Why dream of blue roses. The number of flowers in a dream: an even or odd number. Withered or dried roses in dreams

Roses are the favorite flowers of many women, symbolizing joy, love and mystery. But how can you interpret a dream involving these beautiful flowers? Interpreters of dreams will help to figure out what they are dreaming of.

Interpretation according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Medea

  1. American. Innocence and purity of thought.
  2. English. People are drawn to you as a cheerful person, dreaming of making friends.
  3. Apostle Simon the Zealot. Success in endeavors, happiness.
  4. Armenian. Carefree life, joy.
  5. Vanga. Love and boundless happiness.
  6. Female. Happiness in love.
  7. Imperial. A dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, waiting good events, and on the other - disappointment in a loved one.
  8. Icelandic. Fortune smiles at you: you will achieve what you want without putting much effort into it.
  9. Lunar. Happiness and financial well-being.
  10. Medea. The dream symbolizes inner beauty and integrity.
  11. Miller. Happy moments await you.
  12. Newest. Romantic date.
  13. Russian. Strong love, wedding.
  14. Russian folk. Your partner is crazy about you.
  15. Family. Good news, the arrival of guests.
  16. Modern. New love, confessions and romance.
  17. French. A favorable stage has come in life.
  18. Healers Akulina. You have to fight for love.
  19. Gypsy. Delight and boundless fun.
  20. XXI century. Luck and prosperity.

If in a dream a dead man presented a bouquet of roses, then know that the spirits of the dead protect you from all evil.

If in a dream you were handed a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart, harmony and harmony reign in relations with your loved one.

Who dreamed of flowers: a girl, a woman, a man

  1. A dreaming rose for a girl promises an acquaintance with interesting man, which over time will develop into serious relationship. By family dream book, you should expect an early marriage.
  2. A vision warns a woman that other people can envy her happiness. This is how the apostle Simon the Zealot interprets the vision. According to the family dream book, waiting true love that people have been looking for for years.
  3. Pregnant dreams about roses portend a declaration of love and pleasant surprises. According to the Wanderer's dream book, motherhood will bring happiness and joyful chores.
  4. For a man, night vision indicates that he should take a closer look at his surroundings. Among your friends there is a girl with whom you will find true happiness.
  5. For family people, roses seen in the kingdom of Morpheus prophesy changes. One life stage ends, and immediately after it something new begins. Changes in life will first unsettle you, but do not be sad, because there are many interesting events ahead.

Chinese rose in a dream symbolizes wisdom and long life.

Dream details

With special attention you need to pay attention to the details of sleep. Try to remember them. The more you remember, the more accurately you will decipher the dream.

Color: pink, red, white, yellow, orange

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the roses:

  1. Red. You will experience strong and deep feelings. By women's dream book, love is mutual, and in a relationship with a partner is now a complete idyll.
  2. White. Relations with a loved one are developing in the right direction. You are cozy and comfortable together. According to Miller's dream book, expect a brighter future with your chosen one.
  3. Pink. They symbolize tender and devoted relationships. According to the modern dream book, vision promises wealth.
  4. Yellow. Experience jealousy and distrust of your loved one. According to the Tarot dream book, you will encounter meanness and treason.
  5. Orange. The person next to you is destined by fate. Only together will you be happy. According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, the dreamer's life is filled bright colors, now nothing bodes ill.
  6. Burgundy. The vision promises admiration and violent passion. According to the esoteric Tsvetkov, you are loved with all your heart, appreciate it.

A burgundy rose in a dream means that someone loves you with all their heart.

