Biography, net worth of Elena Baturina according to Forbes. What is the Luzhkov family doing now? Where does Baturina live now?

Elena Baturina (03/08/1963)

Elena Baturina is the wife of the Moscow mayor, the most famous and successful manufacturer of plastic basins and chairs; her Inteko holding currently controls 1/5 of the capital’s entire construction market. By according to Forbes, her fortune is estimated at $1.1 billion.

‘YURI Luzhkov plays well at the net,’ Elena Baturina once said. “And I’m on the back line.” Actually, it was about tennis. But if you look at how the roles are written in this family, you get a life principle. The mayor's wife is just the family's wallet. Whereas Yuri Luzhkov is always on cutting edge. They hint to him that his wife’s business is expanding year by year, not without his help: starting with the production of plastic products, the Inteko company has grown into a large holding with its own bank, cement factories and construction companies.

The husband has to be loudly silent every time his income is compared with her income, in which the salary of the weaker half alone is $154 thousand per month. And after the story of the collapse of the capital’s water park and aggressive rumors that Inteko is either the owner of Transvaal or a creditor of its owners, Yuri Luzhkov leaves without comment any actions of Elena Baturina.

‘Ask Lena’

THE FAMILY of Elena Baturina and Yuri Luzhkov has two girls - ten and twelve years old. Their mother began her journey as a billionaire by working at the Frazer plant and continuing the family tradition. When I left for the Institute economic problems integrated development National economy, the director of the plant urged her not to interrupt the labor dynasty. Then she studied at the evening department at the Institute of Management, and worked on cooperation in the executive committee, where Yuri Luzhkov was the chairman of the commission. There they met. And when the future mayor of Moscow was widowed, they got married. There was no office romance, as both claim. The relationship developed when they no longer worked on the same team.

The Inteko company appeared in 1991 and was a small cooperative for the production of furniture, dishes and accessories made of plastic. Currently, this is already a large business with thousands of workers employed in production, 99% of the shares belong to Baturina herself, the rest to her brother Victor. In Moscow alone there are 207 thousand Inteko seats in 8 stadiums, including 85 thousand in Luzhniki, 40 thousand in Dynamo stadium, 25 thousand in Olimpiysky.

At the end of the 90s. The following joke was popular: ‘I’m selling chairs. Ask Lena. But besides them, Inteko is proud of the invented disposable glass. And many Moscow bistros and sport complexes use another one disposable tableware, not to mention the fact that cups and plates are sold in almost all metropolitan shopping malls. According to the same Forbes, now plastic products make up only 10% of the company’s annual turnover.

On horseback

AS THE French SAY, first-generation origins cannot be hidden. Elena Baturina has transformed from a lady with a permanent hairline into a well-groomed middle-aged woman. But she never looked like a billion dollars. Maybe because he dresses in trouser suits, doesn’t like jewelry, and hardly uses makeup. It can be harsh and even a little rude. However, to women’s questions, such as who is the boss of the house, the answer invariably is: husband. Yuri Luzhkov did not publicly notice for a long time that Elena Baturina was a businessman. When his daughters were little, he was glad that his wife was not recognized on the streets. However, those days are gone forever.

Baturina's company developed, the mayor became a famous politician. At this time there was a family passion for horses. About 10 years ago, Svyatoslav Fedorov first put Baturina on a horse, and she has been on a horse ever since. Today she is the president of the Russian Equestrian Federation, which, in fact, lives on the money of her company. She not only infected her family with a love of horses, but also, under the auspices of her husband, came up with the ‘Mayor’s Cup’, which has been held in Moscow on City Day for several years. Baturina also believes that by the way a person sits on a horse, how he negotiates with it, one can determine how he builds relationships with people. And, as a rule, he immediately adds that Luzhkov can cope with any horse. And they began to give them horses so often that rumors began to spread about the mayor's stable. (I remember that in Bavaria several years ago the mayor was even given a can with the sperm of the best local stallion. The press joked about this that Yuri Luzhkov even managed to milk the stallions during the Days of Moscow in Munich.) In fact, there is no stable as such: part gifts are kept in Bitsa, the rest are in the Moscow Sports Club. But the real stable will be together with a stud farm near Kaliningrad - where in the times East Prussia The Imperial Union of Private Horse Breeders was located. IN Soviet times on the site of the plant there was a collective farm cowshed. And in times of developed capitalism there will be hotels, restaurants - everything that is needed for a tourist complex.

