Presentation of a research project on specially protected areas. Presentation. Topic - Specially protected natural areas. Categories of the most common OOPTs

Specially protected natural areas– these are areas of land or water within which economic use is completely prohibited or limited natural landscape. Specially protected natural areas are areas of land or water within which the economic use of the natural landscape is completely prohibited or limited.

“To command or reserve - to command, prescribe, command, punish for unfailing, constant fulfillment; to bequeath some duty, to oblige to something with a spell: to prohibit... Do not touch what is commanded. Chur, commanded” “Command or reserve - command, prescribe, command, punish for unfailing, always fulfilled; to bequeath some duty, to oblige to something with a spell: to prohibit... Do not touch what is commanded. C'mon, it's commanded"

Tigireksky Nature Reserve Tigireksky Nature Reserve Date of creation – December 4, 1999 Date of creation – December 4, 1999 Purpose of creation: protection of slightly disturbed mountain ecosystems of western Altai Located in the southwestern part Altai Territory, including border areas from the Altai Territory, including sections of the Zmeinogorsky, border with Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan sections of the Zmeinogorsky, Tretyakovsky and Krasnoshchekovsky Tretyakovsky and Krasnoshchekovsky districts of districts Area - 40 thousand hectares Area - 40 thousand hectares

Natural monuments are unique objects, valuable in scientific, aesthetic, historical and cultural terms and taken under protection Natural monuments are unique objects, valuable in scientific, aesthetic, historical and cultural terms and taken under protection

National parks– relatively large natural areas and water areas where doing three main goals: environmental, recreational and scientific National parks are relatively large natural territories and water areas, where the fulfillment of three main goals is ensured: environmental, recreational and scientific

"A man has enough objective reasons to strive to preserve wildlife. But ultimately, only his love can save nature. Nature will be protected from danger only if a person loves it at least a little, simply because it is beautiful, and because he cannot live without beauty.” “A person has quite enough objective reasons to strive to preserve wild nature. But ultimately, only his love can save nature. Nature will be protected from danger only if a person loves it at least a little, simply because it is beautiful, and because he cannot live without beauty.”

Just as birds were created to fly, and fish to live in water, so man was created to live among nature and constantly communicate with it. Just as birds were created to fly, and fish to live in water, so man was created to live among nature and constantly communicate with it. Soloukhin V. Soloukhin

Specially protected natural areas of Russia

In total, there are currently 204 operating in Russia SPNA federal level .

"On specially protected natural areas" dated March 14, 1995

« Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) - areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are withdrawn by decisions of authorities state power in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. Specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage.”

Reserve is a protected area where everything is preserved in its natural state. natural complex. Any species is prohibited in the reserve economic activity. It is created to preserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals and restore their numbers.

National Park is a specially protected area with intact natural complexes and unique natural and anthropogenic objects. Tourists are allowed to visit the national park on special routes , that is, it plays the role of a recreational facility.

Wildlife sanctuaries – these are territories where permanently or temporarily prohibited individual species and forms of economic activity. The reserve protects individual natural components, for example, one or more species of plants and animals.

Barguzinsky Reserve created January 11, 1917 (December 29, 1916 old style)

Russia's first state reserve was created on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal to preserve and restore the sable population. The area is 374 thousand hectares, including the water area of ​​Lake Baikal 15 thousand hectares.

In 1986, the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was awarded biosphere status. After 10 years, the reserve, along with other Baikal protected areas, was included in the list UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage "Lake Baikal".

Located in the Volga River delta, in the desert zone. Occupies an area of ​​more than 62 hectares on Caspian lowland, lying 28 m below sea level. Up to 50 species live here commercial fish, including sturgeon. 250 species of birds (herons, cormorants, pink pelicans). The most common mammals are wild boars, wolves, foxes, and otters. There are more than 290 plant species in the reserve. There are relics (salvinia, chilim), and a fabulous flower grows - the lotus.

created in 1920

ILMENSKY RESERVE , one of the oldest in Russia. Created in the North Chelyabinsk region for the protection of mountain landscapes Southern Urals and exceptional mineral wealth of the subsoil. The reserve is surrounded by pine and birch forests, meadows, swamps and steppes. There are about 1,200 species of plants, 48 ​​species of mammals, 163 of birds, 6 of reptiles, 3 of amphibians. Nesting site of whooper swan and gray crane. Lynx, wolf, capercaillie, and gray partridge are common. There is a mineralogical museum.

Purpose of creation:

Protection and comprehensive study unique flora, characteristic forest-steppe communities. The reserve is located on the Eastern slope Central Russian Upland, on the banks of the Don and its tributary Bystraya Sosna, in the territory of the Zadonsky district of the Lipetsk region.

One of the oldest in the European part of Russia. Created in order to save the disappearing at the beginning from death XX century river beaver. The territory of the reserve occupies northern half Usmansky pine forest, famous for the fact that its ship pines more than 300 years ago served as the basis for the construction of Peter the Great I Russian fleet. In 1985, the reserve received the status of a biosphere reserve and began to work under the UNESCO “Man and the Biosphere” program.

