Is it possible to vacation in Vietnam in the summer? When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, what time of year and where. Resorts, photos, videos. When is the best time to go on holiday to Vietnam: the north and center of the country

Vietnam is famous for its heavenly beaches, and go there primarily for their sake. However, this paradise will also appeal to diving enthusiasts - diving here is one of the cheapest in the world, but at the same time it is well organized, and there are interesting dive sites, and you can dive throughout the year, just changing resorts.

Those who like excursion holiday , will appreciate the richness and preservation of historical monuments. There are medieval imperial citadels, French colonial quarters, and partisan catacombs from the Vietnam War. And natural ones are like that small country amaze with their grandeur: the giant Mekong Delta, the largest cave in the world, Son Doong, the bay of 3000 Ha Long Islands. Makes a great holiday seasoning local kitchen with a pleasant French accent.

Tours to Vietnam

Popular resorts

Vietnam on the map is stretched along the meridian with a winding line. At the top, in the north, is the country's capital -. In the center is the ancient capital of Hue, popular among lovers of excursion holidays.

Beach resorts begin a little further south, in Nha Trang, the most famous and popular of them. Even further south follow, especially suitable for surfers and kiters. Below begins the Mekong Delta, as well as the “Paris of the East”, the industrial and tourist center -.

In the extreme south of the country, the sea gives way to the Gulf of Thailand. In it, at the very borders of Cambodia, is located the largest island of Vietnam. Paradise beaches with white sand and coconut palms should be looked for there, on its western shore.


The level of hotel service in Vietnam is very high: even 3-star hotels in their comfort and quality of service are close to the European “fours”. And local “fours” and even more so “fives”, especially when it comes to historical hotels, are real luxury.

Animation for children, children's clubs and special entertainment programs are not yet available in every resort hotel; information about them must be clarified in advance. Also, not all hotels operate in the all-inclusive format, which, by the way, is not so much in demand. At Vietnamese resorts, you don’t want to sit in a hotel around the clock when there is so much interesting and tasty food around.

You can come to Vietnam without even booking a hotel in advance. In large tourist centers you can always find available rooms right on the spot.

Tours to Vietnam

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.



The national currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. Its cost is such that you should have banknotes of 50,000 and 20,000 dong with you as “changes” to pay for a pedicab (“siklo”) or buy a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The most large bill- half a million dong.

It is best to take with you on a trip U.S. dollars: you can pay with them here as freely as with the national currency. The euro has no such circulation.


Visa to Vietnam need not for Russians who are going to come for a period of up to 15 days.

Those who plan to stay in the country longer need to obtain a visa. It can be single or multiple, but in both cases it is issued for a period of 1 or 3 months. To obtain a visa, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the consular department of the Vietnamese Embassy. The visa is issued within 5 - 7 working days. However, you can also apply for a visa on arrival at any of the main airports in Vietnam. It's both faster and easier.

Round-trip flights to Vietnam

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.

What to bring from Vietnam

Even by the standards of Southeast Asia, prices in Vietnam are very low, so no one comes from here without souvenirs. Russians often bring tropical fruits, medicinal artichoke tea and coffee from Vietnam, including such an exotic and expensive variety as “kopi luwak”: it is also cheaper here than, for example, in Vietnam. Snake wine and medicinal tinctures for snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures have become souvenir classics. Men consider them beneficial for their health.

Women love Vietnamese island pearl jewelry and silk clothing. On vacation, many even order national woman suit ao dai, which consists of a long silk shirt and trousers. A traditional conical hat made from palm leaves goes perfectly with it.

There is an opinion that holidays in Vietnam are popular among Russians all year round and, unlike Thailand, the rainy season here is not so pronounced. In fact, this statement is far from certain. Vietnam - big country, and each region has its own climate map.

The portal site has studied the weather patterns in the local tropics and offers its answer to the question of when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam. Everything to plan your trip and not be disappointed on your vacation.


Unlike its closest neighbors, Vietnam's weather zones are divided into three completely different regions: north, center and south. And there are places where to relax in summer months It’s not only possible, but necessary. After all, it is from May to August that there is the least rain here. We are talking about Central Vietnam and Nha Trang - the most visited resort in the country.

