Summer life hacks for girls that will make life much easier. “Creativity Box”: life hacks for all occasions 500 life hacks to simplify your life

Have you ever wondered how much easier life would be if you knew some little secrets? Such life hacks (little trick, useful advice to help solve everyday problems, save time) concern not only home improvement, preparation delicious dishes or training. There are even “fashion life hacks”, thanks to which we can not only be more stylish, but also learn how to spend time profitably, solving small problems in a matter of seconds. So, we present to your attention useful secrets, which you'll be glad to know about.

1. If your man doesn't like trying on things in the store, tell him about this secret. In order to determine whether the trousers will fit or not, you need to insert your elbow and fist into the waistband of the trousers. Typically this length is equal to your waist size. See you soon, fitting rooms!
2. Do not wash T-shirts and trousers after the first time. Save water and extend the life of your clothes. After all, you’re not so dirty that you need to wash something after wearing it once!

3. To wash your favorite sneakers, place them in washing machine. And then let it dry in the fresh air.
4. A razor will help you get rid of pills on your favorite sweater.
5. If you want more space in your closet, stack things vertically rather than horizontally.
6. If it turns out that the zipper on your trousers comes apart, you can fix it in this moment no way, use the ring from the key fob.
7. By the way, if the razor did not help remove the pellets, try using a pumice stone.
8. To smooth out wrinkles in clothes, use fabric softener.

The recipe for this product is quite simple: 1 teaspoon of conditioner and 1 cup of water, mix everything in a spray bottle and rush to destroy all the wrinkles on your favorite shirt.
9. Do you have to write a lot in the office? No one is immune from ink stains on clothes. All the tube needs is hand sanitizer.
10. Do you love fluffy soft sweaters? Then learn to wash your cashmere sweater by hand with a solution of water and baby shampoo.
11. Apply your favorite eau de toilette before getting dressed.
12. You're late for a date with the man of your dreams, and by chance your earring falls out on the floor, but you can't find it... Put a sock on the vacuum cleaner nozzle and walk in the place where you dropped the earring.
13. To make ironing your blouse collar easier, use a hair straightener.
14. What a shame, are there visible sweat stains on your white T-shirt? Lemon juice will help remove them.
15. If you spray your tights with hairspray, you can avoid arrows.

16. A man may hardly like to go shopping and try on clothes, but, believe it or not, there are such women. Are you one of them? Then the following secret will come in handy. Jeans will be just right if their belt hugs your neck.
17. Have you purchased a dress with an open back, but can't find a bra to go with it? If you have any old busts left, take out the foam and lice into the dress.
18. If you accidentally put a greasy stain on your clothes while visiting, sprinkle it with baby powder at night.

19. To revive your white Converse, wash them with a toothbrush, baking soda and detergent.
20. To stretch tight shoes, fill bags with water, place them in your shoes, and place them in the refrigerator overnight.

21. If you accidentally knock over a glass of red wine in a restaurant, don’t worry, the stain can be removed with white wine!
22. Are your new shoes rubbing your heels?

To avoid blisters, lubricate the back with dry deodorant.
23. If it so happens that after wearing your shoes, they don't look the best. nice smell, use dry used tea bags.
24. Do you remember how at school the boys used to put chewing gum on their chairs? Unfortunately, the clothes were thrown away after that. But in vain, all that was needed was to use a piece of ice.
25. To prevent the buttons on your blouse from coming off, cover them with colorless varnish.
26. Are the heels on your favorite shoes scratched? Don't worry, they can be revived. Apply glue to the heels, and then, generously, sprinkle with matching glitter. Your shoes will immediately take on a smart look.
27. To make fabric shoes waterproof, rub them with beeswax. And then your Toms will last longer.

I am sure that our article will be useful to you. And you, if necessary, will definitely use our tips. And if you have your own little tricks, be sure to share with us!

