Cool competitions for the 50th anniversary. Competitions for the anniversary. Games for the anniversary

A large number of guests, delicious treats, strong drinks and good mood- these are undoubtedly important components of a birthday, especially if we are talking about celebrating a round anniversary. But to make the celebration memorable for both the birthday boy and everyone who came to congratulate him, it is better to write a plan for the event in advance. Including if we are talking about a 50th anniversary, and the hero of the occasion belongs to the stronger sex.

Topic selection and preparation

So that the scenario is not the usual set of disparate competitions and toasts, you need to choose the theme of the evening. It will be good if it is connected with the activities of the hero of the day. For example:

  • for a person somehow connected with transport, you can organize a holiday in the form of a trip;
  • for the builder (engineer, architect, designer) each element of the celebration will become a separate “brick” from which at the end of the evening they will “build a house”;
  • For a military man or police officer, the topic of carrying out a secret mission will be interesting.

In every profession you can find something that will form the basis of a script. But the topic is not everything; you need to take care of the following things in advance:

  • choose a leader
  • resolve issues with musical arrangement (if the holiday is not held at home, then it is better to negotiate with a professional DJ);
  • prepare the props that will be needed for competitions and put them in one place;
  • distribute roles if necessary.

Now you can begin the actual preparation.

Meeting with guests

Having decided on the theme of the celebration, you can do it for everyone who came identification marks. If you want to add intrigue, then these signs are attached to the back, and everyone, not knowing what exactly his sign is, must guess about it by how others behave towards him:

  1. At a road-related holiday, each guest receives a small road sign cut out of paper at the entrance. For example: “speed limit” or “no parking”, etc.
  2. When the hero of the day is a doctor, you can write the names of medications. The funnier they are, the better. Just be sure to find out in advance what they are from, in order to avoid awkward situations and not give some big boss a sign with a medicine for diarrhea. For example: “Perdolan” is a painkiller, “Momordica compositum” is for pancreatitis, etc. The most important thing is that guests will not know what these medicines are for, but must guess.
  3. For the scenario " secret mission» prepare small signs describing the agent. For example: “agent Y, Nordic character, loves pasta very much, is terrified cold water" etc.

The host welcomes everyone. The greeting can be neutral or related to the theme of the party. You should immediately set aside time for the first “batch” of congratulations. Let everyone who comes try to congratulate the hero of the day not just from himself, but from the character (or sign) that is attached to him, if, of course, the guest sees him.


Some time after the guests have sat down, said the first congratulations and toasts, you can begin to hold competitions.

In principle, taking any even the simplest competition, you can change it and adjust it to the theme of the celebration. Examples:

  1. “Ordered to destroy” (suitable for a spy theme). Volunteers are asked to destroy “compromising evidence” on the hero of the day - a piece of paper on which it is written what exactly they should destroy (a nest egg from his wife, being late for work, etc.). The difficulty is that they will have to do all this with only one hand, and the other hand is tied to the body. The winner is the one on whose sheet it will be impossible to read what kind of incriminating evidence he destroyed.
  2. "It's all in the details." This competition is suitable for a motorist. In advance, you need to print out pictures depicting the car parts (carburetor, battery, etc.) and offer to come up with a new name for each part based on its function, for example, carburetor - “air-fuel mixer”, etc.
  3. You can include in the script for a man’s 50th birthday a cool competition “Correct Diagnosis” - it will be suitable for a doctor. In advance, you need to make a cut of lines from famous songs or agree with the party participants that they will sing them themselves. Each line will mean some kind of diagnosis. For example, the words from the song “We honestly want to tell you: we don’t look at girls anymore” - vision problems; “Why are you, dear, looking askance, bowing your head low” - torticollis and squint.

Such competitions can either be held among all guests or be addressed only to the hero of the day.

Games and performances

In addition to competitions, there should be games and performances, as well as original ones. The parody numbers always go off with a bang.

You need to find out in advance who the favorite performer of the hero of the day is, and agree with one of the guests (the most artistic) to portray the singer. If there are several performers, you can even arrange a small concert. In order not to simply re-sing songs and somehow connect them with the holiday, you need to redo their text so that it is a congratulation.