Mandate history

ELENA BATURINA has always been reluctant to talk about her life as the First Lady of Moscow. And if it was possible not to take part in the ceremonial events, I did not. She often skipped her husband’s official visits to the mayors of other cities. It seemed that she did not need publicity. It was all the more interesting to watch her attempts to become a State Duma deputy from Kalmykia in 1999. This year turned out to be difficult for the family: they were looking for real estate all over the world, they threw mud at the capital’s mayor, and the Vladimir FSB tried to accuse Inteko of dubious transactions. Could the deputy compensate for moral damage? Who knows.

Baturina had something in common with Kalmykia. Gaining strength as construction company Inteko completed the construction of Chess City here, the famous chess village. Kalmyk President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov addressed her personally about this. Perhaps this was facilitated by the fact that Inteko co-owner Viktor Baturin headed the government of Kalmykia in late 1998 - early 1999. Despite this, the Kalmyks still elected a fellow countrywoman - Alexandra Burataeva became a deputy. Politics did not work out from Baturina. And she got back into business.

Cement bonds

AFTER the acquisition of the House-Building Plant? 3, Inteko’s active passion for construction began. And if two years ago they said that the company was building 500 thousand m2 of housing per year and it was mostly panel, municipal, then already this year we're talking about about 1 million m2 (of which slightly less than half is an expensive monolith). And this is a fifth of all housing under construction in the capital. The acquisition of DSK-3 coincided with the cement crisis in the Moscow construction market. Several cement factories simultaneously increased selling prices for their products by 30%. ‘Inteko’, as they say, had to acquire their own. Today among them are ‘Oskolcement’, ‘Belgorodsky cement’, ‘Podgorensky cement’, ‘Pikalevsky cement’. With the acquisition of the latter (in Leningrad region) Inteko may have 15% of the entire Russian cement market in its hands. True, in the long term, the position of the company is directly linked to the position of the husband. And they say that it will be difficult for her to maintain her previous positions when Yuri Luzhkov ceases to be the capital's mayor.

Another thing is interesting: to borrow current situation in the capital market, Inteko had to borrow 1.2 billion rubles. and open cards. It was then that everyone learned about the salary of the mayor’s wife and that the assets of her company were valued at 27 billion rubles. Elena Baturina’s income has since been compared with the income of oil oligarchs, which is not bad for real, sustainable production. But bad for my husband's career. In our country they don’t like the rich, no matter how the money is earned: honestly or not. And they especially don’t like it if a famous politician has a wife with a bright personality. Or, by disclosing its trade secrets, did Inteko pursue other goals besides receiving 1.2 billion rubles? It seems that transparency will come in handy for Yuri Luzhkov’s wife when she wants to expand her business and enter the international market. As for basins, chairs or residential buildings, only time will tell. But her instincts never failed her.

Elena Baturina is one of the richest, most influential women on the planet. She is a billionaire, previously owned the Inteko empire, and today is a co-founder. Elena Baturina is also the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov.

The achievements of this amazing woman can be listed for a very long time. Today her main occupation is the international hotel business. Under its “wing” are:

  1. GC "New Peterhof" in St. Petersburg;
  2. Quisisana Palace in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic;
  3. Morrison Hotel in the center of Ireland.

Biography of Elena Baturina

Born rich wife Yuri Luzhkov March 8 under the sign of Pisces. This year Baturina celebrated her 55th birthday. She is a native Muscovite, successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, philanthropist, true woman, real businesswoman, “iron lady”. Sharp mind, insight, strong will brought her to the top of Forbes. Hard work, entrepreneurial talent, and leadership qualities helped achieve success.

Parents of Elena Baturina - ordinary people, ordinary employees of Fraser. Dad worked as a workshop foreman, mother as a machine operator. As a child, Elena Baturina was often and very ill: according to the recollections of her classmates, the complaints were mainly about the lungs, so she herself never smoked and does not like people who have this problem. bad habit. Elena Baturina's main hobbies are tennis, horse riding, rifle shooting, and alpine skiing.

Yuri Luzhkov’s wife has an older brother, Viktor Baturin. He is also a famous businessman. Together they graduated from the same school, the same university. Elena Baturina did not want to lag behind her brother. In 1980, while still a student, she decided to go to work at the plant with her parents.

