Rating of the deadliest killer animals for humans. Which animal is the most dangerous for humans? Which animals are dangerous?

Animal world is rich and diverse, and each species strives to survive in it. Not many animals pose a great danger to humans, and most of these species live far from people. However, there are animals that are not so scary at first glance, but actually hide within themselves mortal danger. This ranking of the most dangerous animals on the planet includes both fairly small poisonous animals and large and strong animals.


The list opens with an animal that lives almost as close to humans as cats, but is less friendly and more dangerous. The rat is a genus of rodents in the mouse family. There are about 70 species in the genus. Two synanthropic species are widespread - gray and black rat. The body length of rats is from 8 to 30 centimeters, the length of the tail is equal to the length of the body or even longer, the weight is from 37 to 420. The body color is dominated by dark gray or gray-brown tones, but yellow, red and orange shades. The toes are movable - this compensates for the insufficient development of calluses necessary for climbing.

Rats are a natural reservoir of many zoonotic and anthropozoonotic infections. They carry pathogens of plague, tularemia, rabies, typhoid, toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, rickettsiosis, sodoku and other diseases. In the United States, at least 14,000 people are bitten by rats every year. According to the City Disinfection Center, 506 people were bitten by rats in Moscow in 2008, so these babies are quite dangerous animals for humans. Rats also cause great economic damage by eating and spoiling food and non-food products, and sometimes damaging electrical networks, which can lead to fires. Also, some species of rats cause damage to agriculture by eating crops.


The Komodo dragon is a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family, the largest representative of lizards. Komodo dragons live on several islands of Indonesia, located in the Lesser Sunda Islands group. Wild adult Komodo dragons weigh about 70 kilograms, but in captivity reach up to large sizes. The length of the tail is about half of the total body length. The color of adult monitor lizards is dark brown, usually with small yellowish spots and specks; on their back there are rows of reddish-orange and yellowish eye-shaped spots, merging into stripes on the neck and tail. The teeth of the Komodo dragon are compressed laterally and have serrated cutting edges. Such teeth are well suited for tearing the meat of large prey into pieces.

Animals of this species reach sexual maturity approximately in the tenth year of life, to which only a small part of the born monitor lizards survive. Monitor lizards feed on a wide variety of animals - both vertebrates and invertebrates. Cannibalism is also common among them, especially in years of famine. It has been proven that komodo dragons have poisonous bite, they have two poison glands in lower jaw. The functions of the venom include inhibiting blood clotting, reducing blood pressure, muscle paralysis and the development of hypothermia, leading to shock and loss of consciousness in the bitten victim.

Komodo dragons are one of the planet's potentially dangerous animals to humans, although they do not pose a direct danger to adults. After being bitten, you should consult a doctor immediately. The number of deaths due to untimely provision of medical care reaches 99%. Children are especially vulnerable. Monitor lizards may well kill a child under 10 years of age or cause serious injury. Cases of monitor lizards digging up human corpses from shallow graves are well known. Monitor lizards can locate the source of the smell of blood at a distance of up to 5 km. Monitor lizards are endangered and it is illegal to kill them.


Dart frogs are frogs from the family of tailless amphibians that secrete strong poison. This family unites about 130 species of frogs of four genera, living in the South and Central America. These frogs have no teeth and no swimming membranes on their limbs. The terminal phalanges of the fingers are expanded into suction cups. These discs allow dart frogs to easily move along branches and leaves. The sizes of poison dart frogs range from 18 millimeters to 4 centimeters, only some species reach 7 centimeters. The coloring of poison dart frogs is very bright and contrasting, the most diverse in color range among amphibians. Dart frogs are colored red, blue, yellow, green, orange colors, a pattern of various stripes and spots can follow the overall tone. This type of frog may be an unexpected answer to the question of which animals are dangerous to humans.

Dart frog venom is cardiotoxic and causes cardiac arrest. The poison is contained in the skin secretions of dart frogs, thus protecting them from predators. Many native tribes South America They used this poison to lubricate hunting arrows. Most representatives of this family are arboreal, but there are also terrestrial species, living mainly along the banks of water bodies. Dart frogs feed on small creatures. All dart frogs are diurnal and therefore convenient for observation.


The wolf is a predatory mammal of the canine family, which is the direct ancestor of domestic dog. The wolf is the largest and most dangerous animal in its family: its body length (without tail) can reach 160 centimeters, tail up to 52 centimeters, height at the withers up to 90 centimeters; body weight up to 86 kilograms. In total, there are approximately 32 subspecies of wolves, differing in size and shades of fur. Previously, the wolf was much more widespread in Eurasia and North America. In modern times, the total number of animals has decreased markedly, mainly due to urbanization and mass extermination.

