Latest predictions about the fate of Donbass. Prediction for Donbass

In 2014, difficult times came in Ukraine. There was a change of power in Kyiv, which caused misunderstanding among the residents of Crimea and Donbass. While Crimea peacefully came under the jurisdiction of Russia, an armed confrontation took place in Donbass, which continues to this day. The fate of the inhabitants of this region worries many, both in their homeland and in neighboring countries. Predictions about Donbass for 2018 can answer the question: What awaits this region in the near future?

In our unpredictable times, some people have stopped believing politicians and have turned their gaze towards those who have more than once accurately predicted the future course of events. We are talking about famous psychics who never stop predicting the future. We think that new predictions regarding 2018 will also be of interest to readers of our site.

Pavel Globa

This psychic gained incredible popularity back in Soviet time. Since then, he has repeatedly successfully predicted many events in Russia and abroad. Of course, not all people believe in these kinds of predictions. They believe that everything that came true was a coincidence of facts. Although, if you analyze the number of coincidental events, it turns out that there are approximately 85% of them and this cannot be called an accident.

As for Ukraine, back in 2009 Globa predicted the collapse of this state into three independent regions:

  • the western part, which over time will become mired in hatred towards all surrounding countries;
  • Crimea, which is already integrated into Russia;
  • the eastern region of Ukraine, which will eventually also become part of the Russian Federation.

According to the psychic, peace in Donbass will come only when a leader appears in Ukraine who will convince all Ukrainians of the futility of the policy directed against the residents of the Donetsk region and Russia.

The soothsayer also noted that rapprochement with America will not give anything to the Ukrainian people. The impoverishment and plunder of the country will continue in 2018. Military tension on the demarcation line will continue. Ordinary people on both sides of the conflict will suffer from this.

The resolution of the armed confrontation will end when the warring parties sit down at the negotiating table and agree on peace. And most importantly, they will begin to fulfill the terms of the truce. According to the psychic, this will not pass soon, but for now the residents of Donbass and Ukraine will continue to experience the hardships of war, and the oligarchs will profit from the misfortune of ordinary people.

At the same time, P. Globa predicted in ten years the formation of a strong Slavic state, which would include:

  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine.

Vera Lyon

An astrological forecast for Donbass was also made by a Kazakh clairvoyant, who recently amazed everyone with her insight. It’s not for nothing that the name has already been assigned to her - the Kazakh Vanga. According to her forecasts, the situation in Ukraine will remain tense.

She saw this country in the form of a withered tree, which, despite everything, begins to be reborn. Relations with Russia will continue to deteriorate in 2018. The soothsayer also did not rule out the desire of some regions to secede from Ukraine. The conflict in the country will continue for several years.

Witch Olga

This soothsayer is sure that the Ukrainian authorities are misleading their own people when they say that the cause of the existing difficulties is the war in the east of the country. In fact, the current government continues to rob its people. Having climbed the pedestal of power, politicians deceive their people and are interested in continuing the war. After all, in muddy water easier to catch fish. The advice from the witch Olga is that the people themselves should take power into their own hands and not allow old politicians to approach the Olympus of power. It is necessary not to miss the “birth” of a new leader who can lead the country out of the crisis.

Russia has suffered no less from the latest events in Ukraine, but it will not rush to the negotiating table. She will try to the last to negotiate more acceptable terms for herself. According to the medium, peace will come in Donbass when new political forces win in the two countries and understand that it is much more profitable to live in peace than to fight.

Julia Wang

This famous soothsayer from Latvia also answered the question of what will happen to Donbass in 2018. Her prognosis is not optimistic. She is sure that Europe will face internal political problems, so she will not care about the situation in Donbass. This fact can give Russia a free hand, which will try, under the guise of helping the Ukrainian people, to carry out an armed invasion of the territory of Donbass. According to the soothsayer, Donbass will never become part of Ukraine, just like Crimea. Julia believes that the country will fall apart into parts that will go to different states. At the same time, the psychic is confident that such a fate will be the best way out for the country, and over time it will begin to rise from the ashes. The patriotic spirit of the population of Ukraine will help it overcome the most difficult situations in which it will find itself.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

The forecast of this psychic is somewhat encouraging to the expectations of the Ukrainian people. Vasilisa believes that after a new leader and parliament are elected in Kyiv, changes will begin in the east of the country. better side. The LPR and DPR will remain part of Ukraine with broader powers. New leader the state will take a pro-Russian position and the Russian Federation will finally be able to address its internal problems.