In addition, in the summer you can safely go to Hoi An, Da Nang or Due - both for beach adventures and for educational excursions with visits to museums under open air And national parks. Not a single walking tour will be disrupted by downpours, and if the rain decides to make itself known, it will happen in the evening or late at night, and in the morning the sky will become clear again.

But it’s better not to appear in the north or south of the country during these months. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City until November are in the grip of monsoons, which bring not only daily downpours, but also the risk of floods, hurricanes and other disasters, sometimes with destruction and casualties.

Weather in Vietnam in summer

From the end of April to September, the central part of the country pleases tourists with sun and temperatures up to +32...34 °C in the shade; the sea will also be slightly cooler - about +28 °C. In other regions, the average maximum is +29 °C, while high humidity aggravates the feeling of heat.


If you want to relax on Vietnamese beaches in the summer, then Nha Trang is the ideal choice. Just don’t forget that the higher the season, the more expensive everything at the resort is - from accommodation to entertainment. However, with Vietnamese prices, even such an overpayment will not look critical. And this is definitely not a reason to cancel or postpone your vacation.


The tropical winter, which begins in October and lasts almost seven months, also manifests itself in its own way. Already in September, rains can begin in the central regions, and their peak occurs in October-November. On the Danang coast, by the beginning of December, the risk of typhoons increases, due to which all ferry services are stopped and commercial shipping is suspended.

The stormy wind calms down only in December, when there are many tourists in Nha Trang again, but the sky is no longer as clear as in summer, and rain can happen at any time of the day.

During this period, a stable anticyclone comes to the north - there is practically no rain, but the air also noticeably cools down. For markets and shopping centers Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are a time of brisk trade, sales and promotions for wholesale buyers. In the queues at the ticket counters you can see tourists from all over the world, and Russian speech is heard from all sides.

Southern resorts such as Phan Thiet experience two waves in winter. The first is thrifty couples and young people who are not embarrassed by the occasional rain in the middle of the day and possible gusts of wind. The second wave is forming closer to the New Year and Christmas holidays; this is the “public with money” who will not rent a bungalow to ride a board, but prefers a relaxed holiday on the beaches of luxury hotels.

Weather in Vietnam in winter

The air temperature in the north of the country is moderately high almost all winter. Average daily temperatures rarely rise above +22 °C, but even in such weather you can safely swim in the sea without fear of catching a cold. The south will delight you with heat up to +32 °C until April.


Winter for the Vietnamese north and south is considered the high season; in the center, on the contrary, the rainy season ends, which lasts at least two months, and the sky is covered with clouds. For beach holiday at this time, Phan Thiet or Phu Quoc island are better suited, and for shopping and other entertainment of a “civilized person” you can choose any of the cities, the main thing is to wait out the bad weather.

Let's share: is it the season in Vietnam, or when is the best time to go to the land of rice and dragonfruit? So as not to get wet like an Asian and get a tan like a child (within normal limits, of course).

If interested tourist season in Vietnam, don’t rush to Google “when to fly?” – the country is warm all year round, you can always find a place in the sun. But since the territory is elongated, it is better to consider not Vietnam as a whole, but a separate location. When the sun is scorching in one corner and raining in another, Peter is resting.

Let’s immediately say that in Vietnam it is customary to distinguish between three climate zones:

✓ North (Hanoi, Halong, Sapa)
✓ Central part (Danang, Hue, Hoi An)
✓ South (Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Vung Tau, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc)

In the south, air and water temperatures do not fluctuate much. Average values: +28°С for both parameters. There are many tourists all year round. The north is more contrasting by month. It gets really cold in winter (below +10°C in December and January). It is better to relax in this part of the country in the summer.

When choosing a resort for a beach vacation, you should also pay attention to the presence of waves. In the south in December-January the sea warms up to +27°C, but only Phu Quoc is suitable for calm sailing. Other top spots at this time of year are occupied by surfers - that's what high season is for in Vietnam!

Services for finding cheap tours

Do you know how long it is to fly to Vietnam? 9 o'clock. The country itself is inexpensive, but air tickets are wow! It will be cheaper and more convenient to visit Vietnam as part of a tour.