If you want your hamburger or sandwich to not fall apart, turn it upside down. Usually, the “bottom” is narrower than the “lid” and therefore the filling constantly falls out of it. And if you turn it upside down, you can enjoy the taste and not worry about all the good stuff falling out of the hamburger.

By the way, this even works with simple sandwiches, especially if vegetables are added to them;)

Lifehack No. 2.

To prevent your straw from constantly floating in the soda can, bend the ring that opens it and thread the straw through the hole.

Lifehack No. 3.

This life hack has already appeared on the pages of Lifehacker more than once, but let’s go through it again. If you decide to treat yourself to a mango, it is better to do it this way: cut off the sides on both sides of the seed, use a knife to make a “mesh” in the pulp and simply turn it out.

Lifehack #4.

If ants have gotten into the habit of coming into your country kitchen, don’t a large number of popcorn kernels, make them in a blender cornmeal and sprinkle a couple of spoonfuls near their main trails. In a few days your problem will disappear.

Lifehack #5.

If you're having a party that includes bagged snacks, instead of looking for clean options for them, consider making their packaging more sustainable and convenient. To do this, after opening the package, just fold the top edges slightly inward and tuck the bottom inward, pushing the chips closer to the surface. You will end up with sustainable snack “boxes.”

Lifehack #6.

Summer is the time for fruits and pesky fruit flies. As soon as you leave the fruit on the table, they immediately show up for a visit. It turns out that getting rid of them is quite simple. Take a small one Plastic container, cut the fruit into small pieces and put it in it. And cover the container on top cling film, making one small hole in it slightly larger than the front sight itself. They will never miss such a party. True, you will have to constantly update these containers, but your fruit will be safe and sound.

Lifehack #7.

To prevent melted ice cream from running down your hands, you can use either paper cups or paper muffin tins. With cups, however, it will not be so convenient, since when you finish eating your ice cream, it will be very difficult to get it out of there. But with paper muffin tins, everything really becomes more convenient.

Lifehack #8.

If you're having a hot dog party, you'll need a lot of extra space and utensils to put extra toppings everywhere. The situation can be corrected using the most ordinary Teflon muffin tin. It usually holds 12 cupcakes, so you can fit 12 different toppings in it. There’s also almost no need to wash dishes.

Lifehack #9.

Beach thieves sometimes amaze with their virtuosity - you won’t even realize that you’ve been robbed. If you don’t want to get into this unpleasant situation, a rather unique disguise may be the way out. I don't know why they decided to make a tube for storing money, keys and a phone out of a shampoo bottle (shampoo on the beach?!), but in any case, few will guess what's really inside. I think a tube of after-sun lotion would be a better option - you don't have to open it like a tube of sunblock, and it looks more natural than shampoo. At least on our beaches;)

Lifehack #10.

Drinking cold water in hot weather is not very recommended, but this life hack will suit you if you want to take water with you in hot weather and at the same time want it to remain cool enough for a long time. To do this, you need to put a little water into the bottle (so that when the bottle is laid on its side, the water does not spill out), and put it in the same position (that is, on its side) in the freezer.

Are you planning to go for a walk? Take the bottle out of the freezer and add cool water - the ice will melt gradually and the water will remain cool for quite a long time. The same can be done with juice, lemonade or compote.

To prevent bad smell sweat, try using a little baby powder instead of deodorant. It's made from pure cornstarch (which you can also use if you don't want to pay extra for baby powder), which has good absorbent properties. You can also use baby powder on your feet if they get too sweaty in the summer.

Do you agree that it’s very annoying when your sunglasses don’t stay in place, but constantly fall off and you have to adjust them? There is a solution: try placing small clear elastic bands on each temple sunglasses. This will prevent them from slipping off your face.

Do you want to go to the pool, but are you worried about how your hair will look after the chlorine water? There is a solution: before heading to the pool, apply a little coconut oil to your hair. It will add a nice shine to them and prevent dryness.