Career of Elena Baturina

Elena Baturina's first serious job was as a design technician. In 1982 - senior design engineer in the department of the chief technologist.

1982-1989 – Elena Baturina works at the Institute of Economic Problems of Integrated Development of Moscow as a research assistant. Transformed scientific activity to the chairmanship, was appointed to the position of leading specialist. Soon she decided to open her own business.

Elena Baturina created a joint family cooperative. Her brother Victor became her faithful partner. Together they implemented modern technologies, creation and installation of software, bought high-quality computer equipment.

In 1991, the Inteko company was created. In the first years, polymer products were made here. In the same year, Elena Baturina became married woman: the chosen one was Yuri Luzhkov, who a year later received the post of mayor of Moscow.

Most likely, thanks to the fact that she got married favorably and useful contacts appeared, Inteko began to receive orders at the municipal level and began to expand. The Moscow Oil Refinery came into his possession from the prefecture. A large enterprise for the production of polypropylene was built on its territory.

1994 - an enterprise that produced plastics was merged with Inteko. Five years later, the plant found itself at the center of a scandal: it was accused of embezzlement of budget funds. But the problems were soon resolved, and a year later the plant became an investment and construction corporation. Started buying cement factories, invest in Gazprom, Sberbank and other large companies.

2005 - Inteko began to disintegrate. First of all, he exited the concrete panel construction market.

2006 - Victor Baturin abandoned this company, and soon Elena Baturina herself, but became a co-founder.

2006-2011 - Inteko built modern complexes Dominion, Arco di Sole, Champion Park, ASTRA, New Peterhof, University building named after. M. V. Lomonosov.

2008 - Inteko entered the TOP-300 strategic enterprises in Russia.

In 2011, it became known that Inteko was being sold to investors.

Elena Baturina decided to move to London and began developing the hotel business. After some time, she moved to Austria with Yuri Luzhkov and her children, and bought a house in Aurich worth 20 million euros. In Vienna, a woman owns the real estate company Safo GmbH. In Vienna, the family has a mansion in Dörling. Two years ago, Elena Baturina took ownership of office buildings in Brooklyn.

Personal life of Elena Baturina

Nothing is known about Elena Baturina’s personal life before she became the wife of Yuri Luzhkov. She and Yuri Luzhkov got married in 1991. Before her, Yuri Luzhkov had a family. The ex-mayor has two sons from his first marriage.

Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina have been married for 25 years. Two years ago they got married. The couple has two daughters: Elena, born in 1992. and Olga born in 1994 The girls were educated in London.

Daughter Elena lives in Slovakia and owns a cosmetics and perfume company, Alener.

Elena Baturina has not communicated with her brother since 2007. He even sued her over illegal dismissal from the post of vice president and misappropriation of a stake in Inteko.

In April of this year, Elena Baturina entered into a deal worth 45 million euros for the sale of Grand Tirolia Group of Companies. This complex turned out to be unprofitable; it was bought by an Australian.

Currently, Elena Baturina makes money from an international hotel chain and development center in New York. Yes, emergency ( net profit) from Morrison a year earlier amounted to 1.5 million euros. According to Forbes, in 2018, Elena Baturina’s net worth was $1.2 billion. In the TOP of the richest women in Russia, she is in first place, the richest entrepreneurs in Russia - in 79th.

Wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, entrepreneur and ex owner holding "Inteko", Elena Baturina is one of the most influential business women in Russia. In the Forbes list of the richest compatriots for 2008, she took first place. The Inteko holding, which belonged to her, controlled a fifth of the capital's construction market and was a leader in the production of polymers and plastic products.

Elena Baturina was born in the capital in 1963. The future entrepreneur received higher education at the Moscow Institute of Management, worked research fellow. In 1991, together with his brother, Baturina took his first steps in business. They jointly open the Inteko cooperative and begin to promote the production of polymer products. A few years later, after marrying the future mayor Yuri Luzhkov, family business has turned into a real holding company. The production of full-cycle polymers occupied about 30% of the Russian market for plastic products.

The beginning of the 2000s became a new milestone in the history of the Inteko company. It transformed from a cooperative into an investment and construction corporation. The family enterprise was able to retain about 25% of the Moscow panel housing construction market. A year later, the Inteko Corporation entered the monolithic construction market. In 2002, Inteko's activities expanded to include cement production. In 2003, Inteko management officially announced its intention to issue a bond issue.