Finding tours here is as easy as shelling pears. For example, enter the same Phan Thiet into the search. When is the best time to go, you can decide by scrolling the “price calendar” line. So, we caught a tour in January 2019 for 10 days from Moscow for 78,000 rubles. For comparison: air travel alone for two will cost a minimum of 68,000 rubles.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam? Beach season at resorts

Vietnam has different weather conditions; you can escape from everyday life for a week or two on its beaches almost any month, but it is important to choose the direction wisely. For example, Phu Quoc (south) will warm you up in the Russian winter, and Hoi An (centre) is more suitable for a summer tan.

  • In the southern part

    From Tuy Hoa City to national park Ka-Mau (most southern point countries)

    In the center

    From Quang Binh Province to Tuy Hoa

    In the north

    From the Chinese border to Quang Binh province

Summary table of average temperatures at Vietnamese resorts by month

Air temperature, °C

North Center South
Hanoi Ha Long Danang Hue Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Fan Thie and Mui Ne Nha Trang Phu Quoc
January +20 +20 +24 +24 +32 +30 +26 +29
February +23 +21 +25 +26 +34 +30 +27 +29
March +26 +23 +28 +29 +35 +32 +29 +30
April +31 +27 +31 +32 +36 +33 +31 +31
May +35 +31 +33 +35 +35 +33 +33 +33
June +36 +32 +33 +35 +32 +31 +33 +32
July +35 +32 +33 +34 +32 +30 +33 +31
August +34 +33 +33 +34 +32 +30 +33 +31
September +32 +32 +32 +33 +32 +31 +32 +31
October +31 +30 +30 +30 +32 +30 +30 +31
November +27 +26 +28 +28 +32 +29 +30 +29
December +22 +22 +24 +24 +32 +29 +27 +29

Season in Fukuoka

Phu Quoc Island is a zone of hot tropics. You won’t be able to freeze here (no matter how hard you try), it’s warm – on average +30°C. There are three seasons - each for its own connoisseur.

  • High season
    Start: November
    End: March

During this period in Fukuoka the most relish is - perfect season for holidays in Vietnam and best time for excursions. The sun is not too hot (+29°С…+30°С), precipitation is minimal. But let's face it, you will have to pay more for such conditions (hotels raise the price tag, the bill for the flight also increases).

  • Hot season
    Start: April
    End: June

Beach holidays are just as good as in the higher season. Only the rains that begin in May can darken it. But among the pleasant bonuses are cheaper hotels.

  • Wet season
    Start: July
    End: October

Warm? Yes. But only a very lucky beachgoer will be lucky with the weather - long live the rainy season! Although there are exceptions, when the sky does not shed a tear for several days - such is roulette.

In summer and autumn, prices for trips to Phu Quoc drop significantly. Thus, the “seasonal” cost of a tour to Vietnam for two for 10 nights in 2019 is from 110,000 rubles. “Off-season” – already from 88,000 rubles!

Season in Nha Trang

To the beaches of Nha Trang today/tomorrow/in six months. Holiday season It is open both in winter and summer, but the change of seasons is still felt.

  • Low season
    Start: mid-October
    End: mid-December

This is the rainy season strong winds and the rough sea. It's not a swimming season, but surfing in Vietnamese Nha Trang will definitely be a success. And also, occasionally typhoons O_O occur, significantly reducing the prices for vacations - you need to look for your advantages in everything. In the intervals between weather hysterics, you can sunbathe in the sun, completely.

  • High season
    When does the season start? In January (for swimming - in March)
    Ends: September

Rain? No, we haven’t heard :) The best time for a sun lounger and sunscreen (with the exception of relatively cold January and February - the temperature can drop below +20°C). But if your budget is limited, to save money we recommend buying a tour in advance - it’s called “high” for a reason.

The beach season in Vietnam dictates its own conditions - a 10-night tour costs from 95,000 rubles. If you decide to “donate” on sunny days, in November you can fly for 65,000.

Weather in Vietnam by month

We'll tell you about the weather in Vietnam by month - everyone can determine the best holiday for themselves.

As you know, from December to May in Vietnam there is not only an influx of tourists, but also mango season. Which location should you go to for vitamin C (which the juicy fruit is so rich in), where the sea is warmer and the sun is hotter?

Vietnam in December, January and February

Is it worth rushing to Vietnam in winter: which month is better and where?

