Factors determining geographic zonation. Geographic zoning as a property of the geographical envelope

Many physical-geographical phenomena in the geographic envelope are distributed in the form of strips extended along parallels, or at some angle to them. This property of geographical phenomena is called zonality (law of geographical zonation).

Ideas about natural zoning originated with ancient Greek scientists. So, in the 5th century. BC. and Eudonyx noted five zones of the Earth: tropical, two temperate and two polar. Huge contribution The German geographer introduced the doctrine of natural zonality, who established climatic and vegetation zones Earth (“Geography of Plants”, 1836). In Russia, ideas about geographic zoning were expressed in 1899 in the book “The Doctrine of Natural Zones. Horizontal and vertical soil zones." The professor owns research on the causes and factors of zoning. He came to the conclusion about the important role of the relationship between the radiation balance and the amount of annual precipitation (1966).

Currently, it is believed that natural zonation is represented by

  1. component zoning;
  2. landscape zoning.

All components geographic envelope are subject to the World Law of Zoning. Zoning is noted for climatic indicators, plant groups and soil types. It also manifests itself in hydrological and geochemical phenomena, as a derivative of climatic and soil and plant conditions.

The zonality of physical and geographical phenomena is based on the pattern of influx solar radiation, the arrival of which decreases from the equator to the poles. However, this distribution of solar radiation is superimposed by the atmospheric transparency factor, which is azonal, since it is not related to the shape of the Earth. Air temperature depends on solar radiation, the distribution of which is influenced by another azonal factor - the properties of the earth's surface - its heat capacity and thermal conductivity. This factor leads to an even greater violation of zoning. On the distribution of heat on the Earth's surface big influence Ocean and air currents also exert influence, forming heat transfer systems.

The distribution of precipitation on our planet is even more complex. They are, on the one hand, zonal in nature, and on the other hand, they are associated with the position of the territory in the western or eastern part of the continents and the height of the earth’s surface.

The combined effect of heat and moisture is the main factor that determines most physical and geographical phenomena. Since the distribution of moisture and heat remains oriented in latitude, all climate-related phenomena are oriented in latitude. As a result, a latitudinal structure is formed on Earth, called geographical zonality.

The clarity is manifested in the distribution of the main climatic characteristics: solar radiation, temperature and atmospheric pressure, which leads to the formation of a system of 13 climatic zones. Plant groups on Earth also form elongated stripes, but in a more complex configuration than climatic zones. They are called vegetation zones. Soil cover is closely related to vegetation, climate and relief, which allowed V.V. Dokuchaev to identify genetic types of soils.

In the 50s of the 20th century, geographers Grigoriev and Budyko developed Dokuchaev’s law of zoning and formulated periodic law of geographical zonation. This law establishes the repetition of similar geographical zones within zones, depending on the ratio of heat and moisture. Thus, forest zones are found in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and temperate zones. Steppes and deserts are also found in different geographical zones. The presence of similar zones in different belts explained by the repetition of the same ratios of heat and moisture.

Thus, zone- This large part geographical zone, which is characterized by the same indicators of radiation balance, annual precipitation and evaporation. At the beginning of the last century, Vysotsky proposed a humidification coefficient equal to the ratio of precipitation to evaporation. Later, Budyko, to substantiate the periodic law, introduced an indicator - the radiation dryness index, which is the ratio of the incoming amount solar energy to heat consumption for evaporation atmospheric precipitation. It has been established that there is a close connection between geographical zones and the amount of income solar heat and radiation dryness index.

Geographic zones are internally heterogeneous, which is primarily associated with azonal atmospheric circulation and moisture transfer. Taking this into account, sectors are identified. As a rule, there are three of them: two oceanic (western and eastern) and one continental. Sector This is a geographic zonality, which is expressed in a change in the main natural indicators along longitude, that is, from the oceans inland to the continents.

Landscape zoning is determined by the fact that the geographic envelope, in the process of its development, acquired a “mosaic” structure and consists of many natural complexes of unequal size and complexity. According to the definition of F.N. Milkova PTC is a self-regulating system of interconnected components, functioning under the influence of one or more components that act as a leading factor.

