When to go to the Dominican Republic on vacation. Weather in the Dominican Republic. When is the best time to go on vacation? Description and weather features of the Dominican Republic

Visa: You can stay in the Dominican Republic without a visa for up to 30 days. Upon entry you must pay a fee of $10 (~ 655 ₽), upon departure - 20 $ (~ 1310 ₽). Sometimes the exit fee is included in the ticket price.

Currency: Dominican peso (DOP). However, many places accept US dollars. In Moscow it is worth exchanging rubles for dollars, and locally some dollars for pesos.It is better to have small bills with you, otherwise there is a risk of not seeing the change. If you plan to vacation in tourist regions, take with you

Flight: You can fly from Moscow to the Dominican Republic without transfers only through Punta Cana airport using Nordwind Airlines and Azur Air. The flight takes 11-12 hours.

From Punta Cana Airport to the nearest resorts you can take a taxi or transfer. You need to negotiate the cost of a taxi ride with the driver - you will have to bargain furiously. A trip from the airport to the nearest resorts will cost 30-70 $ (~ 1965-4585 ₽), transfer - approximately 35 $ (~ 2293 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+30 ºС during the day, +21 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

There is almost no rain at this time - on rare occasions a small cloud will pass by in the evening. Sunbathe, swim and indulge in all the pleasures island life she won't interfere. The least precipitation is in, the most - in Puerto Plata.

In January, the Dominican Republic celebrates two of the most important holidays - the Procession of the Magi, which anticipates Epiphany (January 5 and 6), and the Day of Saint Altagracia, the patroness of the Dominican Republic (January 21). During both holidays, the streets, squares and temples are filled with people and an atmosphere of joy and hospitality reigns everywhere. On the days of celebrations, it is customary to organize large feasts, and the signature dish is considered to be the “donut of kings” - a delicious pastry with fruits and candied fruits.


  • Air: +26…+30 ºС during the day, +21…+25 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

February in the Dominican Republic is as hot and dry as January. The sea is warm and gentle, there is practically no precipitation. In our calendar winter, the Dominican Republic is at the height of the season, so don’t despair if your vacation doesn’t fall in the summer - it won’t hurt to spend your vacation in the sun.

February is the height of the traditional Dominican Carnival, which runs from January 24 to March 1. La Vega, Santiago, Santo Domingo and Punta Cana transform into a fabulous non-stop holiday extravaganza. The manager of the carnival is an actor portraying a lame devil. He hobbles behind those around him and hits them on the back with a bull's bladder. There is no need to be afraid - a comic blow promises great luck.


  • Water: +28 ºС

March here is much warmer and drier than February. Every day the thermometer creeps higher and higher, there is almost no rain, and the air becomes heavier and heavier. March is the transition month from high to low season. The heat and humidity are gaining momentum, but there is still no unbearable heat and rain like a wall. Prices for March holidays in the Dominican Republic are much lower than in winter months.

Photo: Ryan Brad Miller / flickr.com and Bayne / flickr.com

Go see the mangroves or go sea fishing. Fishing on a small boat costs from $20 (~1365 ₽), on a luxury yacht - from $550 (~37,543 ₽), a boat trip in the shade of mangroves - from 15 $ (~1025 ₽).


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +26…+28 ºС at night
  • Water: +29 ºС

In April in local weather a turning point occurs. The dry high season ends and the rainy season begins. The air temperature is still high, but the humidity is rapidly increasing. The most precipitation is in Puerto Plateau, the least in Azua. In the evenings, mosquitoes become more active, so you should take care of protective sprays.

Exploring the coral reefs and hidden bays of Punta Cana will save you from the heat. If you decide to go there, don't forget to bring aquashoes. Well, if you want to seriously explore depths of the sea, take a couple of diving lessons. One costs from 20 to 50 $ (~1367-3416 ₽).


  • Air: +30…+32 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

The rainy season begins in May. They are short-lived, but powerful - full-fledged tropical downpours. The air and water temperatures are almost the same as in April or March, but the humidity and evaporation make it difficult to breathe. The May Dominican Republic is difficult for children, the elderly and weather-sensitive people.

