What is the name of the little kangaroo? Where does a kangaroo live? Where do wallabies live?

There is an interesting myth. When the English navigator, discoverer, famous James Cook, for the first time on the ship Endeavor, sailed to the eastern shore of the continent, then new to everyone, and was surprised to discover there many types of previously unknown plants and unusual representatives of the fauna, one of the strange-looking, original animals, the first one that caught his eye was a creature that moved quickly on its hind legs, deftly pushing off the ground with them.

It is not surprising that the discoverer of the continent was interested in the name of the strange jumping creature, which some of his people even thought was an overseas monster, and he received an answer from the native: “Gangurru.” That is why, as the legend says, Cook decided that it was customary to call these animals this way, although the savage only told him that he did not understand him.

Since then, the name has been assigned to this representative of the fauna, strange to Europeans: Kangaroo. And although later linguists doubted the truth of what was described historical myth, this does not mean at all that the animal itself is not interesting, and the story about it is not the pure truth. But now the image of this creature adorns the national emblem of Australia, being the personification and symbol of the continent once discovered by Cook.

The kangaroo is an unusual and even in some sense fantastic creature. This is a marsupial, classified as a mammal, and therefore, like all relatives from this class, gives birth to living offspring. It just gives birth to cubs in an unusual way early stage and carries them until their final formation in a bag - a convenient skin pocket located on the belly of these creatures. Marsupials are found only on the American and Australian continents, and the lands of the latter are home to the most of them.

This continent, once discovered by Cook, is generally famous for its huge number of endemics, that is, specimens of fauna found only in these parts. The representative of the animal kingdom we are considering is one of them. Among other marsupials in this part of the world, we can highlight the wombat as an example - a furry animal that spends its life underground. Koala is another one animal, kangaroo-like in the sense of having a pocket of skin on the abdomen. There are approximately 180 species of marsupials in Australia.

Kangaroos move by jumping

A notable part of the kangaroo's body is their incredibly muscular, powerful hind legs with developed muscles on the hips and four-toed feet. They allow this strange beast to reliably repel its offenders with their blows, and also to move with impressive speed on only two legs, while using its a long tail.

It is also curious that, unlike the lower part of the body, which is perfectly developed, the upper part seems underdeveloped. The kangaroo's head is small; the muzzle can be shortened, but also long, depending on the variety; shoulders are narrow. Short front legs that are not covered with hair are weak. They are equipped with five fingers ending in rather long, sharp claws.

These fingers of these animals are very developed and mobile; with them such creatures are able to grab surrounding objects, hold food and even comb their own fur. By the way, the fur of such animals is soft and thick, and can be red, gray or black in color in various shades. With its legs, a kangaroo can finish off a person, and its claws allow it to gut not very large animals.


The name “kangaroo” is sometimes taken to refer to all representatives of the family bearing the name: kangaroos. But more often this word is used meaning the most large species of the indicated family (they will be described below), and small kangaroos are usually called differently. In fact, the size of the members different types varies quite significantly.

Kangaroos can measure no more than 25 cm, and can also measure up to one and a half meters or more. The largest red kangaroos are considered the largest, and the record holders for weight are members of the forest gray variety (among those mentioned, individuals weighing 100 kg are noted). These animals are Australian endemics, but they are also found on islands close to the specified mainland: in Tasmania, New Guinea and others. All features of their appearance are clearly visible in the photo there is a kangaroo.

In total, fourteen genera are known in the kangaroo family. Some of them are more widely represented, others less so, but the number of kangaroo species in the overall count is enormous. Let us describe some of them in more detail.

1. Ginger big kangaroo . This variety belongs to the type gigantic kangaroos, individual specimens weigh on average 85 kg, as well as an almost meter-long tail. Such animals are found either in the northern part of the continent in tropical forests or along east coast in the south of the mainland, preferring to populate the fertile areas of the specified area. Jumping on their hind legs, they are able to move many tens of kilometers in an hour. The animals have a wide muzzle, and their ears are pointed and long.

Big red kangaroo

2. Eastern gray kangaroo- the species is very numerous, and the population of its individuals numbers up to two million. Members of this species, which are second in size after their counterparts described above, are closest to humans in habitat, since they prefer to inhabit densely populated areas of Australia. They are found in the south and east of the continent.

Eastern gray kangaroo

3. Wallaby- small kangaroos that form a group of species. They are no more than 70 cm tall, but they are especially large, while the weight of some may not exceed 7 kg. However, despite their size, these animals jump expertly. The champions of the human race would envy them. Kangaroo jump length of this type can be 10 meters. They are found in the steppes, swamps and mountains of both mainland Australia and nearby islands.