The basis of wolves' diet is ungulates, and the behavior of these wild animals has not changed for hundreds of years. Wolves also attack domestic animals, gophers, foxes, mouse-like rodents, and do not miss the opportunity to eat a clutch of eggs, chicks or. They are active mainly at night. Of the external senses, the wolf has the best developed hearing, slightly worse - the sense of smell; vision is much weaker. Well developed nervous activity In wolves it is combined with strength, agility, speed and other physical characteristics. If necessary, the wolf reaches speeds of up to 60 km/h and is capable of traveling up to 80 kilometers per night.

When attacking a herd, wolves often kill several animals, tearing out their throats or ripping open their bellies. Wolves keep uneaten meat in reserve. There have been cases of wolf attacks on humans. Mentally, the wolf is highly developed. This is expressed in the ability to navigate the environment and avoid danger, as well as in hunting methods. There are known cases when a pack of wolves was divided, and one part remained in ambush, while the other caught prey. In a pack chasing an elk or deer, often some wolves run on the heels of the prey, while others run across them or run slowly and, having rested, replace the leaders until they starve out the prey.


Hippopotamus or hippopotamus is a mammal from the order Artiodactyla, suborder Porciniformes, family Hippopotamus. One of the largest living land animals, sometimes weighing more than 4 tons. Currently, the hippopotamus lives only in Africa - about 140 thousand individuals. Previously, pigs were considered the closest relatives of hippopotamuses, but now scientists consider them to be whales. Characteristic feature The hippopotamus has a semi-aquatic lifestyle - it spends most of its time in the water, coming onto land only at night for a few hours to feed.

Despite the wide popularity of the hippopotamus, in many respects this animal has not been studied enough. This applies to a number of features of his lifestyle and behavior, as well as genetic connections with other animals, physiology and much more. The behavior of these wild animals is characterized by pronounced aggressiveness. Fights between male hippos often result in the death of one of the participants. Cases of hippopotamus attacks on humans are also very common. The hippopotamus, according to some data, is the most dangerous beast Africa - a significant number of people die from its attacks more people than from attacks by lions, buffaloes or leopards.


Rhinoceroses are a family of equid mammals containing five species distributed in Africa and Asia. Main hallmark Rhinoceroses have horns on their noses, the largest of which was 158 centimeters long. Rhinoceroses have a massive body and short, thick limbs. Each of them has three fingers, ending in wide hooves. Rhinoceroses have poor eyesight, but this deficiency is compensated by a sophisticated sense of smell and excellent hearing. Rhinoceroses live alone, but in savannas they can also unite in small groups.

Rhinoceroses sleep during the day; they can be found active at dusk and at night. These are very timid and cautious animals, avoiding closeness to humans. However, if they feel threatened, they attack. And although these attacks are poorly aimed due to poor vision, they can lead to severe injuries due to the enormous strength and sharp horn. Having accelerated, a rhinoceros can reach a speed of 45 km/h. Adult rhinoceroses have no enemies other than humans.


The African elephant is the largest land animal on the planet, a genus of African mammals of the proboscis order. Includes two modern looking: savanna elephant and forest elephant. Recent research suggests that these two species formed 1.9 and 7.1 million years ago. Average weight males are 5 tons, females - 2.5-3 tons, but among them there are also real giants up to 4 meters high and weighing 12 tons. The thickness of their skin reaches 2-4 cm. According to recent estimates, there are about 500-600 thousand left in the wild African elephants. All species of the genus are listed in the Red Book. Of the predators, only humans hunt adult elephants, mainly for their tusks. Of the elephant's sense organs, smell and hearing are the most developed.

Apart from humans, the elephant has practically no enemies. At the moment of danger, the elephant represents a very formidable force. When attacking, he presses his ears to his neck, hides his trunk behind his tusks, which he brings forward with a sharp movement. At the same time, it makes a piercing, shrill sound, reminiscent of a hoarse bugle. U African elephant Both males and females are armed with tusks. But females have small tusks. But the tusks of old males sometimes reached a length of 3-3.5 meters with a mass of about 100 kg each. An elephant reaches sexual maturity by 12-20 years, and old age and death by 60-70 years. These animals also have excellent memory. They perfectly remember all members of their family, offenders and those who do good for them. They can take revenge on the offender many years later, if they meet again, of course.


