Class hour for high school students. For the classroom: interesting conversations for high school students

There is nothing more colorless than the character of a spineless person. (J. La Bruyère) Each person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him, the one that he attributes to himself, and, finally, the one that is in reality. (V. Hugo) A stubborn man can be broken, but cannot be bent. (Seneca)

Character traits These are stable forms of behavior that occur in a certain situation with a sufficiently greater probability. The so-called prediction of behavior. Sometimes, when speaking about some people whose character traits are clearly manifested, we use words that are a clear and accurate description of these people (hard worker, coward, etc.)

Extraversion (sociability) Collectivism Altruism Politeness Tactfulness Truthfulness Sensitivity, humanity Sincerity Goodwill Ideological principles Kindness Loyalty Disinterestedness Introversion (isolation) Individualism Egoism Rudeness Tactlessness Falsehood Cruelty Hypocrisy Envy Lack of ideas Unprincipled Malice Inconstancy Greed

Self-criticism Demanding Modesty Self-control Self-confidence Courage Honesty Pride Touchiness Cunning Stubbornness Uncriticality Undemanding Self-importance, arrogance, arrogance, boastfulness Confusion Suspiciousness Cowardice Dishonesty Compliance Accommodating Purposefulness

Recommendations on the development of character Be able to critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your character and behavior. Convince yourself of the need to become better, fairer and kinder (belief is a choice of behavior) Inspire yourself: “I want to become different. I will be like this. I'm already changing. I am already what I wanted to be.” Think before going to bed: “The day has not been spent in vain. Here is what I did useful. These are the mistakes he made. That's what needs to be done tomorrow." Stay always cheerful. Manage your mood. Don't get depressed. Learn to reward yourself for doing good deeds for yourself and others.

Grade 10
Grade 11

Is it easy for high school students (10th grade, 11th grade) to grow up at school? Probably not. Yes, they strive for this, strive to become more independent, mature, respected. Here are just ways of self-expression and ostentatious adulthood can be completely wrong. Some adjustments can be made cool hours in high school. School program, the authority of the teacher and parental education are one. They are not always enough. And here classroom for high school students, well-written and excitingly conducted, will allow teenagers to adapt more quickly and correctly, perhaps to direct or give an answer to many unknown, relevant or taboo topics.

It is noteworthy that many students consider classroom hours to be completely unnecessary, clearly optional, or boring and not interesting. The reason lies in the fact that the event is designed and carried out somewhat incorrectly. Often, a class hour for high school students is devoted exclusively to indicators and a discussion of academic performance or behavior. Topics are offered that are boring to them, irrelevant, from which, as the saying goes, “they grew up” follow the same scenario. Teachers are extremely busy, and classroom management is not only an organizational and effective form of education and communication. It is also accountability, responsibility, time. And time is a significant factor here. To spend an interesting, bright and useful class hour at school, you will have to prepare for at least two days:

  • selection of topics for high school
  • scenario development
  • search and processing of possible information on the topic
  • preparation of a brilliant presentation
  • time planning (it is important to reveal the topic, but not to tighten it)
  • development and planning additional elements(competitions, quizzes, game elements, debate) for senior classes

It is doubtful that the teacher will have so much time for such a full-fledged preparation at school. But there is always a way out - you can download a full-fledged one for free finished script class hour for high school students, a selection of current and interesting topics, presentations. They are easy to adjust somewhat for themselves, or you can leave them unchanged.

Grade 10

Every year, the class teacher faces the difficult task of planning educational work on the academic year. 10th grade is no exception. It is important to properly plan class hours in grade 10 and choose ...

Neither I nor anyone else can walk this road for you, you have to walk it yourself.

Walt Whitman

Target: Moral education of high school students. Form: Socratic conversation.

Class hour progress

Leading: We are gathered here for a Socratic discourse. The main thing in it is the word, thought, logic. Many centuries ago, the great thinker Socrates discussed various problems with his students. Mostly students spoke, Socrates asked questions and inserted logical connectives. They sat on stones among the bare rocks. The thoughts they expressed then are alive to this day. Because these thoughts are honest, fair, smart. Today we will again try to become students of Socrates. Socratic conversation rules better rules write on the board):

1. I can not be silent.

2. Respect your neighbor.

3. Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer.

4. Speak so that I can see you.

Socratic conversation involves dialogue. Get ready to answer questions quickly. Any conversation begins with a warm-up, the purpose of which is to talk, to activate thoughts.