Female wallaby with baby in pouch

4. Kangaroo rat more similar not even to the two animals mentioned in the title, but to rabbits. By the way, such creatures lead a completely appropriate life, living in grassy thickets, looking for and arranging homes there.

Kangaroo rat

5. Quokkas- babies from this family, weighing about 4 kg and the size of a cat, defenseless creatures that have an external resemblance to other kangaroos, but also to mice.


Lifestyle and habitat

These creatures could well serve as a symbol of perpetual motion. They are able to jump to a height that is twice their own height, and this is not the limit. In addition, most species of kangaroos are not at all harmless and fight deftly, especially the largest of them. It is curious that when striking with their hind legs, in order not to fall, they have the habit of leaning on their tail.

There are many species of such animals, and each of them inhabits its own corners Green Continent, but most of all they prefer pastures and shrouds, settling in flat areas, frolicking in thickets of grass and bushes. Some species also adapt well to life in swamps and in the mountains among hills, stones and rocks. Often in Australian kangaroo can be found near settlements and detect their presence in farmlands and even on the outskirts of cities.

Most kangaroos are naturally adapted to move on land, but there are exceptions to this. of this rule. These are tree kangaroos that live in tropical forests and spend most of their existence in those places in the trees.

The population of these animals is large, and there are no noticeable declines in it. However, enough individuals still die every year. Blame it on wildfires. A good reason for the decrease in the number of kangaroos is also human activity, and of course hunting for these representatives of the animal kingdom.

Although killing or harming kangaroos is prohibited under Australian law. However, such regulations are often violated by farmers for their own benefit. In addition, poachers and lovers of delicacies shoot these animals for their incomparable meat. From natural enemies These animals can be called foxes, dingoes, large and.


Kangaroos eat only once a day. This happens just after sunset. It is safer for them to act this way. This is especially advisable, since by this time in tropical regions the heat is waning.

In terms of nutrition kangarooanimal harmless and prefers a menu of plant-based treats. Larger species feed on tough, thorny grass. Those of them that naturally have a short muzzle usually prefer to include bulbs, tubers and roots of the most different representatives flora. Some kangaroos love mushrooms. Small species of wallabies feed on fruits, seeds and grass leaves.

Kangaroo eats leaves

Such food does not differ in calorie content. However, kangaroos try to compensate for this deficiency with a variety of grasses and plants. True, predatory habits are inherent in tree kangaroos. In addition to bark, they can eat chicks and bird eggs.

These representatives of the animal world of the Green Continent drink surprisingly little, receiving enough moisture for their bodies from dew and plant juices. However, during dry periods the urgent need for water still begins to take its toll. In such unfavorable times, large kangaroos save themselves by digging wells. They can be quite deep; it happens that they go underground to a depth of 100 meters or more.

Reproduction and lifespan

Mating games Kangaroo care is carried out during the rainy season. During the dry period, they are physically unable to reproduce, since males do not have the ability to produce seminal fluid. A feature of the gestation process is early birth cubs, after a month after conception, and carry them to term bag. Kangaroo in this sense, it is similar to many representatives of the animal world of Australia.

After birth, the little baby, whose size is only about 2 cm, nevertheless turns out to be so viable that on its own it climbs into the skin pocket, equipped with strong muscles, of the kangaroo, where it continues to grow and develop, feasting on milk from the mother’s four nipples. There he spends up to six months.

Female kangaroo with baby

Really, kangaroomarsupial, but this is not the only reason for its amazing features. The fact is that the female of these representatives of the fauna is able to regulate the process of her own pregnancy, delaying its development for reasons of expediency. The reason for this could be the unwanted birth of two kangaroo chicks at once.

If the first developing fetus dies due to various circumstances, the development of the reserve embryo in the body of the kangaroo mother resumes and ends with the birth of a new offspring. Another pregnancy can occur at a time when the first kangaroo still lives in the pouch and is developing well. In this case, when the second baby appears, the mother’s body begins to produce milk of two different types to successfully feed both babies of different ages.

The characteristics of the females of these living creatures also lie in their close connection with their offspring throughout life. Nature even helps the mother kangaroo regulate the process of giving birth to babies that are convenient for her by gender. At the same time, female kangaroos appear in females at a younger age, and in a later period, male kangaroos are born.

And it really makes sense. When the kangaroo reaches old age, she helps raise the kangaroo's daughters and grandchildren. When talking about the life expectancy of these creatures, you should always clarify which species of kangaroo is meant, because representatives of each of them have an individual physiological program.