Summer tanning is inevitable, but you don't want to buy new foundation every time your skin gets darker. To avoid unnecessary waste, you should mix liquid bronzer with foundation before applying. You can experiment until you get a shade that matches your skin tone.

In the hot summer you crave cold drinks! You will surely enjoy starting your day with a refreshing glass of iced coffee. But you probably don't want it to have a lot of ice in it. You can avoid this by freezing regular black coffee in an ice tray and then using it to make your favorite cold drink.

Many girls suffer from excessive sweating, especially in summer. If you want to avoid wet armpits when you wear a T-shirt, attach sanitary pads to it. However, it is important to make sure that the sleeves are long enough and that the material itself is not see-through.

Want to protect your phone from sand, dirt and water while relaxing on the beach? Then put it in a ziplock bag. Since they are made from very thin material, you can easily use your phone without worrying about anything happening to it.

Sometimes it is very difficult to control the time when you relax on the beach and notice in time so that your tan does not turn into a burn. Good way Soothe red and itchy skin - use aloe vera gel. But an even better idea is to put the gel in an ice tray, freeze it, and then use it as needed to relieve the pain of a sunburn.

In the last few years there have been fashionable dresses and strapless tops. But unfortunately, many girls cannot wear a strapless bra as it starts to slip as soon as they put it on. Moreover, not every girl will decide to give up underwear altogether. But what can you do to stay in trend and at the same time feel comfortable?

The best solution is to use a special glue that will allow the bra to stick well to the skin, and you will no longer have to worry about getting into an uncomfortable situation. You can also use some regular glue (but not superglue). But before using it, make sure that you are not allergic to its components.

How many times have you refused to wear a skirt because it was too windy outside? Knowing the following life hack, you won't have to do this anymore. Take a few coins and place them on the edge of your skirt. inside, and secure with adhesive tape. You won't have to feel like Marilyn Monroe anymore.

A nail file for cleaning shoes, raisins for preserving champagne, lemon for removing clogs - does this all seem strange? In fact, these are effective life hacks that will be useful to everyone.

Many things that are used in everyday life are actually multifunctional and some of their uses are not always obvious. Now we will try to correct this situation and bring to your attention some useful life hacks.

1. Clock update

A common problem is scratches on the glass. wristwatch. There is a simple way to make them as transparent and invisible as possible. To do this, apply a little toothpaste to a napkin and wipe the watch glass with it.

2. Now the shower will work perfectly

A contrast shower is a great way to invigorate yourself, but if the shower head is clogged and water only drips from it, most likely, water procedures will only bring irritation. In this case, a simple life hack will help - put it in a pan, into which you need to pour a solution prepared from equal parts vinegar and water. Place it on the stove over low heat and boil for 5 minutes. The dirt will come off without much effort.

3. Fun for kids

If your child has nothing to do and you need to quickly come up with a task for him, then you can make homemade plasticine with your own hands. To make it, mix a cup of cornstarch, two cups of baking soda and add a little more than a cup of water. Stir until you obtain a homogeneous mass, like plasticine.

4. Egg lifehack

For cooking different dishes You must use either egg whites or yolks. Eat different ways their separation, and one of them requires a regular plastic bottle. Place the neck on the yolk and squeeze the bottle, which will “suck” it up in a matter of seconds.

5. Delicate cleaning of dishes

Many fruits and vegetables are sold in nets tied into a makeshift bag. You should not throw it away, as it will be useful in everyday life. The soft mesh can be used to clean pots and pans that have a delicate non-stick coating. Thanks to this method, you can effectively deal with dirt without leaving scratches.

6. No more fur

Owners of cats and dogs often complain that a lot of hair accumulates on the carpet, which is not at all easy to get rid of. There is a solution - use a window scraper, and the cleaning will be done very quickly.