The polar bear is the largest land mammal of the order of carnivores, a close relative brown bear. Lives in the polar regions in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Its length reaches 3 meters, weight up to 1 ton. Typically, males weigh 400-450 kilograms, body length 200-250 centimeters, height at the withers up to 150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller - 200-300 kilograms. The polar bear is distinguished from other bears Long neck and a flat head. His skin is black. The soles of the feet are lined with wool to prevent slipping on ice and freezing. There is a swimming membrane between the toes, and the front part of the paws is lined with stiff bristles. Large claws can hold even strong prey.

This is very dangerous wild animals animals, since the animal runs very fast, and one blow of a powerful paw can kill anyone. It is strictly forbidden to even walk away with your back turned when meeting a polar bear. In a critical situation, experienced people always go towards the beast, showing with all their appearance that they are not afraid of it. At the same time, they make loud pinching sounds, which in bear language means a threat. Man, due to his structure, is of no interest to a powerful predator. Therefore, the bear never hunts two-legged animals, but prefers to leave if it sees them dangerously close. Cases of polar bear attacks on humans are the exception rather than the rule.


The African buffalo is a species of bull widely distributed in Africa. This is the largest of the bulls. The weight of adult males sometimes exceeds 1000 kilograms, and specimens weighing 900 kg are not uncommon. The height at the withers in adult males is up to 1.8 meters with a body length of about 3 meters. The buffalo population in Africa has survived quite well compared to the population of other large animals on the continent, although it is under strong pressure from humans. The African buffalo is a herd animal. Usually there are groups of 20-30 animals that gather in herds during the dry season, but then the herds can number many hundreds of animals.

Buffaloes have few enemies in nature, since due to their large size and enormous strength, an adult buffalo is an unbearable prey for most predators. Cows and calves, however, often become prey to lions, who inflict significant damage on buffalo herds by attacking entire prides. When defending themselves from enemies, these wild animals of Africa usually show mutual assistance and act in friendly groups. Many cases have been described in which buffaloes not only drove lions away from the herd, but even killed them. It is curious that buffaloes have a sense of mutual assistance, which is clearly noticeable when enemies attack.


Reveals the three most dangerous animals in the world saltwater crocodile- a reptile of the family of true crocodiles. This is the most close-up view widespread among crocodiles. It is most often found on the coast of northern Australia on the islands of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Even though crocodiles carry out most time in water, we added them to the list of land animals, not to the list. The ability to make long voyages in the open sea explains the wide distribution of this species. Males can reach a length of 7 meters, and females 3 meters. Adult males weigh up to 1000 kilograms. This crocodile received the name “combed” for a pair of powerful ridges running from the eyes almost to the front third of the muzzle.

Saltwater crocodile - active predator. The main food of crocodiles are insects, amphibians, fish, and birds. Adults attack large animals: turtles, monkeys, wild boars, deer, etc. Meetings with other wild animals often occur at a watering hole, where the crocodile is looking for a victim. When hunting, the crocodile behaves quite cunningly. First, it tracks its prey while completely in the water. Only the nostrils, eyes and part of the back are visible on the surface. When the victim is nearby, the crocodile suddenly rushes, grabs it and drags it to the bottom. Crocodiles are also cannibals, but they rarely attack on land. Only when the person himself loses his vigilance. If a crocodile attacks a person, then the rest can only watch as the predator drags its victim to the bottom. There is nothing that can be done in this situation.


Taipan is a very poisonous snakes family of asps. Large Australian snakes, whose bite is considered the most dangerous among modern snakes of the wild animal world, before the development of an antidote to it, died from a taipan bite in more than 90% of cases. According to various estimates, it is the third most poisonous snake in the world and the largest poisonous snake in Australia, up to 3.3 meters long. Because of aggressive disposition, large size and speed, the taipan is considered the most dangerous of all poisonous snakes on the planet. It lives on the coast of Northern and Northeastern Australia and in the southeast of New Guinea. Leads a predominantly diurnal lifestyle. Feeds on frogs and small mammals, including mice and rats.

Poisonous teeth up to 13 mm in length. The taipan's venom glands contain up to 400 milligrams of poison, which it injects through its 12 mm teeth. Taipan venom primarily blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles and disrupts blood clotting. The taipan is very aggressive and fast: when it sees danger, it raises its head, shaking it, then strikes the enemy several times in a row with lightning speed. A taipan bite can lead to death in 4-12 hours, while a person bitten by other most poisonous snakes lives for about a day. In Queensland, where taipans are most common, every second person bitten dies.