Bashkir Nature Reserve created in 1930

Located in the central part of the Southern Urals and in the bend of the river. White. Area 72 thousand hectares. Created for the protection and study of typical forest and forest-steppe landscapes. The mountains of the Southern Urals are covered with forests of pine, larch, and birch. Common animals include: elk, roe deer, Brown bear, lynx, pine marten, Siberian weasel, chipmunk, capercaillie, hazel grouse, red deer are acclimatized, trout and grayling are found in the rivers. In the bend of the river. White mixed and broadleaf forests. Within the reserve there is Kapova Cave.

Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve is located on more than 370 islands. From 705 sq. Its area is almost 500 km in water area and its most abundant inhabitants are sea colonial birds. Water Barents Sea heated warm current There is no Gulf Stream and no ice cover in winter, but summer temperatures are low and the vegetation here is tundra. On rocky shores Famous bird colonies are formed on the islands.

One of the largest in Russia. Mountain country, decorated with a necklace of more than two and a half thousand lakes, the largest of which is Teletskoye. Pearl plant kingdom is cedar. Animals Snow Leopard, Mountain sheep argali, golden eagle, black vulture, Altai snowcock and many others are listed in the Red Book.

Since 1998, the reserve has been included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.

Ussuri Nature Reserve founded in 1932

The Ussuri Nature Reserve is located in the Primorsky Territory, in the southwestern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin ridge. Founded to protect the natural complexes of Southern Primorye. Located in cedar-broadleaf, black fir, elm and ash forests. There is ginseng, lemongrass, wild grapes. Among the rare species of animals, the tiger, leopard, wapiti, and Himalayan bear are protected.

This is the northernmost of the reserves Far East occupies two islands of the Chukchi Sea - Wrangel and Herald, as well as the adjacent water area and is located on the territory of the Magadan region. The purpose of the creation is to preserve and study the ecosystems of the island part of the Arctic, as well as such species as polar bear, walrus, white goose and many other species of Beringian flora and fauna with high level endemism.

It is located in the interfluve of the Reseta and Vytebeti rivers, the right tributaries of the Zhizdra, which flows into the Oka. Once upon a time there was an abattoir (defense) zone of the Moscow state, guarded with XVI By XVIII centuries, thanks to which you can see preserved oak forests on the territory of the reserve. Together with broad-leaved and small-leaved forest plantations they are a refuge for many rare species of plants and animals. Since 2000, a very rare animal, the bison, listed in the Red Book, has full authority on the territory of the reserve.

The national park is located in Yukhnovsky, Iznoskovsky, Dzerzhinsky, Peremyshlsky, Babyninsky and Kozelsky districts Kaluga region in the valleys of the rivers Ugra, Zhizdra and Oka.

Ugra National Park was created for the purpose of protecting and recreational use Central Russian landscapes. There are rare plants - water chestnut chilim, protected plants - snow-white water lily, yellow water lily, marsh whitewing, floating salvinia, umbrella susak. Floodplain lakes are the habitat of the muskrat, a species listed in the Red Book of Russia. The park is home to elk, wild boar, roe deer, beaver, and muskrat. An interesting natural monument is "Devil's Settlement" - a pile of sandstone boulders left by a glacier, where rare plants are noted - microscopic luminous moss and relict centipede fern. Beavers are found on Vyssa, and numerous in the Oka floodplain. waterfowl. On the territory of the national park there are historical, cultural and archaeological monuments: Stone Age sites, medieval settlements, burial mounds, memorial estates. Associated with the Ugra Valley major battles during the period of the Tatar-Mongol and Polish-Lithuanian invasions, the war of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War. Near Zhizdra there are famous centers of spiritual life - the Optina Pustyn and Shamordino monasteries, associated with the names of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

In 2002, the UNESCO diploma awarded the status of a biosphere reserve.

Every year April 22 is celebrated - Earth Day .

National parks and reserves of Russia joined the holiday in 1995, since then

April 22 is celebrated in our country as International holiday reserves, national parks, reserves and natural monuments.

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The presentation on the topic “Specially Protected Territories of the Russian Federation” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 8 slide(s).

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Geography teacher, Secondary School No. 418 Natalya Vladimirovna Tkachenko

Specially protected natural areas Russian Federation

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State nature reserves

On the territory of state nature reserves specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water bodies, subsoil, plant and animal world), having environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance, as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places for preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

Kostomuksha Nature Reserve

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National parks

National parks are environmental, environmental, educational and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

A differentiated regime of special protection is established in the territories of national parks, taking into account their natural, historical, cultural and other features.

Mari Chodra

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Natural parks

Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational and recreational purposes.

In the territories natural parks Various regimes of special protection and use are established depending on the ecological and recreational value of natural areas.

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State natural reserves

State natural reserves are territories (water areas) with special meaning to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. For the purposes of educational tourism, complex reserves are of particular importance, in which tourists are introduced to rare species animal and flora, picturesque landscapes.

As a rule, the establishment of tourist camps on the territory of nature reserves is prohibited; only the construction of tourist trails is permitted.

