Interview with Olga Buzova about divorce 7 days. Interview with Buzova in the new issue of "7 Days" magazine. Tarasov has already broken up with his wives twice inhumanely

But until now, the scandalous separation does not leave the pages of the tabloids and brings tears to Olga Buzova. The situation undermined Olga so much that she more than once... But still, the star of “House-2” decided to openly tell her story in order to start life with clean slate.

I begin to remember, and my voice trembles, tears flow. The blow was powerful, and I was not ready for it. It is clear that many people experience this, but now I am talking about myself, but it seems to us all that it is our love that is the strongest and our pain from loss is the most unbearable. I was sure that I would marry once for the rest of my life. And on February 3 it would have been six years since we have been together. But in early October, suddenly, literally in one day, even in one minute, it all ended.

It is known that Olga Buzova survived betrayal: they talked about. And I believe this, since he is already building a life with model Anastasia Kostenko, who is even. According to rumors, she... Life did not work out for Tarasov and Buzova, but the TV presenter dreamed of getting married just once.

I strived to live with the first and last husband till the end of one's days. That's why when we broke up, all hell broke loose for me. I didn't sleep or eat for a month. It came to big problems with health - I even had to lie under IVs. I was in so much pain that I could not walk, talk, I was in complete prostration and did not understand what was happening to me. I used to think that “the ground is disappearing from under our feet” was just a catchy phrase. But then I physically felt it... I just didn’t know how to continue to live... All sorts of thoughts came to mind... I could lean out the window and scream - just to let out the emotions so that I wouldn’t be torn apart from pain...

Divorce from her husband brought the TV presenter to nervous exhaustion. And although recently, he is the reason for her suffering.

And in this state I was looking for a new apartment. At that moment I didn’t care where to live. I could probably sleep even on the street and not feel the cold.... My mother and sister helped me get ready, I didn’t have enough strength for it myself.” I remember we were packing our things, and I came across an album that I I made it myself and gave it to my husband for six months of our relationship. There were pictures that showed how happy we were. I picked up this album, but threw it away and burst into tears.

Fans of the TV presenter hope that she will soon pull herself together. Moreover, she had

My life collapsed in an instant. I just didn't believe this was happening to me. “How can it be, this is the love of my life,” I thought in confusion, “we have plans: now a house, then children. Yes, I will do anything to be with my beloved, I will forgive everything!” - TV presenter Olga Buzova says in an interview with 7Days.

Until recently, I was sure of three “never”. That I will never dye my hair brunette. I will never forgive betrayal. And I will never fall on my knees before a man. And I violated all three of these points. Now I no longer renounce anything. Something has happened in my life that makes it difficult to scare me.

I have always considered myself strong, my mother even calls me “the steadfast tin soldier.” But I could barely cope with the situation that happened in my personal life. And even now, although four months have passed since my separation from my husband, I can’t talk about everything calmly. I begin to remember, and my voice trembles, tears flow. The blow was powerful, and I was not ready for it. It is clear that many people experience this, but now I am talking about myself, but it seems to us all that it is our love that is the strongest and our pain from loss is the most unbearable. I was sure that I would marry once for the rest of my life. And on February 3 it would have been six years since we have been together. But in early October, suddenly, literally in one day, even in one minute, it all ended.

It's hard to describe. I just didn't believe this was happening to me. It seemed that everything would work out, it just couldn’t be that this was the end. “How can it be, this is the love of my life,” I thought in confusion, “we have plans: now a house, then children. I have everything planned out, I build my life cube by cube. Yes, I will do anything to be with my beloved! And I will forgive everything. Well, yes, there are difficult periods and crises in relationships, but everything can be overcome!” After all, my husband and I have already stressful situations We went through things together: we lost loved ones, buried his dad, went through all his sports injuries, surgeries, stages of recovery... And I had difficulties at work, and then he supported me. The main thing is that we were together and happy with each other. We were a team, we were one. At least, that's what I thought...

And then my life, my world, collapsed. The worst thing is, I still don’t know the reason why this happened. And I didn’t receive a single answer to my questions. At first I really wanted these answers. And now I think: it’s probably better for me not to know anything. Because I want to preserve in my memory the good, the sacred that connected us. My relatives say: “Olya, remember, you had problems, some conflicts, domestic quarrels...” But I couldn’t remember anything bad. Only now, when my emotions had cooled down a little, did I begin to analyze something. And I realized that the world looked perfect only for me, I made it all up. Hovered in my own illusions! As if a veil had covered my eyes, I knew only one thing: I love, I love, I love! Now I am reconsidering my view on the relationship between a man and a woman. I want not only to love me, but also to be loved just as much.

