What are the levels of combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces? Degrees of combat readiness, their characteristics and the time allotted for each degree of combat readiness in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan How combat readiness is achieved

Events recent years prove the correctness of the ancient Greek proverb: “If you want peace, prepare for war.” By working out the worst-case scenarios, it is possible to test the combat readiness of troops, as well as send a signal to a potential enemy or unfriendly neighbor. The Russian Federation achieved a similar result after conducting a series of military exercises.

The concerns of the United States of America and NATO stem from the fact that combat readiness in Russia is aimed not at one of the worst scenarios, but at several: for the sake of peace in its country, the Russian army is ready for war in any direction.


Combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which various army units and units are able to prepare and engage in battle with the enemy in an organized manner and in a short time. The task set by the military leadership is carried out by any means, even with the help nuclear weapons. Troops in combat readiness (CR), having received the necessary weapons, military equipment and other material resources, are ready at any time to repel an enemy attack and, following orders, use weapons mass destruction.

Plan for bringing to BG

In order for the army to be brought into combat readiness, the headquarters is developing a plan. This work is supervised by the commander of the military unit, and the result is approved by the senior commander.

The BG plan provides for:

  • the procedure and methods for notifying military personnel and officers for assembly;
  • their location is indicated;
  • actions of the duty officer and in the military unit;
  • actions of the commandant service in areas of concentration personnel And military equipment.


Combat readiness for each level begins with a signal received by the duty officer of the military unit. Next, using the “Cord” system installed in each military unit, telephone or siren, the unit duty officer is notified by the unit duty officer and the commander. Having received the signal, the information is clarified, and then using a voice command: “Company, rise! Alarm, alarm, alarm!” - the units on duty notify all personnel about the start of the operation. After this, the command is given: “Muster has been announced” - and the military personnel are sent to the units.

Those who live outside the military unit receive the command to gather from the messengers. It is the responsibility of the driver mechanics to arrive at the park. There, the attendants hand out the keys to the car boxes. Drivers are required to prepare all necessary equipment before officers arrive.

Loading of army property is carried out by personnel according to the combat crew. Having prepared, under the supervision of seniors, everything for sending to the place of deployment necessary equipment, the personnel are waiting for the arrival of officers and warrant officers who are responsible for transporting the property of the military unit. Those who did not enter are sent to the collection point.

Degrees of combat readiness

Depending on the situation, BG can be:

  • Constant.
  • Increased.
  • In a state of military danger.
  • Full.

Each degree has its own events in which military personnel take part. Their clear awareness of their responsibilities and ability to quickly complete tasks testifies to the ability of units and groups of troops to act in an organized manner in situations critical to the country.

What is needed to conduct a biopsy?

Combat readiness is affected by:

  • combat and field training of units, officers and staffs;
  • organizing and maintaining the army in accordance with the requirements of the combat regulations;
  • staffing army units and units with the necessary weapons and equipment.

The ideological education of personnel and their awareness of their responsibilities has great importance to achieve the required

Standard BG

Constant combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which units and units are concentrated at a permanent location and are engaged in daily activities: a strict daily routine is followed, high discipline is maintained. Some are engaged in routine maintenance of equipment and training. The classes conducted are coordinated with the schedule. The troops are ready to move to the highest level of combat at any time. For this purpose, designated units and units are on duty around the clock. All activities occur as planned. Special warehouses are provided for storing material and technical equipment (ammunition, fuels and lubricants). Vehicles have been prepared that, at any moment, if necessary, can transport them to the area where the unit or unit is deployed. Combat readiness of this level (standard) provides for the creation of special reception centers for the loading and removal of military personnel and officers to places of mobilization.

Increased BG

Increased combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which units and subunits are ready to act in a short period of time to repel a military threat and carry out combat missions.

In case of increased combat readiness, the following measures are provided:

  • cancellation of vacations and transfers to the reserve;
  • strengthening the outfit;
  • implementation of round-the-clock duty;
  • return to the location of some units;
  • checking all available weapons and equipment;
  • supplying combat training equipment with ammunition;
  • checking alarms and others;
  • preparing archives for delivery;
  • officers and warrant officers are equipped with weapons and ammunition;
  • officers are transferred to barracks position.