I remind you that in the warm-up you can answer with humor, not always seriously. (Everyone should answer during the warm-up.)


1. How are you feeling now?

2. What mood do you have more often?

3. What kind of people do you prefer to deal with?

4. What do you think you will be doing in five years? Ten years?

You are constantly told by everyone around - you are already adults. Step by step you enter independent life. The moment has come when not a school, not teachers and even parents, but you yourself must determine a lot in your life, make a choice life path, be responsible for it, understand and answer the questions that life puts before you.

A few days ago you were asked to answer a series of questions. Among them was this:

How would you like to build your future life?

You have the answers in your hands, see if you can add something.

After reading your answers, listening carefully to them again now, we tried to summarize, and this is what happened (the facilitator reads aloud).

Each of us dreams of a bright, beautiful life.

Explain what you mean by "a bright, beautiful, prosperous life." (Write the most frequently repeated answers on the board.)

It might look like this:

From your statements, we conclude that you identify three areas in life that are significant to you: family, work, friends.

Today we will pay more attention to your future profession.

Ch. Darwin has the words: “If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, happiness will find you itself.”

Do you agree with these words? What arguments can you give for and against?

What are you going to do after graduation?

What are you guided by in your choice?

(It is advisable to continue working with the diagram on the board and write down the answers of the guys under the first column. For example: abilities and interests, material opportunities, prestige, family traditions.) But the choice is ultimately up to you.

What qualities do you think a person should have in order not to make a mistake in life choice? (Write the answers on the board and discuss.)

For example:

Talent (as the highest degree of development of abilities): "Generally speaking, talent is a very complex, difficult concept, and the point here is not so much in the abilities of a person, but in what a person is as a person."

Please pay attention to these words: to find your own destiny means to understand yourself, your inclinations, interests, to remain forever true to yourself, your ideals, goals.


“Nothing can be done well if it is not known what they want to achieve” (A.S. Makarenko).

“Have a goal for your whole life, a goal for a certain era of your life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for a year, for a month, for a week, for a day and for an hour, for a minute, sacrificing lower goals to higher ones” (L.N. Tolstoy).

Should a person have life goals?

What goals can you set for yourself now?

How do you achieve your goal?

But in order to achieve the goals, of course, diligence is necessary.


“I don’t believe in the one saving power of talent without hard work at all. And after success enough to turn the head of the most resilient young man, I continued to learn from everyone I could, and worked, worked, worked ”(F.I. Chaliapin).

Youth is a time of dreams, illusions, and it is very good if this stays with you.

But meeting with real life- this is often hard work, disappointments in love, in your favorite business, profession, and, finally, this is disappointment in oneself. You need to be prepared for this, otherwise a person may break down.

Are you more of a pessimist or an optimist?

We divided into groups of optimists and pessimists. Let's play a business game called "Optimist and Pessimist". We need to choose a judge who is objective, impartial, with a sober, practical outlook on life.

You said that your choice of profession is influenced by material conditions. Analyze the following situation: Alexander dreamed of becoming an international journalist, but, unfortunately, after school he did not enter the faculty of journalism. He did not want to enter any other university and decided to get a job as a courier to the editorial office of the newspaper.

Exercise: Optimists should find the positives in this situation, and pessimists the negatives.

Those who seem more convincing to the judge will win.

We are convinced that in any situation you can find positive and negative points. I want to read the words of D.S. Likhachev from his book “Reflections”: “We are interested in what qualities a graduate should have ... Reasonable optimism. He must be able to endure with readiness and dignity all the difficulties of life, without which you cannot live and without which, in the end, life would be empty.

We are back to personalities.

Listen to an excerpt from Fazu Aliyeva's poem "Son":

You, my son, must remember: because

Even rusts new leaf gland,

That in dampness it lies useless

And they can't find a job for him.

The human soul is many times more difficult:

And in the door of the soul, and in the crack of this door

A hundred rusts and vices climb to her...

Remember at least three of them:

First, envy. You kill her

In the bud. And learn right

Appreciate other people without jealousy

Honor their fortune, their success and glory.

The second is anger. Run from the feeling of evil.

This kindness. Live loving others

Judge yourself if you have condemned another,

Forgive others if you have forgiven yourself.

In a fit of evil, in a cool decision

Hold on. And don't show your anger.

