others when working on quality. It is important to note that it is impossible to consider training separately from recovery, since the training process is a system of loads and adaptation. During training, you create stress, which triggers the process of synthesis of contractile proteins, but at the end of it, an even more important stage begins - recovery, on which, in fact, your progress depends. If you train correctly, but then do not recover, then instead of growth, regression will occur, and constant training in the under-recovery mode will generally lead to a training plateau.

In this article you will learn how to properly lift in the gym, taking into account the fitness level, training goal and recovery capabilities of the athlete. You will also find out general rules workouts that should be followed regardless of a specific training program. However, not all of these recommendations are regulatory in nature, since each person has different genetics and reacts differently to training stress. A very large number of factors play a role here, from muscle composition to pharmacological support. But there are also rules that are always fair! For example, progression of loads and systematic training. At the same time, there are rules that you need to take into account, but this does not mean that they cannot be adapted to suit you. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary, and for this you need to follow one more inviolable rule - keep a training diary!

General training rules

The volume of training must be such that the body is able to digest it, so the key factor in this case is the duration of the training. Training in the gym depends on its purpose, but it should not exceed 60 minutes. This refers to direct training with iron, not including warm-up. The point is that in 60 minutes hormonal background sharply worsens, the level of testosterone and insulin drops, as a result of which catabolic processes begin to prevail over anabolic ones, and instead of progress, regression occurs. Of course, it is also important to take into account the intensity of the workout, which directly depends on which muscle fibers you are working. That is why, when an athlete trains for strength, he can pump longer than when working on weight, since in the first case glycolytic and high-threshold fast muscle fibers are trained, and in the second, oxidative ones.

The time under load and the rest time between approaches depend on the goal, strength or mass. If, in order to properly swing for strength, it is necessary to load the muscles in each approach for 10-20 seconds, which is approximately equal to 3-6 repetitions, then when training for weight, the athlete performs 6-12 repetitions, as a result of which the muscles are under load for 20- 50 seconds. But the rest time between approaches during strength training, on the contrary, is longer; the athlete can rest for 5 or 10 minutes, and while gaining weight, the rest lasts up to 1 minute between approaches. What is typical is that during relief training, the rest between approaches is even shorter, and there are even more repetitions, while such training is the shortest. It is not difficult to conclude that as intensity increases, the duration of the workout decreases.

Progression of loads is an inviolable rule of training, which consists of constantly trying to give your muscles more load. Such progress is most easily accomplished by increasing the working weights on the bar. This doesn't mean that you need to grow in every set of every exercise from workout to workout, no, that's not how it works. It is enough for you to perform at least one approach with a large weight in the basic exercise for the muscle group being trained. Let's say you're trying pump up your chest , which means that the basic exercise is the bench press or the angled press, which is what you should try to progress in the first place. At the same time, in other exercises it is also necessary to try to increase the weight, but again not necessarily in all approaches.

But even if you lift absolutely correctly, it will most likely become problematic to progress very soon using weights. Actually, even when this is possible, it will still rarely be possible to increase the weight and keep the number of repetitions at the same level. More often than not, you will increase the weight and the number of repetitions will drop. Therefore, the progression of loads will occur in cycles. In the first cycle you will increase the weight, accordingly, the repetitions will fall, and in the second cycle you will try to perform the same number of repetitions with more weight. This progression scheme is the simplest and most effective, but over time its effectiveness begins to fall and then it is necessary to use more progressive methods training. They are no better, it’s just that when the muscles are already accustomed to a certain stress, then in order to “surprise” them, to give them an incentive to adapt, an unusual load is needed. The bottom line is that the growth of muscle mass is only an external reflection of the body’s adaptation to the load it receives during training.

Systematicity is another rule of training that should always be followed, regardless of training level or training stage. First of all, you need training diary , which will help to comply with the principle of constant progression of loads. Without a diary, you will not be able to track your progress or make adjustments to your training program, since your training simply will not be a system. A lot of guys work out without a diary, and they have no results for years, so be sure to start a diary, record everything in it and try to beat your previous “records” every training session. At the same time, it is not enough to just swing correctly; it is also important to recover correctly. We will look at what exactly should be done for correct recovery later, since it depends on the specific training cycle, but for now it is important to note that recovery should lead to super compensation .