After checking the military base of a given level, the readiness of the unit for possible changes in the regime is determined, the amount of material reserves, weapons and transport required for this level for the removal of military personnel and officers to places of mobilization is checked. Increased combat readiness is used primarily for training purposes, since operating in this mode is expensive for the country.

Third degree of readiness

In a regime of military danger, combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which all equipment is withdrawn to a reserve area, and army units and subunits raised on alert quickly set out to carry out tasks. Functions of the army in the third degree of combat readiness ( official name which - “military danger”) are the same. The war begins with the announcement of an alarm.

This level of combat readiness is characterized by:

  • All branches of troops are withdrawn to the concentration point. Each unit or formation is located in two prepared areas at a distance of 30 km from the permanent deployment point. One of the areas is considered secret and is not equipped with utilities.
  • According to the laws of war, personnel are supplemented with cartridges, grenades, gas masks, anti-chemical packages and individual first-aid kits. Units of any military branches receive everything they need at concentration points. In the army Russian Federation tank forces After arriving at the place designated by the command, they are refueled and equipped with ammunition. Other types of units also receive everything they need.
  • The dismissal of persons whose term of service has expired is cancelled.
  • Work on accepting new conscripts is stopped.

Compared to the two previous levels of combat readiness, this level is characterized by high financial costs.

Full combat readiness

In the fourth degree of war, army units and formations of the Armed Forces are in a state of highest combat readiness. This regime provides for measures aimed at transitioning from a peaceful situation to a military one. To accomplish the task set by the military leadership, personnel and officers are completely mobilized.

At full combat readiness the following are provided:

  • 24/7 duty.
  • Carrying out combat coordination. This event means that all units and formations in which personnel reductions were made are staffed again.
  • Using encrypted coded or other classified communications, orders are given to military personnel and officers. Commands may also be given in writing and delivered by hand. If orders are given orally, they must be subsequently confirmed in writing.

Bringing to combat readiness depends on the situation. BG can be carried out sequentially or bypassing intermediate stages. Full readiness can be declared in the event of a direct invasion. After the troops are brought to the highest level of combat readiness, a report is made from the commanders of units and formations to the highest authorities.

When else is the fourth level of readiness carried out?

Full combat readiness in the absence of a direct invasion is carried out with the purpose of checking a particular district. Also, this declared degree of BG may indicate the beginning of hostilities. Checking full combat readiness is carried out in very rare cases. This is due to the fact that the state spends a lot of money to finance this level. The declaration of full combat readiness throughout the country can be carried out for the purpose of global check all divisions. In each country, according to security rules, only a few units can be constantly in the fourth level BG mode: border guard, anti-missile, anti-aircraft and radio technical units. This is due to the fact that in the current conditions a strike can be delivered at any minute. These troops are constantly concentrated in the required positions. Like regular army units, these units also engage in combat training, but in case of danger they are the first to act. Especially in order to respond to aggression in a timely manner, the budgets of many countries provide funding for individual army units. The state is unable to support the rest in this regime.


The effectiveness of checking the readiness of the Armed Forces to repel an attack is possible if secrecy is maintained. Traditionally, combat readiness in Russia is under close scrutiny Western countries. According to European and American analysts, attacks carried out by the Russian Federation always end with the appearance of Russian special forces.

The collapse of the Warsaw bloc and the advance of NATO forces to the east are considered by Russia as a potential threat, and therefore are the reason for the subsequent adequate military activity of the Russian Federation.

Combined arms combat forms the basis of combined arms (joint, amphibious, anti-landing) operations and is carried out by the combined efforts of all troops participating in it, using tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), artillery, weapons air defense, airplanes, helicopters, other weapons and military equipment. It is characterized by transience, high maneuverability, intensity and decisiveness, the deployment of combat operations on the ground and in the air, simultaneous fire and radio-electronic impact on the entire depth of the formation of the parties, a complex tactical situation and its sudden changes, a variety of methods used to perform combat missions .

