Mandatory physical training standards in the army and special services of Russia (6 photos). Preparation for service in the Airborne Forces and criteria for selecting candidates Combat training of the most powerful foreign army units in the world

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Combat training the most powerful foreign army units in the world
Combat training of the US Airborne Forces

Currently, the main emphasis in the combat training of American paratroopers is on actions in low-intensity armed conflicts, humanitarian and peacekeeping missions. Combat training of the XVIII Airborne Forces is carried out in “blocks”. First, individual training blocks are studied, and then a full-scale simulation of combat operations is carried out. American paratroopers are required to learn to interact with other units of the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force. For this purpose, the US Armed Forces are conducting large-scale exercises, which involve tens of thousands of people, and the area of ​​the “operational area” reaches a million square kilometers. Scenarios for responding to the “crisis in Central America”, that is, actions at the borders or directly on US territory. Very much attention in the training of the US Airborne Forces is paid to the speed of response to crisis situations. At any given time, amphibious formations must be ready to meet deployment speed standards. An important aspect of training is also joint maneuvers with troops of other NATO countries.

Individual combat and psychological training of American paratroopers is carried out under very harsh conditions. For example, in the course primary education includes the adaptation of recruits to blood. The “battle” site is “decorated” with waste from the slaughterhouse - bloody entrails and parts of the carcasses of killed animals. In this fetid mess, American paratroopers crawl and even eat. It is believed that all this contributes to the development of composure. According to experts, such classes are particularly intense, psychologically challenging and involve maximum physical activity. In addition, they have a more individual focus, unlike ours, aimed at uniting units.

Comparing combat capabilities Russian and American paratroopers, it should be noted that the “blue berets” are more capable of independent actions in small units. American paratroopers have more versatile equipment and fire support, which does not contribute to the development of the habit of relying only on themselves when fighting behind enemy lines. The US Airborne Forces are characterized by close interaction with fire and logistics support units, aviation, “heavy” units and formations. American paratroopers are primarily used as highly mobile line infantry. For raids and sabotage operations, the US Armed Forces have other units.

Navy SEAL training (USA)

Over time, the Navy SEALs became the main elite unit in America, participating in all military operations of the Stars and Stripes. The unit's last major achievement was the elimination of Osama bin Laden. To earn the Trident and Flintlock Pistol Eagle patch, applicants must complete the most challenging public training course in the world. More than one film is dedicated to this school of survival, but the main torment can be seen in the film “GI Jane”. Only, unlike Hollywood fiction, only men from 18 to 28 years old are accepted into the unit. Throughout the year, they undergo every conceivable and unimaginable training, existing in a mode of continuous running and swimming. But the main selection of candidates occurs in the fourth week of the course, known as “Hell Week”. Over the course of five days, candidates are given four hours of sleep, 200 miles of running and 20 hours physical exercise per day. After a week of pain and suffering, 90% of applicants lose the desire to continue. After unrealistic workloads, future SEALs acquire the skills of super-soldiers, take part in a role-playing game to capture the Afghan city of Pineland, built on a 1:1 scale, and ultimately come to fully understand the truly Zen motto of the unit: “The only easy day was yesterday.”

Training of Special Air Service fighters (Great Britain)

The Special Air Service (SAS) is the core and foundation of the main fighting force of not only Her Majesty's military forces. Following the example of SAS, most of the special forces around the world are organized and trained. The air service was founded during the Second World War and was primarily engaged in sabotage operations in the territory North Africa. Half a century later, the unit’s tasks have changed somewhat - the service is responsible for counter-terrorism operations and training special forces in countries friendly to the United Kingdom, but the character remains the same. Throughout their history, the SAS has killed all over the world from Northern Ireland to Kalimantan.

Today there are about 500 people in the service, 240 of whom are ready to wash themselves with blood around the clock. SAS can be recognized by its signature sand-colored berets. As expected, the SAS training course is distinguished by its attention to the superpowers of a fighter. But before mastering the deadly techniques, newcomers will have to survive five weeks of physical training hell. At the start there are 200 candidates who can, after squatting 50 times and doing 44 push-ups, then run 2.5 km in nine minutes. Of these, about 30 people will reach the finals. At the end of the first stage, soldiers must run four miles in half an hour and swim two miles in one and a half hours. In full uniform. The survivors are then sent to the Malaysian jungle, where they undergo a survival course, simulated capture and a 36-hour interrogation. Those who were able to maintain their sanity and not give up prematurely are given a sand beret, a patch with a winged Excalibur and the motto “Who Dares Wins.”

