Where to relax in June. Where to go to the sea in June. Cheap tickets. Where to fly abroad in June

The dream of many vacationers is a vacation at sea in June 2019. Where to go inexpensively worries everyone. Begins active search profitable tours and air tickets. The prices are pleasantly surprising. Hotels are not yet overloaded, which is why they lure tourists with sweet offers. However, the sea is not yet warm enough everywhere. In this article I will tell you how not to go wrong with your vacation and where to go to the seaside abroad inexpensively in June, where it is warm and you can swim.

Secondly, it saves me time. I don't need to go to a travel agency and listen to useless information about resorts. You can buy a tour on the Internet in just one click.

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  • Level.travel
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You can pay for the tour without leaving your home. The tour widget will show which country currently has the best prices. Choose a country where to relax in June to make your vacation memorable for a long time.

Where to go to the sea in June

Beach destinations are very popular in June. At the beginning of June, it can be still cool on the Black Sea, but much warmer on the Mediterranean. I have selected several proven resorts that will definitely not let you down in terms of weather.


Türkiye is traditionally one of the popular holiday destinations for Russians. In this country amazingly combine affordable prices And high level service. Very often you can find last-minute tours even in high season. June is considered a low season, so prices are lower during the summer months.

Already in mid-May, the weather in Turkish resorts is hot and sunny. The water warms up fastest in southern resorts. Swimming in Turkey begins in mid-May; in June the water temperature becomes really warm. The country is very popular with families with children, as many hotels have special children's clubs, animation teams, small water parks and playgrounds. Turkey is a country where tourists visit more than once, returning again and again to their favorite places.

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Beautiful beaches, nature and the heritage of antiquity attract tourists to the islands of Greece. In June it is quite comfortable here. The weather is about 26-28 degrees, the water temperature is 22-23 degrees. A beach holiday in Greece can be combined with sightseeing and excursions.

Among the islands you can consider Crete, Kos or Rhodes. Despite belonging to one country and territorial proximity, all greek islands have their own atmosphere. Many hotels in Greece operate on an all-inclusive basis and offer holidays for families with children.

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Sandy beaches and a mild, healthy climate attract tourists to Bulgaria. In order not to make a mistake with the weather, it is best to go to the country in the second half of the month. Then you can be sure that the water has warmed up to 22 degrees. The air temperature in June is about 24-26 degrees. In June there are still few tourists in Bulgaria, so you can count on attractive prices for holidays and excursions. The strawberry season is beginning; they are large, juicy and sold everywhere. It's hard to resist and not try it out.

Which resort should you choose for your holiday? Of course, it is worth paying attention to southern places rest - Elenite, sunny Beach, Sozopol. A little later - Albena.

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The best time to go to Cyprus is at the beginning of June. The sea is already well warmed up; the swimming season begins here in early May. The average air temperature is 25-27 degrees. By the end of the month it becomes too hot for comfortable rest. But if you can tolerate the heat well and +33 in the shade is ideal for you, then a holiday in Cyprus for the whole month will suit you.

The absence of visa barriers also attracts tourists. A visa to Cyprus can be issued online literally within 24 hours, and it’s free. You can still catch a last minute tour to Cyprus and take a break from your hard everyday life.

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For a holiday in this African country, it is better to choose the second half of June. At the beginning of the month, the sea is not warm enough; you can only escape the heat in the hotel pool. In Tunisia, there are mainly hotel holidays, which can be diversified by excursions. The most popular is visiting the Sahara Desert.

For youth holidays, choose the city of Sousse. There are a large number of nightclubs located here. Lovers of antiquity will also like the city; Sousse has many medieval attractions. Diving enthusiasts go on vacation to the island of Djerba, which is famous for its clear sea and clean beaches. Families with children have a great holiday in Hammamet.

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In June it is really hot in Montenegro, the air warms up to 28 degrees. At the same time, there are no resorts yet large quantity tourists, and all the sunbeds on the beaches are not occupied. The beaches in Montenegro are sand and pebble, and there is a large selection of resorts. You can go to Montenegro either on an organized tour or on your own. You can rent an apartment in a couple of minutes, and the cost of food in local supermarkets does not exceed Russian prices. Such a vacation can be quite affordable even for a large family.

You can take a break from the heat by going to the mountains. Unique nature in the north of the country it creates competition for beach tourism. Most often, tourists visit nature reserves as part of a one-day excursion, but if you are not tied to a hotel and drive a car, you can combine a sea holiday and trekking in the north of the country. Believe me, it's worth it.

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The main rule for a successful holiday in Spain is to organize a holiday at the end of June. By this time the sea will already be warm. The beginning of June is more suitable for excursion programs. The air temperature is on average +25 degrees, not so hot to see interesting places.