North (Hanoi, Sapa). Monsoons drive away the rainy season and chilly weather. The air temperature is +17°C, but there are also anomalous temperatures of +30 for this time. The sea warms up, on average, to +17°C. If the water in December is still suitable for a beach and swimming holiday (+22°C), then in January and February it is clearly a little cold (walruses don’t count)
Central part (Danang, Hoi An). In a word - comfortable. Air: +25°C, the sea is not much different from it. But the concept of a full-fledged holiday in the sun in winter is inappropriate here; winds and waves will not allow you to splash calmly in the water
South (Phu Quoc). Hot, dry, air temperature at +30°C, or even higher. average temperature water +26°C, precipitation is minimal - a kind of natural all inclusive. Why not a location for a beach holiday in Vietnam? Especially in December on New Year's Eve

For experienced tourists, Phu Quoc = Vietnam. Season: November to June, year-round calm sea and heat. Most resorts in the south (Nha Trang, Fanh Thiet, Mui Ne) disappoint beachgoers in winter. To swim without waves, sometimes you have to look for hard-to-reach locations. Which is time- and money-consuming.

Vietnam in March, April and May

Vietnam in the spring will be appreciated by those who can hardly bear the intense heat. The air temperature does not exceed +30°C. And you can swim along the entire coast of the South China Sea.

On South In March and April the weather is dry and hot. The sea is like fresh milk. But towards the end of spring, be prepared for downpours (except in Nha Trang). central part even more comfortable temperature, +27°C. But it rains here regularly.

March north Vietnam is a bit cold, especially for swimming. During the day +22°C, and at night it is even “fresher”. Although already in April you can splash in the sea as much as you like. And only in May there is an excess of precipitation, often early in the morning or late at night (in principle, this is not an obstacle to rest).

The best time to travel along the coast is April. Everywhere is relatively dry, warm, the sea allows you to swim. In the spring, when it’s cold in most regions of Russia, going on a tour of hot Vietnam is just the thing!

When is the rainy season in Vietnam?

Let's continue to get acquainted with the seasons in Vietnam by month, or when to expect precipitation?

Vietnam in summer (June, July, August)

Everything described below does not apply to the Nha Trang resort :)

Already somewhere in May-June Monsoons come to the country, and with them warmth (above +35°C) and moisture - to the question of why Vietnam in summer is associated with the rainy season.

In the south and north, in July and August it rains like a wall. It's hot and very stuffy. At the end of summer, the water heats up to +29°C, and the air is even higher. Only central part boasts a relatively dry summer climate, air temperature +30°C, sea temperature +28°C. But already August significantly spoils the picture with the season of typhoons and bad weather.

Vietnam in September and October and November

If we talk about Vietnam in the fall, then everything is not so simple.

In September in the northern part countries, the rainy season is coming to an end, while in the south and center they are in full swing, and the storm is an integral attribute. However, the heat remains at +30°C.

IN October - early November in all regions the weather calms down. Except for the center and Nha Trang, this is the peak of the rainy season. And the last month of autumn passes under the slogan “Winter is coming”: the air temperature in November can drop to +16°C.

Is it possible to save money on a vacation in an Asian country, and is the rainy season in Vietnam as bad as it is made out to be?

When is the cheapest time to go on vacation to Vietnam?

✓ Reviews from tourists suggest that best month in Vietnam for a cheap holiday in 2018/2019 - September. You can have a vacation for two for (only!) 65,000 rubles for a week. And before the October showers you can have time to sunbathe
✓ When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam if the program includes excursions? It is believed that during the dry season - from January to April

In case you still choose the wet season, rainfall in the cultural part is not a hindrance. The only difference: you will explore the colonial palaces in the company of a raincoat, which, by the way, will be given on the spot for free. But isn’t it more tiring to go around historical places under the sweltering sun?

Is it worth buying a tour out of season?

Although low season in Vietnam is not the most predictable phenomenon, it is still much cheaper. If you are very lucky, you can save up to 60%, or even 70% on your vacation.