However, if any of the guests have special talents that they do not mind demonstrating, then concert program You can also include such numbers. This could be belly dancing, playing with water glasses, magic tricks, etc.

When composing a concert program, you need to intersperse it with games where there will be no winners, but everyone will be able to warm up and take their mind off the table:

  1. "Silent congratulations." The rules are simple: each guest must congratulate the birthday person without words, but at the same time wish him something specific. To do this, the host shows the participant a sign with a wish (for example, to finish building a dacha/bathhouse/house, etc.), the guest must show this wish with gestures, and the hero of the day must guess what it is.
  2. “You will recognize her...” For this game you need to gather all the women at the holiday, including the wife of the hero of the occasion. The birthday boy is blindfolded and told that now all the ladies present will kiss him, and he must guess which of them is his wife. But in fact, only his wife should kiss the hero of the day, only in different ways.
  3. For quiet entertainment, for which you don’t even have to leave the table, the game “Writer” is suitable. For this game, you need to make signs in advance on which some events from the life of the birthday person are written. For example, “took first place in a swimming competition,” “met ... (wife’s name),” etc.
  4. The participant in the game must come up with a fairy tale where the hero of the day will be the main character. The presenter shows the storyteller the signs one by one; the writer must include these inscriptions in his story, inventing them as he goes. The difficulty is that among the signs there will be some that do not correspond to reality: “caught the firebird”, “killed Koshchei”, etc. The birthday boy will be pleased to learn a lot of new things about himself.

In any case, you need to make sure that there is not too much entertainment. After all, the guests came not only to have fun, but also to communicate with each other.

In ancient times, the date of 50 years ago was considered a jubilee. People gathered together, lit a big fire and blew the deer horn in celebration. We continue the traditions of our ancestors and are happy to celebrate such an important date.

It is better to start preparing for your 50th anniversary in advance, especially if we are talking about a man dear to you. This time there is no way to get by with a simple feast. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. You will benefit from beautiful embossed invitation cards, decorated with the ornate initials of the hero of the day, a personal signature, and short text, preferably handwritten;
  2. Celebrating a 50th anniversary usually involves an expensive restaurant with live music, but if a man is more comfortable in his home, he can celebrate widely at home.
  3. Take care of the decor. As you know, a half-century anniversary is a noble golden one, which means that the color scheme of the design has already been predetermined.
  4. Perhaps it was worth starting with this point: delicious favorite food. If we are talking about a man, then his 50th birthday should be based on good wines, hearty snacks and mouth-watering dishes.
  5. Entertainment. It’s worth thinking about how you will maintain a joyful mood during the evening, what kind of music will be played, what kind of music will be anniversary script and who will be the ringleader. After all, your man is 50 years old, everything should be played out brilliantly.

Spend some time on the scenario: what can entertain the birthday boy, what competitions and jokes will create a cozy and fun evening. Prepare toasts for your 50th anniversary in advance, compose a very personal text. You will be able to help out the guests, and the man celebrating the anniversary will be pleased.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Radiant Jubilee”

The proposed scenario for celebrating a man’s 50th birthday is suitable both for holding a celebration at home and in a restaurant. The room is decorated with gold ribbons, serpentine, sparkling gold foil balls, compositions of yellow and orange fresh flowers would be appropriate.

In the invitation, guests should be warned to decorate their clothes with a bright attribute: a catchy tie, a funny “butterfly”, a large flower in the hair or a colored scarf.

Crystal chime of glasses, happy faces friends.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered today; the anniversary united us!
So let’s wish the sea happiness, wishes come true soon,
Continue to walk under a lucky star and look ahead of you proudly!
And our joyful evening today
The words that will seal our meeting will be revealed!

For the official anniversary vow, I will ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim and stand up!

Oath for guests in honor of the anniversary

Today we will rest,
Sing songs all evening.
That we stay all night
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
That we will tell ringing jokes,
That we will praise the hero of the day,
We'll start dancing throughout the holiday.
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
For every toast, shout “Hurray!”
And if there is a competition or a game,
That we don't give up so easily
We are on that anniversary... We swear!

