How is the name Michael translated from ancient Greek? Michael - Pisces. Michael – Virgo

Mikhail is an extraordinary and controversial person. At first glance, someone will think that he is good-natured and clumsy, while others will see a vulnerable soul behind the outer shell, although the owner of this name carefully protects his feelings, never showing them off. Yes, he is kind and often sentimental, but he is also smart, inquisitive, and logical. However, in the character of every person there are always opposing sides that can manifest themselves in various situations.

The name Mikhail has been popular at all times, and it has not lost its relevance today. Despite the traditional sound, there is a hidden strength in it. Or maybe parents are attracted to the translation of this name.

The origin of the name Michael dates back to ancient times, because translated from ancient Hebrew it reads as “like God.” Used among Slavs and Jews, Christians of other nationalities. The English version Michael and the French version Michel are similar in sound and content.

Michael is a revered archangel among Christians. He is the chief of the seven messengers of God. It was he who became the protector of the Israeli people, according to the traditions of the Old Testament. Today he is considered the patron saint of Kyiv and Arkhangelsk. He is also revered as the patron saint of builders, the winner over evil spirits and diseases.

There is a name Mikhail in Islam, but it sounds like Mikail.


As a rule, the meaning of the name Mikhail is equated to the word “bear” due to the fact that both a person with that name and this animal are usually called “Mishka,” and the animal in fairy tales is most often called “Mikhail Potapych.” There are, of course, in “like God” certain associations with a forest dweller: Mikhail is quite good-natured, at first glance clumsy. But if necessary, he turns into a furious, agile and swift hunter. His slowness is deceptive, but it is precisely this that symbolizes the duality of nature.

The male name Mikhail does not just have strong energy, it gives the owner harmony with the world around him. And from childhood, boys strive to live this way. But he cannot be classified as good or bad from birth: Misha can grow up to be anyone. Yes, he knows how to make friends, is faithful, generous, hospitable. He can be narcissistic, but he always strives to achieve perfection even in small things.


Boy Misha is a gentle, charming, handsome and smart child. He can easily manipulate his parents and others who admire his appearance, affectionate character, and kindness. He is with early childhood is able to appreciate beautiful things, and his mothers and fathers happily surround him with just such things. The name Misha gives the owner an understanding of the beautiful and valuable - not material, but spiritual.

The name for a boy Mikhail is auspicious. This is a sociable child, active and hardworking. From childhood and then in adult life he gets used to finishing things and achieving his goals. But at the same time, he easily succumbs to the influence of loved ones - first parents, friends, then his wife. By the way, Mikhail cannot live without his soulmate: if he is lonely, he is always in search. Family comes first for him at all times.

Although professional career Misha can build a good one: as a lawyer or doctor, teacher or financier, but he can become a top executive. The main thing is that he should feel useful to people.

The interpretation of the name Mikhail says that its owner will never choose a rude woman as a companion: his chosen one will be kind, gentle, beautiful. But it will be difficult for Misha to keep her, he is very jealous. He is not going to hide his jealousy, which leads to conflicts in relationships.

Considering the fact that Mikhail usually begins to build any relationships later than his peers, especially intimate ones, it can be difficult for him to find his one and only, but he persistently searches. Often it is the wife who becomes his first lover and only woman.

The desire for perfection leads him to idealize his chosen one, which can lead to bitter disappointments. Can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the other half for a long time and exaggerate its advantages. Although, even if he stops worshiping his idol, he will always protect him.

In his intimate life, Mikhail reminds many of the bumpkin of a bear:

  • Those born in the summer can be quite flighty, quite capable of pleasing a woman, but it is difficult for him to find a permanent chosen one.
  • Misha, who was born in winter, will be more serious and secretive. He does not like manifestations of love, tender words, or affection in general.
  • He doesn’t like to work hard to get a woman: he likes compliant ladies. Although he will treat his wife patiently and quite diplomatically.


It is generally accepted that the decoding of the name Mikhail is equivalent to a phlegmatic bear, but this is not so. In fact, his element is fire. The owner of this name may look ponderous, but he has very fierce energy, and on occasion one may encounter open violence.

His heaviness and a certain slowness make themselves felt: when someone else easily achieves their goal, Mikhail will have to work hard and climb for a long time. But he will achieve his goal. At the same time, his work is not always recognized, and this causes a man’s anger at the discrepancy between the result and the effort expended.

But still, if you read everything about the name Mikhail, it becomes clear that balance is his way of dealing with external injustice. Despite his inner strength, the ability to be swift and agile, most often he will remain calm and fight the circumstances with new efforts.

He easily navigates a new environment and quickly adapts. Since childhood, however, he has not been able to take criticism, so he does not like to work with bosses who constantly criticize. He always strives to become a leader himself.

Both small and adult Misha usually gets animals. Mutual love with them is obvious from childhood.

Mikhail loves children. He always plays with the kids and spoils his own. He does not forget about his parents: with patience and respect he will look after them until his death, without getting irritated or taking it out on them for their old age’s whims.

