June 21st is the summer solstice. Equinoxes and solstice days: exact dates for the coming years.

Despite the victorious march of the Internet across the planet and the huge number of religious movements, each nation cherishes and cherishes, first of all, its own historical roots. Moreover, today even those holidays that were prohibited in the past are subject to protection and attention, and participation in them is punishable. It's simple: we remember the past so that the future is more obvious and understandable. And in general, this is a very exciting activity.

During the day winter solstice Today it is generally accepted to consider the shortest daylight hours of the year and, accordingly, the longest night. For us, this day usually falls between December 19 and December 22. It is worth noting that at different latitudes it can fall on different dates, so there is no clear holiday date on this occasion. But this did not bother our ancestors at all.

Winter Solstice in December

Time, UTC-0 (worldwide)


The winter solstice, also known as the winter solstice, was considered the most disastrous and coldest. On this day, according to beliefs, Chernobog (Karachun, Korochun) gained the greatest power. Few people liked this god, because he was considered evil, bringing severe frosts and death. The pagan Slavs were sure that it was his fault that the day was becoming shorter and the night longer.

The imagination of the people worked perfectly, so our ancestors passed on from generation to generation the belief that snowstorms turn into connecting rod bears, and snowstorms turn into wolves. And, accordingly, reverse metamorphosis, if necessary, is also possible. Moreover, it was the sleeping bear that was responsible for the duration of winter. As soon as he got tired of sleeping on one side, he turned over to the other - this meant the middle of winter and the turn to spring. Most likely, he had no idea what powers his popular imagination had given him.

By the way, our language has preserved the evil pagan god: even now, the word with the same root as “squirm”, “writhe” means an extremely unpleasant, unwanted, even painful action. Idioms“grabbed a karachun”, “a karachun came to him” also do not sound particularly optimistic in relation to the person in question.

Considering the level of education of the population, it is not surprising that people were very afraid of the gradual “fading away” of the day. This is not a joke: what if Chernobog turns out to be strong enough to establish night on the planet forever. Therefore, the next day after the winter solstice was a real holiday. The danger of living in eternal darkness was decreasing, a turn towards a new spring was in sight, life went on - it was time for a bright holiday.

From an astronomy point of view, everything looks different. It is not the bears who are designated as “culprits,” but the Sun. When, rotating at its base, the Earth enters its maximum value relative to the Sun (23 degrees and 26 minutes), we get the longest night and the shortest day, respectively. This state of affairs lasts only one day, after which the day begins to lengthen due to a change in the axis of rotation of the Earth relative to the Sun. This phenomenon can be observed, but not only will it be necessary desire, but also astronomical training to determine accuracy down to the hour. Well, or a friendly astronomer who will tell you when and what exactly you need to observe with a camera at the ready.

By the way, the day of the winter solstice is not only an occasion to laugh at the dark ancestors, but also to admire their powers of observation. Meticulous scientists have come to the conclusion that changes in the length of the day were noticed by people back in the Neolithic period. After all, the sun's journey across the sky had great value For Agriculture, and even now this value has not decreased at all. The reason for observing the sun so closely is very prosaic. Winter months, as a rule, were hungry. It was important for people to know how long food supplies should be stretched out in order to survive until the saving spring.

It was not only our ancestors who paid so much attention to the length of day and night. For example, the main axes of Stonehenge (Great Britain) were aligned by its builders along a visual line that indicates sunset on the day of the winter solstice. And the axes of Newgrange (Ireland) just as clearly point to the sunrise on the winter solstice. This is unlikely to be a coincidence.

No world culture ignores this day. In some cultural traditions, legends about the rebirth of the gods, symbolic new beginnings, and cleansing rituals are tied to the winter solstice. For example, the god of the kingdom of the dead Hades in Greek mythology was allowed to rise to the surface of the earth only twice a year: on the days of winter and summer solstice. And among the Slavs, Kolyada was dedicated to this date, but due to the shift in the calendar, it is now celebrated two weeks later. But just two thousand years ago, Kolyada was celebrated on the solstice day in winter! However, changing the date does not deprive the holiday of its brightness, fun, or relevance.