Leading: Happy birthday, (name of the birthday boy)!
We raise a glass in your honor!
The first toast was made today!
You are young today
You are golden today!
Cherish your importance,
Don’t rush to say goodbye to her!
In the East they say:
Wealth is the pleasure of life
You are truly rich
Cheerful, healthy, immaculate!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Presentation of a diploma with a photograph of the hero of the day and a medal “For taking the 50th anniversary”

Leading: In honor of the honorary golden jubilee, we appoint (the name and patronymic of the hero of the day) as the supreme commander-in-chief of the celebration and general of the holiday! (The hero of the day is decorated with a gold ribbon) I ask everyone to stand up, a solemn three-time “Hurray” sounds! (Fanfare)

Presentation of certificates and medals (The certificate, medal and bouquet of flowers are presented by a beautifully dressed girl, for example, the daughter of the hero of the day).

Leading: The golden certificate is solemnly awarded
To those who are distinguished by excellent health,
Who never despairs in life,
The one who succeeds in every task!

Presentation of a certificate.

The hero of the day is awarded a brilliant medal,
What a glorious way to reach the milestone of the 50th anniversary!
For the medal you have to buy a carpet,
And hang it up for everyone to see!
The birthday boy was awarded a medal,
And henceforth he vows to be steadfast!
Now he is forbidden to get sick, grow old,
But just become prettier and younger!
Wear your medal proudly, like a general,
Who only won in this life!
A medal is placed around the neck of the hero of the day and a bouquet of flowers is presented.
And now let’s fill our glasses for the clear mind, keen eye and strong fist of our hero of the day!

(Guests drink while standing)

Song "About the hero of the day"

Leading: Noble hero of the day
I haven’t lost my taste for life,
And our guests are no problem,
Let's show the anniversary scale!

The minus of the song “About Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm” is turned on; guests need to be given the previously prepared words of the song.

There is comfort in our hall, together we celebrate,
Everyone wants to say, congratulations are heard.
The evening is clear, and we fill our glass
In your honor, let’s sing a song from the heart!

Chorus: But we don’t care, but we don’t care,
May the calendar not know your years!

We are in awe of such fate,
You are an example for us, for the family you are a king!
On this anniversary day we will tell you frankly,
Let your dreams come true!
The gaze is burning, the heart is beating, young as before,
There is a clear path ahead, full of new victories!

Leading: Dear guests, I ask everyone who honors and appreciates our hero of the day to raise their right hand! And those who love and adore the birthday boy - left hand! And now applause in honor of the holiday!
We turn on all our attention,
Let's complete my tasks!
Thumbs up
And we lower our left hand to our knee
On the knee of my dear one,
To my dear neighbor!
A right hand meanwhile the neighbor's shoulder hugs,
Rocks everyone to the music!
Let a smile sparkle on your face,
And under the table the leg beats out the rhythm!
And now, without sparing the wine,
Let's dare to fill our glasses!
It's not a sin to clink glasses with your neighbor on the left,
And so that our neighbor on the right is not angry
Let’s clink glasses with him and shout: “Congratulations!”
We empty our glasses to the bottom!

Table and dance break

Leading: A kind, congratulatory word,
Positive for the heart and ears
The family wants to say,
Let's applaud, friends!

Congratulations from the family

Fate caressed and sometimes struck.
Relatives were the support of the dear hero of the day
For the duration of the whole journey.
And in honor of the family, I ask you to bring cups!

Chant for guests in honor of the birthday boy “Five:Zero”

Leading: You conduct your affairs skillfully,
Try this, who can argue?
Keep your body healthy
And you won with life

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: The fan club is running for your signature,
For them, you are a hero every day!
In the next victorious match, without timidity,
You come out with an advantage

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Your fate lay differently,
And there was sweetness in it, there was a little salt
But the turns of life did not frighten you.
You beat fate at cards

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: You rose to the top nicely
Therefore, if you please, live another hundred years.
A successful game is within your power,
You keep score

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Jubilee General,
We are so happy to congratulate you today
Nice colleagues, comrades and friends,
Please tell me everything without missing a word!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Let's raise a golden glass
For the hero of the day,
He gathered us around himself,
Dear ones, all the lovely faces!
For precious words,
Why do they sound so nice here?
They will fly from heart to heart
And your head will spin.

