What kind of sea is there in America? Currents, seas and oceans washing South America

Full name United States of America Region North America Form of government Federal Republic Capital Washington Area, km 2 4 in the world 9 372 610 Population, people. 3 in the world 310,241,000

If the current rate of population growth continues, the US population will be:
in 2020 - 342 021 065 people
in 2030 - 377 056 575 people
in 2050 - 458 262 000 people
in 2075 - 584 787 398 people
in 2100 - 746 246 254 people

Population growth, per year 116 in the world 0,98% 3,040,362 people Average duration
life, years 78.1 (men 75.2, women 81) 30 in the world
(34 - men, 30 - women)
Population density, people/km 2,141 in the world 33.1 Official language English Currency US dollar International telephone code 1 Zone in Internet .us Time zones

00:18 (31.03) — 05:18 (31.03) the site does not track transitions to summer time, so the data provided may not be accurate

UTC-10 — UTC-5 International organizations, which includes the United States of America NATO (since 1949), APEC, G8 Borders by land Canada, Mexico Access to the seas and oceans Pacific, Atlantic oceans
Bering, Beaufort Sea
Gulf of Mexico

The USA is the fourth largest and third most populous country in the world. The country occupies the south North America and its northwest (Alaska), as well as some islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The USA is one of three countries that is washed by three oceans at once: the Pacific (and its Bering Sea in particular), the Arctic (with the Beaufort Sea), the Atlantic (and its Gulf of Mexico from South).

The term “America” comes from the Latin version of the name of the Italian traveler Amerigo Vespucci, who was the first to describe his travels in great detail for the general public. New World. The term "United States" was first used in the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, not yet as the name of the country, but only to indicate that the individual States were united in their decision to become independent.

America is one of the parts of the world that consists of two continents: South and North America. These two continents are connected to each other by the Isthmus of Panama. The peculiarity of America is that it is washed by oceans and seas on all sides. So, what ocean washes America?
Pacific Ocean
If we start listing the oceans that wash America, then, first of all, we should pay attention to the Pacific Ocean. After all, it has the largest area and rich history. The ocean area is approximately 178 million square kilometers. This area is almost equal to the area of ​​all the continents on the planet. Such an ocean was first discovered by the famous traveler Fernand Magellan. It was he who called this ocean the Pacific. But, in fact, it is not as quiet as its name says. The waters of the Pacific Ocean were first studied in the 19th century.

Considering that this ocean washes quite most continent, many states are engaged in fishing. For some, this activity is the only way survive in such difficult conditions. Not only fish is used for fishing, but also various algae, which are used to prepare various dishes and treat diseases.
Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean

As already mentioned, America is washed by several oceans. Atlantic material can be placed in second place. What ocean separates Africa and America, you ask. Precisely Atlantic. The ocean area is about 92 million square kilometers. Average depth Atlantic Ocean is 3736 meters. Near the coast of America is the deepest depression of the ocean - Puerto Rico. The depth of this depression is more than 8742 meters.
The waters of the Atlantic Ocean contain quite a lot of fish and algae that can be used in fishing. Anchovies, tuna, sardines and much more are widely used for fishing. Now, knowing this information, when you are asked which ocean washes America and Africa, you will definitely say the Atlantic.
The Arctic Ocean

In addition, the shores of America are washed by the Arctic Ocean. In this case, we are not talking about all of America, but only about countries such as Canada and the USA. The area of ​​this ocean is almost 15 million square meters. The average depth is 1225 meters, but the most deep point is located in the Greenland Sea. Its depth is more than 5527 meters.
The Arctic Ocean is distinguished by its poor fauna and flora. This is due to the harsh climatic conditions. Of course, in some places, such as the Barents Sea, there is quite a variety of fish and algae that can be used in industrial purposes. In such an ocean you can find the largest mussels, jellyfish and corals. IN Lately there was a rapid increase in the number cod fish. This phenomenon is explained by rising temperatures in some regions. This will have a positive impact on the economies of many countries that border this ocean.

brief information

The USA, by European standards, is considered a young state that was formed in late XVIII century. Now this country influences the policies of most other countries in the world. Tourists there will see huge metropolises and amazingly beautiful natural attractions (for example, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and the Kilauea volcano). In addition, tourists in the USA will find ski resorts with developed infrastructure, as well as luxury beach resorts.

US Geography

USA is located in North America. The United States of America borders Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, and Russia to the east across the Bering Strait. In the north the country is washed by the Arctic Ocean, in the west by the Pacific Ocean, and in the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The United States also includes several islands in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean (American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.), as well as Alaska and the Hawaiian archipelago. Total area – 9,826,675 sq. km., and the total length state border– 12,034 km.