Despite the worsening weather, May has its advantages. The fishing season for blue marlin, a fish whose weight can reach 800 kg, begins. Not fishing, but a whole adventure. In case you haven’t woken up the getter’s instinct, but still want to try marlin, we recommend stopping by a cozy restaurant Blue Marlin to Punta Cana or to El Rincon Del Marisco in Bavaro. Freshly caught marlin on the grill will cost about $15 (~ 1000 ₽).


  • Water: +27 ºС

June is absolutely not suitable for a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic. This is a full-fledged rainy season: they can be either short-term or last a whole week without stopping. In 10–15 minutes, an amount of precipitation falls that sometimes does not happen for months.

If you still decide to go to the Dominican Republic in June, stop. This part of the republic has the least precipitation. Here you can enjoy a beach holiday and try the famous local cigars, which owe their name to Alexandre Dumas. The name of the brand was invented thanks to cigar rollers who asked the factory lecturer to read and reread The Count of Monte Cristo to them many times.


  • Air: +31…+33 ºС during the day, +28…+30 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

The second month of calendar summer is considered low season in the Dominican Republic. There are a lot of raging downpours that suddenly begin and end just as suddenly. It rains for almost half of the month. The worst thing at this time is in Santo Domingo, more or less dry - .

On the rare dry days of July, it is pleasant to swim in the sea. But it is worth remembering that the sun is the most insidious in the rainy months - the sky seems cloudy, but the risk of burning is very high. Go to the beach or early morning, or after 16:00 in the evening, taking with you a sunscreen with a high SPF.


  • Air: +32…+34 ºС during the day, +30 ºС at night
  • Water: +30ºС

The hottest month in the Dominican Republic. Tropical rains accompanied by showers and thunderstorms, sometimes strong hurricanes. For an August trip, take out an insurance policy with advanced options: sunburn, assistance in case of natural disasters, heat strokes.

Early in the month Santo Domingo hosts International festival merengue, an incendiary and colorful dance, which is performed at festival venues by the best dancers from all over the world. It is impossible to stand still to the fiery rhythms, especially when the dance steps are picked up by a crowd of spectators. I bet you can't resist either?


  • Water: +29 ºС

Dominican September is similar to August - very hot and humid. Even the sea warms up to 30°C and is more reminiscent of a hot bubble bath than refreshing. There is a high risk of hurricanes, so you should carefully monitor the weather forecast.

Santo Domingo. Photo: Hernan Bustelo / flickr.com

Beach holidays and excursions in September get tiresome very quickly: either unbearable heat or rain. But it's blooming night life: September weather is not a hindrance for those who are going to party all night long. There are few tourists from Europe and Asia at this time, but American youth often come for weekends. They rock in the clubs Coco Bongo in Punto Cana and Sabina Bar in Santo Domingo.


  • Air: +29…+31 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +28 ºС

With the onset of October there is less rain and the weather is milder. Bad weather usually occurs in the early morning or mid-afternoon. It is pleasant to swim in the sea - there are no violent waves, the water is refreshing and relaxing. October is a great month to vacation on a budget in the Dominican Republic. Prices during this period are not as high as from November to March.

Punta Cana. Photo: Erick Kellinghusen / flickr.com

An extensive excursion program begins this month. We advise you to start by getting acquainted with natural resources. For example, in Manati Park you will meet not only tropical birds, reptiles and animals, but you will also get acquainted with the culture of the aborigines, watch a show with dancing horses and even be able to swim with dolphins. An adult ticket costs $35 (~ 2337 ₽), a child ticket costs 20 $ (~ 1336 ₽). Combine excursions with souvenir shopping - buy local Santo Domingo coffee and Brugal rum, choose the most beautiful bracelet with Larimare turquoise and buy a Lime doll, designed by artist Liliana Mera, as a souvenir. She so wanted to convey the collective image of the Dominican woman that she gave the doll bright clothes, but left her without a face - she couldn’t decide on her skin tone and typical features. The local beauties are so individual.