Dance game "Hello" in all languages"

Leading: I ask everyone to leave their cozy chairs and get out on the dance floor! Please form two rings: inner and outer. Dear guests, perhaps not all of you know each other yet, so let’s welcome everyone! And we will do this with music and in a special way. It is known that people different cultures, greet differently. In Japan they bow when they meet, in Africa they clap their hands and curtsy, in Latin America- hug, in France - kiss on the cheeks. To the accompaniment of national music, you move in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, you need to say hello to the person who is opposite you.

Excursion into history

Showing video greetings or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present moment, the happiest, perhaps funniest fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

Table and dance break.

Game "Anniversary Decrees"

Each guest is given 2-3 sheets of paper (if there are many guests, then one at a time) and a pen.

Leading: I ask everyone to write on the received paper the continuation of the phrase: “This year I...”, bend the piece of paper in half and throw it into this magic hat. (Everyone writes) And now we pass the hat around the circle, all participants pull out two cards for themselves and read them out, starting with the phrase “This year I ....” I ask you to loudly confirm in chorus after each reading “So be it!”

The notes can say anything: “I’ll buy a goat,” “I’ll run a marathon blindfolded,” etc. The competition is cool because... Often a very accurate prediction comes across.


Leading: What wonderful words you say this evening, may all your wishes come true. To somehow thank you, the hero of the day gives each of you golden keys to good luck. (The hero of the day goes around the tables with a decorated box of toffee candies. Staple a number to each candy.) You can probably guess what these magic numbers mean? The anniversary lottery begins! And I announce the winning numbers!

The presenter raises a poster high above his head with the birthday of the hero of the day written in large numbers. Gifts are awarded to those participants who come across numbers from this date.

Leading: Our holiday is noisy today for good reason,
We honor a man, a strongman, a hero!
Let's raise a glass to a heart of the highest standard,
So that the fire in the soul never goes out!

Table and dance break.

Obstacle course

Leading: In honor of the laureate of the “Golden Jubilee” certificate of honor, the winner of the award medal “For taking the 50-year milestone,” I announce a festive obstacle course! I'll ask the general to announce the participants in the competition. (The microphone is passed to the birthday person, he invites 6-8 volunteers)

First task: Each volunteer is given one fin on one leg, and a balloon is tied to the other. You need to slam your opponent's balloon. The three most persistent ones advance to the next level.

Second task: Plastic buckets of water are placed at a distance in front of the participants. Task: throw apples into a bucket. The winner is the one who has more apples in a bucket.

Third task: A chair is placed in front of the participant with a prize on it (a bottle of wine with a photo of the birthday person). The guest turns his back to the chair, takes 6 steps in a straight line, where he is blindfolded and turned around his axis. The participant must return to the chair, taking only 6 steps again, and collect the prize.

After painful attempts to find the prize, the participant removes the blindfold and approaches the chair. Only now, instead of a prize, there is a piece of Whatman paper. The guest reads out loud what is written: “Cake to the studio!” He is given wine to applause.

Taking out the cake

They bring out a congratulatory cake with lit candles (you can light one candle in the form of the number 50). The guests sing “Congratulations, my love, happy birthday to you!”, The hero of the day blows out the candles. Everyone is treated to cake and served tea.

The wonderful evening ends
Warming with warmth.
Miracles happen here
The hero of the day is young again!
Do not hesitate to repeat yourself,
We speak from the heart.
We wish the birthday boy -
Stay like this
Cheerful, full of energy, ideas and thoughts
Purposeful, combative,
Active, wise, valuing honor,
And know that we love you!
And finally, a toast to the hero of the day,
His guests, his beloved family!
Let the festive fanfare sound to you!
We fill the glasses with pure love!