Training of Shayetet 13 fighters (Israel)

As for the special forces with the richest experience in combat operations, in terms of the number of kills and completed missions, Shayetet 13 would probably win special purpose naval forces Israel. From the language of the prophets the name is translated as “13th flotilla”. The composition, scope of activities and location of Shayetet 13 bases are strictly classified. It is only known that the detachment’s main specialization is sabotage and targeted elimination of Israel’s enemies. The Shayetet has hundreds of killed terrorists, including members of Black September, who caused a stir at the Munich Olympics, Hezbollah and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Training in the Shayetet detachment lasts twenty months. First comes a rigorous selection of candidates. Having passed basic physical and psychological tests, future " seals» The Holy Lands are sent to training camp. There they acquire skills in the art of camouflage, hand-to-hand combat and parachute jumping. Only after this does a stage called “preparatory” begin, during which Shayetet fighters learn the art of blowing up everything that comes to hand and controlling equipment from a motor scooter to combat boat. After two months of daily drills, four weeks of underwater combat in scuba gear begin. The final phase of training lasts a whole year and includes upgrading all the skills already acquired, as well as the arts of underwater sabotage and boarding enemy submarines.

Training of soldiers of the 707th Special Forces Battalion (South Korea)

In addition to the defenders of the Holy Land, the most prepared special forces in the world are located in the territory South Korea. The 707th Special Purpose Battalion has existed in permanent war mode since 1981 and is ready to crush anyone who believes that there is any other Korea other than South Korea. These serious guys wear fashionable black berets, call themselves “white tigers” and are responsible for carrying out two combat missions - the fight against terrorism and ultra-fast response to military threats. A distinctive feature of the 707th battalion is the presence of women in its personnel who can seduce and then kill a communist infiltrator in cold blood.

The 707th battalion is recruited from the regular military formations of South Korea. Soldiers who have registered for service and those who want to try their hand are sent to a ten-day course to determine their endurance level. On the tenth day, 90% of the contestants drop out. The rest go to the training ground to master the secrets of underwater combat, parachute jumping and other important skills to fight the enemy. According to North Korean intelligence, the test site has exact copy"Boeing 747" so that the fighters of the 707 could practice hijacking the aircraft. Another hallmark of the course is its attention to sub-zero temperatures: shirtless soldiers do exercises in the snow and swim temporarily in icy water. Intensive training takes place over the course of a year, and after its completion the country receives super-soldiers capable of adequately repelling the enemy.


“Knocked down - fight on your knees, you can’t walk - advance while lying down!”

V.F. Margelov

“Combat is the greatest test of a fighter’s moral, physical qualities and endurance. Often you have to enter into battle after a tiring march and conduct it continuously for several days, day and night. Therefore, in order to fulfill his task in battle, a fighter must be able to endure all kinds of difficulties and hardships, remaining cheerful, courageous and decisive, and steadily strive to meet the enemy, to capture him or destroy him.”(Combat regulations of the Red Army infantry, part 1, art. 29). Modern combat places high demands on the psychophysical and moral-volitional qualities of a paratrooper. Actions in the composition airborne unit to a greater extent than any other type of combat activity, they require mobility, endurance and stamina from a soldier, sergeant and officer.

A warrior must stoically endure all the hardships of service

Physical education and training of paratroopers are carried out systematically and continuously. The military work of a paratrooper is not easy: with full combat gear, a forced march to a shooting range or training ground and there on the move - live shooting as part of a platoon or company. And a battalion tactical exercise with landing and live fire is three days of tension, when you cannot relax for a minute. In the Airborne Forces, everything is as close as possible to a combat situation: parachute jumping from an airplane; gathering at the landing site - as in battle, especially at night; searching for your airborne combat vehicle (ACV) and bringing it into combat position - just like in war. Special attention in the Airborne Forces they pay attention to moral, psychological and physical training personnel. Running and forced marches develop excellent endurance in a person. It’s not for nothing that they say in the Airborne Forces: “A paratrooper runs as long as he can, and after that, as long as necessary.”

Warriors called upon to operate deep behind enemy lines and carry out sabotage there must have high level physical fitness and related psychological qualities. Among physical qualities, endurance comes first. After all, fulfilling almost any combat mission requires scouts to carry out a forced march of up to 30–50 km. If the object was successfully destroyed, then you only need to escape from pursuit by running, at least 10–15 km at the maximum pace, without stopping “working with your head” in order to “outplay” the enemy. Therefore, it is preferable to select for service in the Airborne Forces those guys who were involved in sports that develop general and strength endurance: swimming, long and middle distance running, cycling, rowing, skiing, sports games, wrestling and boxing. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find athletes among conscripts (and among contract soldiers too). Therefore, the use of simple tests that check the degree of general and strength endurance in men should be recommended. Below are the standards for two such tests.

The general endurance test is based on measuring the distance a fighter runs in 12 minutes:

more than 2.8 km – excellent,

2.8–2.4 km – good,

2.4–2.0 km – mediocre,

less than 2.0 km – bad.

The muscle performance test consists of four exercises performed one after the other without a break, 10 times each (push-ups while lying down; from a squat position, throwing your legs back to a lying position; leg lifts from a supine position; from a squatting position, a jump up with full straightening of the legs and torso, hands behind the head). The four exercises together make up one series. 7 episodes – excellent; 5–6 episodes – good; Episodes 3–4 – mediocre; 1-2 episodes – bad. It would be best if the selection of personnel for service in reconnaissance and sabotage units were carried out by specialists: psychologists, doctors, special training instructors. In practice, this is most often done by the commanders of such units themselves. They are usually guided in their choice by the following four criteria:

1. They take into account the young soldier’s personal desire to serve in the airborne forces (if there is no such desire, then it is better to find someone else).