Unusual color of flowers: blue, purple, black

Why dream of roses with an unusual color? The interpreters give the following explanations:

  1. Black. Such a flower in night vision is considered a symbol of sadness and loss. Be prepared that someone close to you will leave this world. According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, a black streak will come in life. According to the modern dream book, there is a chance of getting injured, getting sick, having an accident.
  2. Blue. An unusual event will happen in life, after which views on life will change. According to the modern dream book, a flatterer appeared in the environment, dreaming of using you for his own purposes. Be careful and prudent.
  3. Blue. Problems that prevent you from enjoying life are a thing of the past. Finally, you can relax and take a deep breath. According to Grishina's dream book, you will start living from scratch.
  4. Purple. Your loved one is a mysterious and unpredictable person. Being next to him, it is impossible to anticipate anything. Relationships like this are exhausting. Try to make them clear.
  5. Green. Such a dream prophesies cash receipts. The financial situation will improve. According to the healer Akulina, the new business will bring good dividends.
  6. Multicolored. Real life will be stormy and eventful. You definitely won't be bored. According to the Wanderer's dream book, something incredible will happen.

What roses dreamed of: buds, petals, bushes

Seeing a bouquet of roses in night dreams is a secret admirer. If there was a whole bunch of flowers in a dream, there will be a meeting with the soulmate. According to Miller's dream book, the events that will happen soon will be fateful.

Roses without thorns seen in a dream portend a good outcome of the work begun. According to Gustave Miller, your love is mutual.

Rose petals in night vision for a girl or not married woman promise an early marriage. For a family man, a vision indicates that the other half is faithful to him.

Rose petals dream of marriage

Rose bushes in the kingdom of Morpheus promise improvement financial situation. According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, a joyful event will happen in the dreamer's life. The number of bushes also matters:

  • one - organization and self-discipline are important to achieve the goal;
  • many bushes in a dream promise changes for the better and useful acquaintances.

If the flowers on the rose bushes were blooming, soon there will be a replenishment in the family. Dry roses portend serious illness someone close.

Rosebuds in night dreams signify good luck and prosperity in business. If in a dream they just started to bloom, then every month the income will grow. The opened buds promise a sharp enrichment, but the crumbling ones promise a loss.

Artificial roses in a dream are harbingers of depression and disappointment in yourself and other people.

A tattoo in a dream on the chest in the form of a rose is a symbol sincere love and devotion:

  • see her on own body- a sign that the feelings are mutual:
  • on another person - to the groundless jealousy experienced by you.

Where were the flowers: in a pot or vase, in the garden, under the pillow

  1. If you dreamed that roses were in a vase, expect a pleasant surprise. Was the vase cracked or beaten? You will be presented with a present that will sadden. If broken, you will lose a valuable item.
  2. If in the kingdom of Morpheus the flowers were on the floor, get ready for hassle and instability. According to Wangi's dream book, there will be discord in relations with the other half.
  3. Dreamed of roses in a pot? Get a valuable present. According to the Muslim dream book, it is necessary to focus on current events, and not dwell on the past. Live for today.
  4. To see a red rose under your pillow in a dream is to renew your relationship with your loved one. An unusual event will occur, after which the relationship will sparkle with new colors. According to the female dream book, the relationship on which you practically put an end to it will again make sense.
  5. If you dreamed of roses in the garden, you will work hard and hard to achieve what you want. According to Vanga's dream book, you will meet with an imperious and strong man who will be kind to you. However, remember: despite the positive attitude, this person thinks only of himself. Do not follow his lead and do not do what is contrary to your life principles.

If in a night vision a rose lay in the snow, your plans will not come true.

The number of flowers in a dream: an even or odd number

It is also important to remember how many roses were in the dream:

  1. One. Life will be filled with meaning. Soon there will be a trip or acquaintance with an extraordinary person. Fortune will be favorable, this will make good money.
  2. Three. You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but there is no need to fall into despair, because the answer to your exciting questions is somewhere nearby.
  3. Lot. The dream indicates the presence of strong and influential patrons, always ready to help. girl and unmarried woman night vision promises a rich and generous groom.
  4. Even number. Get ready for shocks. Deceive and betray a dear person. You will worry about this for a long time.

Seeing a million scarlet roses in a dream is a happy occasion that will completely change your life.

Actions in a dream: buy flowers, cut, prick

Buying roses in a dream - to improve your financial situation. The color of the acquired flowers also matters:

  1. White. You a kind person, always ready to help your neighbor, and for this fate will generously thank you.
  2. Red. Things will go uphill, you will be able to get rich.
  3. Pink. To achieve the goal, you will need to make every effort.
  4. Yellow - a friend will disappoint.
  5. Black. Get bad news.
  6. Green - possible health problems.

