When is the best time to go to Thailand for a beach holiday? When to go to Thailand? Tourist and weather conditions. Search for cheap tours on your own. Best services

While the weather in the world has changed and the line between seasons is gradually disappearing. It becomes not entirely clear what season you should visit.

Rain, which appears unexpectedly even in the dry season, can be a disappointment and an unpleasant surprise.

Thinking about visiting Thailand during high season?

In most of Thailand, the high season begins in November and lasts until early March. In Thailand tropical climate with a pronounced monsoon and rainy season. But regardless of the time of year you visit the kingdom, the weather will be warm and very humid.

The weather in the kingdom determines 3 seasons. The last minute season, which lasts between November and February, the hot season, which lasts from March to May, and the monsoon season, which begins in early June and lasts until November.

High temperatures, humidity and rainfall alternate depending on what part of the kingdom you are in and what time of year you visit Thailand.

Northern part of the Kingdom of Thailand

Bangkok and central Thailand

All seasons in central Thailand are united by high temperatures. The most minimum temperature, ever recorded in this area was in 1951 and was equal to 10 * C. The central part of the country is suitable for visiting almost all year round; the rainy season is little pronounced here.

Before deciding on a holiday in Thailand, a tourist must answer some questions, one of which is the choice of season. Perhaps this point is the most important, since the cost of the tour and air tickets depends on it.

Everything has to do with the “peak” season, as well as the weather. A massive influx of tourists is observed at times when there is no rain. People from all over the world fly to this country South-East Asia to recuperate and recharge positive emotions. Thanks to this, many tourists already know when is the best time to fly to Thailand on vacation. The question of choosing the time of year is quite simple, but is often complicated due to the location of this resort state (different climatic zones).

IN different periods each part of it has different effects weather. This applies to a greater extent to Pattaya, a resort city located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, but does not apply to Phuket. This should be noted Special attention before going to this country.

Predominant on the Malay Peninsula equatorial climate, and in other places it is tropical, where monsoon winds occur more often. In this regard, in different regions There are uneven air temperatures and humidity levels. For example, on sea ​​coast dry and sunny, and at this time in the capital it's raining, which creates stuffiness.

Seasonal weather conditions

Who is going to the resort for the first time does not know when to fly to thailand, therefore, can draw a conclusion based on the following factors. Weather conditions can be divided into three seasons: rainy, cool and hot. The main resorts are located in the south, and the cool season is considered the most favorable. It starts in December and ends in March. The name of the season has nothing to do with the cold, and the daytime temperature at this time is no less than 27°C and no more than 30°C. For Europeans, this is the most acceptable option. By the way, during this period the beaches are quite calm, vacationers are not disturbed by too large waves.

The most unprecedented influx of vacationers is observed in December and January.

If a potential tourist has decided when is the best time to fly to Thailand, then you should worry about your place of residence. It is better to book a hotel room in advance. Then you can get apartments at lower prices than upon arrival at the resort. You can rent an apartment or a large house.

Those who prefer the hot season fly here in March, April or May. At this time there is moderate rainfall. Daytime temperatures remain at 38°C. The humidity is so low that you can't even feel it. By the way, there are certain advantages in the hot season. At this time, in stores and markets, sellers significantly reduce prices on everything from fruits, vegetables to any equipment.

The rainy season begins in May and ends in October. Naturally, it doesn’t rain all over the country, but only in some regions. The bulk of precipitation occurs in August and September. Despite this, the rains here are not long, but torrential.

Anyone who prefers to holiday on an island located in the Andaman Sea should know when is the best time to fly to Phuket. Experienced tourists prefer to relax at this resort from November to the end of May. This is no coincidence, since in November the rainy season ends and the so-called dry period begins, which lasts for seven long months.

Expected increase in tourists

The humidity level at this time becomes acceptable, and the water temperature rises to comfortable limits. Thereby, beach season begins during this period. Tourists are completely different, so their interests and needs also differ. Married couples with children, elderly people and young people feel comfortable in Phuket. The foreign flow here is noted from all countries of the world, but the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • Australia;
  • Sweden;
  • South Korea.