The longest-living record holders are red large kangaroos, which in some cases in captivity can survive up to 27 years. Other species live shorter lives, especially in wildlife. There, their lifespan is about 10 years, not to mention the fact that it can be significantly reduced due to accidents and illnesses.

Kangaroo is a unique animal. This is the only thing large mammal, which moves in huge leaps, relying on powerful hind legs and a long tail. Their front legs are small and weak, similar in appearance to human hands. This unusual animal behaves mainly night image life, and during the day he hides in the grass, while taking funny poses. Lovers of nature and unusual animals will be interested to know where kangaroos live, how they reproduce and what they eat.

Variety of species

There are 69 species of kangaroos, which are divided into three main groups: small, medium and giant. The largest marsupial animal is the red kangaroo: its height at the withers is 1-1.6 meters, and the tallest males sometimes reach 2 meters. The tail length adds another 90-110 cm, and the weight ranges from 50 to 90 kg. These animals move in huge leaps up to 10 meters long, reaching speeds of up to 50-60 km/h. The smallest representative of this family is the musk kangaroo. His height is only 15-20 cm, and his weight is 340 grams.

The most common species is the red steppe kangaroo. In size it belongs to middle group and is distributed throughout almost the entire Australian continent, excluding the region tropical forests. The friendliest and most trusting species is the giant gray kangaroo, and the most aggressive is the mountain wallaroo. This animal can show unreasonable aggression and get into fights even when nothing threatens it. At the same time, wallaroos prefer to scratch and bite, but never use their powerful hind legs, like most of their relatives.


Countries where kangaroos live are Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, as well as New Zealand. Many species of these animals prefer to live on the plains among dense, tall grass and rare shrubs. Kangaroos are mainly nocturnal, so this habitat allows them to safely hide during the day. The animals make large nests out of grass, and some species dig shallow burrows. Mountain species live in inaccessible rocky gorges. These small animals have perfectly adapted to their environment: their paws have become tough and rough to move safely on slippery stones. Tree kangaroos live in trees; they crawl freely and jump from branch to branch, but come down to the ground for food.

Kangaroos are herbivores. Like cows, they chew grass, swallow and regurgitate it to make it digestible. Eating can take place in different time days and depends on temperature environment. During hot periods, kangaroos can lie in the shade all day and go out to eat at night. One of the most amazing features is that kangaroos can go for months without water. On dry days, they feed on grass and tree bark, thus saturating their body with moisture.

Features of reproduction

Kangaroos breed in the wild once a year. The size of a newborn baby is only 1-2 centimeters, it is born completely helpless, blind and bald, so immediately after birth it crawls into a pouch on its mother’s stomach and attaches itself to the nipple for the next 34 weeks. If the baby does not reach the pouch and falls to the ground, the mother is forced to leave him: the baby is so small that the female will simply crush him if she tries to pick him up.

Inside, the surface of the bag is smooth, but in front of the “entrance” it is covered with thick, thick wool to protect the baby from cold and dangers. With the help of powerful muscles, the female is able to close the pouch so tightly that she can even swim, while the cub remains completely dry.

Just a few days after the baby is born, the animal is ready to mate again. Having become pregnant, the female can stop the development of the embryo for several months while the already born baby grows up. When the baby kangaroo is strong enough to leave the mother’s pouch, the female again “starts” the development of pregnancy and after a few weeks a new baby is born.

Enemies of kangaroos

Where kangaroos live, natural enemies are almost completely absent. In rare cases, small individuals may be attacked by foxes or dingoes. There are also occasional attacks by large birds such as the wedge-tailed eagle. The only serious opponent of kangaroo animals in Australia is the marsupial wolf, but these predators were exterminated by hunters, and at the moment there is not a single individual left on the planet. Oddly enough, sand flies pose the greatest danger. These pesky insects get into the kangaroo's eyes, which in most cases leads to blindness.

Kangaroos live in flocks of 10-15 individuals. As a rule, the largest and strongest male is dominant.

Kangaroo meat is very nutritious and contains almost no fat, which is why it is very popular among consumers. Kangaroo meat dishes are served even in the most expensive and luxurious top-class restaurants.

These animals do not know how to move backwards; they walk and jump only forward. Residents of Australia, the country where kangaroos live, decided to depict them on their coat of arms, demonstrating that the country is also moving forward.

Female kangaroos can care for two babies at the same time of different ages. The youngest child lives in a bag, and the older one only comes to eat milk. To do this, the mother has 4 nipples with different types of milk: fattier for the newborn, and rich in carbohydrates for the older child.

Several kangaroos escaped from zoos in the United States, France and Ireland, and then managed to have offspring in the wild.