If you dreamed that you were selling roses, remember that nothing is impossible. Dream and your dreams will come true. Modern dream book claims that you will move up the career ladder.

Had a dream that they planted roses in the ground? Get ready for disagreements with your partner. According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, you create problems for yourself. Live and enjoy life.

If in a dream they pricked themselves with the thorns of a flower, then mental anguish and torment await. According to Denise Lynn, a conflict with colleagues or relatives is looming.

Breaking roses in night vision is a big scandal. By esoteric dream book, you are in danger, try to avoid long trips over long distances in the near future.

Plant roses in a dream - to disagreements with a partner

Pulling out rose bushes in a dream is a difficult situation in which you find yourself. You will be afraid to face the truth and really analyze what happened. However, this must be done, otherwise you will not solve the problems that have piled up.

Did you dream that you were throwing away a bouquet of roses? You feel like an unhappy person, but no one is to blame for your troubles. Try to figure out what exactly is preventing you from developing and moving forward.

Watering rose bushes in night dreams - to obstacles on the way. Something is preventing you from achieving what you want, but it's not your fault. You should not give up, act, and everything will work out. According to the family dream book, close person need help.

Trampling roses in a dream - to dissatisfaction arising from the inability to realize oneself. Now it is not in your power to change anything, but there is no need to despair, because everything will return to normal soon.

Giving a bouquet and receiving flowers as a gift

The interpretation of the dream in which roses were presented to you depends on the dreamer's gender, as well as on who exactly handed the bouquet. For a woman to see a dream with such a plot is a good sign:

  • a man who gives flowers in a dream has the most tender feelings towards you;
  • if in your night dreams you received flowers from ex boyfriend, know that he is very sorry about the break - thoughts about you do not leave him day or night;
  • flowers from a stranger received in the kingdom of Morpheus portend a successful acquisition; according to Miller's dream book, expect a gift of fate;
  • if another woman handed roses in a night vision, then the work will be rewarded, and a favorable outcome of the situation will be ensured.

If a girl dreamed that she was giving flowers to her beloved, some kind of joyful event would soon happen. But to give flowers in a dream to another representative of the weaker sex - to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Giving roses to a beloved woman in a dream is a sign of true love

A man who dreamed that a girl gave him roses needs to take a closer look at his passion, who is not happy with something in their relationship. If you do not take action in time, parting cannot be avoided.

Sometimes the dreamer may dream that another man presented the flowers. Such a dream suggests that you have gone astray. Coming decline and failure in business. According to the esoteric dream book, you are losing vital energy.

If a man dreamed that a rival gives flowers to his beloved, then in real life without scandals on the basis of jealousy is indispensable.

Give roses in the night dreams of your beloved - auspicious sign. Relationships are full of tenderness and respect, you are simply made for each other.

Did you dream that you were giving flowers to a stranger? Your plans may not come true. According to the Tarot dream book, you have to deal with the solution of other people's problems.

Roses are the most beautiful flowers, which are pleasant to admire both in night dreams and in reality. Dreams with their participation mainly symbolize love experiences, confessions of feelings and dates, but sometimes they can warn of impending troubles.

The red rose is traditionally a symbol of passionate experiences, love story, may indicate a surge of emotions or a prosperous period. Dream Interpretations have prepared a wide variety of transcripts.

Women's dream book - what is the dream of a red rose

According to the dream book for women, dreaming roses have different interpretation, depending on the situation. If in a dream a girl cuts roses, it is a harbinger that she will be called to marry and she will like the proposal.

If the roses are withered, this is a sign of spiritual loneliness and a burning desire to find your life partner. Scarlet roses dream of fulfillment of desires. If in a dream a girl wove a scarlet beautiful rose into her hair, she will be deceived and betrayed.

Why does a man dream of a red rose

A dreaming rose for a man portends joy. If in a dream a man gives a bouquet of red roses, this means that love will connect you with this woman. It can also mean that the girl who receives the bouquet is worthy of your love.