Bad weather? Vietnamese rains are short and relatively warm. The sea is rough, but there are islands with calm waves where you can swim (Phu Quoc). Is it worth going? If you don’t plan a vacation with children, then why not. In any case, it's up to you. But whoever does not take risks, as we know, is left without champagne! 🙂

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Determining the best season to vacation in Vietnam

Amazing, full of contrasts, ancient and rapidly developing, always friendly and very hospitable Vietnam! Ten years ago, our tourist would have raised his eyebrows in surprise at the offer to visit Vietnam. For what? What can you see there other than poverty? wild jungle and socialism?! But now the situation has changed and it’s time to talk about when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam.

Vietnam is a country where capitalism and socialism coexist quite peacefully. The rapidly developing tourism industry dictates its own conditions, requires the development of tourism technologies and the entertainment industry, and an increase in the level of service (how else can we lure tourists from the notorious Thailand?).

Most of the country is occupied by mountains, green, covered with jungle, rocky, going straight into the sea, descending in steps of rice terraces, pierced by picturesque huge caves, and waterfalls revealing fabulous beauty. The bay is considered one of the wonders of the world, and Nha Trang Bay is one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world. By the way, it is one of the most accessible in the world.

Nature tourism, associated with active species, is one of the most developing areas in Vietnam. Historical monuments that have reached us through a millennium (the history of the country dates back to approximately 100 AD), carefully preserved and carefully restored, cause huge interest not only vacationers, but also scientists.

Local crafts and crafts are the amazing art of silk embroidery, the ancient Cham pottery craft in the south of Vietnam, the peculiar solar painting of local artists...

When and how can you spend your holidays in Vietnam? The climate of Vietnam, stretching from north to south, allows you to relax here all year round. In the north in winter months the temperature can drop to + 1 °C, there may be frosts and even snow in the mountains, while in the south at the same time it will be +35 °C.

Tourist seasons

It is precisely because of the climatic diversity that the country is always open to tourists. Some are interested in a purely beach holiday, without any activities, some come here for diving, others like low season due to sparse crowds and low prices.

Beach season

Now let’s talk about when is the best time to vacation in Vietnam to soak up the sun by the sea longer. Russians are fleeing to warmer climes from cold winter and prefer to come to Vietnam during the autumn and winter months. Especially on new year holidays. Beach holidays at this time of year are only possible in Nha Trang and southern Vietnam.

In the north of the country, winter begins in November and continues until March. The temperature drops to +8–10 °C. The central part of Vietnam is being hit by typhoons and can be unsafe there.

It blows in October and November strong winds, a high wave rises on the sea, it rains and Nha Trang is not very friendly at this time. Despite the high air temperature by our standards – +27–28 °C, the water is a little cold, and sometimes the waves don’t even allow you to go into the sea. It is better to go here from February to April - this period is considered velvet season in Nha Trang. The air temperature stays between +28–30 °C, the water warms up to +28 °C, and the sea becomes calmer.

The south of Vietnam is the resorts of Mui Ne, Vung Tau and the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc. In Fukuoka, beach holidays are possible 11 months a year. It is not recommended to go here in October due to heavy rains. It will also be useful to read about it in terms of features.

The best time to visit Con Dao is March-June. The days are sunny, the sea is quite calm and clear. At other times, the weather brings surprises in the form of rain and unexpected storms from July to September and humid easterly winds from September to January.

There is no obvious rainy season in Mui Ne due to the fact that the resort is located in a ring of sand dunes, which, when heated, create a thermal curtain. Therefore, the showers there are short-lived and mostly at night. Beach holidays here are considered best during wet season– from June to October – for two reasons. The first is almost windless weather, when the sea is relatively calm. The second is the absence of jellyfish in coastal waters. They are brought here by the monsoon in the spring, and by June they disappear.

Surf season

Recently, namely since 2012, Vietnam has been recognized as one of the ideal countries for all types of surfing. In this regard, Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phan Thiet are considered inhabited resorts. They say that Vietnam is the most the best place to learn surfing.

In Mui Ne you can study in numerous surf clubs, of which there are more than 20. The best seasons for surfing in Mui Ne and Vung Tau are from January to March. At this time, the sea is warm, the weather is consistently clear, and most importantly, a steady, even wind is blowing and there is a long coastal wave. Phan Thiet and Nha Trang offer fabulous conditions for surfing from September to January.