— Not so long ago you said that you consider yourself guilty. What?

— The fact is that I exposed too much personal information. But I am an open and sincere person. If I feel good, if I love, then I shout about it to the whole world. I wasn’t scared, although everyone said: “Aren’t you afraid of the evil eye? Happiness loves silence...” Now I agree with this phrase. Yes, I had to leave something for myself so that it wouldn’t hurt so much later. When everything happened, for the first time in almost thirteen years of publicity, I wanted to hide, to fall through the ground, to hide from everyone. Even now it’s difficult for me to talk about what happened. And no one would know anything if my ex-husband the first did not break the silence.

- Yes, this is very strange, because usually women make public statements about separation. Your ex-husband accused you of exactly what you say: that your personal life was too exposed. Tell me, did you feel that he didn’t like it?

- But he didn’t mind! Moreover, he liked it. I have never done anything that my man didn’t like. For me this is the law: love comes first. To hell with everything if there is no love! My grandparents on both my mother’s and father’s sides lived together for 55 years until my grandfathers passed away. And I strived to live with my first and last husband until the end of my days. That's why when we broke up, all hell broke loose for me. I didn't sleep or eat for a month. It got to the point of serious health problems - I even had to stay on IV drips. I was in so much pain that I could not walk, talk, I was in complete prostration and did not understand what was happening to me. I used to think that “the ground disappears from under your feet” was just a catchy phrase. But then I physically felt it... I just didn’t know how to continue to live.

- Is it necessary to live at all?

- Yes. All sorts of thoughts came to mind... After all, I didn’t even have the opportunity to come to my senses. He wanted to finish everything as quickly as possible. And due to stress, I began to feel terrible weakness, and in this state I was looking for a new apartment. At that moment I didn’t care where to live. I could probably even sleep outside and not feel the cold. But I had to think, if not about myself, then about my dogs Eva and Chelsea. And I began to look for a place where I could walk with them.

— There were probably a lot of things that needed to be transported.

— I only took my things. Everything we bought together, I left in our once common house. Women usually take out televisions, household appliances, beautiful curtains. But I left, as a man usually leaves. My mother and sister helped me get ready; I wouldn’t have had the strength to do it myself. I remember we were packing our things, and I came across an album that I made myself and gave to my husband for six months of our relationship. There were pictures that showed how happy we were... I picked up this album, but threw it away and burst into tears. Then we, three girls, carried boxes of things at night... And my mother carried them with a bad back. IN new apartment everything turned out to be filled with boxes. I didn't know where Toothbrush where is the underwear, where is the hairdryer...

I remember how my sister and assistant came in. They stood between these boxes and smiled. I ask: “Why are you so happy?” - “You have new life! And my mother “danced” for a whole week, trying to cheer me up: ha-ha, hee-hee. But that didn't help much. I could lean out the window and scream - just to let out my emotions, so that I wouldn’t be torn apart from pain... And this is the 20th floor! I know that my mother was very scared for me, but she didn’t show it. Later, she and her sister said that when they left my apartment, they went downstairs, hugged and cried. They didn't want me to see their tears. They helped me as best they could.

— And a month later you left Moscow. To Spain. And they filmed you there, crying, and posted the video on the Internet...

“Because of my condition, I could not work, I could not enter the frame. Therefore, I asked for time off and flew to my friend Marina Kasaeva in Marbella. I needed to hide from everyone... Even my closest ones did not know about this departure. After all, I was simply running away from Moscow, in which everything reminded me of my happy marriage. And I hoped that no one would recognize me in Spain. But I was wrong. I always dreamed of being famous and public! I didn’t even think that the moment would come when I would want to become invisible. Once in Spain I spoke with Lena Temnikova on the phone (and we were in touch with her 24 hours a day, Lena was very supportive of me). And so I couldn’t contain my emotions and burst into tears. That's when they filmed me. On the sly. I didn't even notice how it happened...

When they sent me a link to the news on the Internet with this video, I felt incredibly hurt. Many people think that artists are robots, they cannot suffer, they do not need to be alone... The one who filmed me did not care that I went to Marbella to recover. To learn to sleep again - for starters. But I didn’t succeed in this right away. The thoughts still haunted me at night. Only in the morning did I fall asleep for an hour. But I walked a lot, breathed clean air and was alone with herself. Well, except for the fact that I corresponded a lot with my sister. A little later, much of that correspondence became public knowledge...

