Their wife, the magnificent Lucy. Six husbands of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Gurchenko's husbands: names, biographies Lyudmila Gurchenko and her boyfriend

Express Newspaper recalls the most breathtaking novels and marriages of the great actress

Express Newspaper recalls the most breathtaking novels of the great actress

Lyudmila GURCHENKO left. One of our few truly popular stars. It seemed to many fans that she lived like in a movie. And her whole fate was like one big carnival night, which, alas, passed as if in five evenings. This is probably partly true. A great woman, an incomparable actress who personified love and passion, lived to be 75 bright years. We decided to remember the most interesting moments from the enchanting personal life of Lyudmila Markovna.

It is believed that this is a film director Vasily Ordynsky. Lucy met the young director when she was in her second year. He invited her to main role in his film "A Man Is Born". But someone before the artistic council reported to the commission that Ordynsky wanted to push his mistress into the picture, and as a result, the role floated to Olga Bgan. True, the director still could not do without Gurchenko - she voiced the heroine played by Bgan.

However, they say that Lyudmila was not very worried about being taken for a ride. After all, I soon received an offer Ryazanov to star in “Carnival Night.”

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko began an affair with a 22-year-old student of the screenwriting department of VGIK Boris Andronikashvili, who became her first husband and father of her only daughter. The marriage lasted two years. Afterwards Boris went to Nonna Mordyukova, and Lyudmila was wondering whether to accept the persistent advances of her colleague at the Sovremennik Theater Igor Kvasha. The artist, despite the fact that he was married, had already announced to his friends that he would definitely marry his charming partner.

But she, having weighed all the pros and cons, married the writer’s adopted son Fadeeva - Alexander Jr..

This union did not last long: the spendthrift and reveler Fadeev quickly disappointed Lyusya. After the divorce, she became close to the actor Anatoly Vedenkin. Then fate brought her together with the artist Boris Diodorov, who became her third legal husband. Boris was known as a quiet and calm person. He was all about creativity and created his famous illustrations for fairy tales Andersen. They say that the actress put terrible pressure on him, and if not for the quick breakup, then, according to Diodorov, his life would have been completely destroyed. The artist left the domestic tyrant for a personal fortune teller Alla Pugacheva.

Meanwhile, Lyudmila Markovna found another life partner. He became Joseph Kobzon. The two creators lived so noisily and brightly that fans spread rumors that they were getting into fights. And they allegedly beat each other as equals. For example, Gurchenko, according to rumors, once hit her husband on the head with an iron, but his wig saved him.

After breaking up, Kobzon and Gurchenko recalled their relationship in different ways.

“You go down to the car that your husband gave you, and you see a street prostitute there... It’s just dirt,” Lyudmila shared. - There was nothing good in the marriage with Kobzon.

Joseph Davydovich, on the contrary, spoke about ex-wife with pleasure:

I loved having someone so beautiful famous actress, like Gurchenko. I brought her gifts, flowers... We were, especially at first, amazing lovers! And we started having sex wherever we found each other: in the field, in the steppe, in the corridor. We were very passionate about each other...

After her divorce from Kobzon, Lyudmila married a pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. The young man also became her secretary, director and accompanist, thereby ruining his career. Cooperweiss recalled more than once that over time his wife began to wear him down with nagging. Towards the end of the 18-year relationship, his nerves began to fail. When, during another quarrel, Kostya threw a telephone at the wall, Gurchenko asked in an iron voice:

What, rebelled? Slave revolt?

There was a moment when the relationship between Lyudmila and Konstantin was interrupted for some time, and then the actress became close to Vladimir Vysotsky.

After the official divorce, as usual, Lyudmila did not while away her time alone for long. She met a businessman and producer Sergei Senin. He was next to Gurchenko until her last breath.

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Your only daughter I wave Gurchenko gave birth in 1959 from Boris Andronikashvili. Lyudmila hoped that her daughter would become hers best friend. However, already from school years they began to clash terribly. Masha grew up completely different from her mother. The child was sick of talking about movies, of parties and numerous mom's men. Gurchenko herself began to feel shy about the heiress. Masha got married without her mother’s blessing, only deepening the crack in their relationship. Gurchenko once admitted that she felt guilty for not paying attention to Masha. The actress tried to compensate for this shortcoming by communicating with her beloved grandson Mark, but to my granddaughter Lena For some reason I always treated her coolly.