Spring and autumn equinox 2017 is an astronomical phenomenon in which day equals night, marking the change of seasons, like the summer and winter solstices.

We know that the spring and autumn equinoxes occur precisely at the moment when our Sun, in its annual movement across the sky, crosses the celestial equator. These points are respectively located in the constellations Pisces and Virgo.

When is the summer solstice in 2017?

Traditionally, when the Sun reaches a declination altitude of +23.5°, the summer solstice begins. In simple words, the angle between the direction to the center of the Sun and the north of the Earth's axis becomes minimal, and the plane passing through the center of the Sun and the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. Surprisingly, above latitude 66.5°, the day lasts a day, the Sun does not set beyond the horizon at all. This is the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

In 2017, like every year, except for leap years, the summer solstice falls on June 21, 7 o'clock. 24m. in Moscow.

Summer solstice among the Slavs

This time was considered ideal for all kinds magical rituals. The Slavs celebrated Ivan Kupala on the day of the summer solstice. IN different regions this holiday was called differently: Kolosok, Yarilin's Day, Kupailo, Solntsekres, Ivan the Herbalist, Kres, but its essence was preserved.

The day of the summer solstice brought with it an increase in the healing abilities of herbs and water. This is the culmination of life force, and therefore all traditions and rituals are associated with its main elements: fire, water and herbs.

It was believed that if you bathe before sunset, you can get rid of all diseases. Also, only after this day was it allowed to pick branches for bath brooms; if before, then the broom would only bring scratching and illness.

One of the main attributes of this holiday was the bonfire - the bather. They lit it closer to sunset and had fun for a long time, jumping over the fire, dancing around it and jumping. Usually bonfires were lit on the edge of the village or in a field and they burned until the morning, seemingly driving away evil forces.

The fire was traditionally lit by an elder or a respected guy by friction. Girls jumped over the fire, as there was an opinion that it would cleanse them of damage and the evil eye. And if you jump over with someone as a couple, holding hands, this means a wedding in the near future and a long life together.

By burning clothes taken from a sick person, it was possible to burn the disease itself. The remains of the fire were never left behind; it was a magical remedy that promoted fertility, so they were scattered throughout the gardens and fields.

This day was the peak healing properties any herbs. They were often collected to make amulets and infusions. There was also a legend about the fern blossoming on this night, informs r.

It was believed that it blooms at midnight for a few seconds; it is very difficult to pick it, since all the forest evil spirits prevent it. Whoever manages to pick the miracle flower will be able to become invisible and understand animals. He will also be able to find treasures and open any locks, will receive the gift of foresight and will be able to take on any form.

About the equinox and solstice days of 2017

The summer and winter solstices are marked by the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator. Accordingly, these points are located at this moment in the constellations Taurus and Sagittarius.

The point of the summer solstice moved according to astronomical calculations to the constellation Taurus quite recently, only in 1988. Before this, the point of summer opposition was in the constellation Gemini.

A rather slow shift in the points of the equinoxes and solstices occurs mainly as a result of precession, which means that the directions of the earth's axis gradually change, occurring under the influence of the gravity of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

When talking about the dates of the spring and autumn equinox, it is necessary to distinguish between the date according to universal time (Greenwich), as well as the date of the time zone of the area where you live. If, for example, the spring or autumn equinox occurred before 24:00 GMT, in countries located west of the prime meridian this day has not yet arrived, then according to local time the onset of the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier.

If the equinox occurs later than 24:00 GMT, then in those countries that are located east of the prime meridian, the next day will have already arrived, which means the date of the equinox will be 1 day later.

Summer solstice dates for the coming years:

2017: June 21, 4:24 am. GMT (21 June 7:24 Moscow time)
2018: June 21, 10:07 am. GMT (21 June 13:07 Moscow time)
2019: June 21, 15:54. GMT (June 21, 18:54 Moscow time)
Ancient celebrations of the summer solstice

Midsummer, Lita and Kupala are the oldest European festivals dedicated to the summer solstice. These holidays were the most joyful and were celebrated magnificently by our ancestors for centuries.