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +27 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

In November, the high season begins, when the weather in the Dominican Republic becomes simply fabulous: the tropical downpours have subsided, the humidity has returned to normal, the sizzling heat has given way to pleasant warmth and sea breezes.

November is the month for windsurfing in Cabarete and diving in Puerto Plata. If the sport doesn't catch your attention, dilute it beach holiday other vivid impressions. In the artist town of Altos de Chavón, see a medieval village recreated by artisans. At the Columbus Lighthouse, find out the ending to the story of the great navigator. Don't forget to experience Caribbean flora and fauna at the Armando Bermudez Park or the José del Carmen Ramírez Nature Reserve, which is full of cycling and hiking trails. To get to Altos de Chavon, you need a special pass, so it’s better to go with a tour (from $80, ~ 5337 ₽).


  • Air: +27…+29 ºС during the day, +28 ºС at night
  • Water: +27 ºС

The Dominican Republic in December is an ideal place to escape from the snow, blizzards, warm down jackets and tired Olivier salad while the chimes strike. Yes, New Year's Eve in the Caribbean is not very budget-friendly, but you need to arrange a non-standard feast for yourself at least once in your life.

A typical December in Punta Cana. Photo: justine.arena / flickr.com

December is the time for kayaking, diving, windsurfing, jeep safari and other active entertainment. To recharge your batteries, eat more fruits: watermelons, melons, granadillas, sea grapes - and, of course, try all 40 varieties of mangoes. The cost of fruit is on average $1 per kilogram (~ 67 ₽).

We tried very hard for you to learn everything about the weather in the Dominican Republic by month. Important to remember main principle: when we have a severe winter, it’s the height of summer, and in the summer, on the contrary, it’s the rainy season, which, if you’re not used to it, is hard to bear. Spring and autumn are transitional stages between the high and low seasons: vacation prices drop slightly, the weather is quite comfortable, but not ideal. Use the guide and find the perfect balance between weather and seasonality for yourself.

Tropical climate and exotic nature - this is what attracts tourists to the Dominican Republic. Here sea ​​winds during the day they soften the heat, and at night they do not allow the air to cool too much. As a result, the weather in the Dominican Republic is almost always wonderful, and the temperature does not fluctuate too much - from +22°C to +30°C.

However, the weather in the Dominican Republic is not always stable, so we have prepared for you the most detailed information about the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic.

Temperature in the Dominican Republic

The hottest month in the Dominican Republic is August, when temperatures can rise to +31°C. The coolest month is January, with temperatures around +22°C.

True, far from seashore the temperature is somewhat more contrasting. In the mountains, winter temperatures can even approach zero.

The water temperature during the year rarely drops below +25°C, but at times in some places it can rise to 32°C.

In the Dominican Republic, the year is usually divided into two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Although this division is too arbitrary: rain can fall here throughout the year, and warmth in this tropical country Always.

Dry or high season

It is believed that it begins in December and lasts throughout the winter. During this period here perfect weather for relaxation: no extreme heat, no stuffiness, it’s always and everywhere pleasant to sunbathe and swim. The usual air temperature is about +26..+28°C, the water temperature in the ocean is about the same. And in the Caribbean Sea the water is even slightly warmer. Heavy rain and strong winds are unlikely at this time.

Rain season

It starts in April and lasts until October. Fortunately, this does not mean that at this time in the Dominican Republic it rains non-stop and strong winds blow. They happen during this period, of course, more often. But the rains usually fall at night and, in general, hardly spoil the rest. After the rain, the sun shines only brighter, the washed evergreen foliage glistens in the sun, and a double rainbow shines halfway across the sky over the sea. This means you can go sunbathe and swim.

Beach season

The swimming season in the Dominican Republic continues all year round.

From November to March, the water temperature is always +25-27°C, so swimming is comfortable for both adults and children. There is almost no rain at this time, and a light breeze from the sea saves you from the stuffiness, caressing your tanned skin.