If in a dream you saw a large bush with bright red roses - wait for replenishment in the family, which will bring a lot of family happiness.

Vanga's interpretation of dreams about roses

Rose is a symbol of mystery, love, chastity. To prick with a thorn - to hide an ugly act from a loved one. cut roses in own garden a sign that you will always help those in need. If pests attacked your roses, it means the person to whom you gave a lot mental strength will not appreciate your efforts. If the presented roses dried up quickly, someone insincerely swears love.

Dream interpretation of the emperor and a red rose in a dream

Walking among bright red roses excites the mind and heart. Roses symbolize accumulated passion in real life. At the same time, bright red roses can mean taking responsibility for a dangerous or risky business.

Red roses according to Azar's dream book

Dreamed roses mean flirting, new relationships. Bouquet of roses - waiting joyful moments. Rose bush - happiness in the family. Red roses - a passionate relationship, the more saturated red - the more passion. If on a rose big spikes- fear, trouble in a love relationship.

Dream Interpretation Grishina - what does it mean to dream of a red rose

According to this dream book, a rose symbolizes secrets. Tearing or just seeing roses is a joy. To receive roses as a gift - to the fulfillment of desires, and to give - to lost hopes. To prick with rose thorns - to suffer from love.

Red roses are a symbol of blood, emotional experiences. Saturated red rose - passionate hot love. Dry rose - unsuccessfully renew feelings. If the rose crumbles, it means that a serene life ends.

Why do red roses dream - Miller's dream book

If you were presented with a bouquet of red roses in a dream, then in reality days full of passion and love await you. For married women, such a bouquet means the appearance of a passionate lover or the resumption of the ardor of family relationships.

Why does a red rose dream according to other interpretations of dreams:

  • Seeing roses is health.
  • For a romantic date.
  • Love, joy, reciprocity.
  • You have to go through many trials to achieve love.
  • The meaning of a dreaming rose for a sick person: warm color - recovery, red - exacerbation of the disease, white - possible death.
  • Saturated red rose - to separation, danger to a loved one.
  • Red rose means passion, activity, courage.

Let the red rose dream only for love and happiness.

Roses are one of the most popular flowers. They are distinguished by exquisite beauty, pleasant aroma, and at the same time - they have sharp thorns. Therefore, when trying to figure out what roses are dreaming of, one can come across quite opposite interpretations. To get the most correct decoding, you need to take into account all the details, as well as your own feelings.

Dream Interpretation: to see roses in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller interprets dreaming fragrant roses as sure sign that a happy event is about to take place. Tight buds indicate material independence and family happiness. Scarlet flowers indicate that life will be filled with love, and passion will turn your head. It is bad if the roses in the dream turned out to be withered. The dreamer himself and the household may get sick.

According to Vanga's dream book fragrant roses portend falling in love in reality. Dried flowers mean a false admirer or a self-serving "lady of the heart." To prick on thorns is a warning plot. It will not work to hide a certain act, and the truth will bring pain to the dreamer and loved one.

Freud's dream book interprets roses as one of the sexual symbols. The presented flowers indicate that in reality the dreamer attracts many boyfriends, and several women try to charm a man at once. Getting hurt on sharp thorns is a reality of being harassed by a person who at first seemed pleasant. The plot of the dream, in which roses were presented to someone, indicates experience in the love sphere, and the ability to satisfy all the needs of a partner.

According to Grishina's dream book"queen of flowers" portends a passionate romance.

American source interprets roses is not quite typical. According to him, they prophesy innocent flirting.

By children's dream book roses mean love. That's just to achieve reciprocity will not be very easy.

Russian dream book interprets burgundy roses as romantic adventures. White flowers according to this source mean grief and tears.

Why do roses dream in a woman's dream

fresh red roses woman portend pleasant events in reality. Unusual meaning has an original green tint of petals - a romance with a longtime fan will break out with new force.

Roses girl in love- good sign. However, if she decorates her own hair with them, the fidelity of the guy will have to be doubted.