2. Physical suitability for this service is taken into account (in addition to the above tests, it is also mandatory to comply with all standards of the military sports complex without exception).

3. Intellectual suitability is taken into account (it is revealed during a face-to-face conversation, as well as through simple tests psychological tests for intelligence, like Hans Eysenck's test, published many times in Russian).

4. The young soldier’s psychological compatibility with other soldiers and sergeants is taken into account (for this purpose, the candidate is placed in a soldier’s team for 2–3 days, and then senior soldiers are asked for their opinion about him).

General physical training

The Manual on Physical Training (NFP-87) states:

“Special objectives of physical training are: for personnel ... units and units: priority development general endurance, the ability to perform long marches on skis and forced marches over rough terrain; improving skills in overcoming special obstacles; formation of readiness for hand-to-hand combat with a numerically superior enemy; nurturing cohesion and improving skills in collective action against the backdrop of great mental and physical stress.”

Additionally, the physical training of paratroopers should help increase resistance to motion sickness and shock overloads on the musculoskeletal system, mental stability to the impact of heavy physical activity, as well as the development of courage, determination and self-confidence.

The list of basic exercises included in physical training curricula is as follows:

– for personnel of reconnaissance units and units – 2, 3(4), 6(7), 10, II, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31.

Additionally, military personnel study hand-to-hand combat techniques according to a special program. The barracks are equipped with areas for hand-to-hand combat and strength training. They are equipped with the simplest devices for practicing punches and kicks, a knife, a spatula, a machine gun, as well as projectiles for developing the strength of the muscles of the arms, legs and back. The exercises that are listed in NFP-87 are:

Exercise 2. Running 3 km.

Ratings: “excellent” 12 min 30 sec

“good” 12 min 45 sec

“satisfactory” 13 min 10 sec

Exercise 3. Ski race at 5 km

Ratings: "excellent" 28 min

"choir." 29 min

"satisfied" 30 min

Exercise 4. 5 km cross-country (for snow-free areas).

Rating: "excellent" 24 min

"choir." 25 min

"satisfied" 26 min.

Exercise 6. Pull-ups on the bar.

Rating: "excellent" 13 times

"choir." 11 times

"satisfied" 9 times

Exercise 7. Complex strength exercise.

Performed for 1 minute: for the first 30 seconds, the maximum number of bends forward until your hands touch your toes from a position lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs secured (slight bending of the legs is allowed, when returning to the starting position, the shoulder blades must touch the floor); then turn into a lying position and, without a pause for rest, perform for 30 seconds the maximum number of flexions and extensions of the arms in a lying position (body straight, bend your arms until your chest touches the floor).

Rating: "excellent" 48 times (bends and push-ups together)

"choir." 44 times

"satisfied" 40 times

Exercise 10. 100 m run.

Rating: "excellent" 14.1 sec

"choir." 14.6 sec

"satisfied" 15.6 sec.

Exercise 11. Jumping legs apart:

– through a gymnastic “goat” in length – the height of the apparatus is 125 cm, a bridge 10–15 cm high is installed 1 m from the apparatus; the jump is performed from a running start;

– through the “horse” in length – the height of the projectile is 115 cm, the bridge with a height of 10–15 cm can be installed arbitrarily; the jump is performed from a running start by pushing the hands against the far half of the projectile.

Two attempts are allowed.

Exercise 12. Complex agility exercise.

It is carried out in any room or on a flat area with grass. On the command “March”, run with high start 10 m, perform two somersaults forward, make a turn in a circle with a jump, two somersaults forward, run 10 m in the opposite direction. When performing somersaults in the hall, the use of mats is permitted.

Rating: "excellent" 10 sec

"choir." 10.6 sec

"satisfied" 11.2 sec.

Exercise 13. Bending and extension of the arms with simultaneous swings of the legs on the uneven bars.

Rating: "excellent" 9 times

"choir." 6 times

"satisfied" 4 times.

Exercise 22. March on skis 10 km as part of a unit.

Each participant starts in full combat gear. The unit must arrive at the finish line in full strength with a stretch of no more than 100 m and without loss of weapons and equipment. Mutual assistance is permitted without the transfer of weapons, gas masks and other items of equipment. Time is determined by the last participant.

Rating: "excellent" 1 hour 15 min

"choir." 1 hour 20 min

"satisfied" 1 hour 25 min.

Exercise 23. Forced march as part of a unit. The conditions are the same as when throwing on skis.

at 5 km: “excellent.” 27 min

"choir." 28 min

"satisfied" 29 min

"excellent" 56 min

"choir." 58 min

"satisfied" 1 hour.

Exercise 24. General control exercise on a single obstacle course.

