How to make the most of your time. How to use your time wisely. Adviсe. Concentrate completely on what you are doing now

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Do you want to know how to manage all your tasks, significantly increase your efficiency and change your life for the better? If yes, then read this post to the end!

IN Lately I am increasingly asked: how do you manage to blog while having such a job, what motivates you to write posts, etc. To be honest, recently I have experienced a slight decline in terms of the regularity of writing blog articles; I no longer devote so much time to developing my blog. This is due to a significant increase in the workload at my main job; in general, a lot has changed there recently.

If earlier I studied literature and gained some knowledge, now my work has turned into paperwork, without any development. I really started to get tired of my job, because there is no interest in working like this...

In fact, these are just excuses - empty words, it’s not about work at all, it’s about ourselves.

“Money is lost - you’ll make money, time is lost - you won’t get it back.”

Time– this is probably the only resource in our lives that cannot be replenished. Spent money can be earned, the disease can often be cured, but lost time cannot be returned.

Therefore, efficient use of time - this is very important point in our lives, which not all people pay attention to.

I believe that in order to use your time effectively, in order to get everything done, you need to:

  • First of all, lead a correct and healthy lifestyle so that there is vital energy
  • Do what you like. In simple words turn your passions and hobbies into a business that generates income and satisfaction
  • Have specific goals and plans and work to achieve them, prioritize and weed out unnecessary activities

These are the things that will be discussed in today’s article.

Lead a healthy lifestyle to have energy

Fatigue, irritation, drowsiness, reluctance to work, apathy - all these things depend not only on your thinking and desires, but also on the lifestyle you lead. This includes rest, which I will discuss below, bad habits, nutrition, sleep.

All these things are necessary for good health and mood.

1. Eliminate bad habits

This is the first thing you should pay special attention to! Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits are what take away energy and a huge amount of time from many people.

See for yourself, on average, a smoker spends about 5-10 minutes smoking one cigarette, this is the minimum; in fact, more time is spent. On average, an ordinary smoker smokes a pack of cigarettes (20 pieces) per day. Thus, 20×10=200. Imagine - almost 3.5 hours a day are spent just on smoking, although this is far from true, in fact it is much more! In addition, smoking is not only the enemy of time, but also the cause of: poor health; deterioration of brain function; irritability and many other negative things.

Things are no better with alcohol. No, I have nothing against drinking a glass of wine with dinner, it is considered to be very healthy. I mean drinking beer while lying on the couch after work, partying with a hangover the next day. In this case, alcohol, like smoking, is the enemy of our time and especially health.

2. Eat right

One of the reasons for poor health and reluctance to work is poor nutrition. My blog is not about a healthy lifestyle, so I won’t write much here. Personally, I try to adhere to the following rules:

  • meals at least three to four times a day
  • no snacking between meals
  • compulsory breakfast
  • preference for vegetables and fruits. Recently, I have practically given up consuming meat, especially fatty meat (for example, pork).

If you eat a lot of particularly heavy food (meat, fried, fatty), then all your energy goes into digesting all this crap in the stomach and protecting yourself from the toxins and waste that such food creates. Remember how you want to sleep after overeating on such food at lunch. Try eating only fruits and vegetables for lunch, you will immediately feel the difference! Proper nutrition- the key to good health, good mood, energy and excellent health.

3. Healthy sleep

Just like nutrition, sleep is directly related to health. If you do not constantly get enough sleep, your performance will decrease, your health will deteriorate, etc. I try to sleep at least seven hours a day from 23-30 to 06-30. Sleeping a lot is also not recommended. Of course, with my work it’s not always possible to adhere to a completely correct lifestyle, but I strive for it!

Use your vacation wisely!

No matter what anyone says, you can’t work all the time, you definitely need rest! You just need to rest properly. Constant mental and physical stress leads to fatigue, and as a result, decreased performance. That's why you need to rest sometimes. For many people, relaxation is considered to be watching movies, lying on the couch with a bottle of beer, computer games and so on.