Conclusion : training rules must be followed to ensure that the body receives adequate load during training, so that the athlete can avoid overtraining. At the same time, you should definitely try to progress the load, since this the only way force the body to adapt, and the body’s adaptation will externally look like muscle growth. In order for progress to become possible, it is necessary to keep a training diary and monitor recovery, since progress is only possible in one case if the muscles reach the point of supercompensation during their next workout.

How start right sway

A novice athlete, first of all, needs to set a goal correctly, because initial stage there is no need to strive to gain muscle mass or increase strength indicators, this will have to be done in the future. The main task of a novice athlete is to prepare all body systems for future training in the gym. First of all, it is necessary to develop muscle feeling , that is, work out the technique and learn how to properly contract muscle fibers. The best way To achieve this goal, circular training is used, which uses small working weights, about 50%, and such training should consist of basic exercises. Training program for beginners is perfect for solving these problems. This training period lasts from 2 to 4 months, depending on the physical fitness of the athlete.

We have already written in detail about recommendations for beginners in the article about bodybuilding for beginners , here we briefly note the basic rules: during training, the athlete should not reach positive failure, for this purpose only 50% of the working weight is used; workouts should be short and last no more than 40 minutes; training should be circular, and the technique of performing exercises should be ideal. Preparatory stage training is the most important, so we strongly recommend not to rush, in 2 months you still will not gain muscle mass, no matter how correctly you pump, especially since without proper preparation your body simply will not digest such a load, which theoretically can stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Be patient and spend at least 2 months preparing. Believe me, it will pay off triple and in the very near future!

As needed swing correctly to ground

Gaining muscle mass is a process of gradual muscle hypertrophy due to regular exercise of a certain type. But during the training process, not just muscles are trained, but certain muscle qualities. For hypertrophy, it is most effective to train qualities strength endurance muscles, that is, the ability to perform hard work for a long time. This is why bodybuilders train volumetrically, in a large number of approaches and repetitions. The most important rules training for weight is the speed of each repetition, the total time of the muscle under load in the approach, rest between approaches and the total number of lifts of the barbell per workout. On the other side of the muscle building process is recovery, which, as you already know, should allow you to achieve supercompensation. Your task is to select an adequate load that is capable of stimulating hypertrophy and which your body is able to digest, as well as selecting an adequate recovery system. You will now find out what this looks like from a practical point of view, but remember that everything is individual, therefore, if on average you need to rest for 2 weeks between heavy leg workouts, then 10 days may be enough for you, but 20 may not be enough for your partner. Everything is individual. , so don't be afraid to experiment!

Rules for training for weight

The duration of the weight training should not exceed 60 minutes, preferably 50. Each approach should last from 20 to 40 seconds, during which time you should do from 6 to 12 repetitions, depending on the exercise you are performing. The barbell squat is a more challenging exercise than the close-grip bench press, so you can do about 8 reps of squats and about 12 reps of the close-grip bench press in 50 seconds. This is why “triceps love high reps.” The bottom line is that muscles grow best when their energy supply comes from glycolysis. In general, there are three methods of energy supply to muscles: 2 anaerobic and 1 aerobic. During the first 10-20 seconds, the athlete depletes the supply of creatine phosphate, over the next 20-30 seconds the supply of glycogen, after which the muscles begin to “acidify” - this is the process of energy supply with the participation of air.

Since in order to properly lift weights, it is necessary to deplete glycogen reserves, you should recover between approaches so much time that it is enough to restore glycogen reserves. Optimal time rest is 1 minute. Would it be beneficial to get more rest? Yes, it would! But then your tonnage per workout would be low. You remember that the process of muscle hypertrophy is a process of adaptation of the body to performing volumetric strength work, therefore the KPS, the number of lifts of the barbell, per workout should be large. There is a method to increase the rest time between approaches without reducing the CP, this is a super series of 2-3 exercises, most often 2. The athlete builds a training split so that in 1 workout he can pump 2 antagonist muscle groups, for example, biceps and triceps, and trains with supersets .

This training method is suitable for more advanced athletes who can no longer manage in simple ways training, but this is perhaps the first thing that should be included in your weight training program when muscles stop responding to stress. Super series are performed like this: You perform a set for the biceps, after which you immediately perform a set for the triceps without rest, then rest for a minute and repeat everything again. Thus, each muscle rests for 2 minutes, while it is actively washed with blood when you train its antagonist. The classic pairs of antagonist muscles are: biceps and triceps, back and chest, quadriceps and hamstrings, anterior and middle deltoids.