Reviews show that in Barcelona, ​​Costa Brava and Costa Dorada, the sea is still quite cool at the beginning of June. Not everyone will be comfortable swimming in it. But if your vacation falls at the beginning of the month and you really want to go to Spain, choose the south of the country - Alicante and Benidorm. You can also go to, at the beginning of June there is an ideal time to relax.

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Azov and Black Sea coasts of Russia - Crimea, Sochi, Anapa

In June, the active season begins in the southern resorts of Russia. Many tourists are looking forward to this month because they do not want to travel abroad. Some are afraid to fly on an airplane, some are afraid to encounter unfamiliar speech, and some simply love the Russian coast and do not want to change it for anything. As for the weather, then most of days are sunny and hot. On average, outside the window is +25 degrees, the water temperature is about 22 degrees. In the second half of June, the sea warms up even more, but as the water temperature rises, so do vacation prices.

The advantage of a June holiday in Crimea, Sochi and Anapa is free space on the beaches and affordable prices for everything. People with children most often choose the Azov coast. Due to the shallow water, it warms up faster, and the water will be warmer than in the Black Sea.

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Holidays with a child in June - where to go

Families with children choose their vacation spot more carefully. Many people care about the level of infrastructure and children's entertainment, the duration of the flight for the resort and the food options in the country. If one of the factors of choice is the opportunity to swim, then for a holiday with a child in 2019 you can consider the resorts of the following countries:

  • Türkiye (Side, Belek, Alanya) – find a tour →
  • Cyprus (Protoras, Ayia Napa) – find a tour→
  • Greece (Crete, Rhodes, Kos) – find a tour →
  • Sochi and Crimea – find a tour →

According to reviews from parents, these resorts are suitable for a comfortable holiday with children.

Where is the best place to fly without a visa in June?

If the pressing issue for you is the lack of a visa, then many countries where it is warm in June are suitable for your holiday. The most popular country is Türkiye. To holiday in this country you do not need a visa, and the hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis and offer a rich animation program. Visa-free countries for a beach holiday are:

  • Montenegro,
  • Israel,
  • Tunisia.

You won't need a visa to travel to the Russian south. A visa to Cyprus is obtained as simply as possible online, and most importantly, free of charge. Therefore, you can fly to this country on a last-minute tour.

How to save money on vacation in June

  1. Plan your vacation in advance.
  2. If you eat on your own, cheap air tickets buy at aviasales.
  3. It is best to choose hotels on the following sites:
    • Roomguru
    • hotellook

These sites compare prices on sites like Booking or Island and show you the cheapest deals for the same hotel.

4. If you decide to go on a tour, buy a tour online. This way you will save compared to the price at the hotel. Read hotel reviews to know in advance what to expect on your vacation.

5. Choose excursions in advance. Tour operators usually sell several times more expensive than excursions from local residents. In addition to group excursions, you can book individual excursions for your family or group of friends. Often it costs no more than a group tour, but the guide-driver will have all the attention only for you. There is no need to wait for a group that either stands in souvenir shops for an hour or arranges a photo shoot. IN individual excursions you can spend more time in places that interest you.

Choose a tour around the world

  1. In June, Russians will have holidays, which means additional days of rest. Can be added to holidays a few days of vacation and take yourself on a real big trip. Unable to take a vacation, check out places near you to go for the three-day weekend of June 12th.

There are a lot of options for where to go to the sea in June. Among the countries suitable for holidays, most are located near Russia. The flight to the resort will take 2-4 hours, and some regions can even be reached by car.

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There are many options for where to fly to the seaside with a child in June 2019. The choice is not easy. We offer an overview of 9 countries where it is better to vacation with children at the beginning of summer. Find out about the weather at resorts and places where you can have an interesting vacation.

Holidays with a child by the sea in June have many advantages. Coastal resorts are just starting to fill up, and the beaches are not very crowded. In June, prices for accommodation and excursions are lower than in July and August, so you can save a little. Moreover, at the beginning of the high tourist season there is no such sweltering heat as at the end of summer, and the sea water is already warm enough for swimming.


At the beginning of summer, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is 2-3 degrees higher than in the Aegean. If you haven’t yet decided where exactly to go to Turkey with your child in June 2019, then choose , and . In coastal resorts it is very warm +28...+31°С, and the temperature sea ​​water reaches +23...+24°С.

Holidays with children are especially good in June. Almost every hotel has animation and separate children's pools. Due to proximity high mountains and the fresh sea breeze, the heat here is much easier to bear than in other resorts of the Turkish Riviera. Thanks to the clean small pebbles, the sea water is very clear. Along the shore in shallow water the sea warms up to a comfortable +25...+26°C and is suitable for swimming even for the smallest children.