So we come to the first place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals in the world, on which sits the king of beasts - African lion. This animal is a representative of the species carnivorous mammals, one of four representatives of the panther genus, belonging to the subfamily big cats as part of the cat family. It is the second largest living cat after the tiger. Previously lived throughout Africa, now only in sub-Saharan Africa and a small population in the Indian state of Gujarat. Who would have thought that the most terrible and dangerous animals in the world are big cats.

The appearance of a lion is very characteristic. This is one of the few predators with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are not only much larger than females, but have a mane that in some subspecies reaches great development and covers the shoulders, part of the back and chest. The lion is the heaviest after the tiger; the weight of adult lions can reach 250 kilograms for males and 182 for females. Lions have powerful legs strong jaws, and the fangs are 8 cm long, so these predators are capable of killing quite large animals. The lion's body length reaches 250 centimeters in males and 175 in females. The height at the shoulders is about 123 centimeters for males and 107 for females.

Unlike other cats, they do not live alone, but in special family groups - prides. Lions hunt in coordinated groups and stalk their chosen prey. However, they are less resilient than, for example, hyenas, which means lions can only run quickly over short distances and must be close to their prey during an attack. Lions sneak up on a herd of ungulates until the distance is reduced to 30 meters or less.

In most cases, several lionesses surround him from different sides. As soon as the herd is surrounded, they pounce on the nearest animal. Then comes a fast and powerful attack. Predators try to catch their prey with a quick jump. An encounter with such wild animals usually ends in death. An animal pursued by lions usually dies from strangulation or suffocation. Small animals can be killed by a blow from a paw. Females do the bulk of the hunting. Males, as a rule, do not participate in it, except in cases where the victim is a large animal - for example, a giraffe or buffalo. In nature, lions live from ten to fourteen years; in captivity they can live longer than twenty years.

Despite significant obstacles, modern man has existed for a long time. However, before being able to live in a secure home, people were subject to attacks from wild animals such as woolly animals, and giant bears that became extinct during the last ice age.

Early sailors were attacked dangerous sharks and whales in the oceans. With extension Agriculture and civilizations appeared infectious diseases, which were spread by animals, and almost wiped out the world's population several times. Today, animals still pose a danger to humans, and this article examines which animals kill the largest number of people on the planet.


Surprisingly, the most dangerous animal for humans is not big predator with sharp teeth, but rather a tiny, buzzing insect. Mosquitoes are responsible for about 725,000 deaths per year. Most people consider them to be nothing more than a summer evening nuisance, but they are the deadliest animals on Earth. Diseases carried by mosquitoes include: malaria, dengue fever, West Nile fever, yellow fever and. All of these diseases cause widespread suffering and death.


Every year, at the hands of humans, the population of our planet is reduced by an average of 475,000 people. In a world filled with conflict, war, murder and terrorist acts, this, unfortunately, is not surprising. Intentional and pre-calculated human deaths are beyond tragic.


Snakes kill at least 50,000 people a year. ABOUT fatal bites Venomous snakes are often not reported, meaning the rate could be much higher. Officials public health This potential threat is often missed.


Man's best friend? Not always! Dogs kill about 25,000 people every year. However, these deaths are not due to domestic animals, but to wild and stray dogs that are infected with rabies and, when attacking people, transmit the deadly disease.

Tsetse flies, triatomine bugs, freshwater snails

Tsetse fly

Another 10,000 lives are taken by freshwater snails, which also carry dangerous disease- schistomiasis - causing flu-like symptoms, hemorrhage and paralysis of the limbs.

Man is always attracted by the unknown and mysterious. Wildlife and the animal world are interesting, but also incredibly dangerous. Predators are always on the alert, they are ready to start a fight with any living creature on Earth.

Snakes and insects, seemingly harmless, are sometimes very bloodthirsty, but the inhabitants of the sea are not always friendly either.

Wild nature lives by its own laws. According to them, the one who is stronger survives. And a person does not always emerge victorious from fights. So which animals are best not to meet? Below are the most dangerous animals on the planet. To check whether this is really not worth it, it is better to read and accept.

Poisonous frogs

This is a cocoi frog, at least that's what the Indians call it. It is very small - its length is only 2-3 centimeters. However, individuals are the most dangerous animals in the world. They live in South and Central America, as well as Madagascar.