The required number of approaches per workout per working muscle group varies depending on the level of training of the athlete and the muscle group itself. For athletes who have just switched to the split system after a period of preparation, for large muscle groups 6-8 working approaches should be performed, 4-5 approaches for small muscle groups. Athletes who have already trained for six months can increase the number of approaches to 10-12 and 6-8, respectively. In the future, the volume of training must be adjusted more individually, experimenting and recording the results in the training diary. Most likely, you will add exercises to some muscle groups faster than others, since each of us has our own genetics. But all this must also be ensured correct system recovery.

Following this list of 10 important rules talking about how to properly pump up your muscles, you will eventually get the body that you had only dreamed of before.

Naturally, for short period you won’t be able to achieve what you want, however, so that the efforts made do not become in vain, these rules must be recognized as “golden” for yourself and always strictly followed.

Rule #1: Nutrition

When purchasing products, be sure to read the labels. This will help you get reliable information about the number of calories they contain. You can read more about nutrition methods in our article - diet for muscles.

Rule #2: Limit Cardio

You should do 3 treadmill workouts per week and no more. The duration of one cardio session is approximately 30 minutes.

It is best to do cardio at intervals - this method will create optimal fat loss and at the same time help maintain muscle mass.

There are two types of interval training - medium and high intensity. The selected complex must be performed 1-2 times a week, for 30 minutes.

Rule #3: Number of reps

Each approach should have no more than 20 repetitions. In this case, it is important to get the onset of muscle failure around the 12th repetition of the exercise. The optimal number of repetitions varies between 6 and 12 times in each set.

This is the only way to ensure a comfortable increase in muscle mass. The duration of the workout should not exceed one hour; it is also necessary to observe a rest regime - at least 70 seconds between approaches.

It is important not to increase the volume of exercises, but to wisely add weight to the apparatus.

Rule #4: Implement comprehensive training

You should know that best result The benefits of training are achieved if the athlete concentrates on those exercises in which many muscles are simultaneously involved. For example, such as pull-ups, squats, push-ups, bench press, etc.

Rule #5: Stretching

Stretching and gentle massage will help you prevent injury and will also ensure that your muscles recover quickly before your next workout.

Rule No. 6: eat regularly

Food should enter your body in small portions, 5-6 meals per day. High-quality foods high in carbohydrates and proteins are needed to ensure muscle growth and maintain high level metabolism.

Rule No. 7: Bodybuilding should be varied

Some parts of your training program need to be changed after 4 - 6 weeks of strict implementation. You can, for example, increase the number of repetitions, or add more additional exercise or reduce rest time. It is worth doing pumping workouts periodically.

Rule No. 8: work all muscles

In each exercise or workout, try to use as many muscles as possible. Due to this, the body produces increased secretion of growth hormone, which serves as a stimulus for muscle growth.

Rule No. 9: eat before and after classes

Eat food rich in slow carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, vegetables) and proteins an hour before classes. The ratio of carbohydrates to protein should be: 2 g per 1 g. After training, also consume protein, but also add fast carbohydrates (honey, White bread, black chocolate).

Rule #10: Rest to Recover

7-8 hours of sleep a day is the ideal time for complete restoration of strength, performance and excellent well-being. If you had to spend a sleepless night, then you need to make up for sleep as soon as possible.


How to pump up properly in a short time?

The number of people wanting to pump up their muscles is growing every day. A beautiful and toned body is the dream of almost everyone.

In order to give your body a sporty, sculpted shape, you can go in 2 ways: sign up for a gym or exercise at home. Gyms have trainers who will create a personal program.

If the choice is to train at home, you need to know how to swing properly.

To properly pump up muscles, you must follow the basic rules:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Maintaining precision and technicality of training.
  3. Allow muscles to recover.

How to pump up correctly and quickly?

Before you start swinging, you need to decide on your goal. You can train to make your abs more prominent or pump up your biceps, enlarge your shoulders or pump up your whole body.