Modern combined arms combat requires that the formations, units and subunits participating in it : high combat readiness, continuous reconnaissance; skillful use of weapons and military equipment, means of protection and camouflage; high mobility and organization; full tension of all moral and physical strength, an unshakable will to win; high military discipline and cohesion. This is achieved by: high combat training, conscious fulfillment of one’s military duty, perseverance, courage, bravery and the readiness of personnel in any conditions to achieve complete victory over the enemy, meaning, to their combat Everyday life and needs, high demands on them, instilling in subordinates faith in the rightness of our cause, devotion to the homeland and government.

In modern combined arms combat, a variety of forces and means will be widely used in various combinations with full use of their combat capabilities. Our units and units are equipped big amount a variety of modern first-class combat equipment.

The basic principles of modern combined arms combat are: constant combat readiness of units; decisiveness, activity and continuity of combat; coordinated use of units of military branches, special troops; other troops and military formations and maintaining continuous interaction between them; surprise of actions and the use of military cunning (measures to deceive the enemy); concentrating the main efforts of units in the main direction and at the decisive moment; maneuver by units, strikes and fire and combination of fire with movement; modern restoration of the combat capability of units and comprehensive support for combat; the use of moral and psychological factors in the interests of fulfilling the assigned task; firm and continuous management of departments.

The constant combat readiness of units lies in the ability to enter into battle at any time in an organized manner, on time, and successfully complete assigned tasks.

The most important elements of combat readiness are: knowledge of upcoming tasks and timely, still in Peaceful time, carrying out activities to prepare for their implementation, high combat training; maintaining weapons and military equipment in readiness for immediate use; maintenance of military equipment reserves in required sizes; constant readiness to repel a surprise enemy attack; high moral and psychological state, discipline and vigilance of personnel.

Combat readiness- this is a state of the Armed Forces in which they are capable at any moment and in the most difficult conditions situation to repel and thwart enemy aggression, no matter where it comes from and no matter what means and methods are used for this, including nuclear weapons.

The most important elements of combat readiness are:

Knowledge of upcoming tasks and timely, even in peacetime, measures to prepare for their implementation;

High combat skills;

Maintaining weapons and military equipment in readiness for immediate use;

High moral and psychological state, discipline and vigilance of personnel.

Requirements for combat readiness:

1. The combat readiness of troops located in border areas and in the interior of the country must ensure, at any time of the year and day, in any climatic and physical-geographical conditions, the organized transition of formations and units within the time limits established for them from peacetime conditions to martial law.

2. Combat readiness - must ensure the rapid withdrawal of troops from places of permanent deployment, in order to avoid loss of combat capability from nuclear strikes enemy in short time and fulfillment of assigned tasks with the outbreak of war.

3. Combat readiness - must ensure warning of a potential enemy in preparing and organizing an attack.

Troop mobilization this is the process of systematic and organized deployment of troops and naval forces to wartime levels with additional staffing in a timely manner with personnel called up from the reserve, provision of equipment and materiel from resources National economy, combat coordination of troops and bringing them into full combat readiness to carry out combat missions.

Constant combat readiness units is the ability to engage in battle at any time in an organized manner, on time, and successfully complete assigned tasks.

Constant combat readiness of units is achieved:

Correct understanding by unit commanders of their tasks and skillful preparation of troops, anticipation of possible changes in the situation and timely implementation of the necessary measures to prepare for upcoming actions;

The staffing and provision of units with everything necessary for combat;

High combat training of units and their readiness to act in conditions of the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction;

Constant readiness of weapons and military equipment for use, and personnel to carry out assigned tasks;

Placement of units taking into account their purpose; continuous reconnaissance;

Clear organization and vigilant performance of service;

Organized and rapid bringing of units to combat readiness;

Organizing and maintaining firm and continuous management of departments.

Conclusion: Thus, the combat readiness of units is an assessment of the entire life and activity of the troops, and you, as future officers, are obliged to study military affairs, and then pass on your skills and knowledge to your subordinates and strengthen the combat readiness of the troops in every possible way.

Question #2: « Degrees of combat readiness, their content and procedure for their introduction ».