This is wrong, this is an unhealthy holiday!

In order to get quality rest, you need to escape from all the hustle and bustle that surrounds us. To do this, it is best to go to nature, to the countryside, to the beach, fishing, etc. It is very useful to combine relaxation with sports (biking, skiing, skating, etc.). I believe that every person needs rest. Rest increases performance, rested and full of energy a person will have time to do much more things than a tired person. The main thing here is not to relax too much; you need to know moderation in everything.

To be able to do everything you need to want to do something - you need motivation!

Personally, I am deeply convinced that every person makes his own life. If you want to achieve something in life, if you want to become successful, go ahead and do it. Everything else is not so important.

In my understanding, there are two types of people.

1. People who place all responsibility on others

They blame others for all their failures. They say this:

  • I don't have money because I have a bad job
  • I can’t do this because I don’t have the time and knowledge (skills)
  • I can’t change jobs, because the pay here is low, but stable. I'm afraid not the best conditions

About 80 percent of people (even more) live this way; they come home tired of their own anger, their own thoughts. The way of thinking, the lack of goals, the desire to change something, fear - this is what prevents them.

This is what such a lifestyle, such a way of THINKING can lead to!

I constantly see people complaining about lack of money, low wages, etc. Then I ask these people: “What are you doing to change this?”. I use myself as an example and say: “I blog, write articles, constantly learn something new, etc.”. And I get the answer: “I don’t have the time or knowledge for this!”. So, what is next? And then I see how these people drink beer, go fishing every other day, waste their time on empty conversations... And they believe that they really don’t have time for useful activities! In fact, they have no DESIRE, they are vegetables that don’t want to do anything and are used to going with the flow of life! Personally, I lived like this before, until I understood the reasons for my failures, until I understood why some people are more successful than others! Today I have changed my way of thinking and consider myself to be the second type of person.

2. The second type is people who look for the reasons for their failures in themselves and strive to correct them on their own

They say this:

  • I don't have money because I don't do enough or I do something wrong
  • I can do it, I’ll find the time and get the necessary knowledge
  • this job is not for me, I need to do what I love, I'm willing to take risks
  • I have a goal and I will achieve it

Such people will not sit still and wait “by the sea for weather”; they will set goals and achieve them by any means.

In fact, if it were that simple, there would be a lot more successful people in the world. Very often we are prevented from changing our thinking by those around us, mainly by people close to us. They say that we are doing nonsense, that we are crazy, that nothing will work out for us, etc.

This is a very serious barrier to success and must be overcome. Sometimes you have to make big sacrifices...

Therefore, to the question: “How to manage everything?” I will answer this way: “To be able to do everything, first of all you need to strive to do something, act, and not sit idly by. You should like your work, you should enjoy it, not irritation and fatigue - this is very important.".

Plan your every step!

Good health and the desire to work and achieve are very important. However, planning is the real secret why successful people manage to do all their business and achieve their goals. The goal is the end result of your work; the more carefully you plan your actions, the faster you will get the result and achieve your goals.

Most people are not used to planning their lives. For example, they know that today they need to go to work, do some amount of work there (as much as they can), stop at the store on the way home, and that’s it. Then they go home, and see what happens. Common situation? I often hear these people say: “We’ll wait and see”, “We still have to live to see that day”, “Life will tell”, “I don’t know, depending on my mood” and so on. These people go with the flow of life and expect unknown things from it, they believe in fate, in God, or in anything, but not in themselves and their strength! This is what living “with the flow” leads to:

I don’t want to live like that, so I started planning my life. I have goals that I am going to achieve, I plan my actions to achieve them. To do this, I started myself a regular diary, where I write everything that I will do during the year, write plans for every month, every week, plan my every day! To be honest, I didn’t believe in this before, it seemed funny to me, but how wrong I was then!