This was followed by property conflicts between the Baturins and condemnation in society and high circles, which laid the first brick in the emergence of “mistrust” of Yuri Luzhkov and his subsequent removal from the post of mayor. Meanwhile, his wife continued to conduct business and achieved considerable success in this. According to Forbes, in 2006, the businesswoman had a fortune of $2.3 billion. Over the year, this figure has increased slightly. At the same time, Baturina was the only woman on the list of the richest Russians. 2008 brought Elena Baturina an increase in wealth to $4.2 billion. There are also a number of known major transactions with blocks of shares, the amount of which, for obvious reasons, is not disclosed.

Elena Baturina leads a sporty lifestyle. Her interests include tennis, horse riding, shooting, and trips to ski resorts.

According to unconfirmed information, in 2008, the wife of the ex-mayor purchased the luxurious Whitanhurst mansion in London with an area of ​​3,700 square meters, second in size only Buckingham Palace. The transaction amount was $100 million. The previous owner of the estate was the English developer Marcus Cooper. The deal turned out to be very profitable for him, since he initially invested $72 million in the purchase of real estate.

Despite repeated denials of the validity of the transaction by Ms. Baturina herself and the emergence of information that the luxurious mansion belongs not to her, but to the owner of the PhosArgo holding, ex-senator Andrei Guryev, this was not officially reported anywhere. Moreover, Guryev's representative made it clear that Witanhurst is not the direct property of Guryev. Considering Baturina’s interest in this property, which realtors spoke about, and difficult relationship Luzhkov with the Russian political elite, it can be assumed that the deal was carried out secretly, in compliance with all necessary measures caution so as not to arouse suspicion and noise in the press. Whether this is true or not cannot be stated unequivocally. However, the presence of financial schemes in the case of the purchase of Witanhurst suggests certain thoughts.

House of Elena Baturina in Gorki-2

Elena Baturina is also the owner of an estate in the elite village of Gorki-2 near Moscow in the Odintsovo district. The cost of real estate here starts from 50 million rubles. Gorki-2 is separated from the center of the capital by 14 km of the Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway.

Despite the proximity of the city, the village pleases its residents clean air. Residents spend time surrounded by centuries-old pine trees and can stroll along the picturesque banks of the Moscow River. Luxury and privacy are the main aspects that create a special atmosphere here.

The cottage community "Gorki-2" with a total area of ​​120 hectares is under surveillance and security, landscaped, and equipped with centralized communications. There is educational establishments, shops, medical facilities and other infrastructure facilities.

Elena Baturina is the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, the former owner of the Inteko holding, which controlled a significant part of the construction market in the Russian capital, and is a shareholder of Sberbank and Gazprom.

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina

Childhood and youth of Elena Nikolaevna Baturina

Elena Baturina was born on March 8, 1963 in Moscow. Both of Elena's parents worked at the factory "Frizer". Mom worked at the machine, father was a foreman.

IN childhood Elena had problems with her lungs. This provoked such a dislike for smoking. At a conscious age, she was fond of horse riding and tennis, went in for skiing, and also received a third category in shooting with a small-caliber rifle.

Elena Baturina in her youth

The older brother is an entrepreneur. Elena and her brother graduated from the same school. Higher education the girl received it in the evening department "Institute of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze". Along with her studies in 1980-1982, Elena worked at the enterprise cutting tools "Frizer", where her parents worked. In 1982-1989, she worked as the head of the secretarial department of the Union of Cooperators, a member of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee in cooperative activities at the Institute of Economic Problems of the Development of the National Economy of the capital. She received higher education in 1986 and three years later began her entrepreneurial activity.

Elena Baturina and her brother Victor started a business together

Baturina's business

Elena started her career in 1980 at the post of design technician. and just two years later, in 1982, when she was about to leave the plant, she worked in the department of the chief technologist as a senior design engineer.

The period from 1982 to 1989 can be called the next step in career ladder. Elena got a job as a research assistant at "Institute of Economic Problems of Integrated Development of Moscow", there she was able to transform scientific work to chair the Union of United Cooperatives, where she later became a leading specialist.

The main year that changed Baturina’s biography was 1989 At this time, Elena started doing business.

Elena Baturina has repeatedly topped the ranking of the richest women in Russia

The creation of a family cooperative with his brother Victor marked the beginning successful business. To develop the business, computer equipment was purchased, created and installed software, gradually introduced modern technologies.

