The Nativity: Facts and Misconceptions. Christmas: how the Orthodox celebrate

Hello dear readers. I want to congratulate you on have a wonderful holiday. After all, the day will soon come for all believers when they will celebrate the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Nativity of Christ). This will happen on January 7th. This holiday is one of the most important in Christendom. It was established as a sign of great joy due to the birth of the savior of mankind Jesus Christ (the Infant of God, the Son of God) from the Virgin Mary. This event of world, even Ecumenical, scale took place in Bethlehem. It is accepted that Christmas is preceded by the Nativity Fast and is included in the number of twelve holidays. It is the final one in a long 40-day fast (Holy Pentecost). Strict fasting is necessarily observed before the holiday itself.

At night from the 6th to the 7th in all Orthodox churches Solemn Christmas services are held in churches.

This is followed by Christmastide, which lasts for twelve whole days. At this time, all believers celebrate and glorify Christ. Today I want to consider interesting traditions and customs for Christmas. In fact, everything is very interesting, both for children and adults.

The history of the holiday - Christmas for children

January 7 marked new life of all humanity. Now the worship of pagan idols is a thing of the past. There were no more human sacrifices to please these gods. To date, the only "sacrifice" made Orthodox Christian To the Lord is a candle and a sincere prayer.

The history of the holiday is covered in mysteries, since it is one of the oldest on earth. Meanwhile, there are facts that are definitely established modern science and are practically beyond doubt. Agree: it’s difficult to imagine that this day was never celebrated at all. And, meanwhile, there were such times. To understand how it was, you need to plunge into the fascinating and mysterious world stories.

1. This holiday was established to honor the birth of Jesus Christ in the ancient city of Bethlehem. This happened in 5508 from the day of the creation of the World.

2. In the 4th century, the principles of celebrating Christmas were just being established. They were not 100% similar to modern ones. And in terms of singing, too.

3. In the 5th century, the foundations of chants were just beginning to be laid. Patriarch Anatoly of Constantinople contributed to this. His work was continued in the 7th-8th centuries by Andrei and Soffonius of Jerusalem, as well as by Cosmas of Mayum, Patriarch Herman of Constantinople and others. It is the chants of that time that are widely practiced by modern clergy.

4. This great holiday was held in high esteem by believers from the very moment of the Savior’s birth. Over time, it gained popularity and more and more believers joined the celebrations. Already in those days, the custom was born to celebrate this day in a special way. However, all this was persecuted and not recognized by the official authorities of that time for a very long time.

5. The first who decided to congratulate Christ and all people were simple shepherds, to whom an angel appeared, informing them of the greatest joy: a savior has come to earth, and everyone who believes in him and adheres to his commandments will have a chance for salvation your soul and a blissful heavenly life for all ages. The shepherds presented gifts to the baby, and the wise men (magi) hurried after them. It was they who were entrusted with the honor of notifying people about the birth of the Child of God.

The history of the origin of the Christmas holiday is outlined briefly for children. After all, children should know and need to be told everything correctly and clearly.

This is how the foundations of this holiday were laid, which we still celebrate today. And not only at the religious, but also at the official - state level (in more than 100 countries of the modern world).

Some more interesting historical facts!

Christmas holiday in different countries the world is not celebrated in exactly the same way. This was influenced by the customs of those local peoples who lived on those lands when it was just founded.

It is celebrated and Catholic Church, and Protestant, and he is also honored by many related religious movements.

In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated only in the 10th century. And her baptism itself was, for the most part, forced. The pagan beliefs of the local peoples were too strong.

Closer to our time, in the villages, Christmastide was celebrated “with the whole world,” moving from one hut to another. This custom has survived to this day. Merchants in those days rode in troikas, and noble nobles loved to organize balls.

Holy Evening or Nativity of Christ - traditions and customs

In fact, long before Christmas, household chores began. And everyone had their own. So, the owner had to feed the meat, supply wine for maturation, prepare smoking, and so on. The hostess was busy with embroidery, cleaning, preparing new dishes, and preparing dishes. The children helped them with all this.