In summer, the water temperature is even higher +27-32°C, which is a plus for some, but a minus for others, since swimming in the sea does not bring the desired relief after sunbathing.

The Velvet season

The velvet season in the Dominican Republic can be considered the months with more stable mild weather - the second half of October and the beginning of November. But we want to warn you that the climate on Earth is becoming more and more unpredictable, and velvet seasons in many countries they shift in time.

Hurricane season

This is catastrophic a natural phenomenon happens quite rarely. The Dominican Republic is saved from it by the Cordillera mountain range, which is why typhoons and hurricanes most often bypass the island of Haiti from the side where the state of Haiti is located.

If this does happen, then the most likely occurrence of a typhoon is from June to September.

Best time for excursions

It's always interesting to diversify your beach holiday with travel. The best time for this in the Dominican Republic is from November to March.

On educational excursions you will be shown the wonders of local nature - waterfalls, National parks, caves, and ancient cities, cathedrals and fortresses, old villages, and much more.

For those who like to learn something new, the following types of activities are developed in the Dominican Republic: active rest, like diving and snorkeling, jeep safari, rope crossings, kayaking and rafting, ocean fishing and much more.

Whale season

If you find yourself in the Dominican Republic between mid-January and March, then you have a unique opportunity to witness the most beautiful moments of mating and the birth of mighty giants - humpback whales.

Large humpback whales come to Samana Bay every year to raise families and breed. Whale watching is the most amazing and most unforgettable excursion in the world!

Winter season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in December

The Dominican Republic is the world's most popular holiday destination in December. There is nothing like this anywhere else during this period warm sea and such a festively bright sun.

The air temperature on the island during the day stays at +28-29°C, and the water temperature is about +27°C. There are usually no heavy rains or winds in December, so you can be sure that your holiday will not be spoiled by bad weather.

However, holidays in the Dominican Republic in December are not so cheap - during the Christmas and New Year holidays, hotels and airlines significantly raise prices for their services.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in January

The end of December and the beginning of January is the most popular time to visit the Dominican Republic. And it’s not just that many people want to spend New Year’s holidays under palm trees on the ocean shore.

It is during this period that the Dominican Republic experiences the most beautiful weather - the sun shines almost constantly, a weak warm breeze blows from the ocean, the air temperature stays at around 27-28 C degrees.

During this period it can sometimes rain, but they do not cause much trouble - tropical showers in January are most often short-lived and very warm.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in February

The last month of winter is the driest month of the year in the Dominican Republic. The average daytime air temperature during this period is +26°С - +28°С. The water temperature in the ocean is also about +26°C.

There is especially little rain during this period, but this does not mean that the sky will be cloudless. In the tropics it is extremely rare to see the sky without a single cloud.

It is believed that the ocean in February is the coldest, but you must agree - 26 degrees for a Russian tourist is very warm!

Spring season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in March

In March, the dry season continues in the Dominican Republic - an ideal time to relax: it is still warm and dry, but it seems a little hotter. The air during the day still warms up to +28-30°C, and the water in the sea - almost to +26-28°C.

During this period, ocean currents are weaker than in winter.

That is, the weather is conducive to swimming, excursions, and active recreation.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in April

It is believed that the rainy season should begin in the Dominican Republic in April. There is still not too much precipitation this month, but still the holiday is not so cloudless. Sometimes the rain can last the whole day.

The average air temperature in April in the Dominican Republic is slightly higher than in March - about 30°C during the day, and 24°C - 25°C at night, the water temperature rises to about +27-29°C.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in May

In May, real tropical downpours occur, but fortunately, mostly at night. Clear weather for the whole day is much less common at this time, but there is a real show going on in the sky - clouds and clouds of all types, sizes and shades that can only be seen in the tropics!

During this period, quite strong, although warm, winds can blow. The air becomes noticeably more humid. The air temperature during the day is still around +30°C, and the ocean is already warming up to +28°C.

Summer season

In June in the Dominican Republic, the weather and average temperatures are approximately the same as in May. But still, the days are often fine. During the day the air temperature is about +30°C, the water temperature is about 28°C.