It is very difficult for South American Indians to catch this frog. And each one is worth its weight in gold. It turns out that the value of these animals is that under the influence high temperatures(Indians cook them over a fire) frogs secrete strong poison. It instantly affects all living things and is much more dangerous than the tetrodotoxin of puffer fish, potassium cyanide and the venom of the Central Asian cobra. However, there is one consolation: toxins poison frog produces gradually and slowly.


Don’t be surprised, but these cute-looking creatures pose a remarkable danger to humans. It seems that hippos are slow, but in water they can even give a head start Olympic champions in swimming. In this video you can see a hippopotamus chasing a motorboat.

Hippopotamus chasing a motorboat

In 2014, a hippopotamus in Nigeria capsized a boat carrying schoolchildren, killing 12 children.

Hippos are especially dangerous when their small children are nearby. Anyone who disturbs the peace of the family will be dragged to the bottom and trampled by the adults.

But sometimes hippos are no strangers to mercy. One naturalist witnessed a battle between a crocodile and an antelope. The mammal almost gave up when a hippopotamus ran up to them, drove the crocodile away, and sat with the antelope for another half hour, scaring off the vultures.

African buffalo or Kaffir buffalo

This is the thunderstorm of Savannah and the mightiest of wild bulls. Indian and African buffalo- an extremely dangerous animal. He is not afraid of animals or people. The male reaches a height of up to 2 meters at the withers, and his weight can exceed 900 kilograms. Moreover, he has menacingly scary horns.

They bend upward or diverge widely to the sides, while forming a gentle arc. The horns can reach 195 centimeters. The buffalo senses strangers on its territory and is able to attack first.

Buffaloes who protect their calves are extremely dangerous. The buffalo grabs its prey with its horns and throws it onto its back. The enemy has almost no chance of leaving the battle alive. Especially if a herd of angry bulls is running towards him.

Polar bear

It is in the zoo that the bears appear “white and fluffy.” But when a bear runs towards a tourist in Svalbard, the person doesn’t have a chance. The animal immediately catches up, attacks and kills. The polar bear population in the Arctic began to be protected almost half a century ago.

Since then, the number has fully recovered and, moreover, has become above acceptable limits. The beast has become the rightful owner wherever it lives. But on his own territory, he does not feel fear and behaves quite aggressively with strangers.

Besides, polar bear often appears near human settlements. But if you accidentally get between a mother bear and her cub, you definitely won’t escape alive. They are agile and fast, they swim well in cold water. The beast has acute hearing, vision and smell, and it also has enormous strength. One blow from a powerful paw is enough to lose your head.

Bear rod

Brown bears are serious predators, no less dangerous than their brothers with North Pole. Meeting them does not bode well. The danger increases if there is a predator in front of you that could not go into hibernation or woke up at the wrong time. A hungry and angry connecting rod bear almost always attacks, even its own brothers.

The only chance to escape alive after such a meeting is to shoot the bear. There is no way to escape from him. Despite the fact that bears seem clumsy, they easily pick up speeds of up to 40-60 km per hour. The connecting rod perceives a running person as prey that needs to be caught up.

African and Indian elephant

The elephant is an intelligent animal with a good memory. The fairytale image of a kind, wise and sweet giant is far from reality. These animals are responsible for killing at least 500 people a year. The elephant is the largest on earth, and therefore, it is the most dangerous animal in the world. It is better not to enter his territory, otherwise the meeting may end in tears.

The beast has a huge body mass and can easily trample a person. By the way, elephants are very fast. In a critical situation, they can run at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour. The so-called wandering elephant is especially dangerous, that is, expelled from the herd in mating season. He can rush at anything that moves.

In terms of bloodthirstiness, the crocodile has long been ahead of the elephant. He is responsible for about 2 thousand human deaths per year.

The crocodile is a first-class hunter. An animal hiding in the water can be confused with a log. After all, camouflage is the main strength of a predator. He can just lie there and wait for his prey. And when she appears, she will instantly jump out, attack, drag her into the water, drown her and dismember her.

Crocodiles are considered the most dangerous animals in Australia and some African countries. In the north of Australia, for example, about one hundred thousand reptiles live. And all of them are under state protection.

At the same time, for last years Australian crocodiles have eaten more than one victim. The largest representative of crocodiles is the saltwater or combed one. Males can reach 7 meters. The reptile is also found off the coast of Australia and is deadly to humans.

African lion

A hungry lion is very dangerous. In the wild, the kings of the beasts eat mainly zebras and wildebeest for lunch and dinner.

If the hunt has been unsuccessful for some time, then hungry animals can attack humans. In one sitting, an adult lion can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat. According to statistics, these animals kill about 250 people every year.