If you want to relax with your child on sandy beaches, you should pay attention to. In addition to beach holidays, Turkish resort Boat trips on yachts, trips to the Manavgat waterfall and the Koprulu Canyon, as well as visits to the Manavgat Discovery Park, Troy Water Park and Sealanya Sea Park are popular.

(Photo © Steven Tan (maethlin) / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


A good decision is to fly to Croatia with your children in June 2019, because it won’t take long to get to the Adriatic coast. Transparent warm sea, green pine forests, healing mineral water And thermal springs very good for health. Two weeks by the sea significantly improves a child’s immunity and relieves him of the consequences of lingering colds.

At the beginning of summer, the weather on the Croatian coast is warm, sunny - there are 6-8 days with rain per month. Children who do not tolerate heat well feel great here.

The choice of Croatian resorts is so wide that it can be difficult to decide where to go to the sea with a child. According to reviews from tourists, it is best to relax with children in Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik or in resort villages near large coastal cities.

Some parents prefer the Istrian peninsula. In June, the Istrian coast is a little cooler and drier than other Croatian resorts. Just keep in mind that almost all Istrian beaches are natural pebble lagoons, piles of rocks or artificial concrete platforms.

It’s easy to diversify your holiday with children at sea in June! In Croatia, it’s nice to take a walk with a child through medieval cities, take a trip to picturesque National parks and take part in local celebrations.

At the beginning of summer, Poreč hosts a folklore festival, and knightly dances called Moreška are held on the island of Korcula. In Croatia, Summer Solstice Day is celebrated on a grand scale. Every resort town and village organizes concerts, colorful processions and fairs on June 21.

(Photo © christoph_sammer / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)


Fans of Israeli resorts know the answer to the question of where to go to the sea with a child. Tourists believe that June in Israel is the most comfortable of the summer months. At the beginning of June, the air in coastal cities warms up to +29...+33°C, and the sea water temperature reaches +23...+24°C. Whereas in July and August the heat in Israeli resorts is unbearable.

Israelis have a warm attitude towards young travelers. This country loves children and does everything to make them feel happy. Children are welcomed with pleasure in any cafe and hotel. Family hotels have shallow pools, games rooms, children's clubs and a variety of entertainment programs.

Parents on vacation in Israel take their children on excursions to local attractions and children's museums. It is interesting to visit Israeli zoos with a child of any age: the Safari Zoological Center in Ramat Gan, Hamat Gader Park, the Park HaKofim monkey nursery and the Biblical Zoo in southwest Jerusalem.

Tourists who are planning to fly to Israel with a child in June 2019 should keep in mind that not all resorts are suitable for children's holidays. It can be very hot on the Red Sea coast in early June, so it is not recommended for summer holiday with small children. If your child is under 6 years old, there is no need to plan a trip to the Dead Sea. The water in a large inland reservoir is oversaturated with salts and, if it comes into contact with the baby’s mucous membranes, can cause a severe burning sensation.

(Photo © xiquinhosilva / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)


The picturesque resorts of Cyprus are one of best places, where you can have a good rest with your child at sea. In June it happens on the island, but the temperature maximums of July and August are still far away. At the beginning of summer the air warms up to +22...+27°C, and at the end of June during the day the temperature already exceeds +30°C. There is practically no rain, and you don’t have to think about umbrellas and windbreakers.

Many Germans and English vacation in Cyprus, so the white sand beaches and playgrounds are equipped according to international standards, and in any hotel tourists can expect high-quality service of the European level. for a comfortable family vacation in Paphos, Limassol, Nicosia, Larnaca, Kyrenia and Famagusta. Ayia Napa is traditionally considered a youth resort, so this resort is too noisy for families with children.

In addition to swimming in the sea, in June it is good to go on excursions around the island with your child. Children really like the Cypriot water parks, aquariums, the donkey park near Limassol and the singing fountain show in Protaras.

(Photo © dimitrisvetsikas / pixabay.com)


Going to Greece to the sea with a child in June 2019 is a great idea! The flight takes little time and is inexpensive.

(Photo © kishjar / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

In June, the sea with a child is good on the beaches of Morocco, which are famous for their fine, clean sand. They are wide and have a gentle entry into the water. The seabed near the shore is clean and level, and there are no algae or sea animals on it.

June in Morocco is not as hot as July and August. The air temperature on the coast rarely exceeds +29...+30°С. The water in the ocean is a little colder than in the Mediterranean Sea, but quite suitable for swimming (+22...+23°C). It is hot during the day, so it is better to wait out the middle of the day with your child at the hotel or devote this time to a walk in the beautiful shady parks.