In the east of the country along the Atlantic coast there is the Appalachian mountain system, behind which stretches Central Plain With big rivers. To the west is the Cordillera mountain system, in front of which lie the Great Plains. The highest local peak is Mount McKinley in Alaska, whose height reaches 6,194 meters.

A huge number of rivers flow through the United States, the largest of which are the Missouri (4,127 km), Mississippi (3,757 km), Yukon (3,700 km), Arkansas (2,364 km) and Columbia (2,250 km).

In the north, near the border with Canada, are the famous freshwater Great Lakes - Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario and Michigan.

Tornadoes and hurricanes often occur in the United States, causing a lot of destruction. Tornadoes are common in the region between the Rocky Mountains and mountain system Appalachia (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri). As for hurricanes, they most often occur in southern states, on east coast and Hawaii in the Pacific.


Washington is the capital of the USA. More than 700 thousand people now live in the city. Washington was founded in 1791.

Official language of the USA

There is one in the USA official language- English.


More than 78% of the population are Christians (51% of them are Protestants, 23% are Catholics). There are also many Jews, Buddhists and Muslims.

US government

According to the Constitution, the United States is a parliamentary constitutional federal republic, the head of which is the President, elected by indirect elections for a term of 4 years.

The local bicameral parliament is called Congress, it consists of the Senate (100 senators, two from each state) and the House of Representatives (435 deputies).

Despite the fact that there are many different parties in the United States, politic system This country is virtually bipartisan. Main political parties – Democratic Party And Republican Party. In practice, representatives of only these two parties can become President of the United States.

Administratively, the country is divided into 50 states. federal district Colombia with Washington, as well as on island territories under US control (Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, etc.).

Climate and weather

The climate is very diverse, varying depending on the region. In Hawaii, for example, and in Florida, the climate is tropical, and in Alaska it is subarctic. In the southwest of the country there are many deserts and semi-deserts, in the coastal regions of California the climate is Mediterranean, and on the west coast the climate is maritime. In general, the climate in the continental part of the country is temperate.

Peak tourist season falls in the summer (June, July and August). During the rest of the year, tourists to the USA come to big holidays– Christmas and Easter week. In New York, for example, tourists come all year round, regardless of the time of year.

Please note that some American states are prone to tornadoes and hurricanes. Thus, tornadoes are typical for the region between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian mountain system (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri), and hurricanes - for the southern states, on the east coast and for Hawaii.

Seas and oceans of the USA

In the north the country is washed by the Arctic Ocean, in the west by the Pacific Ocean, and in the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the coastline is 19,924 km.

Rivers and lakes

More than 250,000 rivers flow through the United States. The largest of them are Missouri (4,127 km), Mississippi (3,757 km), Yukon (3,700 km), Arkansas (2,364 km) and Columbia (2,250 km).

In the north, near the border with Canada, there are the famous freshwater Great Lakes - Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario and Michigan, in the vicinity of which many American Indian tribes once lived.

US history

The US state was formed at the end of the 18th century from several English colonies that were able to achieve independence from Great Britain. At the very beginning, the United States consisted of 13 states, but as a result of active policies, Spanish and English colonies, as well as the lands of Indians and Mexicans, were seized. As a result, the United States of America now consists of 50 states.

After two world wars, the United States doubled its political and economic impact in the world, always being on the winning side.

Now the United States is one of the main founding sponsors of the UN, as well as the leader of the NATO military bloc.


The multicultural American society also determines the diversity of American culture. For most foreigners, American culture is known by Hollywood films. Of course, these films reflect American culture in some way, but traditions local residents in fact, they are deeper - they are rooted in the culture of the American Indians and European settlers.

Most Americans cannot imagine their lives without American football, hockey and basketball. At the end of every February, almost half of Americans simply do not go to work to watch the American Football League finals. Almost the same situation is repeated at the end of April, when the matches of the Stanley Cup hockey finals begin.

Every March, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to New Orleans to see the now legendary Mardi Gras festival. In New York and Chicago, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated every March - a holiday for all Irish people.

Every year on October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween, which has recently become a global holiday.

On the last Thursday of every November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day, during which every American family should have roast turkey and pumpkin pie on the table.

The largest American holidays are Christmas and Easter. During these holidays, Americans exchange gifts and show various theatrical performances, most often, of course, of a religious nature.

US cuisine

There is an opinion that American cuisine represents the dishes offered in fast food restaurants. But in fact, American cuisine is not limited to fast food at all - it has a lot delicious dishes, characteristic of one or another American state, and which have nothing to do with fast food restaurants.

The main feature of American cuisine is its diversity. The USA as a state was formed by immigrants from different countries of the world. Immigrants settled compactly in their new homeland, bringing with them new culinary traditions. In the southern states local cuisine big influence influenced by African, Mexican and Spanish culinary traditions.

