Simple and delicious cauliflower dishes. What to cook with cauliflower

If you delve deeper into the study modern books in dietetics, then there you can read about the healthy vegetable of all. Oddly enough, these are not carrots or potatoes, not even beets. This is the most ordinary cabbage. Some types of cabbage are more or less healthy, but this product should definitely be on the table almost every day.

To prevent the vegetable from becoming boring, you need to know what cauliflower dishes to prepare. Quick and tasty recipes are available on our website at large quantities. It must be said that different types cabbages appeared on the shelves of our stores only a few decades ago. At first, such cabbage was very expensive, then they began to grow it in the country, prices began to creep down, and housewives were able to discover new products to serve on the table. This is exactly the path that cauliflower has gone through, which today you can buy cheaply during the season, and if you wish, you can even grow it on your own plot.

This is such a special vegetable that, unlike the usual white cabbage, you can’t just eat it raw. Therefore, every housewife should have cauliflower recipes on hand that are tasty and easy to prepare for everyday or even special occasions. festive table. In this section of our website, all recipes contain cauliflower in one form or another.

Of course, you can safely prepare various first courses with cauliflower; it is an excellent side dish, the basis for mashed potatoes or casseroles. If you wish, you can fry this cabbage in batter or cook it in other of the hundreds of ways that are described in recipes from our readers. Each recipe is tested and accurately describes how to prepare and serve a particular dish step by step.

Don’t be shy if you have questions about what to cook with cauliflower in a tasty and simple way. Even the most experienced housewife gets tired when she constantly cooks the same dishes. Still, you need to feed your family three times a day every day, and this is a lot of dishes that are prepared. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with looking for new recipes that do not contain familiar ingredients. Our site was specially created so that no housewife in our country will ever have questions about what to cook delicious, simple and unusual for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


Pickled cauliflower

Ingredients: cauliflower, carrots, bell pepper, apples, parsley, dill, salt, sugar, black peppercorns, allspice, Bay leaf, garlic, vinegar, sunflower oil, water

Cauliflower is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Especially if you know how to cook it. We have already told you how to make soup, casserole, and salad from cauliflower. Today we are going to bring to life a pickled cauliflower recipe for the winter.

- 1 cauliflower;
- 2-3 carrots;
- 2-3 bell peppers;
- 2 apples;
- 2 sprigs of parsley;
- 2 sprigs of dill;
- 2 tbsp. salt;
- 3 tbsp. Sahara;
- 5 pieces. black peppercorns;
- 3-4 pcs. allspice black pepper;
- 1-2 bay leaves;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 100 ml. vinegar 9%;
- 1 tbsp. sunflower oil;
- 0.8 l. water.


Cauliflower baked in the oven with cheese and sour cream

Ingredients: cauliflower, cheese, sour cream, eggs, butter, salt pepper

You don't have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to prepare a delicious vegetable dish. If you don’t believe me, then cook cauliflower with cheese and sour cream in the oven. It's very tasty and incredibly simple!

- cauliflower - 0.3 kg;
- hard cheese - 60 g;
- sour cream - 150 gr;
- eggs - 1 pc;
- butter - 1 tsp;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Cauliflower baked with cheese and cream

Ingredients: cauliflower, cheese, cream, butter, salt, pepper

Cauliflower lovers know that it can be prepared in different ways - it is good in any form. Today we suggest baking it in the oven with cheese and cream - you will definitely like the result!
- cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
- hard cheese - 70 g;
- cream - 180 gr;
- butter - 1 tsp;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Cauliflower in batter

Ingredients: cauliflower, egg, flour, breading, salt, pepper

Cauliflower can be deliciously fried in batter. I’ll tell you how to do this now. You can serve cauliflower with sauce and fresh vegetables.


- 1 cauliflower,
- 1 egg,
- 1 tbsp. flour,
- 3 tbsp. spicy breading,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Cauliflower in creamy sauce

Ingredients: cabbage, egg, salt, cheese, cream, flour, butter, nuts

I suggest you prepare a very tasty dish as an appetizer - cauliflower in cream sauce. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- 500 grams of cauliflower,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 250 grams of cheese,
- half tsp cream,
- 1 tbsp. flour,
- 1 tbsp. butter,
- 1 tsp. nutmeg.


