Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich - head of the Udmurt Republic: biography, personal life. What the head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov managed to do in a year

04/03/2018 at 09:09, views: 2734

April 4, 2018 marks exactly one year since Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed acting... O. head of Udmurtia, co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the All-People's Russian Front (ONF), Alexander Brechalov. Moreover, this happened a few hours after the former head of our region, Alexander Solovyov, was taken to Moscow in handcuffs, accompanied by security forces. And a little later, information appeared in the media that the head of state dismissed Alexander Solovyov due to loss of trust.


Of course, the residents of Udmurtia placed big hopes for the new leader of the republic. Although for many his name meant nothing. Moreover, Alexander Brechalov had never been to Udmurtia before. This means that he did not know either the people or the balance of power in the political “clearing”, and had no idea what problems he would have to face.
By the way, many federal experts then expressed the opinion that the new appointment for Alexander Brechalov was nothing more than exile. After leading the Public Chamber of Russia and the Popular Front, the position of Head in such a poor region as Udmurtia is not the best gift. And Alexander Brechalov himself said at the inauguration ceremony that this was a real “challenge” for him.
Of course he tried. In the very first days, he immediately went to the village of Simonikha, Sarapul district, which was discussed at the media forum ONF to Vladimir The editor of one of the local newspapers, Alexey Serebrennikov, told Putin. Arriving in Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov rushed to “save” its inhabitants, cut off from the whole world. Then all the media showed stories of how Alexander Brechalov in rubber boots and a hiking jacket came to this godforsaken village and promised people that they would move from emergency barracks to new housing. And he kept his promise: people were indeed given apartments. True, in an old, renovated hostel in Sarapul. But that doesn't matter anymore.
This first episode clearly demonstrated the work style of the new head of Udmurtia: to work creatively, “for the public,” like a real showman. At the same time, he announced the need to increase investment attractiveness republics. For this purpose, Alexander Brechalov invited dozens of federal ministers, heads of state corporations and businessmen to Udmurtia. The apotheosis of this work was the presentation of the Investment Opportunity Map, which took place in August 2017. They managed to “lure” Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov and Presidential Envoy to the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich. All this took place as part of the election campaign for the election of the head of Udmurtia. To this we need to add trips to cities and regions, meetings at enterprises, youth “get-togethers”, etc. People, fascinated by the “young technocrat,” immediately believed his words and promises. This explains the landslide victory of Alexander Brechalov in the September 2017 elections. Hoping for a better future, 78% of voters voted for him.