Kangaroos are unique and funny. Although most species are poorly domesticated, many zoos around the world are home to small flocks of these interesting animals, so nature lovers have the opportunity to admire them in person.

Kangaroo (Macropus sp.) belongs to the phylum vertebrates, class mammals, subclass marsupials, order two-incisor.
By name systematic group we can often judge the structural features of its representatives. Pinnipeds have legs that actually resemble flippers. And in most artiodactyls, the hooves actually consist of two halves. If you follow this logic, it turns out that representatives of the marsupial order should have a bag. But firstly, only females have the so-called brood pouch. Secondly, there are species that lack a bag, but are nevertheless considered marsupials. And finally, thirdly, there are species that have a brood pouch, but have nothing to do with marsupials! It’s incredible, but it’s true. It is not for nothing that scientists consider marsupials one of the most paradoxical groups.
Marsupials give birth to live babies, but they are very tiny and absolutely helpless, more like worms. What prevents these animals from carrying their offspring within themselves to comparative maturity? The answer to this question was found not so long ago. It turned out that the embryo in the uterus of the marsupial is almost not connected with the mother, and after some time its supply is depleted. nutrients. At that stage of evolution, nature had not yet “figured out” how to provide the embryo with additional nutrition inside the mother. In addition, marsupials are simply unable to give birth to large babies. The birth canal, along which the baby moves when born, is intertwined with the channel for urine output. Only a very small fetus can pass through there.

That is why a bag was needed - an incubator with a built-in feeder and heating. Milk in marsupials is already “real” and flows from the nipples located in the pouch. The baby holds the nipple tightly in his mouth, and the mother regulates the amount of food entering there.
Today, the marsupial order includes about 250 species, 180 of which live in Australia and the surrounding islands. The remaining 170 species can be found in Southern, Central and North America.
In fact, the kangaroo family includes over 60 different species, with a wide variety of habitats and, accordingly, a different way of life. The subfamily of true kangaroos includes animals of medium and large size - wallabies, kangaroos and wallaroos.
But everyone has common features. All kangaroos have very long and strong hind legs, a long powerful tail that is used to maintain balance when jumping, and a pouch on their belly.
The symbol of Australia, the large red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) is the largest of the marsupials. Body length up to 1.65 m; tail - up to 1.05 m; The male weighs up to 85 kg, the female - up to 35 kg and easily jumps 8-10 meters in length!
Small subspecies of kangaroos are commonly called wallabies. Rat kangaroos grow up to 50 cm in length. These animals with long bare tails appearance strongly resemble a rat. They live in clear areas such as savannas.
The gray, or forest, kangaroo, standing on its hind legs, can reach 1.7 m. Gray kangaroos can move at speeds of up to 65 km/h, fleeing from hunters or cars. "The big gray", despite its impressive size, is a creature Quite peaceful and trusting.
The wallaroo, or mountain kangaroo (M.robustus), is noticeably different from other large kangaroos with shorter and squat hind legs, powerful shoulders, a more massive build and a hairless nasal area. Wallaroo live in inaccessible, rocky areas of the mountains. Rough, tenacious soles of their paws enable them to avoid slipping even on smooth stones. They feed on grass, leaves and roots, are able to go without water for a long time, and to quench their thirst, they often tear off the bark from young trees and lick the juice.
The only tree-dwelling members of the kangaroo family are the tree kangaroos found in North-East Queensland and New Guinea. These are animals reaching a length of about 60 cm, with brownish fur, and are hardly noticeable in the foliage of trees. New Guinea forest or bush kangaroos are adjacent to tree kangaroos. Thick fur protects them from endless rains, and strong claws make it easy to climb branches in search of young, tasty leaves. After all, these cunning people meticulously choose only the freshest and most tender!
For the most part, kangaroos live on the open plains of central Australia. Kangaroos prefer plant foods: leaves, grass, berries, cereals, as well as roots and rhizomes of plants, which they dig out of the ground with their front paws. In the treeless expanses of Australia, kangaroos play a role similar to that played by herds of herbivorous ungulates in Africa.