Hurricane season officially begins in the Caribbean in June. However, you definitely shouldn’t worry; real hurricanes happen extremely rarely in the Dominican Republic, and even if they do happen, it happens towards the end of summer.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in July

In July, the Dominican Republic is often affected by tropical cyclones. Therefore the weather is unstable. Quite likely heavy rains, squalls, storms and significant pressure drops. It rains most often at night and early in the morning.

The average daytime air temperature in July is about +30°C, and the water temperature is about +28°C.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in August

The hottest days in the Dominican Republic are in August. And just in this month it falls and greatest number precipitation. At night, thunderstorms are accompanied by beautiful lightning and loud rumbles of thunder.

In August average temperature air temperature is maximum in the year, and sometimes reaches +32°C. Air humidity is also the highest.

Autumn season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in September

Most often typhoons and tropical hurricanes We came to the Dominican Republic just in September. Although, in general, no one can insure against such a disaster at any other time of the year. Another thing is that hurricanes most often strike western part the islands are the Republic of Haiti, and the Dominican Republic is affected only in the form of prolonged precipitation.

Nevertheless, in September you can have a wonderful holiday in the Dominican Republic. Dominican weather at the beginning of autumn is humid, hot, the temperature rises to +31°C, and the water warms up to +29°C.

The exotic Dominican Republic, thanks to its tropical climate, is ready to welcome guests all year round.

Unique color and amazing nature this country leaves no one indifferent.

When is the best weather for a holiday?

When is the best time to go on vacation to get the most pleasant weather? There are no sub-zero temperatures in this country. It is quite warm here throughout the year. However, the peculiarity weather conditions is still present here. The tropical climate of the Dominican Republic is divided into dry and wet seasons.

The rainy season in this country lasts from May to October. Despite the fact that precipitation falls frequently at this time, the rains, however, do not last long. After a rainstorm the sun always comes out, so at any time of the year you can’t do without sunscreen. Wet is characterized big amount hurricanes and storms. Swimming in the sea at this time is extremely dangerous. Strong winds aggravate the situation.

Dramatically different weather will greet tourists who come to vacation in the Dominican Republic from November to April. Snow-white beaches, crystal clear and serene sea, hot sun will seem like paradise to anyone. The water temperature at this time reaches +27 °C. The air temperature remains at +30 °C.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic attracts tourists primarily with its quality beach holidays. A beautiful bronze tan and a lot of impressions from swimming in a warm sea ​​water- this is what the resort will give to all visiting guests.

The Dominican Republic is also known for its opportunity to engage in extreme sports: diving, windsurfing, etc. However, it is important to understand that during the rainy season, active entertainment can be dangerous. It is unlikely that anyone will enjoy getting hit by pouring rain while traveling on a kayak through the jungle.

The Dominican Republic has a festive atmosphere all year round. Numerous carnivals and festivals are constantly held throughout the country. The most famous and most loved by tourists:

  • Merengue Festival. Known for his fiery Latin American dances. For several days, Santo Domingo becomes a huge stage where anyone can try their hand at it. The grand Caribbean Rhythms Festival takes place annually in late July and early August.
  • February carnivals. Various carnival processions are timed to coincide with Lent. Local residents consider this event to be their national pride, and therefore they put a lot of effort into making the holiday truly bright and colorful.
  • Catholic Christmas and New Year. A week before the celebration, the country is transformed. Locals decorate streets and houses with garlands and lights. They place artificial fir trees at the thresholds of their doors, decorating them with balls and candles.
  • Valentine's Day. As in Russia, Valentine's Day in the Dominican Republic is one of the most tender and romantic holidays. At this time, special thematic programs and competitions are held on city streets.
  • Day of Santo Domingo. The City Day in the Dominican Republic is no less famous in its scale. Performances of folk groups, national dances and folklore, colorful performances - all this makes it possible to study the culture more deeply exotic country. Santo Domingo Day is held annually in August.

