Macedonian king Alexander. Who is Macedonian Alexander: biography of the great commander

whose biography demonstrates to us the indefatigable desire of a person for a grandiose dream, became one of the most important characters ancient history. Even in ancient times, the glory of the world's greatest commander was entrenched in him. And it is no coincidence, because it was this ruler who managed to create an empire colossal in scale.

Alexander the Great: a short biography

The father of the future commander was the Macedonian king Philip II, who managed to subjugate a significant part of the Greek territories by the middle of the 4th century. Alexander the Great, whose biography begins around 356 BC, was born in the capital of the state - Pella. In childhood, he managed to get an excellent education. The fact that the young man was brought up by the most famous thinker of the ancient era, Aristotle, speaks volumes. The latter sought to instill in his ward the qualities of an ideal sovereign - wise, just and courageous. The ideas of the philosopher to a large extent influenced the further policy of the great ruler.

Alexander the Great: biography of the first period of reign

The young warrior ascended the throne at the age of twenty, after his father Philip was killed by aristocratic conspirators. Over the next two years (from 336 to 334 BC), the new ruler was busy restoring the shattered

empire. After restoring order in the country and eliminating the threat from the northern Thracian tribes, Alexander turns his gaze beyond the borders of his own state. His father for a long time nurtured the idea of ​​finally breaking up by that time for more than a century and a half, which had been the main rival of Hellas. This dream was realized by his son.

Alexander the Great: biography of brilliant years

In 334 BC. e. Alexander's armies cross into Asia and begin to advance deep into the possessions of the Persians. The general battle took place in the same year on the Granik River, after which a significant part ended up in the hands of the Macedonians. It was after this battle that the glory of the greatest conqueror was entrenched in the young commander. However, he did not stop there. The next two campaigns of Alexander were also

directed to the East, but now he almost did not meet any serious resistance. So Egypt was taken by him, where the ruler founded the city, which was named after him - Alexandria. Some resistance was offered in the central regions of Persia, but after in 331 King Darius III was defeated, and the city of Babylon became the capital of the Macedonian empire. Many noble Persians after that went over to his side. By 328, almost all of it was conquered, after which the ambitious commander began to prepare an invasion of India. This campaign took place in 325 BC. e. However, the heavy battles of Alexander the Great across the Indus River greatly depleted his army, which had been on campaigns for many years without returning to its homeland. The grumbling of the army forced the ruler to turn back to Babylon. Here he spent the short rest of his life, having managed to marry a noble Persian woman, but died suddenly in 323 BC. e. After the death of the great conqueror, his state could not be kept in unity, and it broke up into several small formations.

Alexander, king of Macedonia, is one of the most legendary representatives of antiquity. Despite its very short life, the young king was able to enslave the impregnable Persian empire in just 12 years of his reign. And until now, there are many legends and myths about the great commander. The biography of Alexander the Great still contains many white spots. So who is this great person who amazed everyone with his art of war?

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The formation of a great commander

The Greek king, the great commander Alexander the Third is one of the brightest personalities in history. He was also called the Great and at the same time they noted the cruelty and ruthlessness of this ambitious conqueror, who changed the whole course of history, the fate of not only his own, but also many other peoples of the world. The growth of Alexander the Great by today's standards was low - 150 cm, but for that time it was considered average.

The birthplace of the great conqueror is the city of Pella, year - 356 BC. The father was the Macedonian king Philip II, who laid the foundation for future great conquests. Without this man, the future huge empire simply would not exist.

The exam may require information about the name of Alexander's mother. Her name was Olympias, in character she fully corresponded to him, she was an unusual, reasonable, stately and strong woman.

The future ruler and conqueror was especially attached to the Olympics and relied on her in everything. Mother played important role in the life of Alexander the Great.

Important! Mostly they pay more attention to Philip II, but thanks to the mother of Alexander the Great, she helped her son reach unprecedented heights.

Olympias, a priestess of Dionysus, a snake tamer, contributed to the suicide of Philip's seventh wife and children. It was she who became the regent of her son. While he was in the East, she was an adviser and assistant in all matters. intellectual development the future commander was engaged in the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

This is a Macedonian teacher in the field of politics and methods of government. Father Philip II participated in numerous military campaigns, so he was practically not at home. The upbringing of the boy was carried out by Aristotle, who paid Special attention the study of politics, ethics, as well as medicine, literature and philosophy. We can say that in his youth the future conqueror received a classical Greek education of that era.