The restoration of Donbass will require a lot of money, but the psychic did not specify where Ukraine will get it. Most quickly, the people of Ukraine will continue to solve their problems themselves.

Forecasts from the strongest psychics for Ukraine

The seer Father Zosima (Sokur), revered by believers, the founder of the Holy Dormition St. Nicholas Monastery in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region, reposed in 2002. And his prophecies surprisingly accurately convey the essence of the current situation in Ukraine. Schema-Archimandrite.

Zosima enjoyed unquestioned authority in the Donbass. Actually, not only in Donbass. Believers knew and revered the ascetic far beyond the region, from Moscow to Mount Athos, from Jerusalem to Kyiv. The elder enjoyed the special favor of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill.

The parishioners revered Father Zosima both during his lifetime and after his departure to another world (by the way, he accurately predicted the day of his death and was buried on the territory of the monastery he founded) as a saint. Although he is not canonized.

People came to Father Zosima for advice, spiritual support, and blessing. His sermons enjoyed enormous popularity. Of course, the insightful words of the schema-archimandrite occupied a special place. After all, such a gift is rarely given to anyone.

Here, for example, is how Father Zosima predicted the upcoming war, which has been shaking the Donbass for the fifth year:

“The wrath of God - war - is approaching rapidly, and we are not going anywhere,” he said, “No matter how much we shout about peace... We ourselves are already bringing the wrath of God closer. This fiery cup of God’s wrath will fall on our heads, there will be trouble.”*

Isn’t this a reliable description, but only in the format of a sermon, of what news agencies bring us daily from Ukrainian territories?

“And soon the time will come, there will be more criminals than us, even more or less normal people.”

“Times are hard, don’t hope for the best. The future generation is even worse: everyone has glass eyes, weapons are everywhere. He can shoot at you at any moment for fun. Such an evil time is now coming, the world lies in grave evil. The struggle of the Antichrist is already approaching and there is terrible corruption and decline in morals in our society, which is what we see.”

Many people remembered Elder Zosima today in connection with the events in Istanbul. Consequences of the actions of an excommunicated layman Denisenko(also known as Filaret) and, more than aspirations, the Patriarch of Constantinople warmed him Bartholomew a seer from Donbass saw this:

“What an allowance there will be! The same Gethsemane will happen again in our country soon, it is already being prepared. Betrayal of the Church, betrayal of the Motherland, betrayal of all that is holy.”

“The autocephalists will drive us out, somewhere the Lord will give us shelter. Prison awaits us all. They’ll give you a shelf there somehow, and that’s all, “never renounce prison and scrip” - that’s what the people say, like that.”

“Western crests will twist and turn against the holy Orthodox faith. Well, I need to go to jail. You won't be a priest if you don't go to prison. And you need to prepare for this, and for the path of confession. Well, as God willing. It's better to avoid it. But don’t renounce prison and scrip at all. God is all around us—both in prisons and wherever we are—God is all around us. And with God, nothing in life is ever scary.”

However, the schema-archimandrite knew for sure that there was a force capable of resisting the darkness that had overwhelmed Ukraine.

“Monasticism will stand as an army against the Antichrist until the end of the age. How many more venerable martyrs will there be monks, how many more ascetic monks will there be who will stand up courageously when everyone bows to the Antichrist.”

“We stand in the temple of God, and the Lord has already prepared for us the crown of martyrdom. And some of us will have to suffer, and shed blood, and innocent, grievous suffering - Golgotha, in order, through this, having been cleansed of sins, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, to reach eternity.”

“The most terrible thing for the Antichrist will be monasticism and monastic clothing. The Antichrist will be afraid of this apostle and the monastic mantle. Although he will torment the monks severely, he will not be able to defeat them.”