On January 2 (Ignat) the final cleaning was done, the houses were decorated with didukh and spruce branches.

On the fourth of January (on Anastasia) the preparation of food for the festive table was finally completed.

On the sixth, from dawn, the hostess collected water for kutya, uzvar, and stoked the fireplace, on which the dishes were then prepared. Until the evening of the sixth, strict fasting continued. But the first star heralded its relative “end.”

And to emphasize the idleness of this moment, they began to eat the much-awaited festive meal. But she, in mandatory, was fast. The table was incredibly rich. And there must have been 12 dishes on it.

It was not at all necessary to eat every dish completely. And it wasn’t very real after that strict fasting. But little by little is a completely different matter. We started the meal with kutia - the central, main dish of the Christmas table.

Among other things, it is also a funeral dish, so a bowl filled with it, and an uzvar next to it, was also placed for deceased relatives, who were believed (and are still believed to this day) to visit the living at this magical time.

Kutya was also brought to those people who were not relatives or lived in other houses to wish them well-being, prosperity, good health, happiness and joy, as well as to wish them a Merry Christmas. The same wishes were conveyed to godfathers.

“Wearing the Supper” is what this rite is called. For her, adults give gifts to children from the heart.

Let's return to the festive home table. It was covered with fresh, fragrant hay, but food was placed in clean, beautiful dishes. Each dish has its own meaning. It is believed that dishes from all the fruits and vegetables available on the farm should be placed on the table, so that next year they will produce even more richly.

Why exactly 12 dishes must be prepared for Christmas?

This is justified by the fact that there are the same number of months in a year. And yet, it was the 12 apostles who took direct part in the famous Last Supper with Christ.

1. Kutia, as already mentioned, is the main dish of this table. This is a cereal porridge.

2. Uzvar (var). A special compote, the main ingredient of which is dried fruits.

3. Chilled fish.

4. Cabbage.

5. Boiled peas.

6. Lenten borscht.

7. Fried fish.

8. Lenten dumplings.

9. Lenten pies.

10. Pancakes or donuts (to go with borscht).

11. Millet or buckwheat porridge.

12. Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables and cereals.

After the family meal was over, supper could be held. At this time, young people could sing carols, adults, and with them children, old people, young people (everyone who wanted) began to gather for church. The girls began to tell fortunes. However, they were officially prohibited by the church!

How to cook Christmas kutya

IN old times The whole family got to work to prepare this unique dish. Each of its members, from small to large, for several evenings in a row, sorted out the wheat in order to use only the best grains. Barley was used a little less frequently than wheat.

Modern kutia, as a rule, is prepared from rice, but recipes that use wheat and barley are gradually returning to us. The dish is served to the table, seasoned with poppy seeds and bee honey. Sometimes she was refueled and full. This is also honey, only diluted. It is not as sweet and much more liquid.

They began to gradually add poppy milk to kutya later. In fact, this is not milk in its pure form, but pre-steamed and thoroughly crushed poppy seeds.

If there is no honey, you can simply add sugar to the dish. Also, the trend of modern cooking is raisins and nuts in kutia. Previously, only those who had them could add nuts.

There are a great many recipes for preparing this dish. Here is one of the most popular, used by our ancestors.

It uses wheat or barley grains, previously pounded in a wooden mortar. But, they should not be fragmented. The main task is to remove the husk with which they are covered.

It would be ideal if the water did not need to be drained after this, that is, it was completely boiled down.

The finished grain was poured into: pears, apples, plums, and sometimes apricot fruits. The grain is placed in bowls separately, uzvar is added there, and you can put a spoonful of honey. The grain can be poured even when it is full.

In the modern interpretation of kutya, nuts, raisins, and sugar are added to it instead of honey (but not necessarily).

January 7 - Merry Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, the 7th, an early lunch was placed on the table. Meat dishes consumption was allowed in unlimited quantities.