Do not inflict unintentional insults,

To not have to repent later.

And the third - the root of our many troubles -

The killer of all virtues in a person -

Idleness. And shameful forever

There was no vice in people and there is not.

Not in idle sighing on the couch,

And on the holiday of useful labor

Look for your meaning... And disappointment

Never disturb your mind.

You were asked to answer the following questions:

What human qualities help to make the right moral choice?

What qualities can lead a person to an immoral act?

We tried to summarize your answers, and this is what happened (answers on the screen or on a piece of drawing paper):

What human qualities do you dislike the most? If you can, please explain why. What qualities should a person have to command your respect?

A person becomes a moral personality only when conscience, responsibility and duty have settled in his soul forever. These most important moral qualities are interconnected and closely intertwined. Conscience is the inner work of the mind and heart, it is the inner voice and inner judge of a person. How we build a house and pave roads, treat people and govern the country - every act that can be assessed from a moral position, conscience is related. There comes a time in everyone's life when a person himself must take care of morality ... He must make his own moral choice:

Everyone chooses for himself

Woman, religion, road.

Serve the devil or the prophet

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

Dueling sword, battle sword

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches.

The measure of final retribution

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Y. Levitansky

Not only your life depends on what this choice will be, but also the life of those who are close to you in many respects.

“There is only one true value - this is the connection of man with man,” said A. de Saint-Exupery.

And before you destroy this connection, think not to be mistaken by making the wrong moral choice.

Today we have set ourselves important questions and have tried together to find answers to them. But I would like to hope that the conversation that we started today will not end here for you, it will continue in your souls.

The activity of the class teacher in the senior classes of the school is especially responsible. In order for the teacher to be effective, he must take into account many factors. First of all, the features of the senior school age. Senior school age, or early youth, covers the period of development of children from 15 to 17 years old, which corresponds to the age of students in grades 9-11 of secondary school.

The period of youth is a period of self-determination: social, personal, professional, spiritual and moral. The process of self-determination is based on the choice of the future field of activity. However professional self-determination associated with the tasks of social and personal self-determination, with the search for answers to the questions: who to be and what to be, with the definition of life prospects, with the design of the future. The personality of a boy and a girl is formed under the influence of a completely new position that they begin to occupy in comparison with a teenager in society, in a team. By the end of high school age, boys and girls usually reach a certain degree of physical maturity. The period of rapid growth and development of the body, characteristic of adolescence, ends, a relatively calm period begins. physical development. However, full physical and mental maturity occurs in boys and girls a little later.

Under these conditions, the importance of informal, confidential communication between adults - teachers and high school students - is especially obvious. The class hour, or, as it is sometimes called, the hour of communication, can help the children in answering their questions. The class hour is held for various educational purposes. Its forms can also be different (communication workshop, Socratic conversation, debate, intellectual game, protection of creative projects, etc.). The main thing is that problems of concern to the children should be discussed at the classroom hour, a joint search for answers to their questions should take place, and targeted business conversation class teacher with students, a healthy moral atmosphere was created when the guys are not afraid to make mistakes or be misunderstood.

The practice of education shows that the effect of a class hour is much higher when it is held regularly, at a specially allotted time.

The success of the classroom is facilitated by its careful preparation, which usually includes the following steps:

Definition of the topic and form of the class hour.

Choosing a place for the class hour, its design.

Creation of an initiative group of students.

Distribution of tasks between creative groups and individual participants.

Invitation of guests and experts.

It is not always advisable to adhere to a clear class hour structure (introduction, main part, final part). It all depends on the specific content and form of the class hour. As a rule, the class teacher conducts the class hour, but in the senior classes, a prepared student may well act as the leader. An important key to the success of the class hour is the active participation of all students in it. For the classroom to be for real“cool”, it is important for the teacher to diversify its forms as often as possible, to show creativity, to strive so that each subsequent class hour is not like the previous one.

Below are class hours on issues of interest to high school students. The developments will help the class teacher organize effective communication with high school students, make every class hour memorable and useful for the children.

Development of class hours for grades 9-11

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Class hour abstract for grade 9 students: What is HIV and AIDS? HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a pathogen, the virus infects certain cells of the human immune system that protect the body from various infections, and leads to the complete destruction of the immune system and the development of AIDS. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a complex of diseases that develop as a result of the destruction of the human immune system by a virus (HIV). The virus can live in the human body for many years.