Rating: "excellent" 2 min 25 sec

"choir." 2 min 30 sec

"satisfied" 2 min 40 sec.

Exercise 25. Special control exercise on the obstacle course.

If the previous exercise was performed without a machine gun, then this exercise is performed with a machine gun, a magazine bag, two magazines and a gas mask. Distance - 400 m. Starting position - standing at the side of the armored personnel carrier (weapon in hand, gas mask in the bag): climb into the model of the armored personnel carrier over the side, jump off the opposite side, run 200 m along the path towards the first trench, run around the flag, jump into trench and put on a gas mask, jump out of the trench and run along the log through the ravine, jump from the log to the ground, overcome the rubble, jump into the ditch, take a box weighing 40 kg from the rear parapet and transfer it to the front parapet, then again to the rear. Take off the gas mask and put it in the bag, jump out of the ditch, run through the passages of the maze, run up the inclined board onto the fence, go onto the beam, run along it, jumping over gaps, and jump to the ground from the end of the last section of the beam, jump over the destroyed stairs , stepping on each step, and jump off the last step to the ground. Overcome the wall, jump into the well, run along the line of communication to the trench, throw anti-tank grenade weighing at least 1 kg at 15 m on a shield measuring 2x1 m, if the first grenade does not hit the target, continue throwing (but no more than three grenades) until the target is hit, jump out of the trench and overcome the front garden, climb into the lower window of the facade of the house, with him - through the upper window, go to the beam, walk along it, jump to the first platform, from it to the second, jump to the ground, jump over the trench.

Rating: "excellent" 3 min 25 sec

"choir." 3 min 30 sec.

"satisfied" 3 min 45 sec

Exercise 26. Overcoming a single obstacle course as part of a unit.

Platoon commanders, company commanders and their deputies perform the exercise as part of the units being tested. Performed as part of the department. Grade:

up to 4 people "excellent" 3.50 "good" 4, 15 "satisfactory" 4.40

up to 7 people "excellent" 4.15 "good" 4.40 "satisfactory" 5.05

up to 10 people "excellent" 4.40 "good" 5.05 "satisfactory" 5.30

Exercise 27. Running over an obstacle course as part of a unit.

Same conditions as in No. 26, but first run 1000 or 3000 meters and then cross the strip.

Exercise 28. Swimming in uniform with a weapon (machine gun).

Performed in casual clothes, boots are removed and placed behind the waist belt in front or behind. The exercise is considered failed if weapons or uniform items are lost.

Rating: "excellent" 100 m

"choir." 75 m

"satisfied" 50 m

Or swimming 100 m in sportswear, if there are no conditions for swimming in uniform.

Rating: breaststroke

"excellent" 2.05

"choir." 2.20

"satisfied" 2.50 freestyle

"excellent" 1.50

"choir." 2.05

"satisfied" 2.35

In preparation for tactical exercises two to three weeks before their start, the content of physical training classes includes forced marches of 10–15 km with overcoming an obstacle course; techniques for removing the sentry; paired exercises in the form of training fights with weapons and improvised means. Forced marches are planned in all forms of physical training and are carried out every other day. Three to four days before the exercise, physical training classes with high physical activity stop. For long periods of preparation for tactical exercises or combat operations (up to two months), physical training classes are conducted in stages. At the first stage, the content of the classes includes running 100 m, 400 m, 3 km and strength exercises, at the second stage – running 3–5 km, overcoming an obstacle course and hand-to-hand combat, at the third stage – running 100 m, 400 m and hand-to-hand combat, at the fourth stage - forced marches of 10–15 km with overcoming an obstacle course and hand-to-hand combat.

It should be noted that paratroopers can successfully solve the tasks assigned to them only if they are able to independently make decisions in accordance with the developing situation. After all, foresee everything in advance possible cases it is forbidden. And the officer may not be with the soldier at a critical moment. Therefore, the commander must teach soldiers and sergeants to think with their own heads, which is both difficult and unusual for many. And the commander must also be confident in his subordinates, in their moral and volitional qualities and psychological reliability. In the course of special research, it was established that the ideal fighter is one who has the so-called “passive-aggressive type” of character; intelligence above average by at least 10–15 points: prone to risk (but not adventurism); usually blames himself for his failures, and not “circumstances” or other people; values ​​male friendship; is independent in his assessments and decisions; knows how to quickly adapt his behavior depending on the situation. To those who think that these and similar qualities special significance do not have, it should be recalled that airborne troops operate in isolation from their troops, on enemy territory, and not for a couple of hours, but for several days or even several weeks. At the same time, they constantly “play hide and seek” with the enemy and are deprived of the right to make mistakes. Paratroopers pay for mistakes with their lives, not counting the unfulfilled combat mission, which ultimately means many lives of other servicemen. Therefore, paratroopers should indeed exceed the average soldier level in all respects.