Being unable to ban and erase them from the memory of peoples, Christian church introduced the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist on June 24 (in Russia it is celebrated on Julian calendar July 7).

For the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature, which is embodied in abundance with the ripening of the harvest. However, the middle of summer also reminded of the impending reduction daylight hours and the inevitable approach of autumn, and then winter.

Rituals and signs of the summer solstice

The summer solstice in 2017 fell on a Wednesday, which means that no matter how much you want to get out into nature and follow centuries-old traditions, you may not be able to. Although it was on this day that many rituals and fortune telling were carried out, it was believed that on the solstice they were all extremely truthful.

Ancestors advised jumping over a fire for a successful year, and whoever can jump the highest over the flames will have real success.

In addition, our ancestors tried to achieve a good harvest with such a ritual. By folk beliefs, a couple can jump over a fire together - and if the lovers do not unclench their hands during the jump, then a long and happy marriage. If sparks fly from the fire, then you have a direct route to the nearest registry office.

A mandatory ritual for the summer solstice was swimming at dawn, when the water, according to legend, is healing and washes away illnesses, as well as the fatigue and lies of the people around you.

On the summer solstice, different peoples told fortunes in their own way: some scattered runes, others - Tarot cards, others wove unimaginable patterns on fabric in an attempt to find out their fate. To plunge into prehistoric times and to feel those times, you can resort to any method of fortune telling, if you so desire.

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The exact dates of the equinox and solstice are known; every year the solstice itself occurs at approximately the same time, with minor adjustments and taking into account the leap shift.

  • Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes 2010-2025 Moscow time

Equinoxes and solstice days: exact dates

Spring equinox: what's happening?

According to universal time in the northern hemisphere, the spring equinox occurs on March 20, when the Sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern.

It's almost a day equal to night. The sun rises almost exactly in the east (several north of east) and sets almost exactly in the west (slightly north of west).

Winter equinox (autumn)

According to universal time, the autumn equinox occurs on September 22 or 23, when the Sun passes from the northern hemisphere to the southern. Day again is equal to night, just like in spring.

The sun rises almost exactly in the east and sets almost exactly in the west.

In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

What date is the equinox: the exact dates of the solstice for the coming years

Equinox and solstice days 2017

  • vernal equinox - March 2010:29
  • summer solstice - June 21 04:24
  • autumnal equinox - September 22 20:02
  • winter solstice - December 21 16:28

Equinox and solstice days 2018

  • vernal equinox - March 20 16:15
  • summer solstice - June 21 10:07
  • autumnal equinox - September 23 01:54
  • winter solstice - December 21 22:23

Equinox and solstice days 2019

  • autumnal equinox - September 23 07:50
  • winter solstice - December 22 04:19
  • vernal equinox - March 20 21:58
  • summer solstice - June 21 15:54

Equinox and solstice days 2020

  • vernal equinox - March 20 03:50
  • summer solstice - June 20 21:44
  • autumnal equinox - September 22 13:31
  • winter solstice - December 21 10:02

Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes 2010-2025

Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes according to Moscow time
year Equinox
day time day time day time day time
2010 20 20:32 21 14:28 23 06:09 21 02:38
2011 20 02:21 21 20:16 23 12:04 22 08:30
2012 20 08:14 20 02:09 22 17:49 21 14:12
2013 20 14:02 21 08:04 22 23:44 21 18:11
2014 20 19:57 21 13:51 23 05:29 21 2:03
2015 20 01:45 21 19:38 23 11:20 22 07:48
2016 20 7:30 20 01:34 22 17:21 21 13:44
2017 20 13:28 21 07:24 22 23:02 21 19:28
2018 20 19:15 21 13:07 23 04:54 21 01:23
2019 20 00:58 21 18:54 23 10:50 22 07:19
2020 20 06:50 20 00:44 22 16:31 21 13:02
2021 20 12:37:27 21 06:32:08 22 22:21:03 21 18:59:16
2022 20 18:33:23 21 12:13:49 23 04:03:40 21 00:48:10
2023 20 00:24:24 21 17:57:47 23 09:49:56 22 06:27:19
2024 20 06:06:21 20 23:50:56 22 15:43:36 21 12:20:30
2025 20 00:01:25 21 05:42:11 22 21:19:16 21 18:03:01