Ulyanovsk paleontological reserve

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Natural monuments

Natural monuments are unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. Areas of land and water, as well as single natural objects, can be declared natural monuments.

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Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose tasks include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the flora, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only to fulfill their direct tasks, while land transferred for indefinite (permanent) use to dendrological parks, botanical gardens, as well as research or educational institutions, who are in charge dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

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Text content of presentation slides:
SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS LECTURE TOPIC Goal: Formation of competence to interpret regulations governing legal status specially protected natural areas in the Russian Federation Note: To systematize knowledge on the topic, fill out the table Type of specially protected natural area Definition Laws regulating activities Characteristics territories Prohibited activities Draw a table These are specially protected natural complexes and objects that are completely withdrawn from economic use and have environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places for preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna (Article 6 Law on Specially Protected Natural Areas). State natural reserves State natural reserves Any activity that contradicts the objectives of a state natural reserve and the regime of special protection of its territory established in the regulations on this state natural reserve. The introduction of living organisms for the purpose of their acclimatization is prohibited on the territories of state natural reserves. It is prohibited to be on the territory of reserves individuals without permission from a reserve employee It is PROHIBITED on the territory of the reserve: Within the boundaries of state natural reserves natural environment preserved in a natural state Protect natural areas for the purpose of conservation biological diversity and maintaining protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state National parks This is an area where, for the purpose of protection environment human activity is limited. Any unauthorized activity is prohibited. Federal law“On specially protected natural territories” of activities, and zones in which economic and other activities are limited in order to preserve natural and cultural heritage sites and their use for recreational purposes. Changes are prohibited intended purpose land plots located within the boundaries of national parksHuman activities that violate the rules are prohibited fire safety in forests. Prohibited: The territory of national parks is divided into zones. In accordance with their purpose, for example, 1. protected area2. recreational area3. cultural heritage protection zone4. economic zone Natural parks This is a protected large area of ​​natural or cultural landscape; used for: recreational (for example, organized tourism), environmental, educational and other purposes. Natural Park It is prohibited to change the intended purpose of land plots. Activities that entail changes in the historically established natural landscape, reduction or destruction of the ecological, aesthetic and recreational qualities of natural parks, violation of the regime for maintaining historical and cultural monuments are prohibited. Within the boundaries of natural parks, activities that entail entails a decrease in the ecological, aesthetic, cultural and recreational value of their territories. Prohibited: 1. Regulations on natural park approved by the decision of the highest executive body state power of the subject of the Russian Federation.2. Within the boundaries of natural parks there may also be land plots of other owners and users. State natural reserves A reserve is a protected natural area in which... Unlike nature reserves, it is not the natural complex that is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species, or individual historical, memorial or geological objects. In the territories of state natural reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the goals of creating state natural reserves or causes harm to natural complexes and their components. Prohibited: State nature reserves may have a different profile (complex, biological, paleontological, hydrological (swamp, lake, river, sea) by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ, the Federal Law “On specially protected natural areas" dated March 14, 1995 No. 39-FZ Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136 - Federal Law Legal regulation of all specially protected natural areas is carried out: In addition to the considered protected areas, there are others, such as natural monuments, dendrological parks and botanical gardens. Thank you for your attention! Good luck in the test!

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Reserve A specially protected territory or water area, completely or partially excluded from economic use in order to preserve natural complexes, protect animal and plant species, as well as monitor natural processes

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Kuznetsky Alatau Kuznetsky Alatau was created on December 27, 1989. Its total area is 412,900 hectares. A protective zone with a total area of ​​245,931 hectares has been established around the reserve. Located in the south of Central Siberia in the highest part of the Kuznetsky Alatau ridge on the territory of the Tisulsky, Novokuznetsky and Mezhdurechensky districts Kemerovo region.

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Tomsk Pisanitsa Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve in the Yashkinsky district of the Kemerovo region. Located in a forested area on an area of ​​140 hectares on the right bank of the Tom, where 280 rock paintings from the 4th-1st millennia BC have been preserved. e. 50 km northwest of Kemerovo. Created in February 1988.

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Sanctuary A protected natural area in which not the entire natural complex, but some species are protected. Or individual historical-memorial or geological objects

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Antibessky Located in the northern part of the region at the junction of the borders of Izhmorsky, Mariinsky, Chebulinsky districts. The reserve got its name from the Antibes River, in the basin of which it is located. The area of ​​the Antibes reserve is 47,738.7 hectares.

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Bungarapsko-Azhendarovsky Located at the junction of Krapivinsky and Belovsky districts of the Kemerovo region. From the moment of its creation to the present time, it has been a species-specific one, created for the purpose of protection and reproduction of the beaver. Among plants and animals, a significant number of species have a diverse economic importance and conservation status.

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Kitatsky Located in the northern part of the Kemerovo region, on the territory of the Yaya district. The list of protected species includes five species of vertebrates and one species of insects.

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Razdolny It is comprehensive, but its main purpose is to protect moose and roe deer in their winter camp. The Razdolny reserve is located at the junction of the Yurginsky and Topkinsky districts. Only six species have been registered on the territory of the reserve. rare plants and the same number of animal species listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo region.

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