Certainly, creepy prophecies Father Zosima did, but he also gave us faith, firmly indicated on whose side the truth is and who will ultimately have victory.

“So the spirit of Rus' is mighty, always invincible!.. The Russian bear sleeps and sleeps, suffers and suffers, but as soon as he wakes up, as soon as he takes this shaggy club in his paw, as soon as he unwinds, then all of Masonic Europe will fly away from this club real, Russian, holy."

“And now, in our time, the beating all begins from Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities, from the cradle. And from there this drum will roll across the entire Russian land, it will not pass Russia or anything, there will be a frenzy all around. But Russia will stand, and there will be very great grace there; even the forces of hell and the Antichrist will not overcome the Russian Orthodox Church.”

“The holy elders said: “Orthodoxy will be preserved in purity only in the Russian Orthodox Church. The rest will all leave, they will all fall into demonic delusion, and the Russian Orthodox Church will preserve the purity of faith until the coming of the Antichrist”... This is the last day of the Antichrist. The lamps of true faith will burn in Rus'. And neither demonic deception, nor persecution, nor any other satanic tricks will extinguish them. The lamps will burn on the holy Russian land.”

* All quotations are based on collections of sermons by Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur), prepared in different years Publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery.

The terrible war in fraternal Ukraine has already lasted long enough for a long time. She is providing Negative influence not only to neighboring countries, but to the whole world politics generally.

It is already very difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong in this conflict. Various politicians Both sides express extremely contradictory statements. Therefore, it is not surprising that people turned to psychics and astrologers for advice.

The situation is very difficult, worsening from year to year. More and more new participants are drawn into the conflict, willingly or unwillingly.

The status of Donbass is still not clear and the country is experiencing a strong negative impact.

Civilians are suffering, people's lives are completely disrupted, and the country is torn by contradictions. Everyone is wondering when the end of the war will come, and also what awaits Ukraine in the future.

Members of the Ukrainian parliament argue that the largest share of the blame lies with our country. Therefore, in their opinion, the outcome of the military operation largely depends on Russia’s actions.

Domestic political scientists are completely confident that such an irresponsible position of the Ukrainian leadership has already led to the death of hundreds and thousands civilians countries.

Independent European and American observers, as well as military experts, suggest that the situation in the region will become clearer no earlier than 2019.

Predictions of the Elders

IN lately many of the psychics tried to clarify the issue regarding Donbass. Many of them are not very well versed in military operations and the meaning of an armed conflict is also not clear enough to them. But they communicate with Higher Powers, which give them the opportunity to look into the future.

The predictions of the elders from Mount Athos attract special attention. Monks live there who have dedicated their lives to studying the Holy Scriptures and praying for the destinies of humanity.

Their life serves as an example of righteousness and deep religiosity. Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa gained particular fame as a seer.

Even before the start of the war, he predicted its occurrence. He was sure that the conflict would become long and bloody. The monk predicted that all the shrines of the Russian and Ukrainian people would be trampled upon. However, he predicted that by the beginning of the twenties of our century the situation would be resolved.

Ukraine is waiting for multiple and very severe trials. They are sent by the Lord so that the country gets back on the right path and it needs to go through them completely.

Vanga's opinion on the end of the war

Before her death, the famous soothsayer managed to make a prediction about the war in Donbass.

She foresaw a difficult and bloody armed conflict, which would lead to the fact that all of Ukraine would suffer from it.

Vanga said that the root of the evil is that there is no consensus within the country about the nature of the clash.

Nevertheless, she considered the leaders of Square to be the main culprits. The fortuneteller was sure that peace would come only after a complete change in her political vector. She hoped that our two fraternal countries would unite, which would benefit not only them, but the whole world.

However, she saw a favorable outcome of the situation no earlier than after the onset of the thirties of our century.

Predictions of P. Globa

Opinions on the war in Ukraine are expressed by very prominent figures in the field of astrology, which is due to the fact that the country is located in the very center of Europe and is closely connected with Russia.