Equinox and solstice days - video

From ancient times to this day, humanity has been trying to live according to natural rhythms. Significant in astrological and astronomical terms is the Day spring equinox, repeating in the second half of March every year. Numerous folk legends, signs, customs, traditions, mystical beliefs are associated with this day. natural processes and other curious phenomena.

When will the spring equinox be in 2017: number, day, date

Exact time of attack Day of the vernal equinox In 2017 - March 20 10 hours 29 minutes (Moscow time) and 07 hours 30 minutes (Greenwich time). Almost all countries of the so-called “ silk road" from the time of early Middle Ages This day is considered the real New Year. It is at this moment that the Sun will move into the constellation Aries, marking the beginning of astronomical spring.

In ancient times, when calendars did not exist, people were sure that this day was the beginning of spring, and the forces of darkness and light became equal. The renewal of nature was also associated with the spring equinox: the lush growth of greenery, the appearance of buds on bushes and trees, the first thunderstorms.

From an astronomical point of view, the day of the spring equinox, as well as the autumn equinox, is characterized by the same length of day and night. 20th of March - astronomical beginning spring 2017. At the indicated time, the Earth will cover a quarter of the year's path, moving along its orbit. The two hemispheres will be illuminated by the Sun exactly half. It is this fact that explains the equal duration of light and dark time of day. Then the Sun will continue its movement, moving from one hemisphere (Southern) to another (Northern). After six months, the equinox will come again, but during this period the Sun will already be with opposite side orbits. The day will be marked by sunrise at the maximum Eastern point of the planet, and sunset at the maximum Western point.

In astronomy, the vernal equinox is considered the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, there will be an astronomical autumn time. Of course, these are strict mathematical calculations. In fact, on the days of the spring/autumn equinoxes, the duration of daylight hours is slightly longer. This is due to the fact that such a phenomenon as atmospheric refraction is capable of “raising” the heavenly bodies above the horizon. After all, it is formally believed that the Sun and Moon move strictly along the horizon during the day. But in fact, due to the refractive phenomenon, they will move a little higher.

The meaning of the spring equinox in astrology

March 20, 2017 is the Day of the Astrologer and everyone who has at least some connection to this science. This professional holiday was timed to coincide with the Equinox Day in connection with the beginning of a new astrological year. This also means that the main celestial body - the Sun - will enter the sign of Aries. Since the vernal equinox can also fall on other dates of March (19, 21), they decided to assign Astrologer’s Day to the 20th, thereby avoiding confusion and confusion.

Astrologers consider the moment of the Sun's transition into the sign of Aries (to its zero degree) to be the starting point. The sign of Aries is associated with such meanings as: cheerfulness; leadership; cyclicality; sincerity; determination; independence; straightforwardness; pulse. Aries is a sign of courage, spiritual and physical strength, energy, struggle, sacrifice.

Since the spring equinox is a period of renewal in nature, the presence of the Sun on this day at zero degree of the indicated sign is the primary impulse, which is the most active and bright. This impulse arises in the “seed” and gives it the opportunity to gain energy for further development. This happens on the Day of the Vernal Equinox, when all living things are reborn again.

Spring equinox and Druid horoscope

Druids are ancient priests who inhabited the northern coast of Europe and deified nature. The Celts had their own explanation of the origin of man, worshiped their Gods and firmly believed in the power of natural elements. Spring Equinox for Druids - special holiday, which is the starting point of the new annual cycle. The location of the Sun and Earth in relation to each other on a birthday is the main criterion by which the Celts determined a person’s character and predicted his fate. The Celtic horoscope is divided into 22 periods. Each of them corresponds to a specific tree. The Druids believed that the Spring Equinox could help in correcting life events. To do this, you need to “talk” to the patron tree, telling him about your troubles, aspirations and dreams. During communication, you can make a wish to the tree. It will definitely fulfill it, the main thing is to be honest.