Interestingly, the character of the name Mikhail gives the owner the ability to forgive - he does not remember insults. But he himself does not mock people, he will never offend people just like that.

He has character traits that can be perceived in two ways, since he himself sometimes acts ambiguously:

  • Mikhail is logical and reasonable, but often acts at random.
  • He is smart and reasonable, but passionate.
  • He is stubborn and persistent, but failures can bring him down.
  • Even though he fears failure, he gets bored when life doesn't present challenges.

Name day

Michael's name day is celebrated several times a year:

  • Archangel Michael's Day - September 19 and November 21.
  • Day of Michael of Bulgaria, Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar, Baptist of Bulgaria - May 15.
  • Day of Metropolitan Michael of Kyiv and All Rus' - October 13.
  • Day of Prince Mikhail of Murom - June 3.
  • Day of the Venerable Martyr Michael Savvait - June 5, August 11.
  • Day of Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy - December 5.

When Michael's day is the angel according to the Catholic calendar, you should look at the different sound of the name - Michael, Mikael. These are February 9, April 10, May 4 and 23, June 14 and September 29.

How to incline

The name Mikhail is declined according to the rules of the Russian language:

  • I.p.: Mikhail, Misha
  • R.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • D.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • V.p: Mikhail, Misha
  • T.p.: Mikhail, Misha
  • P.p: Mikhail, Misha

Name color

Sea green color as a status indicator nervous system attributed to the owner of the name Mikhail. Psychologists believe that rather tense people like this blue-green shade. But Misha doesn’t necessarily have to like it: it is harmonious with his state of mind, and also reflects a serious, principled, strong-willed character.

Color is characterized as a tendency towards pedantry and careful control. Despite the fact that it is quite cold, you can see an energy inside that is difficult to subdue. This is exactly the meaning of the name Misha.

This color is characteristic of those who strive for perfection, may crave power and quite logically achieve it. The shade is credited with secrecy and control of one's internal vortexes. Mikhail is like that, and he can cope with them, although not always...

Name flower

The colors of the name include linden and strawberry. Linden - sacred tree Slavs, which in pagan times was associated with the goddess of love named Lada, and in Christian times they began to be identified with the Mother of God. The reason for this is that the gifts that this tree brings have miraculous powers. According to one of the legends, when the Mother of God fled with a son (given by God, like him), it was the linden tree that became her refuge. Now this tree and its color are associated with the name Mikhail.

Strawberries are a simple wild berry that symbolizes happiness, love, and sincere relationships.

Church name

At baptism, a boy named Mikhail is called that.

Translation of the name, its sound in different languages

You can find many variations of the name Mikhail: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia it sounds like Mitchell. There is only one known translation of the name Michael - from the ancient Hebrew language, which means “like God.”

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The full name - Mikhail - has the short form Misha, but as soon as parents and then friends do not name their offspring: Mikhas, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mihanya, Mika, Mikha, Mikhailushka, Mikhai.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The patronymic Mikhailovna gives the girl the ability to forgive and the inability to argue. As a rule, harmonious personalities grow from Alexander, Barbarian, Ver. The names Eva, Elena, Lydia, Liya, Raisa, Christina are also combined with this patronymic.

If we talk about men who bear such a middle name, then they receive double strength of character, stubbornness and determination. You can safely call the Mikhailovich kids with the following names: Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Denis, Ivan, Sergey, Alexey, Mark.

The name Mikhail itself is suitable for patronymics: Arturovich, Vladimirovich, Leonardovich, Sergeevich, Eduardovich.

Name compatibility

Considering Mikhail’s complacent character, it is difficult to find women with whom it will be problematic for him to get along, unless they are rude and vulgar ladies. Therefore, the compatibility of the name Mikhail can be noted with big list female names: Alexandra, Alina, Bogdana, Varvara, Vera, Diana, Dina, Elena, Elizaveta, Lydia, Marina, Marta, Nina, Rimma, Tamara, Ella.

Famous people named Mikhail

Famous people named Mikhail are not uncommon. All thanks to their determination and perseverance.

Among famous people princes (Great Tver Mikhail Borisovich) and kings (Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov), monks and metropolitans, confessors of great princes and emperors. If we talk about well-known personalities, these will be:

  • Mikhail Glinka – composer;
  • Mikhail Bulgakov - writer;
  • Mikhail Vrubel – artist;
  • Mikhail Lomonosov - scientist;
  • Mikhail Lermontov - poet;
  • Mikhail Gorbachev - politician and the only president of the USSR;
  • Mikhail Boyarsky - singer and actor;
  • Mikhail Zadornov is a comedian and his full namesake is a statesman.

However, there is no particular need to introduce the people listed.