ZONING geographical (natural zoning), special shape territorial differentiation of the geographical shell of the Earth, expressed in consistent change natural conditions and landscapes from the equator to the poles.

The main reasons for zonality: the shape of the Earth and the position of the Earth relative to the Sun, which determine the uneven latitudinal flow of solar radiation onto the Earth's surface. There are component zoning (climate, water, soil, vegetation, fauna, etc.) and complex, or landscape, zoning. Landscape zonation is expressed in a regular change geographical zones and zones within these belts. Some Russian physical geographers (A. A. Grigoriev, G. D. Richter) distinguish between the concepts of zonality and zonality, while distinguishing “radiation” and “thermal” belts. The “radiation” belt is determined only by the amount of incoming solar radiation, which naturally decreases from the equator to the poles, therefore the boundaries of these belts are located sublatitudinally. The formation of “thermal” and, even more so, climatic and geographical zones is also influenced by the circulation of the atmosphere, the distribution of continents and oceans, the albedo of the earth’s surface, ocean currents, etc., and therefore the position of their boundaries is not always close to the sublatitudinal one. The isolation of geographic zones on land itself depends on the ratio of heat and moisture (hydrothermal regime), which varies not only by latitude, but also from the coasts to the interior of the continents (the so-called circumoceanic zoning or sectoring). In general terms, we are talking about the continental and oceanic sectors, which have different systems (spectra) of zones. For example, coastal sectors are generally characterized by forest zones; for continental sectors - zones of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. Systems of geographical zones change not only in space, but also in time due to global changes in thermal conditions and the ratio of heat and moisture (for example, during periods of continental glaciation), which leads to the expansion of some zones due to the reduction or even complete disappearance of others (the so-called hyperzonation ).

Zoning is most clearly expressed on vast plains; in the mountains it manifests itself in the form of altitudinal zonation. In the World Ocean, in addition to surface (latitudinal) zonality, vertical and bottom zonality are also distinguished (see the article Zoning of the World Ocean).

Zoning gradually fades with distance from the earth's surface when approaching the upper and lower boundaries of the geographic envelope. Zonal differences in the earth's crust disappear at a depth of 15-30 m, where seasonal and daily fluctuations in rock temperature cease; weakened in the abyssal region of the oceans, where constant temperature(from 0.7 to 2°C) and where it does not penetrate sunlight. The zonality also becomes blurred when approaching the upper boundary of the troposphere.

Manifestations of zoning were known back in antiquity. Herodotus identified three thermal zones: cold, moderate and hot; Eudoxus of Cnidus in the 4th century BC, based on the assumption of the sphericity of the Earth (and the associated dependence of the incidence of solar rays on latitude), distinguished five climatic zones: tropical, two temperate and two polar. An outstanding role in the development of the doctrine of zonality was played by the works of the German naturalist A. Humboldt, especially his classic work “Pictures of Nature” (1808), which substantiated the basic patterns of distribution of vegetation cover depending on climate: latitudinal and vertical zonation. Modern ideas about zonality are based on the works of V.V. Dokuchaev, who for the first time (1898) formulated it as the most important, fundamental world law of nature, covering all natural components and complexes and manifesting itself everywhere on land and sea, on plains and in the mountains. In his works, natural historical (natural) zones are considered as complex formations, all components of which (climate, water, soil, plant and animal world) are so interconnected that a change in one of them entails a change in the entire complex. In the 20th century, a significant contribution to the development of the doctrine of zonality was made by the works of L. S. Berg and A. A. Grigoriev. In the monograph “Landscape- geographical zones USSR" (1931) Berg called natural areas landscape and emphasized that they consist of a natural combination of landscapes, natural properties which determine the characteristics of life and economic activity people living within these zones. In total, within the geographical envelope of the Earth, Berg identified 13 natural areas. In a series of works (1938-1946), Grigoriev came to the conclusion that in the formation of zonality, along with the value of the annual radiation balance and average annual precipitation, their ratio and the degree of their proportionality play a huge role. In 1948, M. I. Budyko proposed using the radiation dryness index as a characteristic of connections climatic factors and geographic zonation of soils and vegetation: r = R/Lx, where R is the annual radiation balance of the underlying surface, x is the annual amount of precipitation, L is the latent heat of evaporation. The connection between the distribution of geographic zones and the parameters of the radiation index of dryness and radiation balance R obtained by Budyko showed that the lowest value of the dryness index corresponds to the tundra zone, and the highest to the desert zone. In 1956, Grigoriev and Budyko formulated the periodic law of geographic zonation, which underlies the structure of the Earth's geographic envelope. Its essence boils down to the fact that in different geographical zones, with different heat supply, but in similar humidification conditions, similar zonal types of landscapes are formed.