Having become the king of Macedonia at the age of twenty, in the first years of his reign he proved himself to be a great strategist and conqueror, capable of creating a huge empire, the territory of which reached the borders of India itself. A life oversaturated with military campaigns ended too early - in 323 BC, Alexander was only 33 years old. courage and activities of the young king have become an integral part of the culture and history of the whole world.

The exploits of the great commander are reflected in the work of writers, artists and filmmakers, among them the following can be noted:

  • works of famous authors of antiquity: Diodorus, Siculo and Plutarch. Diodorus Siculus, historian of antiquity, wrote a biography of the great commander, which was included in the historical collections "Library of History". Sikulo dedicated a number of poems and songs to the Macedonian king, which are among the first documents in Latin;
  • the Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote about Alexander in the 12th song of the 3rd part "" under the title "Hell", where the narration was dedicated to tyrants;
  • the figure of the conqueror still inspires many directors. A prime example is the film of the same name with Colin Farrell in leading role, released on screens in 2004.

A life full of conquest

At the age of only 16, he was forced to temporarily replace his father on the throne of Macedonia, who went on a military campaign to conquer.

Two years later, the young ruler had to defend the interests of his state and endure first military test - the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. The Macedonian army defeated the Greek army. In 336 BC, after Philip II was killed by the head of the imperial guard, his son took the throne of Macedonia.

The ascent of the young king to the throne was not easy. The death of his father created problems in the government and revived the hope of the Greeks for independence from Macedonia. It also halted preparations for an invasion of Macedonian troops into Asia with the aim of subjugating the Persian Empire. After destroying the enemies within the government, dealing with conspirators and enlisting the support of the Macedonian army, the king decided first of all to strengthen the position of Macedonia in Greece. what territories were conquered by the army of Alexander the Great during his reign.


In 336 BC. Alexander was appointed commander-in-chief of the military League of Corinth. In the city he met with the famous philosopher Diogenes. The extravagant philosopher lived in a barrel, and greatly surprised the young ruler with such a lifestyle. That's why the king agreed to any desire of the philosopher. He invited the ruler to move away, as he covered the sun. Surprised by the answer, the young warrior said: "If I were not Alexander, I would like to be Diogenes."


In 335 BC. The rebel city of Thebes was destroyed and all its people were enslaved. Having established a firm position in Greece, he decided to complete the plans of his father Philip and free the Greeks who were in slavery of the Persian Empire.

Conquest of Asia

In 334 BC. The Macedonian army arrived in Asia at the same time as a huge fleet with the aim of attacking the Persians. There is evidence that before Alexander went to Troy to pay tribute to the great Greek warrior Achilles.

In the same year, the Gordian knot was broken. According to legend, the person who managed to do this soon became the ruler of all of Asia. Legend was brought to life.

In 333 BC the great military leader won the battle with the troops of the Persian king Darius the Third and freed all the Greek cities, whose inhabitants welcomed him as a liberator.

Finally, the Greek cities were free, but D aria managed to escape. It was necessary not only to strengthen the position of Macedonia among the Greeks, but also to seize the lands of the barbarians and Persians completely, thus creating the Macedonian Empire. It was these two desires that prompted Alexander to make a number of military decisions:

  • during the hostilities of the period 332-325. BC, the Persian empire was completely enslaved.
  • 332 BC Phoenicia, Syria and Egypt were conquered, the inhabitants of their conqueror called the son of Amun. This title was given only to representatives family dynasty pharaoh.
  • 331 BC Again, a victory was won over the army of Darius, after which the conquest of the capitals of the Persian Empire began: Babylon, Susa, Persepolis and Pasargada. After the death of Darius at the hands of Besso, the conquest of the Persian Empire in 327 BC. has been completed.

The death of the great conqueror

At the age of 33, the victorious king was at the peak of his glory, but misfortunes were not long in coming. Numerous spending on military action led the people and the government into intolerance towards the new regime.