It is obvious that Mikhail is an outstanding person. Whether his talents will be discovered depends on many factors, including the support of his parents, the understanding of loved ones, and the ability to cope with failures. All this will play a huge role in the development of the owner of this name - in his personal and spiritual development, V professional growth and the ability to control your inner, very powerful and furious forces, which occasionally break out.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Mikhail


The name Michael, which has biblical roots, comes from the Hebrew name Mikael, which means “He who is like God.” The name is rightfully considered one of the most ancient names known to mankind. This name was borne by one of the God's angels(Archangel Michael), therefore in some nations they do not use it at all, considering it unacceptable to call mere mortals by the names of angels.

In the 20th century, the name Mikhail was among the top ten in Russia, but it was most popular in 1910, which is associated with the popularity of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich (son Russian Emperor Alexander III).

The name Mikhail has always been especially loved and widespread, so history knows many outstanding personalities, who glorified him forever. Among them are writers Mikhail Bulgakov and Mikhail Lermontov, chess player Mikhail Tal, journalist and football player Mikhail Romm, Soviet clown Mikhail Rumyantsev (Pencil), Soviet designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, German racer Michael Schumacher, French astrologer Michel Nostradamus, famous commander Mikhail Kutuzov and many others.

Name days and patron saints

IN Christendom The most famous patron of the name Michael is considered to be the Archangel Michael - one of the seven angels, the leader of the heavenly army in the fight against the dark forces of hell.

When one of the angels close to God, Lucifer, moved away from God so much that he became a source of evil and carried away several more innocent angels with him, the Archangel Michael challenged him to battle. And then a great battle took place in heaven, in which Michael and his army defeated Lucifer and his demons (fallen angels). The losers were cast into hell, into the depths of the underworld. This confrontation between good and evil continues on earth, and all people are participants in it.

The Christian Church knows many other saints who bear the sacred name Michael (more than 100 in total). Therefore, all its owners can celebrate their name day once a year on the day that coincides with their date of birth or the next one immediately after it.

Characteristics of the name

Mikhail is a man of strong principles, ambitious and convinced of the correctness of his views. He is endowed with strength, both spiritual and physical, as well as enormous capacity for work. He knows how to lead, give good advice, inspire respect with its poise and regularity.

His thoroughness, seriousness and practicality attract others to Mikhail, but if he fails to get rid of touchiness, then wounded pride can cause many troubles. In addition, a man is characterized by focusing on his experiences, which can also interfere with his ambitious plans.

Mikhail's strong character is not devoid of sentimentality and sensitivity, but he prefers to be friends with the “right” people. Mikhail is not an adventurer by nature; he carefully thinks through all his steps and actions in advance. If insurmountable obstacles are encountered on his way, he may fall into depression and melancholy, and may even begin to abuse alcohol.

Mikhail does not like loneliness; he prefers to spend his free time with friends or family. He loves animals and enjoys gardening. In general, Mikhail is a sympathetic person and tries not to refuse help to anyone. But he loves to argue, often shows ardor, it is difficult to convince him, it is easier to agree.

The dark side of Mikhail's personality is his addiction to alcohol and gambling. He is smart and determined, but often too weak to resist temptation. If he believes that no one loves him and no one needs him, the man begins to lead a chaotic lifestyle, going to great lengths. To prevent this from happening, Mikhail definitely needs a family and a job he loves.

In general, to achieve success in life, Mikhail requires much more internal effort and willpower than other people. He will have to climb for a long time to get to where others reach easily and without thinking.


As a child, Misha displays such traits as mobility, curiosity, and excitement in children's games. He does not cause much trouble for his parents, as he is obedient and not capricious. Accuracy and thoroughness become noticeable in a boy early on; he tries to do everything perfectly, but he does it for himself, and not for the sake of praise. Perfectionism is his inner need.

Misha is a little withdrawn, so he requires increased attention from adults. Parents should be more often interested in the experiences of their son, his inner world, since he himself is unlikely to come to them with questions. This is especially true during adolescence.

Already in childhood, one should prevent the development of despotic traits in the character of the growing Misha and cultivate in him tolerance towards others, which in the future will protect him from harsh clashes with people with an equally unyielding disposition. It is very important to rid a young man’s self-esteem of pain, teach him to believe in himself and look at life with a little bit of irony.


If Mikhail does not ruin his health with alcohol and smoking, then his health will be truly heroic. He is strong and resilient and can do heavy physical labor. As you age, problems with your cardiovascular system and blood circulation may arise.


Mikhail learns the intimate side of life quite late, much later than his peers. It often happens that his first sexual partner turns out to be his wife, and it is with her that he learns to learn all the secrets of intimate life.

Mikhail tends to idealize a woman, especially in his youth. However, in love games he is rather cold and reserved, he is not characterized by violent sexuality. His needs for sex are quite moderate. A man's caresses are always a little rough, sometimes causing pain. However, he himself does not accept rudeness and vulgarity in a woman; he likes gentle and compliant partners. In addition, Mikhail is squeamish and jealous, so he does not approve of casual relationships.

Peculiarities female psychology they don't care much about a man, so it's hard to call him romantic person who know how to beautifully care for their chosen one. Mikhail considers his coldness and restraint to be normal.