In fact, planning greatly organizes a person and makes him responsible for his every step! Planning will not allow you to forget about important things and actions.

Therefore, if you want to keep up with everything, be sure to get yourself a regular paper diary and write down all your steps on it.

Plan your time every morning; the more carefully you do this, the more time you will have. For example, I start every morning by filling out a diary, where I write out my whole day, I try to plan everything hour by hour. In the evening, I analyze what I did during the day; if I didn’t manage to do something, I plan it for another time or, if possible, try to finish it. If I did too much, I make a note about it; if this work was planned later, then I put a mark that I completed it.

How to improve your life and manage everything

In order to have time to do everything you plan, and even more, you need to try to somehow adapt to circumstances, strive to improve your skills, and come up with new tricks that will help you manage to do more than usual.

To make it clearer for you, I will give a few examples that I use myself.

I like to watch interesting movies and programs, you can’t imagine how much time these entertainments took up from me, this is, of course, rest, but it’s incomplete, I already spend every day behind a computer monitor screen.

Just recently I got rid of all my movie and computer game collections, just went ahead and deleted everything! It’s a pity, of course, but it’s better to watch various training courses, read books, and educate yourself than to waste time. Self-education, learning something new is required a large number of time, but it is necessary. I proceed as follows.

I study video courses and other educational materials that require a computer at home. But I only read books in free time when the computer is not available to me. For example, I purchased several audiobooks and recorded them on my audio player (or on my phone), and as soon as the opportunity arises, I listen to them.

For example, on the way to work and back, during any trips (in a car, bus, etc.). If the opportunity arises, I read a book; I have them both at home and at work. The same can be done during rest, if desired. Therefore, it’s stupid to say that we don’t have time to study; we just need to be able to take advantage of the situation.

What's good for Tuesday isn't always good for Wednesday.

Never put off your tasks “for tomorrow” if they can be done today - this is very annoying, it is a burden that fills your head and makes you constantly think about it. If you start something, then bring it to the end.

Many people say that they don’t know how to make money, they don’t know what to do, they have no ideas. When I started blogging, I didn’t even know what I would write about today, much less tomorrow. I had absolutely no idea how I would make money on the Internet.

There is a wonderful saying:

Take the first step by believing. You don't need to see the whole staircase - just step on the first step

In fact, it's very words of wisdom, the main thing is to do something, and knowledge and ideas will come with time. Ideas can appear unexpectedly, this happens to me more and more often, the main thing is not to miss them. I always carry a small notebook and pencil with me in my pocket; as soon as an idea comes to me, for example the topic of a post, I immediately write it down on paper, otherwise I might forget and miss something important.

In terms of , I would like to point out such useless things as, for example, viewing blog traffic statistics, viewing your income in various systems. I don’t want to say that you shouldn’t monitor these things, I’m saying that you don’t need to turn these activities into constant rituals and waste precious time on them, it’s enough to devote only a couple of times a day to this activity (20-30 minutes). After all, viewing statistics will not increase traffic and income. But the amount of work completed, which really helps increase attendance and earnings, is falling.

I also used to spend all day looking at , checking my mailbox, sitting in , ultimately doing much less in terms of development and, but sitting in front of my monitor all day.

Try to discard unnecessary things to achieve your goals. Set your priorities and do what is really necessary.

We are often faced with matters that we are poorly versed in, or we are simply not interested in doing it. For example, if you run a blog about fishing and don’t understand codes at all, it’s better to entrust the work with code to people who know how (for example, contact the stock exchange). Sometimes it is better to pay with money, saving time for more useful activities.

You only need to do what you like and brings RESULTS, use your strengths, and delegate unnecessary work to other people.

Therefore, friends, use your time effectively, value it, and then you will have time to do all your things! Remember - time is not a renewable resource, you can’t get it back!

That's all for me. How do you like the article?