To avoid problems, the great conqueror built military fortified cities in all strategic points of the territory of the empire, appointing their rulers to their closest military leaders. All cities were called Alexandria. All attempts to revolt against his rule were nipped in the bud.

Attention! The capital of the Macedonian Empire was moved to Babylon, which at that time was located in the very center of the conquered territory.

In the hope of putting an end to the strife between his empire, the Greeks and Persia, Alexander the Great married Statera, the eldest daughter of the Persian king Darius, and many of his close associates married Persian women.

On the eve of a new trip to Saudi Arabia, June 10, 323 BC., Alexander died suddenly. The death is believed to have been caused by malaria. Although this information is not confirmed by ancient documents and may be erroneous.

Other reasons could be: liver cirrhosis or poisoning. During a noisy feast, secret enemies brought a goblet of poisoned wine to the emperor. The true circumstances of the death of the Macedonian ruler are still unknown.

It is worth noting and interesting fact relating to heritage throne after death Macedonian king. Despite the fact that he had two sons, none of them took the throne of his father. As predicted in the Bible centuries before Alexander's reign, his empire was divided among the four generals of his army.

conqueror of women's hearts

Not only the wars of Alexander the Great ended with triumphant victories and brought him fame, but his personal life was no less eventful.

His ability to win women's hearts has become one of the favorite topics of many poets and writers of our day. There were many women, but those who deserve special attention were able to win the heart young emperor.

The first wife of Alexander the Great, Roxana, was considered one of the most beautiful women Asia. Perhaps the choice was due to this very reason, as you know, the Conqueror was distinguished by special vanity. The second wife of the emperor was Stateira, eldest daughter Persian king Darius. The third wife was Parisatis, daughter of Artaxerxes III, King of Persia. In addition to official wives, there were a large number of mistresses.

Unshakable character

FROM early years Alexander began to study the art of war and diplomacy. Thanks to his stubborn and unshakable character, he firmly knew what he wanted and could independently make serious decisions regarding both strategic decisions and transformations in all other areas of life.

The king limited himself to food without any problems and for a long time remained completely indifferent to opposite sex. He had other important goals. But if his leadership was not recognized by others, he was ready to sacrifice everything to be in the spotlight. Many ancient historians speak of him as a proud, self-centered person.

The great military leader had a special charisma, therefore he enjoyed authority among his soldiers, was distinguished by great courage, fought on the front line shoulder to shoulder with ordinary soldiers.

Biography of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, biography


Alexander the Great is a very interesting person and unique in its own way.. commander serves as an example for many. Studying the biography of the great conqueror will be very useful thing will leave a vivid imprint in the mind and heart of any person.

Known for his ambitions for conquest, Alexander the Great took his place in history as the great ancient Hellenic commander and conqueror.

For 10 years of military campaigns, he conquered more than half of the lands known at that time and did not suffer a single defeat in battles!

short biography

Alexander the Great (name - AlexanderIII; nickname - "Great") born July 20-21, 356 BC in Macedonia. His father - PhilipII, was the current king of Macedonia. His mother - Olympics daughter of the king of Epirus.

It is known that at the age of 7 the boy began to be taught the art of war and various sciences. Alexander showed no interest in philosophy and mathematics. But in riding a horse and archery, as well as some other physical and military sciences he had no equal.

Disciple of Aristotle

One of the teachers of the young Alexander the Great was Aristotle- famous wisest ancient Greek philosopher. Thanks to his teacher's stories about the universe and its many riches and wonders, the boy began to dream of conquering new lands.

After another news that his father Philip defeated another enemy and conquered the city, AlexanderIII would become sad and say: “At this rate, there will be nothing left for me ...”

Young commander

At the age of 16, Alexander underwent his first baptism of fire during the battle with the Athenians. His command of the cavalry decided the outcome of the battle in favor of the Macedonians and earned the young commander the nickname "Great". Philip's soldiers praised him!

The father was pleased with the first practical experience son, and from that moment young Alexander began to study closely military science: basics of combat, features of actions phalanx- the military unit of the Macedonians, which made their numerical minority unimportant in battles with enemies.