However, everyone knew that it was impossible to abuse it, since gastrointestinal tract must adapt to a new diet after such a long fast. Blood and meat sausage, porridge with roast, lard with boiled pork, and so on were allowed. At lunchtime there should have been at least one (at least) dairy dish on the table. It could have been noodles with milk.

They served church services, fasted, and then went to visit the guests. Sleeping at night is an unaffordable luxury, and this applies specifically to Christmas night. Why? It was believed that whoever falls asleep can sleep through all his happiness and good luck. But I couldn’t get much sleep, even with all my desire: carols under the windows, the ringing of church bells, noise and din, talking about the Bright Holiday of people returning from service (from church)!

On Bright Christmas it was necessary to have fun and rejoice, spend time with the family, and then at a party. And, what is extremely important, forgive any offenses, letting them go and not remembering them again. Only joy, because the Son of God was born.

By the way, all the customs and traditions mentioned above have been preserved, in one form or another, until today. And soon it will be time to remember them again. After all, the Christmas holidays are at stake.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas

Fortune telling was happening everywhere at this time. And even though the church officially forbade this, this practice did not lose its popularity. And I haven’t lost it to this day.

The most common were fortune telling with onions in the name of your betrothed, fortune telling with a gold ring, with a comb, with glasses, fortune telling with a cat, with a rooster, and so on. And each of them is a whole ritual with a lot of features. Let's give an example of one of them.

Fortune telling for the betrothed using bulbs. Before Christmas Eve, a week before, the girl selected several bulbs, on each of which she made a mark with the initials of the “candidate”. She put them in water. And during fortune telling, at night, she whispered over the onion: “Onion, onion, whisper to me, who is my groom?” Then the size of the processes was measured. The longest one, with initials, pointed to the groom.

January is the month of holidays, following Christmas. But continuing the theme of Christmas, I cannot help but mention interesting signs At Christmas.

Christmas signs

The main signs that were believed then, and that continue to exist now:

It is forbidden to sew at Christmas, so that all family members have excellent eyesight.

A snowstorm on this day means early spring and lush foliage on the trees.

Starry sky - big harvest peas

Kutya prepared by the main housewife in the house means good health to those who eat it.

On the eve of Christmas it is better not to take light and fire out of the hut.

Not a single plate should be left empty on the table.

And most importantly: as Christmas goes, so will the whole year! These, of course, are not the only signs. Several volumes are not enough to count them all. But here are the most interesting of them.

How to properly celebrate Christmas. What not to do. Christian traditions and customs. Signs for Christmas. How to wish Merry Christmas.

On the night of January 6-7, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Nativity of Christ - one of the most important Christian holidays.

This is a holiday symbolizing renewal. After all, it was the birth of Christ that proclaimed a new, bright era for humanity. It is no coincidence that a new calendar was even established - from the Nativity of Christ.

The birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the miracles revealed by the Lord to humanity. Therefore, on the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and prays that the next year will be better and happier than the outgoing one.

This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is one of the twelve lordly holidays and is preceded by a 40-day holiday.

Christmas celebrations begin on January 6th with the appearance of the first star in the sky. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first people to come to worship him were the shepherds, notified of this event by the appearance of an angel. According to the Evangelist Matthew, a miraculous star appeared in the sky, which led the Magi to the baby Jesus.

everything about Christmas

It's called Christmas Eve Christmas Eve. In Russian, the name comes from the word “sochivo”. It means soaked grains of wheat - a prototype of the well-known kutya. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve on January 6th.

On Christmas Eve, an All-Night Vigil with Great Compline is served, at which prophecies about the Nativity are sung and read.

Around midnight, Matins begins, which is performed according to the rites of the great holidays. On it they read fragments of the Gospel about the Nativity and sing the canon “Christ is born...” - one of the most beautiful canons in Orthodox worship. Next they serve a festive Divine Liturgy St. John Chrysostom.