"Attempt at writing"
It would seem that life is getting better. But it turned out that not everything is so simple. Many long-standing problems remain unsolvable. The newspaper "MK in Izhevsk" tried to find out how independent experts evaluate the activities of Alexander Brechalov over the past year. What did he succeed and what did he fail to do as head of Udmurtia?
Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and political management Institute of History and Sociology of Udmurt State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences Natalya Barmina believes that it is too early to talk about specific results.
- A year is quite short term“in order to sum up some results,” Natalya Barmina shared her opinion with “MK in Izhevsk”. - At the same time, it should be noted that Alexander Brechalov came to Udmurtia at a time when, for several years, a certain demand had been formed in the republic for updating the regional leader and management team. I know that in the republic there was a group of experts and journalists who, back in the years of the “era” of Alexander Volkov, and later Alexander Solovyov, said that the republic needed a new leader. Moreover, they believed that this should be a “Varangian”, that is, an outsider. It was needed to shake up the local elites in order to give some impetus to the development of the republic. Therefore, a significant part of the Udmurt political community perceived the arrival of Alexander Brechalov as a convenient option for this renewal. In addition, many in the republic associated Brechalov’s arrival with the fact that there would be increased interest in our republic from the federal center. That is, after Brechalov, federal money, investments, and projects will come to us. Did you manage to do this? I believe that it has not yet succeeded.
At the same time, Natalya Barmina believes that Alexander Brechalov managed to create a new image of the head of the region.
- Compared to previous leaders of the republic, he positions himself as an open person. This was facilitated by his modern style of communication on social networks, various campaigns that can be considered PR. Although among them there were also very useful events that met certain needs of society. But the main thing is that Brechalov managed to reformat almost completely the republican team. Those people who seemed to be sitting in leadership positions for a long time have left. The new head also managed to ensure some revival of the republic’s public life. In principle, this first year, which can be called a “test of the pen,” was quite prosperous.
According to publisher of the newspaper “Other Udmurtia”, former deputy of the State Council of the Urals Vladimir Chepkasov, after Alexander Brechalov came to power, Udmurtia began to show itself more, they began to talk about it more.
- There is more PR in in the best sense this word applies both to the republic itself and to our people. Udmurtia began to be heard at various Russian and international forums, and in the republic itself there were more “high-quality” public events. In addition, the approach to the formation of the republic's budget has changed (although I do not agree with this approach). The region's budget has become more rigid, not reflecting the real need for spending and not covering the republic's problem areas. But at the same time, the real “difficult” situation in which Udmurtia finds itself became obvious. The prospects for reducing the republic's public debt were also outlined.
What does he think? Member of the Public Chamber of Izhevsk Leonid Gonin , the new head of the region, thanks to social networks and live radio broadcasts, was able to quickly establish contact with ordinary residents of the republic and delve into the most pressing problems.
- Alexander Brechalov inherited a very difficult farm. And we must give him credit for not shying away from solving specific problems and pressing issues,” says Leonid Gonin. - I'll bring you specific example: a sensational conflict between developers and residents of Tatarbazar. Thanks to the team of Alexander Brechalov, the conflict was resolved. The authorities heard the opinions of Tatarbazar residents who opposed the construction of high-rise buildings on their territory. The same positive dynamics have emerged in relations between developers and residents of the Eastern village. Construction multi-storey buildings in the Eastern village caused a great public outcry. After the visit to Izhevsk of the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Nikita Stasishin and the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich, the city authorities finally identified four territories of the integrated sustainable development- KURT. Among them was part of the territory of the Eastern village. This will make it possible to stop compaction development in Izhevsk.
A springboard for a career takeoff?
Of course, Alexander Brechalov and his team had mistakes, blunders and failures. As they say, those who do nothing make no mistakes.
“I believe that Brechalov’s team has not yet managed to resolve issues related to economic development,” says Leonid Gonin. - For example, the republic’s public debt remains high – about 50 billion rubles. The problem has worsened with the decrease in purchase prices for milk. If we want to receive high-quality products, then it is necessary to allocate subsidies from the republican budget, as was the case in previous years. In addition, there are problems associated with wood processing. This was once again demonstrated by the first national forest forum, which was recently held in Udmurtia. We have a whole clan that is engaged in predatory deforestation, but does not plant new seedlings. In five years, Udmurtia may turn from forest edge to the steppe zone.
In addition, the experts expressed a unanimous opinion that the head of the republic failed to create a strong, professional team. Among those appointed to high positions were people who either had no experience in leadership positions or were not familiar with the specifics of the work of local institutions.
- I recently talked about Brechalov’s new team with a taxi driver with whom I was traveling completely by accident. I don't even know his name. But his statement seemed very interesting to me. He said one interesting thing about Brechalov’s team: “These people are absolutely strangers to Udmurtia. For them, the republic is just a springboard for making a career in the future. They don't plan to live here permanently. They look like visiting guests who came on tour, and then they will pack their things and leave the republic in the form in which it was.” And if such conversations circulate among ordinary people, it means that Brechalov is doing something wrong. This means that people don’t have the feeling that he came with his team seriously and for a long time. This is a very serious problem, because the credit of trust that he received from the residents of the republic during the elections in 2017 is very short. And if society does not feel significant changes, then Alexander Brechalov may lose the support of residents. Of course, I don't expect mass protests. In this sense, Udmurtia is a fairly calm region, but disappointment is possible. And one more problem of the new leader of the republic is that he has not built strong, effective channels of communication with various influential groups. This would allow him to become “a friend among strangers,” Natalya Barmina expressed her opinion.
Vladimir Chepkasov also supports her.
“In fact, officials, deputies, heads of enterprises and businessmen are interested in one question - how long the current “Team Udmurtia” will remain in Udmurtia,” noted Vladimir Chepkasov. - On this subject there are the most different opinions. Some say that Brechalov will leave for Moscow in May of this year, others give this government a maximum of two years. This is actually a serious question. And it would not have arisen if today Alexander Brechalov’s team had clear planning of its activities - both long-term and short-term. For example, Alexander Volkov had a plan for the socio-economic development of the republic for 5 years. Alexander Solovyov also had long-term plans, for the same production of milk “One million tons per year.” The current team has great difficulty planning activities. But the system of power works without failures only when it is clear in which direction to develop, when there are clear guidelines and mutual understanding. Now this is not the case... And this is connected with the second problem - personnel. In my opinion, Brechalov’s team does not have a clear and thoughtful approach to personnel placement. New appointments sometimes raise more questions than answers. And sooner or later, this may result in serious problems for the leader of Udmurtia.
So, the first year of work in Udmurtia for Alexander Brechalov and his team is behind us. I would like to believe that these people will meet the expectations of the residents of the republic and will do everything possible to improve life in our republic.

TASS DOSSIER. On September 11, 2017, the election commission of Udmurtia reported that in the elections of the head of the republic, held on September 10, the acting head of the region, Alexander Brechalov, won (“ United Russia"). After processing 100% of the protocols of precinct election commissions, he received 78.16% of the votes. Second place was taken by the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Bodrov, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Yushchenko (8.73%). Alexander Brechalov heads Udmurtia as an interim duties of the head of the republic since April 4, 2017.

Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov was born on November 18, 1973 in the village of Tlustenkhabl, Adygea Autonomous Region (now the Republic of Adygea).

In 1994 he graduated with honors from the Krasnodar Military Institute. General of the Army S. M. Shtemenko (now - Krasnodar Higher military school them. General of the Army S. M. Shtemenko), in 1999 - Moscow State Law Academy (now a university) named after. O. E. Kutafina.

From 1994 to 1996 - deputy head of the regime service of the Chkalovsky garrison (special purpose aviation division).

In 1996-1999 he worked as a legal adviser at TV-6 Moscow CJSC, in 1999-2000 - as a senior legal adviser at Alfa Bank OJSC.

From 2001 to 2002, he headed the legal department of CB Uniastrum Bank LLC (now part of Vostochny Bank). From 2002 to 2003, he was director of the legal department of the bank. Since 2007, he has been a member of the board of directors of Uniastrum Bank.

In 2003-2006 - General Director of Uniastrum Consulting LLC. From 2006 to 2013 - President of VBO Consult LLC (formerly Uniastrum Consulting).

In 2005, he joined the presidium of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia", and was the head of its regional branch in the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2008-2012, he served as vice-president of Opora Russia (the president of the organization was Sergei Borisov).