Recently, Russian tourists are increasingly paying attention to Thailand. To some extent, this is due to the increase in the welfare of Russians and the large number of international charter flights. However, in the future, an increase in holiday tourists is expected due to the development of transport infrastructure and new comfortable terminals of the international airport. This will significantly affect the expansion of throughput. Modern hotels with affordable rooms will be built in Thailand. As for Phuket, the tourist rush does not subside during rush hours even today. A particularly large influx of Russians is observed during the New Year and Christmas.

Tourists choose the best time for a vacation in this country based on their interests and preferences. Many people cannot stand the heat, so they prefer the cool season. August and September are ideal for surf lovers. During these months it is celebrated here a big wave. Tourists who prefer excursions and pleasure wildlife, heading to Thailand during the rainy season. This best option, since at this time there are fewer tourists here, which means that vouchers are distributed at the lowest prices.

Most travel agencies offer the following:

  • Vouchers from tour operators without intermediaries.
  • Last minute tours. This is due to the fact that information is updated in real time.
  • Search and compare prices for individual resort towns and hotels in Thailand.
  • Instant notification when a new “last minute” tour appears.
  • Booking and payment by any known method.

You can visit the kingdom in 2019 at any time convenient for you, fortunately there is a visa for Russian tourists not required if you plan to travel for up to a month. Prices for tours mainly depend on the selected period, since there are pronounced high and low seasons for relax.

The high season here begins in early December and is characterized by on sunny days, hot but not sultry weather, low humidity and lack of strong winds and rain. The low period is characterized by high humidity and monsoon winds. All of these phenomena usually occur in the summer. Due to this best time for a trip to Thailand in 2019 - European winter, as well as the beginning of spring.

Winter is the best season to travel to Thailand

The best time to visit the resorts of this country is without a doubt cold period, during which a comfortable air temperature is noted and Atmosphere pressure. But it can be called cold conditionally, because in this exotic country There is never sub-zero weather. From November comes the time when it is better to go to Thailand. The humidity level during this period promotes comfortable rest and well-being, and the air temperature is within +30-32 °C.

IN winter months extremely popular tours to Thailand New Year, so the influx of tourists in winter is quite large.

Best period for resorts:

  • Bangkok. The best time to visit the capital and most colorful city of the country is from November to February, when the streets are cool by local standards. Here it will be interesting to see the sights and Buddhist temples, as well as do exciting shopping at the Chatuchak market and Siam Square.

  • Phuket is not just a picturesque island, but one of the most prestigious resorts in the country, which welcomes guests from November to April. Here in winter the weather is sunny and carefree. Phuket offers great opportunities for a memorable holiday.

  • Pattaya. The city is located on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Thailand, and receives the largest flow of tourists from November to March. Perhaps this best resort to celebrate on February 23, as Pattaya is famous for its lively character and bustling life.

  • Koh Samui is a stunningly beautiful island washed by the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean. This scenic place has everything you need for comfortable rest and actively receives guests from December to April. If you're looking for a quality beach holiday with kids in Thailand, Koh Samui is one of the best options.

So, if you have decided when to go on vacation to Thailand, then you should take care of purchasing a tour in advance, because during the high season and holidays such as New Year or St. Valentine's Day. Valentina, prices for travel packages are increasing significantly.

Thailand in spring

If you want to spend March 8 exotic, you can safely go to the country in question, since this month the weather at the resorts is relatively clear and “cool”. Starting from April, the hot season begins on the islands.

Spending the May holidays in the “Land of Smiles” is not The best decision, since in spring almost everywhere there is intense heat, which alternates with rain.

Thailand in summer

In summer, the full-fledged rainy season begins in Thailand. Moreover, this picture is observed in almost all resorts of the country. We do not recommend visiting the country in the summer, although trips are much cheaper. Continuous rains can spoil the holiday experience and limit access to some picturesque places, such as interesting temples and national parks. Those who have health problems and cannot tolerate high temperatures and humidity should not choose the summer time for relaxation.