Within the boundaries of the earth's land, Grigoriev identified 9 zones (according to the thermal factor) and 24 zones (according to the balance of heat and moisture). In 2004, Russian physical geographers (B. A. Alekseev, G. N. Golubev, E. P. Romanova) presented a new belt-zonal model of the Earth’s landmass, where 13 geographic zones and 36 landscape zones were identified and the main planetary patterns of anthropogenic transformation were identified natural environment.

Lit.: Grigoriev A. A., Budyko M. I. On the periodic law of geographic zoning // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1956. T. 110. No. 1; Lukashova E. N. Basic patterns of natural zonation and its manifestation on the Earth’s land // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 5. Geographical. 1966. No. 6; Ryabchikov A. M. Structure and dynamics of the geosphere, its natural development and changes by man. M., 1972; Isachenko A.G. Theory and methodology of geographical science. M., 2004; Alekseev B. A., Golubev G. N., Romanova E. P. Global model of modern landscapes of the world // Geography, society, environment. M., 2004. T. 2: Functioning and current state of landscapes.

Uneven distribution of solar heat on the surface of the Earth, due to its spherical shape and rotation around its axis, forms, as we have already said, climatic zones (p. 54). Each of them is characterized by a certain direction and rhythm of natural phenomena (accumulation of biomass, intensity of soil formation and relief formation under the influence of external factors, etc.). Therefore, based on climate zones, geographic zones can be distinguished.

There are 13 in total geographical zones: one equatorial, two subequatorial (in the northern and southern hemispheres), two tropical, two subtropical, two temperate, two subpolar (subarctic and subantarctic) and two polar (arctic and antarctic).

The very list of names already indicates the symmetrical arrangement of the belts in relation to the equator. Each of them is dominated by certain air masses. Belts bearing names without the prefix “ ” are characterized by their own air masses (equatorial, tropical, temperate, arctic). On the contrary, in three pairs having the prefix “sub”, neighboring geographical zones alternately dominate: in the summer half of the year in the northern hemisphere - the more southern one (and in the southern, on the contrary, the northern one), in the winter half of the year - the more northern one (and in southern hemisphere- southern).

Latitudinally elongated geographical zones sushi is not uniform. This is determined primarily by the position of one or another part of them in oceanic or continental regions. The oceanic ones are better moistened, while the continental, internal ones, on the contrary, are drier: the influence of the oceans no longer extends here. On this basis, belts are divided into sectors - oceanic And continental.

The sectorality is especially well expressed in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia, where the land reaches its maximum size. Here, the humid forest landscapes of the oceanic margins (two oceanic sectors) as they move deeper into the continent are replaced by dry steppe, and then semi-desert and desert landscapes of the continental sector.

The sectorality is least clearly manifested in the tropical, subequatorial and equatorial zones. In the tropics they bring precipitation only to the eastern peripheries of the belts. This is where wet ones are common. Regarding internal and western regions, then they have a dry, hot climate, and the deserts on the western coasts go right to the ocean. Therefore, only two sectors are distinguished in the tropics.

Two sectors are also distinguished in the equatorial and subequatorial belts. In the subequatorial regions, this is a constantly wet sector () with forest landscapes and a seasonally wet sector (including the rest of the part), occupied by woodlands and savannas. IN equatorial belt part of the territory belongs to the constantly wet sector with wet “rain” forests (hylaea), and only the eastern part belongs to the seasonally wet sector, where predominantly deciduous forests are common.

The sharpest “sector boundary” is where it runs along mountain barriers (for example, in the Cordillera of North America and the Andes of South America). Here, the western oceanic sectors occupy a narrow coastal strip of plains and adjacent mountain slopes.