However, in any case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Must be basic exercises with free weights. Basic exercises consist of: bench and standing presses, squats, deadlifts. If you do only the triceps, then the rest of the muscles will not be involved. In this case, the result will be uneven. And with the bench press, almost the entire muscle group works.
  2. You can't overload. In the first stages, the base can be done 2 times a week. After some time, increase by 1 more time. That is, you cannot train more than 3 times a week. If muscles are subjected to training every day, they will start to hurt and then stop growing. Therefore, everything needs to be done in moderation.
  3. You need to eat a lot of protein. Protein performs a function building material for muscles. First, you need to study the food table, which indicates how much protein a particular product contains. To increase protein in the body, the following foods should be present in the daily diet: meat, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, fish.
  4. Pump to the max. In training you need to give your best. At the end of the workout, there should be no strength left even for the lightest dumbbells. This is necessary so that the muscle receives microtrauma. After all, it will subsequently restore itself and a new layer of fibers will appear in place of the microtraumas. Due to this, muscles grow.
  5. Give muscles time to recover. After the pain has passed, it is better to wait a little, at least a day. This will help the muscles not only recover, but also overcompensate.
  6. Before training, be sure to warm up. If you take on a lot of weight at once, there is a danger of tearing the ligaments.

Read also: Pilates what is it watch exercises

By following the basic rules, you can quickly pump up. Hard training, proper nutrition and following the rules is the key to success.

A set of exercises for the whole body

There are many exercises for each type of muscle. However, circuit training is becoming increasingly popular. This is a set of exercises with which you can pump up both in the gym and at home. These exercises work all muscles. Circuit training includes:

  1. Pull-ups. This exercise is familiar to everyone. This is done 10 times and immediately moves on to the second.
  2. Explosive push-ups. This is a little more difficult than regular push-ups. It consists in the fact that when your arms are bent at the elbow, you need to sharply push off from the floor. When pushing away, you need to have time to clap your palms. This exercise is done 8 times without a break.
  3. Single leg squats. To perform such a squat, you need to throw one leg on a chair and move the other slightly forward. And sit down 9 times on each leg.
  4. Reverse grip pull-ups. The reverse grip helps pump up the biceps. It is performed in the same way as a regular pull-up, but the hands are placed on the horizontal bar with the fingers facing towards you. It is worth doing it 10 times.
  5. Hand push-ups. For this exercise you need to stand on your hands and rest your feet on the wall. Then the arms bend and the body lowers and vice versa - the arms extend and the body returns up. 4-5 repetitions will be enough.
  6. Push-ups on chairs. To complete this example, you will need 2 chairs, which should be prepared in advance. One will serve as a support for the legs, the second for the arms. Do push-ups 8 times.
  7. Raising your legs. While hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to throw your legs up. There is no need to sway or rush. Do 11 such lifts.

Circuit training consisting of 7 exercises is performed at least 4 times. You can rest for a few minutes between circles. If the training takes place not in the gym, but at home, then there may not be a horizontal bar. You can solve this problem by going to the nearest sports ground.

Steroids and their effects on the body

Some people use steroids and sports supplements to build their muscles. These things should never be confused; they have completely different effects on the body.

Steroids are analogues of male hormones. The male body releases testosterone after puberty. Therefore, there is no point in pumping up the body if the body has not reached puberty. Testosterone provokes hair growth, muscle growth, and increased interest in the opposite sex in guys.

The amount of testosterone that it secretes is quite sufficient for the body. However, there are cases of a lack of male hormones. In this case, the man is more like the woman: short stature, thin voice, small, slowly growing muscles.

In this case, the man takes steroids, which supply the body with the missing hormones.

Advantages and disadvantages of steroids

Steroids allow you to pump up muscles faster. Due to the intake of male hormones, strength and endurance increase. With their help, you can train daily, as they promote rapid recovery.

No matter how much steroids help you achieve your main goal - to get pumped up, you should know when to stop. This is a rather dangerous drug for the body. By taking an analogue of male hormones, you can stop the production of these hormones by the body itself.

As a result, men's testicles may become smaller; in the worst case, they may stop working altogether. The activity of the penis also increases. Taking steroids will increase the likelihood of kidney disease and genetic diseases.

Disruption of natural hormone metabolism provokes hormonal diseases.

Taking steroids is very dangerous for the human body. And it will only bring him harm. If you want to accelerate muscle growth, it is better to opt for sports supplements.

They will not give such quick results as steroids, but they will not harm your health and body.

A beautiful, pumped up body is the dream of almost everyone. And this dream is easy to achieve. You just need to work hard and follow all the rules.


How to build muscles

The article will discuss basic exercises for pumping up muscles. It won't be difficult for you to follow this program. The article will also discuss a training program.