Best regards, Alexander Bobrin

Discussion: 69 comments

    Alexander, I almost agree with much of what you wrote. I especially liked points 1 and 3 to use your time effectively. Here are thoughts about types of people that diverge from yours. I think I would classify myself as both the first type and the second. But based on the first one, I don’t shift responsibility onto anyone, because there’s no one else, I’m the only one in charge in my family, but all the subpoints are mine. The second type is also mine, but I don’t like to take risks and I’m afraid, otherwise it’s possible finally lose everything you have. And this should under no circumstances be allowed.

    I really like the saying: Never put off anything you can do today until tomorrow. Wonderful wisdom of the century!

    The article is excellent as always!!! If only I could fight laziness...

    Sasha, great article! I try to follow all these tips, but I probably don’t even follow half of them (I don’t blame anyone for this, it all depends on myself). For a long time now I have been listening to various webinars and trainings in the car, and at work I keep a netbook and watch lessons. Saves a lot of time, but still not enough.

    You definitely noticed about the statistics. I used to look at it every hour, but now I look at it once a day when I turn off the computer. But browsing through mail takes a lot of time, although I only open 30 percent of emails.

    And planning is still difficult. I started a diary a long time ago; sometimes I even write something in it, but not regularly. In short, there is something to work on.

    By the way, have you seen the movie “Time”? Makes you truly appreciate him.

    Nina, I wrote about how I see people ideally!

    Oleg, Thank you. Hmm... even though I wrote badly about films, I love films with meaning! I'll have to take a look. 😉

    Enough talk! Take it and do it!)) good article! I have points about important things and goals, but with in a healthy way It doesn’t work out very well - I prefer tasty and unhealthy))) I need to improve...

    Wonderful article!

    You won’t earn all the money, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Otherwise, life will pass in attempts, even successful ones, to earn as much as possible 😉

    Sasha! Thanks for the article. I read it in one gulp. I completely agree.

    Time is an irreplaceable loss.

    I live according to a plan. I always plan in the evening (there is no time to think in the morning). I keep a diary carefully.

    And there's not enough time...

    I noticed that last years Time began to go much faster for me.

    Maybe because I want to learn a lot and have time...


    Galina, have you noticed how slowly time passes when you stand in line? I used to just go crazy if I had to get stuck somewhere, but then I learned to make the most of even that kind of time - I bought a multimedia player, downloaded what I needed to know and study, and now I’m not afraid of a single queue :)


    I also noticed that when I am busy with something useful, time flies instantly! 🙂


    Yes, when you just sit, time drags on for a very long time. I had a case: I had to go at 3 o’clock and the time was 2 o’clock and during that hour I did nothing but just sat and it seemed to me that an eternity had passed, so it was better to do something to somehow distract myself.


    Galina, you are great for planning everything in your diary. It’s not for nothing that they say, “a short pencil is better than a long memory” :) If you don’t write it down, but rely on your memory, then you will 100% forget and not do what you wanted. I was convinced by experience more than once.

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    I also convinced myself. It seems impossible to forget, but the very next day you don’t remember half of what you wanted to do. Therefore, now I write everything down and make sure to write down all my goals for the day.

    An excellent article, but its form somewhat contradicts the content: it is too massive and takes a lot of time to read. 🙂

    The most main idea, in my opinion: time is an irreplaceable and constantly diminishing resource in everyone’s life. Personally, in all my years, honestly, I often almost cried from understanding this. For example, when you spend it completely aimlessly at work, which, in fact, gives nothing but a piece of bread.

    You can spend your time (read: life) rationally and sensually ONLY by setting a goal for yourself. For example, for the last year I have had one super goal: to promote a blog. And, excuse me, even sitting on the push, I’m getting closer to this goal (i.e., I’m not wasting time), because, for example, I’m thinking about the topic of the next post.

    It’s immediately obvious that someone read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad)) 😀

    Alexander Bobrin

    By the way, Darwin, I haven’t read it yet!)))