— Hackers hacked your correspondence not only with your sister, but also with your mother, with Dmitry Nagiyev...

“This was the next blow from the person who was previously closest to me. I was already trying to work then, in Berlin I interviewed Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard (Irish actor and French actress - Ed.). She just seemed to straighten her back, take a step forward, and then they hit me again with sticks, sticks... Execution again! After the publication of my personal correspondence, I did not understand how I would return to Moscow, how I should now communicate with people. They just took me, gutted me, turned me inside out, leaving nothing personal. Not only did I suffer, but I didn’t suffer in any way either. guilty people who gave me a helping hand in difficult times. The same Dmitry Nagiyev helped me a lot as a friend, he conducted real psychotherapy with me, for which I am grateful to him to this day.

- Tell me, did you contact professional psychologists?

“I contacted more than one person, but it was of little use. Only the person himself can cope with such things. I remember coming to a hotel in Marbella and crying non-stop for 10 hours straight. At such moments, what saved me was that in the very difficult moments I turned on my acting abilities and began to play the play, as if with myself... Having survived the most terrible period in my life, it seems to me that I have grown as an actress. It’s not for nothing that they say: in order to play a tragedy, you need to experience it in real life... After months, I felt better, I finally began to sleep at least a little and eat something. I even remember what first gave me an appetite: it was an artichoke salad. Since then, I began to recover in small steps... It’s not so easy to survive the betrayal of a loved one, but I can do it...

“It hurts, but ultimately it’s a huge relief that such a person is leaving your life...

“He wasn’t the only one who left. I'll tell you a story. At my anniversary last year I had two hundred guests. And one friend then told my mother: “How wonderful! What a holiday! So many people came to Olya!” And the wise mother replied: “Let's see if they will be next to Olya when some difficulties arise in her life...” Exactly a year has passed, and out of these two hundred people only twenty remain. But you are right: I reassured myself precisely by the fact that the guardian angel removed unnecessary people. It would be worse to wake up at fifty years old and find that you are surrounded only by masks, behind which there is emptiness... Of course, I had felt before that everything was not so simple, that many of those with whom I communicate were not really interested in me they treat me very well. But I had no idea that envy could reach such proportions and take such ugly forms...

- I am a free woman. Officially became free on December 30th. And now, according to the documents, I am Buzova again. Fortunately, the divorce did not drag on, and I am very glad that all this remained in the past year. I didn’t want any showdown and didn’t say a bad word about ex-spouse and his family. And I didn't divide the property. Everything he had acquired: the house, the car that he gave me, remained with him.

- This is surprising, of course... Despite the fact that your ex-husband in an interview expressed fears that you will lay claim to the property...

- So like this. I also didn’t think that this was possible in life, but I don’t want to evaluate someone’s actions. The main thing is that I still have my dogs... I never hold on to material values. For me, the main thing is relationships. If fate takes something away, it means it’s not mine. I believe that God sends us only those life situations that we can do. So I had to go through this. Perhaps in order to become truly happy with someone else...

- Do you already feel ready for new love?

- Don't know. I now love my job and am married to it. I have a lot of corporate events, all weekends are booked until June. Recently I said to my press secretary: “Anton, maybe we should go to the cinema?” And he jokingly replies: “Yes... Book a date for February 4, 2018.” Then I look at the diary and discover: “Oh, that won’t work, this date, it turns out, is already taken!” (Laughs.) So love in my life, most likely, will not appear any time soon. To be honest, it’s still not easy for me to even pronounce the word “man”... But it will pass. Time cures. I will become stronger. Can not be strong personalities with a trouble-free past! I just need to take a break. Too little time has passed.

- It's true... Boxes in rented apartment dismantled?

- Yes. I really fell in love with the place where I live now. I had an amazing Christmas tree New Year! And what beautiful curtains I have... No wonder I went to an interior design store at night, pulling the hood down deeper so that no one would recognize me. After all, at first I didn’t even have bed linen, blankets, pillows. Now everything is settled. I have a wonderful apartment, it’s nice, calm, and spacious. There is a room for mom, a dressing room, a bedroom, a dressing room, and a huge jacuzzi. Comfort is important to me, and I create it not only for myself, but also for loved ones. Yes, of course, I could go to Africa for a year, live with the Bedouins and tear my hair out with grief. But at some point I realized that I had too much responsibility and too many people were worried about me. My mom and dad, family, fans. I have to help them and I just can’t let anyone down.