Basic exercises

The basis of training for any beginner must be five basic exercises, which will help him not only “get involved” in the training, but also rebuild the body’s functioning, significantly increasing the production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Remember that the most main mistake beginners – transition to an “advanced” level of training without appropriate preparation of the body. Plus, let's be honest, if you don't know how to do these five exercises, you can't be called anything other than a "beginner."

Warm-up is important, but few people do it!

“Perhaps warming up isn’t that important,” a person might think. However, warming up the muscles is the main task before starting training. Exercising with cold muscles can lead to sprained or torn ligaments. There are many warm-ups available, choose the one that suits you.

Exercise 1 – warm-up


Exercise bike

Exercise 2 – Deadlift

Initial position: half squat, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the barbell. The neck is in line with the toes. The back is straight. Rise up, starting with your buttocks. When the bar is at knee level, straighten your knees.

Initial position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, looking forward. The chest is straightened, the shoulders are slightly laid back. Take a barbell with a grip slightly wider than your feet. Lean forward, starting at the hips, not the waist. Do not place the barbell on the floor.

Exercise 3 – Bench Press

Most often, this exercise is performed on the same bench as the bench press. Therefore, the position of the body on the bench is the same: press your head, shoulders and buttocks tightly to the bench on which you are lying and bend slightly at the lower back. The entire foot rests on the floor.

While the barbell is on the racks, make sure the bar is directly above your eyes. If everything is correct, then grab the bar so that the distance between your palms is slightly less than shoulder width. Push the barbell up.

At the top, your arms should be fully extended and the bar should be positioned directly above your neck. Now take a deep breath, hold your breath, this will help develop maximum effort for lifting, and lower the barbell to your chest, closer to the bottom of it.

Has there been a touch? Immediately, without a pause, otherwise the emphasis of the load will shift to the chest, press the barbell upward. After passing dead points - exhale and push the barbell to the top to the end.

Exercise 4 – Barbell Row

Take the barbell shoulder-width apart with an underhand grip(palms facing away from you). Lean forward with your knees slightly bent and your lower back maintaining a slight curve. Keeping your elbows close to your body, pull the barbell up toward your upper abdominal muscles. Tighten your upper back muscles, change the direction of movement and return to the starting position.

Read also: Exercises for early pregnancy

Exercise 5 – Standing Barbell Press

In a standing position, take the barbell with an overhand grip and hold it at shoulder level. The palms are located below the bar for support, the arms are approximately shoulder-width apart, the elbows are bent and pointing down.

Push the bar vertically up over your head until your arms are fully straightened, then lower the barbell down to the starting position. We must try not to lose control of the barbell and keep it in constant balance.

If you do this exercise not standing, but sitting, the movement will be clearer.

Exercise 6 – Squats

Inhale and unlock the machine. Bend your knees and lower yourself down. After returning to the starting position, exhale. Don't forget to warm up well before exercise. Press your lower back firmly against the back of the machine.

Lower yourself down until your knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees or less.

Don’t linger at the bottom point and immediately rise up, but not to the point of locking (off) the knee and immediately perform the next repetition.

Earlier articles covered exercises:

Nutrition during training

Most important point growth - nutrition. Since the energy for performing the exercise is taken from the sarcoplasm, the body prepares for future stress and retains more nutrients, which leads to a visual increase in muscle.

Training primarily affects the production of testosterone and growth hormones, and it is these substances that are responsible for tissue growth. In addition, during strength training, the muscle receives microdamage, leading to growth during recovery.

You will need enough carbohydrates and protein after your workout to fuel your muscles. Another tip - consume more foods containing potassium, which is burned during exercise. For example, after training you will only need to eat a tablespoon of molasses (blackstrap). It is also important to restore the supply of vitamin B.

Building new muscle can be helped by consuming protein after exercise.

Your muscles will be sore the day after your workout and they will need protein. If you want to build muscles, fulfill their desire by preparing a protein shake.

Also do not forget about fats, they are so necessary for proper digestion, and they promote the muscle building process. Choose the right type of fat for yourself, such as fish oil (omega-3). Any of these fats combined with protein will provide you with adequate nutrition.

To you should not consume excess calories, which will only lead to overweight. All you need is a constant increase in protein intake so that your body builds more and more new tissues. You can grow at a crazy pace.