King of Macedonia

When Alexander was 20 years old, his father was treacherously killed by one of his associates. The time has come to accept the royal throne and government. Alexander the Great did not participate in the internal administration, but actively and fruitfully proved himself as a commander and invader, first of neighboring cities, and later of neighboring and distant lands.

There is a legend that during the siege of Athens, the main commander of the Greeks came out to Macedon Focion and said the following words:

“Why would you fight against your fellow tribesmen, against the Hellenes? You are striving for fame and fortune, so go to Asia, fight against the barbarians. There you will win wealth, you will achieve military glory and among the Greeks you will be famous for your kindness.”

Macedonian took advantage of the wise advice of the Greek commander, retreated from Athens and sent his 40 thousandth army(according to some sources - there were about 50 thousand soldiers) on a campaign to the lands of Asia, Persia, Egypt.

pharaoh of egypt

Crossing the Hellespont, Alexander and his army took the first fight with the Persian army near Troy, on the river Granik.

The Persian army was defeated by a talented commander from Macedonia. After that, many cities of the Persians surrendered to the young king without a fight.

In 332. BC. Macedonian without any resistance entered Egypt and became his Pharaoh. By that time, almost all military power Egyptians were in Asia Minor.

King of Asia

After strengthening his position in the Egyptian lands and building the city of Alexandria, Macedon decides to delve into Asian lands. By that time DariusIII, the Persian king, managed to gather a large army for new battle with Alexander.

October 1, 331 BC e. a great battle took place Gaugamelach, during which the troops of the Persians and the peoples subject to them were defeated. Darius in again fled from the battlefield, which further dropped his authority.

After this battle, the satraps of many Persian lands began to call the conqueror Alexander King of Asia and opened the gates for him without a fight.

Persian king

Then Alexander moved to the south, where the ancient Babylon and Susa, one of the capitals of the Persian Empire, opened their gates to him. The Persian satraps, having lost faith in Darius, began to switch to the service of the King of Asia.

From Susa, Alexander went through the mountain passes to Persepolis, the center of the original Persian land. After an unsuccessful attempt to break through on the move, Alexander with part of his army bypassed the detachments of the Persian satrap Ariobarzan, and in January 330 BC. e. Persepolis fell.

The Macedonian army rested in the city until the end of spring, and before leaving the palace of the Persian kings was burned.

By famous legend the fire was organized by hetaera Thais of Athens, the mistress of the military leader Ptolemy, instigating the drunken company of Alexander with his friends.

AT May 330 BC e. Alexander resumed his pursuit of Darius, first in Media and then in Parthia. July 330 B.C. e. King Darius was killed as a result of a conspiracy of his military leaders. Bactrian satrap Bess who killed Darius, called himself the new king of the Persian Empire. Bessus tried to organize resistance in the eastern satrapies, but was captured by his comrades-in-arms, handed over to Alexander and executed by him in June 329 BC. e.

Hike to India

After the victory over the Persians, Alexander the Great did not return to his native land, but moved to India. In battle, he defeated the army of the Indian king Pora and wanted to reach oceans. But then his army rebelled.

The Macedonians did not want to fight anymore, they demanded a return to their homeland, accused their king of an excessive thirst for wealth and fame. He had to give in. He had grandiose plans, he wanted to conquer the whole world, he thought to build a road through the Sahara desert, dig wells along it and much more.

Death of Alexander the Great

Upon his return to Babylon, Alexander soon fell ill with a fever. The disease progressed, the Great commander fought with it for 10 days, but June 13, 323 BC Alexander the Great died.

His body was transported to Alexandria, where he was buried with great honors in a golden coffin.

Alexander the Great is one of the main characters. Most of us know the name of this great commander since childhood.

Filmed about him art films, they write about him in books, and his exploits are real legends. Our hero was born in 356 BC. He was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia.

Parents paid special attention to the education of their son, among the teachers was Aristotle himself. The boy loved medicine, philosophy and literature. Alexander was ambitious, indifferent to material values and dreamed of campaigns and exploits.

In 336 BC, Philip was killed in a conspiracy. Who will take the throne? There were several applicants. But the Macedonian army, who knew the courage of young Alexander in battle, supported him.