Roses unmarried girl promise frivolous flirting. Casual communication is likely to turn into a serious relationship.

It's great if you dream of roses pregnant woman. Childbirth will be wonderful, and all household members will rejoice at the baby.

Red roses married woman portend a harmonious family life.

Why dream of roses of different colors

Red roses are a symbol of love not only in reality. Seeing them in a dream, you can count on a wonderful romantic relationship.

Bright scarlet roses promise prosperity to family dreamers. The lonely dreams come true.

Reciprocity of feelings portend burgundy roses. It is likely to fall in love, or passion will flare up with renewed vigor between partners with experience.

Peace and tranquility represent white roses. If they dreamed during an illness, then soon the illness will recede.

Pleasant surprises symbolize pink roses. The sleeper will feel the tender care of loved ones.

The warning sign is yellow roses. Beware of deceit and betrayal.

A bad symbol is considered and black roses in a dream You have to learn the bitter truth about your loved one.

Some cooling between lovers is evidenced by blue roses. However, if the flowers look fresh, her situation may change for the better.

The extraordinary personality of the dreamer is personified purple roses.

"It's time to let go of thoughts about past love", - reported blue roses. Constant sad memories prevent you from finding new happiness.

Magnificent sign - dreaming orange roses. In reality, the respect of others and great joy awaits.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of roses

When you dream of roses, in addition to their color, it is important to take into account other details. First of all, attention should be paid to freshness.

The symbol of mental loneliness are wilted roses.

The dreamer is overcome by sad thoughts. Loving and family withered roses in a dream portend the fading of feelings and quarrels. Parting is even possible if efforts are not made to preserve the union.

A loving person next to personify blooming roses. Fragrant blossoming buds prophesy the approach of good events that will greatly please.

Lucky sign - dreaming beautiful roses. A bright streak has come in life.

broken a rose means the anxiety of the sleeper. Misunderstanding will arise between lovers, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Various pleasures symbolize large roses. However, it is worth remembering if there were spikes on them warning of the danger of reckless fun.

Too much small roses - to complications in love.

Gorgeous alive roses prophesy complete harmony. Fate is generous with gifts and surprises, and the relationship is perfect.

artificial roses in a dream reflect falsehood in communication with people close to the heart. It is necessary to find out the cause as soon as possible and restore normal communication.

well maintained rose garden- to longevity and well-being. Abandoned, with scattered petals and overgrown with weeds - to failures in the personal sphere.

fragrant rose bushes promise fulfillment cherished desires. Family members are sometimes told that there will be a replenishment soon.

dreaming buds roses mean a feeling of sadness that the dreamer will suddenly visit. There won't be any compelling reason to do so. You just need to arrange a short break from the routine so that your mood and strength are restored.

many roses- a symbol of happiness in personal life. For young girls, a dream can predict an early marriage.

Dreaming of failure two roses. Plans will be thwarted.

If the dreamer breaks petals roses, in reality it is worth reconsidering your own behavior. Actions make a repulsive impression, and interfere with achieving harmony.

Fresh flowers roses set in a vase are treated positively. The opposite sex will fill you with compliments and signs of attention.

If you dream of a rose in a pot, it is possible to receive an expensive present. He will delight.

Why dream of a bouquet of roses

Big bouquet of roses, dreamed by a man, reports his readiness for a serious relationship. A woman is a sign of pleasant excitement.

Bouquet of scarlet roses symbolizes bright love adventures. Passion will flare up again between the spouses.

For a single woman, an arrangement dominated by red roses can mean a long-awaited proposal from a handsome man.

Bouquet of white roses means that the work begun will end successfully. But if drops of water sparkle on the petals, you have to cry.

Red and white roses in one bouquet symbolize that at the same time material well-being will come sincere respect colleagues. In the personal sphere, a balance of tenderness and passion has been achieved.

Bouquet of roses given by a man in winter, warns that it is too early to rush things in the development of relations. In reality, the planned plans may be upset. In the spring-summer period, the same plot, however, prophesies absolute happiness with the chosen one. If the arrangement is complemented by rhinestones, bows or other tinsel, this is a warning about the hypocrisy of the donor.