— Recently, in January, you had a birthday. What did they wish for you?

— I celebrated my birthday four times: in Madrid, Rome, Grozny and Moscow. And most often there was a desire to remain as I am. Mom says: “I don’t understand how you manage to do this. You are betrayed, deceived, abandoned, but you remain such a Bambi with eyes wide open.”

— What can you say to women who are also worried? difficult - divorce?

— You know, many women wrote to me: “Olya, I also have difficulties in my family. But I look at you - you walk, work, smile. This gives us strength and hope." I would like to tell everyone the words that I heard from my mother: “Remember, daughter, the main thing you have in life is yourself, don’t lose yourself, we won’t survive this.” Now for me it’s like a mantra: there is nothing more important in life than myself. And every woman should remember this... I will survive everything, I will be happy!

    The other day, Dmitry Tarasov commented on his breakup with Olga Buzova, and stated that he certainly had happy moments with her, but he started a new life. Dmitry told his subscribers on the social network that on January 1, he began a new life, and he does not want to return to the past. Olga Buzova’s mother, Irina Alexandrovna, publicly commented for the first time on her daughter’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. ...Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for the time being were considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in the country. Four months ago, Olga Buzova broke up with her husband Dmitry Tarasov. According to the girl, she was very painful about the divorce and still cannot remember it without tears. When Olga married Zenit football player Dmitry Tarasov, she thought it was once and for all.

    Olga Buzova's mother spoke about her daughter's divorce from Dmitry Tarasov

    The mother of the host of the TV project “Dom-2” Olga Buzova agreed to an interview with reporters to talk about her daughter’s divorce. In a frank conversation, the woman reported unpleasant details of the relationship between Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova.

    The mother of TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina, said that her daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her husband Dmitry Tarasov. ...Buzova Sr. noted that her daughter idealized her football player husband, and therefore Tarasov stopped fulfilling his obligations to his wife.

    Olga Buzova's mother gave frank interview, in which she revealed the unsightly sides family life own daughter. According to her mother, Olga, in the course of her marriage, faced the cruel discovery that “doing and saying are different things.”

    2 months have already passed since Olga Buzova’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. ...She says that when she remembers this, her voice trembles and tears flow.

    Buzova’s mother dared to tell the press about her daughter’s divorce from football player Tarasov, and about Olga’s experiences in the first months after the breakup. Irina Buzova considers Tarasov a heartless and irresponsible man.

    TV presenter Olga Buzova, who had been hiding from fans the details of her breakup with football player Dmitry Tarasov for several months, finally decided to make revelations and told the public about the painful issue. ...While Olga Buzova is healing her emotional wounds, Dmitry Tarasov is starting a new life with a clean slate, he is sure that from now on everything will be fine with him.

    The mother of TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina, said that her daughter’s marriage broke up due to the dishonesty of her husband Dmitry Tarasov. ...Buzova Sr. noted that her daughter idealized her football player husband, and therefore Tarasov stopped fulfilling his obligations to his wife.

    The mother of the popular presenter talked about how Olga managed to survive the divorce. ...Buzova admitted that the divorce was very difficult for her and she still cannot come to her senses.

    Recently, the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov commented for the first time on his divorce from presenter Olga Buzova, saying that he had happy moments with her, but he started a new life. ...As Dmitry Tarasov stated, on January 1 he began a new life.

    Presenter Olga Buzova admitted that after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov she felt very bad, she became very weak. ...Olga Buzova admitted that in Lately she could climb out the window and scream with all her might in pain.

    Olga Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna spoke about the reasons for her daughter’s separation from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The woman accused the player of dishonesty and said that the marriage was based on one person. In a recent interview, Buzova’s mother said that Tarasov made the decision to divorce, because of this the “House-2” star found herself “on the brink of life.”

    The athlete has already recovered from an injury received in the fall (ruptured cruciate ligaments) and even took to the field during a game with the Chinese club Beijing Guoan. During a conversation with journalists, Dmitry touched upon the topic of his recent divorce from Olga Buzova, speaking about it quite intelligently and without malice: “Since January 1, I have a new life, new stage Dmitry Tarasov.

    Many fans of the host of the Dom-2 project, Olga Buzova, noticed that she had lost a lot of weight and began to often lose consciousness in public. ...The star admitted that she almost died.

    At the end of last year famous TV presenter Olga Buzova officially divorced popular football player Dmitry Tarasov. For a long time the star refused to comment on her divorce from the sportsman, but recently she decided to reveal this secret.