Marriage and family, compatibility

By nature, Mikhail is a monogamist, so he marries once - remarriage is rare for him. He gives preference to feminine and non-conflict girls; rudeness and flashy sexuality repulses him. He considers betrayal to be a low and unworthy act.

Mikhail will not spare any time or effort for his family. For him, family is a real fortress, an outlet and a guarantee of mental well-being. Quarrels and conflicts in his home will be rare, as he easily compromises, shows patience and correctness. But his wife should know that Mikhail is very jealous and will not tolerate any competition.

Mikhail is homely, caring and loves his children very much, and therefore will be a wonderful family man. Divorce will be a real disaster for a man, and he will try with all his might to avoid it.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Alexandra, Anna, Alina, Vera, Elena, Elizaveta, Lydia, Marina and Christina. You should avoid relationships with Oksana, Olga, Yana, Antonina, Maria and Anastasia.

Business and profession

In the professional sphere, Mikhail is best suited for work related to organization and analysis. He will make an excellent engineer, programmer, architect, builder or lawyer. Among the Mikhails there are a lot of creatively gifted individuals, so here too he can achieve great success.

The employer will appreciate Mikhail for his accuracy, diligence and responsibility. He will approach any task with his characteristic scrupulousness and self-discipline, but for a leadership position he will lack diplomacy and exactingness.

A man quickly navigates in an unfamiliar environment, easily finds mutual language with colleagues. He perceives criticism painfully, as well as defeats.

Owning his own business will bring Mikhail not only material, but also moral satisfaction. He has every chance to become a successful businessman. He perceives his business not as work, but as his brainchild, to which he is ready to devote himself completely. He knows how to get out of difficult situations with dignity, without letting other people down or taking advantage of other people's weaknesses. Mikhail can take successes evenly, but failures hurt him painfully.

Talismans for Michael

  • Patron planet - Mercury and Saturn.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Libra and Virgo.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow, green and brown.
  • Totem animal - bear and tiger. The bear symbolizes strength, vitality, power, as well as laziness and asceticism. In the Christian religion, from time immemorial the bear has been considered a symbol of rebirth, hope and new life. The tiger is energy, dignity, strength and speed. This animal is also associated with nobility and good luck and happiness.
  • Totem plant - strawberry and elm. Strawberries symbolize success, joy and fertility, and in the Christian religion they symbolize spiritual humility and submission. Elm, according to popular belief, connects two worlds - earthly and heavenly. It symbolizes strength and support, longevity and peace.
  • The talisman stone is jasper. This green stone enhances eloquence, gives self-confidence, and helps to improve relationships with others. Jasper also serves as a talisman, helps to see what is hidden from view, and develops the gift of foresight.


Aries- a contradictory personality with a difficult character, who is constantly tormented by internal dissatisfaction with himself. He tends to overestimate his actions and regret what he has done, or, conversely, what he has not done. At the same time, he is very stubborn, he can go ahead towards his goal, and does not tolerate long thoughts and planning. To some extent, Mikhail-Aries is characterized by healthy egoism; he is straightforward and always says what he thinks, which can undeservedly offend a person. Meeting misunderstandings along the way, Mikhail-Aries can fly into a rage and become aggressive. If a man’s work is interesting, he quickly moves up the career ladder; in any case, he will be a good and honest worker, since work for him is the meaning of life. This person has leadership talent and excellent organizational skills. Mikhail-Aries can be a bad family man due to his hot-tempered nature; he often does not take into account the interests and will of other family members, so everything will depend on the diplomacy and tact of the partner.

Taurus- an emotional, impatient, inquisitive person. He willingly takes risks, loves rumors, gossip and material goods. Michael-Taurus can be capricious, stubborn about little things, but in general he has a calm, pliable and patient character, as well as reasonable and cautious. He likes to make acquaintances with influential people, but often quarrels with friends over trifles due to childish capriciousness and stubbornness. Among the Mikhails - Taurus, it is almost impossible to meet an unemployed person; they build their empire slowly but reliably. Typically this is business man who knows how to make money. The financial side of life with Michael-Taurus is excellent, his wife definitely won’t have to worry about this. But she needs to know that this man does not tolerate emancipated or vulgar women, he needs a soft and calm partner who will not humiliate him or make jokes at his expense. Usually the marriage of Michael-Taurus is strong; he goes for divorce only as a last resort and always experiences it very painfully.

Twins- a romantic and sensitive personality, often looking at life through “ pink glasses" Mikhail-Gemini is smart, has diverse interests, and easily adapts to people and circumstances. At the same time, he is irritable and nervous, has a hard time withstanding criticism, and is susceptible to flattery and compliments. A man sometimes experiences periods of acute self-doubt, which can develop into illness. Financial stability is in question, since this person does not like to work, especially physically. It is easier for him to give an idea than to implement it. As a life partner, Mikhail-Gemini is looking for a girlfriend and mother in one person, as he needs constant care and attention. After marriage, he can continue to lead a boyish lifestyle; jealousy and a sense of possessiveness are alien to him, and the physical side family life is not in the first place for him. Most Gemini Michaels are not limited to one marriage.