In addition, the difficult events in it also hit European countries hard. One of the most respected specialists, Pavel Globa, has already become famous for the fact that his predictions about political events V different regions were completely justified.

Therefore, his opinion regarding Donbass is very interesting. He assumes that Ukraine will sooner or later split into three independent territories, two of which, Crimea and Eastern Lands, will become integral part Russian Federation.

Vera Lyon's opinion

Politicians do not tell the people the truth, so people try to hear the opinions of those whom they completely trust.

Particular respect is given to those psychics who have repeatedly made very accurate assumptions about the fate of the world.

One of the greatest clairvoyants on Earth, Vera Lyon, was remembered for her predictions because they are amazingly accurate.

The fortuneteller believes that the situation in Ukraine will remain very acute for a very long time. She thinks that the country will completely wither away as a result of the armed conflict, but, nevertheless, after some time, thanks to Russian help, it will begin to revive.

Such changes for the better will not happen soon. In the coming years, the conflict will only intensify. V. Lyon also does not exclude the separation of Donbass from Ukraine.

Prophecy of M. Levin

One of the leading experts in the field of astrology, founder of the Moscow Academy, Mikhail Levin is sure that:

  • the war is extremely protracted;
  • it will end no earlier than the middle of this century;
  • all this time she will face extreme political instability;
  • the national economy of Ukraine will suffer a complete collapse;
  • the country will lose all its cultural potential;
  • people will leave it en masse;
  • it will fall into enslaving dependence on Europe.

Opinions of Ukrainian psychics

Astrology specialist Vlad Ross hopes that sooner or later everything will end well.

His predictions boil down to the following theses:

Another predictor, Elena Maksimova, also made her predictions about when the war in Donbass will end.

She is confident that the armed conflict will soon come to an end. But first there will be a complete collapse of the country's economic and political sphere. It is then that she will come out of the dive. Donbass will remain part of it, and over time Crimea will return to it.

It is possible that the predictions of the soothsayer are not without opportunistic considerations, so they raise some doubts and differ from the opinions of other experts.

Predictions of individual seers

The TV show “Battle of Psychics” gave many soothsayers the opportunity to come forward.

The winner of its final, Julia Wang, made her predictions about the end of the war in Donbass.

She is confident that hostilities will soon end, and the disputed territory will not leave the country, but will be able to win special privileges for herself.

Clairvoyant Sergei Shevtsov believes that the conflict over the eastern lands will end no earlier than next year. But he doubts that Ukraine will be able to revive in the coming years, as it faces severe economic and political turmoil.

In addition, among its presidents there is no unity in the direction of the vector, which will alternately be oriented either towards our country or towards the West.

The highly respected psychic Alena Zelibora gives the following predictions, which are in many ways similar to the previous ones:

In general, it is striking that even psychics do not have a common opinion about the events in Ukraine. Their predictions differ quite significantly from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to correlate the opinions of politicians, the general situation in the country, prophecies, and then find in them a rational grain that corresponds to true events.

Russians sympathize with the residents of Donbass, wishing them better fate. But the fate of the region and the country as a whole depends not only on the will Higher Powers, as well as from the people who inhabit the territory. Until they come to their senses and are ready for peaceful construction, the military conflict will smolder.

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What is happening in Donbass and Lugansk does not fit into elementary logic and is not subject to reasonable explanation. In the country, despite a number of socio-economic problems, nothing foreshadowed the outbreak of active hostilities. Trouble struck in 2014, when a political coup took place and radical nationalists seized power, and the legitimate president, Viktor Yanukovych, had to leave his post. Then East End Ukraine rebelled against the new regime, and Crimea seceded and joined Russia. But when will the war end? Predictions about Donbass for 2019 by psychics and fortune tellers - this is the topic of our material today.

Unlike Crimea, events in Donbass and Lugansk unfolded completely differently. Here, by decision of the government, the extermination of the dissident population began. The armed conflict developed into full-scale fighting. Died in a few years big number Ukrainian citizens fighting against each other. Both in Russia and in Donbass, sensible people are in favor of stopping the shelling peaceful people, conflict resolution, for the restoration of cooperation between once friendly countries. Perhaps the predictors will tell us when the war will end, and what will happen next to Donbass, Lugansk and Russia in 2019?