Having ascended the throne, he first dealt with the conspirators and other pretenders. Meanwhile, in Greece, which was dependent on Macedonia, an uprising broke out. ancient city Thebes refused to submit to Alexander. The army quickly brought the city into submission. The defenders of the city were slaughtered, and the inhabitants were enslaved. The brutality and strength of the Macedonian arms brought Greece into obedience.

Having dealt with internal affairs, the future Great commander decided to move on to conquest. His gaze turned to Persia, where Darius III ruled. Alexander was to command a united army of Macedonians, Greek states (except Sparta), and Thracians.

From 334 BC to 332 BC the allied army completely captured Syria and Egypt, while almost completely defeating the enemy troops. On October 1, 331 BC, the famous battle of Gaugamela took place. The Persian army was defeated, Darius fled from the battlefield in the middle of the battle, when its outcome was not decided.

Stunning views of Babylon and Susa opened up before Alexander the Great. The capital opened its doors to the king of Asia, and the local nobility, no longer trusting Darius, switched to the Macedonian service. For some time, Alexander was actively involved in the internal affairs of the conquered state. Communicating with the Persians not as a conquered people, but on an equal footing. But soon it was time for new campaigns. Alexander the Great did not like the peaceful life.

Only during the war did he feel comfortable. Now the commander's path lay in Central Asia, where on the territory of present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, he fought with local tribes, depriving them of statehood. In 326 BC. Alexander the Great tried his luck in India. The campaign started well, the local tribes became dependent on the Greeks. But then the army rebelled, tired of the campaigns, and for a long time, not seeing the house and family. I had to turn back.

In 323 BC. Alexander fell seriously ill and died. Alexander the Great was amazing person. During his life he founded more than 70 cities. Most of them were named - Alexandria, in his honor. The largest such city was founded at the mouth of the Nile River, it was destined to become a large shopping center. The horse's name was Bucephalus. This horse lived for 30 years, faithfully served his master. During a campaign in India, the horse was killed. The city of the same name was founded in his honor.

According to ancient documents, the death of Alexander the Great occurred on June 10, 323 BC. e. The greatest commander was only 32 years old. Until now, historians cannot figure out the reason for his death. The sudden death of Alexander the Great, who did not determine his heir, led to the collapse of his empire and the creation of several states, headed by military leaders and close associates of the great king.

Return to Babylon

In 323 BC. e. the Hellenic army was returning to the west. Alexander the Great completed his campaign to the east, reaching India. He managed to create a huge empire that stretched from the Balkans to Iran and from Central Asia to Egypt. In the history of mankind, there have never been such huge states that appeared literally overnight by the will of one commander.

The death of Alexander the Great overtook in Babylon. It was a huge oasis with many channels taking water from the Euphrates. The city often suffered from diseases and epidemics. Perhaps this is where the King of Kings caught the infection.

Funeral of Hephaestion

AT Last year of his life, Alexander became twitchy and suspicious. His mourning was caused by death best friend and an approximate commander of Hephaestion. The whole of May was spent in the hassle associated with the organization of the funeral. For Hephaestion, a huge ziggurat was built, which was decorated with numerous trophies obtained during the campaign in the east.

The king ordered that a decree be sent to all parts of the empire that his friend should be revered as a hero (in fact, this was the status of a demigod). Being an extremely religious and superstitious person, Alexander gave great importance similar things. Among other things, he surrounded himself with numerous prophets and oracles.

Journey on the Euphrates

Babylon annoyed Alexander. He briefly left the bustling city to explore the banks of the Euphrates and neighboring swamps. The king was going to organize a sea expedition around. He explored the banks of the river, trying to figure out how to place 1200 ships near Babylon, which were soon to set off.

During this voyage, the wind tore off the head of the ruler of his red hat with a gilded ribbon, which he wore as a diadem. The prophets, to whom the monarch listened, decided that this case was a bad omen that did not bode well. When the death of Alexander the Great became a fait accompli, many close associates remembered that incident on one of the Euphrates canals.