Cancer- a sentimental, gentle and sensual man who for a long time cannot free himself from the influence of his family, especially from the guardianship of his mother. This is a person with a subtle mental organization and well-developed intuition; sometimes he may seem strange and incomprehensible. What is a trifle for others may seem like a real tragedy to Michael-Cancer, which is why he often irritates those around him. But, despite everything, he is a very decent person, true friend and an interesting conversationalist with a wonderful sense of humor. In case of failures, Mikhail-Cancer may fall into deep depression; the state of sadness makes him strive for loneliness. Like a real cancer, a man tightly clings to what he wants to achieve, starting from the woman he loves and ending with house slippers. He is a real workaholic, loves to save, and strives for financial stability. Money gives him a feeling of security, and for her sake he is ready to do anything. But the most important thing in the life of Mikhail-Cancer is his family. If a man finds a woman with whom he feels comfortable, he will be devoted to her endlessly.

a lion- a strong-willed and passionate person, temperamental and romantic. By nature, he is a born leader, confident in himself and his importance. The main trait of his character is kindness and nobility; for the sake of his neighbor he is capable of feats. However, he is also characterized by vanity, immaturity and a little naivety; he easily succumbs to the influence of others and often falls into a trap. The lack of psychological insight can lead Mikhail-Leo to mistakes, and sometimes to real tragedy. But no matter how difficult it is for him, he rarely loses his natural cheerfulness and optimism. Michael Leo is generous, loves wealth and luxury, but his ambitions do not always coincide with his capabilities, and then his wastefulness leads to huge debts. He also loves gambling, sports, and competitions. Success can accompany a man in any profession, but thanks to his leadership qualities, he usually occupies leadership positions. IN family relationships Mikhail-Lev will demand that everything revolve around his person, so his wife will have to give up her career and personal ambitions.

Virgo- a charming and vulnerable person who prefers to hide his feelings and thoughts. He prefers to see accuracy, logic and clarity in everything, and rarely gives in to passion. Love of order can easily develop into mania; conflicts often arise with others due to pedantry and pettiness. Michael-Virgo is not a noisy person, prefers to stay away from the crowd, does not like to attract attention to himself, and does not strive for leadership. He is clearly blind to his own shortcomings, while he immediately notices those of others. By nature he is very independent, and the desire not to depend on anyone makes a man save money. At heart he is a deeply decent person, so he will make all his savings solely through his own labor. The complex character of Michael-Virgo is compensated by a sharp mind, insight and amazing efficiency. He is a materialist to the core and bones, so he will never sit in a low-paid position. In love, he is monogamous, so divorce in his family is rare. A man is ready to save his wife from all material problems, and in return he will demand a cozy home, Tasty food and recognition of its indisputable authority.

Scales- an indecisive and delicate man who prefers to stay away from noisy society. He is distinguished by a balanced character; more than anything else, his own peace is dear to him. In society he is loved for his courtesy and courtesy, as well as for his cheerful and good-natured disposition. Michael-Libra is often in a state of indecision, especially if an important decision needs to be made. He does not like responsibility and avoids it in every possible way, tries important decisions put it on the shoulders of others. Periods of depression and rest for a man are followed by periods of active work, when he becomes a real workaholic. When everything is in order in the life of Michael-Libra, harmony occurs between a rich intellect and a loving, compassionate heart. As a profession, a man is best suited to those that require communication - he is a true diplomat and a master of compromise. Financial stability is of great value to him, so a man will not work for pennies. In marriage, Michael-Libra does not want to limit his freedom in anything, including sexual. He can be a very loving and caring husband, and at the same time have several more mistresses.

Scorpion- a person with extraordinary contradictory nature, with uncertain life position. He fights, suffers, devours himself, is reborn and fights again. The character of Michael-Scorpio is temperamental, very attractive, but cruel. He has many enemies and devoted friends; there is something elusive and mysterious about him. He constantly feels that he is being criticized and threatened, but, in general, he does not care about his reputation and public opinion. An important character trait of Michael-Scorpio is the desire for total control. He wants to know everything, manage everything, and always be aware of events. His performance is phenomenal. He can work for days, devoting himself entirely to his favorite work. In relationships with women, a man sometimes lacks romance and tenderness, but he can carry his devotion and love throughout his life. However, not every woman can endure the domineering and difficult character this person, therefore, in the life of Michael-Scorpio, as a rule, more than one marriage happens.