"Remember, the main technique of hand-to-hand combat: First, throw a grenade at the enemy..." Hand-to-hand instructor, head of physical training RDP

Perhaps the main secret of the Airborne Forces hand-to-hand combat style is that... there were no “secrets”! There are no and never have been any terrible special strikes at super-secret points, no “Touches of Deferred Death” or other super-exotics... So, are the paratroopers and special forces lying when they claim that the “Beret” can cope in a fight with several opponents? -No! They don't lie! It will do it and it will be very EFFECTIVE! But, if you film this fight and then show it at normal speed, then 9/10 of the audience will simply not understand anything about what is happening, and half will be disappointed and perplexed: why do they fall so easily? What's the matter?

I would like to clarify right away that I am not talking here about the hand-to-hand combat of the “Spetsura”, especially officer units such as “Vympel”, “Alpha” and “Cascade”, especially those designed for the forceful detention of living languages ​​or criminals! - it has its own specifics and without knowing I will not even speak! And about the hand-to-hand combat training of ordinary airborne forces (Uncle Vasya’s troops). Once in one book I came across the following reasoning, I quote in a free paraphrase: “No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has its price, and a soldier’s life, especially.” This price - price training a new soldier to replace one who is out of action. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter is, this will not save him from either a crossbow bolt or, what’s more offensive, from bloody diarrhea”... Rough, but fair...

I don’t want to say anything bad about eastern martial arts schools, but... Prepare in six months to a year real person using training methods of Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan and so on is impossible! In six months, at best, he will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in a stance, and not in battle! In real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter poses a danger to only one person - himself! Only after five to seven years of daily painstaking hours of training will he begin to understand that he has only just gotten closer to mastering the basics! You understand, preparing SOLDIERS in this way is pointless! There simply aren’t these five to seven years to train even a semi-finished fighter!

As a person who participated (and SURVIVED!) after three real hand-to-hand combat battles, let me note! that the Airborne Forces hand-to-hand combat school and training system still exist! AND IT IS EFFECTIVE! What are the basic principles of fighter training? We must also take into account that in addition to Fizukha, there is also daily service! Shooting training, combat specialty training, combat training (for that matter), outfits and guard duty, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what does it consist of, this system of training a hand-to-hand paratrooper? I'll try to answer...

The entire system of hand-to-hand combat training of the Airborne Forces is based on three pillars, each component is important; and the question makes no sense - which! This Psychological preparation, Physical training and a set of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. Let's look at them one by one. So, psychological preparation. Includes bringing to the subconscious level, to conditioned reflex: fight is NOT a competition! It is impossible to WIN OR LOSE! In battle you can either WIN or die! there is no third option, as they say... No one will shake your hand before a fight or make a ritual bow. They will try to kill you right away, and by all means available in the world. this moment! The preparation was carried out quite simply, but effectively, no one conducted conversations or psychological tests with us - they simply beat us! Not to defeat, but in such a way that it didn’t seem like enough! Let me emphasize! They didn't BEAT, they beat! Feel the difference! You could get a slap or be caught in a chokehold at any moment: while talking with an officer, standing on the orderly’s nightstand, just passing through the unit. Avoiding a blow or grab has been improved! The answer is even more so! Although, to be fair, it’s worth saying that rarely anyone has succeeded! They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander, the legendary V.F. Margelov - I don’t know, but if this is so, then I bow to him for it! THIS training system saved many lives in real wars and me too... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, simply physically cannot go around the corner of the building close to it, I go around in three or four steps... Constant pressure, in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, because the grandfather received the same as the young man, he developed the skill of constant vigilance, the ability to not relax even in sleep, some kind of sixth sense of danger...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces does not require any special comments. Endurance training - running in different conditions, goose-stepping, alternating accelerations, ragged rhythm... strength training - pull-ups, push-ups of various types, squats, jumping... abdominal pumping again different ways. All this - “I can’t help it” until it’s completely dark in my eyes... There’s still enough groundwork, although the DMB-77... As for the basic hand-to-hand techniques, here we need to decipher... Not for airborne forces and special forces - they’re all they know it too! For fans of films like Rimbaud... This is training in BASIC techniques, not "MOVEMENTS", and quite individual... Some people prefer throwing, some prefer striking, some chokeholds or techniques for breaking ligaments and fractures joints - closer. The basics were given to everyone, then the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of a knee-jerk reflex - in battle there is no time to think, the body reacts on its own, the thought does not have time! The blows were practiced on various kinds of simulators such as makiwara and punching bag, throws were done with each other, VERY CAREFULLY AND NOT AT FULL POWER, also applied to various types of painful and suffocating techniques. Moreover, after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained themselves! No combat sparring in real life, with one exception, about which below... After all, an attempt to carry out, for example, in sparring conditions, an elbow strike to the Adam's apple for one of the fighters may well be the last... And I would also note, no BALLET in the spirit of Van -Lady and Chuck Norris! Legs work up to the knee, not higher! The front part of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee strike to the crotch and inside hips. The elbow is mainly used to finish off an opponent who has already lost his orientation. Everything is simple and ineffective, ugly... BUT EFFECTIVE!