In 2009, he established the media holding "Opora Credit" (information and advisory support for small businesses, including obtaining loans; organization All-Russian competition for entrepreneurs" Business success", conducting a rating of municipalities).

From November 16, 2012 to October 29, 2014 - President of "Support of Russia", since 2014 - First Vice-President of the organization (Brechalov was replaced by Alexander Kalinin).

Since 2013 - co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the All-Russian popular front.

In 2013, he became a member of the board of directors of the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR JSC), in 2014 - the board of directors All-Russian Center studying public opinion(VTsIOM).

June 16, 2014 elected secretary of the Public Chamber Russian Federation. He replaced Academician Evgeniy Velikhov in this post, who took the position of honorary secretary of the organization. Under the leadership of Brechalov, the Public Chamber in 2015 developed the “Perspective” project, aimed at finding and supporting civil and public initiatives in small towns and rural areas, including in the form of grants. For this purpose, “Community” forums were held in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, and the annual Public Chamber award “I am a citizen!” was established. Work began on creating a bank of civil initiatives.

In 2015, he became a member of the Anti-Corruption Council under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2016, he became a member of the Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, as well as Public Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to determine candidates for state awards for achievements in the field of human rights and charitable activities. Member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation. In June 2016, he joined the supervisory board of the Znanie society.

On April 4, 2017, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed acting head of the Udmurt Republic. The former head of the republic, Alexander Solovyov, was removed from office due to the loss of confidence of the head of state.

The total amount of declared income for 2016 was 4 million 629 thousand rubles, spouses - 4 million 708 thousand rubles.

He was awarded a certificate of honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2014) for his services in organizing and conducting international summer educational forums, and also received letters of gratitude from the President (2013) and the Government of the Russian Federation (2012).

Married, has a son and daughter. Wife - Elena Nikolaevna, children - Artem and Anastasia.

He does triathlon. In 2015, he took part in the Baikal Ice Marathon and the Karjala Half Marathon in Karelia, and in the “Connecting the Shores” swim across the Volga River.

Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov was born in the Adyghe village with the ornate name Tlyustenkhabl, to which once, under Catherine II, the Bzhedukh princes were resettled under the protection of the Kuban Cossacks. Therefore, local residents always felt themselves to be descendants, if not of aristocrats, then, in any case, of the people who were entrusted with their protection.

As for Sasha Brechalov, he did not go that far in his dreams. Being a very athletic boy, he had a very rational approach to life. Alexander attended the school cycling section and was fond of fishing, fortunately the local residents were not deprived of fish. After all, the village was located near the Krasnodar reservoir on the Kuban River, and the local sturgeon factory was a formative enterprise.

Sale of electric fishing rods

Initially, Alexander chose a military career for himself, so after school he entered the very prestigious Krasnodar Military School named after Army General Shtemenko, which reported directly to General Staff and trained military cryptographers and information security specialists.

However, at this time, rapid changes were taking place in the country, huge opportunities arose for new businessmen, so the newly minted cadet also decided to try his luck. He remembered his old love of fishing and started a dubious business selling electric fishing rods.

In the future, there will be a struggle between honest fishermen and environmentalists to ban this means of fishing, and people who use electric fishing rods will be called nothing less than poachers. But in those years it was possible to easily engage in such a business, and Brechalov opened a company with the beautiful name “Venice”.


Having received lieutenant's shoulder straps, Alexander went to serve in the Moscow region as deputy chief of the regime service of the Chkalov garrison of the 8th Red Banner Special Purpose Aviation Division. But military service in those days it brought in very modest income, and Brechalov soon retired, deciding to join the ranks of the rapidly expanding army of lawyers. To do this, he entered the law faculty of the Moscow State Law Academy.

As a student, Alexander Vladimirovich successfully worked as a legal consultant in various companies, he even managed to work on the TV-6 Moscow television channel. And in 1999, after graduating from the academy, Brechalov managed to get a position as a senior legal adviser at Alfa-Bank. In a word First stage Alexander Vladimirovich’s career was no different from that of many young lawyers of that time.

Bank Uniastrum

This continued until Brechalov met three friends - Oleg Belousov, Gagik Zakaryan and Georgy Piskov, who were friends from their student days and did business together.

At that time, Uniastrum Bank, created by them to place the funds of their own partners, had already existed for several years. This Uniastrium, by the way, was popularly called the Armenian bank, since most of its clients belonged to the Armenian diaspora in Moscow, whose representatives Zakarian knew well.

In 2001, when Uniastrium’s business took off and its client base began to expand beyond personal acquaintances, a need arose to expand. It was then that they made a job offer to Brechalov. So Alexander Vladimirovich, at the age of twenty-eight, became director of the legal department at this bank. In general, his appointment fit into the overall picture of Uniastrium, which was represented by a young team, and the age of the co-owners did not reach forty years.

The emerging economic growth in the country also affected the bank’s prospects, which became increasingly rosy. Its co-owners often began to spend time in expensive restaurants. Brechalov himself, who retained his love for a healthy lifestyle, did not really like such gatherings, but still, to maintain good relations with management visited them regularly.

Murder in a restaurant

Naturally, he could not help but check in on Oleg Belousov’s birthday, the celebration of which took place in the Georgian restaurant “Kabanchik”. A very revealing story took place in this restaurant of those years when entrepreneurs began to have claims to the European level, but at the same time the style of communication remained from the time of the nineties.