In 1998, when Mark was 16 years old, he died from a drug overdose. Gurchenko blamed her daughter for this tragedy. The relationship deteriorated completely. Mid 2000 Maria Queen(this is the married name of Gurchenko’s daughter) filed a lawsuit against her mother. The bone of contention was a tiny apartment next to the zoo. Once Lyudmila Markovna bought it for her old mother, but she moved to Masha so that her granddaughter would look after her. They say that Gurchenko visited very rarely Elena Alexandrovna, that’s why she wrote the apartment to the Queen in her will. When, after the death of her grandmother, Maria decided to register housing for herself, Lyudmila Markovna was indignant: the apartment was bought with her money. As a result, the actress got the housing. Alas, the birth of two great-granddaughters of Lyudmila Markovna did not bring consent into the star family.

Scandals and intrigues

According to the director Vladimir Menshov, who directed Gurchenko in the film “Love and Doves,” they were friends for a long time, but in last years We barely communicated - it’s very difficult to be friends with her. Sooner or later, the actress ruined her relationship with everyone.

In one of her books she wrote something nasty about me. Then they told me that Lyudmila was offended because I did not invite her to Shirley-Myrli.

All her phobias come from her enormous talent, says Menshov.

WITH Alla Pugacheva the breakdown occurred in '97. The prima donna invited the singing movie star to participate in the “Surprise for Alla Borisovna” program. Having performed the song “Take Me Off, Photographer” at a night rehearsal, Gurchenko allegedly said that she sang better than Pugacheva. In response, Pugacheva, at a concert in St. Petersburg, said that she would soon leave the stage, because she was not going to sing until old age, “like some Gurchenko,” and parodied the characteristic gestures of the great actress to the laughter of the audience. Lyudmila Markovna harbored a grudge and nine years later did not invite the diva to her 70th birthday. And at the same time Philip Kirkorov, Sergei Zverev And Boris Moiseev, forbidding anyone from Alla’s entourage to attend the celebrations. Previously, the film star’s favorite stylist fell out of favor because he did not support attacks against the Pugachev-Kirkorov couple, and Lyudmila Markovna suspected that Zverev had defected to the enemy camp.

By that time, Moiseev had sung several songs in a duet with Gurchenko and toured with them for almost a year. joint show. But suddenly the union fell apart. Fans wondered what kind of cat ran between the stars, but they remained silent. Bye Andrei Malakhov did not completely quarrel between them.

Having invited Gurchenko to his program, on the eve of the anniversary he marinated the tired and exhausted Lyudmila Markovna for several hours, and after the recording, when the cameras were turned off, he began to ask, as if behind the scenes, about the conflict with Moiseev. As a result, the whole country heard from the lips of their favorite artist: “Moiseev, go to hell...!”

The indignant singer also responded with obscenities. However, recently, having learned that Lyudmila Markovna was in the hospital, Boris changed his mind and publicly asked Gurchenko for forgiveness.

// Photo: Andrey Bashlakov/

Conscious ordinary people she was and remains a people's artist. Yes, bohemia did not favor her, citing difficult character great prima, quarrelsomeness and directness of judgment. Lyudmila Gurchenko responded in kind: she did not know how to live in the middle and her attacks, devoid of any diplomacy, were distinguished by harshness, the ability to wound her opponent at the very vulnerable spot. At times it seemed that her famous “five minutes” would go on forever: the star of the Soviet and Russian cinema I was always in great shape.

Of course, this circumstance greatly influenced the men who fell into the orbit of her charm. An intelligent, seductive star woman loved without reserve, which sometimes could not be said about those whom she chose with her heart. Today we will talk about the men who played different roles in her fate and, to some extent, determined the course of the life of the brilliant actress.

Relationship with Vasily Ordynsky, one might say, not the first official husband Lyudmila Gurchenko is still shrouded in secrecy. He first saw her at a course at VGIK. And the “freaky” girl from Kharkov fell into his heart so much that he famous director fell madly in love with a young student. The age difference did not bother Vasily Ordynsky at all; it was as if he was experiencing a second youth. His close relationship with Lyusya Gurchenko became known to his circle. And when Ordynsky proposed her for the main role in his film “A Man is Born,” the artistic council “rose to the death” to defend Soviet morality and almost unanimously rejected Gurchenko’s candidacy.