Large components of belts - sectors are divided into smaller units - natural areas. The basis for this division is the differences in the moisture conditions of the territory. However, it would be wrong to measure only the amount of precipitation. The ratio of moisture and heat is important here, since the amount of precipitation is the same, for example less than 150-200 mm per year. can lead to both the development of swamps (in the tundra) and the formation of deserts (in the tropics).

To characterize moisture, there are many quantitative indicators, more than two dozen coefficients or indices (dryness or humidity). However, they are not all perfect. For our topic - elucidating the influence of the ratio of heat and moisture on the differentiation of natural zones - it is better to take into account not the entire amount of precipitation for the year. but only the so-called gross humidification (precipitation runoff) and it to the radiation balance, since in biological processes practically does not participate. This indicator is called the “hydrothermal coefficient” (HTC). It expresses the basic zonal patterns more fully than others. If it has a value greater than 10, then wet (mainly forest) landscapes develop, if less than 7, herbaceous-shrub landscapes develop, and in the range from 7 to 10, transitional types; with a GTK less than 2 - deserts.

It is possible to construct heat and moisture relationships in the main natural land areas on the plains (see page 54). The space enclosed within the curve represents an arena for the development of natural landscapes.

The diversity of landscapes is especially great in hot climatic zone. This is a result of the large differences here in humidification conditions at high temperatures. Scientists have long drawn attention to the connection between moisture conditions and productivity plant mass: it is highest in the delta regions of the sub-zknatorial belt - up to 3 thousand centners of dry matter per 1 hectare per year; deltas located at the junction of land and sea are most provided with moisture and necessary chemical elements in the soil, and under conditions of high temperatures it continues here round. The names of natural zones are given according to the nature of the vegetation, since it most clearly reflects the zonal features of nature. In the same natural areas on different continents, the vegetation cover has similar features. However, the distribution of vegetation is influenced not only by zonal climate features, but also by other factors: the evolution of continents, the characteristics of the rocks that make up the surface horizons, and human influence. Significant role in distribution modern vegetation The location of the continents also plays a role. Thus, the territorial proximity between Eurasia and North America, especially in the Pacific regions, led to the obvious similarity of vegetation in the polar regions of both continents. On the contrary, the vegetation cover of continents more distant from each other, located in the southern hemisphere, differs significantly in species composition. There are especially many endemics, i.e. species distributed in a limited area, in Australia due to its long-term isolation.

The main barriers to the migration routes of plants were not only the oceans, but also mountain ranges, although it happened that they also served as routes for plant dispersal.

All these factors determined the diversity of vegetation cover on the globe. In the next section, when describing natural zones, we will characterize the zonal type of vegetation, the properties of which most correspond to the climatic conditions of certain zones. However, in terms of species composition, the vegetation of identical natural zones on different continents is characterized by significant differences.

Natural zones of the Arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical zones are most pronounced in Eurasia and North America. It's connected with large sizes land in these latitudes and the vastness of the lowland areas, since high mountains and violate, as we will see below, common features zonality. Most of continents of South America, Africa, as well as South part Asia is located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones.

Belts and natural zones become more complex as you move from the Arctic regions to the equator. In this direction, against the background of an increasing amount of heat, the regional differences under humidified conditions. Hence the much more variegated nature of landscapes in tropical latitudes.

Along with zoning natural processes There is a phenomenon called intrazonality. Intrazonal soils, vegetation cover, various natural processes can arise in specific conditions and are found on certain territories in different natural areas. Moreover, usually ingrazonal phenomena bear the imprint of the corresponding zone; we will see this below with specific examples.

Natural areas are divided into smaller units - landscapes, which serve as the main cells of the geographical envelope.

In landscapes, all natural components are closely interconnected and interdependent, as if “fitted” to each other, that is, they form! natural. The diversity of landscapes is determined by many factors: material composition and other features of the lithosphere, features of surface and groundwater, climate, the nature of soil and vegetation cover, as well as inherited, “yesterday’s” traits.