That day, in addition to representatives of Uniastrium, other businessmen were also relaxing in the restaurant. At one point, the tables had a classic argument over loud music. Attempts on the part of the bankers to resolve the issue in a civilized manner were unsuccessful, and things came to a fight. When Belousov headed towards the administration, a shot rang out. The birthday boy was seriously wounded in the head and soon died. In the future, Brechalov will still have to deal with such methods of resolving issues; at the same time, the team suffered a serious loss in the person of Belousov.

The young lawyer progressed very quickly. As a result, Zakarian and Piskov noticed his punctuality and hard work. Back in 2000, the company had plans to expand its services to clients, and already then the Uniastrum Consulting company was founded. Now it was decided to give this direction to Brechalov. So in 2002, Alexander Vladimirovich became president of Uniastrum Consulting LLC.

Support of Russia

Around the same years it was formed public association entrepreneurs "Opora Rossii". Since it was created on the initiative of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, representatives of large and medium-sized businesses began to actively replenish its ranks. Among them was Brechalov. His company, as they say, hit the right wave and has firmly established itself in the market.

Among the business community, the young head of Uniastrum Consulting has become an example successful development"business from scratch." Therefore, soon Alexander Vladimirovich already headed the regional branch of Opora in his native Krasnodar region. Over time, he made useful connections and headed the committees on corporate law and financial markets, as well as the commission on nanotechnology, at Opora.

Knowing first-hand about the problems of business, Brechalov created an anti-raid commission in the Krasnodar Territory. He also did not forget about Uniastrum Consulting, which since then became known as VBO Consulting. He managed to get good funding through Opora Russia for his company to conduct entrepreneurial literacy courses.

Strange purchase by Cypriots

Alexander Vladimirovich’s affairs were going uphill when the global economic crisis broke out in 2008, because of which Uniastrium Bank, on whose board of directors at that time Brechalov was already on the board, also faced problems.

But the bank managed to get out of a difficult situation with the help of an extremely profitable deal with the Cyprus bank Bank of Cyprus, which acquired 80% of the shares of Uniastrium for $576 million. authorized capital at the same time increased by $50 million.

However, later, when the Bank of Cyprus came under the control of the Cypriot Central Bank, after a serious audit, this transaction raised big questions. It turned out that the bank's top managers bought Uniastrum Bank for twice as much as its real value, and then, as compensation, asked the Central Bank of Cyprus for more than $500 million. As a result, in 2015, at the request of the President of Cyprus, an investigation into this scam began.

Uniastrium was extremely pleased with this deal, and during the crisis they could afford to write good bonuses. So, for example, only in June 2009, Piskov and Zakaryan assigned themselves 18 million rubles in remuneration, although Brechalov was then content with only 3 million rubles.

Vice President

Alexander Vladimirovich’s career also developed rapidly at Opora Rossii, where he established strong connections not only with business representatives, but also with those in power. At that time he held many round tables with Anatoly Chubais.

Anatoly Borisovich, in turn, also sought close cooperation, involving Brechalov in the study of innovations in the regions, for which decent budget money was allocated. These kinds of connections allowed Brechalov to rise to the position of vice president at Opora Rossii by the end of 2008.

In those years, there was a lot of talk about supporting medium and small businesses in the country, and Alexander Vladimirovich quickly managed to fit into this agenda. Thus, 965 million rubles were allocated for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Krasnodar Territory alone.

Naturally, Alexander Brechalov, who headed the regional department, was in the forefront of those who began to use this money. All kinds of conferences began to be held in Krasnodar, organized by the vice-president of Opora Russia and his colleagues. And although there was little benefit from these events, the above-mentioned budget was used in full.


Having all the resource capabilities, Alexander Vladimirovich managed to lobby for the creation of the Opora-Credit media holding, which he himself headed in 2009. The essence of the project was to help small businesses obtain financing and provide comprehensive information about existing support programs.

At the same time, Brechalov developed a love for large and pompous events. He conceived the idea of ​​establishing a national award for small entrepreneurs called “Business Success.” The award was given to those who won in one category or another with their business project. And all this was accompanied by numerous forums in the regions, which were attended by both entrepreneurs and government officials. The scale of the presentation of this award itself made people think whether it would be better to send all this money directly to entrepreneurs.

Almost monopolists

At some point, Opora Russia turned out to be almost a monopolist in the field of protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses. The communication channel between businessmen and government officials was concentrated in one hand. Businessmen sought to obtain membership in this organization in any way, and the system of membership fees was very opaque.

Reports began to appear in the media that its leader, Sergei Borisov, was collecting money from its members through gray schemes, and his visits to the regions most often ended with relaxation in a bathhouse with representatives of the fair sex. Alexander Brechalov was called Borisov’s “wallet”. It was he, according to some versions, who collected “contributions” in envelopes and other amounts for which Opora was ready to resolve issues with municipal, regional, and often federal authorities.

It is difficult to say how accurately these publications reflected reality, because they began to appear at a time of intensification of the internal struggle in Opora. Regional branches were dissatisfied with the undivided power of Borisov and the isolation of Moscow from other regions. Perhaps the disturbances were also associated with constant extortions. As a result, the question of the need to elect a new president came up on the agenda.

Borisov, realizing that he was unlikely to retain his post, began grooming Brechalov as his successor, and the regional offices relied on another vice-president, Pavel Seagal, who was more immersed in the regional agenda. Among the candidates was Alexei Kudrin, who by that time had resigned as Minister of Finance.