In 1991 Elena and her brother officially registered a company engaged in the production of polymer products. In the same year, Baturina became engaged to, who became the mayor of Moscow a year later.

In early September 2011 announced the sale of investment business "Inteko": the buyer of 95% of the company was to be the entrepreneur’s structures, and another 5% - a subsidiary of Sberbank Investments.

After Luzhkov left the post of mayor, Elena moved to London and began to engage in the hotel business there. After London, Baturina moved with her children and husband to Austria. In Auraha they lived next door to representatives of the Swarovski family.

In the late 2000s the company "Inteko" became a sponsor of the Triathlon World Cup and Rotary Club conventions. With the support of Elena Baturina, a festival took place in the Alpine city "Jazznova".

Elena Baturina is the owner of a real estate company Safo GmbH in Vienna, where a business lady bought another mansion in the elite Döbling district, but from Russian citizenship Elena Baturina did not refuse.

In 2012 famous entrepreneur Elena Baturina founded and headed a charitable foundation "BE OPEN".

Elena Baturina


Year of birth "Inteko"- 1991, founded as an enterprise for the manufacture of polymer products. Baturina's cooperative often received orders at the city level; after expanding her business, Baturina took over the Moscow Oil Refinery, which was on the account of the Moscow Prefecture.

In 1994 A plastics manufacturing plant was attached to Inteko; in the mid-90s, the company's products occupied a quarter of the Russian market. In 1999, Inteko was involved in a scandal involving embezzlement of public funds. At that time, the company was considered the general contractor in the construction of a new city in Kalmykia. From Kalmykia Elena Baturina tried to go to deputies State Duma , but this attempt was unsuccessful.

Business lady Elena Baturina

In the early 2000s Inteko creates the appearance of an investment and construction corporation, after which the purchase of cement plants began. As a result, the company has become one of the leading cement suppliers in Russia. At the same time, the company invested in the largest state-owned enterprises, including Sberbank, etc. Also sponsored the largest social projects in the field of medicine, sports, culture and art.

Since 2005 The process of Inteko's disintegration began. First, the company stopped communicating with the concrete panel construction market, and already in 2006, Viktor Baturin left the company, followed by Elena herself. However, she became a co-founder of the company as she was elected to the board of directors financial enterprise « Russian Land Bank". From 2006 to 2011, the Inteko company carried out many construction projects modern complexes for accommodation Dominion, Arco di Sole, Champion Park and ASTRA, and the construction of the university building was completed. M.V. Lomonosov, “New Peterhof” was opened.

Entrepreneur Elena Baturina

In 2008 Inteko was included in the list of 300 systemically important enterprises in the country.

In 2011 the sale of Inteko to investors was announced, and at the same time Elena Baturina was selling the Russian Land Bank, which at that time belonged to her.

Charity Baturina

Since 2012 Elena Baturina heads the charity foundation "BE OPEN". This project is dedicated to youth, it allows young geniuses bring your ideas and plans to life in the field visual arts, literature, music, architecture, design and science.

Elena Baturina - director charitable foundation"BE OPEN"

Conflicts and criticism of Baturina

December 1, 2006 information spread about the refusal of the publishing house Axel Springer Russia print materials about Elena Baturina and her business, while destroying the entire circulation of the Russian Forbes magazine, which was supposed to be published in December.

American demanded that the publisher release the December issue in its original form, as it had already been printed. The requirements were met. In February 2007, Inteko filed two lawsuits against the publishing house and the editor-in-chief. Each claim was for 106 thousand 500 rubles. In the spring of 2007, the company won the first lawsuit, and lost the second in the fall of the same year. After changing the subject of the second claim, Inteko won the case against the author of the article and Axel Springer Russia.

Elena Baturina is one of the richest women in Russia

Early 2007 A dispute broke out between Elena and her brother. The essence of the conflict was that Victor wanted to regain part of the shares in the Inteko company (the stake at that time was worth about a billion dollars). The court rejected the first claims from Victor, but the claims filed in response by Elena Baturina were registered on February 15, 2007. After an exchange of lawsuits, the media reported that both sides of the conflict renounced “mutual property and other claims.”

In the 2000s, many representatives Russian business, including, reported in the media that the Inteko company receives profitable orders from the Moscow government only because of the availability family ties between Luzhkov and Baturina, but this was denied by both Elena and her husband.