At present, when the direct impact on nature of human economic activity is increasing, “virgin” landscapes are becoming “anthropogenic”.

In turn, landscapes, due to differences in microclimate, microrelief, soil subtypes, can be divided into smaller territorial complexes of lower rank - tracts and facies - specific OBpai or their slopes, etc. Homogeneous landscapes are composed of identical and naturally repeating combinations of facies and tracts. At the same time, landscapes, of course, are not isolated and influence each other due to atmospheric circulation, migration of organisms, etc.

Local landscape features are individual and unique. But landscapes also have common zonal features that can be repeated even on different continents. For example, the Great Plains of North America resemble the steppe areas of temperate continental parts of Eurasia. With some abstraction, land landscapes can be generalized and typified, which makes it possible to trace the regular distribution of zonal types of landscapes not only on each continent separately, but also on a planetary scale.

To make it easier to understand the location of geographical belts and zones on our land, let’s imagine a hypothetical uniformly flat continent with an area equal to half the land area (let another part of the land, similar in surface structure, be located in another hemisphere, beyond the ocean). The outline of this continent in the northern hemisphere may resemble something between North America and Eurasia, and in the southern hemisphere - something between South America, Africa and Australia. Then, those drawn on the boundaries of geographical zones and zones will reflect their generalized () contours on the plains of real continents.

Geographical envelope- this is an integral, continuous shell of the Earth, the environment of human activity, within which the lower layers of the atmosphere, the upper layers of the lithosphere, the entire hydrosphere and the biosphere come into contact, mutually penetrate each other and interact with each other (Fig. 1). All spheres of the geographic envelope continuously exchange matter and energy with each other, forming an integral and balanced natural system.

The geographical envelope does not have clear boundaries, so scientists draw them in different ways. The upper boundary is combined with the boundary of the troposphere (8-18 km) or with the ozone screen (25-30 km). The lower limit is taken to be the border earth's crust(from 5 km under the oceans to 70 km under the mountainous structures of the continents) or the lower boundary of its sedimentary layer (up to 5 km). Matter in the geographic envelope is in three states: solid, liquid, gaseous. It has great value for the development of life and ongoing natural processes on Earth.

The main sources of development of all processes occurring in the geographic shell are solar energy and the internal energy of the Earth. Experiencing the geographical envelope and the influence of space. Only in it are conditions created for the development of organic life.

Basic patterns of the geographical envelope

The geographical shell is characterized by the following general patterns of its development: integrity, rhythm, circulation of substances and energy, zonality, azonality. Knowledge general patterns development of the geographical envelope allows a person to more carefully use natural resources without causing damage to the environment.

Integrity- this is the unity of the geographical envelope, its interconnection and interdependence natural ingredients(rocks, water, air, soil, plants, animals). The interaction and interpenetration of all natural components of the geographical envelope connects them into a single whole. Thanks to these processes, natural balance is maintained. A change in one component of nature inevitably entails a change in other components and the geographic environment as a whole. Knowledge of the law of integrity of the geographical envelope is of great importance practical significance. If human economic activity does not take into account this pattern of the geographical shell, then destructive processes will occur in it.

A preliminary thorough study of the area that is exposed to human impact is required. For example, after draining a swamp, the groundwater level decreases. As a result, the soil, microclimate, vegetation, and fauna change, i.e., the natural balance of the territory is disrupted.

Understanding the integrity of the geographical envelope allows us to anticipate possible changes in nature and give a geographical forecast of the results of human impact on nature.

Rhythm- this is the repeatability of certain natural phenomena at certain time intervals, or rhythms. In nature, all processes and phenomena are subject to rhythms. There are rhythms of different durations: daily (change of day and night), annual (change of seasons), intracentury (associated with changes in solar activity - 11, 22 years, etc.), centuries-old (centennial) and covering millennia and many millions of years. Their duration can reach 150-240 million years. Associated with them, for example, are periods of active formation of mountains and relative calm of the earth's crust, cooling and warming of the climate.

The most famous is the 11-year rhythm of solar activity, which is determined by the number of spots visible on the surface of the Sun. An increase in solar activity is accompanied by an increase in the number of sunspots and the flow of solar energy to the Earth (“solar wind”). It's causing on earth magnetic storms, affects weather and climate, human health.