Assassination as PR

At this time, an unpleasant event occurred in the life of Alexander Vladimirovich - on June 2, 2012, there was an attempt on his life in the center of Moscow. The vice-president of Opora Rossii himself was surprised that the assassination attempt took place not far from the FSB building complex on Lubyanka Square.

The media became interested in this fact. After all, in order to commit such a crime, it had to be carefully planned. The gain that the robbers received turned out to be small, and the risk was high, hence the question arose - for what? If the attackers’ goal was the life of Brechalov himself, then their work was carried out extremely unprofessionally. The victim was shot from traumatic weapons, and in those parts of the body to which it could not cause severe injuries. Perhaps they simply wanted to intimidate Alexander Ivanovich.

But, it seems, this was just a PR stunt before the upcoming presidential elections of Opora. The fact is that the biography of Alexander Brechalov, on the one hand, is exemplary, but on the other hand, it had big amount there were dark spots and there was literally nothing for an outside observer to grab onto. And in this case, his person turned into a hero who, despite the assassination attempt, was not afraid to nominate his candidacy. This version is also supported by the fact that after the elections, this story was forgotten and did not receive any development; the investigation never presented any results to the media.

President of Support of Russia

The day before, Borisov had done a lot of work. Through the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, instructions were sent to the governors to “convince” the local branches of Opora, which preferred to see Seagal as their leader, to change their decision.

As a result, in November 2012, Alexander Brechalov was elected president of Opora Russia. It should be noted that Seagal, who showed himself to be a very independent player, a little later had problems with the law.

At this time, Alexander Vladimirovich began to be considered as a promising politician. Against the backdrop of increased civic activity in the country, the focus of activity began to shift from business to social activities. Brechalov’s agenda increasingly began to include social responsibility of business, as well as assistance in business development among disabled people and other citizens in difficult life situations.

Over time, his figure began to be pushed into various pro-government public organizations - at first he became a member of the Public Chamber of Moscow and the All-Russian Popular Front. And already on June 12, 2013, he became a member of the Central Headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front.

His task was to intercept the agenda, especially in the regions, as well as to attract young activists working in this direction to himself. As a result, Alexander Brechalov created a project to analyze government procurement, and numerous reports on the state of affairs in the regions began to be published. Another such report concerning the Volgograd region was followed by the resignation of its governor Sergei Bozhenov. The image of a real fighter against corruption was created.

Successful career of Brechalov

Already at the end of 2013, at the ONF forum, Brechalov reported on his activities to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin himself. It was then that Alexander Brechalov drew attention to the administration Sakhalin region, which, according to the budget, allocated 680 million rubles for “improving the image of the governor.” Subsequently, in 2015, the governor of the Sakhalin region was detained on suspicion of participation in a corruption scheme.

The next stage in Brechalov’s career was the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (OP). In 2014, a new, fifth, composition of the Chamber was formed. It should be noted that it was formed ambiguously; some candidates had to go through electronic elections, which turned into a scandalous process. Alexander Vladimirovich himself bypassed it, as he entered the Chamber by presidential decree. In general, the composition turned out to be unprecedentedly loyal to the authorities; all more or less strong opponents were left behind.

Very soon it became clear that the Presidential Administration sees Brechalov as the new secretary of the Chamber, giving the previous head Evgeniy Velekhov an honorary symbolic position. The first friction immediately arose, since Vladislav Grib, the first deputy secretary of the OP of the previous composition, had long seen himself in this place. And again instructions were given from above to make the right choice.

At the same time, Grib, hoping to maintain an influential position, pointedly just before the vote during the plenary session, withdrew his candidacy, which was preceded by fiery words of support from old members of the Chamber addressed to him. But Alexander Brechalov was in a militant mood and after his election he began drastic changes.

First of all, Grib’s anti-corruption agenda was taken away, since Brechalov himself was involved in it, and in the ONF. And over time, Vladislav Valerievich completely gave up his position and began to appear extremely rarely on Miusskaya Square.

Big changes

Big changes also occurred in the OP apparatus, where almost the entire leadership team changed, replaced by people from Rosmolodezh. Many experienced members of the Chamber were outraged by the moral teachings of former “Seliger activists” when they began to impose on them the methods of pro-Kremlin youth organizations.

Olga Kostina, who eventually resigned from the Chamber, spoke openly at the meetings. Many spoke out against the idea of ​​holding expensive awards ceremonies for activists, which Alexander Brechalov loves so much.

Joseph Diskin was also dissatisfied with his position; he was deprived of the chairmanship of the commission's leader, and the commission itself was abolished. Alexander Vladimirovich refused to contact Diskin at all for a very long time, but over time he nevertheless established relations.

The Public Chamber itself under Brechalov became more focused on working with regions and private activists who do not represent a specific organization. The Public Chamber began to hold weekly online meetings with regional chambers, and Alexander Brechalov himself began to travel around the cities and towns of the country, establishing contacts with local activists, trying to resolve pressing social issues and, with his very presence, frightening local authorities with possible corruption investigations.

healthy lifestyle

At the same time, Brechalov, faithful to a healthy lifestyle, organized mass jogging and exercises wherever he appeared. fresh air, or simply demonstratively did pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It should be noted that Alexander Vladimirovich is a regular participant in triathlon competitions, and even has a nickname in honor of the name of one such competition - Iron Man.

He, among the OP’s apparatus, tried to instill a healthy lifestyle, driving everyone out to the horizontal bars. Many respectable employees even resented this state of affairs at the feeling of a schoolchild being obliged to bring a sports uniform, while others hung demonstratively on the crossbar, posing for the camera of their phones and posting this spectacle on social networks.