Cauliflower in the oven

Ingredients: cauliflower, egg, cheese, milk, salt, butter, pepper

As a second course, I suggest baking cauliflower in the oven. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1 cauliflower,
- 3 eggs,
- 150 grams of cheese,
- 3-4 tbsp. milk or cream,
- salt,
- 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- ground black pepper.


Baked vegetables in the oven

Ingredients: cauliflower, carrots, onion, mushroom, tomato, peas, dry mushroom, salt, pepper, garlic, paprika

I really like oven-roasted vegetables. Today I have prepared for you my favorite recipe for a baked assortment of the most famous vegetables.


- 200 grams of cauliflower,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 100 grams of champignons,
- 2 sweet peppers,
- 2-3 tomatoes,
- 2 handfuls of green peas,
- half tbsp. dry ground mushrooms,
- salt,
- ground black pepper,
- 50 ml. vegetable oil,
- 1 tsp. dry garlic,
- 1 tsp. paprika.


Cauliflower cutlets

Ingredients: cauliflower, egg, bread, onion, vegetable oil, salt, ground coriander, ground paprika, black pepper, wheat flour

The recipe for cooking vegetable cutlets in vegetable oil is quick and easy to prepare. Light dish prepared from cauliflower, onions, chicken egg and spices. A snack for those who prefer vegetable dishes.

- 1 head of cauliflower,
- 2 onions,
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil,
- 1 chicken egg,
- half a glass of bread crumb,
- 1 teaspoon ground paprika,
- 1 teaspoon ground coriander,
- 2 tbsp wheat flour,
- salt to taste,
- 3 g ground black pepper.


Cauliflower with minced meat, baked in the oven

Ingredients: cauliflower, minced meat, cheese, egg, sour cream, bell pepper, salt, black pepper

Do you prepare cauliflower dishes for your home? If not, we recommend starting by baking the cauliflower in the oven along with the minced meat. It will be tasty, satisfying, healthy, and easy to prepare.

- cauliflower – 350 g;
- minced meat (pork and beef) – 150 g;
- hard cheese – 50 g;
- egg – 1 pc;
- sour cream – 3 tbsp;
- bell pepper – 0.5 pcs;
- salt to taste;
- ground black pepper to taste.


Cauliflower with chicken

Ingredients: chicken fillet, cauliflower, breading, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, butter

You can prepare many different delicious dishes from cauliflower. One of these is this delicious cauliflower baked with chicken in the oven.


- 1 chicken fillet;
- 1 cauliflower;
- 2 tbsp. breading;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise or sour cream;
- 50 ml. vegetable oil.


Cauliflower casserole with chicken in the oven

Ingredients: cauliflower, chicken fillet, onion, tomato sauce, cheese, butter, cilantro, salt, pepper

This cauliflower casserole with chicken meat good for dietary nutrition. The excellent composition of the products, their heat treatment, all this makes the dish low-calorie and healthy.

Products for the recipe:
- half a kilo of cauliflower;
- 400 g chicken fillet;
- 150 g onions;
- 60 ml tomato sauce;
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
- cilantro - a small bunch;
- spices - to taste.


Cauliflower puree

Ingredients: cauliflower, butter, salt, black pepper

This cauliflower puree can be safely included in the menu of those who are losing weight, and if you do not use spices, then the puree is also suitable for children. How to prepare it correctly, see the photo recipe.

Products for the recipe:
- half a kilo of cauliflower,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of butter,
- spices - to taste.


Cauliflower gratin

Ingredients: cauliflower, cream, egg, cheese, salt, pepper, paprika

Cauliflower gratin is a dish that is easy to prepare, using cheap ingredients, but turns out very tasty. Yes and appearance gratin - beyond all praise. Well isn't that enough? to definitely do it?
- 1 cauliflower;
- 130 ml cream 15%;
- 2 eggs;
- 150 grams of hard cheese;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- paprika to taste.