Elena Baturina

In December 2009 newspaper of the year "Vedomosti" announced that in the summer of 2009, when development companies were struggling with serious difficulties arising from the economic crisis, Elena Baturina’s corporation successfully repaid bank loans in the amount of 27 billion rubles. One of the ways to pay off debts was the sale of a plot of land with a total area of ​​58 hectares in the south-west of Moscow for 13 billion rubles per 1 hectare (according to Vedomosti, this price was even before the crisis and was approximately twice as high as the current price at that time). According to the newspaper, the purchase was paid for using a bank loan. The most significant shareholder of the Bank of Moscow at that time was The government of Moscow.

Personal life of Elena Baturina

In 1991 Elena married Yuri Luzhkov. They got married secretly in 2016. They have been married for more than 25 years.

Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina

Elena and Yuri had two daughters, the first Elena was born in 1992. A couple of years later she was born youngest daughter Olga. The girls began to receive higher education at Moscow State University, but due to the dismissal of their father, they were forced to move with their family to London, but they did not give up their education and continued to study in Britain, on the basis of the university college.

Elena Baturina with her daughters

Youngest daughter - Olga continued her studies at a university in New York. There she defended her bachelor's degree and then her master's degree in hotel management. Near her mother’s hotel complex, the five-star Grand Tirolia hotel in the mountains of Austria, in Kitzbühel, the girl implemented her first project - opened her own bar Herbarium. The place may be of interest because the standard menu and cocktails are supplemented with herbal infusions and cocktails.

Elena Baturina with her daughters

Eldest daughter - Elena, moved to Slovakia, where she lives and works. There the girl opened a small company producing perfumes and cosmetics Alener. Since 2018, Elena officially received citizenship in Cyprus, where her mother began building a new residential complex.

In 1986 she graduated from the evening department State University management.

Of course, the figure of Elena Baturina occupied, occupies and will occupy one of the key positions on the Olympus of Russian entrepreneurship. The wife of the former mayor of the capital is considered richest woman not only in our country, but also abroad. In 2010, Elena Nikolaevna had financial assets amounting to $2.9 billion.

Of course, without specific business qualities she would hardly have been able to “make” such a huge fortune. And she has them: toughness, assertiveness, determination, cold-bloodedness... Largely thanks to these qualities, she succeeded in business. However, not everyone agrees that success in business affairs would always accompany Baturina if she were not married to an influential official.

Would Elena Nikolaevna really have achieved little if not for the help of her husband, who held a high position in the capital’s government? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Baturina Elena Nikolaevna is a native of Moscow. She was born on March 8, 1963 in a working-class family. Father and mother worked from morning to evening at the factory to feed big family. In addition to her brother Victor, Baturina has cousins and cousin. Elena Nikolaevna once let slip in an interview that she actively involves her relatives in management because she completely trusts them.

While still a child, future wife The mayor of the capital was very often ill: her lungs were weak. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the girl, who grew up in the proletarian district of Vykhino, from developing such an important quality for a businessman as determination.

Start of work

Having received a matriculation certificate, Baturina becomes a worker at the Frazer plant, since she did not enter the university.

After some time, Elena Nikolaevna becomes a student in the evening department of the Ordzhonikidze Institute of Management. In parallel with this, she works at the Institute of Economic Problems for the Integrated Development of the National Economy in Moscow.

Fateful meeting

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina in her youth became a member of the working group of the Moscow City Executive Committee commission on individual labor and cooperative activities. In a new capacity, she began to study the problems of the system Catering. It was then that she gained her first experience in conducting cooperative activities. At this time, a fateful meeting took place with Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, who headed the commission in the executive committee. After some time, Yuri Mikhailovich becomes a widower, and Elena Nikolaevna marries him. It wasn't love affair at work: The relationship began at a time when they were no longer working together.

Starting a business

Elena Nikolaevna, whose biography contains many interesting and remarkable things, took her first steps in the entrepreneurial field in the early 90s.

Together with her brother Victor, she creates the Inteko cooperative. The production of polymer products was chosen as the activity profile. The political career of Baturina’s husband developed at a rapid pace, and he soon took the post of mayor of Moscow. Naturally, Yuri Mikhailovich helped his wife’s business develop in every possible way, providing Inteko with profitable municipal orders. Over time, Elena Nikolaevna’s company turned into a large supplier of plastics and organized a powerful production facility on the basis of the capital’s oil refinery. An enterprise for the production of polypropylene was built, and very soon Inteko conquered a third of the entire market for plastic products.