Sagittarius- a sincere person with idealistic views on life. His character is dual: on the one hand, he is very developed and active, and on the other hand, he is primitive and down to earth. Despite his cheerful, good-natured disposition, Mikhail-Sagittarius languishes with longing for the unattainable; sometimes he himself does not know what he wants. He is an optimist by nature and reacts steadfastly to any troubles in life. He is lucky in life, he is often lucky in lotteries and various competitions, and the man knows how to share his luck with others, knows how to infect everyone around him with his optimism. However, Michael-Sagittarius often has conflicts out of the blue - this is explained by his straightforwardness and inability to keep his mouth shut. A negative character trait of this person is non-commitment, rejection of any restrictions and norms. In his work, he strives to avoid routine; monotonous, monotonous work does not suit him. It’s hard for him to be subordinate to someone, so he will strive with all his might to climb the career ladder. A certain social status and recognition of merit are almost more important to him than financial independence. In love, Michael-Sagittarius is as open and honest as in ordinary life. With age, he becomes more domestic and accommodating, so he often achieves a successful marriage only on the second try.

Capricorn- a secretive and reserved personality, but with a rich imagination and a receptive soul. He is very resilient both physically and mentally, secretly ambitious, and the desire for success is very strong in him. He lives in reality, knows how and loves to work, and step by step moves towards his intended goal. Nothing can discourage Michael-Capricorn and force him to deviate from his intended path. As a worker, he is excellent, but due to his isolation, problems with communication may arise; it is almost impossible to truly get close to him. A man’s pride often becomes a source of suffering for him; despite the apparent arrogance in his soul, he suffers from his isolation. Also, the pedantry and conservatism inherent in his character can push people away from him. He strives with all his might for respectability, stability and honors traditions, respects discipline and strives for financial security. Mikhail-Capricorn approaches the choice of his wife with great care and, as a rule, marries late. His wife may miss romance and simple human emotions, but this man does not know how to show his love in any other way.

Aquarius- an intelligent man, reasonable and calm, never stooping to shouting or rudeness. As a rule, this is a person with a difficult fate; serious illnesses, operations, accidents, separation from loved ones, loss of loved ones. Michael-Aquarius is alien to pedantry, he hates routine, he experiences periods of laziness and inaction. But during the period of activity it can work for days. Periods of acute self-doubt are followed by periods of calm and enthusiasm. The life of Michael-Aquarius may be unhappy, but it will never be gray and boring. And even if it seems to him that life is over, fate always sends him salvation. A man’s financial situation may be unstable, since during his life he can change many professions without ever finding his calling. It’s hard for him to do the same thing for many years, so success in business is also unlikely to be guaranteed for him. Mikhail-Aquarius values ​​his personal freedom more than money and love; in marriage he is not the most reliable partner. He does not know how to earn money and does not like to do housework, but he is not jealous and is sexually active.

Fish- a sensual and gentle person, but restless and unsure of himself. Fate gives him incredible luck and wisdom, but does not give him peace - he constantly experiences mental anguish, anxiety and melancholy. Mikhail-Pisces' intuition is more developed than logic, he is generous, hospitable, but often sad. A man is prone to nervousness, stress and depression, and is often in a bad mood. Possessing enormous potential, Mikhail-Pisces may experience difficulties in realizing it, as he lacks self-confidence and his own capabilities. He is touchy, very dependent on the opinions of others, and has difficulty withstanding criticism. He is not a fighter by nature; he prefers to go with the flow. But with wise and tactful leadership, a man can achieve enormous success. He also does not strive for leadership - for this he lacks arrogance and unprincipledness. But he can be an excellent worker in situations where painstakingness, attentiveness and diligence are required. However, Mikhail-Pisces is rarely a poor person, since he knows how to make cunning plans according to which money will flow into his hands. In marriage, a man is reliable, since the main thing for him is stability and security.

The meaning of the name Michael, translated from Hebrew, voices the rhetorical question “Who is like God?”, and such content leaves its mark on a person’s fate. It's bright and pleasant male name combines gentle kindness and severity, rigor. In appearance, he is a very quiet, adequate, calm person, but only outside observers can think so.

Those close to Misha know that, in fact, behind the apparent slowness and monotony lies a strong, impetuous person, capable of acting in the right situation. a real man. By choosing the meaning of the name Mikhail for a boy, parents will raise a calm boy who is not prone to whims.

IN school years Misha will study very diligently, earning respect from teachers, and may become a “favorite” for his innate curiosity and ability to ask appropriate questions. From an early age he shows childlike independence, and mom and dad have virtually no trouble with the baby - this is the meaning of the name Mikhail for a child.

Great importance the boy gives independence. He always strives to achieve the desired goal absolutely without outside participation, and is often offended if someone tries to help. The interpretation of the name implies great internal energy, which literally attracts people to itself with its solidity and strength.


We must never forget that under the external calm of this man lies real beast– temperamental, acting instinctively. Misha is very easy to charm with the simplest feminine tricks, but any representative of the fairer sex will have a rather difficult time with him - he is always subjective in his opinion, attaches importance only to his point of view.