Now about the exception: About once every two weeks they put a boxing helmet on you, and they let you out to kill four or five people, old-timers or officers. Not right away, one by one. I had to hold out for five minutes... The first time, as far as I remember, no one succeeded... The first time I went to rest at the tenth second, having missed a powerful straight shot to the head... In a real fight, the result would have been my death, because I stood up I only ten minutes later... On the third attempt I received gratitude in the order for the unit, because I managed to “put in the ring” the deputy commander of the regiment. The captain, by the way, was not offended by me, and was the first to come to his senses and shook my hand. At the same time, he said: “I stopped classes... I need to work”... We didn’t kill rats with our bare hands... but everything is the same, the readiness to fight, at any second of the day or night, not for life or death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow... That, in general, is all the “Terrible Military Secrets” that I am about to tell you...

“Striving to ensure that our Fatherland is never humiliated by anyone and that the name of the Russian always stands “honestly and formidably,” we must wish that we always have strong army and so that citizens are imbued with a sense of patriotism, and therefore love their army, with all its merits, which are undeniable, and with all its shortcomings, which are correctable.”

Paratroopers in parade formation on Red Square

Our country has global priority in the creation of airborne troops; in this area of ​​military art it is truly “ahead of the rest.” It was in the Soviet Union in the 20-30s. In the 20th century, parachute units were created and used for the first time in the world during large complex military exercises. And this made such a deep impression on foreign observers that the largest armies in Europe immediately began work on creating their own parachute troops.

In different countries air landing troops called differently: air infantry, winged infantry, rapid reaction forces (troops), airmobile troops, highly mobile airborne troops, commandos (British commandos) and others. Soviet Union was a pioneer in the use of airborne troops.

Airborne Forces (VDV) - a highly mobile branch of the Armed Forces Russian Federation(RF Armed Forces), designed to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines. The Airborne Forces are a means of the Supreme High Command of the RF Armed Forces and can form the basis mobile forces. The Airborne Forces report directly to the Airborne Forces commander and consist of airborne divisions, brigades, individual parts and institutions.

In the book offered to the reader's attention, the story will be about the combat training of airborne troops. A paratrooper must be able to do a lot. This book is a popular manual on basic training for airborne troops (sometimes such training is called “single training”).

No task is impossible

Airborne or airborne troops- a branch of troops in the country's armed forces, which are intended for combat operations behind enemy lines and coverage in the airspace. Airborne troops are integral part Almost everyone's sun large states, are subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces. They include divisions, brigades, regiments and educational institutions.

Beauty and pride Russian army– Airborne Forces

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a separate branch of the Russian Armed Forces, which is a means Supreme High Command and designed to cover the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt command and control, capture and destroy ground elements precision weapons, disruption of the advance and deployment of reserves, disruption of the rear and communications, as well as cover (defense) of individual directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destruction of landed airborne assaults, breaking through enemy groups and performing other tasks. Airborne forces are also often used as rapid reaction forces.

Paratroopers on parade

Airborne armor in all its glory

The main method of delivering airborne forces is parachute landing; they can also be delivered by helicopter; During World War II, delivery by gliders was practiced. The armies of many other countries adopted the idea of ​​parachute and airborne troops from the Russians. As V.F. said Margelov: “Anyone who wears or has ever worn blue shoulder straps with paratrooper emblems will proudly pronounce the words all his life: “I am a paratrooper!”


"Nobody except us".

Motto of the Russian Airborne Forces

The prehistory of the Soviet Airborne Forces (VDV) began in the late 20s. last century. In April 1929, near the village of Garm (the territory of the present Republic of Tajikistan), a group of Red Army soldiers was landed on several planes, which, with the support of local residents, defeated a Basmachi detachment.

The history of the Russian Airborne Forces dates back to August 2, 1930, when during exercises Air Force(Air Force) of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, for the first time, a unit of paratroopers consisting of 12 people was parachuted from a TB-3 bomber. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospect of the advantages of parachute units, their enormous capabilities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy by air. This date is officially considered to be the birthday of the Airborne Forces.

WWII period landing glider

The Revolutionary Military Council of the Red Army determined one of the tasks for 1931: “...airborne operations must be comprehensively studied from technical and tactical side The headquarters of the Red Army for the purpose of developing and distributing appropriate instructions to the localities". Attention was drawn to the need for in-depth development organizational structure and theories combat use Airborne troops. The first unit of the Airborne Forces was an experienced airborne detachment formed in 1931 in the Leningrad Military District (LenVO) as part of the 1st Air Brigade, numbering 164 people and intended for landing by landing method. E.D. was appointed commander of the detachment. Lukin. Then, in the same air brigade, a non-standard parachute detachment was formed. In August and September 1931, during the exercises of the Leningrad and Ukrainian military districts, the detachment parachuted and carried out tactical tasks behind enemy lines.