The Ministry of Defense has established 4 levels of combat readiness:

Combat readiness "Constant";

Combat readiness "Increased";

Combat readiness "Military danger";

Combat readiness "Full."

Based on the Deployment Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on military doctrine of the republic, each military unit has a specific purpose for a special period (explain the provisions of the special period:

Law on Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Law on martial law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

The law on the transition of the state to martial law), and the military unit and its staff in peacetime draw up and constantly improve the Plan for bringing the military unit to various degrees of combat readiness.

Let us consider the events carried out in a military unit during various degrees combat readiness:

1. “Constant” combat readiness b - this is an everyday condition

formations and units contained in peacetime states and time sheets and the provision of all types of military reserves capable of moving into high readiness, into a state of “military danger” or full combat readiness within the established time limits.

The allocated units and subunits are on combat duty and carry out combat missions in accordance with combat training plans.

Units and headquarters are on 24-hour duty. Formations and units of all types of troops with allocated forces are on combat duty.

Military equipment and weapons are kept in constant combat readiness in accordance with the norms and procedures established by orders and directives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Materials and technical means are stored in warehouses or on machines. Ready for delivery and withdrawal to concentration areas. In formations and units of reduced strength:

Ammunition, fuels and lubricants and other material and technical means are stored for a specified period of time in warehouses;

Equipment at reception points for personnel and equipment is kept ready for loading and transportation to the mobilization area.

2. Combat readiness “Increased”- this is an intermediate state between constant combat readiness and a state of “military danger”, introduced to carry out a number of measures aimed at reducing the time it takes to bring formations and units into readiness to carry out their assigned tasks.

At this level of combat readiness:

At headquarters of all levels and in military registration and enlistment offices, 24-hour duty is established for generals and officers from among the leadership. Security and defense of garrisons, important facilities, headquarters and command posts are established, additional posts are set up, and patrols are organized. Formations, units and subunits located at training grounds and training areas return to their garrisons. By additional order, personnel are called back from vacations and business trips. Armament and Combat vehicles is given in combat status. Enlisted personnel undergoing training and automotive equipment supplied from the national economy are in the troops until further notice. The dismissal of persons who have served their terms of active service is suspended.

Military stocks of material and technical means are loaded into combat vehicles and motor transport.

Excess stocks (in excess of mobile standards) of material and technical means, barracks funds, educational equipment and property are being prepared for transfer.

Time to bring headquarters, formations and institutions Ground Forces“High” combat readiness is set to no more than 4 hours.

3.Combat readiness "Military danger" » - this is a state in which formations, units, and subunits withdrawn to areas of concentration are quickly brought into readiness to carry out tasks in accordance with their purpose. Bringing formations, units and subunits into combat readiness for “military danger” is carried out on a combat alert.

Connections, parts constant readiness and the control bodies of communications, security and service units are staffed according to wartime staffing levels and are made ready to carry out combat missions, reduced personnel, personnel and newly formed ones are taken from the organizational reserve. core and are preparing for mobilization.

At this level of combat readiness:

Formations, units of all branches of the armed forces, on combat alert, go to the concentration area (for each formation, part of the establishment), two or three areas are prepared, remote no closer than 10-15 km. from the point of permanent deployment, one of which is secret, not equipped in engineering terms.

The end time for exiting military camps from the moment the combat alert is declared should not exceed:

- from combat readiness “constant” - 1 hour in summer, 1 hour 30 minutes in winter;

- from “increased” combat readiness – 40 minutes in summer, 1 hour in winter.

Establish the time for bringing formations and units in concentration areas into readiness to perform tasks:

Without additional staffing to wartime levels:

- with additional staffing to wartime levels - no more than 12 hours.

Reception time org. core and deployment of a personnel reception point and equipment reception point should not exceed 8 hours.

All types of weapons and military equipment are brought into readiness for combat use.

Personnel are issued cartridges, grenades, steel helmets, secret gas masks, dosimeters, dressings and anti-chemical bags.

Dismissal of persons who have served the established terms of active service and the next conscription young replenishment is suspended.