Hour of Remembrance great woman- Pasha AngelinaAuthor: Kargapolova Tatyana Mikhailovna (1913 - 1959) Explanatory note: Our country is famous for great women and their exploits. They have done a lot for the development of our country. There are great composers among women - Alexandra Pakhmutova, there are magnificent singers: Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, etc., there are poetesses: Yulia Drunina, Olga Berggolts, but there are women who became famous for their labor exploits. Among these women is Pasha A...

Class hour for high school students on the topic:

"Love is a mysterious word"

I. Brainstorming.

II. Motivational conversation on the topic “Do I need to learn to distinguish love from fakes?”.

III. Working with concepts in micro groups.

IV. Problem situation "Diagnosis - love".

V. Incomplete sentence "Signs of true love are...".

VI. Interactive conversation on the topic "To be or to have".

VII. Final word.

Class hour progress

I. Brainstorming

Classroom teacher. The topic of today's class hour is "Love with the letter "C"". What associations do you have in connection with this topic?

(Children name the words, the teacher writes them on the board.)

Sample answers:

Sex, sympathy, passion, endure, fall in love, marriage, stronger than death, sports, at first sight, etc.

Goals and objectives:

    Discuss the concepts of "love" and "falling in love" with students.

    To acquaint with the regularities of their manifestation in the personality of a person and in the surrounding life.

    Show students the need to purposefully educate themselves in a sense of love, encourage them to do so.

    To educate students in goodwill, responsiveness, kindness and tolerance.

Conduct form: discussion.


    Epigraph for class.

    Recording of the song "Do good" (Shura).

    Fragment of the cartoon "Just like that."

    Computer presentation "When good does evil."

Members: 10th grade students.

Preparatory work:

    Work has been done on the processing of material published in newspapers and magazines.

    Selection of proverbs, sayings and parables corresponding to the theme of the class hour.

    Creating a presentation.

Preparatory work:

    Greetings. Goal setting.

    The concepts of love and infatuation.

    Folk wisdom.

    Proverbs are not in vain they say ...

    Conclusion. Summarizing.

moveclass hour:

    Greetings. Goal setting.(sl. 1)

    Introductory speech by the class teacher

Good afternoon. Today our class hour will be held in the form of a debate, and we will discuss the eternal topic about love.

The topic of our lesson is "Love is a mysterious word"

How to keep love from change

To shine, no matter how long you live?

There are separations in life, there are betrayals,

And then there are the days of love.

In the bustle with cabbage, kerosene

It's easy to get confused sometimes...

And completely forget that the eyes are blue

And that the eyebrows are black - an arc.

Bread is not bought, porridge smells like smoke -

Don't notice, forgive and forget.

We'll fix a lot of things,

And the love of the past cannot be returned.

L. Oshanin

It is no coincidence that my adult children began our conversation with a poem about love by L. Oshanin.

In a series of human properties and manifestations, love is probably the greatest and most attractive mystery. For centuries, poets and artists, actors and sculptors have sung about it in their works.

You have come to an age when you seriously begin to think about love and falling in love, about your future life, and maybe about creating your own family.


What associations do you have in connection with our topic? (listen to the opinions of high school students)

3. Motivational conversation on the topic “Is it possible to distinguish love from falling in love?”

Classroom teacher

You know, guys, all people are looking for the one, true love for life. Today we will talk about how to distinguish true love from falling in love.

    Problem situation “I am sick. I love."

Have you ever heard such a statement? (listen to guys)

Classroom teacher

Guys, some of the meanings of love have indeed become a medical diagnosis. Recently there was a sensation in the media: World Organization health care entered love into the register of diseases, assigning it the number F 63. The author claims that there really is no love, but there is only a powerful instinct for procreation, supported by a number physiological reactions when a person is looking for a beautiful, sometimes smart, rich ...

So, what happens, there are certain signs: selfishness, love for something, ardor of feelings. Like any illness, love has its own duration, its own prognosis, and so on.

Think, please, and tell me, what can you say about this? What is the sign of recovery from this disease? (listen to guys)

Classroom teacher

There are medical errors that can lead to terrible consequences. But lovers can also make a mistake, mistaking ordinary falling in love for love. Such mistakes can lead to a hasty marriage that will soon fall apart, to suicides, to mental illness.