7. Scissors, like from a store

After some time, the blades on the scissors become dull, and it will be extremely difficult to make a neat cut. There is no need to rush to a specialist or look for a sharpening stone, because there is a simpler and affordable way– fold ordinary food foil in several layers and make several cuts. This life hack will especially appeal to women who do needlework and often use scissors.

8. Only neat and quick cutting

Yes, a knife is convenient, but it is not always possible to get a beautiful and neat cut or piece with it. In this situation, unexpectedly help will come dental floss, which should not have any odor. Pull the thread well and make cuts to your heart's content. An excellent solution for cutting cakes.

9. Perfect ironing in minutes

Many people complain that they don't like ironing because it is a boring activity that takes a lot of time. There is a little trick to speed up the process: place a layer of foil under the ironing board cover, and things will be ironed on both sides at once. Simple physics and no magic.

10. Suede shoes, like new

Unsightly stains and abrasions spoil appearance suede shoes, but there is an affordable way to deal with such stains. Everything is very simple - rub the surface (attention!) with a nail file, but it should not be coarse-grained.

11. Healthy mayonnaise

Few people still do not know that mayonnaise is harmful product, but don’t rush to throw it away, because it may still be useful. Often leaving a wet cup or plate on the table, you can see ugly stains that are very difficult to get rid of. The same harmful mayonnaise, which needs to be applied to the stain for a few minutes, and then wiped with a napkin, will do the job perfectly.

12. Picnic without problems

Who would refuse a fragrant piece of grilled meat, fish or vegetables? The only trouble that mars your holiday is the grill grate, which is difficult to clean later. We'll open it for you interesting secret, according to which peeling can be done with half an onion. Rub the grate with it, removing greasy stains and stains. Important! This method is only suitable for hot grates.

13. Easy bottle cleaning

To thoroughly wash the inside of a bottle, you need a thin brush, but not everyone has one. Don’t worry, because there is an accessible solution - pour crushed eggshells into a bottle and pour in some water. All you have to do is shake the bottle well, and you will notice how well all the dust and debris are removed.

14. Blockages are no longer a problem

If you find that the water in the sink does not drain so quickly, then you should use a simple and effective life hack. Place lemon slices on the drain hole and open the tap with hot water. Thanks to this tip, you can cope with mild to moderate clogs.

A coffee grinder can be used not only for grinding beans, but also for other products, but before that it needs to be cleaned. Rice grains do this task perfectly. Grind it in a coffee grinder, and then shake it all out and wipe it using a brush and a cloth.

16. Proper storage of vegetables and fruits

To ensure that purchased vegetables do not wilt for a long time and remain fresh, before putting them in the refrigerator, wrap them in food paper, which will absorb all the moisture. It's simple but effective.

17. Preserve bubbles in champagne

The evening has come to an end, and the bottle of champagne remains unfinished? Usually after a few hours the bubbles completely disappear and the drink loses its taste. Now you will learn how to avoid this. It's very simple - before putting the bottle in the refrigerator, throw a few raisins into it. The bubbles will last until the next day, which means the fun can continue.

Life is a funny paradox. A person first complicates everything, and then... high voltage starts to simplify everything. This is very similar to the process of breathing. First a heavy sigh, and then a light exhale. And on at this stage I’m apparently already exhaling in life, trying to simplify everything in everyone. Living simply is an art that I am learning every day now. To do this you need to have a certain philosophical attitude to life. Perhaps you have it too, otherwise you wouldn’t want to read this article about how to simplify your life in the process of self-development.


Currently, on the Internet you can find a large number of blogs, forums, and websites that present a variety of tips to make our lives easier. How to avoid standing in line? How to get rid of unnecessary things? How to quickly multiply in your head? These tips are called life hacks, which literally translates as “life hacking” (life - life, hack - hacking). And the people who create these “hacks” and use them to make life easier are life hackers. Nowadays, life hacking is already a whole movement.