Season for divers

The best time for diving is when the water is calm and clear. Vietnam's coastal waters are rugged coral reefs, which attract even experienced divers here. Diving here is considered one of the best in the world and, at the same time, one of the most inexpensive. Vietnam is the only country on the planet where diving is possible all year round, but in different places. The best of them are Hoi An, Nha Trang and the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc.

On the Con Dao Islands the best months March-August are considered for diving. At this time there are no strong winds and the water is clear. Recommended for experienced divers due to great depths and strong currents.

The most interesting thing in Fukuoka undersea world on the north and south coasts of the island. Here the diving season lasts from November to early June. Exclusively clear water creates excellent visibility even in shallow dives. Recommended for beginners.

In Nha Trang, this time is from February to September. There are special spacious boats equipped with a diving platform. Today, diving is offered to you not only by specialized clubs, but also by many hotels that have purchased equipment and gear for this purpose. Nha Trang Bay has the best diving in Vietnam. Recommended for all categories of divers.

The best time to go to Hoi An (central Vietnam) for diving is from May to October. There are several dive centers in the city. The most popular are several islands near Hoi An - this is the Cu Lao Cham Marine Park. But the most beautiful underwater world is on the island of Cham. By the way, there is also a dive center there.

Fishing season

Fishing is considered a separate entertainment for tourists in Vietnam. In the sea you can catch marlin, tuna, sea bream, cobia, and shellfish, but you have to go far out to sea to find them, where tourist agencies don’t take tourists. In addition to sea fishing, there is river and lake fishing, fishing in rice paddies and from the seashore. Some travel agencies offer fishing tours to Vietnam, but it is very difficult to vouch for their success. The lack of experienced Russian-speaking guides, equipped vessels, and the inability to go far out to sea due to the proximity of border waters make it far from being as complete as it is presented in advertising brochures.

The sea fishing season is 10 months a year. October and November are excluded, when the sea may be closed for any sea excursions due to strong waves. Ozernaya and river fishing open all year round. Usually, for about $50, travel agencies will take you to the nearest artificial lake, where you can sit with a fishing rod and catch a fish, which they will cook for you right there. Squid fishing is offered on Phu Quoc Island. Entertainment is available at any time of the year, except for October, when it rains heavily and there are almost no tourists.


Excursion tours are possible at any time of the year and do not depend on the weather. In Nha Trang, for example, excursions are not canceled even in heavy rain. Tourists are given raincoats and taken to see the sights.

Hanoi also offers excursions in winter. Halong Bay is also open for day cruises all year round. Although all its beauty is azure water, white sandy beaches on the islands and quaint grottoes - best seen from May to August.
The resort of Sapa, which is famous for its extraordinary beauty of rice terraces, is best visited from September to mid-December.

In Central Vietnam, it is worth visiting the city of Hue - the ancient capital of Vietnam. It is famous for the imperial palace and tombs of the emperors of the Nguyen dynasty. You can do a lot have a nice walk along the Fragrant River.

Not far from Hue is the third largest city in Vietnam - Da Nang. It is more popular among Europeans and Australians. You rarely see Russian vacationers there. And, of course, charming Hoi An, the Venice of Vietnam. It is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO as an exemplary South Asian medieval trading and port city. More than 800 buildings from those times have been preserved in the town. Attractions Central Vietnam Best to visit from December to May.

We move to Nha Trang and explore local historical and natural monuments. There are six main excursions here - the Northern Islands, the Yangbay eco-park with thermal springs, the mountain city of Dalat, Southern Islands, the heavenly beach of Zoklet and an overview of the city, which is called the “religious triangle”. The Northern Islands (Nha Phu Bay) and the Southern Islands (Nha Trang Bay) are closed only during a strong storm in October or November, and even then not always.

You can go to the Northern Islands - Orchid Island and Monkey Island - at any time of the year. To the Southern Islands - Hon Mun, Hon Tam and Hon Mieu to the Chi Nguyen Oceanarium - it is better to refrain from traveling in October and November. Tourists are offered snorkeling near Moon Island, but muddy water it's completely unimpressive, and she's also pretty cool.

The most interesting and eventful excursion is the city of Dalat. It is located on the highlands at an altitude of about 1500 m above sea level. The city was built by the French and is very young - it is a little over 100 years old. The unique mountain climate makes it possible to grow coffee, tea and grapes on the local slopes. It is called the city of love and eternal spring. It is especially good in February, when the sakura blossoms. The streets seem to float above the ground in a pink cloud. Excursions to Dalat are available throughout the year.