Crazy love, passion, sex - these are bright, strong, sharp feelings. But psychologists do not consider them true love, but associate them with falling in love and even call it a disease, damage to consciousness. Why?

(listen to the opinions of the guys).

Yes, falling in love often passes, leaving a void in the soul. Lovers do a lot of stupid things. Sometimes falling in love is like drug addiction

Classroom teacher

We can say that love is the opposite of falling in love.

In fact, love is based on friendship. A true friend will never betray, will not let you down, cherishes the moments of meetings, takes care of his beloved.

So how do you find the one true love? (listen to guys)

    "Traps of Love"

Classroom teacher

I want to tell you that there are many "traps".

- "Trap of wounded pride"

Let's say there is a boy in the class who gets a lot of attention from the girls. He knows and feels it. And suddenly a girl appears in his environment who is indifferent to him. This is what makes her interested in the young man. And suddenly it seems to him that he is in love. He starts wooing her. But after the girl shows feelings for him, he loses all interest in her. There are many couples whose relationships are supported by the fact that they constantly have to win each other.

"Luck Trap" Suppose a young man has a bad experience in love. All the girls he dated left him in favor of others. And now he meets a girl with whom everything goes well. It is with her that he can feel like a real man. Or maybe not to meet such a girl. This trap can be thought of as the "inferiority trap".

"Common Interest Trap"

He and she are fond of poetry, they like the same musical groups ... And it seems to them that they are kindred spirits.

"Pity Trap"

Mostly girls get into it. We can say that this is a special kind of female vanity: "He will disappear without me, die." And if such a girl analyzes her relationships with young people, it turns out that she falls in love only with “unfavorable” or “vicious” young people, when you can feel like a savior, a teacher. Boys also often use this aspiration of girls, shifting responsibility for their behavior onto them: Only you can save me”, “If you leave me, then I will get drunk!

"The Vanity Trap"

It is found in the case when falling in love flares up to some "prestigious" or famous person. It is known that actresses, singers, participants in beauty contests have many fans. As for young men, their level of prestige is determined by their position in society, fame, honor. Yes, all prominent politicians were objects of passion female love.

Therefore, analyzing your feelings, try to understand: is this a trap? Or maybe someone will say: “I don’t want to analyze anything. I like the feeling of falling in love, even if it's a "trap". Remember Pushkin's lines:

But pretend! This look

Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!

Ah, it's hard for me to deceive.

I'm glad to be deceived!

In the end, the choice is yours to cheat or not. But then get ready for the retribution for self-deception: disappointment, tears, unfulfilled hopes, and maybe broken lives.

    Lessons in cardiac tactics (tips)

Many young people and girls are interested in how to win the heart of a chosen one or a chosen one. Granovskaya's book "Elements of Practical Psychology" gives lessons in cardiac tactics for boys and girls.

For a girl:

Do not tell your chosen one that you miss him.

Do not repeat endlessly: "You no longer love me."

Do not make reproaches in a tearful tone, do not try to show that you are unhappy because of him.

Don't treat your loved one as your property.

Do not demand from the chosen one actions that are contrary to his nature. Women tend to love with a guarantee, and men do not understand this well.

Don't be too suspicious

Do not show panic if the beloved does not intend to marry (it means that you have not yet become necessary for him).

Try to praise a man, appreciate his qualities (especially intelligence, strength, masculinity).

For a young man:

A girl in a young man likes spiritual maturity, serious plans for the future, a sense of responsibility.

Once you've met a girl, don't ask if he's dating anyone else.

Do not often criticize your girlfriend.

Compliment her more often.

Don't torture her with jealousy.

If you happen to leave, call her regularly.

If a girl gives a photo, do not show it to a friend.

Give her more attention than others.

Do not arrange any test to test her feelings.

R. Rolland once said:“The beneficence of love is not only that it inspires us with faith in another person, but also that we gain faith in ourselves.”

If love is real, it will be with you all your life.

I asked at the top, overgrown with dogwood:

What is the measure of manhood?

attitude towards a woman! - said the sky in response.

How to measure, - I asked the ancient epic, -

Real courage in a man's heart?

Attitude towards a woman! -

She answered me.

How is love measured in a man's heart?

Attitude towards a woman!

There is no other measure, - the keepers of measures and weights answered.

And yet, my dear, remember the common truth: “ If you're going to love someone, learn to forgive first."

Resources used:

1. Love.

2.Practical psychology. Talk about love._

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