4. Combat readiness “Full”- this is the state of the highest readiness of formations and units withdrawn to designated areas, having completed the entire range of measures for transferring from a peaceful to a military situation, including full mobilization and direct preparation for combat operations, ensuring an organized entry into battle and the successful completion of the assigned task. Bringing troops to “full” combat readiness is carried out on a combat alert.

At this level of combat readiness:

On command posts Full shifts of combat crews are on duty around the clock.

Formations and units of reduced strength, cadres and newly formed ones are staffed according to wartime standards, combat coordination is carried out and brought to “full” combat readiness.

Formations and units are prepared to perform tasks for their operational purposes.

The time for bringing formations and units from constant combat readiness to “full” combat readiness is to establish:

- without additional staffing to wartime staff:

a) from “constant” combat readiness – no more than 5 hours.

b) from “increased” combat readiness – no more than 4 hours.

- with additional staffing to wartime staff:

Organizational and methodological instructions

Leader actions:

1. Announces the educational question and the procedure for working it out.

2. Presents the material of the educational question, using a presentation on this topic, while monitoring the work of students in taking notes.

3. After presenting the educational question, answers students’ questions, conducts a quiz on the material of the educational question, and evaluates students’ answers.

Trainee actions:

1. Listen to the lesson leader and take notes.

2. If necessary, after finishing the presentation of the material of the educational question, ask the supervisor questions.

3. Answer test questions based on the material of the educational question.

The procedure for bringing a military unit to the highest levels of combat readiness is determined by a plan developed by the headquarters under the direct supervision of the commander of the military unit and approved by the senior commander (chief). It should provide:

procedure for notifying personnel and units;

actions of the duty officer at the military unit (operational duty officer) and other persons daily outfit;

actions of duty forces and means;

the assembly area of ​​the military unit, assembly points for units and the procedure for the entry of personnel into them, the withdrawal (removal) of weapons, military and other equipment, and other materiel;

areas of concentration of a military unit and the location of units in them, as well as the starting line (point), routes and order of advance of the military unit;

measures for comprehensive provision of the military unit;

organization of management and communications;

the procedure for removing (removing) the Battle Banner of a military unit;

the procedure for issuing weapons, ammunition and other materiel;

organization of commandant service when entering areas of assembly and concentration;

officials who have the right to bring a unit to the highest levels of combat readiness;

other necessary activities.

Units and units are brought to the level of combat readiness MILITARY DANGER and FULL by the signal “ Combat alert”, and to the INCREASED degree - by the “Collection” signal.

In order to ensure the high-quality implementation of activities and the scope of work in direct preparation for the execution of a combat mission in accordance with the plan for bringing the unit to full combat readiness, the combat calculation of personnel actions is being practiced in the units.

The combat crew states:

The procedure for notifying military personnel serving under a contract and living outside the unit’s location;

The procedure for obtaining weapons and ammunition, equipment and property;

The procedure for removal (removal) of property and material resources;

The order of security and defense of the unit's location;

Teams assigned from the unit and the order of their departure;

Actions of personnel in areas of unit assembly and concentration.

Upon receipt of the “Combat Alert” signal, the company duty officer confirms the receipt of the signal, makes sure of its reliability, notes the time of arrival to the unit and then acts in accordance with the provisions of the “Instructions for the Company Duty Officer.”

Depending on the time of day the signal is received, the company duty officer organizes the rise or collection of personnel to the company location, using telephone communications, sound alarms, and orderlies. As a rule, personnel who are on scheduled classes in educational buildings and near the location of units at facilities with which there is no communication are notified. Upon arrival of personnel at the location (upon the arrival of personnel), the company duty officer issues weapons and equipment stored in the weapons storage room, sends messengers for military personnel serving under a contract, and for some reason absent from the unit’s location, gives the command to build teams allocated from the unit and departing for the park to remove equipment from storage and prepare it for departure to the concentration area. A record of the issue of weapons is made in the Book of Issue of Weapons and Ammunition in the designated area.