When will the war in Donbass end, predictions for 2019 from psychics and astrologers. Opinion when peace will come: Vera Lyon, Pavel Globa, Olga the Witch, Julia Wang and others.

The opinions of political scientists, psychics, astrologers, and clairvoyants are radically divided. Some of them make a forecast that a long conflict will continue, which will drag on for decades. Others predict that the military confrontation will end soon and everyone will live in peace and harmony. Let's consider different points of view on this issue.

What will happen to Donbass in 2019?

Most optimistic forecasters tend to think that peace in Donbass will come as early as 2019. Such changes are associated primarily with the election of a new president. Indeed, there are a number of objective reasons:

  • The rating of the current government is very low and it is unlikely that the current politicians will be able to come to power again;
  • The country is exhausted by military strife and socio-economic difficulties;
  • The West also needs a president who is capable of resolving the conflict with Donetsk and Lugansk;
  • It is also economically beneficial for Russia to stop the war, since it has to provide comprehensive support to the population of the unrecognized republics;
  • Elections will also be held in uncontrolled territory, where new leaders will emerge who will defend the interests of their citizens.

The result should be the return of the eastern lands to Ukraine, with the status of an autonomous region with special powers.

Opinion. It is possible that the return of uncontrolled areas to Ukraine will also be due to the fact that Russia refuses to finance these areas. Numerous sanctions are lowering the standard of living of Russians, and there is a growing need to solve their own problems, not others.

Psychic predictions

Vera Lyon. The new Kazakh Vanga, the soothsayer, military operations in the Donbass will continue, only with less intensity. By the end of the year, the two republics of the DPR and LPR will unite and become a single state. The newly created state will not be recognized by anyone, but this will not prevent it from holding its defense and constantly interacting with Russian Federation.

Witch Olga. Witch Olga does not have bright hopes regarding the situation in Donbass. She predicts the situation will only get worse after the 2019 elections. The internal political struggle will intensify, the treasury will be empty, standard of living people will fall catastrophically. In this situation, people need to unite in order to solve their problems themselves. Simple people They will be able to change the fate of Ukraine themselves and stop hostilities and achieve peace in the territory of Donbass.

However, in the process, it is necessary to avoid dividing the country into small parts. In 2019, Poland, Hungary and Romania will claim their regions. This will lead to an escalation of the conflict and new confrontations both within the country and with Europe.

Eventually. In fact, all that will remain of Ukraine is a small territory around Kyiv, which will not have any political weight in the world. The long-awaited peace will come in Donetsk and the war will become a thing of the past.

Predictions when the war in Donbass will end for 2019

Pavel Globa. This is probably one of the most popular astrologers and predictors in the post-Soviet space. They listen to him because his predictions very often come true. According to him, the military conflict in Donbass will continue. And it will continue for a very long time until a radical change of power occurs. After this, an adequate politician must come who will stop military operations in Donbass. And only then will peace and prosperity be established.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya. But the clairvoyant Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya gives a more optimistic forecast: she predicts an imminent change of power in Ukraine. The new government will resume relations with Russia and end the war in Donbass by the end of 2019. In the future, the Republics will become part of Ukraine with the status of autonomy.

Julia Wang. Another predictor, Julia Wang, also predicts that the situation will improve soon. Ukraine will receive a new president who will be able to reach an agreement with the leadership of the independent republics and end the civil war in Donbass at the end of 2019.

M. Gordeev. Esotericist and tarot card specialist Gordeev points out that reforms in Ukraine will begin with a change in the power of the oligarchy. The role of the people will change and the country's leadership will have to take their opinion into account. New politicians will be inclined to believe that the war within the country must be ended immediately.

O. Straw. But tarot reader Solomka gives a forecast for a possible political revolution and an extraordinary change of power in Ukraine. Maidans will take place again , again people will come to the barricades and there will be casualties. Only after this will the citizens of the long-suffering country choose other leaders. The new government will indeed represent the interests of its people, but Crimea will remain part of the Russian Federation.