In search of water and food, these animals are able to travel vast distances. They move in huge leaps, pushing off the ground with their strong hind legs. At the same time, the tail helps them maintain balance. Kangaroos are considered the most the best jumpers in the world, they can move with high speed during few hours. Their jumps reach 3 m in height and 9-12 m in length. It is almost impossible to catch up with such a jumper. Therefore, kangaroos most often flee from danger.
One day, a red kangaroo, fleeing from pursuing farmers, jumped over a 3 m high fence. In 1974, a fisherman, sailing on a boat about 2 km from the coast near Melbourne, caught a gray kangaroo from the water. He was probably trying to swim to the nearest island.
Large red kangaroos are content with dry, hard and often prickly grass (for example, triodia). Every day, an adult animal eats a portion of lamb pasture. Well adapted to drought, these animals can go without water for several days and get to it themselves when thirsty. To do this, they dig a well with their paws about a meter deep. During the daytime, the air temperature in their habitats can exceed 30 degrees Celsius, so the front paws of kangaroos are hairless, and the animals lick them to cool themselves.
Kangaroos live in small groups, led by adult males. They protect their females from males from other groups. Fierce fights often occur between them.
During the season of love, males fight endless duels over females. Leaning on their tails, they stand on their hind legs and, like wrestlers, clasp each other with their front legs. To win, you need to knock your opponent to the ground and beat him with his hind legs. Sometimes it ends in serious injuries, especially since the legs have razor-sharp claws.
Kangaroos live approximately 15 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity. Age of puberty: between 18 months and 2 years. Mating takes place throughout the year. The duration of pregnancy is 33 days, and then the baby develops from 6 to 11 months in a pouch on the mother’s belly.
The belly pouch of a kangaroo is skin fold, which is intended for the development of the baby in it. Most often, a kangaroo gives birth to one baby, less often twins, and only the musky kangaroo rat gives birth to several babies. Biologists have observed what happens when a large red kangaroo is born. Before his birth, the female licks her pouch, making it clean.
A baby kangaroo is born naked, blind, helpless and very small. The dimensions of a premature baby are no more than 1 g in weight and 2 cm in length! However, this little guy immediately grabs the fur on his mother’s belly and crawls into the pouch himself. Here he greedily grabs one of the four nipples with his mouth and literally sticks to it for the next two-plus months. Gradually the cub grows, develops, opens its eyes, and becomes covered with fur. Then he begins to make short forays out of the bag, immediately jumping back at the slightest rustle.
The baby kangaroo leaves its mother's pouch at the age of 8 months. And immediately the mother gives birth to the next baby, which makes its way into the bag - to the other nipple. It is surprising that from this moment the female produces two types of milk: fatter for feeding the elder and less fat for the newborn.
With its forelimbs, kangaroos grab food and bring it to their mouth, combing their fur. The hind ones, which are much longer, help them defend themselves with powerful blows, which they distribute right and left in the fight against their own kind and other animals.
The tail is also used when running - it replaces the kangaroo's steering wheel, helping to change direction, and when the kangaroo defends itself, the tail serves as a reliable support.
In nature, kangaroos have very few enemies. These include dingoes, foxes and predator birds. Kangaroos do not always flee from them; sometimes they can defend themselves. Powerful paws help the kangaroo in this. The animal, leaning on its tail, raises its hind legs and strikes the enemy with strong blows. With its sharp claws, the animal can even inflict mortal wounds on the enemy.
He also has another technique against the dingo: he pushes it into the river and, leaning on top, tries to drown it. But main enemy The kangaroo, like all other animals in the world, is human. Cattle breeders (alas, not without reason) blame kangaroos for grassing pastures and shoot them, and also scatter poisonous baits. Official hunting to regulate numbers provides meat for animal feed and leather for clothing and shoes. Rare species Kangaroos are protected by law, but these measures are not enough: quite recently, for example, the broad-faced rat kangaroo disappeared from the face of the earth. The large gray kangaroo is also in a deplorable situation.

If you think about which animals are famous for their jumping ability, then only one representative of the family comes to mind. We are talking about kangaroos, the presented individuals can jump 10 meters in length and even more. And their jumps reach 2.5 meters in height and this is not the limit. Also, individuals can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour, overtaking prey. IN this material we will consider everything that affects the individuals under discussion so that everyone can form their own opinion.


  1. There are quite a lot of varieties of the individuals under discussion, and the overall characteristics of the animals directly depend on this. On average, in terms of body weight they are about 20-100 kg. with a body length of 25-150 cm. The tail has a separate role, it serves as a balance and is 45-100 cm in length. The largest representatives of the family live in Australia, they are red and large. Heavy kangaroos live in the east and are called gray kangaroos.
  2. The fur is compacted, gray, red or brown. Can also be combined. It must be soft and uniform. Top part the body of the individuals under discussion is poorly developed, most of the load falls on the bottom. The head is small in size and seems disproportionately small compared to the body. The muzzle can be short or elongated.
  3. The forelimbs are shortened, poorly developed, and not very muscular. They have 5 fingers, practically no hair, and the claws are strong and long. The shoulders are narrowed. The animal's fingers are spaced at a certain distance; they grab food with them and comb their hair. Compared to the top, the lower section of the body seems gigantic. She is muscular, strong, wide.
  4. The hind limbs are strong and long, as is the tail. The thighs are wide and muscular, and there are 4 toes on the paws. There is a membrane between the third and second, the fourth is equipped with a strong and long claw. In view of special structure The kangaroo's torso can inflict serious blows on the enemy using its hind limbs.
  5. The tail acts as a balancer and a kind of rudder. Individuals jump quickly, moving forward, but due to the structure of the body they cannot move backward. Their limb shape does not allow this, and their tail gets in the way.