Independently compose a composition from the “Queen of Flowers” ​​- skillful building of relationships, the ability to compromise. These qualities help to avoid "sharp corners" in communication and contribute to personal happiness.

A dreamed rose boutonniere is a warning. In reality, a loved one can deceive.

Actions with roses in a dream

Well, if you dreamed plant roses. Waking up will make romantic dreams come true.

watering the roses- Efforts should be made to build relationships. Thanks to this, tender feelings will be preserved.

If a person dreamed cut roses on your own site, it means kindness. Relatives can always count on support. For a girl, such a plot prophesies a move from the parental home in connection with the wedding.

In anger, trampling flowers means, probably, committing unseemly act for which he will be ashamed in the future. The plot encourages you to consider the consequences of your actions.

give roses in a dream to someone familiar - a warning. In reality, a quarrel may occur with this person.

When a single man dream that roses give, in fact, he has already decided on cordial attachments. This is a symbol of readiness for marriage.

For a girl, a plot in which guy gives a rose to another, is a warning about the presence of an opponent. To receive a flower yourself - in reality, romantic feelings will overwhelm you.

But if gifted rose withered right in the hands, it is worth taking a closer look at the chosen one. Perhaps his selfish nature and falsehood will become noticeable.

Get the freshest reds anyway roses as a gift- the onset of a period rich in love adventures.

Throwing a flower present - to parting.

If you dream of roses, the thorns of which are accidentally pricked while leaving, giving or receiving, the plot is a warning. Due to an unfortunate oversight, you can suffer financially and physically.

Choosing roses for a long time is a symbolic display of emotional imbalance. In order for harmony to return to life, you should deal with the personal sphere.

For entrepreneurs buy roses- to success and profit if they are beautiful. The plot also means the close attention of the opposite sex.

smell the roses, and inhale the aroma with pleasure - to sensual unrest. Joyful events will cause pleasant emotional excitement.

Having figured out why roses are dreaming, you can adjust your actions, as well as make the right decisions.

It is believed that all the fair sex love flowers. And what do we know about one of the most popular flowers, namely the rose? As a rule, it is perceived ambiguously: on the one hand, it is a beautiful flower, and on the other - dangerous plant with spikes, capable of severely injuring delicate female fingers. And what if we dreamed of roses? We suggest that you turn to the most famous and popular dream books of our time for the interpretation of this dream.

Why do roses dream? Withonnik Gustav Miller

If you dream of beautiful and fragrant roses, then you are expected to be very joyful events, and your chosen one or chosen one will always be faithful to you. If a girl cuts these magnificent flowers, then soon she will receive a marriage proposal from a man she likes very much. A withered rose symbolizes absence in your life. Great love. Perhaps this was the result of you rushing between objects of the opposite sex, constantly trying to make a choice based on reason, and not on feelings. White beautiful flower, not sprinkled with dew and in the shade, predicts a severe and prolonged illness. If you dream that you are inhaling the scent of roses, then your happiness will not be overshadowed by anything. If in a dream you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed, then you will be lucky in business and financial well-being. A dried flower bush predicts illnesses of loved ones and other sad events. A bouquet of these scarlet flowers promises happiness. If you dreamed of red roses in in large numbers, then all, even the most incredible hopes, are destined to come true. A red rose in the girl's hair warns her of a possible deception.

Why do roses dream? Withtaryn french dream book

Blooming roses seen in a dream are a good sign predicting the dreamer great happiness. If you present a bouquet to your loved one, then long and harmonious relationship. Withered roses symbolize lost happiness.

Why do roses dream?Old English dream book

A blooming rose predicts the dreamer a long life filled with happiness and prosperity. If a young man dream of large and fragrant roses, then he is destined to marry a very smart and good girl, the union with which will be happy. For everyone else, such a dream portends success in business. A withered rose predicts long-term financial difficulties, which can be overcome by showing perseverance and ingenuity.