    The mother of the host of the television project “Dom-2” agreed to an interview with reporters regarding the separation of her daughter. In a frank conversation, a relative laid out unpleasant details of Dmitry Tarasov’s relationship with Olga.

    Football player Dmitry Tarasov, who recently showed the public his new girlfriend- fashion model Anastasia Kostenko - told for the first time in many months what he thinks about the divorce from Olga Buzova and the scandal surrounding it. The player said that he had put an end to his relationship with Buzova and did not intend to prove anything to the public using the press or social networks. ...I wrote in my post that there were good periods, but this is how it happened,” said Tarasov. According to the football player, a few days after the divorce, on January 1, he began a new stage of life.

    Olga Buzova’s mother comments for the first time on her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. ...Irina Aleksandrovna said that she warned Olya, but she replied that she loved Dima and did not need his money.

    Olga Buzova’s mother recently gave a frank interview and told how she now feels about her ex-son-in-law. She is very proud of her daughter, who was able to survive this difficult divorce, and she considers Dmitry Tarasov to be to blame for everything.

    The TV presenter’s mother found out that not everything was all right in her daughter’s family when Olga called her and asked for help through tears. ...Olga’s mother says that she raised her daughters to be strong and strong-willed, and perhaps this was the reason for the divorce.

    Dmitry Tarasov is not at all worried about his divorce from Olga Buzova. ...They talked about the separation of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for a very long time.

    Olga Buzova’s mother gave a frank interview in which she revealed the unsightly sides of her daughter’s family life. The mother of the presenter of “Dom-2” made it clear that her marriage star daughter broke up due to the dishonesty of her footballer husband.

    Famous football player Dmitry Tarasov gave a frank interview in which he spoke about the recent public clash with ex-wife Olga Buzova. ...As Dni.Ru wrote, football player Dmitry Tarasov told fans what was the reason for his high-profile divorce from Dom-2 host Olga Buzova.

    The mother of popular TV presenter Olga Buzova, Irina Buzova, openly admitted about the consequences of divorce for her daughter from Dmitry Tarasov. ...The eldest Buzova admits that her daughter idealized her husband too much, so now she is having a very hard time, but she does not despair and is now completely absorbed in work.

    After the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova opened the veil of secrets and announced their decision to divorce, this became a real test for the TV presenter. ...But after receiving official document I no longer began to restrain my emotions about the divorce.

    Olga Buzova’s mother commented for the first time on her daughter’s divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. ...Irina Aleksandrovna told how her daughter’s relationship with her ex-husband developed.

    According to Irina Buzova, Dmitry Tarasov behaved ugly at the very beginning of his relationship with Olga, so the subsequent development of events did not surprise her. ...In fact, I found Olya on the verge of life,” shared Irina Buzova.

    Even though Olga Buzova, 31, and Dmitry Tarasov, 29, divorced at the end of 2016, they still prefer to refrain from directly commenting on what actually happened between them. ...Fans of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are still wondering what became the stumbling block in this once perfect couple and who was the first to decide to file for divorce.

    Two months have passed since Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov officially divorced. ... Let us recall that after breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov, Olga Buzova began a new life.

    Famous Russian TV presenter, socialite, singer and actress Olga Buzova openly spoke about how she went through a divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. Despite the fact that outwardly the girl remained cheerful and cheerful, parting with her lover was not easy for her.

    Irina Buzova, mother of the presenter, singer, socialite, ex-participant of the TV show “House 2” Olga Buzova, revealed to the public the details of her daughter’s relationship with her ex-husband. ...Recall that Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova got married in 2012.

    The divorce story forced Olga Buzova to reconsider her view on gender relations. She claims that she wanted to live with Dmitry Tarasov until the end of her days.

    Four months ago, Olga Buzova broke up with her husband Dmitry Tarasov. According to the girl, she was very painful about the divorce and still cannot remember it without tears. When Olga married Zenit football player Dmitry Tarasov, she thought it was once and for all.

    The star of “House-2”, after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, thought about committing suicide. ...According to Buzova, initially she dreamed of living with Tarasov until the end of her days.

    Olga Buzova’s mother, Irina Alexandrovna, publicly commented for the first time on her daughter’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. ...Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for the time being were considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in the country.

    The mother of the TV presenter of the Dom-2 project Olga Buzova, Irina Buzova, spoke about how her daughter was going through a divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. According to her mother, Olga faced the cruel discovery in her marriage that “doing and saying are two different things.”