  1. All people know kangaroos as the jumping inhabitants of Australia, and this is partly true. However, the presented individuals also live in other territories, for example, in New Guinea, Tasmania and Bismarck. These representatives of the family were also brought to New Zealand.
  2. Very often animals can be found near human dwellings. Such marsupials are found on the outskirts of large cities and medium-sized settlements. They also prefer to live near farmers' farmland.
  3. Based on the observations made, we can conclude that these animals are characterized by a terrestrial lifestyle. They live in flat areas, near bushes and among thickets of thorny grass. Tree kangaroos are great at climbing trees, while mountain animals thrive among rocks, stones and hills.


  1. The main species of marsupials are not at risk of extinction. However, for certain reasons, the number of goals is decreasing every year. This is due to the emergence forest fires, a decrease in the natural habitat of kangaroos, as well as hunting and other human activity. As always, it is people who pose the main danger to living beings.
  2. In Australia, it is prohibited by law to endanger kangaroos. The gray inhabitants of the western and eastern parts are considered protected. Wild animals are constantly exposed to shelling as a result of hunting.
  3. While protecting pastures, farmers mutilate these animals. Poachers shoot for the meat, which is considered a delicacy, as well as for the skin, which is subsequently used for the production of leather goods. The meat is distinguished by its low calorie content and taste.
  4. Generally speaking, the presented individuals are not in danger. But they have enemies in natural environment a habitat. The animals are hunted by snakes, large birds, dingoes, and foxes. To avoid encountering enemies, these individuals prefer to eat once a day in the evening, as soon as the sun sets.


  1. To a greater extent, kangaroos prefer to eat grass, so they are considered herbivores. However, among all the diversity of animals, there are varieties that are distinguished by their omnivorous nature. The largest red individuals lean on the prickly and tough grass. Individuals with a short snout feast on roots, tubers, bulbs and other underground parts of plants.
  2. Certain species of animals eat mushrooms and are directly involved in sowing their spore powder. Small wallabies are content with grass leaves, seeds, and small fruits. If individuals live in forest areas with moderate humidity, they feed on fruits, foliage, and plants. Arboreal individuals eat bird eggs and the chicks themselves, and gnaw the bark from the tree trunk.
  3. The diet may also include clover, alfalfa, eucalyptus leaves, acacia, cereals, other vegetation. Kangaroos consume cicadas and ferns. Small members of the family are more selective when it comes to food preferences. They go in search of food supply High Quality, often such food takes a long time to digest.
  4. Animals large format They can easily eat low-quality food, but compensate for this with a variety of vegetation. They go to pastures in the late afternoon, but it all depends on the weather conditions in the area where they live. If it's hot outside, then kangaroos will wait until the sun goes down, resting in the shade. Then in the late afternoon they go looking for food.
  5. A distinctive characteristic of these animals is their undemanding nature in terms of water consumption. Individuals may not touch water for several months, in some cases even longer. The liquid is obtained from plant foods, and dew is also licked from grass and rocks. Some clever members of the species tear off the bark, then content themselves with the sap flowing from the tree.
  6. Living in arid areas, large kangaroos have adapted to search for water on their own. They begin to dig wells to a depth of 100 cm or more. Subsequently, these watering places are used by birds, martens, and pigeons. wild type and other animals. The stomach of individuals can digest hard food; it is huge, but does not have many chambers. Some individuals of this family induce vomiting to get rid of food debris in the stomach. They then chew it again for better absorption.
  7. IN digestive system There are more than 40 species of bacteria. They are responsible for the correct functioning and digestion of dietary fiber. Yeast bacteria are also present and serve to create fermentation. If we talk about the diet of animals living in the zoo, they eat herbs, oats, nuts, seeds, crackers, vegetables and fruits, etc.