Zhukova. A well-known numerologist, having made a calculation, predicts that the overthrow of the current Kyiv authorities It's just inevitable. New leaders will definitely appear in Ukraine. However, the future of Donbass and Lugansk remains in question. There are many factors that influence the situation - give accurate forecast regarding the fate of the DPR and LPR in 2019 is not possible.

K. Parker. This is a popular psychic in England, talking about how in 2019 Ukraine will be involved in an international political scandal. She will be accused of regular arms trafficking through deliveries to third countries. Participants in the scandal will be the USA, Korea and China. This incident will cause a negative reaction and sanctions from the United States and Europe.

Opinion. Fraud with weapons will not go unnoticed by the allies. And in 2019, Ukraine will have to independently resolve the issue of civil war on the territory of the DPR and LPR.

Astrologers' forecasts

Mikhail Levin. The head of the Moscow Astrological Academy is confident that the military clash in the East will continue for many years. During this time, the people are completely impoverished due to the economic and political crisis. Everyone who can will leave the country. Relations with neighboring European countries will worsen: Poland, Hungary, Romania.

Sergey Shevtsov-Lang. This psychic predicts further political instability in the Donbass. The state will be in constant political strife, the heads of government will change. Relations with Russia and the West will move from friendship to hatred, and vice versa. " Fire sign» 2019 will end the war, but Crimea will be part of the Russian Federation.

Alena Zelibora. This astrologer gives a disappointing prediction for Donbass. The situation will be difficult for another decade; at some point, an agreement on a temporary truce will emerge. Trade and cooperation at the state level will resume. However, the peace will be short-lived; the republics of Donbass and Lugansk will make their choice and will not want to return to the Ukrainian state. In response, the government will resume the war and cooperate with the West against the Russian Federation.

Vlad Ross. This astrologer is very famous due to his accurate predictions the escape of President Yanukovych, Yatsenyuk’s departure from politics, and the emergence of visa-free travel with Europe. predicts the gradual prosperity of Ukraine, and even an increase in the average standard of living to the European level. Russia will change with the arrival of a new leader. Much later than 2019, Ukraine and the Russian Federation will again become fraternal countries.

Ion Ignatenko. He has long predicted military clashes in the Donbass; Ignatenko is no longer alive, but his forecasts claim that the war will end in 2019. Ion argued the following: there will be no world wars, the United States will face a default, which it will hardly withstand. Change government controlled The Russian Federation will lead to a change in the policy of confrontation to a policy of cooperation between three countries - Russia, the USA and Ukraine. 2025 will be a turning point, the country will have a flourishing economy and production, and it will receive status and respect in the world community.

Published: 2018-10-25, Modified: 2018-10-26,

In 2012, in the small village of Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, Holy Father Alexy died. He was not only a good man and a clergyman, but he also knew how to do something that others cannot - see the future. Before his death, Father Alexy said:

“In two years, a war will begin in Ukraine, our village will not be affected by the war, we will have to endure hunger and cold, and after that we will live very well.”

No one asked the priest when the war in Donbass would end, since the very idea of ​​a war in Ukraine seemed absurd and implausible.

But today for Ukraine, and for many other countries, this issue is one of the most pressing. In 2014, fighting moved from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to Donetsk and Lugansk, leaving several small settlements, including Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. It is obvious that Father Alexy was really able to foresee the course of future events. But, unfortunately, the end date of the war remained unknown.

If you turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, you will find that the predictions of some of them coincide, while others, on the contrary, are radically different. For example, some psychics predict the end of the war for 2019, and some of them - for the end of 2017. There are also clairvoyants who see a global apocalypse in the near future.

In order to lift the veil of the unknown at least a little, you can try to analyze the prophecies of several clairvoyants at once. Thus, based on the available matches, we will know the most accurate date for the end of the armed conflict. So, when the war in Donetsk will end - clairvoyant predictions.