Wedge suspension for DB-3. 30s USSR

The creation of massive Airborne Forces began with a resolution of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, adopted on December 11, 1932. It, in particular, noted that the development of aviation technology, as well as the results achieved in the design and dropping of fighters, cargo and combat vehicles from aircraft require the organization of new combat units and formations of the Red Army. In order to develop the airborne business in the Red Army, training the relevant personnel and units, the Revolutionary Military Council decided to deploy a brigade (special purpose battalions) on the basis of the airborne detachment of the Leningrad Military District, entrusting it with training instructors in airborne training and development of operational-tactical standards. At the same time, it was planned to form by March 1933 one airborne detachment in the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in these districts. Has begun new stage in the development of the Airborne Forces. By the end of 1933, there were already 29 airborne battalions and brigades that became part of the Air Force. The Leningrad Military District was entrusted with the task of training instructors in airborne operations and developing operational-tactical standards.

There are various types of troops operating in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, complex use skills and abilities which allow you to gain an advantage when performing combat missions, as well as save the Fatherland from a military offensive. One of the main branches is a unit of airborne troops that participate in combat operations, both on land and from the air. The unit is one of the most prestigious, but getting into the ranks of soldiers is not so easy.

Introduction to the topic

The practice of air attacks has been known for a long time since the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the first detachments were formed, attacking the enemy from the rear, which were sent to the operation site by helicopter. Then the soldiers parachuted in and began to carry out the received order.

Experience has shown a high rate of successful completion of tasks with minimal costs time and human resources, so over the years such units began to appear on the territory of all subjects of the Federation.

Later, it was decided to form a detachment of troops that Peaceful time will undergo intensive training, and in the military will be involved in combat missions. Thus, modern Russian airborne troops were formed.

Goals and objectives of the airborne troops

Airborne forces are highly mobile units whose activities are aimed at capturing the enemy, however, the work of units is also carried out in peacetime.

Table No. 1 “Purpose of the Russian Airborne Forces”

Also, in peacetime, when there is a threat of military invasion from outside, these types of troops perform the following functions:

  • strengthening the country's borders;
  • organizing combat readiness in areas awaiting attack;
  • strengthening the protection of strategic facilities;
  • countering terrorism;
  • participation in operations jointly with other units.

Benefits of the service

Conscription and contract service in the Airborne Forces is one of the most attractive places for employment of future military personnel. This is due to many factors, namely:

  • prestige;
  • the right to receive additional benefits and benefits;
  • high profit payment;
  • possibility of early retirement.

We must not forget that such work is far from just sitting at a computer, so thrills are guaranteed.

How to join the Airborne Forces

Contract work in detachments is possible only after preliminary completion of a special military training, as well as if all the criteria for the vacancy are met. As for conscript service for conscription into the Airborne Forces, the distribution procedure here will be slightly different.

Attention! Questions regarding the place of service are decided by the military registration and enlistment office commission, so you need to express your desire to be sent to the Airborne Forces there.

During preliminary registration with the military commissariat, information is recorded on whether the young man wishes to connect his life with military service. In the future, the answer to this question will affect the direction of conscription.

After passing the medical examination, an interview is scheduled with the conscript, where the working group of the military registration and enlistment office asks about the preferred place of work. It is important to clearly formulate your desire to go to the Airborne Forces, arguing for your dream of continuing to serve under a contract in the unit.

Preparation for service in the Airborne Forces

Even in peacetime, airborne troops work until they sweat. This is especially true for physical training, since endurance and speed are the main weapons of a serviceman. A young man who wants to work in this field must prepare for employment in advance. In particular, attention should be paid to the following aspects of preparation:

  • getting an education ( intellectual abilities no less important than physical strength);
  • playing sports (helps develop endurance);
  • visiting hand-to-hand combat clubs (the style being studied does not matter and it is better if there are rewards for winning competitions).

We must not forget about moral aspects. Psychologically, paratroopers are taught to be resilient and confident in their abilities, so the slightest manifestation of weakness in the face of the demands of the service is fraught with dismissal.

Selection criteria for recruits

Federal Law "On military duty and military service" contains a list of requirements and standards for contract workers, the observance of which is mandatory during employment.

Table No. 2 “Requirements for candidates”

SignsWhat to pay attention to
HealthThis is one of the most important selection factors; you need to take into account the following points:
absence of congenital pathologies and chronic diseases;
did not have surgical intervention;
the candidate is not prone to inflammatory diseases;
there were no inherited diseases in the family;
mental health.
In general, when assigning a health category, the medical commission must mark A1. You can also ask to write that you are fit for service in the Airborne Forces
Physical criteriaStrict selection conditions are provided for the weight and height of candidates. In particular, only men whose weight varies between 75-85 kg and height 1.75-1.95 m can be allowed to serve.
Physical strengthIt is mandatory to pass standards that include running and strength exercises. Positive test results increase the chance of employment
EducationIt is mandatory to obtain a minimum of complete secondary education (that is, graduation from school), and a certificate with marks will be required
Sports achivmentsA degree in sports is encouraged, but this is not a mandatory factor
ExperiencePersonal experience of parachute jumping will increase your chances of getting a job and being sent to conscription service

Where do paratroopers serve?