Before officers or company sergeants arrive at the unit, the duty officer directs the actions of the personnel. Using the forces of the company squad, he organizes the security of the location, checks the availability and numerical strength of the teams allocated from the unit, and sends them to the work sites, monitors the arrival of messengers and their dispatch to the teams. With the arrival of one of the officers or the company sergeant major in the company, the company duty officer reports to the arrival about the time the signal was received, the list and content of the activities carried out in the unit on given time, and acts according to his instructions.

Upon receiving a command from the company duty officer to raise the unit on combat alert, the orderly acts in accordance with the “Company Orderly Instructions”, and also follows the instructions of the duty officer to notify (raise) and assemble personnel, send commands according to the combat crew, protect the location, and control the arrival messengers.

When the company is alerted, deputy platoon commanders organize, if necessary, blackout of the location, receipt of weapons, equipment and property transported to the concentration area, withdraw personnel to the places indicated for formation, check the availability of weapons, equipment and other property, complete the teams allocated from units, report to the company duty officer and organize the departure of teams to the combat vehicle fleet and to work sites according to the combat crew.

Personnel with weapons, personal protective equipment, and property depart in accordance with the established procedure to their places of work according to the combat crew.

Related information.

  • Level of combat training of personnel;
  • Level of moral and psychological training of military personnel;
  • Preparedness of commanders and staffs for upcoming hostilities;
  • The technical condition of standard military equipment and weapons and its compliance with modern requirements;
  • Level of staffing of the formations;
  • Availability of material reserves of any kind for combat operations.

Activities to maintain combat readiness

Below is a list internal events in the Armed Forces to maintain combat readiness:

  • Constant combat training in all types of training:
    • Drill;
    • Tactical training;
    • Physical training;
    • Fire training;
    • Engineering training;
    • Chemical preparation;
    • And other types of training;
    • Combat coordination classes.
  • Conducting command post exercises (operational training);
  • Conducting military exercises;
  • Moral and psychological educational work with personnel;
  • Social and legal work with personnel and crime prevention in the military environment;
  • Work on personnel motivation (financial incentives and career prospects);
  • Maintenance of military equipment and weapons;
  • Constant control of counterintelligence agencies;
  • Periodic drill inspections military units;
  • Periodic inspection of the combat readiness of formations and military units;
  • Maintaining the required level of material reserves of any plan for combat operations.

External conditions affecting combat readiness

The combat readiness of the Armed Forces, regardless of state affiliation, depends on the following external factors:

  • Sufficient funding of the military budget;
  • A positive image of the Armed Forces in the public consciousness, in order to attract candidates for military service;
  • Systematic rearmament of troops modern types weapons and equipment;
  • The economic capabilities of the state to conduct long-term full-scale fighting;
  • Capabilities and state of the state’s transport system

Degrees of combat readiness

IN armed forces different states establish their own list levels of combat readiness. They correspond to various modes of functioning of units and military units - from which they can begin to carry out a combat mission within a certain time frame, established in a documentary manner and enshrined in the service instructions of each serviceman for his position. With each subsequent degree of combat readiness, the time required to be ready to conduct combat operations is reduced. Higher degree of combat readiness means that a specific formation is ready to immediately begin combat operations.
For example, in the USSR Armed Forces there were 4 degrees combat readiness:

  1. Constant- represented the normal daily functioning of military units and formations in peacetime, engaged in combat training and organization of direct security, garrison and guard service.
  2. Increased- characterized by the following activities: full collection of personnel, additional personnel, checking the condition of equipment and weapons, combat coordination exercises, preparation for redeployment, preparation of material reserves and transport.
  3. Military danger- activities carried out after the announcement of a combat alert: departure of formations to the concentration area, receipt of provisions and communications equipment, ammunition and protective equipment, organization of guard security.
  4. Full- moving troops to positions, receiving combat missions, deploying fire weapons, organizing commandant service and combat security.

The names of the established degrees of combat readiness were always indicated in capital letters and were not declined.

Practical meaning of the introduction levels of combat readiness has two reasons:

  1. The order of measures for the phased deployment of troops, necessary for the deployment of troops, the mobilization of those liable for military service, the preparation of material reserves necessary for combat operations, the reactivation of military equipment and weapons located in warehouses, etc.
  2. The fact is that the Armed forces of any state are not able to keep in constant voltage both personnel and to mobilize financial and material resources for this.