    Olga Buzova spoke about the help of doctors and attacks of hysteria after a turn in her personal life. Presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov have not been together for several months, now they are even emotionally sorting things out in public.

    The first two months after Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov separated, they did not comment on the topic of their divorce at all. ...The other day, a Lokomotiv football player had an argument on Instagram with ex-wife, and then the Dom-2 star herself gave an interview to journalists, where she told what a tragedy the break with her husband was for her.

    Recently, Olga publicly accused Dmitry Tarasov of treason. ...Buzova’s mother Irina openly spoke about how one of the most famous couples in domestic show business got divorced.

    Not long ago, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov publicly sorted out their relationship on social networks. ...Recently, Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna decided to talk about her daughter’s divorce from a football player.

    TV presenter and aspiring pop star Olga Buzova, after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, quickly pulled herself together and devoted all her time to developing her career. ...For the first time, Buzova’s mother, Irina Aleksandrovna, decided to express her point of view and tell her daughter about her divorce.

    Recently, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov publicly sorted out their relationship in in social networks. ...For the first time, Buzova’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna decided to comment on Dmitry and Olga’s divorce.

    Olga Buzova gave a frank interview for the first time and told how she survived her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. “You know, I always considered myself strong, my mother even calls me the “steady tin soldier,” says Olga. ...And even now, although four months have passed since my separation from my husband, I can’t talk about everything calmly.

    Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov, who divorced TV presenter Olga Buzova on December 30, said whether there is harmony in his life. “Since January 1, I have a new life, a new stage of Dmitry Tarasov.

Yesterday I attended the Fashion New Year Awards 2017, where I received the award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category according to the Fashion TV channel. The press immediately noted that last month The TV presenter has changed a lot in appearance. The star's face has become more rounded, her lips are fuller, and her eyes are more slanted.

It seems that immediately after breaking up with her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov, the TV brunette turned to cosmetologists for help, who thoroughly worked on her face.

And a little earlier, Buzova gave an interview to Dom-2 magazine, where she told what she had experienced this month. The beauty said that she never thought that she would become such a hostage to her popularity.

“I could imagine anything, but not what happened to me. I am trying to live again, but in order for a reboot to occur, I need to fully understand, experience and overcome this situation. At the same time, a colossal revaluation of values ​​has already occurred. New goals have appeared. Probably, it’s all my fault: I put my personal life on display,” Olga said frankly.

When her family suffered hard times, the TV presenter wanted to hide from everyone. It was then that she realized that there was no need to shout about her happiness. "I have become less an open person, it’s just that everything that happened to me was an experience. And I’ll be a fool if I don’t learn a lesson and repeat the same mistakes in the future,” admitted the star of the Dom-2 broadcasts.

Buzova tries not to talk about what caused the discord in her relationship with Tarasov. Olga’s relatives once admitted to journalists that Dmitry really wanted children, and Buzova planned to make a career first. And the house still had to be completed.

“True love lies in the fact that you are ready to accept a person with all his problems: his pain, mistakes, failures. And when people for whom you were ready to go to the sword, loved, were betrayed, leave without saying a word... It’s a knife in the back,” said the star.

“I will remain true to myself and my principles, and the actions of others are on their own conscience. And in no case do I want to turn into an angry, callous and complex person. Although I have a lot of internal problems, which I hope I will be able to cope with on my own,” Olga explained in an interview with Dom-2 magazine.

Let us remind you that Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova got married four years ago. For the sake of the TV presenter, the football player left seven, where his daughter was growing up. It seemed that Tarasov had finally met his one and only. The couple constantly demonstrated complete harmony and love; moreover, the famous TV blonde recently released the book “The Price of Happiness.” Of course, autobiographical, where she told how lucky she was with her beloved husband. That's why divorce news sounded very unexpected for fans. Some say that the reason was her husband’s infidelity, others that Olga was offended that the Loko player asked to register a house under construction in the Moscow region in his mother’s name, thereby expressing distrust of his beloved.

In the event of a divorce, Tarasov and Buzova will have to resolve the property issue. According to open sources, almost everything was recorded on the football player. Olga Buzova on paper is only the owner of a company selling jewelry.

And for Tarasov (and for the athlete’s mother) there are three land plots in the Moscow region with an area of ​​42 acres and a huge mansion, which experts estimate at 160 million rubles. Plus, the football player owns an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​56 square meters. And three Mercedes cars worth about 15 million rubles.

Officially, the couple must divorce at the end of December.

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