They were together for a little over a year. And which of them was the first to decide to separate has not been clarified. According to rumors that circulated in abundance behind the scenes of the artistic world, Vasily Ordynsky did this, reluctantly and suffering. Perhaps he secretly continued to love Lyudmila Gurchenko and secretly help her in her career.

As soon as the excitement and passions around the young artist had subsided and they began to forget about her affair with Ordynsky, Lyudmila Gurchenko presented a new surprise to the respectable public. She unexpectedly marries a screenwriting student Boris Andronikashvili, whom I met on the course and began a whirlwind romance. Her study friends enviously bit their elbows and never ceased to wonder: how did such a little scruff from Kharkov get a handsome man? And this “little girl” was noticed by Eldar Ryazanov himself and invited her to play the role of Lenochka Krylova in the famous film “Carnival Night”.

Marriage to Andronikashvili did not bring Lyudmila the expected family happiness. Even the born daughter Maria did not hold it together; it collapsed literally before Gurchenko’s eyes. Boris often disappeared from home, his infidelities were reported " best friends» Lyudmila. Figuratively speaking, in the space of her feelings he became foreign body: beautiful – and alien. However, that’s how it was. Having become like Narcissus, Boris reveled in his appearance and love successes, until he suddenly discovered that the unexpected national fame of his wife, the on-screen Lenochka Krylova, greatly hurt his male pride. And so he tried to make up for his missed career chances with petty quibbles, almost insults. The divorce was difficult and was not easy for Lyudmila Gurchenko. For the first time in her life, she realized that sacrificial love in most cases brings only misfortune and suffering.

“...He somehow talentedly knew how to live nearby, being only on his own shore. WITH incredible strength the will had to learn to live alone together…” she later recalled in her book “Lucy, Stop!” Lyudmila Gurchenko.

About the second official husband - Alexandra Fadeev Jr. only one thing could be said: as a spouse, he accidentally “stuck” on life path Lyudmila Gurchenko. And they met rather strangely: in the WTO restaurant - favorite place Moscow bohemia. A short acquaintance was enough for Lyudmila Gurchenko to soon marry him. New chosen one There weren’t enough stars in the sky for an actress (also an actor), the laurels of his father’s glory were enough for him to exist in this world freely and comfortably. And the adopted son of a famous Soviet writer made good use of this. He was a regular at restaurants, and young waitresses adored him for his generous tips. The celebration of life for Alexander lasted from morning to night. And so the question arose: could such a “busy” person become a support in the family, lend a strong man’s shoulder in case of trouble. Gurchenko soon realized her mistake and got divorced. Two years life together could be considered an annoying blip in one’s destiny...

Marriage between Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko, by existing Soviet standards, could be considered ideal. Two stars at the peak of their popularity were quite capable of creating an exemplary family with high cultural demands. And it all started romantically for them: a fleeting meeting in the corridor of the All-Union Theater Society predetermined their future relationship. Joseph knew how to care for women, and he found the “key” to the heart star woman. And many fans of the talent of Kobzon and Gurchenko thought that this family marriage would be long and happy. True, they did not suspect that sometimes life under the same roof of two remarkable people results in a war of characters. This happened this time too. Three incomplete years joint marriage went through a painful and constant struggle to be the winner. As a result, Lyudmila Gurchenko showed amazing integrity for a woman and was the first to file for divorce. Apparently, she did not find in Joseph Kobzon the character traits of a man that would fit into the framework of her requests. And the two stars broke up, never to have a close relationship in the future. Lyudmila Gurchenko talks about this marriage in her book “Lucy, stop!” wrote the following lines:

“He so needed a director of his appearance and repertoire nearby. Great opportunities cannot replace taste and style. Those few days in less than three years brought such a puzzle.”

Once in an interview " Rossiyskaya newspaper“Lyudmila Gurchenko sadly admits: “I somehow haven’t seen very many talented, “special” people who were in perfect order. What is happiness in everyday understanding? In the morning you go to your favorite job, and in the evening you return to your beloved family, where they are waiting for you. But I’ve almost never seen anything like this.”