Cycle of matter and energy- the most important mechanism for the development of natural processes of the geographical shell, thanks to which the exchange of substances and energy occurs between its components. There are various circulations (cycles) of substances and energy: the water cycle (hydrological cycle), air circulation in the atmosphere (atmospheric circulation), circulation in the lithosphere (geological cycle), etc.

The circulation of substances also occurs in the lithosphere. Magma flows to the surface and forms igneous rocks. Under the influence of solar energy, water and temperatures, they are destroyed and turned into sedimentary rocks. Submerging to great depths, sedimentary rocks experience high temperatures and pressure and transform into metamorphic rocks. At very high temperatures, rocks melt and they return to their original state (magma).

The cycles are not closed, they are constantly under the influence of external and internal forces, they occur qualitative changes substances and energy, the development of all components of nature and the geographical envelope as a whole. This helps maintain balance in nature and restore it. For example, with slight contamination, water can purify itself.

The main regularity of the geographic envelope is the manifestation of geographic zonality. Geographical zoning - the basic law of the distribution of natural complexes on the Earth’s surface, which manifests itself in the form of latitudinal zoning (consecutive change of geographical zones and natural zones). Latitudinal zonation- a natural change in natural conditions on the Earth’s surface from the equator to the poles, associated with a change in the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays. A single and integral geographical envelope is heterogeneous at different latitudes. Due to the uneven distribution of solar heat with latitude globe Not only the climate changes naturally from the equator to the poles, but also soil-forming processes, vegetation, fauna, and the hydrological regime of rivers and lakes.

The largest zonal divisions of the geographical envelope are geographical zones. They, as a rule, extend in the latitudinal direction, replacing each other on land and in the ocean from the equator to the poles and are repeated in both hemispheres: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, temperate, subarctic and subantarctic, arctic and antarctic. Geographical zones differ from each other air masses, climate, soils, vegetation, wildlife.

Each geographical zone has its own set of natural zones. Natural area- a zonal natural complex within a geographical zone, which is characterized by commonality temperature conditions, moisture, similar soils, flora and fauna.

According to the change climatic conditions From south to north, in latitude, natural zones also change. Changing natural areas from geographical latitude is a manifestation geographical law latitudinal zonality. Climatic conditions, especially humidity and temperature amplitudes, also change with distance from the ocean into the interior of the continents. That's why main reason the formation of several natural zones within a geographic zone is the ratio of heat and moisture. (Use the atlas map to analyze the correspondence of natural zones to geographical zones.)

Each natural zone is characterized by a certain climate, type of soil, vegetation and fauna. Natural zones naturally change from the equator to the poles and from the ocean coasts to the interior of the continents following changes in climatic conditions. The nature of the relief affects the moisture regime within the natural zone and can disrupt its latitudinal extent.

Along with zonality, the most important regularity of the geographical envelope is azonality. Azonality- is the formation of natural complexes associated with the manifestation internal processes Lands that determine the heterogeneity of the earth's surface (the presence of continents and oceans, mountains and plains on continents, etc.). Azonality is most clearly manifested in the mountains in the form of altitudinal zonality. Altitudinal zone - natural change of natural complexes (belts) from the foot of the mountains to their peaks (see Fig. 2). Altitudinal zonation has much in common with latitudinal zonality: the change of zones when ascending the mountains occurs in approximately the same sequence as on the plains when moving from the equator to the poles. The first altitudinal zone always corresponds to the natural zone in which the mountains are located.

The main patterns of the geographical shell are integrity, rhythm, circulation of substances and energy, zonality, azonality. Knowledge about the patterns of development of the geographical envelope is necessary for understanding the processes and phenomena occurring in nature, and anticipating the consequences of human economic activity.

The doctrine of geographical zoning. A region in a broad sense, as already noted, is a complex territorial complex, which is delimited by the specific homogeneity of various conditions, including natural and geographical ones. This means that there is regional differentiation of nature. The processes of spatial differentiation of the natural environment are greatly influenced by such phenomena as zonality and azonality of the geographical shell of the Earth. By modern ideas, geographic zonality means a natural change in physical-geographical processes, complexes, and components as one moves from the equator to the poles. That is, zonation on land is a consistent change of geographical zones from the equator to the poles and the regular distribution of natural zones within these zones (equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, temperate, subarctic and subantarctic).