Cauliflower with tomatoes for the winter

Ingredients: tomatoes, cauliflower, water, salt, sugar, vinegar essence, cloves, black peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf, garlic

If you love cauliflower - fried, stewed, baked - then be sure to combine it with tomatoes for the winter. This way the vegetables turn out just great! Our recipe with photos will certainly help you with this.
- 2-3 tomatoes;
- 1 head of cauliflower;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp. salt;
- 3 tbsp. with a top of sugar;
- 1 tsp. - 1 dec. l. vinegar essence;
- 1-2 buds of cloves;
- 1-2 black peppercorns;
- 1-2 peas of allspice;
- 2 cloves of garlic.


Cauliflower in tomato sauce for the winter

Ingredients: cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic, Bell pepper, parsley, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil

Do you know how to deliciously cover cauliflower for the winter? IN tomato sauce! In this form, the cabbage turns out simply magnificent - tasty and beautiful, and the tomato sauce itself will be very good.
- cauliflower - 1 kg;
- tomatoes - 500 gr;
- sweet pepper - 100 gr;
- garlic - 2-3 cloves;
- parsley - 1 small bunch;
- salt - 1 tbsp;
- sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
- vinegar - 3 tbsp;
- vegetable oil - 50 gr.

Cauliflower is a low-calorie product, there are many delicious recipes dietary dishes prepared from it. Prepares quickly.

Can be prepared for the winter - rolled into jars.

An excellent vegetable rich in various vitamins and microelements.

Nutritional value per 100 grams

  • Calorie content only 30 kcal
  • Proteins – 2.5 g.
  • Fats – 0.3 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 4.2 g.

Perfectly can be used as a side dish and as an independent dish.

Today I present to you some quick recipes for delicious cauliflower cooked in a frying pan.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan


  • Cauliflower – 400 gr. (standard package of frozen cabbage)
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying


Pour a little oil into the frying pan and put it on fire

We open the package of frozen cabbage and pour it into heated oil, if you want, you can defrost it first, it will be easier to cook, but this is if you have time to wait, otherwise we took it out of the freezer and immediately got down to business

If you don’t have it frozen, a head of cabbage, then first disassemble it into inflorescences, large ones, cut

Cover the pan with a lid and let it thaw; when it sizzles, turn down the heat, don’t forget to stir so it doesn’t burn.

Fry it, stirring until it is browned

How to check readiness, try using a spatula to divide it into 2 parts, if the piece is divided and not crumpled, then it’s ready

Beat in the eggs and stir until the pieces are completely covered with the egg.

Our dish is ready, now we need to add salt to taste and place it on plates

It turns out very tasty, and if you add a small piece of fried meat, it will be a “masterpiece”

Bon appetit!

Cauliflower in beer batter. Delicious recipe

This dish, cooked in beer batter, is perfect for both lunch and dinner. Beer gives a delicious and aromatic crisp that everyone will love.

Recipe for fried cauliflower in egg without flour


  • Cauliflower
  • Eggs – 3 – 4 pcs.
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Vegetable oil


Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, boil water in a saucepan and salt it

Put the inflorescences to cook, boil for about 5 minutes, as soon as the pieces become soft, place them in a colander so that the water drains completely

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, dip the cabbage pieces in the egg and lay them out to fry.

Fry on all sides until golden brown, then place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

And Bon Appetit!

How to cook cauliflower in cheese batter

Delicious pieces of cauliflower in cheese batter with parsley, ground paprika, and garlic will satisfy the most demanding gourmet. You will eat this dish with great pleasure, and it will not be possible without additives.

Delicious cauliflower fried in breadcrumbs


  • Cauliflower - 1 head
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Eggs - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Pepper
  • Dried (or fresh) herbs - depending on taste (thyme, dill, basil, parsley)
  • Vegetable oil for frying


We disassemble the prepared head of cabbage into small inflorescences, rinse and boil in salted water for 5 minutes, then place in a colander and let drain and cool.

In a bowl, beat eggs with salt and pepper, separately mix bread crumbs with prepared herbs

Dip each piece in the egg, then roll in breadcrumbs and place in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

If you have cauliflower in your refrigerator and you don’t know what to cook with it, then today’s selection will help you make something new and interesting. All recipes have detailed description, so it won’t be difficult to cook deliciously.