Mikhail Levin is a famous astrologer who founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

  • Mikhail foresees that military operations in the Donbass will last for at least another 60 years. During this time, Ukraine will experience many coups d'etat and will stop growing sunflowers and other agricultural crops.
  • Ukrainian fields, according to Levin, will be completely empty.
  • The production of vegetable oil and dairy products will be carried out European countries, and Ukraine will have to buy these products three times more expensive than before.

Sergey Shevtsov

Forecaster Sergei Shevtsov believes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2019.

  • Sergei also noted that there will be no economic stability in the country due to constant coups d'etat and changes in political direction.
  • Ukrainian rulers will alternately focus their policies on Western countries, then to Russia.

Alena Zelibora

According to the predictions of psychic Alena Zelibora:

  • At the end of 2017, Ukraine will face a coup d'état caused by unaffordable prices for public utilities and food.
  • Alena foresees an attempt to overthrow Petro Poroshenko, which will ultimately be unsuccessful.
  • In 2018, there will be a new government in the country, which will give the people a promise to improve relations with the neighboring country - Russia. The war will temporarily stop.
  • Despite the fact that the new government will be able to gain popularity among residents of the DPR and LPR, the young republics will still refuse to return to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine will be able to establish trade relations with these republics. However, they will not last long - soon a new coup will be carried out, during which power will again be in the hands of leaders seeking to set foot in the European Union. These events will lead to the resumption of hostilities in Donbass.
  • According to Alena Zelibora, the war in Ukraine will last several decades.


A famous fortuneteller who lived in Bulgaria made a lot of predictions regarding events taking place in different countries. Most of them turned out to be very accurate. For example, a blind seer predicted the disaster that occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl, and was also able to foresee the death of the Kursk submarine. The peculiarity of Vanga’s predictions is that the meaning of the words she said becomes clear only after the event she predicted has already occurred.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the seer mentioned back in the 90s that darkness, gunpowder, a cry, and, oddly enough, a rabbit awaited Ukraine. At the time, the meaning of this prediction seemed very unclear. Today, even a child can understand what kind of “rabbit”, “gunpowder” and “cry” we were talking about. Although, perhaps, the seer associated the “cry” with the cry proclaimed on the Maidan, and the word “gunpowder” can be understood in the literal sense: gunpowder is a weapon, shooting, war.
  • Vanga said that the culprit for starting the war in Ukraine would be a certain dwarf with a black face. People began to guess who this mysterious character was only in 2014.
  • The seer believed that Ukraine would lose several of its regions, including Crimea. From 2018, we should expect rapid developments, and the war will last until 2019.

Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of Soviet Union, mentioned Putin as the future Russian President, and was also able to see the wreck of the ferry "Estonia". It is worth noting that some of Globa’s predictions turned out to be not entirely correct, and some did not come true at all.

However, Paul himself emphasizes that errors in astrological forecasts- this is a normal and completely natural phenomenon.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the astrologer predicted the disintegration of Ukraine into several parts back in 2013. One of them will leave the subordination of Kyiv, but it will not be able to join Russia, while the other will become part of the Russian Federation.
  • The young Donbass republics face a very difficult future, which is reminiscent of the scenario that happened in Transnistria.
  • Globa also noted that 2014 will mark the beginning of the third world war.
  • Settle conflict situation in the Donbass, a new Ukrainian leader who will have strong support from the people will succeed. After he comes to power, the situation in the country will normalize, and Ukraine will be able to reach the same level as Poland and other rapidly developing countries.
  • Thanks to the very tough character of the new leader in Ukraine, it will be possible to eradicate corruption, which will have a positive impact on further development events.
  • However, such a leader will not appear in the country soon, so in the near future Ukraine will face instability and a difficult political and economic situation.

By the way, Glob’s economic prosperity portends not only for Ukraine, but also for Russia. However, this will happen no earlier than after 2023.

Predictions of Ulyana Kosheva

Ulyana Koshevaya lived in the Lugansk region, and with the advent of the war she left for the Poltava region. In 2015, the woman turned 104 years old. But, despite such an advanced age, Ulyana enjoys respect and popularity among her neighbors. The fact is that she has the gift of foresight and knows how to heal diseases. Despite being almost completely blind, Grandma can see what others ordinary people, they can’t see.