    I’ve heard a lot about this book, but haven’t gotten around to it yet :)

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    And I read it. And I advise everyone, the thoughts are very wise. Now I'm trying to read exactly this kind of literature

    Excellent post Sasha, I first began to think about organizing my working time when I came across the book - Rework business without prejudice. And this, of course, gave the first results: I began to get more done, complete work faster, etc.

    Effective use of time is one of the secrets of those who manage a lot in their activities. Everyone can learn this, but not everyone understands how important it is.

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    And I absorb information better by reading. I tried to listen, but I get distracted and have to listen again. But this is an excellent solution, for example, in the car. Instead of just standing in traffic and wasting time, you can listen to an audiobook

    I really liked the article. Respect to the author! Yes, time is a non-renewable resource! “We often come across cases that we don’t understand well. Sometimes it’s better to pay with money, saving time for more useful activities.” But this turned out to be new for me. I realized my mistake. So much time was spent not so much on the work itself, but on self-training. It is true what they say: “don’t get on your own sleigh.” Although you want to do everything yourself, it is wiser to work in a field that has already been mastered and “to your heart.”

    And I shouldn’t rely on memory, don’t be lazy to write down plans more often, what’s written down won’t go anywhere.

    Cool article! Very motivating =)

    My studies take up too much of my time, so I have absolutely nothing left for blogging. But I still try to write there every three days so that the PS and readers get used to it.

    And according to the article, it’s very motivating. I took note of a couple of tips)

    You can't do everything yourself. I spent several days trying to make a theme for WordPress using an HTML template, but it still didn’t work. Then I found good topic online, just removed the links. During this time it was possible to write more than one post...

    Sometimes motivation comes from other people’s financial strips :)

    Alexander, much of what you write and discuss in your block is very familiar to me. Initially, I was faced with problems of what to write about and how, what to do, etc. But, taking the first step, even without completely knowing what will happen next, the Universe itself then opens up many possibilities for us.

    What a powerful article! Thank you, Sasha! 😉

    All advice is very wise and practical. Planning is especially important. There is no way to do without it. I also have a diary and always write down important things in it. This was the case even before I started blogging. And now you need to plan this important work. Every day, write down what to do in relation to your blog. I recently started doing this.

    I found your blog not long ago. I really liked it. I read every article and find in each just the sea useful information. This article also gave a lot of information. After all, a newcomer really thinks (I mean myself included) - he wrote one article - the statistics will immediately creep up. It wasn't like that. You have to work all the time, and as you rightly said, you need to plan everything correctly. Without this you won't move. Thank you again for your work!

    I really liked the article. Not so much in content as in the style of presentation - short, clear, point by point and without unnecessary reasoning. I just want to add that no matter how many articles a person reads about how to change the world, until he himself wants it, there will be no point. (There are several examples from the lives of others). And if a person goes towards his goal, he will probably be able to benefit from bad habits.

    Time is both friend and enemy! It both helps and harms!

    I also used to spend a lot of time playing computer games, but I realized that this was wasted time. And now I’m trying to use it rationally to create sources of income and personal growth.

    Time needs to be spent for some purpose and not just do nothing for days.

    Very useful article, Alexander. Indeed, we spend a lot of time on entertainment, on social networks, etc. Although during this time something useful could have been done. And every time we find excuses for ourselves. I like the phrase - when we don’t want to do something, we find excuses, and when we want, we find opportunities.

    Oh, I have a problem with the third point, “lead a healthy and proper lifestyle.” Oh, I have a huge problem with this. 🙂

    Time is probably the most precious thing we have... But many waste it on all sorts of nonsense (unnecessary conversations, arguments, drunkenness, in general, the list goes on for a long time).

    But all the pleasure lies in the fact that if you sow today, you will reap the fruits tomorrow. For example, as Alexander wrote that better article write why it’s stupid to play games on the computer all day long and become dumb.