  • 4 tbsp. butter;
  • 1 head cauliflower, divided into florets;
  • 1 head of broccoli, also divided (optional, you can take 2 times more cauliflower);
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 cup 10% cream;
  • 1/4 cup flour;
  • 100 g cheese - grate;
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Take a deep baking dish, grease with oil and add cauliflower and broccoli, bake in the oven for about 15 minutes. While the cabbage is baking, you can prepare the sauce.
  2. Melt the butter in a small saucepan or saucepan, then add the flour and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low, add milk and cream. Increase the heat and stir constantly so that no lumps remain from the flour. When the mass is homogeneous, add grated cheese, salt, pepper and continue stirring until the cheese has melted.
  3. By this time the cabbage is baked, remove it from the oven, pour the resulting sauce over it, stir and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.
  4. Return the pan to the oven and bake for another 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Cauliflower baked in the oven with tomatoes

If you definitely have no idea what to cook with cauliflower, then the simple answer is to bake it in the oven! What could be simpler and tastier, and with this recipe you will also need small list products, the main thing is to stock up on spices.

For 4 servings you need:

  • about 500-700 g cauliflower or 1 small head;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp cumin;
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric;
  • salt pepper

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Separate the cauliflower into florets, cut the tomatoes into slices. Mix them in a large bowl, squeeze out the garlic, add turmeric, pour in olive oil and mix well.
  2. Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cumin and salt.
  3. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes until the cabbage is ready.

Fast and easy! This dish can be served on its own or with rice or noodles.

Cauliflower fritters

Unexpected, but useful and delicious recipe. For it you need to take:

  • 400-500 g cauliflower;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • parsley;
  • and oil for frying.


  1. Cut the cabbage into small florets. Fill a pan with water, add some salt and put it on the fire, put the cabbage in it and cook until tender for about 15 minutes. Then drain the water and let it cool.
  2. In a large bowl, crush the inflorescences with a fork, add eggs, flour, grated cheese, salt and chopped parsley, mix well.
  3. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add oil. Using a spoon, place a little dough into the pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Let the pancakes cool slightly and serve.
  4. When serving, you can sprinkle with cheese or sour cream.

Cauliflower soup

Cream soup is perhaps the most common recipe that can be made from cauliflower. There are many variations, with different ingredients, but in all cases cauliflower will be the base. Below is a basic recipe that you can vary as you wish.

For it you will need:

  • small head of cauliflower (about 0.4-0.5 kg)
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 cups water or vegetable broth;
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese;
  • salt, pepper and seasonings to taste.


  1. Wash the cabbage and divide into inflorescences.
  2. Take a pan, put it on fire, pour oil. Add chopped onion and garlic and fry until onion is soft and golden.
  3. Now lay out the cauliflower and fill everything with water/broth. Bring to a boil, add salt and cook until the cabbage is ready for about 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and puree the soup using a blender. Return the saucepan to the stove, add the grated cheese and, stirring, heat the soup until the cheese is completely melted.

The soup is ready! Can be served; when serving, garnish with herbs and croutons.

Cauliflower and Bacon Salad

For this simple salad you need:

  • 1 small head of cauliflower;
  • 1 small head of broccoli;
  • 300 g bacon;
  • 200 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • 1/2 cup sugar.


  1. Cut broccoli and cauliflower into florets. Boil until tender, cool.
  2. Fry the bacon or bake in the oven until crispy. You can cut it into small pieces.
  3. Prepare salad dressing: mix mayonnaise, vinegar and sugar in a bowl.
  4. In a large salad bowl, place broccoli, cauliflower and bacon, pour dressing over everything and mix well.

On the site there are cauliflower recipes with photos for every taste. There are cauliflower dishes for vegetarians, and others in combination with meat. To prepare cauliflower main courses, it is disassembled into inflorescences, blanched, and then fried in breadcrumbs, batter, baked in pots, or made into a casserole. Young cauliflowers are added to soups or vegetable stews. For the winter, cauliflower can be salted and pickled. If fresh cabbage is lightly simmered, cool in cold water, chop finely, mix with herbs and nuts, season with vegetable oil, then you will have an excellent vitamin salad on your table. Cauliflower is a rather rare case when an inflorescence of unopened flowers (buds) is eaten. The homeland of cauliflower is the Eastern Mediterranean. It was brought to the territory of Russia from Western Europe only in the 17th century. Cauliflower is valued for its delicate taste and ease of preparation.

