Number of budget places in henna named after Karazin. Number of budget places in Kharkov universities (list). Kharkov National Economic University

Kharkovsky National University them. V. Karazin (KhNU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University is a leading scientific and educational institution in Ukraine with more than 200 years of history.

In the ranking of the UNESCO department "Top 200 Ukraine" based on the results of 2009, Kharkov National University took third place among all Ukrainian universities. According to the world's largest scientometric system Scopus, Kharkov National University is the third among scientific and educational institutions Ukraine by the number of articles published in leading international scientific publications.

Today Kharkov National University has 20 faculties:

  • biological,
  • physical and technical,
  • radiophysical,
  • physical,
  • computer sciences,
  • philosophical,
  • mechanics and mathematics,
  • geological-geographical,
  • economic,
  • foreign languages,
  • historical,
  • philological,
  • fundamental medicine,
  • chemical,
  • sociological,
  • psychology,
  • legal,
  • faculty of advanced training,
  • physical and energetic.

The latter was created together with the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

At faculties, at the Center international education, in the Center for Pre-University Training there are about 16 thousand students and listeners, about 500 graduate students, up to 1.5 thousand teachers and researchers, among whom there are over 300 doctors of science, professors and about 800 candidates of science, associate professors.

The training of specialists at the Kharkov National University is carried out in 115 specialties and specializations, covering the entire spectrum of modern classical university education.

Areas of training at Kharkov National University:

  • Human health
  • Cultural studies
  • Philosophy
  • Story
  • Archival studies
  • Archeology
  • Story
  • International relationships
  • Tourism
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Economic theory
  • Economic cybernetics
  • International economics
  • Finance and credit
  • Banking
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Marketing
  • Applied Statistics
  • Management
  • Right
  • applied Physics
  • Radiophysics and electronics
  • Biophysics
  • Experimental nuclear physics
  • Medical physics
  • Micro- and nanoelectronics
  • Computer science
  • Systems Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Genetics
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Ecology, protection environment and balanced environmental management
  • Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • General Medicine
  • Philology
  • Applied linguistics
  • Translation
  • Journalism
  • Administrative management
  • Applied Economics.

Kharkov National University is one of the largest scientific centers Ukraine. It presents almost all areas of modern fundamental science. The university includes the Research Institute of Chemistry, the Research Institute of Biology, the Research Institute of Astronomy, the Institute of Physics and Engineering, the Institute high technology.

Kharkov National University includes 3 research institutes (astronomy, biology, chemistry), Central science Library, whose collections include over 3.5 million books, Botanical Garden, Museum of University History, Museum of Nature, Museum of Archeology and Ethnography.

The international cooperation Kharkov National University

Evidence of widespread international recognition Kharkov National University is that it was among the initiators of the signing of the “Great Charter of Universities” (Bologna, 1988), co-founder of the Eurasian Association of Universities, actively participates in the activities of the World and European Associations of Universities, trains about 1,500 foreign students, graduate students and doctoral students , training personnel for 50 countries of the world, carries out educational and scientific cooperation under agreements with more than 100 universities and other organizations on all continents.

Behind Lately There have been so many changes in the world and in our country that it is already extremely difficult for many people to speak about any subject with absolute confidence. After all, what was true yesterday could already be corrected today.

The economic component of our country has also undergone significant changes. A huge number of families had to recalculate their family budget, based on new (often unstable) prices. And the higher education system required exactly the same recalculation.

Of course, those applicants who enroll in a budget-funded form of education will not face this, but there will also be those who enroll in a contract form of education. So that the cost of education does not become a surprise (let alone an unpleasant one) for applicants, it is worth paying attention to it even when choosing the university itself.

It is worth noting that over the past few years, the cost of studying at Ukrainian universities has increased significantly (according to admissions committeesalmost 45%). This increase in cost is due to the increase in cost educational materials, utilities and payment for teachers' working hours.

It is noted that the cost of education in the capital’s universities will be significantly higher than in universities in eastern Ukraine. At the same time, there is a kind of ranking of costs by specialty. Tuition fees will also increase in the future for the most popular specialties. Professions of such specialties include teachers and translators (especially rare and complex languages), financiers and economists, lawyers, sales and marketing workers, IT workers, medical specialties, various leadership professions and others.

In this regard, many universities have already compiled their own completely new list of each specialty that is taught in their educational institution and the corresponding cost. For better information similar information usually posted on the official website of the university. For example, applicants who are interested in enrolling in Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, can familiarize themselves with the price table, where you can find not only a list of all available specialties and tuition prices, but also the minimum passing score (for comparison with 2016), as well as admission coefficients, licensing volume and training periods.