The onset of the disease

At the end of May, the king returned to Babylon. He stopped his mourning on the occasion of the death of a friend and began to feast with his associates. Festive sacrifices were made to the gods, and long-awaited gifts began to be distributed in the army - a lot of wine and meat. In Babylon, the success of Nearchus' expedition to the Tsar was noted, and he was also eager to go on another campaign.

In the first days of June, Alexander developed a strong fever. He tried to get rid of the disease by taking baths and making generous sacrifices to the gods. Rumors of the king's illness leaked into the city. When a crowd of excited Macedonians broke into the residence of their ruler on June 8, the king greeted his supporters, but his whole appearance said that the monarch is held in public through force.

Death of Alexander

The next day, June 9, Alexander fell into a coma, and on the 10th the doctors pronounced him dead. For many centuries, historians of different generations have offered a variety of theories about what caused the death of a young commander, always distinguished by good health. AT modern science the most common point of view, which says that the cause of the death of Alexander the Great is far from mysticism.

Most likely, the king caught malaria. She noticeably weakened the body, and he could not cope with pneumonia (according to another version - leukemia). The discussion about the second fatal disease continues to this day. According to a less common theory, the cause of Alexander's death was West Nile fever.

Versions of poisoning

It is important that none of the king's companions died from infectious disease. Perhaps the monarch ruined his health with regular drinking. During the last holiday, he did not stop feasts for a single day, where alcohol was consumed in huge quantities.

Modern researchers drew attention to the symptoms that accompanied the illness of the commander. He suffered from convulsions, frequent vomiting, muscle weakness and an irregular pulse. All this indicates poisoning. Therefore, the versions of the death of Alexander the Great also include the theory of improper treatment of the monarch.

Doctors might have given him white hellebore or hellebore to ease his first ailment, but in the end they only made matters worse. Even in Antiquity, there was a popular version about the poisoning of Alexander by his commander Antipater, who was threatened with removal from the post of governor in Macedonia.

king's tomb

323 BC e. (the year of the death of Alexander the Great) became mourning for the entire vast empire. While ordinary residents mourned the untimely death of the monarch, his close associates decided what to do with the body of the deceased. It was decided to embalm him.

In the end, the body was taken over by Ptolemy, who began to rule in Egypt. The mummy was transported to Memphis, and then to Alexandria, a city founded and named after the great commander. Many years later, Egypt was conquered by the Romans. Emperors considered Alexander greatest example to emulate. The rulers of Rome often made pilgrimages to it. The last reliable information about it dates back to the beginning of the 3rd century, when the emperor Caracalla visited this place, placing his ring and tunic on the tomb. Since then, the trail of the mummy has been lost. Today about her future fate nothing is known.

Regency of Perdiccas

Information about the last orders of the king, made before he finally fell into a coma, remains controversial. The empire of Alexander the Great after his death was to receive an heir. The monarch understood this and, sensing his approaching end, could appoint a successor. In Antiquity, a legend was spread that the weakening ruler handed over his ring with the seal to Perdikka, a loyal military leader who was to become regent under Queen Roxana, who was on last month pregnancy.

A few weeks after Alexander's death, she gave birth to a son (also Alexander). The regency of Perdikkas was unstable from the very beginning. After the death of Alexander the Great, the power of the successor began to be challenged by other close associates of the deceased king. In historiography, they remained known as the Diadochi. Almost all governors in the provinces declared their independence and created their own satrapies.


In 321 BC. e. Perdiccas, during a campaign in Egypt, died at the hands of his own military leaders, dissatisfied with his despotism. After the death of Alexander the Great, his power finally plunged into the abyss civil wars where each contender for power fought with everyone. The bloodshed continued for twenty years. These conflicts went down in history as the Wars of the Diadochi.

Gradually, the commanders got rid of all the relatives and relatives of Alexander. The king's brother Arrhidaeus, sister Cleopatra, mother Olympias were killed. The son (formally named Alexander IV) lost his life at the age of 14, in 309 BC. e. The great monarch had another child. Illegitimate son Hercules, born of the concubine Barsina, was killed at the same time as his half-brother.

Division of the empire

Babylon (the place of death of Alexander the Great) quickly lost its power over the provinces. After the death of Perdikkas, the diadochi Antigonus and Seleucus began to play an important role on the ruins of the formerly united empire. At first they were allies. In 316 BC. e. Antigonus came to Babylon and demanded from Seleucus information about the financial costs of the war against his neighbors. The latter, fearing disgrace, fled to Egypt, where he found refuge with the local ruler Ptolemy.