Advice If you find yourself in a difficult situation, the tree will tell you how to get out of it. To win over your patron, stroke his branches and leaves while talking. Lean against a tree and stay in this position for several minutes. As a result, the tree will charge you with energy and energy for the entire coming year.

The influence of Aries on the day of the vernal equinox The influence of the first zodiac sign will extend to the laws of nature, the sunrise/sunset, the development of all life on Earth. During this period, the stars will show special favor to those who decided to change something in their life. own life. Any endeavors will be successful and will allow you to achieve the desired results. There is an expression in astrology: “The sun is in an exalted state.” This means that the heavenly body, when located in the sign of Aries, is in the most harmonious position for itself. Scientists were able to prove the influence of the spring and autumn equinoxes, winter and summer days solstice, as well as lunar and solar eclipses on the composition of human blood. It changes a little. And since fire sign Aries is ruled by Mars, and changes in blood composition have a direct bearing on it. The element of fire has a cardinal character and constantly strives upward. Therefore, on March 20 of this year, all living things on the planet will be endowed with powerful vital energy.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the spring equinox

On this day, our ancestors also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself was renewed, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of an immaculate maiden, who is held by the arm of a young man. In Rus', the holiday of the spring equinox was taken seriously. Mass celebrations were held, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered good sign. People believed that what large quantity If people enter the hut for treats, the happier the year will be for the owners of the home.

Housewives specially baked rye flatbreads for the holiday and decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet, hearty flatbreads, women painted chicken eggs. For this we used natural materials- onion peels, carrot and beet juice. Housewives also baked unleavened cookies in the shape of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers; some of the cookies were given to geese, chickens, and turkeys to eat. The men made birdhouses and attached them to tree trunks. A small amount of crumbled unleavened cookies was always placed inside the birdhouses.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, and the shimmering sounds of harps and accordions were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large effigy from straw and burned it. The taller and wider the scarecrow became, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and clean flame was a guarantee of a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

How the spring equinox is celebrated in different countries

The spring equinox in India coincides with the local festival of colors. Therefore, the holiday lasts for two days. On the first day, everyone has fun, sings, dances, and enjoys traditional treats. The next morning, a procession of representatives of all castes existing in India begins. People exchange greetings by showering each other with colorful powder made from turmeric, haldi, bilwa, etc. It is believed to bring wealth, love and happiness.

The Germans deify the Dawn and East direction(part of the world). On this day it is forbidden to eat any meat except rabbit. A favorite male hobby is hunting hares. One of the hare carcasses is necessarily sacrificed to the supreme goddess Freya - the patroness of love, marriage, family, and children.

Japan is carefully preparing for the spring equinox. The day before the holiday, people clean all areas of their homes. Special attention dedicated to cleaning home altars, which are decorated with flowers. Several small round bowls must be placed near photographs of deceased ancestors. They are first filled with illuminated cereals and water.

Do's and Don'ts on the Equinox

This holiday has been considered magical since ancient times. Legends say that on this day even one’s own thoughts can influence a person’s fate. Therefore, you should think exclusively about the good. Showdowns, quarrels, anger, aggression and anger can lead to problems. It is not recommended to be sad on a holiday, otherwise the Gods will get angry and will not bestow all kinds of benefits. We need to welcome spring as hospitably and cheerfully as possible. The more luxurious the table and the more guests sitting at it, the happier the year will be for the owners.

Many people still honor the traditions of the holiday and bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of birds on the day of the spring equinox. They need to be distributed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. To check what kind of health awaits them in the coming year, people went out into the street, and everyone threw their own gingerbread into the sky. Whose treat soared higher, he did not have to worry about his own health throughout the year. Thanks to this sign, gingerbread cookies are called “larks”.