Business is booming

In the late 90s, geography entrepreneurial activity the wife of the capital's mayor has expanded significantly. For example, Inteko became the main developer of the Chess City (City Chess) project in Kalmykia. It was Baturina and her brainchild who became the subject of an investigation into the misuse of budget funds during the construction of the above-mentioned facility. Nevertheless, Elena Nikolaevna, whose photo in connection with the incident was published on the front pages of regional media, decided to participate in the parliamentary elections in Kalmykia, but did not win them.

Baturina focuses her efforts on business. Very soon, Inteko turned into a large investment and construction holding, which occupied almost 25% of the panel housing market. The company is establishing a monolithic construction division.

In 2002, Elena Nikolaevna (position - president of Inteko) buys several large cement plants. Some time later, the owner of the construction holding announced an issue Most of Inteko shares belonged to Baturina (99%) and only 1% of the securities were owned by her brother Victor. Later, Luzhkov’s wife announces the creation of her own real estate structure called “Magistrate”.

Scandals of an illegal shade

At the beginning of the 2000s, Baturina’s construction holding found itself at the center of scandals. In particular, in 2003, the sharks of the pen informed the public about the illegal activities of Elena Nikolaevna’s subsidiary (“Inteko-agro”), which was buying up agricultural land in the Belgorod region using “gray schemes”.

Then the “daughter” of Inteko invaded the sphere of commercial interests of the son, interfering with the development of the Yakovlevsky mine. Broad was caused by events such as the attack on the executive director and the murder of a lawyer for the Inteko corporation.

Russians were even more alarmed by the news of theft at the Bank of Moscow. Journalists could not help but ignore this fact. According to employees of the printed publication, Elena Nikolaevna (Ekaterinburg, Vechernie Vedomosti newspaper) was interrogated as a witness in a case of fraud in a banking institution. At the same time, Asnis’s lawyer had written evidence of her non-involvement in the commission of the crime.

Changing business priorities

In 2005, Baturina sold the cement plants and temporarily left the panel construction market. But after some time, Inteko returned to its profile again, purchasing the Verkhnebakansky cement plant in Kuban.

Then Elena Nikolaevna reported that her brother was “retiring from business” and was no longer the owner of the holding. Luzhkov's wife decides to buy out his shares and become the sole owner of Inteko. However, he considered this state of affairs unfair and wanted to return part of the shares to himself. As a result, a legal battle ensued, which ultimately ended in reconciliation between the parties.

After he was removed from the post of mayor of Moscow, Elena Nikolaevna began to sell off her business assets. In the fall of 2011 it was put up for sale commercial structure"Inteko".

Hotel business

Since graduation political career Luzhkova Baturina lives abroad with her husband. However, even “in a foreign land,” Elena Nikolaevna did not lose her entrepreneurial acumen and invested in the hotel business. She acquired the Grand Tirolia hotel for almost 40 million euros. An annual awards ceremony for the best journalists covering sports life. Baturina also owns the Morrison Hotel in Ireland and the Quisisana Palace mini-hotel in the Czech Republic.

Elena Nikolaevna's hotels are managed by Martinez Hotels & Resorts, which is located in Austria. The hotel owner plans to expand the geography of her business, in which about three hundred million dollars have already been invested.

Personal life

The wife of Yuri Luzhkov always tried to stay in the shadow of her influential patron. She reluctantly took part in the ceremonial events that were regularly held in the metropolitan metropolis. Sometimes there was a feeling that Elena Nikolaevna, whose personal life had developed in the best possible way, avoided publicity in every possible way. The businesswoman also ignored official receptions hosted by mayors of other cities.

Her interests outside of business include golf, equestrianism, horse riding alpine skiing, reading.

In her marriage to Luzhkov, she gave birth to two daughters - Elena and Olga. They study in England. Relations with her brother Victor leave much to be desired, since the litigation initiated by her relative in 2007 is still fresh in her memory.

After Yuri Mikhailovich was relieved of his post, the Luzhkov couple moved to the British capital. The ex-mayor expressed hope that the family will someday be able to return to Russia when the authorities change their anger to mercy.

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