IN last years With the humanization and sociologization of geography, geographic zones are increasingly being called natural-anthropogenic geographic zones.

The doctrine of geographic zonality is of great importance for regional and regional studies analysis. First of all, it allows us to reveal the natural prerequisites for specialization and farming. And in the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution, with a partial weakening of the economy’s dependence on natural conditions and natural resources, its close ties with nature, and in many cases, dependence on it, continue to be preserved. The continuing important role of the natural component in the development and functioning of society and its territorial organization is obvious. Differences in the spiritual culture of the population also cannot be understood without referring to natural regionalization. It also forms the skills of a person’s adaptation to the territory and determines the nature of environmental management.

Geographic zoning actively influences regional differences in the life of society, being an important factor in zoning, and therefore regional policy.

The doctrine of geographic zonality provides enormous material for country and regional comparisons and thereby contributes to the elucidation of country and regional specifics and its causes, which ultimately is the main task of regional studies and regional studies. For example, the taiga zone in the form of a trail crosses the territories of Russia, Canada, and Fennoscandia. But the degree of population, economic development, and living conditions in the taiga zones of the countries listed above have significant differences. In regional studies and country studies analysis, neither the question of the nature of these differences nor the question of their sources can be ignored.

In a word, the task of regional and regional studies analysis is not only to characterize the features of the natural component of a particular territory ( theoretical basis This is what constitutes the doctrine of geographic zonality), but also the identification of the nature of the relationship between natural regionalism and the regionalization of the world according to economic, geopolitical, cultural-civilizational, etc. reasons.

Loop method

Loop method. The basic basis of this method is the fact that almost all space-time structures are characterized by cyclicity. The cycle method is one of the new ones and therefore, as a rule, is personalized, that is, it bears the names of its creators. This method has undoubted positive potential for regional studies. Identified N.N. Kolosovsky energy production cycles, unfolding on certain territories, made it possible to trace the regional specifics of their interaction. And it, in turn, was projected onto certain management decisions, i.e. on regional policy.

The concept of ethnogenesis L.N. Gumilyov, also based on the method of cycles, allows us to penetrate deeper into the essence of regional ethnic processes.

The concept of large cycles, or “long waves” N.D. Kond-Ratiev is not only an analysis tool current state world economy, but also has a great prognostic charge not only regarding the development of the world economy as a whole, but also its regional subsystems.

Models of cyclical geopolitical development (I. Wallerstein, P. Taylor, W. Thompson, J. Modelski, etc.) explore the process of transition from one “world order” to another, changes in the balance of power between great powers, the emergence of new conflict zones, centers of power . Thus, all these models are important when studying the processes of political regionalization of the world.

20. Program-target method. This method is a way to study regional systems, their socio-economic components and at the same time an important tool for regional policy. Examples of target comprehensive programs in Russia are presidential program"Economic and social development Far East and Transbaikalia for 1996–2005", " Federal program development of the Lower Angara region”, adopted in 1999, etc.

The program-target method is aimed at solving complex problems and is associated with the development of long-term forecasts socially economic development country and its regions.

The program-target method is actively used to solve regional policy problems in most countries of the world. In Italy, as part of regional policy, the first law on “growth poles” was adopted in 1957. In accordance with it, several large enterprises were built in the south of Italy (a region that lags far behind the industrialized North), for example, a metallurgical plant in Tarante. “Growth poles” are also being created in France and Spain. The core of Japan's regional programs is the goal of developing infrastructure associated with increasing exports.

Development and implementation of targeted programs – characteristic politicians European Union. Examples of these are, for example, the Lingua and Erasmus programs. The goal of the first of them is to eliminate the language barrier, the second is to expand student exchange between the countries of the Union. In 1994–1999 Within the EU, 13 target programs were financed - “Leader II” (social development of rural areas), “Urban” (elimination of urban slums), “Reshar II” (coal industry), etc.

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