Risk group

If we return to regional trips, then Alexander Vladimirovich did not go smoothly everywhere. So, Brechalov’s relationship with Sverdlovsk region. When visiting Yekaterinburg, there was no meeting with the regional governor Evgeny Kuyvashev.

At the same time, Alexander Vladimirovich was informed about violations of government procurement in the region, which Brechalov promised to do. And when the investigation against Khoroshavin began, Alexander Vladimirovich began to hint that Kuyvashev, like the former Khabarovsk governor, was at risk in the ONF rating.

The secretary of the Public Chamber also has a difficult relationship with activists in this region. So they rejected the activist Ekaterina Petrova, who had long been involved in monitoring public procurement in the region, offering cooperation.

The demonstrative reluctance to work together with Petrova is due to the fact that at some stage of her activity she collaborated with oppositionist Alexei Navalny. At the same time, Brechalov actively supports the notorious local deputy Evgeny Artyukh, who manages to sail on a yacht under a flag with the inscription “Pensioners of Russia” near the resort island of Ibiza.

Promising politician

Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov regularly tops ratings of promising politicians. Being in leading positions in such public organizations as “Support of Russia”, ONF and the Public Chamber, he is called upon to pull civic engagement under the wing of the state.

Trying to build civil society from above, while making sure that it is completely controlled and loyal to the authorities, seems to be an extremely dubious idea. At the same time, Alexander Brechalov often achieved positive results, be it the fight against the tax burden for small and medium-sized businesses or the fight against violations in government procurement.

But among all the other tinsel and money spent on pathos, these achievements may turn out to be a drop in the ocean, and good deeds will also fall under the stamp of profanation. According to some reports, Brechalov is being trained as a politician federal level, but for now he is more useful as an activist, surrounded by an aura of mystery.

In connection with the previously made decision to remove himself from office due to the loss of confidence of the former head of the republic, the President appointed Alexander Brechalov as acting Head of Udmurtia.

Political activity obliges a person to have a whole range of skills that ultimately make him a successful manager. One of these statesmen, capable of making the only right decision in difficult life situations, is Vladimirovich. We will talk about his career and successes in detail in the article.


The future high-ranking official was born on November 18, 1973. His birthplace is the village of Tlyustenkhabl. This is the Republic of Adygea.

Military service

In 1994, Vladimirovich graduated from the Krasnodar Military Institute named after Shtemenko with honors. And five years later, the young officer became a graduate of the Moscow State Academy named after Kutafin.

For two years, from 1994 to 1996, our hero served as deputy head of the security service in the Chkalovsky garrison (special purpose aviation unit).

Change of activity

After leaving the army, in 1996, Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov, whose photo is presented in the article, became a practicing lawyer. For three years he worked as a consultant in joint stock company"TV-6 Moscow". After that, from 1999 to 2000, he worked as a senior consulting lawyer at Alfa Bank.

Having established himself as a highly qualified specialist, in 2001 Brechalov received an invitation to the legal department of Uniastrum Bank. Here he worked for one year. And in 2007, he became a member of the board of directors of this financial institution. Moreover, from 2003 to 2006, Alexander was in the chair of the general director of the company with limited liability"Uniastrum Consulting", which was later renamed "VBO Consult".

Social activity

The year 2005 for a gifted and successful legal worker was marked by his entry into the Presidium of the All-Russian Society of Medium and Small Entrepreneurship, which was called “Support of Russia”. It is worth noting that Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich received from his colleagues the right to lead regional office structures in the Krasnodar region. And from 2008 to 2012, the man became the second person in the organization, taking the position of its vice president (the head then was Sergei Borisov). The former military man was able to become the full-fledged leader of the “support” on November 16, 2012 and remained at the helm until October 29, 2014.

In 2009, the Russian became the founder of a holding company, which he called Opora Credit. The goal of this giant was to provide information and advisory support to businesses, as well as to obtain loans for them if necessary.

2013 was also a very productive year in Alexander’s life. In particular, he became co-chairman of the headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front, and also joined the board of directors of the state agency involved in insuring export loans and investments.

Entering politics

In the summer of 2014, Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich, whose biography is filled with many interesting projects in various spheres of life, was appointed secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. It was in this job that the energetic manager was able to develop, with the help of his colleagues, and put into practice a project focused on the development and search for various initiatives of the civil population in small towns and rural areas. Grants were also provided. To ultimately obtain the maximum effect from this whole undertaking, a special bank was created, where all people’s proposals were recorded. To motivate participants, an annual award called “I am a citizen!” was introduced.

In 2016, Brechalov became a full member of the Council, chaired by the President of the Russian Federation, responsible for combating corruption. Around the same time, the politician found himself in the ranks of the council dealing with strategic planning and most important projects. But Alexander’s appointments did not end there: he was still involved in the work of the commission, which was engaged in identifying candidates worthy of awarding them prizes from the state for active and effective work in the field of philanthropy and human rights protection.


On the first day of June 2012, Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich found himself the victim of an attack by criminals. As police officers said, at 12.50 the businessman drove up to a cafe located in the Nautilus shopping center, where he had a business meeting planned. The man parked the car and, taking his leather briefcase with him, got out of the car. It was at this time that he was attacked by unknown people, whose faces were hidden by masks.

One of the bandits opened fire on Brechalov with a traumatic weapon, and the criminal’s accomplices snatched the briefcase from the lawyer’s hands. After which the gang got into the Audi car that was waiting for them and disappeared in an unknown direction.