All you need to do is open your eyes, change your approach to training and its intensity. Start with today, but remember that everything needs to be done gradually.

  • You can divide the muscles into parts in a way that is more convenient for you. But just don’t combine two large muscles in one workout, for example: chest muscles and back muscles or legs and back muscles. Since it will simply not be possible to fully load each muscle group.
  • Perform no more than three exercises per muscle group.
  • If the goal of your training program is to build muscle mass, then more emphasis should be placed on basic exercises. Since it is the basic exercises that increase mass and strength.


A selection of video exercises - how to properly pump up muscles


Barbell bench press, sitting, standing

Deadlift classic


What muscles should you exercise how many times a week? Bodybuilding and fitness training programs, how to build muscles, lose excess weight

In bodybuilding, there are certain principles and rules regarding how many times a week you need to pump certain muscle groups.

Let's try to figure them out and find out how many times a week and what muscles a bodybuilder needs to train.

If you are still a beginner athlete and have been training for several months, then there is an optimal scheme for you - to pump all muscle groups in one workout three times a week.

To do this, use basic exercises that help grow overall muscle mass.

After a few months of training, you can switch to split, separate training.

You need to divide the whole body into two parts, and train according to the 2+1 scheme, two days of training, then a day of rest. Or 2+1, 2+2.

Let's give an example of how many times a week you need to pump certain muscles:

Monday: you can pump up your chest, triceps, deltoids

Tuesday: back, biceps, legs training

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: you can pump up your chest, triceps, deltoids

Friday: back, biceps, legs training

Saturdays: rest

Sunday: rest

Thus, each muscle group is trained twice a week. During this period, the loads are not yet large enough, so the muscles need several days to recover.

Since the muscles will receive increasing stress, they will need more time to recover and continue to grow.

Small muscle groups require less recovery time, so with a weekly split there are two options for training them, once or twice a week.

What muscles should you exercise how many times a week?

An example when large and small muscle groups are pumped once a week:

Monday: you need to pump up your chest, triceps

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: back, biceps training

Thursday: rest

Friday: deltoids and legs swing

Saturday: rest

Sunday: rest

And with this split, large muscle groups are trained once a week, and small muscle groups are trained twice a week. One day, small muscle groups work while pumping up large ones, and the second time, targeted training of these small groups takes place.

Monday: chest, biceps pump (triceps and front delts work during presses)

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: trains back, triceps (biceps and rear deltoids work during back training)

Thursday: rest

Friday: shoulders and legs swing

Saturday: rest

Sunday: rest

Another option is a split, when your arms are trained on one day:

Monday: you need to pump up your chest and deltoids

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: back, legs trained

Thursday: rest

Friday: you can pump your arms

Saturday and Sunday: rest

With this split, large muscle groups are pumped once a week, small muscle groups - twice a week.

These are just the most simple examples strength training, there are many options. Answering the question: how many times a week should you download? different groups muscles, we must not forget about the recovery factor. The time that muscles need to recover is determined only empirically, since it is individual for each bodybuilder and depends on various parameters.

Read also: A set of exercises for the spine at home

How often can you train one muscle group?

For example, if you pumped your triceps in the last strength training, and it didn’t have time to recover, and in the next workout you started pumping your chest, then your results in the bench press will noticeably decrease. Therefore, you need to select a strength training regimen experimentally.

If you are an ectomorph, a split is perfect for you, in which only one muscle group is pumped in one strength training session. Ectomorphs require much more recovery time than athletes with other body types, so one muscle group should be trained no more than once a week.

With age, recovery time increases, so average athletes age category you should pump each muscle group no more than once a week.

Most novice bodybuilders are interested in the question of how many times a week they need to pump one muscle group. In response to this question, bodybuilding experts have the opinion that it is not advisable for beginners to train isolated muscle groups, since in novice athletes the most intense increase in muscle mass is observed when performing basic exercises.

In addition, you need to take into account that beginners in the gym do not want long duration of strength training. An hour or an hour and a half is enough to work out.

How many times a week should you train muscles to lose weight?

How many times a week should a girl or man exercise to lose weight? To quickly lose excess body weight, you can exercise daily. The minimum amount of strength training for weight loss is three times a week.

For those people who come to the gym just to pump up the muscles of their legs, arms, abs, back, buttocks, power training should be less intense. A regime of 3 workouts per week is suitable for them. The strength load will depend on how many times a week and what muscles need to be pumped.