Props for the holiday:

  1. Comic diploma “Golden Jubilee”, medal “For reaching the 50th anniversary”, bouquet of flowers;
  2. Lyrics of the anniversary song for guests;
  3. Sheets of paper, pens;
  4. “Golden Key” candies, 8 gifts, “Date of Birth” sign;
  5. Flippers, balloons, 3 buckets of water, apples, a bottle of wine with a photo, a sign “Cake to the studio.”

Video of the 50th anniversary of the hero of the day

It’s a good holiday, it’s not a sin to film it, especially when we're talking about about the first serious anniversary in the life of a 50-year-old man, as the heroes of the next video did.

Celebrating an anniversary is an important and responsible event. The reason for such an event can be a birthday, a company anniversary, a creative anniversary, or a wedding anniversary. All of them take place in a special atmosphere of solemnity and fun with a large number of invited guests. In order for the holiday to be a success and leave a lot of memories positive emotions, it is worth thinking through in advance an interesting scenario, including a variety of active, gaming, and comic competitions with incentive prizes.

Anniversary birthday

Such an event is best organized as a surprise holiday. The hero of the day should not know what program has been prepared for this event. You need to select competitions for your anniversary depending on the status and age of the birthday person.

If the celebration takes place among close friends of approximately the same age, then you can dilute the scenario for the anniversary with fun compromising competitions.

Where's the stash?

2 men and 2 girls are called to participate. Participants are given 10 banknotes. Within a minute, they must place the bills in their pockets and other secluded places in their partners’ clothes. Then the girls are blindfolded and asked to spin a little around their axis. At this time, the male participants are swapped and the ladies, unaware of the substitution, are asked to take back all the hidden bills.


6 girls take part in the competition. Each of them must name the part of her body (shoulders, arms, hair, etc.) that she considers the most beautiful. Then the participants, in turn, must dance to the music with the very part of the body that they named. The winner is determined by the number of applause.

Simple moves

A pair of participants hold a round object (an apple, an orange, or a small ball) between their bellies. They must then move the object from their stomach to their chin without using their hands.

When drawing up a program for an anniversary for your mother or father, you should choose games and competitions of a neutral nature, within the bounds of decency, which will not embarrass the guests. The theme of entertainment may vary depending on whether the hero of the day is a man or a woman.

When choosing cool competitions for a woman’s anniversary, it is worth considering that ladies really appreciate attention to themselves when they admire their beauty and spiritual qualities. At the same time, they do not like mention of their age. For entertainment, competitive games with the participation of men who will give compliments or come up with original congratulations are suitable. You can include competitions on women's topics: makeup, clothes, children.

Evening Dress

Female-male couples participate. Ladies are given a ribbon or roll in their hands toilet paper, and gentlemen must wrap this around their partner without using their hands. Those with the most interesting outfit win.

Crazy hands

Several guests are called from the hall and given a newspaper or magazine to each one. Then they are given scissors (according to the number of guests) and asked to cut out a gift for the birthday girl. This could be a word (“wealth”, “health”, “car”), a figure or a picture. The winner is the one whose gift the hero of the day recognizes as the most valuable.

Princess Nesmeyana

The guests are divided into two teams. The participants of the first become the “Nesmeyan princesses”; they sit on chairs and take on as stern an appearance as possible. The goal of the second team is to make their opponents laugh without touching them. Anyone who smiles is out of the game. If, within the allotted period of time, a team of jesters can make all the Nesmeyans laugh, then they become winners. If not, the first team wins. If you wish, you can switch roles.

Making a hero of the day

For this competition you need to prepare 20 balloons, two felt-tip pens, two spools of thread, two tapes. Players divided into two teams receive their own set of materials. Their task is to make a woman’s figure out of balloons and decorate it with felt-tip pens.

At the men's anniversary evening, entertainment on the theme of cars, sports, fishing, and jokes is a success. Most men are not afraid to show themselves in public, so they are happy to take part in games without fear of what people will think. Such anniversary competitions often involve the use of alcoholic beverages.