    It’s better to develop, I support your point of view, Alexander. It is better to develop and learn something new. This helps self-realization. Also, using certain knowledge, you can earn money. And you need to earn money.

    I heard a good expression: “If you blame someone else for your problems, then you transfer power over yourself into his hands.” Those. no matter what happens in life, there is no need to blame other people, the government, politicians, you just need to take responsibility for your life.

    Your way of thinking really needs to change, because who you are now is a direct result of your actions, actions happen as a result decisions made, and decisions are made based on thoughts. I also agree about smoking and alcohol and heavy fatty foods. I quit smoking about 2 years ago, I sometimes drink on holidays, this article accurately noted that after a delicious fatty meal I feel the urge to take a nap, I am sure that this condition occurs in every person. Sasha, thanks for the article, in addition to blogging, you write excellent posts, keep it up!


    Alexander, I want to buy your book “Raw War”.

    Please tell me how to do this.


    [email protected], tel-89397538839

In fact, efficient use of time is a skill that people try to instill from childhood. school teachers and parents. From an early age, the child is taught to maintain a daily routine, alternating work and rest. It will be easier for those who are used to living by the rules. However, remember that it is never too late to learn effective use own time.

First of all, define a goal for yourself, that is, what you want to change if you learn to use your own time effectively. After this, you need to start implementing a specific life situation. Get a diary and learn to write down in it what you plan to accomplish during the day, that is, make rough plan. Special attention the word "exemplary". Often people who are just starting to learn how to plan their time make the mistake of scheduling their day, if not second by second, then definitely minute by minute. Naturally, most often they do not fit into such a strict framework, so they have a hard time experiencing the failure of their enterprise. Meanwhile, psychologists advise scheduling only 60% of your time, leaving the rest for unforeseen circumstances and self-development. After all, a successful person who knows how to effectively manage time necessarily leaves some of it for his own improvement.

Solving problems by significance

Have you decided on your tasks for the day? The next step will be to differentiate them by importance. Divide your own tasks into the most important, moderately important and less important. In this regard, you will become more efficient in using your energy to solve the assigned tasks. Next to each task, mark its level of importance with a specific icon. In accordance with the gradation, choose the time to solve problems. Important matters devote the most productive time of the working day.

Don't forget about achieving results. When planning your next task, you expect some kind of result. So, briefly describe your expectations, and then compare them with what happened in reality. Do not match? Conduct an analysis of what influenced the outcome, what reasons contributed to the unsatisfactory result. Or it may happen that the result turns out to be better than expected. The reasons for success also need to be analyzed, methods, methods, and techniques for achieving it must be written down.

Thus, following in essence simple rules day after day, you can learn to use your time effectively and become a successful person.

Effective use of time is certainly one of the most important elements of success. If you know how to use time fully and rationally, then this alone is enough to say that you have achieved considerable heights in self-development.

In order not to get overtired and work fully, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, since over time a person’s performance decreases. You need to reward yourself for a job well done and give yourself a break. And it is not at all necessary to sit back during your vacation; it also needs to be spent usefully. You can change mental work physical activity, devote time to working on yourself, read interesting book or articles on self-development.

Create yours individual system time management and include those techniques that are most effective for you. The techniques are described below. Success will come when you use this system constantly.

1. Don't rely on memory. Write down your tasks and relieve your brain.

2. Make a list of priorities. This will help you concentrate on the main thing and will not allow you to waste time on trifles and secondary tasks.

3. At the end of each week, set aside timeI to draw up a plan for next week. This is not wasted time; it will pay off handsomely by increasing your productivity.

4. Don't expect to remember an interesting idea.b– Always have a notepad on hand to write down your ideas. Alternatively, carry a voice recorder.

5. If the other person's requirements do not match with your goals - say no. You have to learn this.

6. Before you act– think, but not for too long. A little reflection will save you from rash actions and wasting time.

7. Make time in their plans for self-improvement.

8. Be aware of what you are doing. You must understand what you are spending your time on. Your deeds should move you towards your goal.