Sexually, a man has high sensuality. This means that with the proper experience of a partner, he can fall head over heels in love with her, even if he does not see family life with her. In the intimate area, he strives for harmony, but a man does not do this very well, since a selfish nature cannot fully reveal the ability to reciprocate caresses and tenderness.


Family life for Misha means a constant desire to manage his other half, constantly point out mistakes and re-educate. Only for real loving girl will be able to endure all the nagging of this difficult man. After all, this is not just a whim, he wants to be proud of his soul mate, and strives to create his ideal in her.

Because of such relationships, quarrels and scandals often arise in the family circle, and the first marriage may fall apart due to the man’s petty everyday nagging. Of course, over time he will moderate his ardor and try to delve deeper into the needs of his partner, but during this time he may get divorced several times.

Under the patronage of Mikhail, a woman feels as protected as possible, because he attaches the utmost importance to the ability to provide, feed and clothe her family. Strictness, coupled with respect, makes this man an authority for children; he can raise them into worthy and comprehensively developed individuals.

Business and career

A successful career or highly profitable job is in this man’s life great value. It is very important for him to feel capable of prey; the ancient instinct of a hunter and leader takes its toll. That is why positions with an organizational bias are ideal for him, where he can manage staff, or simply lead like-minded people.

Work that requires a lot of thought and detailed analysis is also not alien to Mikhail. Him excellent memory and intelligence, which means this allows him to work in areas such as programming, higher mathematics, jurisprudence. It is important for him to feel competition, communication in this person’s life is of particular importance, so closed work will not be suitable for this person.

Origin of the name Mikhail

The origin of the name Michael is Hebrew, and the etymology of this word leads to the question phrase: “Mi kmo elohim?”, which translated means “Who is like the Lord?” In the country where this name came from, it was pronounced as Mikael, and after it came to to the Slavic people acquired a familiar sound to Russian ears.

Over the centuries, you can meet many Michaels who managed to leave their mark on history, but perhaps the most significant person was the so-called archangel, whose name accompanied the army of the Lord. The prophecies say that it is this archangel who will lead the angelic army, which will cast the devil into the abyss.

In the ability to lead, to infect everyone general ideas and lies the secret of the name Mikhail. It is he who can gather around himself followers who will be ready to give their souls for the ideological orientation of their leader.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail

Misha's character always has two poles, his psyche is as stable as possible, but do not forget that waking up a sleeping bear can lead to aggression that will be remembered forever. He is far from a simpleton and not a clumsy lump; he has agility, seasoned with basic instincts, and if taken to the extreme, then one can hardly expect an adequate reaction from him.

The main characteristic of the name Mikhail is a frenzied desire to correct other people's shortcomings, an indication of mistakes and shortcomings. A man attaches great importance to the correctness of any action. This is both a plus and a minus. The positive part of such a character is understandable - in a leadership position such a quality is simply necessary.

But Misha is trying to correct not only his subordinates, he imagines the submission and humility of everyone around him, and no one will pass by him without remark. Because of this, he doesn't have too many friends, only the most loyal ones. But people are always drawn to him. Rays of goodness and warmth emanate from him. This man, even with all his outward menacingness, can turn out to be incredibly sentimental at heart.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Green Jasper.
  • Name days - January 24, February 27, March 23, April 29, May 15, June 3, 28, July 12, August 11, September 19, October 3, November 21, December 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.

Famous people

  • Mikhail Galustyan is a Russian comedian, actor, showman, producer and screenwriter.
  • Mikhail Porechenkov is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, TV presenter, and director.

Different languages

The translation of the name Mikhail can be found in almost all known languages, but the way the name is translated into European languages, will be somewhat unusual for the Russian ear, but consonant and recognizable: Michele, Mikel, Michael, Miguel, Michel, Michael, Mihai, Michal, Mikel, Mugail.

Due to the absence of some sounds in eastern languages, this name will sound slightly distorted. For example, in Chinese it is Mihaier, which can be written using hieroglyphs - 米哈依尔, and in Japanese - Mihairu, which is written both using katakana - ミハイル, and in Japanese characters - 巳輩縷.

Name forms

  • Full name: Mikhail.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Misha, Mishka, Mishutka, Mikhailo, Mikhailka, Mikhailushka, Mishanya.
  • Declension of the name - Mikhail, Mikhail.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Michael.

Career, business and money

Mikhail is a good worker; he is distinguished by his hard work, discipline and responsibility. He is always attentive to his colleagues and has an authoritative opinion, but his lack of diplomatic abilities prevents him from resolving some issues peacefully. Misha is reasonable and balanced - he will become an excellent engineer, programmer, architect, lawyer or doctor.

Mikhail will also achieve success in business; he prefers to build his own business on his own, he likes this process. Such a man does not like illusions and surprises, develops measuredly, and for this reason is able to achieve prosperity.

Marriage and family

Marriage for Mikhail is a serious step, this decision is taken by him carefully, while all possible positive and negative sides. Misha is one of the monogamous people, so having a single wife in his life will be the norm for him. Prefers non-conflict and soft women, cannot stand rudeness. Sexual compatibility with his wife is of great importance to Mikhail.