Staple foods include potatoes, corn, wheat, meat, vegetables, fish and seafood, including shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters, mussels and scallops.

Typical American dishes are apple pie, barbecue, steak, fried chicken, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, burritos, tacos, blueberry pie, sandwiches.

In New Orleans, for example, we recommend tourists to try pancakes and spicy, fried shrimp in Creole style, in New England - clam chowder, in Texas - barbecue, in Boston - white beans baked with molasses, in New York - chicken wings with hot pepper sauce, in Louisiana - stew or rice with herbs and spices, in San Francisco - tomato stewed fish, in Hawaii - Haupia coconut pudding, and in the Midwest - chicken steak.

Very often, cranberry sauce is served with a variety of dishes, which is considered an integral part of American cuisine. Guacamole (Mexican avocado sauce) is popular in the southern states.

Traditional soft drinks– lemonade, Orange juice, milk, sweet carbonated soft drinks.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are beer, wine and whiskey.

sightseeings of USA

The USA boasts a huge number of tourist attractions, ranging from the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago, natural wonders Yellowstone and Alaska, and ending with the sunny beaches of California, Florida and Hawaii. True, there are quite a few historical attractions in this country compared to Europe. The top ten best attractions in the USA, in our opinion, include the following:

  1. Grand Canyon in northern Arizona
  2. Manhattan (one of the five boroughs of New York)
  3. Yellowstone national park, founded in 1872
  4. Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
  5. Niagara Falls, located between New York State and the Canadian province of Ontario
  6. Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii
  7. Florida Keys archipelago in the southeastern United States
  8. Las Vegas
  9. Denali National Park in Alaska
  10. White House in Washington

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, Detroit and Seattle.

There are many great ones in the USA beach resorts. The most best beaches- These are Coopers Beach on the Atlantic coast of New York, Siesta Beach in Florida, Hanalei Bay in Hawaii, Coast Howard Beach in Massachusetts, and Coronado Beach in San Diego.

The United States is famous not only for its beach resorts, but also for its ski resorts. Among them, Killington, 250 km from Boston, Lake Placid in national park Adirondack and Whiteface near New York. American ski season ski resorts lasts from November to May.

There are also some excellent golf resorts in the US - Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa, Westin La Cantera and Barton Creek Resort and Spa in Texas.


Tourists from the USA bring jeans as souvenirs, chewing gum, cowboy hats, Statue of Liberty figurines, peanut butter, corn syrup, chocolate, beer.

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 08:00/09:00 - 16:00/17:00
Some banks are open on Saturdays.

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 17:00/21:00
Some shops are open on Saturdays and Sundays.


It is home to many countries, such as Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil. Almost each of them has access to the sea, since the size of the mainland is not too large. What kind of waters is it washed by?

Pacific Ocean

We should start listing the oceans that wash us from the Pacific. It is the oldest and largest on the planet, with an area of ​​178 million kilometers. In such a territory it would be easy to accommodate all the continents at the same time. The name is associated with the traveler who first visited the ocean in beautiful weather and was captivated by his calmness. It has an oval outline with the widest part at the equator. It was truly widely explored only in the nineteenth century, although the first expeditions to study the coastline of South America were carried out by James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan. Now a special international organization is dealing with these issues.

Near the Tuamotu Islands, the ocean is often stormy, but off the coast of South America the weather is stable, with light winds. Calm areas are characterized by periodic showers. The Pacific Ocean significantly influences life in South American countries. Many states engage in fishing in the water area, harvesting shellfish and crabs, and in some regions they grow edible algae.

Atlantic Ocean

When listing the oceans that wash South America, the second one worth mentioning is the Atlantic. It covers an area of ​​92 million square kilometers and is distinguished by the fact that it unites the polar regions of the earth. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs through the center of the ocean, along which various volcanic islands rise from the water. The most famous of them is Iceland. The deepest part is located off the coast of South America: the Puerto Rico depression reaches a depth of 8742 meters. In the tropical part, southeast trade winds blow and there are no cyclones; off the coast of Brazil they have green color, and in other areas dark blue predominates. Where the Amazon flows into the Atlantic, the water appears cloudy, and it is also a place of low salinity, which is why corals are not found here, but other animals and plants flourish in abundance. During the Great geographical discoveries the ocean was the most important waterway to South America.