It is no less interesting to get to the Dominican Republic during the so-called “humpback whale season.” This unique event takes place between the beginning of January and the end of February. Mating games such amazing mammals- a spectacle that attracts many tourists.

During the rainy season, a trip can be seen as an opportunity to visit museums and architectural monuments, of which there are many in the country. The following excursions are highly valued among tourists:

  • trip to the Columbus Palace,
  • visit Cathedral in Santo Domingo,
  • tour to the Santo Domingo National Aquarium Park, etc.

To see everything best places In summer, you can rent a car or rent a taxi. Such an excursion will cost much less.

When is it cheaper to vacation in the Dominican Republic?

From year to year, the popularity of the Dominican Republic among Russian tourists growing. First of all, this is due to the increased competitiveness of tours to this country.

Relax in summer time almost 2 times cheaper than in beach season. The lowest prices for trips are usually in September and August, the peak is in January. You can significantly reduce the price by using early booking services. When purchasing a last-minute tour, you also have the opportunity to save significantly.


The Dominican Republic or Dominican Republic is located in the eastern part of the island of Haiti, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. This island state has always attracted many tourists from all over the world with its truly heavenly beaches with white sand and clear waters, over which spreading palm trees lean. But rest here is a delicate matter, because because of climatic features The islands experience frequent rainy seasons. So when is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic and at what time of year, as well as where - let's figure it out!

Tourist season in the Dominican Republic lasts almost all year round. Due to the humid subtropical climate, the heat is much easier to bear, and the air temperature, even in winter, does not drop below +25°C!

The rainy season usually falls between May and September. Sometimes the rains can start earlier - from the middle, or even from the first days of April. But such rains until June are short-lived and practically do not interfere with vacationers, because the air temperature does not drop a single degree and remains at +30°C, but after the rains it is certainly much easier to breathe.

But already in June the real “wet days” begin. The duration of the rains increases during these months, and this can spoil your holiday by being confined to a hotel room or bungalow. Although the air and water temperatures also remain high, you should forget about a beach holiday. There is no time for sunbathing on the beach anymore. And you probably won’t want to go on an excursion getting wet from head to toe!

And from August to November you should be wary of the tropical monsoons, which are typical for the Dominican Republic at this time of year. Strong gusts of wind, almost hurricanes, are dangerous for vacationers! Therefore, you should not take risks and go on vacation to the Dominican Republic during these months.
But the “winter” and “spring” months, according to the observations of many tourists, are the most optimal for relaxation in this beautiful island state!

In December, the rainy season ends and the dry season begins. At this time, you can relax, sunbathe and swim on any coast of the country. True, sometimes rains still make themselves felt, but this phenomenon is quite rare.

The holiday season, with the greatest influx of tourists, occurs from December to April.
Resorts such as Punta Cana, Playa Dorada, Boca Chica, Puerto Plata, Cabarete, Sosua and many others await you, providing a variety of entertainment, incredibly beautiful beaches and memorable excursions to untouched corners of nature!

Do you want privacy? Head to the cozy Boca Chica Lagoon, which is separated from outside world the most beautiful coral reef or to the secluded corners of Samana with picturesque landscapes of untouched nature!
Cabarete is perfect for lovers of extreme types of recreation, such as, for example, surfing on high waves, which is exactly what is available on this resort in full!

Sosua awaits you for bright impressions, dating and club entertainment, and Playa Dorada will delight you with all-inclusive hotels, shops and restaurants where you can try interesting dishes!
And if you want to visit the mountains and waterfalls in the center of the Dominican Republic, then the winter months are just right for these purposes! True, you will have to take a couple of warm clothes with you, because at this time in central regions It’s quite cold - only +15°C, but this will not spoil the impressions of the breathtaking spectacle!

The spring months are the peak of activity in the Dominican Republic. And closer to the rainy season it is better to relax on south coast countries where the weather is still relatively stable. But remember that there is never a 100% guarantee. Therefore, before visiting this wonderful country, check the weather map and still take an umbrella with you. So, just in case...
Have a great time!