Specifics of levels of combat readiness for certain types of troops

In the modern era, due to the presence of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery of warheads in many states, which provide the possibility of sudden large-scale use capable of causing irreparable damage to a combat unit in a matter of minutes, ground units, aviation and navy must be constantly ready to begin hostilities. In order to ensure this, modern armed forces of almost all countries in the world provide for the maintenance of troops to a degree constant combat readiness, which, in turn, is ensured thanks to the constant staffing of troops with personnel, weapons, ammunition and other means necessary for the speedy entry into hostilities and the performance of combat missions.
But in order to ensure complete security of the state, for some branches of the military there are special degrees of combat readiness, in which the periods of phased deployment and the period of readiness for combat operations are extremely compressed, and for them there is actually no gradation according to levels of combat readiness- since they are constantly in full combat readiness:

The listed types of troops are always ready to immediately begin combat operations, according to the profile of the combat missions they solve.

Combat duty

The highest form of maintaining combat readiness both in peacetime and in war time is combat duty(DB) .
In peacetime, combat duty includes the organization of direct security, garrison and guard service. In wartime, this also includes the organization of sentry and combat security, as well as the commandant service under the legislative special status described in the law on the introduction of martial law in the state.
Practical purpose of combat duty in peacetime and wartime:

  • Monitoring the state of the operational and tactical situation;
  • Control over the security of military facilities and military camps (garrison and guard service);
  • Monitoring the situation in military garrisons (commandant service);
  • Control over the movement of military personnel Vehicle and columns (road commandant service);
  • consolidation of military personnel's skills in vigilance, development of tolerance to long-term stress, the ability to take right decisions V different situations according to military regulations and service instructions, training in responsibility for decisions made.

the procedure for notifying military personnel serving under a contract and living outside the unit’s location;

the procedure for obtaining weapons and ammunition, equipment and property;

procedure for removal (removal) of property and material resources;

the order of security and defense of the unit's location;

teams assigned from the unit, time and order of their departure. The contents of the combat crew are clarified daily at the evening roll call.

4.2.2. Emergency equipment for personnel

To successfully complete the tasks facing the unit, in addition to planning, the unit commander needs Special attention devote to personnel training.

An important place here is occupied by his equipment, which includes:

1. Field equipment.

2. Means of protection.

3. Supply of food and water.

4. Entrenching tool.

5. Personal items.

6. Personal medical first aid equipment. Let's consider the composition of the equipment elements.

Field equipment is a set of items intended for

carrying by military personnel personal weapons, ammunition, protective equipment, entrenching tools, food and water supplies, and personal items.

The composition of a set of field equipment for a serviceman, based on the experience of the troops, is determined by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 340 (Appendix 2).

Items of field equipment are stored in units assembled on a waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) without ammunition.

The equipment is periodically inspected, disassembled and cleaned and any deficiencies found are eliminated.

Means of protection:


combined arms protective kit (OZK).

Food supply - dry rations or combat food rations (nutrition).

Entrenching tool – small sapper shovel. Personal items:

pot, mug, spoon;


household items (accessories, accessories for the care of uniforms and shoes);


spare foot wraps (socks);

one pair of underwear (if necessary);

steel helmet;


Personal medical products:

personal first aid kit;

individual dressing packages;

means for disinfecting individual water supplies;

individual anti-chemical package.

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1997 No. 210 determined the procedure for wearing and placing elements of a serviceman’s equipment.

On the waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) are located:

flask in case - left back;

grenade bag - front left;

small shovel in a case - right back;

shopping bag - front right.

IN The duffel backpack always contains:

a cauldron with a mug and spoon placed in it;


a steel helmet if it is not used in everyday life.

WITH Upon receiving a signal to put the unit on combat readiness, the duffel backpack is replenished with other things and dry rations (combat food rations). In this case, toiletries, a towel and household items are placed in the pockets of a duffel backpack.