The fourth official husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko was Konstantin Kuperweis- a talented young pianist. They met at a concert during the Moscow Film Festival. And somehow it turned out that they got along quite quickly, despite the difference in character and age difference (Konstantin was 14 years younger than Gurchenko). Moonlit walks through Moscow at night, unforgettable Honeymoon in Sevastopol - Lyudmila began her life as if anew, but with the same romantic confidence that she had finally met her destiny. Family marriage lasted about nineteen years. Some said that he was almost a slave to her habits, almost a servant in the family home. However, no one could deny the fact that he was under the spell of this woman, at the mercy of her indomitable will. Everywhere and everywhere Lyudmila Markovna felt his tender care. She could rely on her husband in any matter, because she was completely confident in his love and affection. And for her it was like thunder among clear skies was Konstantin’s admission that he has another woman to whom he wants to leave. For the recognized star, this divorce was a heavy blow. She wrote bitterly in the book “Lucy, Stop!”: “I left marriages. That’s why I especially take my hat off to Kostya. This is an artist. Fine artist. So great to play!”

Sergey Senin- Lyudmila Markovna’s last, fifth husband, whom she met on the set of the film “Sex Tale,” was somewhat similar to her father.

In an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories”, he admitted that, despite the age difference of 25 years, he always called Lyudmila Markovna “daughter”. Sergei Senin noted in this amazing woman that she never searched for men - all her life she was looking only for her father. And in recent years she constantly thought about him. For Lyudmila Markovna, her father was the only beloved person on whom she could always rely. Hard time, pour out my sick soul. That’s why she probably reached out with her heart to Sergei Senin, recognizing familiar features in him. He will be with Lyudmila Gurchenko until his last breath, and she will literally die in his arms.

With the passing of a great actress, we have lost a symbol of the era, a star who shone with incredible talent. And without her sparkling image, without the famous “five minutes,” many no longer see the world of art.

Both parents of the future star worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. The girl was brought up in creative environment, started singing early. When my father, regardless of his age and disability, went to war as a volunteer, Lyusya was left in occupied Kharkov alone with her mother. In order to somehow get food, the girl began to sing in the market. Most of the money and food could be gained from the invaders, so little Lucy learned German operettas and partly the repertoire of Marika Rökk.

After release hometown, Lucy will go to high school, as well as in music. At the end of them, she will have no doubt: she needs to go to theater school.

A wedding shrouded in darkness

Gurchenko will enter VGIK on the first try. Two years before graduation, he will begin acting in films. But she will put her first fishing rod into the profession even earlier - at the age of 18. Exactly then young beauty with sharp features and a wasp waist will be noticed by an already famous director Vasily Ordynsky.

At first glance, Ordynsky lost his boyish head over Lucy. And she realized: he could become her personal director, and after a short friendship she agreed to marry him. Surprisingly, no one from her or his entourage knew about this marriage.

Ordynsky tried to justify the hopes of the young actress and invited her to audition for his New film, but the commission killed the beauty, and her husband could not resist. Then Lyudmila was severely disappointed and decisively filed for divorce, having lived with the director for just over a year. They say that he let her go with clenched teeth, loved her all his life and silently patronized her acting career.

To fall in love with a handsome man

Disappointed in marriage for the sake of a career, proud Lucy put an end to such a relationship and let her heart go free. There he was pierced by Cupid's arrow. Once in the dining room, the future star met with a student of the screenwriting department Borey Andronikashvili. A stately, black-haired young man gave her such a look that the girl’s tray fell out of her hands.

Gurchenko fell into this novel like into an abyss. A new relationship, a new wedding, the envy of all the girls in the year: such a handsome guy was enchanted! Everything was great in the family: the beautiful couple appeared together everywhere. Gurchenko idolized a wonderful man and thanked God for the fact that fate brought her together. High love culminated in the birth of a daughter, Mashenka. And this was... Lyudmila Markovna’s first disappointment. She adored her dad all her life and was waiting for a boy to name him Mark.

Busy with a child Lucy did not immediately notice that her husband constantly disappeared not at all from classes and work. He loves parties, drinking and friends too much. And “real friends” began to inform the young mother that her husband was also having endless affairs on the side.

She did not stoop to scenes of jealousy and showdowns. She rejected this narcissist as another disappointment, put an end to sacrificial love and promised herself: no more children.

A dash in life

Two years after the divorce, in the bohemian restaurant WTO, Lyudmila meets a charming young gentleman Sasha Fadeev Jr., the adopted son of the famous writer. Their acquaintance was short, but the beautiful courtship of the new man and Lyusin’s fatigue from loneliness shortened the young couple’s path to the registry office. They signed as soon as they met.