All-night vigil- a liturgical sequence, which consists of Vespers and Matins, which received these names based on the time they were performed. Before the holidays, morning and evening services are combined into the so-called “all-night vigil,” that is, prayer that continues all night. This prayer happens only twice a year - at Christmas and Easter. Before Christmas, at the All-Night Vigil, they serve not Vespers, but Great Compline: it is performed after Vespers served on Christmas Eve, hence the name.

What to cook for Christmas:

It is customary to place 12 dishes on the Christmas table, and Kutya decorates the table. On January 6, Lent ends and Christmas Eve begins.

Each housewife prefers her own recipe for preparing Kutya. There are a great many recipes. The simplest one: take the cereal and soak it overnight, then cook until tender and add all sorts of sweets. So, for example, you can take rice, honey and marmalade, as well as millet, poppy seeds and honey, some even cook kutya from pearl barley and millet. You can add marmalade or candied fruits to Kutya.

It is also customary to serve Uzvar, a dried fruit compote, on the Christmas table.

On Christmas Day itself, believers celebrate and feast - “break their fast”; it is already allowed to eat not only fasting food, but also “meat” food.

Traditional on the Christmas table are a variety of pork dishes: jellied meat, roasted pig, stuffed pig head, roast. Baked poultry and fish, fried and baked meat in large pieces are also served on the Christmas table, since the design of the Russian oven made it possible to successfully prepare large-sized dishes. Finely chopped meat and offal were cooked in pots along with traditional porridge. A variety of pies are also filled with meat: rolls, cheesecakes, koloboki, kulebyaki, kurniks, pies, etc. They prepare casseroles and pancakes. Except meat fillings, prepare a variety of vegetable, fruit, mushroom, fish, curd and mixed fillings.

Folk traditions of celebrating Christmastide from Christmas to Epiphany are rooted in Slavic celebration customs winter solstice. Mandatory attributes of the holiday were dressing up (massaging using skins, masks and horns), caroling (visits to houses by a group of fellow villagers who performed “well-wishing” sentences and songs addressed to the owners of the house, for which they received treats), carol songs, or carols, youth games and fortune telling.

Christmastide began on Christmas Eve with dinner with Christmas kutya and porridge, pie with pretzels, and for the holiday they baked figurines of animals from wheat dough, which were used to decorate tables, hut windows and which were sent as gifts to relatives and friends.

When the family gathered at the table, the elders remembered the year - all the good and bad in the past year. At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutya to grandparents, as well as to the poor, so that they too could celebrate Christmas. In some places, food and tablecloth were not removed from the table until the morning, believing that the souls of the deceased parents would come to the table to also eat.

Then the mummers, dressed in sheepskin coats with the wool upside down and animal masks, in order to be unrecognized, staged dances in houses and on the streets, staged skits and entire performances. At the end of the 17th century, nativity theater came from Poland to Russia: in a special den-box, scenes about the birth of Jesus Christ and other scenes were acted out with the help of dolls.

Echoes of pagan beliefs were also evident in the fact that It's customary to guess at Christmas time. In some villages, straw was burned on Christmastide - according to legend, dead ancestors came to warm themselves by the fire at these moments. The Church, not approving of witchcraft superstitions and pagan rituals, assimilated “harmless” customs, and they organically entered people’s life.

For Christmas, the owners always cleaned the house, washed in the bathhouse, laid out a clean tablecloth, and new clothes, which was worn at the beginning of the day, single people were invited to Christmas dinner. But in some places superstitions associated with the holiday were also widespread: they didn’t drink at breakfast plain water, since it was believed that a person who drank water on Christmas morning would be thirsty for the whole summer.

What not to do at Christmas:

On pain of all sorts of troubles, nothing could be bent, weaved or sewed on Christmas Day. The legs of the dining table were tied to each other with a rope so that the cattle would not run away from the herd. The remains of the evening meal were taken outside the fence - “so that the wolves would not harm the peasant cattle.”

A popular proverb says: Whoever slaughters cattle on Christmas Day will die in three years.

You cannot lend anything related to fire on Christmas Eve, for example, a flint, matches, a lighter, a bucket of coal or firewood, etc., otherwise misfortune will befall you.