Having analyzed the indicated costs, you can see that the cost of full-time training at KNURE does not exceed 10,900 UAH per year. For correspondence courses – no higher 5,500 UAH per year. The average value for all specialties will be: 9,500 UAH– daytime and 4 700 – correspondence departments.

At the same time, the cost of studying at other prestigious Ukrainian universities can be 15 000 , 20 000 and even 40 000 UAH per year on a full-time basis (on a part-time basis - up to 20 000 UAH). And since to obtain a bachelor’s degree you need to study at an educational institution for 4 years (usually 5 years in a correspondence course), then the indicated amounts also need to be multiplied by 4 to see the whole picture.

As for the cost of a master’s degree, on average at KNURE a “day” master’s degree is 13 400 UAH, and “correspondence” - 8 700 UAH In Ukraine, the maximum cost of a master's degree reaches 64 100 UAH per year (both full-time and part-time).

Of course, it’s difficult to call KNURE the most “ cheap» University in Ukraine, but in terms of quality-price ratio, Kharkov University of Radio Electronics can rightfully occupy the highest positions in the ranking, providing its students with the services of the best teachers, necessary equipment, interesting tasks, and much, much more.

21.07.2016, 14:16

Data on the maximum volumes of government orders for various specialties, agreed with the Ministry of Education, appeared on the websites of Kharkov universities. Some universities have not published the volumes of government orders agreed upon, believing that this will not help applicants navigate in determining their chances of being enrolled in the budget. This was done, for example, at the Kharkov University of Law, citing the fact that the maximum possible volumes of admission for the 1st year are indicated in the university section in the online system “Enter”.

As noted at the university, in Ukraine the state budget for lawyers is 2 thousand 300 people. This figure is not fixed for each university. In this case, it plays a role for which university the student will give priority No. 1 or No. 2. If a student scores in total(2 thousand 300 budget places), will consider his scores first in the university that he chose as priority No. 1. If he did not get into university No. 1, then he automatically enters university No. 2 from his list. And if he refuses to enroll in this university, then this year he will lose the right to enter the budget,” noted the law university.

Below is the number of maximum budget places in the first years of Kharkov universities.

National Technical University"Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

The licensed volume is 5 thousand 705 places, the volume of the maximum government order in 2016 is 1 thousand 366 people, including:

  • computer science and information Technology- 200 people;
  • electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics - 130;
  • automation and computer-integrated technologies - 108;
  • chemical technologies and engineering - 99;
  • computer engineering - 92;
  • industrial engineering - 57;
  • management - 55;
  • applied mechanics - 52;
  • engineering software - 50;
  • applied mathematics - 42.

Kharkov National University named after Yaroslav the Wise

Licensed volume - 2 thousand 700 people, maximum government order in 2016 - 1 thousand 434 people:

  • jurisprudence - 1 thousand 416 people, including 600 people in the Faculty of Prosecutor's Office and Criminal Justice;
  • international law - 18 people.

Kharkov National University named after Karazin

The licensed volume is 3 thousand 175 people, the volume of the maximum government order in 2016 is 1 thousand 391 people, including:

  • applied physics - 110 people;
  • biology - 102;
  • computer science and information technology - 100;
  • philology (Germanic languages) - 83;
  • Earth sciences - 81;
  • chemistry - 80;
  • history and archeology - 68;
  • sociology - 67;
  • philology ( Ukrainian language and literature) - 62;
  • economics - 52;
  • physics and astronomy - 50;
  • cybersecurity - 50.

Kharkov National Aerospace University named after Zhukovsky

Licensed volume - 2 thousand 800 people, maximum government order in 2016 - 868 people, including:

  • telecommunications and radio engineering - 52 people;
  • automation and computer-integrated technologies - 47;
  • geodesy and land management - 31 people;
  • road transport - 23;
  • air transport - 22;
  • metrology and information-measuring technology - 18;
  • electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics - 15;
  • avionics - 15.

Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics

Licensed volume - 3 thousand 195 places, maximum government order - 855 people, including:

  • computer science and information technology - 173 people;
  • telecommunications and radio engineering - 125;
  • computer engineering - 131;
  • software engineering - 116.

Kharkov National Medical University

Licensed volume - 1 thousand 865 places, maximum government order - 504 people up to educational level"master".

  • medicine - 504 people;
  • dentistry - 4 people.

Kharkov National Economic University

Licensed volume - 2 thousand 485 people, maximum government order - 460 people, including:

  • economics - 135 people;
  • finance, banking and insurance - 76;
  • management - 75;
  • accounting and taxation - 47;
  • computer science and information technology - 45.

Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after Skovoroda

Licensed volume - 1 thousand 625 places, maximum state budget - 448 people, including:

  • English language and literature - 65 people;
  • Ukrainian language and literature - 40;
  • history - 35;
  • physical education - 25;
  • biology - 25;
  • preschool education - 25.