The optimal plan for pumping muscles of the whole body

One day the legs and buttocks sway; back and arms. The second day you can pump your legs and buttocks; press.

On the third day, you can pump your legs and buttocks again; back and arms.

This is done because the leg muscles recover faster and require more time to train them. Abdominal muscles usually take a very long time to recover. Therefore, you can pump your abs once a week. It is better to train the arm and back muscles no more than 2 times a week.

Nowadays bodybuilding, fitness, healthy image life is gaining rapid momentum in terms of popularity. All more people are passionate about building their body. In this article, we will tell you how to properly pump up your muscles and avoid making serious mistakes.

First of all, I would like to talk about the most common mistake among beginners. This mistake lies in the fact that novice athletes, both women and men, often borrow training programs from established, famous athletes, as well as from fitness and bodybuilding magazines. This is a big mistake because there is no ideal training program for everyone.

For each athlete, an individual training program is drawn up, suitable only for him. Such a program is developed depending on the physical data of the athlete, his genetic predisposition for training, etc. In many magazines that talk about how to pump muscles correctly, there is, by and large, general educational information and nothing more, which will help you in independently compiling an individual training complex.

Also, first you need to decide on a place for training. This can be either a home or a specially equipped gym. Undoubtedly, the best option For any level of physical fitness, you will need to purchase a gym membership. This option is the best because:

  • the presence of a qualified trainer who will help you avoid mistakes in training;
  • availability of professional equipment (inventory) for the training process;
  • the very atmosphere that reigns in the hall.

Without a doubt, you can download at home, but buying a subscription will be a much more profitable investment.


If you want to increase your muscle mass, there is no need for long workouts at the gym. For maximum effect, the duration of the workout should not exceed 45 minutes. Based on research, it was determined that during 45 minutes of training there is an increased release of the growth hormone “testosterone”, and after this period of time has passed, an accelerated decrease in this hormone and the activation of processes (destruction, breakdown of muscle protein) begins.

This is especially true for “hard gainers” or “”. These are people with very little reserve subcutaneous fat and accelerated metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, first of all, this duration of training applies specifically to thin people.

Believe me, if you follow the training guidelines (1-2 minutes of rest between sets and 3-4 minutes of rest between exercises), 45 minutes is enough to achieve the desired result.


It is training with free weights that is much more effective compared to exercise machines because:


At the initial stage, you should focus your training on basic exercises. This is a type of exercise that targets multiple muscle groups or muscles at once and also moves multiple joints. Typically these exercises are very difficult and require significant effort to perform. Such exercises perfectly develop muscle mass and strength of the athlete. They are ideally suited for athletes, both at the initial stage and for more experienced ones. Isolating exercises should be used to a minimum at the initial stage.

In order to properly create a training program, you should read this article: “”


One of the biggest mistakes that many athletes make is not paying much attention to leg training. If you take people from the gym and analyze the most untrained part of the body, then for the majority it will be the legs. It is the training of the lower body that provides muscle growth the entire body because squats affect height and are the most important exercise for physique growth.

In order to constantly increase the load and increase the weight in squats, you should train your back well so that the main load falls on the muscles and not on your spine. This is done in order to avoid all kinds of injuries, etc.


Professional bodybuilders can train literally every day, setting aside one day for rest. They practically live in the gym. But this applies to professional athletes who earn their living by bodybuilding, participate in various kinds of competitions, demonstrations, etc. In addition, professional bodybuilding involves the use of pharmacological support, which in turn allows the athlete to recover faster, etc.

For ordinary people Those who just want to look better, get themselves in order, without having a goal for the coveted throne of Mr. Olympia, it is enough to exercise 3-4 times a week. This frequency of training will allow your body time to recover from a hard workout. It is important to know that it is during rest (sleep) that your body grows. Without normal rest there will be no normal progress.

So, tips on rest, training frequency and nutrition:

  • you should start exercising 2-3 times a week;
  • the main attention should be paid to the quality of training, and not to its duration and frequency;
  • the main component for achieving the goal is sleep (you should sleep at least 8 hours or more);
  • drink water, it helps avoid dehydration and will also help with recovery;
  • eat 6 times a day, distributing meals so that there is a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Don’t forget about vitamins: fruits, vegetables, etc.

With this, we end our article on the topic: “ How to pump muscles correctly?. Good luck to everyone and good training! :)


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