Never sew, wash your hair, do laundry or lend money on three-day holy holidays (Christmas, Easter and Trinity), otherwise you will set yourself up for tears and poverty.

On Christmas Eve, do not borrow bread, salt or money from home, otherwise all the goods will pass through your hands. They do not cut hair or spin wool. Do not wash or boil laundry. Believers must finish all the dirty work by this day in Maundy Thursday, and whoever “pulls” dirt on Christmas Eve will sit in it for the whole year.

You cannot sit at the Christmas table in mourning, that is, in black clothes - you will invite disaster.

If on this bright day a dog howls in your yard, then there will be trouble. To get rid of it, you need to immediately go up to the dog, untie it and say: “Just as the rope doesn’t hold you, so the trouble wouldn’t hold on to my house!”

Do not buy ropes on January 8, the second day of Christmas, so that there will never be someone hanged or strangled in your family. Do not cook or eat jelly on this day, so as not to invite the deceased into your house.

On the ninth of January, the third day of Christmas, do not cut wood before sunset.

Things to do for Christmas:

According to folk beliefs To ensure that your loved ones are happy and healthy throughout the year, on the Nativity of Christ on January 7, ask the eldest member of the family to treat all relatives with milk. When bringing milk to someone, he must say every time: “The Lord was born, the people were baptized. May you be cheerful and healthy. Amen".

On the eve of Christmas in the old days, food was taken out and left for people in need or treats were distributed - it was believed that in this way all deceased ancestors who did not have time to eat before their death satisfied their hunger. Food was not removed from the table after the festive feast, so that souls of the dead your relatives have eaten holiday food, and for this they will pray for you.

In a family where there is no peace and harmony, on Christmas night they put a bucket out in the cold, and in the morning they put it on the fire and say: “The ice will melt, the water will boil, and [so-and-so]’s soul will ache for me.” This water is given to the husband to wash his face or in the form of tea/soup, and they also wash the husband’s underwear in it. Holy Christmas water always helps a woman's troubles.

Ask God for what you really need at Christmas. Ask seventy-seven times and it will be given to you. Whoever asks God for something at three o'clock in the morning on Christmas Day will be given it.

If on Christmas night you look for a flying star in the sky and make a wish, then it will definitely come true.

On January 7, in the cold, jump out into the street lightly and, as soon as goosebumps appear on your body, say: “As there are so many pimples on my skin, so that I have so much money too.”

Signs for Christmas:

♦ If a drunk person shows up at your house first, the whole coming year will be filled with noise and quarrels. If a woman crosses your threshold first, then this is a sign of gossip and failure. If a man or boy - to prosperity. If an old man or woman - to a long life. If a bird knocks on your window, this is surprising news. If a beggar or a beggar woman comes to you, it means loss and need. If several people appear at once - to a rich life.

♦ If a man comes to you first on Christmas morning, wear plain clothes on this day, if a woman wears a colored dress, so that the whole year goes well.

♦ When a family sits down at the table on Christmas Day and when the first star appears, they begin to have supper, then an unmarried girl or an unmarried guy from this family, taking the first non-lenten piece into his mouth, must keep it on his tongue and not swallow until, going outside, by chance will not hear any name from people passing by. It was believed that the bride or groom would have the same name. People say that this sign has come true more than once.

♦ Cucumbers will be strong and crispy if you pickle them on the exact day of the week that Christmas was this year. A good housewife keeps the salt taken on Maundy Thursday in a secluded place for this purpose.

♦ It is a good, good omen if during the Christmas feast a domestic cat sits under the table - this means that this year no one of all those sitting at the table will die.

♦ If two people come to you on Christmas morning, there will be no death, divorce or separation in your home for a year.

♦ If someone spills or breaks something in your house on this day, then the whole year will be turbulent for your family.

♦ If a person goes to church on Christmas Day and stumbles, then twelve years later, every day, he will get sick. To prevent this from happening, you must immediately say: “I am not going to the devil, but to God, He will save me.”