Let's say you decide to follow the tradition described above and bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of larks. When you eat baked goods, do not eat the bird's head, eat only the body. It is believed that by doing this you protect yourself and your family from accidents and illnesses. The heads must be given to the cattle. Even fierce enemies and offenders should not wish harm on the Day of the Vernal Equinox. Experts assure that seditious thoughts and bad words words spoken to a person can cause him serious trouble. Moreover, all the bad things sent to others will definitely return in double quantity.

Fortune telling and magic on the day of the spring equinox

Some girls and boys started fortune telling on this day after sunset. Some wanted to learn about marriage, some wanted to improve their external attractiveness, and some simply wanted to find out what awaited them in the near future.

So, when baking lark gingerbread, the girls put in raw dough small items. Each of them had his own prediction. For example:

  • ring - get ready for the wedding;
  • carnations - there will be a reason for sadness;
  • coin - you will live in abundance;
  • key - inheritance, profit, you will become the owner of a new home;
  • bead - the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come;
  • button - numerous updates are coming;
  • earring - for a meeting with your betrothed.

In the evening, everyone took turns taking one gingerbread and breaking it. The future was judged by the object found.

At sunrise or sunset on the Vernal Equinox, you can perform a ritual for well-being. To do this, you need to prepare two candles - white and black. They will symbolize light and darkness. Also prepare a pot of soil and seeds, previously soaked in water. Light the candles and place the pot and seeds next to you. Concentrate and begin to mentally tell the seeds what kind of life you want to have, what you want to change in your destiny. Visualize the image of your happy existence as clearly as possible. Then plant the seeds in the ground and water them with water. As the seeds sprout, your life will begin to change in the direction you want.

A unique service will help you make your dreams come true meditation practice. The lesson should be carried out completely alone, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. Light a candle. Sit in a chair or lie down on the sofa. Close your eyes. For deep relaxation you can use breathing exercises. Start playing out situations in your imagination, taking into account the fact that your dream has already come true. For example, imagine how you live, what kind of car you have, what you wear, who you communicate with, what you eat, what establishments you visit, etc. You need to immerse yourself as deeply as possible inner world and feel your desire. Now imagine that a large translucent golden ball has materialized in the air in front of you. Enter it and, by force of will, rush upward. Next, try to mentally dissolve in the Universe. After some time, you should feel a surge of strength. This means that positive cosmic energy has had a powerful effect on your subconscious. From this moment on, changes will gradually begin to occur in your life.

The spring equinox is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It’s good that to this day those grains of information have been preserved about what traditions were honored and how the spring holiday was celebrated in ancient times. On this day, everyone can drink from an inexhaustible source of cosmic energy, improve their health, improve financial situation and, getting up in the morning, say: “Hello, Sun!”

Category: Pen stroke 03

When the Sun is at its greatest distance from the equator, the solstice days occur. According to the astronomical calendar, the solstice point in the summer of 2017 will be in Taurus. Her transfer from Gemini did not occur until 1988. The change in points is caused by the changing direction of the Earth's axis, as a result of the attraction of the Sun. When discussing the date of the solstice, it is necessary to take into account the difference between the time/date in the time zone and Greenwich Mean Time.

Since time immemorial, these days have been especially revered by ancient peoples. Our ancestors worshiped the Sun and organized various celebrations in its honor. Over a huge period of time, signs, traditions and beliefs were born among the people. We'll talk about this further...


People also called this day “solstice.” Our star reaches its maximum height, resulting in the longest day. In Moscow it will be 21.06. at 04:24. Before and after this period, “white nights” are observed. The most famous city in Russia, where they are most pronounced, is St. Petersburg.

Our ancestors, who lived in harmony with nature, widely celebrated this holiday. Many names for this day have been preserved:

  • Kupala;
  • Feast of Litha;
  • The day of Ivan.

Even the current church could not erase the memory of pagan generations and introduced its own holiday on these days - John the Baptist.