An ambulance was called for Alexander, who took him to the hospital. According to the then president of Opora Russia, citizen Borisov, the victim received damage to his body from bullets, but there was no threat to life and health.

At the same time, law enforcement officials suggested that surveillance of the victim was organized in order to take possession of his briefcase, in which the criminals expected to find a large sum of money.

High ranking official

At the beginning of April 2017, Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov (whose biography and parents are of interest to many readers) executed the decree of the President of the Russian Federation and became the temporary acting head of the Udmurt Republic. His predecessor, Alexander Solovyov, was deprived of his chair due to the loss of full trust on the part of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

On September 11, 2017, based on the election results, the election commission of the Udmurt region named the hero of the article the winner in the race for the position of governor. Thus, Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov is the head of Udmurtia, who was able to collect 78.16% of the votes of all voters who voted. His direct competitor is Vladimir Bodrov, representing Communist Party Russia and working as an assistant to People's Deputy Yushchenko, took second place.


The parents of Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov, when he was still little, argued for a long time about where to send their son: to a dance club or to a football section. As a result, the opinion of the head of the family turned out to be a priority, and Sasha began to play football.

The governor himself is also a married man. His wife’s name is Elena, and together with her he is raising two children - daughter Nastya and son Artem. There is also another member in the family - this is a dog, which the household calls Utah.

The head of Udmurtia is an ardent fan of triathlon. In particular, in 2015, he took part in the Baikal Ice Marathon, a half marathon in Karelia, and swam along the Volga River as part of the “Connecting the Shores” competition. The politician also loves reading and sincerely believes that this pastime is an extremely important investment in the self-development of any person. Besides, statesman is an active user of social networks.

At the end of 2013, the head of the Udmurt region of the Russian Federation declared 4 million 629 thousand Russian rubles in income.

Alexander repeatedly received state awards both directly from the hands of the president of the country and from the government of the Federation.

Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich is a public figure and entrepreneur. A man on whom many lives depend. How often does an ordinary Russian citizen scold every politician he hears about, but is this right? Are there really no decent, honest leaders in the country? Let's figure out what kind of person this is, a hero or an anti-hero?

About life

The biography of Alexander Brechalov begins in a small village in the Adygea Autonomous Region in 1973.

As a child, the boy often dreamed of becoming an investigator, since his beloved’s father was from law enforcement agencies. However, in 1994, forgetting about his childhood dreams, he graduated from a military school in Krasnodar and received a honors diploma.

2 years after graduation he served in the aviation division. Alexander did not start with minor positions; he was immediately appointed to the role of deputy chief.

From 1996 to 2014 career is actively going up. The future leader is actively making his way to new places, without sitting idly by. And in 2014 he rose to the position of vice-president of Opora Rossii, and in 2015 he led the list of the most promising politicians in the Russian Federation. In 2017 he becomes the head of Udmurtia.

Not a bad career boost. From small town boy to vice president. Some will say that it is all connections and money, others will say that this is his personal merit. Well, there really is a lot of conflicting information among people about the head of the Udmurt Republic, Alexander Brechalov. Let's analyze the information.


In open sources, very little is mentioned about loved ones and relatives, and increasingly about careers. But in vain!

Family for Alexander Brechalov is one of the most important things in life. The politician has a wonderful wife, Elena Brechalova. In 2016, the wife earned 4,708,000 rubles. Although information about it is not particularly disseminated.

The couple have two wonderful children: son Artem and daughter Anastasia. For Alexander Brechalov, children are the main incentive to strive for new achievements.

Another important member of the family is a small dog named Utah. This is not only a friend for the children and Elena, but also a personal assistant to Alexander Vladimirovich. She is present at his training sessions, on his social networks, and accompanies him at family events. It's great that even high-ranking officials have ordinary human joys and worries.


“Reading and sports are the two best investments in yourself,” says Alexander Brechalov. This person belongs to the category of “bookworms”. He is constantly studying new information, reads new literature. On your page in social network stated that he is currently busy with Emile Azhar’s work “The Whole Life Ahead.” Everyone would love such a hobby, wouldn’t they?

The second passion in his life is sports. One of the best hobbies of humanity. For several years he has been interested in triathlon, completed a swimming distance of 3.86 km, his achievements also include participation in a cycling race (180 km) and running a distance of 42 km. All these tests were completed in 10 hours and 41 minutes. Anyone here would envy such results.

This is far from the only marathon in which the politician took part. He tries in every possible way to introduce residents to sports by his own example.


In 2014, the hero of this article receives a certificate of honor from the president himself for hosting International Summer Forums.

Whatever happens in politics, let us remember human qualities. The head of Udmurtia knows English and Udmurt languages ​​perfectly. This is an example of not only the desire for improvement, but also patriotism.

He thoroughly took up the reconstruction of Gogol Boulevard. The work cost 44 million rubles. This greatly pleased the residents of the surrounding area, who for a long time did not know what to do with this destroyed street.

Thanks to Brechalov, the ski marathon named after Politician was organized very sports man, is currently training towards biathlon.

“Take the punch and go to the end” is the principle of life. A motivating phrase that has helped the manager more than once, as he himself stated in one of his interviews.

Social media

The current head of Udmurtia actively maintains a VK page. Since joining new position, Alexander Vladimirovich asked to send all complaints and proposals for the reconstruction of the city there. He also actively talks about his life, explaining that he lives on the taxes of the people, and, therefore, the people should know what he is doing. At the moment, more than 27,000 people have subscribed to the politician. An interesting and rare position for a public person.