Glasses with different drinks are placed on the table, but their number should be one less than the number of participants. The men begin to move around the table, and at a signal, everyone must grab a glass and drink its contents. Anyone who does not have enough glasses is eliminated from the competition. The amount of containers is also gradually decreasing. The winner gets the last glass.

Toast to the hero of the day

Two men are invited to participate. They are given a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. The winner is the one who is the first to uncork his bottle and pour it into the glasses of all guests present. As a winner, he must make a congratulatory toast.

Best Dancer

Selected participants must dance with the proposed objects (fruits, balls, chairs, a glass of wine) to dance tunes: “Yablochko”, “Lezginka”, “Letka-Enka”, “Gypsy”.

Catch a fish

For the competition, paper fish on strings are prepared in advance. Several couples are invited to participate. For girls, cooked fish are tied to their belts so that they touch the floor. Then the couples begin to dance. The task of men is to cut off the fish of their rivals, while protecting their own. The winner is the couple whose fish remains until the end of the dance.

Competitions for the company's anniversary

At such a holiday, all company employees, including management and service personnel, gather. Corporate events are often held on a large scale and require careful preparation. In order to fill the anniversary celebration with dynamics and entertain guests, it is necessary to include in the program Interesting games, quizzes and competitions that will work to unite the team.


Each participant is given a sheet of paper, newspaper, scissors and glue. Their task is to create a mini-story about their organization using cut out words. 5-10 minutes are allotted for completion, after which each masterpiece is read out loud. The winner is chosen by general vote.


Each participant in this competition must within three minutes to compose the most fantastic explanation about why he was late for work three times in a row. The best “science fiction writer” must be determined by the head of the company himself.

Squeezing out all the juices

Several people from the organization's management are called to participate. Each person is given half a lemon, an empty glass and an apron. On command, players must squeeze the juice from the lemon into the glass. The one with the most juice will win.

Wedding anniversary

This event is very often celebrated in the same way as the wedding itself: with humorous traditions, casual fun and dancing. An original idea would be to hold a win-win lottery or auction with funny lots. Selecting competitions for a wedding anniversary,It should be taken into account that among the invitees there may be many married couples.

We are building a house

Several married couples are invited to participate, including anniversaries. Having received a deck of cards, they must build a house within 5 minutes. The winner is the couple who was able to build the tallest house. You can also use cookies, dominoes or cubes as a material.

Men's concerns

This is a women's competition where ladies compete in their ability to hammer nails. Each participant is given wooden block, ten small nails and a hammer. The one who can do it the fastest wins.

Women's Affairs

Now men are being tested for strength. They are given a spool of thread, a needle, 10 buttons and a scrap of fabric. The winner is the one who sews buttons faster than the other participants.

Who is who

This funny test for married couples. Men and women are asked to write, secretly from their spouses, 10 names of fauna representatives (animals, insects, birds, etc.) in a column. Then what happened is substituted into lists prepared in advance:

  1. The husband happens:
  • soft like...
  • persistent as...
  • talkative like...
  • famous as...
  • free as...
  • cheerful as...
  • neat as...
  • loving as...
  • brave as...
  • beautiful as...
  1. The wife behaves:
  • with family like...
  • at work like...
  • with the bosses like...
  • in a taxi like...
  • on the market as...
  • with children how...
  • with my husband how...
  • in a restaurant like...
  • with friends like...
  • At a doctor's appointment, how...

Organizing entertainment program, remember that a well-written script is the key to a successful, memorable holiday.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the 50th anniversary. Such an event must be celebrated among family and friends. And so that you and your guests don’t get bored, be sure to invite a host. They have ready script on, so you won't have to worry about it. All you need is a good mood.

And in order for this day to remain in your memory forever, take a camera with you.

You don't have to limit yourself to just setting up tables and creating menus. It is necessary to think through a clear scenario for a 50-year-old man. And it’s worth decorating it in such a way that guests don’t get bored throughout the evening.

IMPORTANT! An anniversary is usually celebrated among relatives, loved ones and friends. Please take this into account when compiling your list of invited guests.