To make it easier to store toiletries, departments make fabric bags.

Stockings and gloves are worn on a waist belt (unloading vest, body armor) in a case on the right back (behind the case with a shovel), and a raincoat is attached to the backpack.

Place a protective coat, stockings and gloves in the duffel backpack


Personal first aid equipment is located:

personal first aid kit - in the left breast pocket of the jacket;

individual dressing bags - in the sleeve pockets of the jacket;

means for disinfecting individual water supplies - in the right patch pocket of the trousers;

individual anti-chemical package - in the gas mask bag.

4.2.3. Organization of training on combat readiness

The determining element of a unit's combat readiness is its combat effectiveness, which in peacetime conditions depends on combat training.

Combat training is understood as a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel, their moral, psychological and physical qualities, training and coherence of the unit to perform tasks in accordance with their purpose.

Unit training should be carried out during planned exercises and combat readiness drills, during planned and unannounced inspections carried out by senior commanders, as well as during tactical exercises.

Scheduled training on combat readiness with personnel is carried out at the beginning of each training period. Combat training programs provide for 3 combat readiness classes, each lasting 6 hours. The first lesson is carried out as part of a company, a separate platoon; the second - as part of a battalion; the third is in the composition.

Consistent coordination of units is carried out by the method of tactical drills, first in elements with repeated repetition, first of all, of those actions of personnel that are difficult for them to perceive or slowly assimilate, and then in combination with practicing all the measures to bring the unit into combat readiness.

In addition to training, these classes should also pursue such goals as checking the reality of developed plans, calculations and finding new ways and means of reducing the time it takes to transfer a unit from peacetime to wartime.

Based on the goals, it is advisable to conduct the first lesson in two stages: the first - lasting up to 4 hours - during daylight hours, the second - lasting 2 hours - in dark time days.

To conduct classes, training places are equipped at the company location: in the dormitory, a storage room for storing company property and personal belongings of military personnel, a room for storing weapons, as well as a training place for training persons on daily duty.

The following may be posted at training places for personnel:

1. In the sleeping area - a diagram of the stages and sequence of actions of personnel according to signals, a diagram of assigning windows to military personnel performing blackout, indicating the main and reserve use

workers, a poster with the conditions for meeting the standards for notifying and assembling company personnel, for the departure of drivers to the park, loading and unloading teams to warehouses, etc.

2. Before entering the weapons storage room, there is a schedule for receiving weapons, indicating the priority and time standards for receiving weapons and gas masks.

3. At the entrance to the pantry - a diagram showing the procedure for equipping military personnel, receiving and removing property.

At the training place for training the daily work order, all the documentation defining the content and sequence of its actions is laid out:

book of evening verification of the company with the combat crew, instructions to the company duty officer in case of alarm and muster, documents for recording departing teams (messengers, drivers, loading teams, etc.).

The purpose of the training places equipped in the park is determined by the content of the activities carried out by personnel to remove automotive equipment from storage, make it ready for use and bring it to the concentration area.

To conduct the lesson, the company commander draws up a summary plan (Appendix 3). The order of the lesson may be as follows.

In the introductory part, the company commander announces the topic, goals, educational issues, the procedure for conducting the lesson, resembles the content of the degrees of combat readiness, tests the personnel’s knowledge of warning signals, methods of their transmission (receipt) to the company and duties according to the combat crew.

Then the company commander distributes the platoons to training places, indicates the training time for them, and determines the order of replacement at training places.

IN Over the next hour, the platoon commanders in the deployment practice in the platoons the actions of the persons on daily duty and each serviceman from the moment of notification until the formation of teams to proceed to the places of further actions. During the lesson, personnel master the actions of alerting, raising and gathering on alarm, performing blackouts, receiving weapons and property, leaving messengers, drivers and other teams for their intended purpose.

Classes at the company location end with a 50-minute comprehensive training session on performing all activities within the company. At the same time, special attention is paid to the organization and coherence of the actions of personnel when receiving weapons, personal protective equipment and other property, equipment, timely formation and departure of teams, the correctness of actions of persons on daily duty and senior teams.

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