In June, cherries ripen, and Moroccans hold a colorful festival dedicated to this berry. Fairs open in cities where you can buy a lot of inexpensive cherries, pastries with cherry filling and jam.

Keep in mind that a trip to Morocco is more suitable for older children who do not need animation and attractions as much. Schoolchildren will be interested in getting to know the beauty of the desert. They will be able to appreciate the exoticism of ancient Moroccan cities, ride ATVs, visit water parks and go on safari.

(Photo © joaoa / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Tourists who are not afraid of it prefer to fly on holiday with their children to the north-eastern coast of Africa. Until the 20th of June, the air temperature in Tunisia does not rise above +27°C. The sea is quite warm +23...+24°C, and a lot of fruit ripens. To holiday in an African country, you do not need a visa, and the flight from Russia to Tunisia lasts only a few hours.

For parents who decide to go to Africa, it is important to decide where to go to the sea with their child. There are no special places for family holidays in Tunisia, but at any Tunisian resort there are hotels aimed at children. Comfortable conditions easy to find in Sousse, Mahdia, Monastir and Hammamet. Vacationers will enjoy wide sandy beaches, excellent infrastructure and services.

Yasmine Hammamet is famous for its large entertainment complex "Carthage Land" with attractions designed for children of different ages. Schoolchildren love the New Medina and the Crossroads of Civilizations and Cultures Museum. Those who come to the sea with a child should look at the horse riding ranch, the zoo and Botanical Garden Tunisian resort of Sousse, as well as to a crocodile farm in Djerba.

(Photo © neufal / pixabay.com)


An excellent alternative to European and African resorts is a seaside holiday with children in Vietnam. In June, a vacation on the Vietnamese coast is safer and more economical than in other Asian countries. The Vietnamese treat tourists from Russia warmly and kindly, and it is easy to travel around the country even without knowing a foreign language.

In June, everyone strives to organize a vacation for themselves, because summer is in full swing and in many resorts it is perfect weather for relax.

In this article you will find a list best countries, where you can relax at sea in June inexpensively and safely. Where to go to beach holiday in Russia. We’ll also figure out which countries are ideal for an excursion holiday this month.

Where to go to the sea abroad in June

A summer vacation is everyone’s dream, because for many, a beach holiday comes first. In June, in almost all resorts where there is a sea, summer weather sets in, but it is not yet too hot, so planning your vacation for this time is a great idea. There are a lot of countries that warmly welcome guests from all over the world, and some of them do not even require a visa, which cannot but please tourists from Russia.

You will learn more about holidays in each country below.


If you are planning to spend your holiday in Turkey this summer, but at the same time you would not really like to languish in the heat, this is easily doable - go to the resort in June. In addition, if you plan your vacation for the first half of the month, then your vacation promises to be as comfortable as possible.

Where is the best place to relax?

You can make your choice at absolutely any resort:

  • Bodrum
  • Dalaman
  • Kusadasi
  • Fethiye

Things to do

The climatic conditions prevailing in June are conducive to any pastime. So, you can completely immerse yourself in the world of beach holidays or sign up for all kinds of excursions.

What to see:

  • Saint Sophie Cathedral
  • Topkapi
  • Grand Bazaar
  • Dolmabahce
  • Egyptian bazaar

Topkapi Palace


Egyptian bazaar

Saint Sophie Cathedral


Many travelers who have been on holiday in the country at the beginning of summer claim that this is the best time to feel calm and comfortable at the resort. The climatic conditions are excellent, there are not many people yet.

Where is the best place to relax?

By and large, in June you can choose to stay at any resort that you like:

  • Monastir
  • Hammamet
  • Tunisia

Things to do

During this period, in addition to a beach holiday, you can go diving, sightseeing, fishing, and also relax your soul and body in local thalassotherapy centers.

What to see:

  • El Ghriba
  • Archaeological Museum of Sousse
  • Ishkel

Archaeological Museum of Sousse

Al-Zaytuna Mosque

El Ghriba

El Kantawi


In Abkhazia, the weather is hot in summer due to the subtropical climate, but at the beginning of summer you can still relax in conditions of moderate temperatures.

Where is the best place to relax?

Abkhazia welcomes guests everywhere. You can choose from the following resorts:

  • Gagra
  • Gudauta
  • New Athos
  • Pitsunda

Things to do

In June, the resorts of Abkhazia begin holiday season, since the climatic conditions are completely conducive to a beach holiday. However, there is no large influx of tourists yet. Therefore, you can enjoy a leisurely lunch in local cafes, engage in recreational activities and sightseeing.