9. Incorporate into your custom system time management techniques that are most effective for you and use this system constantly.

10. Assess yourself for bad habits. They waste your time. Make a list of such habits and get rid of them one by one. The most effective way is to replace bad habit– useful.

11. Do not do their work for others, to appear better. So, you will waste time that you could use for your own promotion.

12. Keep a journal where you can record your progress towards your goals. Complete and review this journal regularly to ensure you are moving in the right direction.

13. Not every problem can be solvedA in the best possible way. There is no need to become a perfectionist and, for example, rewrite business letter 20 times to achieve the style of Leo Tolstoy.

14. Don't overload yourself number of tasks. If you have urgent matters and important tasks that will take up all your time, then secondary tasks can be postponed until a more favorable time.

15. Don't be fooled by efficiency. You can effectively perform a task that is not on this moment priority. In this case, you cannot say that you are using your time effectively.

Every person's life has a unique resource. This time. By learning to use it correctly, you can radically change your life.

Most people are probably familiar with this sad picture, when unbearably similar days follow each other. Why days, sometimes it’s weeks, months and even years! But this time can never be returned and lived differently.

Start changing your life today and you will have a happier tomorrow

Every day is a little life. If we do even something small every day, then after some time we can achieve an important goal. Many people dissuade themselves from starting to act at this very moment, because supposedly there are no necessary conditions for this yet. But the fact is that at another moment they will not be there either. And indeed they may never exist.

Why has it become fashionable lately to start new life from Monday? Or from the first day of next month? Well, or as a last resort - from the first day of the New Year? So what now, sit idle all your life waiting for the right moment? Unfortunately, this is exactly what some people do. So they still manage to constantly get angry and complain that they are unhappy and do not live at all the way they would like, and time is slipping away more and more quickly...

People are hostages of time

And time really waits for no one. Moreover, in childhood, when there are no special worries, it doesn’t feel that way at all. Growing up, people have to learn a lot, then build a career, while starting a family. And the more a person’s demands grow, the more he feels like a slave of time. It is catastrophically not enough for anything. Sometimes you wonder - why is our life so short? After all, it is impossible to enjoy all its colors in such a short period of time, visit every corner of our planet and learn as much as possible about everything in the world.

The modern world with its high technology and literally enslaves people with eternal vanity. But for everyone, time flows at the same speed. Have you ever wondered why someone achieves in a year what others cannot achieve for many years? Obviously, the point is that everyone is different. Some people are ready to live their whole lives in the “home-work-home” mode. And for others, when they are inactive for a long time, apathy literally begins. Such “energizers” constantly want to try something new, get acquainted with interesting people, attend entertainment events. Here everyone decides for himself what is best for him - to take everything from life or to lead a calm, homely lifestyle.

Instructions for action

The issue of time has become especially acute in recent years. Millions of books are published about the secrets of time management, all kinds of lectures and courses are held every day on how to learn how to properly use every second of your life.

Already for a long time we are strongly encouraged to plan every day. And there is some truth in this. You will spend your free time much more effectively by planning it in advance, rather than spending half the day thinking about what you will do today. And most importantly, goals need to be written down. Get yourself a diary in which you will record all the main points, and which will subsequently guide you in small steps towards big goal. Just remember - be able to focus on one thing, and until you finish it, don’t be distracted by anything else. Nowadays there are so many temptations - calls, correspondence, the Internet, TV... But if you are constantly distracted by everything, you may not be able to cope with the task before the end of the day or you will do everything anyhow.