This marriage did not last long. The VTO restaurant, where Fadeev spent more time than with his family, became an abyss between the lovers. The movie star herself considered this marriage a blip in her romantic biography, claiming that it was her mistake, and she and Sasha did not give anything to each other.

Two stars

They were brought into an equal marriage of established celebrities by a common corridor in which they did not meet at all: what was there to get acquainted with, and so the whole Union knew both Gurchenko and Kobzon. He paid attention to her earlier, but she, taught by past marriages, resisted. This only provoked the handsome and handsome star. For several months, Kobzon courted beautifully, looking for the key to Lyudmila Markovna’s heart. Found.

Of course, the couple was told happy family, they suit each other so well. Only a few understand how difficult it is for two deep personalities, two real talents, to get along under one roof. There are constant strife and conflicts over professional activity, quarrelsomeness in everyday life, disagreements... In my last book“Lucy, stop!” Gurchenko will write that Kobzon needed directors of his appearance, style and repertoire, but nothing can replace real taste. She was the one who filed for divorce. He didn't mind.

Papa Kostya

Lyudmila Markovna met this man by chance, and their acquaintance was short. But it was he who helped a woman who was almost disappointed in love and family values, believe in happiness again.

She was already approaching forty, her daughter was 14, when a flame of love, lit by a young pianist, began to flutter in the heart of the talented actress. Konstantin Kuperweis. Mashenka will call him dad (even though he was only 10 years older!)

For almost twenty years this man was sensitive to all moods star wife, knew habits, indulged weaknesses. For almost twenty years she adored him, relied on him, understood that he was in her complete power. The blow from the news became all the more devastating: Kostya has someone else.

Gurchenko will note in his book: what a subtle artist Cooperweiss is! How he played - she didn’t even turn an ear, she had no idea that he could change, love another woman.


At almost 60 years old, Lyudmila no longer thought about looking for a spouse. I only remembered my father as the main and beloved man of my whole life. And in the early 90s, on the set of “Sex Tale” I met Sergei Senin- a producer who was 25 years younger than her. Despite this, it was he who was more like anyone else than Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko - both in appearance and in character traits. It was he who saw in his wife a perky little girl, and called her “daughter.”

By the end of her life, Lyudmila Markovna found what she was looking for - true happy love. She left in an instant, being at home with her beloved husband. He will later tell you that Lucy only managed to scream and fell dead. The ambulance that was called had no choice but to declare death.

k.f. Mechanic Gavrilov's beloved woman

Boris Borisovich Andronikashvili (Georgian ბორის ბორისის ძე ანდრონიკაშვილი), born Pilnyak (Andronikashvili-P ilnyak). Born on October 28, 1934 in Moscow - died on July 9, 1996 in Moscow. Soviet writer, screenwriter, actor. Second husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Father - Boris Andreevich Pilnyak ( real name- Wogau, German. Wogau) (1894-1938), Russian Soviet writer, prose writer. April 21, 1938 convicted by the Military Collegium Supreme Court USSR on charges of spying for Japan and sentenced to death penalty, was shot on the same day in Moscow.

Mother - Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili (Georgian: კირა გიორგის ასული ანდრონიკაშვილი) (1908-19 60), Soviet actress and film director, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, Princess.

Maternal grandfather - Georgy Alexandrovich Andronikov (1875-1911), prince, hussar colonel.

Maternal grandmother - Ekaterina Semyonovna Slivitskaya (1877-1947).

Maternal aunt - Nato Vachnadze (née Andronikashvili) (1904-1953), Soviet Georgian actress, People's Artist Georgian SSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Cousins ​​(sons of Nato Vachnadze) are film directors Eldar Nikolaevich Shengelaya (born 1933) and Georgy Nikolaevich Shengelaya (born 1937).

When Boris was three years old, his father, who was one of the most published writers in the USSR, was arrested on trumped-up charges of state crime- espionage for Japan (he was in Japan and wrote about this in his book “The Roots of the Japanese Sun”), in 1938 he was sentenced to death.

His mother was also repressed. Shortly before her arrest, she managed to take three-year-old Boris to Georgia, where he lived for 7 years in the family of his aunt, Nata Vachnadze. Kira Georgievna served time in the Akmola camp for the wives of traitors to the motherland.