#MyUdmurtia is one of the most popular signs of Brechalov. This is how he signs posts with information about travel in Udmurtia.

As a child, the head of Udmurtia worked with his father at a construction site. In the 11th grade, his parent took him with him to the project of a 2-story house. A whole 29 days of hard, painstaking work. But he made pretty good money from it and paid for his trip to Moscow for the remaining time.

Alexander Brechalov's wife is his first love. They met in the fifth grade and were able to carry their feelings through so many years. Marvelous!

An unusual photo session of a politician took place in Kambarka, which surprised and amused the inhabitants of the Internet.

Alexander Brechalov’s parents argued for a very long time about which section to send their son to. Mom sincerely wanted him to dance professionally, and dad to play football. The head of the family won, and the child became a football player. But the mother’s wishes were satisfied by her grandchildren, who preferred dancing.

Entrepreneurs competition

Until 2009, the young politician was rapidly rising and fighting to improve the lives of his people. Actively climbing the career ladder, working in a large bank, waging war for small and medium business, for tax reduction. Why not an ideal candidate for larger positions?

So he gets more responsible tasks, naturally, with a larger budget. In 2011, the “support of the future” organizes a competition among entrepreneurs. The best candidate had to go to New York to demonstrate his project, and one of the Russian magazines had to publish “TOP 500 small businesses in Russia.” It would seem that this is a wonderful prospect for all aspiring businessmen.

And here there is only one small point left to clarify. Why did the project with the idea of ​​a mobile bathhouse win the competition? Such structures have existed since the times of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, we will never know the answer.

Moving to new houses

One day the president received a complaint. A resident of Izhevsk, Anastasia Votintseva, turned to Vladimir Vladimirovich with a request to resolve the issue of resettlement. Their house was declared unsafe and the residents were promised new apartments, but the move is only scheduled for 2029. If it is dangerous to live in a building now, then in what ruins will residents have to live until 2029?

V.V. Putin personally looked into this issue. He came to the girl, saw the conditions in which they lived, and instructed Alexander Brechalov to resettle Anastasia’s family and 10 other families from the dilapidated building.

After this situation was made public, checks began and even the republican prosecutor’s office became involved. To all questions, receptionist Alexandra Brechalov gave the following answer: relocating residents is a big responsibility. They couldn't begin to distribute people to the new buildings. The houses had a number of problems that required additional work.

But, thanks to timely intervention, Anastasia’s family now lives peacefully, without fear that the ceiling will collapse at night.

Strange attack

Another striking event in the biography of Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov. On June 1, 2012, the leader of Udmurtia was attacked. Three unknown men attacked the victim in front of the Nautilus cafe in the center of Moscow, shot Alexander Brechalov and took away a briefcase with documents and money. The robbers were later found and convicted.

Now let's look at the details. The attack took place near the Nautilus. This is the center of the capital, next to the main building of the FSB. Not the most convenient place for an attack.

The attacker fired from a traumatic pistol, which did not cause any harm to the victim.

It is known that after their capture, they were robbed in the amount of tens of millions. And the news stated that there were about 100 thousand rubles in the briefcase. Maybe our valiant police made a mistake and took the wrong ones?

And the case itself was quickly hushed up; no one was hurt, and this is the most important thing. Alas, we will never know how everything really happened; we can only speculate. What were these lost documents?

Small business development

Are you ready for the next fact? Here you will have to remember a little mathematics.

In 2011, 16 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget for the development of small businesses. The head of Urmudnia, Aleksandrov Brechalov, said that this money was not enough.

In 2012, 20 billion rubles were allocated from the budget, which suited the politician quite well.

The head of the Republic also said that he would soon appear new scheme budget allocation, more productive. As Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin later noted, the system was not in the project.

However, during the story, Alexander Brechalov stated that the old method of work is ineffective, and only a few business projects reach a victorious end.

What comes out of this? That 36 billion rubles were wasted, and young and green entrepreneurs have no chance? Please note that all this is from the words of a person who distributed the budget and worked under the old system.

Help for teenagers

The head of Udmurtia organized a project called “Mentoring”. The idea is to help rehabilitate juvenile offenders. As an example, the politician personally became the first volunteer. He states that mentors must not only have the desire to help, but also the mental toughness, patience, compassion and understanding of what these teenagers have gone through.

As it turned out, this was not the first experience of Alexander Vladimirovich. He already led one guy who was punished law enforcement agencies for robbery. True, after his release he had a relapse, but now the young man is quite ready to join the army and put an end to the past.

I am glad that such attention is paid to the education of young people. After all, it is from these teenagers that our future and the future of our country are formed.

Simonikha village

Another one of the “God-forgotten” places in Russia. However, I remembered him very well new manager Udmurtia. As soon as he took office, he went to visit local residents. The population is only 40 people.

To say that the conditions are terrible will not be enough. All houses are in disrepair. And there is no road there. Alexander Brechalov wrote on his blog that he got there in a KamAZ truck.

However, the unexpected guest promised to take the situation into his own hands. Help with the delivery of food and medicine, as well as improve people’s living conditions as much as possible.

Let's hope that the inhabitants of this village got into good hands, and now they will receive everything they need for a full, happy life.

It is up to you to draw conclusions about what kind of person this is, the head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov. Whether he is a hero or an anti-hero is unknown. After all, everyone has ups and downs, and their own skeletons in the closet.

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