  1. If you really want to know more about the animals in question, your best bet is to head to Australia and visit national park. In such a place, individuals behave exactly the same as in wild conditions. Kangaroos are animals that lead a herd lifestyle.
  2. Most often they gather in small groups, which can number up to 25 individuals. However, mountain wallabies and rat kangaroos prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle. They never create groups. There are also small representatives of this species. They are predominantly nocturnal.
  3. Large individuals, on the contrary, can be active both during the day and in the evening. The animals in question graze in the moonlight when the heat subsides. The interesting thing is that the kangaroo herd has no leader. They are all equal to each other. Such animals do not have a leader because they are primitive due to their underdeveloped brain.
  4. However, the individuals in question have a fairly well developed instinct of self-preservation. It is enough for just one kangaroo to give an alarm signal, and the whole group will immediately rush in different directions. The animal makes a voice that is somewhat reminiscent of a cough. In addition, kangaroos have excellent hearing. Therefore, they can hear the alarm signal at a sufficient distance.
  5. It is worth noting that these animals are not accustomed to living in shelters. Only rat kangaroos live in burrows. As for natural enemies, such individuals have a lot of them. Initially, there were no European predators in Australia; later they were brought by people. Therefore, kangaroos were constantly hunted by dingo dogs, marsupial wolves. Small kangaroos were attacked by martens, birds of prey and even snakes.
  6. As for large individuals, such kangaroos can easily fend for themselves. However, small representatives of the same species are practically helpless. Individuals are not daredevils; on the contrary, they always try to escape from danger. If the predator nevertheless overtakes its prey, the kangaroo tries to defend itself very fiercely.
  7. It is quite interesting to watch how the animal defends itself. The kangaroo delivers a series of powerful blows with its hind legs, while the individual rests on its tail. The kangaroo also tries to grab the offender with its front paws. Many people know that a blow from an adult can easily kill a dog. A person can easily end up in the hospital with broken bones.
  8. Local residents claim that when a kangaroo escapes from an enemy, it lures the predator into the water. As a result, the animal drowns the offender. Dingo dogs have suffered in this way more than once. Among other things, kangaroos try to stay away from people. Therefore, it is impossible to see settlements of these animals nearby.
  9. However, such individuals are often found near farms and on the outskirts of small towns. Kangaroos are not pets, but the presence of people does not frighten them. Individuals quickly get used to the fact that people often feed them. However, they do not allow themselves to be petted.


  1. Such animals reach sexual maturity at approximately 2 years. Life expectancy on average is about 18 years. In some cases, some individuals even lived up to 30 years. During the mating season, males fight very hard for the attention of the female. This often ends in severe injuries.
  2. After mating, the female most often gives birth to only 1 cub. Before the baby is born, the mother begins to carefully lick her pouch. It is in it that the baby will continue to develop in the future. Pregnancy lasts only about 1.5 months.
  3. As a result, a completely blind baby is born without hair. The baby then develops in the mother's pouch for about 11 months. Moreover, the young almost immediately attach themselves to one of the nipples and do not come off it for about 2 months. During this time, the cub continues to grow, develop and acquire fur.
  4. Sometimes the baby already begins to crawl out of the bag, but at the slightest rustle he immediately returns back. Already at the age of 8-10 months, the cub can leave the pouch for a long time, sometimes the mother begins to prepare for the next mating season.

Kangaroos can be considered unique animals. The development of babies occurs in a special pouch in the mother. This pocket protects the young animals from various types of danger and unpredictable weather conditions. The female may be preparing for mating season only after she is sure that her cub is ready for independent life. Kangaroos are a symbol of Australia, but this does not mean that such individuals will welcome any contact with humans.

Video: Kangaroo (Macropus)

One of the most recognizable and popular animals in Australia. Of course, his image is even present on the state emblem of the Green Continent! For every Australian, the kangaroo is a symbol of progress, non-stop movement forward, and all because this animal is purely physically unable to jump or back away.

Debunking the myth

Despite the fact that the kangaroo appeared before scientific world more than a hundred years ago and since then has been closely studied by biologists, this animal still remains a mystery to scientists. Even the name itself - kangaroo - for a long time it baffled everyone.

The most popular version of the origin of this name was the mythical story (precisely mythical) that “kangaroo” is translated from the local dialect as “I don’t understand.” Allegedly, this is how the aborigines answered the questions of the curious Captain Cook, who pointed his finger at a jumping marsupial animal unknown to Europeans.

Western gray kangaroo (female with grown calf in a pouch on her belly)

Now let’s say that they point a finger at something and say any (from your point of view) nonsense with a questioning intonation. You will probably guess what exactly interests your opponent - so let’s not consider the Australian aborigines stupider than ourselves, they probably understood everything.