What to see:

  • Blue Lake
  • Prince of Oldenburg Castle
  • Dioskouri Embankment
  • New Athos Cave
  • Patriarchal Cathedral

Blue Lake

Prince of Oldenburg Castle

Dioskouri Embankment

New Athos Cave


A vacation in Israel in June is ideal for those who expect a warm sea and sandy beaches from their vacation. Compared to the other two months of summer, the country's resorts are not so hot. But for those who come here for the first time, even in June it can seem quite hot.

Where is the best place to relax?

For your holiday you can choose absolutely any resort:

  • Nazareth
  • Netanya
  • Tiberias
  • Eilat

Things to do

In the first place at the resorts is, of course, a beach holiday. Sightseeing tours are also possible, but due to the heat, the demand for them is not so great in June.

What to see:

  • Wall of Tears
  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher
  • Garden of Gethsemane
  • Mount Zion
  • Nazareth
  • Al Aqsa Mosque

Garden of Gethsemane

Al-Asqa Mosque



Although they say that the weather in Cyprus in June is quite hot, believe me, in the last two months of summer it is much hotter. Holidays during this period promise to be as eventful as possible.


In order to plan your vacation to Cyprus, you need to apply for a Schengen visa or provisions. More simple options there will be a procedure for registering the latter. You can do this without leaving your home by going to the Internet portal of the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus.

Where is the best place to relax?

Experienced travelers prefer to stay at the following resorts:

  • Ayia Napa
  • Limassol
  • Pathos
  • Protaras

Things to do

In June, the water temperature finally warms up to a comfortable level, so beach holidays here go off with a bang. In addition, you can safely engage in more active pastimes: diving, snorkeling, hiking, visiting festivals, etc.

What to see:

  • Byzantine Church of Chrysaliniotissa
  • Trypiotis Church
  • Archbishop's Palace
  • Cathedral of St. John
  • Famagusta Gate
  • Venetian wall

Famagusta Gate

Archbishop's Palace

Church of Agia Kyriaki


In June, almost all resorts in the country experience amazing weather. The temperature of the water and air warms up so that the beach holiday is as comfortable as possible. But at the same time, the sun becomes very active, so the siesta should not be neglected.


To holiday in Greece you will need to apply for a Schengen visa. You can do this yourself or with the help of specialized agencies.

Where is the best place to relax?

In Greece you can stay at the following resorts:

  • Santorini
  • Athens
  • Thessaloniki
  • Corfu

Things to do

In addition to a beach holiday, which becomes not so safe after lunch at the resorts of Greece in the summer, you can go on a sea cruise; such leisure time will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

What to see:

  • Acropolis
  • Plaka Quarter
  • Temple of Apollo
  • Monasteries of Meteora
  • Holy Mount Athos
  • White Tower


Monasteries of Meteora

Holy Mount Athos


Those tourists who, in addition to a beach holiday, are interested in everything that is around them, simply need to get to Spain at least once. The territory of the country is rich in various kinds of attractions and a lot of impressions from a vacation in these places are guaranteed to everyone.


To safely go on holiday to Spain you will need to apply for a Schengen visa.

Where is the best place to relax?

When traveling to Spain, you can stay at the following resorts:

  • Tenerife
  • Ibiza
  • Majorca
  • Costa Brava

Things to do

A beach holiday simply needs to be diluted with a visit to the local attractions, which are in abundance here.

What to see:

  • Sagrada Familia
  • Park Guell
  • Casa Mila
  • Alhambra
  • Picasso Museum
  • Seville Cathedral


Garc Guell

Seville Cathedral

Where to relax inexpensively: beach holidays in Russia

There are also a lot of resorts on the territory of Russia that can compete with foreign ones.


If we take into account summer months, then June is considered the most favorable for visiting the Sochi resort, in particular if you are planning a beach holiday. The fact is that this place is unique in its own way due to the subtropical climate. It is for this reason that you can relax at the resort no worse than at sea abroad.

Things to do

You should not focus all your attention exclusively on a beach holiday, because the resort area is replete with interesting attractions. Therefore, get up from your sun lounger and go on excursions or a walking (bicycle) tour.

What to see:

  • Caucasian Biosphere Reserve
  • Valley of Legends
  • Vorontsov caves
  • Zmeykovsky waterfall

the south coast of Crimea

It is impossible to talk about a holiday at sea and say nothing about the southern coast of Crimea. The number of resorts here allows you to choose what you like best.


Alupka is a relatively small resort town OK. Here you can have a great vacation without spending a lot of money.

Plus, the resort is literally a 30-minute drive from Yalta, where you can safely go sightseeing.

Alupka, Children's beach

Alupka is suitable for families with children due to the fact that this resort is more relaxed. Also here you can improve the health of those who suffer from respiratory diseases.


Yalta is very popular among vacationers.