Pagans personify the Sun with a deity who rules over all living things. The summer solstice is the maximum flowering of nature, and therefore the victorious will of supernatural forces.

Traditions of the peoples of the world

Celtic holiday - Litha, signs

On this day ancient people decorated their homes various plants: St. John's wort, fennel, birch, white lilies, led round dances and sang songs in praise of the sun, and in the evening lit fires as a symbol of warmth. Food was carried far into the forest and spices for the elves. It was believed that jumping over a blazing fire together brings prosperity, health and vitality family. belief magical power The fire was so great that the coals from the fire were preserved for healing purposes. Herbs collected on the day of the solstice were also taken care of, with the help of which they drove away evil forces and diseases.


The celebration symbolized the influence of the Sun on the earth. The Baltic peoples asked for harvest, health and strong family. They also believed in the power of fire and believed that the higher the fire, the less evil force remained on the earth. The holiday was called Midsummer's Night, during which people walked until the morning, jumped over the fire and lowered flowers into the water. People living on the seashore burned old boats, believing in the beginning new era. The traditions of this holiday have been preserved to this day. From June 21 to June 25, various folklore festivals are held in many Baltic countries.

Old Russian

In Rus', mermaids were celebrated until the solstice. The tradition has its roots from ancient times, when the ashes of dead soldiers were floated on boats along the river. Thus, the Russian people saluted the ancestors who died defending native land. After this, it was the turn of the celebration of Kupala and the most fertile month of Kresen. All celebrations took place around bonfires and near water. There was a mass ablution and appeal to higher powers asking for a good harvest and cleansing of the soul. The Russian people, with their inherent breadth, celebrated the middle of summer: they drank mead, walked, had fun, believing that evil spirits will be gone forever.

Solstice dates change due to the leap shift and differ by 1-2 days. In astronomical terms, winter begins with the December solstice, and summer begins with the June solstice. These days the Sun practically does not change its declination. Its height changes over the year almost like a sinusoid. This is where the solstice phenomenon itself comes from. IN Southern Hemisphere, the solstice changes places.


The luminary on this day is on minimum height, comes the most long night and the shortest day. In 2017, on December 21 at 16:28, the Sun, moving along its orbit, will reach a minimum declination of 23° and 26′ and astronomical winter will begin.

  • In Moscow The sun will be 11° above the horizon.
  • At a latitude greater than 66.5° The sun will not rise at all, there will be only twilight, indicating that it was shining below the horizon.
  • At the North Pole There will not even be twilight; the position of the Sun can only be known from the constellations.

On December 21, 2017, our star, moving along its orbit, will pass the 18th hour meridian, begin to rise along the ecliptic and, after crossing the celestial equator, will begin to move towards the spring equinox. The day will begin to increase, the night will become shorter.

People have been observing this day for a long time. It was used to judge the future harvest, for example, frost on trees means a successful, generous year for grain.

On the day of the winter solstice in Rus', there was a ritual in which the bell ringer of the Moscow cathedral notified the tsar about the increase in the day and the turn of the sun towards summer, receiving money from the sovereign for this.

The pagans celebrated this day New Year. Lighting a fire, they asked their deity Kolyada for summer to come soon, so that the sun would rise faster.

The holiday for all nations was personified by the Sun. The Slavs baked a festive round pie. The Scots set fire to a barrel coated with resin, which, when rotated, created the feeling of the sun. A festival was held in Europe to celebrate nature's turn to summer. IN ancient China made a sacrifice to the God of heaven and celebrated the “beginning of a new life.” The solstice was considered the most successful day and, probably, that’s why it is celebrated to this day. In India at this time they also celebrated a holiday called Sankranti. Before going to the temple, people lit a fire - a symbol of future warmth.

Year Solstice date GMT)
Solstice 2018 winter 21.12 22:23
2018 summer 21.06 10:07
2019 winter 22.12 04:19
2019 summer 21.06 15:54
2020 winter 21.12 10:02
2020 summer 20.12 21:44

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