All invitations to the 50th anniversary must be sent two weeks in advance so that the invitees can plan their affairs. A man’s anniversary can be briefly described as follows: first, everyone congratulates the birthday boy and gives gifts, then they make a festive speech at the table, and then everyone moves on to an active program.

All this must be captured, so take care of proper photo and video accompaniment. If you decide to hold a feast at home, then you should clean and prepare the apartment for the arrival of guests. Decorate the walls with congratulatory posters and inflate balloons.

REFERENCE! To cheer up the hero of the day, make a photo collage of his day with his family, friends and relatives. This gift is sentimental and will definitely please the birthday boy.

The host also needs to be chosen in advance so that he has time to prepare for the celebration. In general, the success of a festive evening depends on the host, so you shouldn’t skimp on it. It is better to choose the most famous and by quantity positive feedback. Such a presenter has already prepared a script for a man’s anniversary. Below we will consider in detail the celebration of the 50th anniversary.

We are preparing a script for a man's 50th birthday



When all the guests have gathered, the host opens the evening with an introduction. Preferably in verse. After this, the presenter gives the floor to the parents for congratulations. Next come relatives, close and distant.

Congratulations to the guests

After this, the remaining guests rush to congratulate the hero of the day. Next comes a comic five-minute. For example, the host invites all guests to describe the birthday person with comic epithets. The main rule is no repetitions. The last guest to name an epithet about the birthday boy wins.

As a sign of victory, the presenter gives the winner a special medal: “Talkative guest of the city. After this, the toastmaster gives the guests a break, something to eat, and while the guests are busy, he can perform a song accompanied by live musical accompaniment.


Next, after the first competition, offer the guests another fun test to test their knowledge of the habits and desires of the hero of the day. Guests who answer correctly receive a token. The guest who dials greatest number tokens and becomes the winner.

As a gift he receives a medal and a certificate. After the competition, the presenter must congratulate the birthday boy on his anniversary.

For the previous competition you can use next questions related to the birthday boy:

It's just small part questions to ask on a 50 year old man's birthday. One more cool competition There will be a competition among guests in singing ditties. Who will sing large quantity funny ditties, he wins.

Holding competitions for guests is of course good, but what about the hero of the day? You can also prepare tasks for him.

More about competitions

The first competition “Is the birthday boy a good husband and father?”

Women from the audience and the wife of the hero of the day are invited for this competition. Next, the birthday boy’s eyes are closed and he must blindly find his wife’s hands.

Musical pause

After this competition, there is a musical break, dirty dishes and unnecessary cutlery are removed from the tables, and dessert is brought.

Competition for women

Next competition in original script man's anniversary is a competition for women. They have to prove and show their determination, strength and courage. For this competition you need to arrange the chairs in a circle and put a man on each chair. Men place strings of balls between their legs.

When the composition plays, the woman begins to move in a circle, when the music stops, the girl must sit on the balloon and crush it. The woman who burst wins a large number of balls.

Competition for men

For men who want to identify the strongest of them, you can offer the following competition: everyone is given a piece of ice. Whoever melts it first wins. But on one condition: melting ice cubes is possible only with the help of the body.

During dessert, all guests continue to congratulate the birthday boy. To prevent guests from getting bored, the presenter must maintain constant contact with the audience. Invite them to congratulate the hero of the day or sing songs with them.

Summer scenario for a man's 50th anniversary

For the amateur active image life, fisherman and hunter, you can prepare an unusual congratulation - a scene. To do this, you should call three men from the audience - they will be hunters and 1 man will be a road inspector.

The latter detains the hunters because they were going to the hero of the day to take him with them to the lake. But instead, they must sing congratulatory songs and give the birthday boy a gift.

The inspector in his place issues a certificate to the hero of the day: Certificate of completed maintenance:

And last but not least, the inspector must read the final report:

  • — the car is in excellent condition;
  • - the owner will be able to use it for many more years;
  • — the next maintenance will be after 120 years of mileage.

Riddles for the birthday boy

After comic scene You can arrange a musical break for ten minutes. After the dances, tasks for the birthday boy will begin.

He will have to solve riddles. There are a huge number of different products on the Internet, you just have to choose the most suitable one.