Lions are the highest cat race

White shark

Listed as the most dangerous animals White shark. An incredible feeling of hunger in these animals can occur due to blood in the water. Then he will definitely use all his 3 thousand sharp teeth.

The white shark lives in warm waters in absolutely all oceans, and also in the Japanese and Mediterranean seas. All individuals are quite large, they grow up to 7-8 meters, but there are also absolute giants - up to 12 meters in length. It is the white shark that is considered the most ferocious, strong and dangerous of all sharks.

All about white sharks

Light color helps individuals in hunting. They go unnoticed against the backdrop of underwater rocks. Sharks eat mainly seals and whales, but they do not disdain divers who have swam far away. Often a predator mistakes a person for a seal. But when he feels a bone on his teeth, he lets the victim go. True, this does not help a person much. White sharks are responsible for between 30 and 100 human deaths. these creatures got the most various items: coins, documents, remains of people and turtles.


Suddenly, a monkey appears on the list of the most dangerous animals. In some tropical countries individuals have settled near city dumps and are looking for food there.

They often attack people, children and even adults, take away food, and also steal food supplies from peasants and empty their refrigerators. Aggressive large apes such as gorillas can be deadly to humans in certain circumstances.

Poisonous jellyfish

Australian jellyfish Chironex fleckeri are especially dangerous. They are known as sea wasps. Such individuals reach the size of a salad bowl and have up to 60 tentacles, each of which is four meters long.

They, as a rule, do not attack people first and bite only when disturbed. There are about 10 species of poisonous snakes in Russia. And the most dangerous of them are the Central Asian cobras, efas and vipers.


Well, the most dangerous creature, oddly enough, is the mosquito. The reason is that it carries malaria.

Small pests kill up to three million people a year. Almost all cases occur in areas of Africa. And almost all victims of these dangerous insects are children under the age of 5 years. The editors of the site would like to note that in Russia mosquitoes do not carry malaria.
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A person is not as strong as he thinks about himself. There are many animals in nature that can harm people, both physically and morally, and cause material damage. Animals can simply injure, maim and even kill a person. Who from the world wildlife Should a person be especially wary?

Bees can be very dangerous. Having stung, the bee leaves its sting and a small bag of poison under the victim’s skin. Wild bees attack in a swarm. It is almost impossible to escape from them, because the alarmed bees chase the victim, constantly stinging it. As a result, from large quantity poison entering the body, a person dies from exogenous intoxication. Allergic reactions to bee stings (Quincke's edema) are quite common, which in severe cases can lead to death from suffocation.

Victims scorpios And spiders become thousands of people a year. If scorpions can boast of only one deadly poisonous fellow ( Androctomus australis), then there are a lot of spiders that pose a danger to humans. For example, one gram of poison Brazilian soldier spider (Phoneutria nigriventer) is enough to kill ten grown men.

Snakes- one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. They are responsible for more than 50 thousand human deaths a year. Among the snakes, the most dangerous are the sand ephas ( Echis carinatus ), King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) and Asian cobra ( Naja naja ). If the last two snakes are not aggressive, then sand faff She often attacks people herself.

Animals don't have to be poisonous to be dangerous. This statement is proven by small toothy fish - piranha. Aggressive fish with very sharp teeth and an incredible appetite, they attack any Living being, caught in the water. One has only to remember the case when piranhas ate alive 300 people trying to escape from a wrecked ship, their danger becomes undeniable.

Lions And tigers pose a threat to humans. Cases of attacks by wild cats are few, but these predators are perfectly adapted to kill animals much more larger than a person, so people should be careful with them and remember that, sensing a person’s physical or moral weakness, wild cats may attack.

There are a lot of dangerous animals in the world. Small animals are also quite dangerous, which are very difficult to notice before something irreparable happens. Every person should know and recognize these animals. If you live in an area that is not inhabited by any of these predators, consider yourself lucky. But if you travel often, then always try to find out more information about the dangers that may await you. This way you can avoid many unpleasant situations. In addition to those animals that are included in this list, there are also a huge number that pose a danger to human life.

The jellyfish is not an aggressive animal, it appears due to the ebb and flow of the tides. This does not interfere with some species such as sea ​​wasp be super dangerous. It contains such a powerful poison in its tentacles that it can lead to instant cardiac arrest, and burns from it can take months and sometimes years to go away. Because of them, 100 people die every year.

Jellyfish habitat: Australia and Southeast Asia.

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