Unofficial Southern Ocean

Even now there are many controversial topics in geography. The traditional answer to the question of which oceans wash South America involves two names. But there is another theory. According to it, the ring of waters separating the continent from Antarctica has the characteristics of a separate ocean. Despite the fact that the issue of borders remains complex, some scientists single out this territory. South ocean covers 86 million square kilometers, its average depth is about 3 kilometers, and the lowest point is the South Sandwich Trench. The coast of America has fairly gentle slopes, and at the bottom there are small ridges and basins. Currents and bottom sediments mainly affect Antarctica. In South America, it is difficult to detect the influence of this hypothetical ocean.

Caribbean Sea

The position of the continent greatly affects the lives of its inhabitants, industry and even climate. Studying the seas and oceans washing South America, it is not difficult to verify this. For example, the Caribbean Sea is a popular region for holiday travel and an oil-rich area. It is located in the north of South America, covering an area of ​​2 million square kilometers. It washes the shores of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. There are many coral reefs here. Coastline South America is full of all kinds of bays and bays. This territory is the only answer to the question of which seas wash South America, and is located in tropical climate with periodic hurricanes and precipitation from 250 to 9000 millimeters. Many fish and amphibians live here, and on the banks you can find a variety of birds. Magnificent beaches ensure constant popularity Caribbean Sea. The waters surrounding South America are popular among divers. However, ordinary travelers from Brazil, the USA and Canada also like to relax here.

Warm currents

When listing the seas and oceans that wash South America, many forget about currents. Meanwhile, this can be called a serious mistake, because it is they who often determine the climate on the coast. The warmest parts of South America can be called the Atlantic regions: this ocean is warmer than the Pacific. Particularly noteworthy are the shores washed by the Guiana and Brazilian currents; they are the most comfortable and make eastern part The mainland is a more popular destination for tourism.

Cold currents

The seas and oceans surrounding South America are quite warm, but still the difference in the waters can be extremely noticeable. IN Quiet place more, many of which pass close to the mainland. For example, near Antarctica, South America is washed by the Falkland Current and Western Winds. The latter was named so back in the era of great geographical discoveries. The west coast is also washed by the cold, which is why the climate and fauna in Peru are noticeably different from those in Brazil. At the same time, the location of the countries is quite similar. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the seas and oceans washing South America, but also currents.

If you ask Internet search engines a question about which ocean in the east of America is one of the largest in the world, you will definitely receive a unanimous answer: Atlantic. The very name of this ocean suggests that its scale is very large. This giant ocean is part of the World Ocean, and its waters make up 25% of all water resources planets. The Atlantic Ocean is the largest, the next largest ocean is the Pacific. An indicator such as water salinity is 35% in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is 329.7 million km? water, and its average depth is 3,600 meters, although more recently, having made the latest measurements, scientists received new, most accurate data, thanks to which they established that the average depth of this ocean is much greater and amounts to 4022 meters.

Why is the ocean called Atlantic?

There are several versions of this etymology.

The climatic conditions of each of these numerous marine regions of the planet directly depend on the Atlantic Ocean itself, which is connected to them with its waters and makes their diverse fauna and flora differ from each other, creating the uniqueness of each of these places on Earth and forcing tourists from all over the world to travel more and more often , getting to know different parts of the world.

How are all these seas and bays interconnected?

Residents of Asia, Europe and America can boast of their common Mediterranean Sea, whose area is 2,500 thousand km, and its volume is 3,839 thousand km?, and which connects in the northeast with Sea of ​​Marmara through the Dardanelles Strait, and with the Black Sea through the Bosporus Strait. It is also connected to the Red Sea, and this connection is made by the Suez Canal, located in the southeast of this body of water.

The Baltic Sea also interacts with the Atlantic Ocean and does so due to North Sea, and the Black Sea is connected to the ocean through the Marmara and Mediterranean seas. The Baltic Sea is inland and has an area of ​​385 thousand km, an average depth of 86 meters and a water volume of 21,700 km3. The Black Inland Sea, whose area is 413.5 thousand km, the average depth is 1000 m (the maximum depth is 2245 m), and the volume of water is almost 537 thousand km. cubic, is also part of the Atlantic Ocean, because in the southwest it is connected to the Sea of ​​Marmara by the Bosphorus Strait. As you can see, the Atlantic Ocean is the very, very ocean in the world! The biggest and most beautiful.

Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream is an important life-supporting phenomenon that has been formed over many centuries. Originating in the southeast of North America, this is an Atlantic Ocean current with a width of 75 km and a speed of 6-30 km/h. characterized primarily by warm top layer water and comfortable temperature at 26 degrees, and its current speed is 6-30 km/h. Thanks to people like this warm currents Atlantic Ocean, residents European countries located on its shores can enjoy a favorable and very mild climate, which is pleasant to be in, and especially to visit the beaches in the hot summer and swim in the warm sea waves. The Gulf Stream produces an amount of heat equal to what can be obtained artificially from 1 million nuclear power plants.

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