The death of Alexander the Great, in short, was long in the past, and his supporters continued to fight against each other. By 311 BC. e. the following balance of power has developed. Antigonus ruled in Asia, Ptolemy - in Egypt, Cassander - in Hellas, Seleucus - in Persia.

Last War of the Diadochi

The last, fourth war of the Diadochi (308-301 BC) began because Cassander and Ptolemy decided to unite in an alliance against Antigonus. They were joined by the king of Macedonia, Lysimachus, and the founder of the Seleucid empire, Seleucus.

Antigonus was attacked first by Ptolemy. He captured the Cyclades, Sicyon and Corinth. For this, a large Egyptian landing force landed in the Peloponnese, where they surprised the garrisons of the king of Phrygia. Ptolemy's next target was Asia Minor. created a powerful foothold in Cyprus. His army and navy were based on this island. Learning about the plans of the enemy, Antigonus regrouped his troops. His army left Greece for a while. This army on 160 ships headed for Cyprus. Having landed on the island, 15 thousand people, under the leadership of Demetrius Poliorcetes, began the siege of Salamis.

Ptolemy sent almost his entire fleet to the rescue of the fortress in Cyprus. Demetrius decided to give a sea battle. As a result of the collision, the Egyptians lost all their ships. Most of them were flooded, and the transport ships went to Antigonus. In 306 BC. e. isolated Salamis capitulated. Antigonus captured Cyprus and even proclaimed himself king.

A few months after this success, the diadochus decided to deal a crushing blow to Ptolemy on his own land and equipped an expedition to Egypt. However, the satrap's army was unable to cross the Nile. In addition, Ptolemy sent agitators to the enemy's camp, who actually bought out the opponent's soldiers. Discouraged, Antigonus had to return home empty-handed.

For a few more years, opponents attacked each other at sea one by one. Antigonus succeeded in driving Lysimachus out of Phrygia. At the same time, Demetrius finally ended the campaign in Greece and went to Asia Minor in order to unite with his ally. There was no general battle. It happened only 8 years after the start of the war.

Battle of Ipsus

In the summer of 301 BC. e. The Battle of Ipsus took place. This battle was the final chord of the wars of the Diadochi. Antigonus's cavalry, led by Demetrius Poliorcetes, attacked the allied heavy cavalry, led by Seleucus' son Antiochus. The fight was fierce. Finally, the cavalry of Demetrius defeated the enemies and rushed after them in pursuit. This move turned out to be a mistake.

Pursuing the enemy, the cavalry broke away too far from the main forces of Antigonus. Seleucus, realizing that the enemy had made a miscalculation, introduced elephants into the battle. They were not dangerous for the Macedonians, who had learned to use combustibles and boards studded with nails against huge animals. However, the elephants finally cut off the riders from Antigonus.

The heavy phalanx of the Phrygian king was surrounded. It was attacked by light infantry, as well as mounted archers. The phalanx, unable to break through the blockade, stood under fire for several hours. Finally, the soldiers of Antigonus either surrendered or fled the battlefield. Demetrius decided to leave for Greece. 80-year-old Antigonus fought to the last, until he fell, struck down by an enemy dart.

Alexander's legacy

After the Battle of Ipsus, the allies finally divided the former empire of Alexander. Cassander left Thessaly, Macedonia and Hellas behind him. Lysimachus received Thrace, Phrygia and the Black Sea region. Seleucus got Syria. Their opponent Demetrius retained several cities in Greece and Asia Minor.

All the kingdoms that arose on the ruins of the empire of Alexander the Great adopted their cultural basis from it. Even Egypt, where Ptolemy reigned, became Hellenistic. Numerous countries of the Middle East have a link in the form of Greek. This world existed for about two centuries until it was conquered by the Romans. The new empire also absorbed many features of Greek culture.

Today, the place and year of the death of Alexander the Great are indicated in every textbook of ancient history. The premature departure from the life of the great commander became one of the major events for all contemporaries.

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