Recipe simple salad Cauliflower with tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs can be served as a main dish for dinner or lunch. To vegetable salad was not bland, season it with mustard and thick balsamic sauce. Easy to learn, tasty and

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A recipe for pureed zucchini soup with cauliflower should be in every housewife's repertoire. The soup will fit perfectly both into the children's menu (exclude spices) and into the diet of those who closely monitor their health and figure. And it would be useful for meat-eaters at least

chapter: Zucchini soups

Unlike meatballs, quenelles are more tender, so in combination with vegetable soup They not only look appetizing, but will also give you real gastronomic pleasure. In the recipe for soup with quenelles, the broth is made using

chapter: Meat soups

The recipe for tursha salad is found in Bulgarian, Turkish and Armenian cuisines. Due to the fact that all the vegetables used in the recipe are not subjected to long-term heat treatment, they retain their density and remain crispy. Bright Morco Pieces

chapter: Pickling

A very bright, appetizing and vegetable sauté, which can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat and fish. In the sauté recipe, you can use dry beans after boiling them, or purchase canned ones. Amount of pumpkin in the recipe

chapter: Sote

For lunch, it’s good to prepare a light creamy cauliflower soup with tomatoes and other vegetables. Despite the fact that the soup is vegetable, the dish is not only tasty, but also filling. However, thanks to the successful composition of the ingredients, the soup is low in calories.

chapter: Cream soup

Tender vegetable dumplings made from cauliflower with the addition of fried chanterelles are baked in the oven and served hot with sauces to taste. It turns out to be an independent dish for a full lunch, which does not require any side dish. Unlike the boiler

chapter: Kneli

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chapter: Mushroom soups

There are many recipes for chanterelle soups. Today I propose to cook mushroom soup with the addition of smoked bacon and cauliflower. Moreover, you don’t need a frying pan for frying onions and bacon. Chanterelle soup is cooked from start to finish in one pan.

chapter: Mushroom soups

You can make these delicious quenelles for lunch using cauliflower with cheese. The recipe is detailed and there are no special difficulties in preparation. Please note that this quenelle recipe is oven safe only. You can’t boil them, they’ll just fall apart, etc.

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To prepare pasta casserole with crab sticks Any vegetables will do. I chose cauliflower and sweet bell pepper. If you want, you can add mushrooms to the vegetables. Pasta casserole will benefit from this.

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chapter: Bean cutlets

Cauliflower dishes are characterized by excellent taste qualities, relatively low calorie content and enormous nutritional value. This allows, by including them in your menu, to make your diet dietary, healthy and balanced.

Cauliflower - cooking recipes

Those wishing to take advantage valuable properties vegetables will be able to further learn how to deliciously cook cauliflower in order to preserve and increase its benefits. To do this, you need to first remember the following:

  1. The heads of cabbage must be rinsed and disassembled into inflorescences, removing the stalk.
  2. The time of cooking or other heat treatment of a vegetable should not exceed a quarter of an hour, otherwise it will turn into a tasteless, shapeless and already useless dish.
  3. The smaller the florets, the less time it will take to cook them. For small specimens, 5-7 minutes will be enough.
  4. If you don’t know what you can cook from cauliflower, then everything is simple: they can be boiled, fried, baked or used to decorate soups, salads, casseroles and other snacks.

Cauliflower salad

Knowing how to cook cauliflower, you can take advantage of its wonderful combination with other vegetables and create a lot of delicious and healthy salads. The simplest, most accessible and popular composition is described in this recipe. The composition can be changed according to taste or the presence of components, replacing some with others or adding new ones. 4 servings will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • cabbage fork – 350 g;
  • cucumbers – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 200 g;
  • green onion - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt, sugar, pepper.


  1. Boil the inflorescences and cool.
  2. Chop the remaining vegetables and season the prepared cauliflower dish with the oil dressing mixture to taste.
  3. Stir and serve.

Cauliflower Casserole with Cheese

Cauliflower baked in the oven turns out to be as tasty, aromatic and rich as possible. Just as in the case of salads, the composition of the casserole can be enriched with other products: vegetables, mushrooms, slices cooked meat or sausages, creating compositions for every taste. To prepare an appetizer for 4 people, you need to spend about 40 minutes.