♦ On the ninth of January, be sure to visit your godfathers and parents.

♦ A child who takes his first steps independently on January 10 will be healthy, beautiful and live a long life.

♦ If a sick person sneezes loudly on the third day of Christmas, he will soon recover and live for a long time. If a person who is seriously ill talks about pancakes or horses on this day, then he will soon pass into another world.

♦ On the tenth of January, do not put out the dough or kneading bowl.

♦ On the eleventh of January, do not give your husband a towel, otherwise he will begin to loosen his hands.

♦ After they knock on your door or call on January 11, do not open it immediately. Wait until they knock or call a second time, otherwise you will invite illness into the house.

♦ If Christmas Day falls on a Monday, then many men will die that year. If Christmas Day coincides with Tuesday, they call you to the table even number guests, so as not to invite poverty into the house. If Christmas falls on a Saturday, then this year many old people will die before the next Christmas.

♦ If a midwife was called to a woman in labor and she gave birth to a child on Christmas Day, then the midwife would never take even a penny for her labors; moreover, she was obliged to become the baby’s godmother. This custom was never violated; the old people knew: whoever takes money for childbirth will spend it on a coffin for themselves.

Merry Christmas greetings:

♦ Merry Christmas! Happy bright day!
May you be lucky in everything on this day!
Let joy come into your home,
New car - in the garage,
Profitable work - in the house,
And there are many, many children in it!

♦ Let the Christmas miracle
Will give you its warmth,
May it never be bad
Meet every day with goodness!

♦ The star of goodness and magic has lit up ‒
Merry Holy Christmas!
May God protect and people help!
Let the starlight in your soul not fade away!
May your home be filled with happiness and wealth!
Love, health, peace! Merry Christmas!

♦ Let the night sparkle with magic,
A flock of snowflakes rushes upward.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you smiles and joy.
Flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord will bless you
Health, happiness and success!

♦ We wish you a Merry Christmas
Smiles, sincere laughter,
Good health, success
And a lot of good things.
Let the blood flow in the heart,
And the joy lasts forever.
And may they be with you forever
Hope, faith and love!

♦ Merry Christmas to you
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that life is full of happiness,
So that you don’t know adversity and sorrow!
I wish you to come true
All your hopes and dreams,
To pure love and tenderness
You could always enjoy!

♦ May the bright holiday of Christmas
Everything you dreamed about will come true!
Let there be a lot of joy, goodness in the house,
And let the heart not know sadness!
I wish you many fabulous miracles,
Warmth of love, spiritual purity!
And let the snowflakes fall from the sky,
Keeping the peace of heavenly beauty!

♦ It's Christmas again ‒
Celebration of the Heavenly Forces!
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy!

♦ The flickering of candles warms the house
And sparkles with gold,
When have a magical Christmas
The Lord will appear!
He gave his life for us -
We must remember this
And what he bequeathed to the people -
Execute diligently!
May it protect your peace
From shutter to threshold
Long-suffering love
Simple faith in God!

♦ The star lit up ‒ Christ was born ‒
And the world was illuminated with love!
Let happiness enter every home!
Have a wonderful and bright Christmas!

♦ Today Christ appeared to us,
To teach people Love.
Friends, let's celebrate everything
And let's become at least a little kinder!

♦ Let the snowflake ring
Announcing the birth
And fill you with delight
Your mood!
After all, today is Salvation,
Love's triumph ‒
The saint is coming
Christ's Christmas!

♦ When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

♦ Merry Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open the doors wider
You are to Love, Hope, Faith!
Fur Christmas trees
The whole house smells
Every needle
Whispers: "Merry Christmas!"
Let grievances and losses
They fly away like leaves!
Let luck come through the door
On the bright holiday of Christmas!

♦ Congratulations on Christmas!
Let a miracle happen in your life!
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to live in your house!

♦ Today is the Birthday of Christ ‒
Good news is sweeping across the planet!
I wish you Christmas this holiday
Consent and joy without end!