At the moment, there are several military formations, training specialists for service in the Airborne Forces. In particular, they train the following categories of specialists:

  • paratroopers (operate by parachute delivery to the operation site);
  • attack aircraft (quick reaction units, their task is to capture the enemy);
  • mountain detachments (perform operations in mountainous areas).

Table No. 3 “Location of military formations where military personnel of this category are trained”

Novorossiysk7th Division;
Ulyanovsk31st Brigade;
Ulan-Ude11th Brigade;
Ivanovo98th Division;
Kamyshin56th Brigade;
Bear Lakes38th Regiment;
Tula106th Division;
Moscow45th Brigade;
Pskov76th Division;
Ussuriysk83rd brigade.

Nowadays, this is an exclusive list of places where military personnel in these areas can be trained. Next year it is planned to form another regiment.

Training in the Airborne Forces

There are not so many men left in Russia now who are ready to serve in the army. Only a few are willing to repay their debt to their homeland, but there are still such brave guys. Without a doubt, they prepare for service in advance and, before being distributed into units, they have a rough idea of ​​where they want to go. Some people want to join the border troops, some want to join the motorized rifle troops, and many want to join the elite airborne troops.

After all, it is there that the physical training of the Airborne Forces is a priority. Every soldier serving in the Airborne Forces will always have an excellent uniform at the end of his service, which will be the envy of many. Airborne Forces training itself consists of a set of various activities that are repeated cyclically throughout the entire period of military service. If you want to get in excellent physical shape, as well as undergo an excellent airborne combat training course, then you simply need to go serve in the airborne troops. Yes, it won’t be easy and simple for you there, but all your work will not be in vain, but will benefit your body.

Advice on physical preparation for service in the Airborne Forces

What can you advise a conscript who is going to serve in the airborne troops? special purpose? Of course, this is a very interesting question, because it is better to come to the army unit at least a little prepared than completely unprepared. Preparation for airborne service should first of all include training the future soldier in hand-to-hand combat skills, coordination of movements, and endurance. Of course, the ability to perform simple everyday tasks will not be superfluous - no one has yet canceled hemming.

Before serving in the army, it would be a good idea to take care of your physical fitness, as well as start living in compliance with the regime... Waking up at 6 in the morning and going for a run is one of the main tasks of the future paratrooper. The airborne training program in the unit is very difficult and everything described above will help you get into the training rhythm easier. Probably the most important thing is that the young fighter is prepared psychologically and does not break down when difficulties arise. It is morally necessary to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult, but through work and effort the young soldier will become a real paratrooper.

The training of airborne forces is well shown on the Internet in various videos. A huge number of programs will make you think about your choice. Of course, ideally, review all thematic collections, but you can at least master one of them. The skills acquired thanks to these videos will also help you transfer easier military service in airborne units.

Much attention is paid to shooting. For a paratrooper, this is a very important aspect. In any branch of the military you must be able to shoot confidently and accurately. This ideally requires a lot of practice. A conscript will be able to get maximum practice in the airborne forces. The Airborne Forces training program is set up so that every employee can train and shoot at a good level.

Airborne combat training is the most important aspect in the training of a young soldier. As you know, since 2013, Russia has adopted a law to increase training on this point. Most classes will now be conducted at night, which is much more difficult than training during the day. The skills acquired during combat training will be useful to any soldier during service. Outside the part. And all these skills will no doubt come in handy in everyday life after the army. A variety of complexes for soldiers, developed over the years, will help any soldier acquire indispensable skills to protect civilians from a potential enemy.

Training methods in the USSR Airborne Forces

It is a well-known fact that paratroopers who served in Soviet army are considered more prepared than their successors. At least the 90s and “zero” years are not considered the standard of military service in all branches of the military. Fortunately, the situation is changing now and there is a tendency to return to the role of combat training for conscripts and, even more so, contract soldiers.

The training of airborne forces in the USSR occupied a very important place. In those troubled times, when at any moment the enemy could invade the territory of the union, every paratrooper was obliged to be trained to the highest level. And representatives of the airborne troops were trained exactly like this. Each of them, without hesitation, would give his life for his homeland, for the country, for the people he loved. Moral preparation, like physical one, was also at the same level in those years. IN modern years in Russia and the CIS countries the best techniques from that airborne training program have been adopted. Old practices work without a doubt. Why look for something new if the methods that have been proven over the years work flawlessly. There is no doubt that it never hurts to introduce a bit of innovation into the learning process, but the main thing here is not to overdo it and remember your history.

Generations that won different wars pass on their experience in units even now. A real paratrooper will respect what they have achieved. We hope that wars like World War II will never happen again on our soil, and throughout the world as well.

Voentorg “Voenpro” wholeheartedly wishes future paratroopers good service and to become our irreplaceable shield, as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were in former times. Serve your Motherland so that you are not ashamed, and we will pray for you and your health.

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