Kharkov National Road University

Licensed volume - 1 thousand 850 people, maximum government order - 445 people, including:

  • road transport - 62 people.

Kharkov National University of Urban Economy named after Beketov

Licensed volume - 1 thousand 850 people, maximum government order - 321 people, including:

  • construction and civil engineering - 70 people;
  • transport technologies (in road transport) - 62;
  • ecology - 32;
  • electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics - 32.

Today, more than 2,600 foreign citizens from 61 countries are studying at 20 faculties of the V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University. Students are trained at the educational and qualification levels of bachelor and master, and postgraduate and doctoral studies are also available. Some faculties have introduced training for foreign students English language.

A foreign student who has a Bachelor's degree obtained in the country of residence has the opportunity to obtain a Master's degree in English in the specialty "Applied Economics". Education at the preparatory department of the Center for International Education is carried out at the request of foreign citizens in Ukrainian or Russian. The certificate received after graduating from the preparatory department makes it possible to enter any university in Ukraine and the CIS.


Areas of training Course of study in Russian/Ukrainian languages Course of study in English Clinical residency
/training course in Russian/Ukrainian languages
Clinical residency/
training course in English
Medicine (MBBS) General Medicine General Medicine General Medicine General Medicine
Life Sciences -Biology
-Ecology, environmental protection and balanced use of natural resources
Natural Sciences -Geography
-Applied Physics
Economics and Management -Economic cybernetics
-Economic theory
-International Economics
-International economic relations
-Accounting and Auditing
-Applied statistics
-Finance and credit
Engineering, mathematics and computer science -Security of information and communication systems
-Computer science
-Computer science
-Micro- and nanoelectronics
-Applied Mathematics
-Systems Engineering
Social Sciences and Humanities -International law
-International information
-Political science
-Philology. Applied linguistics
-Advertising and public relations
-Social work
-Human health
-Occupational Safety and Health
-Hotel and restaurant business
-Theology (Christian theology)

Information about the university

general information

Kharkov National University named after. V. Karazin (KhNU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University is a leading scientific and educational institution in Ukraine with more than 200 years of history.

In the ranking of the UNESCO department "Top 200 Ukraine" based on the results of 2009, Kharkov National University took third place among all Ukrainian universities. According to the world's largest scientometric system Scopus, Kharkov National University is the third among scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine in terms of the number of articles published in leading international scientific publications.

Today Kharkov National University has 20 faculties:

Biological, physical and technical, radiophysical, physical, computer science, philosophical, mechanical and mathematical, geological and geographical, economic, foreign languages, historical, philological, fundamental medicine, chemical, sociological, psychology, legal, faculty of advanced training, physical and energetic .

The latter was created together with the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

About 16 thousand students and listeners, about 500 graduate students study at the faculties, at the Center for International Education, at the Center for Pre-University Training, up to 1.5 thousand teachers and researchers work, among whom there are over 300 doctors of sciences, professors and about 800 candidates of sciences , associate professors.

The training of specialists at the Kharkov National University is carried out in 115 specialties and specializations, covering the entire spectrum of modern classical university education.

Areas of training at Kharkov National University:

Human health Culturology Philosophy History Archival studies Archeology History International relations Tourism Psychology Sociology Political science Economic theory Economic cybernetics International economics Finance and credit Banking Accounting and audit Marketing Applied statistics Management Law Applied physics Radiophysics and electronics Biophysics Experimental nuclear physics Medical physics Micro- and nanoelectronics Computer science Systems engineering Chemistry Biology Genetics Geography Geology Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources Mathematics Computer science General medicine Philology Applied linguistics Translation Journalism Administrative management Applied economics.

Kharkov National University is one of the largest scientific centers in Ukraine. It presents almost all areas of modern fundamental science. The university includes the Research Institute of Chemistry, the Research Institute of Biology, the Research Institute of Astronomy, the Institute of Physics and Engineering, and the Institute of High Technologies.

Kharkov National University includes 3 research institutes (astronomy, biology, chemistry), a Central Scientific Library, the collections of which include over 3.5 million books, a Botanical Garden, a Museum of the History of the University, a Museum of Nature, and a Museum of Archeology and Ethnography.

International cooperation of Kharkov National University

Evidence of the wide international recognition of Kharkov National University is that it was among the initiators of the signing of the “Magna Charter of Universities” (Bologna, 1988), a co-founder of the Eurasian Association of Universities, actively participates in the activities of the World and European Associations of Universities, and teaches about 1,500 foreign students , graduate students and doctoral students, training personnel for 50 countries of the world, carries out educational and scientific cooperation under agreements with more than 100 universities and other organizations on all continents.

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