♦ Happy New Year!
Happy New Year's treat!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Merry Christmas!
Let everything be fine in the family,
And luck will be nearby!
May your health be good
Happiness - bright, incomparable!

♦ Christmas has come to your home,
Happiness spread all around!
Let smiles soar in it,
And I also wish you:
Kindness and beauty
So that all your dreams come true,
May your health not fail you
And let good luck come!

: what you can’t, and what you can and definitely need to do on this holiday. Christmas is not only a warm family celebration, but also a very important day in church calendar. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, many are wondering what can and cannot be done on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018.

Christmas Day January 7, 2018: what can and definitely should be done on this holiday. On such an important day, you should definitely try to visit the temple and take part in the Christmas liturgy. If this is not possible, then you can light a candle and read a prayer at home. The most important thing is that your words must be sincere and come from a pure heart. That is, the first and most important thing that must be done on Christmas Day on January 7, 2018 is to ascend thanksgiving prayers To the Almighty.

On Christmas Day, January 7, 2018, you can wash and comb your hair. It is also possible to conduct everyday affairs, but if they are a necessary condition to meet your needs and requirements, and not aimed at entertainment. Work is also not prohibited if you need this income to purchase vital things. But you can wash clothes on Christmas only if absolutely necessary.

Laborious work such as sewing, knitting, embroidery is also allowed. But only if it is not entertainment, but work or a gift for someone dear to you. Such a work is considered Godly, and therefore it can be done on the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018. After all, work has always been and remains held in high esteem.

Relatives are not prohibited by the church on the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018 marital relations, if the family strives for procreation.

On Christmas Day, January 7, 2018, you can go to stores and make purchases. Moreover, folk sign says that Christmas shopping brings wealth into your life and financial well-being. Also on this day you can give alms so that people asking will pray for your health.

Christmas Day January 7, 2018: what not to do on this holiday.
In this great religious holiday You must not swear, swear, use foul language, or enter into disputes or conflicts. In general, any negativity on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2018 is prohibited.

It is believed that on such a bright holiday there is no need to wear black clothes, since they are associated with mourning. It is better to choose clothes in calm, light colors on this day.

All kinds of entertainment events are prohibited on Christmas Day, January 7, 2018. It is strictly forbidden to abuse alcoholic beverages.

Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate one of the greatest holidays - the Nativity of Christ. This day rich story, there are a lot of traditions and beliefs associated with it. Let's remember what Christmas is, when it comes, what you should behave and what you shouldn't do on this day.

When will Christmas be celebrated in Russia in 2019 and what kind of holiday is it?

The Orthodox Church always celebrates the Nativity of Christ on January 7th. This will be the case in 2019. And on January 6, the Nativity fast ends.

On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth immaculate virgin Mary, the Son of God Jesus Christ. As the Gospel says, the Virgin Mary, together with her betrothed husband Joseph, came to Bethlehem before the birth of their child. Shepherds sheltered them for the night. And the Son of God was born in a cave where cattle took shelter from the weather. The newborn was placed in a manger - a feeding trough for livestock. And the angels announced to the shepherds that the Savior had come to this world. They were the first to bow to the Child. That same night, the wise men came to Jesus, led by the light of a bright star. They brought gifts to Christ.

Why do they always talk about gifts from the Magi in Christmas stories?

The fact is that the gifts of the Magi are deeply symbolic. The wise men brought incense, gold and myrrh to the Child. Gold was given only to kings. And Jesus was to become the king of the earth. Frankincense is a priestly symbol, and Christ became the High Priest. The body of the deceased was anointed with myrrh. And here she symbolized that Christ had to make an atoning sacrifice in order to save humanity.

When did they first celebrate Christmas?

Today, probably, hardly anyone will remember the exact date. But scientists have found that Christians began celebrating Christmas in the 4th century. Before this, the birth of the Son of God was spoken of on the day of Epiphany. In the 4th century, the holidays were divided and today Christmas is considered the second most important holiday after Easter.

How do you prepare for Christmas?