It all started back in the 80s, when programming and IT technologies were born. Programmers of that time tried to solve problems of optimization and simplification of computer processes. First, the word “hack” itself appeared, the meaning of which was an effective and quick solution to a particular problem. But then people started using it in Everyday life, adding the word "life".

The world learned about the very concept of “lifehacker” in 2004 from an article famous journalist Danny O'Brain, who covered programming and computer technology in the press. The term he proposed was instantly picked up by the blogosphere. And in 2005, the word “lifehack” became the second most popular word on the Internet, after the word “podcast.”

And already in 2011, this term appeared on the online pages of the Oxford Dictionary.

Life hacks are strategies and techniques adopted in order to more effectively manage time and everyday tasks.

Here is the definition from Wikipedia.

Lifehack is a set of methods and techniques for “hacking” the life around you to simplify the process of achieving your goals using useful tips and clever tricks. Quite an excellent definition!

For most people, both geeks and non-geeks, modern life– incredibly complex, obvious solutions don’t work. But we can get around these edges. The idea of ​​a life hack is the hope that we can actually make life a little better.
— Danny O'Brien.


Identifying a life hacker is quite easy. These are, as a rule, interesting, educated and well-read people. In most cases, they achieve success in life. They always look at the problem outside the box. Very strong logical thinking and unsurpassed ingenuity. A life hacker will never keep his “life hacking” a secret. On the contrary, it will share with others. He has in his arsenal many non-standard devices that could be invented by him. And, of course, they want to live easier, unlike others!

What does a life hacker use to simplify his life as much as possible?

Train your brain with fun

Develop memory, attention and thinking with online trainers


- Available advice. There is no need to reinvent the wheel if someone has already done it before. A life hacker always uses the knowledge and experience of other people.

- Savvy. There is no way to do without it. You need to see what others don't see.

— Time management, planning, organization. This may seem like it makes life more difficult, but it's quite the opposite. Planning gives maximum clarity and allows you to avoid unnecessary actions.

- Help from others. Very often, life hackers make life easier through synergy, connecting other people to their activities.

- Safety. You should never simplify your life by following untested advice or doing rash things. You should not put yourself and others at risk.

Can you become a life hacker? Perhaps, if you have the makings, such as ingenuity, dexterity, the ability to consider a situation from different angles, find non-standard solutions, etc. To join this movement and learn to simplify your life, here are some tips for you:

Read more! Reading allows you to gain mass useful information, which can come in handy at any time. Read everything: blogs, books, magazines. You don't know where you'll find your next hack!

Study more science! Physics, chemistry, biology, even astrology can help you. No one has yet repealed the laws, and the more you know them, the easier your life will be.

Don't be afraid to be an individual, a pioneer. Let there be more improvisation and experimentation in your life. As a rule, genius is born by chance!

Try to write down non-standard thoughts, solutions, ideas. Always have a notepad and pen with you. Or, to make it easier, take notes on your phone.

And, of course, communicate more with other life hackers, visit thematic sites. This will allow you to adopt behavior and habits that allow you to find non-standard solutions to problems.


There are a lot of areas of life hacking. The most popular of them are tips on everyday life, cooking, home economics, cars, various tips for tourists, and so on. And since I have a blog about self-development, I thought, why not. Let there be life hacks for effective personality development that will speed up the process of development itself and at the same time simplify life. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Why not tell people how to begin to develop according to the laws of least resistance, which very well help to live more simply. So, let's go!

Life hack 1. Immortality

You are eternity itself. Relax and don't rush anywhere. Haste leads to tension.

Only the body is mortal. The soul is immortal. You have had thousands of lives on Earth and other planets, and millions in other dimensions and universes. It is very difficult to understand this with your mind. Life is far from alone. Don't give it too much importance. Don't try to make it perfect. All the problems come from over-importance. Relax, there's no rush. Just float in the stream of Universal Consciousness and enjoy the pictures of life appearing around you.

Life hack 2. Creativity

You can everything! Just believe it.