But we immediately warn you that if you want a calm and quiet holiday, this is unlikely to happen here. The resort is more suitable for youth recreation. It will also be interesting for children thanks to the developed tourist infrastructure.

Entertainment can be found here at every step. In addition, the resort has the opportunity to take care of your health in local hydropathic clinics.


Sudak has a lot of advantages: excellent beach holidays, a large number of interesting attractions, relatively low prices for accommodation.

The resort will be of interest to absolutely everyone: from young to old. Moreover, in Lately The tourism infrastructure here is actively developing, in particular, the number of places where you can have an interesting and fun time is increasing.

Where to go on an excursion holiday abroad

In addition to a beach holiday, there are a lot of things that arouse keen interest among travelers, and we are talking about local attractions and exciting places.

We offer you 4 of the most interesting countries that are ideally suited for an excursion holiday.

Dominican Republic

Many people believe that tours to the Dominican Republic are designed solely to plunge headlong into the world of beach holidays on a paradise island. In fact, few people suspect that all the resort’s attractions may well qualify for a separate excursion program. On its territory, the Dominican Republic has concentrated not only cultural, but also natural wonders that arouse keen interest among tourists.

What to see:

  • Osama Fortress
  • Alcazar de Colon Palace
  • Altos de Chavon
  • Church of St. Stanislaus
  • Fortress of San Felipe
  • Ecopark “Natural Eyes”


Remember how cozy, homely and incredibly atmospheric it was when you came to your grandmother, and she was just baking your favorite pies and then you drank hot tea. These are approximately the warm and sincere feelings evoked by the heart of Ireland - Dublin. And in such an atmosphere, the vacation takes place here. And add to all this many medieval castles and interesting sights, and it will be an unforgettable trip.

What to see:

  • Ancient castles: Ballyley, Ballyntobir, Caaldwill, Carraikfirgus Bunratty
  • Aran Islands
  • Galway City
  • City of Waterford


Estonia is a truly charming place where no one is in a hurry. Getting into the country, unnoticed by each tourist, he is also imbued with this special atmosphere and involuntarily begins to relax both soul and body. Here you can not only spend a vacation on the lake shores or improve your health at mineral springs, but also immerse yourself in the incredibly rich excursion world of Estonia. By the way, in almost every region of the country you can find attractions that will arouse your keen interest.

What to see:

  • Toompea Castle
  • Town Hall Square
  • House of the Brotherhood of Blackheads
  • Town Hall
  • Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
  • The Dome Cathedral

Estonia, Panorama of Tallinn


England is truly an amazing place, concentrated on its territory historical part Great Britain. Without exaggeration, these lands can be called overcrowded with attractions. It is for this reason that a large number of tourists flock here for impressions. In one trip, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to see absolutely everything that is planned, but what is of greater interest is worth seeing. Therefore, before your trip, be sure to sketch out a rough list of what you want to see first.

What to see:

  • Big Ben
  • British museum
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Art gallery
  • Beatles Museum

What can you see in Russia?

And who said that in Russia we don’t have interesting places? In fact, there are such a large number of them that even if you go somewhere every month and watch something, a year will not be enough.


There is one place in the Vladimir region that seems to have emerged from a Russian fairy tale, and this place is called Suzdal. In fact, this town can safely be called a museum under open air. The local area is entirely occupied by ancient monuments, arousing genuine interest among tourists. Just imagine, in Suzdal on this moment There are 32 churches, and there are over 150 architectural monuments.

What to see:

  • Suzdal Kremlin
  • Museum of Wooden Architecture
  • Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery

Velikiy Novgorod

The calm city of Veliky Novgorod is considered one of the most ancient cities in our country, because it is not without reason that it is called the “Father of Russian Cities”. Local attractions are not only of interest to the general public, but since 1992, according to the decision of UNESCO, they have been a world heritage site.

What to see:

  • The Kremlin, consisting of 9 towers, St. Sophia Cathedral and a belfry
  • Cathedral of St. Sophia of the Wisdom of God
  • Faceted Chamber
  • Yaroslav's yard
  • Ancient bargaining
  • Gostiny Dvor

It’s nice to go on a long-awaited vacation at any time, but it’s especially good to do it in June. You can follow this example and have a blast before the holidays begin. However, a completely logical question arises: where to go on vacation in June, preferably inexpensively?

The quality and place of rest directly depend on the contents of your wallet. But it is advisable to go closer to the sea, which, perhaps, is not yet fully warmed up, but will still allow you to fully relax. Many hotels have swimming pools on site, sometimes with heated sea ​​water, so water treatments can be organized.