Prophetic visions come to Ulyana in her dreams. More often prophetic dreams dream at the beginning of every year - they show what it will be like.

A year before the start of the war, my grandmother began to dream of soldiers, shed blood and battles. Already living in the Poltava region, fields sown with rye and a peaceful, calm sky began to appear in her dreams.

When asked when the war in Donbass will end, Ulyana replies that very soon - at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.

Alexander Zarev

Famous astrologer Alexander Zarev suggests that the war in Donbass may end in 2018.

Interestingly, Zarev’s predictions for 2018 for both Ukraine and Russia are very similar.

  • So, in both states next year the government may change.
  • It is these events that will lead to the fact that countries will begin to conduct peace negotiations among themselves, which will end in reconciliation.
  • The astrologer sees economic growth in both Russia and Ukraine, which will be preceded by many government reforms aimed at improving life.
  • Zarev predicts economic growth for most other countries as well.

Sergey Shevtsov

According to psychic and parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in Donbass was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Uranus is ruled by Mars. Such an arrangement of planets always leads to destruction, conflicts, famine and misfortune.

  • Under fire element Ukraine will remain there until 2019, after which the situation will gradually normalize.
  • When the war ends, Ukraine will experience a significant increase in the standard of living of the population.
  • The new young republics will again become part of Ukraine, although the model of their new governance will now resemble the former Crimean autonomy.
  • As for Crimea, the peninsula will never become Ukrainian.

Seryozha Vertinsky

Currently, Seryozha Vertinsky is 10 years old. The boy lives in Crimea and suffers from autism. Seryozha’s mother, and all the people around him, claim that he is unusual child. Sometimes a boy predicts upcoming events, which subsequently come true. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the baby’s words, but gradually they began to understand that their son had the gift of clairvoyance.

A year before the events in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the boy said: “We will soon become Russia.” Later, the kid began to talk about the bloody events that were about to happen in Kyiv, on the Maidan. And recently Seryozha spoke again - the boy foresees the imminent end of the war - in the summer of 2018.

The Odessa elder Jonah many times accurately predicted future events that were about to happen in Ukraine.

Jonah Gnatenko accurately indicated the date of the start of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, and before his death he spoke about the future that awaits the country - the end of the military confrontation will be at the end of 2018.

  • When asked whether a third one awaits us World War, the elder replied that this war would not happen. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity.
  • Regarding the future of the United States, the elder said that the great power would have to endure a terrible default, but America would quickly overcome the current situation and stabilize the economic situation.
  • As for America's relations with Russia and Ukraine, in the future these states will cooperate as equal partners. However, this will happen only after the rulers change in the Slavic states.
  • The elder also made a prediction about Novorossiya: when asked how the current conflict would end, Jonah replied that the young state would face difficult times. Despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossiya will not receive official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross accurately predicted the resignation of Yatsenyuk, the departure of Yanukovych, the signing of a visa-free regime, and many others important events that occurred during last years in Ukraine.

  • Ross argues that after 2017, Ukraine will begin to gradually improve its economic situation.
  • By 2023, when the symbol of wealth, Pluto, enters Aquarius, Ukrainians will become as wealthy as the Czechs, Poles and residents of other developed countries of Eastern Europe. Ross predicts the same economic stability for residents of the neighboring state - Russia. The war in Donbass will end in 2019.
  • According to the astrologer, the cause of the armed conflict was the passage of Pluto across the ascendant of Ukraine. But the complete departure of the planet from the Ukrainian ascendant will occur precisely after 2019.
  • Russia and Ukraine will again become equal partners. And after 2021-2024, the Ukrainian government will begin negotiations on joining European Union. In 2025, good money will begin to be invested in Ukraine, and Ukrainians who left the country will soon return to their homeland.
  • When Pluto enters Aquarius, it will be a very... favorable period to boost the economy, improve the standard of living of the people, develop business and gain recognition in the international arena.

If the course of events does not go according to the scenario of Mikhail Levin and other predictors, who foreshadow a long and protracted conflict, then we can hope for a quick end to the war in Ukraine.

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