So the version that sounds much more plausible is that “kangaroo” (kangaroo in one of the local dialects) actually translates as “big jumper” and the first to hear this word was not Captain Cook, but a completely different English navigator, William Dampier, about which and left corresponding notes. And if we adhere to the first version, then all the animals and plants of Australia would receive the name “kangaroo” from the Europeans.

Male red kangaroos are strong animals with muscular limbs, and their height can exceed human height and reach up to 2 meters. If aggressive, they can inflict fatal wounds on a person. The attack tactics are the same both when attacking people and when fighting with its own kind - standing on its tail, the kangaroo delivers powerful blows with its powerful hind legs. Gray kangaroos are no less aggressive, although they smaller in size(height up to 1.3 meters).

Another one interesting riddle- kangaroo's relationship to water. These animals, quite deliberately, drink very little. Even in extreme heat, if water is available, kangaroos stay away from sources and would rather strip the bark from trees and lick the juice than quench their thirst with water.

Some scientists explain this by the fact that water reduces the nutritional value of already meager food, so kangaroos prefer not to needlessly dilute useful substances in their body.

Happy quokka

There are quite a lot of different types of kangaroos - more than fifty, ranging from the smallest, kangaroo rats, to huge, red kangaroos, whose height can reach two meters.

Great rat kangaroo, or red kangaroo rat (Aepyprymnus rufescens)

We least of all associate kangaroo rats with the classic kangaroo. They are more like rabbits, and, accordingly, lead a rabbit’s life: they scurry around in the grass thickets in search of food, dig holes or settle in ready-made alien dwellings. It’s hard to call them kangaroos, but since zoologists have decided so, let’s not argue.

Quokkas look much more funny - tailless animals, but already similar to real kangaroos, although the resemblance to mice is still clearly visible in the appearance of quokkas.

Quokkas are perhaps one of the most defenseless species of kangaroos; they prefer to live in small areas more or less isolated from the outside world.

Who draws crop circles?

Those kangaroos that we are used to seeing in photographs, television screens and in zoos are actually called wallabies. Wallabies are medium-sized kangaroos and they are the ones most adapted to life in captivity. One of the subspecies - the rock wallaby - has interesting feature: the feet of its hind legs are covered with thick and very tough fur, allowing it to climb up rocks.

Brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata)

Thanks to this fur, the rock wallaby is able to jump on wet and slippery stones, and, if necessary, on inclined tree branches. By the way, wallabies are involved in this mysterious phenomenon like crop circles.

According to the governor of the island of Tasmania, these animals have been seen more than once in areas where opium poppy is grown (exclusively for medicinal purposes). Having eaten poppy seeds, wallabies for some reason begin to jump in a circle, and thus “draw” those same mysterious circles.

Interestingly, female wallabies are capable of producing two types of breast milk at the same time. From one nipple the baby, which was born quite recently, feeds, and from the other, the more mature offspring, which has already left the pouch, but occasionally appears to feed. Milk for him contains a slightly different composition of nutrients.

White-breasted wallaby (Macropus parma)

And wallabies in the wild can now be found not only in Australia, but also in England, Scotland, and France. For example, a group of about thirty wallabies lives literally 50 kilometers from Paris. These European colonies of Australian "aboriginals" appeared after one or more pairs of kangaroos escaped from zoos.

Over rocks and over trees

A species close to the wallaby, also of medium size, is the tree kangaroo. All the fingers of these animals have long, hooked claws, with the help of which they quickly climb trees, and sometimes even jump from branch to branch, not at all like decent kangaroos, but rather like monkeys.

Tree kangaroo (genus Dendrolagus)

Tree kangaroos descend to the ground with their tail down, so we can say that some species of kangaroo are still able to move backwards.

So, what about the big “real” kangaroos? Scientists count three types. The gray or forest kangaroo lives, as the name suggests, in forest areas; red, slightly larger - prefers flat places, and, finally, wallaroo - a sullen inhabitant of the mountains.

Mountain kangaroo or Wallaroo (Macropus robustus)

Unlike other types of kangaroos, which try to gallop away in case of danger, the wallaroo, especially if it is a seasoned male, is extremely pugnacious and likes to attack first. True, again, unlike other kangaroos, wallaroos only scratch and bite, and never use their hind legs in battle, and it is precisely the blow with the hind legs that is often fatal to the enemy.

Australians often keep kangaroos (small ones, of course) as pets. Usually these are kangaroos whose mother has died. For the baby, they sew a bag similar in size to a kangaroo's bag, hang it in a cozy place and place the kangaroo there along with a bottle of milk with a nipple on it.

After some time, the baby gets used to the bag and can climb into it and climb out on his own. The most common name for such a pet in Australia is Joey, which means “little kangaroo”.

Konstantin FEDOROV

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