Holidays in Crimea

Crimea in June it is ready to receive guests and vacationers. The moderate spring climate turns into comfortable summer warmth. The shelves are already filled with an abundance of strawberries and cherries. The amount of rain is decreasing. Sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and inns are slowly filling up with guests of the coast. The water in the Black Sea already reaches +23°C, and in the Azov Sea the water is +22°C. A positive factor at this time of year is the small number of vacationers. The quality of the services provided is decent, the prices are still moderate.

The most attractive favorite places holidays in Crimea:

  • Alushta
  • Evpatoria
  • Gurzuf
  • Livadia

The healing climate of the south of the Crimean coast is excellent for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Combination of sea air and phytoncides coniferous trees have a beneficial effect on health. And June is the most successful month for treatment and recovery. Therefore, a vacation in Crimean sanatoriums with medical procedures allows you to combine business and pleasure.

For lovers active rest There are various excursion and tourist programs, horseback riding routes, mountain hikes, boat trips on different boats, yachts, boats and boats. You can go on a city cruise South Bank Crimea from Evpatoria to Feodosia.

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

Affordable vacation in June on the shore Black Sea. Advantages of a vacation on the Caucasus coast in June:

  • Low prices for accommodation
  • No sweltering heat
  • Warm sea
  • Lack of crowds of vacationers on the beaches

The Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories are considered an all-Russian health resort. You need to remember that there are a large number of health boarding houses and camps for children on the sea coast. Excellent children's complexes are located in Anapa, Kabardinka, Gelendzhik, Lazarevsky.

Lazarevskoye - resort in Sochi

The first health session begins in June. The boarding houses provide excellent conditions for children to relax. A staff of professional educators and educators ensures the safety and comfort of vacationers around the clock. Interesting events, competitions, sports competitions, and watching films are held every day.

If a trip to the peninsula is beyond your means, you can go on vacation within your own country. In Russia this is Krasnodar region. You can get a wonderful feeling while there.

Holidays on the Turkish coast

Where to go on holiday abroad in June? If you have a foreign passport, then you can go abroad, for example. There are many advantages that attract us to each Turkey with renewed vigor:

  1. no visa
  2. excellent service at affordable prices
  3. comfortable hotels
  4. sea ​​and beautiful scenery
  5. asian culture

In June in Turkey it is +30° +33°С, and the water is heated to +23 +25°С. This country is extremely popular among Russians. At the same time, it is not necessary to know Turkish; almost the entire service in Turkey is built in international English. Since the number of vacationers in Turkey is growing every year, Russian-speaking staff are increasingly appearing in hotels, and for the summer, many Russian universities that train tourism managers send their students to Turkey hotels for internships.

Türkiye - perfect place, where to relax at sea in June with small children, since beautiful weather and the warm sea is combined with excellent animation program for babies. Children will not be bored, and parents will be able to have fun and relax. The hotels also offer various excursions. It is recommended to take excursions from official representatives tour operator, but cheaper excursions are offered on the beach from local companies.

If you choose a cultural program, it is better to take a sightseeing tour to Istanbul for several days. Going to this ancient city, you will learn a lot of new things. Centuries-old history, amazing ancient monuments, unfamiliar to many religion, traditions and customs of the Turkish people. You will visit the Bosphorus and see ships from different countries, stand on the shore of the Golden Horn Bay and on the shore Sea of ​​Marmara. On board a boat flying the Turkish flag, you will sail along the Bosphorus and take unique pictures of Istanbul from the sea.

Holidays in Egypt

June in Egypt– one of the hottest months. Air up to +32°C, water temperature +27°C. Therefore, if heat is contraindicated for you, Egypt should not be chosen for your June holiday. But Russians love Egypt at any time of the year for attractive prices to this popular country. The following factors speak in favor of Egypt:

  • No visa
  • Low prices
  • All inclusive
  • Comfortable hotels
  • Friendly staff

Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh all year round serve tourists from all over the world. Resorts on the shores of the Red Sea give unknown sensations, new impressions and great holiday.

Holidays in Tunisia

For a holiday in June, it’s a good idea to consider another African country– . What might interest tourists in this country?

  • No need to apply for a visa
  • Holidays on the Mediterranean Sea
  • Affordable prices for tours
  • European level of service
  • Interesting history and culture of the country

The air in June is +27°, and the water is +24°. Very comfortable for relaxation. Especially if you come with children. Sandy beaches, an abundance of green spaces in the coastal zone, the opportunity to take an excursion to the famous Sahara Desert - all this will undoubtedly attract both active and passive tourists.

An abundance of fresh fruit will also delight holidaymakers. The level of comfort is such that even 2* hotels have air conditioning in their rooms and swimming pools on site. The hotels offer various excursions; in the evenings, animators entertain: fakir shows, belly dancing, transvestite shows and other unexpected programs. Almost all hotels have Russian-speaking staff.