The south of Vietnam is interesting for the remains of the Cham Empire in the form of towers preserved from the 10th-11th centuries AD. Mui Ne is notable only for its nature - the colorful sand dunes there are a must see. On the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc, the only historical sites are military prisons.

It is impossible not to visit Ho Chi Minh City. Only Russian tourists call it that. For everyone, it remains Saigon - a huge metropolis, southern capital Vietnam, where almost all of the country's industry and many historical monuments are concentrated, especially those related to the war with America. You can go here at any time of the year. From Saigon you can get to the Mekong Delta.

Wellness holiday

Vietnam can be considered one big health resort. There are healing mineral springs in the mountains almost throughout the country. But Nha Trang is considered the main sanatorium city. There are three mud baths here - Thap Ba, and I-resort.

Each is good in its own way, but the water and mud there are the same in composition. Eat thermal spring and Yangbay Eco Park, but it takes too long to get there. Water and mud treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, and have a healing and tonic effect. There are similar spa centers in southern Phan Thiet. A wellness holiday is possible at any time of the year and does not depend on the seasons.

We'll tell you by month when best season for a holiday in Vietnam on the beach. Read how to avoid the rainy season at various resorts.

Vietnam for a long time did not arouse any interest among our compatriots: a poor country with socialism - what should a tourist do there? But for last years Vietnam has actively begun to gain popularity as beach destination. It turned out that in this country it is very pleasant to relax by the sea on soft sand, both in summer and winter.

Due to the long coastline, you can swim and sunbathe in Vietnam all year round. But for these purposes, you need to choose the right resorts so that your vacation is not overshadowed by constant tropical downpours and storms.

There are only two seasons in Vietnam - dry and wet, but it should be taken into account that the territory of the state is divided into three zones: northern (Ha Long, Hanoi and Trako), central (Danang, Nha Trang), southern (Phu Quoc, Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne, Vung Tau). And each zone has its own season, suitable for a beach holiday.

Comfortable season in Vietnam


After a wet season, the weather in Vietnam is heading for winter. This is especially felt in the northern regions, where the air temperature drops significantly to +17+23 degrees and only occasionally rises to +25. It rains mainly at night, no more than 5-7 times a month. In the mornings there is fog in the lowlands.

In Hoi An, Hue and Da Nang there are heavy rains and destructive hurricanes. Settlements flooded with water, the sea is muddy and restless. It's better not to go to the beaches. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, although the sun warms the air to +29 degrees, frequent rains and typhoons do not allow you to enjoy your vacation.

Planning a trip? That way!

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The least precipitation at this time is on the island of Phu Quoc, Phan Thit and Vung Tau, but humidity up to +30 degrees can cause discomfort.


The official start of dry and beach season falls on . It is this month that a stream of tourists flocks to Vietnam for a beach holiday. South coast provides excellent conditions for swimming and sunbathing: the sky is clear, there is almost no rain, during the day the air and water temperature is about +26. In Mui Ne the temperature rises to +30, but it is tolerated comfortably due to the light cool wind. Conditions are approximately the same in Fukuoka, which experiences its peak tourist season in December.

Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue are still experiencing the effects of cyclones bringing heavy rains. The water heats up to about +24 degrees and seems warmer than the air. In Hanoi and Halong in December it is quite cool - +20 degrees during the day, +16 degrees at night, and there are fogs.


The coldest month in Vietnam. In mountainous areas there is short-term rain, and sometimes snow falls. There is almost no rain in Hanoi and Halong, but during the day it is quite cool - about +15+18 degrees, and at night about +13. In the central zone, precipitation becomes less (only in Da Nang does it rain frequently), but the sky most time is covered with clouds. The air temperature rises to +23+25 degrees, the water warms up to +24.

The south of Vietnam pleases tourists with warm and dry weather. In Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet, the sun warms the air to +29 degrees and the water to +25. In Vung Tau the temperature is a couple of degrees higher. At the same time, air humidity is low, and a light breeze adds freshness.

  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on purchasing air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - look at the price order in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


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