High moral principles they don’t allow him to change; he considers an affair on the side a low act. Serious demands are placed on the wife. Mikhail's wife should not only be a good mother and an attentive wife, but also a worthy interlocutor who creates comfort in the house. Misha tends to idealize women; he is ready to selflessly help all the ladies, which can play a cruel joke on him.

Mikhail – loving husband and a caring father who devotes a lot of time to his family. He will protect his household from any adversity, trying to ensure that an atmosphere of harmony and comfort reigns in the house. Misha does not tolerate loneliness well, for this reason he concentrates all his strength and interests around his family. He often makes compromises, so quarrels are a rare guest in his family. Their only reason can be jealousy, so the wife should not give her husband reason to doubt. Divorce will be a serious blow for him.

Sex and love

Women happily give their attention to Mikhail; they are attracted by the reliability, kindness and loyalty of these men. It’s always interesting to be with them, but they won’t agree to Misha’s beautiful courtship; to them, such things seem like a waste of time. The chosen one can count on flowers, but no more, Mikhail’s suitor is clumsy, and he does not approve of external manifestations of love.

But sex for him is not an empty phrase; such men do not have any problems with their intimate life. In a friend he appreciates gentleness, kindness and easygoing nature. Mikhail is generous, but very jealous. He is not particularly interested in the peculiarities of female psychology, he is straightforward, which can alienate and frighten his partner. For such a man to express himself intimately, his chosen one must be affectionate, gentle and strong in character.


Mikhail is a disease-resistant person, endurance and strength will be his distinctive features. Over time, diseases of the nervous system may appear.

A man should avoid stressful and depressive situations. Physical exercise he is not afraid, the owners of this name can boast of excellent health.

Interests and hobbies

Mikhail's hobbies are beneficial. This person really likes to arrange the house and garden - we're talking about about the favorite pastime of a person with this name.

Misha loves to communicate with different animals, trying to get some kind of pet. Sometimes such a man is interested in fishing, likes to play the guitar and sing.

Which “equal to God” has been very popular at all times, among all peoples. Mikhail, Michel, Miguel, Michael, Michel, Mikail - it has a lot of derivatives. It should be noted that Misha is growing up as an obedient and kind child.

in the professional field

These men are endowed with huge mental abilities and can successfully work as lawyers, teachers, and good military leaders. Mikhailov’s logic is at the highest level.

Name Misha. Meaning in life

They love animals, and you can always find a dog or cat in their house. Love and kindness towards children is often very great. The Mikhails try to pamper the younger generation with expensive toys and not deny the kids anything. You can also meet Misha with a shovel in his hands somewhere in the country. They feel bad when left alone. They are very patient and love to care for aging parents without experiencing irritation. It is very easy to communicate with the Mikhails, even after a quarrel they calmly go to peace. The wife of such a man should be a good-natured and easy-going woman, he appreciates this. Jealous. Mikhails are very generous in nature and never waste time on trifles. They have their own relationship with alcohol; after drinking they usually become kinder and more sentimental and can give everything they have. They love to show off.

The secret of the name. What does the name Misha mean?

Mikhail is more and more often compared to a bear. This animal is a lump with kind soul, but he is also very furious and dexterous if circumstances require it. The duality of nature in the bear is very characteristic of Mikhail, as well as heaviness and clumsiness. But it would be a very big mistake to think about the lethargy and lethargy of temperament and the slowness in the affairs of the man himself.

Name Misha. Meaning in fate

Enormous stress and moral effort are required for the owner of this name to achieve his goals in this world. Before getting to where many others, almost without thinking, get very easily, he just has to climb. Despite significant perseverance in all endeavors, Mikhail’s affairs and projects are usually unattainable for others, but they also do not find recognition or great appreciation in society. This leads to Misha’s anger and dissatisfaction, his irritation at the discrepancy between the efforts made and the recognition of success.

Misha. Origin of the name

In general, the name has ancient Greek roots. Among believers in Christ, Michael, the main Archangel, is highly revered. “Archangel Michael” is a derivative of three phrases: “arch angel Michael.” Special meaning is given for each of these parts. “Arch” means “elder,” “angel” means “messenger,” and “mikael” means “like God.” Therefore, if we correctly interpret the expression “Archangel Michael”, we get the following: “Chief messenger, possessing the power of the Lord” or “Senior authorized messenger of God”, which is very similar to the truth, since in the Bible it was this character who was the messenger of the Lord, who became to protect the Israelites. He is considered the heavenly patron of Ovruch, Northern Rus' (Arkhangelsk) and Kyiv. Archangel Michael in Orthodoxy is revered as the protector of builders and construction. He is also considered to drive out evil spirits, which were thought in Rus' to be the source of disease. He stands at the head of the holy army of the Lord and his angels. Therefore, the name Misha, whose meaning is associated with the Archangel, has gained great popularity in Rus'.

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