Why do roses dream?Dream interpretation from A to Z

The fragrant rose bush symbolizes mutual and true love. If the flower bush is powdered with snow, then a long separation from your loved one awaits you. If someone trampled or broke a rose bush, then be careful in business and at work: you are in serious trouble. Why dream of red roses? Such a dream portends various pleasures and joys. White flowers symbolize a deterioration in relations with a boss or business partner. Black or yellow roses predict separation or betrayal. Creamy flowers warn of the risk of being deceived.

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood, fire.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind, heat.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
  • Explanation and interpretation
  • Since ancient times, among many peoples, the rose was considered the queen of flowers and the personification of the beauty and diversity of the world. In folklore and literature different countries and from time to time there are many legends about the origin of red roses: they are red from the blood of a nightingale pierced by thorns, or they are red from the blood of a poet who pressed the roses to his heart, or the roses turned red because the girl pressed them to her chest to put on the grave of her beloved. Red roses in any case turn out to be a symbol of flesh and blood: a symbol of life, but also a symbol of sadness, since human life is not eternal. White roses are a symbol of aspiration to heaven, a symbol of the immortal human spirit and joy. If most people, despite the difference in tastes, love roses, then these flowers give them heavenly and earthly energy. But like all powerful magical objects, roses are not always favorable for everyone and not in all seasons. After all, any gift requires a response: if a bouquet of white roses is a gift that symbolizes heavenly energy, it may require some kind of sacrifice in the name of heaven, and on earth roses can easily turn into a wreath of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions will mean a lot here. To see/tear/give roses in a dream - a rose is a red mi-energy of the Earth, a white rose is a yang-energy of Heaven, adding energy to all body systems. Seeing / smelling / walking among roses in a dream with an even light feeling - walking among roses in any season or walking among white roses in autumn is favorable for everyone (see this season's article White color) in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn, this means a good accumulation of energy corresponding to the tasks of the season, in other seasons it means obtaining the necessary energy. To see white roses with a solemn feeling is to prepare for an act that requires spiritual tension and receive help in a dream. Negative emotions for white roses - the inability to perceive the information of Heaven, aversion to red roses - the inability to take the energy of the Earth, which leads to mental illness and illness of the spirit, brain and body. Walking in a dream among bright red roses - cause excessive delight, act excitingly on the mind and heart and symbolize a situation heated by passions in reality. But for ordinary people the state of insensitivity to one's problems is unfavorable: one's own heart may not be able to bear the tension, others may not want to share the tension they do not need, and the result will be damage to relationships and affairs. In special cases, bright red roses in such a dream mean taking on some responsible and dangerous business that requires sacrifice. To see rose bushes dead or uprooted in a dream is unfavorable: this is a loss of the energy of Heaven and Earth. The same means a dried bouquet in water. If the dreamer knows definitely who gave the bouquet, then the dream means a break in relations or direct hostility, hidden under the guise of friendship. Roses in a dream to give / receive as a gift - the flowers collected by human hands and any feelings given acquire a special symbolic meaning. Especially roses have the ability to absorb and then give away feelings and emotions, so it is not recommended to give roses just like that, and in a dream you don’t just dream of roses, part of yourself is given with roses: give / receive red or bright roses as a gift
  • - fervent earthly feelings of the giver to the one to whom he gives flowers, but it will be favorable or not, it is difficult to predict; To give white or calm tones of roses is a sign of a calm, faithful and long friendship;
  • give a young woman white roses - make an offer; a man gives a woman white yang roses
  • - gives himself. What is said here about white and red roses individually (by inclination) can apply to any flowers of the corresponding color. From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, a rose is a male Yang flower, so a man should not give roses to a woman: whoever gives roses to a woman, she gives only tears in return. In illness, to see oneself among roses or presented roses of warm tones is recovery; red or scarlet roses - the crisis of the disease; white roses can symbolize parting with earthly life, favorable for the spirit: earthly life was not lived in vain and Heaven looks at it favorably. To see blooming roses in the cemetery - an abundance of the energy of the family and the favor of the ancestors will bring good luck. Dead, dried roses in the cemetery - the depletion of the energy of the family does not bode well for descendants. It is possible that the burials were done incorrectly.

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