Dominican Republic by month: how to avoid hurricanes and algae, but calm sea and whales?

Holidays in the Dominican Republic are when the bounty advertisement from childhood becomes a reality. Only without the candy taste, but with the taste of real coconut. Island country in the middle Caribbean Sea, a picture of bliss with the obligatory hashtag #moirai on girls’ pages on social networks.

Newlyweds also come here Honeymoon, and married couples with children, and just tourists dreaming of the exoticism and romance of the Caribbean. Why is the place so attractive? When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic? And is it worth going that far? Let's figure out which month of the year is suitable for a Dominican vacation and why is it better to go to Turkey in August?

Are you also attracted to the Dominican Republic by this turquoise water?

The main reasons why people fly to the Dominican Republic on vacation:

✓ you don’t need a visa to travel (where else can you do that?)

✓ eternal summer reigns on the island

✓ tired of Thailand-Vietnam or want a more “status” vacation

And if everything is clear with the first and last points, then let’s look at reason No. 2 in more detail. Holiday season in the Dominican Republic has no clear boundaries . A tropical climate implies the absence of seasonality as such. Still, the winter and spring months are preferable for travel.

In summer and early autumn the weather can be pleasant with rain and hurricanes. But the prices at this time are very reasonable - for example, a tour for 45,000 rubles per person for 10 nights (during the season it’s 60-80!). We'll tell you how to find one.

High season V Dominican Republic– from November to April. More sunny days and less likely to get caught in the rain. At the beginning of November, the hurricane period ends and the water in the sea becomes clear. By the end of the month swimming season in full swing.

This grace lasts until the end of April. In May the weather worsens, but only slightly. For a couple more months you can enjoy the local exotica without the risk of being blown away by the wind.

Services for finding cheap tours

The Dominican Republic is a kind of Turkey (for Americans it is). Here are the same beach hotels, all inclusive and a sandy entrance to the sea. Only for Russians it is very expensive, both in terms of money and resources: a 12-hour flight from Moscow. But who will be scared by this?

The most convenient way to search for tours that are more or less profitable is on aggregators:

Services work with leading tour operators and find the most interesting offers for any “wants”. For example, in December 2019, tanning before New Year holidays You can buy a 10-day tour to the Dominican Republic for two. Price – 120,000 rubles. 4*, first line, if that!

Beach season at resorts

Excursion to Saona Island

Dominican Republic resorts are conventionally divided into:

✓ Northern - washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Puerto Plata, Playa Dorada, Cabarete

✓ Southern - on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. Boca Chica, Santo Domingo, Barahona, La Romana, Juan Dolio

The period July-September is considered not the most suitable time to travel to the Caribbean: rain! The showers are short-lived, but in general it is very difficult due to the heat and high humidity. In addition, the beaches of the Atlantic coast are “attacked” by sargassum algae. Not every year, although in 2018 they were until November! The risk of natural disasters has been increasing since August. Hurricane winds mostly raging in the north , on the Atlantic coast. Southern resorts at this time calmly receive tourists (who, however, are exhausted from the stuffiness).

For clarity, when is the season in the Dominican Republic by month, here is a small table:

January February March April May June July August September October november December

High season

Satisfactory time to travel

Hurricane season in the Dominican Republic

Season in Punta Cana

Typical area near a hotel in Punta Cana

Punta Cana stands apart among the locations of the Dominican Republic - the most party resort, where there is always somewhere to go and. Located in the east of the country, at the junction Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

The location plays into its popularity:

  • the beaches of Punta Cana are separated from the “wild” ones ocean waters Coral reefs. Swimming here is safer and suitable for families with children, but in summer there is a problem with algae (although decent hotels clean it in a timely manner)
  • The coastal part of the resort is protected by a mountain range; hurricane winds are not scary. The tourist season in Punta Cana continues all year round
  • there is an international airport here, which means the transfer is short

In addition, Punta Cana has white and clean sand (which some tourists take home as a souvenir), a 70 km long beach and excellent all-inclusive hotels:

Dominican Republic in spring (March, April and May)

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