Mass epidemic

By the way, about technical means. Yes, it’s hard to imagine our life without a telephone, TV and the Internet now. But sometimes they replace the joy of simple human communication. Instead of coming home from work and spending time with their loved ones, many turn on the TV and immerse themselves in TV series and entertaining talk shows, or sit down at the computer to play online games. Messages in in social networks are increasingly crowding out live communication, which allows us to see the shine of eyes or feel the warmth of touches. Of course, we cannot stop using these technical advances, and this is not required. You just need to learn to do it more rationally. Otherwise, you may not notice how your whole life will pass in front of a monitor or phone screen.

Know how to prioritize

Let's return to our “instructions”. As a rule, the most urgent and important tasks are best completed in the morning. This will give you strength for new achievements and set you up for a productive wave. And the burden of unfinished work will continue to prevent you from focusing on other things.

Don’t try to put all the problems in the world on your shoulders - both work and personal. You can ask for help from someone close to you or colleagues, who will probably not refuse you and, perhaps, will even do something better than you.

Of course, all people have things that they put aside in the furthest drawer from year to year. Time flies inexorably, but things don’t get done by themselves. So, maybe we should finally start doing them? Gradually solving problem after problem, you will feel free from the pile of problems that have been weighing you down all the time. And you will no longer wake up with the thought: “Again, I don’t have enough time for anything!”

Many workaholics, planning their lives, do not think about rest at all. It just doesn't fit into their busy schedule. “I have no time to relax,” they say. But this is a fundamentally erroneous opinion.

When to take a break

Probably everyone, sooner or later, felt so tired mentally and physically that they didn’t want anything at all. This is the very wake-up call when you need to sit down and think critically - what can you give up in your hectic schedule? Are you really filling your life with hobbies that bring you great pleasure, or is it time to do something else? Don’t unnecessary, pessimistic people, who could be erased from your environment, take away your strength and energy? By conducting a similar “audit” in your life and taking the right actions, you will feel happier. Time can work for you, you just have to want it.

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Time is the most important resource in life and everyone uses it in their own way. But success in life largely depends on the ability to manage your time. Many great people did not waste their time and even limited their sleep. You shouldn’t go to such extremes and deprive yourself of everyday pleasures. Many of us don’t know where to start managing our time correctly.
In fact, this question interests not only you and me, but also scientists. Having studied the lives of great people, scientists came to the conclusion that in order to properly allocate your time, you must follow some rules:
- Write down everything in order of importance. For example, first all important matters, then urgent ones, then those that do not require special urgency. The list can be analyzed throughout the day, after completing some task, cross it out or put a tick next to it, you can indicate the time during which you completed it.
- The first thing you need to tackle is the most important things. Indeed, the most urgent and important matters require more dedication from us and we spend more time and effort on them. Whereas not very important things occupy about 80% of our lives, which can turn into a monotonous pile of boring things. This will lead you to the feeling that you have worked all in vain and have not accomplished significant things.
- If you are busy with one thing, then do not move on to another without solving the first. It is even more important according to the list you compiled. By switching your thoughts to another matter, you lose the logic of the first one, and to delve into it, you will again need time. Because of this, we begin to get nervous and make mistakes. And work may suffer because of this.
- When solving important issues, if possible, do not be distracted. Ask not to be disturbed, turn off your phone, go to a free office or conference room where no one will disturb you. As practice shows, solitude helps solve important matters.
- Many questions can be clarified by phone or using the Internet. Don't waste your time traveling if possible.
- Try to keep your desk “clean”. We simply don’t need most of the documents and papers on the table, but they lie there and distract our attention. If there are important documents, put them aside and solve them in a calm atmosphere. Moreover, the employees around you always pay attention to your desk.
- Always write down all information, do not rely on your memory. Before traveling to business partners. Call and clarify all the necessary information. First of all, you need to go to those places where there has been an accumulation of large quantity important matters. Always keep a pen and a diary with you; now you can use a netbook or communicator. After solving an important task, rest for a short period of time, feel the pleasure of your success, this will give you new strength for new things.
Don't assume that your way of working is the best, constantly look for ways to improve your time management, analyze your failures and actions. And success will be on your side.

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