Thailand in autumn

Heavy rainfall peaks here during September and October, so if you decide to take a holiday in the fall, it is recommended to choose the November holiday period. This month there may be occasional rain, but their short-term nature will allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the tropical climate.

Despite the fact that the holiday seasons in Thailand are clearly defined, many reviews from connoisseurs of exotic nature show that in this wonderful country you can relax at any time of the year. Velvet weather, diluted with sparkling lightning and thick fog descending from the mountains, can give your vacation a special charm and uniqueness.

The state of Thailand is located in southeast Asia. It is washed on one side Pacific Ocean, and on the other - Indian. About 64 million people live in Thailand, and its capital is Bangkok. IN Lately this exotic holiday destination is gaining increasing popularity among numerous tourists from all over the world.

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The perfect combination unique nature, hot climate, clear clean sea and service high level encourages vacationers to return here year after year.

The climate in Thailand is tropical; holidays here are divided into three periods: summer, rainy season and cold season. This important factor should be taken into account by every tourist planning to travel to this kingdom. The temperature here rarely drops below +25 degrees, but during the rainy season there is much more large quantity precipitation and fewer sunny days.

When planning a trip to an exotic country, you should take into account not only the time of year, but also choose the right place to relax. Thailand - big country and in different parts of it the climate varies significantly depending on the time of year. In the northern regions, in the mountains, it can be quite cool in winter, but in the southern part, on the contrary, some of the most favorable conditions for relaxation are observed. Anyway, in Thailand you can relax at any time of the year, the main thing is to choose the right place and month based on individual preferences.

When is the best time to go to Thailand: the best months for a holiday

As mentioned above, in Thailand there is a conditional division into three seasons:

  • heat (from March to May inclusive);
  • rainy season (late May to October);
  • "cold" (from November to February).

In any case, when to go to Thailand is up to each tourist to decide for himself. Each vacationer can choose the appropriate season for himself and come to Thailand exactly at the period that best suits his personal preferences. Each season has its pros and cons, but if you choose the right month, you can enjoy your holiday in this exotic country and get only positive impressions.

Hot season is the best time for a beach holiday and shopping

For those tourists who dream of lounging on the beach under the scorching sun, it is best to go to Thailand during the hot period. April is considered the hottest month in Thailand. During this period, it is advisable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and large families with small children. Elderly people and children do not tolerate such heat well, and the temperature at this time can rise above +38 degrees.

The hottest place during this period is in the capital of Thailand. Added to high temperature high humidity and roads flooded with numerous cars. Being outside can sometimes be simply unbearable and tourists hide from the unbearable heat in shopping centers where air conditioners are installed. By the way, this period is considered the best for shopping lovers. In numerous shopping centers you can purchase any goods at reasonable prices.

It is best to relax during this period on the islands and it is advisable to combine swimming in the sea or pool with a beach holiday. Thus, adaptation to the heat will be easier and faster and will be easier to endure during the day.

The rainy season is a great time for excursions and fishing

During this period, it is very fresh and cloudy in the exotic country. Rains are a fairly frequent, not short-lived phenomenon. As a rule, they are strong, sudden, but short-lived.

For lovers of excursions, this period is the most suitable, since you can calmly enjoy the nature and sights of Thailand. Shopaholics can also visit this country during the rainy season, as prices during this period are very reasonable.

National fishing will delight fishing lovers. In Thailand you can get hundreds tropical fish, stingrays and even sharks. You can also relax on the beach, but it is worth considering that the monsoons with heavy rains are raging in the northern part during this period and it is better not to go there. You can lie on the beach and find a couple of sunny days in the southern part of Thailand.

"Cold" and highest season in Thailand

“Cold”, as resourceful tourists conventionally nicknamed the period from November to February, considered the ideal time to vacation in Thailand. The temperature here during this period is not too high, however, neither is the humidity, and the water is warm. These months are considered the best for holidays in Thailand with or without children, as well as for people of advanced age.