The parents were rehabilitated in 1956.

After graduating from seven-year school, he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi Naval School.

In the early 1950s, he moved to Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film studies department of VGIK, from which he graduated in 1959.

Since 1957, he acted in films, making his debut in the role of Prince Archil in the film “Otarova’s Widow” directed by Mikhail Chiaureli based on the story of the same name by Ilya Chavchavadze.

Boris Andronikashvili in the film "Otarova's Widow"

Later he played several small roles in other films.

In 1974, he acted as a screenwriter for the film “Captains,” which was directed by Tamaz Gomelauri. The film tells about young men who are finishing school, about a difficult life milestone when they need to decide the most important thing - the choice of profession.

Member of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR since 1979.

Personal life of Boris Andronikashvili:

First wife - (1935-2011), Soviet and Russian actress and singer, People's Artist of the USSR. The marriage lasted during 1958-1960.

The couple had a daughter, Maria, on June 5, 1959 (later Koroleva, died in 2017). She had a son, Mark (1982-1998), and a daughter, Elena (born 1983).

Lyudmila Gurchenko said about Boris Andronikashvili: “Despite his exquisite appearance, from whom you don’t expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small."

Was in civil marriage with the actress (1925-2008). Their relationship lasted about 5 years.

Mordyukova said about Boris Andronikashvili: “Well, yes, a graduate of VGIK, a screenwriter, a person, serious in all respects, and how good he was! People, when they first saw him, were speechless for five minutes - outstanding appearance!.. Boris Andronikashvili was Socratic a man of sorts: a philosopher, a talker, he read Byron in English... We lived for about five years, we were all planning to move in together, but... we never got married...".

The second wife, Rusudan Khantadze, is an artist.

The marriage produced two children: Kira Borisovna Andronikashvili (born 1970) and Alexander Borisovich Andronikashvili (born 1973).

Rusudan Khantadze - wife of Boris Andronikashvili

Filmography of Boris Andronikashvili:

1957 - Otarova's widow - Prince Archil
1966 - Game without a draw - episode
1975 - Don't believe that I'm no more
1977 - Oboe (short)
1988 - Life of Don Quixote and Sancho
1996 - Death of Orpheus (ორფეოსის სიკვდილი)
1998 - Here comes the dawn (Ak tendeba)

Scripts by Boris Andronikashvili:

1974 - Captains

Bibliography of Boris Andronikashvili:

1973 - month of August. Novels and stories
1977 - Red horses. Stories
1977 - Tangerine Coast. Novels and stories
1984 - Roses on the March. Novels and stories
1987 - Reading pages of the past...
1989 - Don Alonso: novel, stories
1989 - About my father
1992 - Hopes Golden Pets

Quite recently we said goodbye to the greatest actress and beautiful singer Lyudmila Gurchenko. They say a lot about this mysterious and forever young diva. One of the main topics of conversation is Gurchenko’s children. This topic is of particular interest to the public because there have been many different rumors. Does Lyudmila Gurchenko have children? We will consider how many other points in the article dedicated to this great woman. Her death was so shocking that many simply did not believe it right away. It seemed that a person like Lyudmila Markovna should and would live forever.

A few facts

Lyudmila was born in the city of Kharkov in 1935, December 11. According to her horoscope, she was Sagittarius and fully corresponded to everyone characteristic features of this sign: her character was characterized by purposefulness, assertiveness, and determination. Lyudmila could overcome any difficulties on the way to her goal, and success was not long in coming. She lived bright life and died on March 30, 2011 at the age of seventy-five years in Moscow, where she lived in Lately. And even at this venerable age, journalists were interested in the actress and tried to find out whether Gurchenko had children.


Lyudmila Markovna wrote wonderful book"My childhood". This is an autobiography. In the book, she touchingly talks about her youth, her family, and her parents. After reading the work, the reader will understand that Gurchenko was very careful about everything related to the family. However, there is something in her life that casts doubt on this fact. This, of course, is related to the topic we are discussing today. Children of Lyudmila Gurchenko - who are they? But more on that later.

One of the most interesting aspects of the book is how Gurchenko got her name. This funny story about how Lyudmila’s dad took his mother to give birth, and he went to the cinema. He was very nervous and wanted to somehow distract himself. The movie "New York Sharks" was on. And there was a hero in him who saved his beloved. The film made such a strong impression on dad that he said: “If there is a son, we will call him Alan, if there is a daughter, Lucy.” After all, that was the name of the main characters of this tape.