The final stage of the evening will be a loaf of bread and tea.

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Such a holiday is best organized as a surprise holiday. Of course, the birthday boy will take a direct part in the preparation, but for the time being, some aspects are best kept secret from the hero of the day.

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated accordingly: with posters, balloons, flowers and garlands. It’s great when the whole holiday atmosphere is imbued with a sense of the extraordinary nature of what is happening. In order for this to work, you will have to make some efforts, for example, choosing the appropriate music, setting the table especially elegantly, etc.

Certainly, anniversary evening begins with the ceremonial part. You can congratulate the hero of the day in a special way, for example, by singing together a song written in honor of the hero of the occasion. On anniversaries, more than anywhere else, it is impossible to do without congratulations poetic form. You can write congratulations yourself, or you can use numerous collections of congratulations, which can now be found in any bookstore. In our book you can also find several examples of such congratulations in the chapter “Congratulations and Toasts.”

If the hero of the day is young at heart, then you can arrange a small entertainment called “Find the Treasure”. Treasure, of course, consists of gifts prepared with love and carefully hidden in the most unexpected places. To prevent the birthday boy from getting lost in his search for the treasure, he is solemnly presented with a treasure map designed as a scroll, guided by which he will search for the treasure. Moreover, all guests can take part in this fun, telling the treasure hunter which way to go, in simple words"hot", "cold".

You can also carry out this version of this fun: instead of the expected treasure, the birthday boy will eventually find some interesting object, for example, a glass of vodka with a note “Your health!” or a bag with change and the inscription “Don’t have a hundred rubles,” etc. After the raffle is revealed, the birthday boy is given real gifts.

Then the festive banquet begins, during which toasts and congratulations are made to the hero of the occasion. At the table you can do a little “warm-up” before more active part holiday.

Game "Our hero of the day"

Everyone present at the table takes turns complimenting the hero of the occasion. Everyone’s compliments should be different, but the beginning of the phrase is always the same: “Our hero of the day is the most...”. Anyone who hasn't come up with a new compliment should say a toast.

During dances, which are an integral part of any holiday, several competitions can be held.

Competition "Best Dancer"

For this competition it is necessary to select dance music of different genres. It can be a square dance, waltz, tango, lambada, etc. Everyone can take part in the competition. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The competition will be much more interesting if the music changes from time to time. After the end of the dance mini-marathon, the best dancing couple is selected by general vote and awarded the title of “Best Dancers”. If there are several such couples, then you can divide the nominations, for example: “The most beautiful couple”, “the most original couple”, etc.

Competition "Catch a Fish"

For this competition you will need a number of fish cut out of paper, which must be tied to strings. Strings with fish are attached to the partners’ belts so that the fish drag along the floor. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The task of men is to try to snatch the fish from other couples and protect the fish of their partner. The couple that keeps their fish until the end of the dance wins.

In between dances, you can hold a song competition, for example, like this:

“The song is an anti-song”

All guests are divided into two teams: “Song” and “Anti-Song”. The first team sings a few lines from a song, and the second team must come up with and sing a few lines from another song so that the meaning is the opposite. You can set the themes of the songs, or in the song and anti-song there should be words that have opposite meanings, for example: winter - summer, black - white, guy - girl, water - earth, etc.

Closer to the final part of the festive celebration, you can hold a competition for the birthday boy and several other participants for the title of “honorary wind blower”. For the competition you need several balloons. Each participant is given a ball. The task is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible so that it bursts. The competition is more fun if the shape of the balls is unusual. As a rule, such balloons are much more difficult to inflate, but much more fun.

If the birthday boy wins the competition, then along with the title of “honorary wind blower,” he is also awarded the title of “chief candle blower.” If another participant in the competition wins, then he becomes “the first assistant to the main candle blower.” Once all the titles have been assigned, the birthday cake can be brought in.

You can end the evening with a traditional tea party or as you wish. Before you leave the holiday, do not forget to once again congratulate the hero of the day on this significant event. You can end the evening with a group photo so that the memory of this holiday lives for a very long time.

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