For some tourists, this period for a holiday in an exotic country may not seem the best option. Not all vacationers like a large flow of people and beaches and hotels crowded with tourists. But nevertheless, if the heat is scary, but you still want to relax in Thailand, then you can try to go there this perfect season. But tourists from Russia should take into account that they will have to return from imaginary cold weather to real ones and therefore it is advisable to mentally prepare for returning to harsh winter. For the body of a child and an elderly person, such a sharp temperature change can be stressful.

Where is the best place to go in Thailand: popular resorts

It is important to know not only when, but also where it is better to go in Thailand. Popular resort towns in this exotic country include the following:

Below it is worth considering the seasons for holidays in the most popular resorts in Thailand - Mattaya and Phuket.

In November in Phuket begins swimming season . It ends only in mid-spring and during this long time you can enjoy swimming in the warm sea, diving and sunbathing on the beach.

Monsoon season starts in Phuket in April. The sea is stormy and there are high waves that prevent swimming. In addition, the sea becomes much dirtier, which is also an obstacle to swimming in it. At the end of spring, the holiday season in Phuket comes to an end, as torrential rains begin in May tropical rains . At this time it can hardly be called a paradise for relaxation due to cloudy weather and the raging sea.

Season in Pattaya

IN Pattaya is better fly in December when the rainy season comes to an end. The season here lasts about 6 months and during this time the weather is sunny. In spring it is very hot here and the air temperature drops below +35 degrees. It is better not to go to Central Pattaya at this time, as there is constant smog there. It is better to choose a hotel located in close proximity to the coast.

On the coast at this time of year, despite the scorching sun, you can enjoy your holiday. The pleasant sea air blows pleasantly here and makes it easier to bear the heat. In spring you can also stay on Pratumnak Hill. Due to its location on a hill, exhaust gases and smog do not accumulate here. You can enjoy walks on the hill, as the shade of tropical trees protects you from the scorching sun.

Cheap holidays in Thailand

Those tourists who have a limited budget are thinking about a cheap holiday in this exotic country. During the high season, you should definitely refuse a trip, since you definitely won’t be able to have a cheap holiday. It is best to go to Thailand in the summer, when prices for tours are on average 30% lower, and in the country's shopping centers you can purchase goods at reasonable prices.

You should not assume that a holiday in Thailand can be ideal and unforgettable only during the hot season. The division into periods is arbitrary and each tourist himself has the right to choose a place to vacation in Thailand based on his financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Before deciding to travel to, we must consider many issues, one of them, and probably the most important, is choosing the season in which it is best to travel to this country. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet and sometimes the query “When to go to Thailand?” You get directly contradictory answers. The fact is that many recommendations on the Internet are written by travel agency employees who have never been to Thailand.

The choice of time of year is related to weather conditions and the peak season, which accounts for the massive influx of tourists from all over the world. Oddly enough, but weather conditions and tourist season in Thailand are not related to each other in any way. The issue of choosing a travel time is sometimes complicated by the fact that Thailand is located in different climatic zones, and therefore different weather conditions throughout the country at different periods. Everything that is true for Pattaya will not be suitable for Phuket, so focus on this when you are planning to visit Thailand.

Thailand is located in two climatic zones: a tropical-monsoon climate in most of the country and an equatorial climate in the Malay Peninsula. This leads to differences in temperature and humidity levels in individual regions. Thailand is very big, in Bangkok it can rain, it will be hot and stuffy, and on the Andaman Sea coast it is clear, sunny and dry.

Thus, the best time to travel to Thailand is from November to February, if you adhere to weather criteria and comfortable temperature. This is the time when you can attend historical and sea excursions, study culture and customs without stress, and relax on the beach will be accompanied by good weather. As some say, every season is good, and its choice depends entirely on the purpose of our trip, and if we summarize all the information, it turns out that the question “When is the best time to go to Thailand” is not critical - it’s always good here!

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  • Search and compare prices for individual resorts and hotels.
  • Last minute tours first hand. Real-time information updates, instant notification of a new last-minute offer.
  • Booking and payment by credit card.
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