Before telling whether Lyudmila Gurchenko has children, we need to reveal the topic of her personal life. This is very interesting, and for different categories citizens. Gurchenko's husbands and children will always be discussed in wide circles. People like her are not forgotten. Gurchenko had many affairs throughout her life, but officially Lyudmila connected her life with six different men who became her husbands.

  1. Gurchenko gave two years of her life to her first husband, V.S. Ordynsky. People know little about this marriage, because at that time the actress was not yet so popular, and the details of her personal life were of little interest to the public at that time.
  2. The second time Gurchenko married actor B.B. Andronikashvili. Their marriage lasted three years. We will remember about him later.
  3. The third chosen one of the actress was who was adopted son famous writer. But their marriage also did not last long.
  4. The fourth person to enter her life was the unforgettable I.D. Kobzon. It was one of the most colorful marriages. It was discussed in all newspapers and magazines. They lived together for three years and separated. Fans of gossip on the topic “Lyudmila Gurchenko: husbands and children” were disappointed, since none of the spouses made comments about the divorce. Only once Kobzon joked on this topic, saying that they got married only so that they would be allowed to stay in the same hotel room.
  5. Gurchenko's next husband was pianist K. T. Kuperweis. Although it should be noted that official registration there was none, and the marriage was purely civil. Nevertheless, it lasted for 18 years. When the couple separated, the pianist commented that the reason for the separation was the large age difference (14 years) and the difference in social class.
  6. Sixth and last husband Gurchenko, with whom she also lived for about 18 years, became actor S. M. Senin. He was also much younger than Lyudmila (the difference was 25 years), but this did not stop the couple from living in peace and harmony all these years.

Children of Gurchenko

So, does Gurchenko have children? Let's return to the actress's second marriage. While married to B.B. Andronikashvili, the woman became pregnant and safely gave birth to a girl. Gave her beautiful name- Maria. But Lyudmila had no time to devote time to raising a child. The marriage soon broke up, and the daughter was sent to her grandmother in Kharkov. Gurchenko was too busy with her career to give up success and stay at home with her daughter. Later baby They brought her to Moscow, but Masha was never able to see her mother in Gurchenko. At first, the girl even wanted to run back to her grandmother. The baby got used to living alone and learned independence early. From the age of six, the child went shopping on his own and stayed at home while his mother pursued her career.

The children of Lyudmila Gurchenko, it would seem, could be happy and proud to have such a mother. But it didn't work out that way with Maria. It is known that the actress never particularly advertised the presence of her daughter. It was as if she had crossed out this part of her life and continued to blossom and turn men’s heads.

Maria is absolutely nothing like her mother. For her, the main thing is always her family, her husband and children. She got married early because she wanted to leave home quickly and create a real, strong family.

Generation Conflict

Maria had two children: a son, Mark, and a daughter, Elena. It was the grandson Mark who helped improve the relationship between Lyudmila and Maria a little. Gurchenko became very attached to the boy and loved him as she had never loved her daughter. But as fate would have it, at the age of 16 Mark became addicted to drugs and died of an overdose. Blaming his mother for everything, Gurchenko broke off all contact with her. Maria even learned about her death by reading the news in the newspapers.

Daughter about mother

After the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko, journalists managed to interview her daughter. They tried to create a picture of their relationship, although it was very difficult to do so with only one side of the story. By analyzing everything that was said, connecting all the phrases, we can conclude that Mary always missed her mother. It was the absence of maternal love and warmth that pushed Masha to the desire to give the children what she did not have, which made the family main goal in her life.

Similarity or difference

Lyudmila not only had acting talent, she was very beautiful. Light brown hair and Brown eyes attracted the attention of all men. There is a lot of talk about what the actress did plastic surgery. But we won't go into that part of her life. The main thing is that until the end of her days she could present herself beautifully and always looked great both on screen and on stage.

It is often said that such beautiful people beautiful and children. Gurchenko crossed out this statement. Her daughter is completely different from her mother. When the world saw Maria on television after the death of the actress, many were shocked. There was not an ounce of similarity between this simple, unremarkable woman and the luxurious lady we saw on the screens.

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