There is endless creative potential hidden within you. Everything you need for the creative process is already inside you. You just need to realize this and begin the process of creation. Learn to create with your thoughts. Visualize more. This is how you create your own own world. This is how your individual creativity will appear. Remember that man is created in the likeness of God. Rich is not the one who has money, but the one who realizes his infinite inner power of the Creator.

Lifehack 3. Game

Don't be so serious - play life like a child.

How we learned to create using creativity computer games, and someone also created our game called life. He's just more of a creator high level. Everything you see around is nothing more than a virtual reality, which can be called an illusion. As in any game, in life you need to complete a certain mission. For this you have various resources: internal and external. As you go through difficult life situations you upgrade your skills.

Life hack 4. Development

Life is daily workout like in the gym.

What is a sense of life? In constant development... Most develop unconsciously. You need to develop consciously. The purpose of development is to expand your consciousness. To do this, we are given various life lessons. And they are all very, very painful. Muscles only grow when they are torn. The more mistakes and pain there are in your life, the faster you will reach new round of its development.

Life hack 5. Mirror

Don't change the world, only change yourself.

It doesn't matter what you've achieved, how strong you are or how much money you have in the bank. What matters is how much love and light is inside you. Your fullness of love and light are the main indicators of your growth and development. The remaining indicators are secondary. Love is yin. Light is yang. Love is feminine. Light is masculine. Love – 0. Light – 1. Love – magnetism. Light is electricity. The entire universe is built on these 2 energies. Learn to perform any actions only out of unconditional love.

Lifehack 6. Inaction

Action does not always lead to results.

Once again, I repeat that the external world that we all love so much is just an illusion. It is a mirror that reflects our Inner Light. Reflection can be changed if you change something within yourself. If you want to be loved more, then first see this love inside. If you want to be confident in any situation, then find faith in yourself. Everything external is just a consequence. Always find the reason and work with it.

Life hack 7. 2 energies

Our world is dual.

We were taught that in life, in order to achieve success, you need to work hard and take some actions. Yes, it is very important. But no one talks about inaction. After all, everything in life is arranged harmoniously. Day and night. Laughter and sadness. Rise and fall. It's all one. For the action to be complete, you need to be inactive for some time. It is at this time that the most right decisions in life. The result is not always a consequence of any action. The most top scores we get when we do nothing. It’s a paradox, but it’s true!

Life hack 8. Detachment

There is nothing more permanent in life than temporary.

Most people make themselves slaves, becoming attached to everything: things, people, some events. This is how we want to feel safe and comfortable. We think this will be with us forever. But the more we let into our lives, the less free we become. Many, having realized this, begin to move from difficult life to simplicity. Fewer connections – more freedom.

It's normal to be abnormal.

Many live according to different patterns of society. But this way we do not allow our individuality to sprout. It's okay to be different. It's normal to be inadequate. To be inadequate is to go your own way. Fear of being ourselves only slows down our development. Each of us has our own path. And you have to be really “inadequate” to go where everyone else is going.

Lifehack 10. Happiness

It is within us.

To be or not to be? That is the question! Everyone knows this expression from Shakespeare's Hamlet, but few understand it. true meaning. Long search happiness in outside world lead to nowhere. Happiness is within us. It is about being. To be a Creator, to be a husband, to be a writer. To be happy means to be part of something. To feel happiness you simply need to be aware of your attitude towards something. Happiness can only be here and now, in the present moment. Where it is always with us - inside.

Let these 10 self-development life hacks of mine help you live a simpler life. And if you want your “arsenal of life hacks” to be even larger, then I recommend reading. In each book you can find hacks from other authors, implement them and simplify your life. There is simply no limit here. Let others live difficult lives, but we will live simply. The power of life really lies in simplicity. Always remember this! And when you become a real life hacker, don’t forget to share this information with other people. Perhaps they too will begin their movement towards simplicity.

What else to read