European holiday in June

June in Europe– this is an opportunity to realize the most fantastic plans. You can choose a seaside holiday, then you should pay attention to the following popular countries:

  • Croatia
  • Spain
  • Bulgaria
  • Montenegro
  • French Riviera

European holidays are a little more expensive than in visa-free countries. In addition, you need to worry about obtaining a visa in advance.

Therefore in European countries It's hard to catch a last minute tour. The exception is for tourists with a multiple-entry Schengen visa.

Fans of excursion trips in June can go on educational tours to European countries:

  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Great Britain
  • Germany

Combined tours can be an excellent choice, when you can visit several countries at once in one trip. Tour operators have dozens of ready-made offers in different directions, for example, Spain-Portugal, Italy-Switzerland, Tour to the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg). Visit Germany and its Bavarian castles! This is a real immersion in a medieval fairy tale. Don’t forget about Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic - the excursions there are interesting and eventful.

Separately, we can say about medical and recreational tours. In June you can visit the spa town of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic and take advantage of unique thermal waters. Treatment of various diseases under the supervision of doctors or simply health improvement, climate therapy, walking and swimming in a thermal pool will allow you to spend a holiday with health benefits. Other resorts in Europe:

  • Lake Heviz
  • Wiesbaden

Baden-Baden is a famous resort in Germany

A trip to Scandinavia or the Baltics will also be comfortable at this time of year. The Baltic Sea in June is more gentle and warm than in spring or autumn, so relaxation and excursions will bring you true pleasure and pleasure. We recommend taking a ferry cruise on the Baltic Sea. There are many options for such cruises, and the prices are very attractive, starting from 50 euros per person for a tour without meals. There are weekend tours: two or three days, or you can go on a week-long ferry tour to the Scandinavian capitals: Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Tallinn.

Exotic trip

You can still choose to go on vacation in June countries South-East Asia , although it is rainy season there. But the rains are replaced by hot sun, the sea is warm and pleasant, there is an abundance of fruit, which is why Russians like Vietnam, Thailand, China (Hainan Island), and Indonesia, which is why they travel almost all year round, despite seasonal climatic fluctuations. But when choosing these countries, pay attention to weather, which may be in the tropics at this time. Decision is on you.

You can relax on the ocean islands all year round: Seychelles, Maldives, Canary Islands, on the coast of India (Goa), in Sri Lanka. For wealthier tourists, a holiday in Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba. But it's very hot there! Even the sea breeze does not really soften the 40-degree heat. So, make an informed decision.

At the time when the rainy season begins in Sri Lanka, Goa, Thailand, east coast Malaysia opens beach season.
Best time for visiting in Malaysia - the period from April to September.

What kind of islands are these? Perhentian(Perhentian Island)?
The Perhentian Islands are located approximately 19 km off the northeast coast of Malaysia in the state of Terengganu.

These are two islands: Perhentian Besar(Big) and Perhentian Kecil(Small)
Perhentian means “place of respite” in Malay, as this is where merchant ships between Thailand and Malaysia used to stop to replenish their supplies. drinking water and refresh (in the sense of relaxing).

How to get to the Perhentian Islands

First you need to get into Kuala Lumpur- the capital of Malaysia.
Air tickets to Kuala Lumpur from Russia, Thailand, and any other country can be found on the website.

Secondly, you need air tickets from Kuala Lumpur V Kota Bharu(KBR).
Kuala Lumpur has two airports: international KUL and domestic SZB– be careful – you will fly to KUL from abroad!

Arriving in Kota Bharu we will take a taxi to the pier Kuala Besut, from where we will take a speed boat from the hotel to the island Perhentian Kecil, beach Long Beach.
Others use the bus service between the airport and the pier, and then buy ferry tickets to the island.

About prices: since our trip will take place within a week from the moment the decision is made, our prices may be higher than for a trip planned in advance.
In the future I will outline the budget for our trip.

Where to Stay in the Perhentian Islands

Beaches on Perhentian Kecil Island

I will write more about the beaches after visiting this island, but in preparation for the trip, I looked at a map of the island’s beaches: 6 large beaches with housing and many deserted bays with sandy beaches all over the island.

On the large island of Besar there are also beaches and a greater choice of accommodation there, but as they write on Western sites: there is more attention to hotels rather than beaches and therefore there are many pensioners and people for whom the main thing is to lie down on a sun lounger.

Therefore, we will visit the island, but after 3 days on Kechile we will move to another big Island: Pulau Redang.

To reach this island you need to hire a speedboat, since it is located quite far from the Perhentian Islands.
And I also wrote a separate story about Redang Island after visiting it: .

More information about different places in Malaysia at the Vinsky Forum in the section
– latest information.

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