  • cabbage fork – 500 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • herbs, spices.


  1. The inflorescences are boiled until half cooked, allowed to drain and placed in an oiled form.
  2. Prepare sour cream and egg mash, season it to taste and pour it into the vegetable mixture.
  3. Sprinkle the cauliflower dish with cheese shavings and bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes.

Roasted Cauliflower

Tasty and appetizing cauliflower in breadcrumbs will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish or an independent cold (warm) appetizer that complements any feast. A special delicious taste is given to the vegetable by its golden brown crust, obtained by additionally frying it in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. 2 servings will be ready in half an hour.


  • cabbage fork – 500 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 200 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • frying fat;
  • spices.


  1. The inflorescences are boiled until half cooked and dried.
  2. Dip the specimens in beaten egg mixture with spices and roll in breadcrumbs.
  3. Place in a hot mixture of two types of oils and brown on all sides.

Cauliflower soup - recipe

Delicate, light and at the same time nutritious creamy cauliflower soup will fit perfectly into any diet menu. Its velvety taste can be made more or less savory by adding new spices or varying the amount of those already present in the dish. Wine can be excluded from the composition or replaced with a few drops of wine vinegar. 6 servings will be ready in an hour.


  • cabbage fork – 700 g;
  • chicken or vegetable broth – 800 ml;
  • large potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • sherry - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • nutmeg pepper - a pinch;
  • salt, pepper mixture, herbs.


  1. Onion and garlic are sautéed in melted butter, then grated carrots and potato slices are added, and after 5 minutes of frying, boiling broth is poured in.
  2. Add cabbage inflorescences, cook the contents until soft and puree with a blender.
  3. Add milk and seasonings, heat and pour in wine.
  4. The dish is served with herbs.

Cauliflower gratin - recipe

Cauliflower gratin is an original and delicious treat that will delight you with both its dietary composition and excellent taste characteristics. Creamy cheese notes combined with garlic and spices create an incredible palette that will please even the most discerning gourmets. It will take half an hour to prepare a meal for 6 people.


  • cabbage inflorescences – 700 g;
  • milk and water - 1 liter each;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 6 pcs.;
  • Gruyere cheese – 200 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt, nutmeg, pepper.


  1. The inflorescences are immersed in a boiling, salted mixture of water and milk, kept until tender, allowed to drain and placed in a generously oiled vessel.
  2. Pour everything with a seasoned creamy-garlic mixture with half a portion of cheese.
  3. Next, baked cauliflower is cooked at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, sprinkled with the rest of the cheese shavings and kept for a little longer.

Korean Cauliflower

For lovers of spicy and piquant pickles, pickled cauliflower will be a real treat. It will take a total of 7 hours to prepare six servings, 6 of which will be spent directly on marinating. The main thing is not to overcook the vegetable, bringing it only until half-cooked, and then the appetizer will delight you with its excellent savory taste characteristics.


  • cabbage forks – 700 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 6 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • Korean seasoning – 2 heaped teaspoons.


  1. Make a marinade from water, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar, let it boil for a couple of minutes, and pour the liquid over the inflorescences, boiled until half cooked.
  2. Allow the workpiece to cool.
  3. Add carrot chips, garlic, seasoning.
  4. Stir and leave for 6 hours.

Cauliflower cutlets - the most delicious recipe

Choosing the right ones for home menu Cauliflower dishes are worth paying attention to. They perfectly replace meat products during fasting and become best dish in a vegetarian menu or simply add variety to your daily diet. It only takes forty minutes to create six full servings of vegetable food.


  • cabbage head – 1 kg;
  • sprigs of dill and parsley - 2 pcs.;
  • flour – ½ cup;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • seasonings


  1. The inflorescences, boiled until half cooked, are put into a blender along with the herbs.
  2. Add the egg mass, seasonings, flour and knead.
  3. Cauliflower cutlets are fried like pancakes.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker

Delicious cauliflower dishes can be made using a multicooker. One of the simplest and at the same time delicious is a stewed vegetable. If desired, the composition can be expanded by adding fresh tomatoes, other vegetables or even meat, which is pre-cooked. It will take approximately 30 minutes to prepare 6 servings.

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