The believer observes the Nativity fast. Moreover, January 6 is the last day of the Nativity Fast - the strictest fasting day. It's called Christmas Eve. On this day they do not eat food until the evening, until the stars become visible in the sky.

The last evening before Christmas is called Holy. By this time, housewives should already have time to prepare festive table. For dinner it is customary to put twelve on the table Lenten dishes(fast food is allowed to be eaten only the next day). The number 12 is also symbolic. These are the 12 apostles of Christ, and the 12 months of the year, and the 12 main holidays of the Church. The main dish of the table this evening is kutia. This is a dish made from boiled grains, usually wheat, with honey, nuts, poppy seeds and raisins. A small piece of hay was placed under the plate with kutya as a reminder of the birthplace of Christ. Each of the 12 dishes must be tried at least a little - none of them should be left untouched. The dishes were usually served cold, and the soup only a little warm, because... The housewife should not get up from the table and go to the kitchen.

How is Christmas celebrated?

On Christmas night, festive services take place in all churches. Very beautiful and soulful. Many believers do not go to bed that night. It is believed that the Lord thanks a person for even the smallest effort that he makes for him.

After the service you can eat fast food.

In the evening, the best dishes and cutlery should have been on the table. The guests were called on an even number. If it suddenly turned out that it was odd, an extra device was placed on the table.

On January 7, they organized a real feast. The main dish was goose with apples. Baked pork, brisket, etc. were also held in high esteem.

Which folk traditions available for Christmas?

By this day there must be a spruce tree in the house or spruce branch, decorated with toys and candles - in memory of the star that lit up the night at the moment of the birth of the Son of God. By the way, this is why it is also customary to decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a star. Gifts are placed under the tree for loved ones - again in memory of the gifts that the Magi brought to the Baby.

Christmas is a family holiday. In the evening, all family members gathered at home, and the children always helped the elders.

At Christmas it is customary to wear only new and clean clothes.

An ancient tradition that has survived to this day is caroling. Our fellow citizens, dressed up, go from house to house, singing carols and praising the infant Christ. For this, the owners of the house must give them money or food.

What not to do on Christmas?

You can't swear or use foul language. It is worth noting that it is not customary to have lunch before the first star rises - only children are allowed a small snack.

It is also prohibited to perform any work on this day. Women are not allowed to take out trash from the house, sew, wash or clean. Men are advised not to hunt.

You cannot go to the cemetery on this day. Even in churches on this day, church commemoration of the dead is canceled.

At Christmas, you cannot guess about your betrothed and the future.

Nativity - magical holiday, which is celebrated in many countries around the world. To gain the support and protection of the Saints, it is necessary to observe traditions and offer Christmas prayers on this day.

One cannot but agree that Christmas is a special holiday. Most people expect it and prepare for this day no less than for the New Year. The story of this event really makes us believe in a miracle. The Lord God sent His Son to the Virgin Mary, and so the Savior Jesus Christ appeared on Earth. Since then, we have annually celebrated the birth of the Son of God. On this day, every believer should follow Christmas traditions and customs, as well as say prayers, because turning to the Saints will help you protect yourself and your loved ones for the whole year.

Christmas traditions and customs

The Nativity fast traditionally ends the day before Christmas, which means that on January 7 you can treat yourself to dishes that were prohibited for 40 days. Traditional Christmas recipes include pork, beef and poultry, as well as fish and homemade cakes. The Christmas table should have an abundance of delicious treats, because the richer the table, the more prosperity you will have in the new year.

The traditional Christmas drink is called uzvar, which is a compote. It is usually prepared using dried fruits, and every guest simply must try it.

In Rus', the traditions of celebrating Christmas and the winter solstice were in many ways similar. On this day, people dressed up, performed carols, visited guests, and most importantly, had fun. Noisy festivities began in the morning and continued until the evening. Young girls wondered about the future groom, and the guys came to get married. It was believed that a marriage concluded on January 7 would be eternal, and the love of lovers would never fade.

On Christmas, the family should gather around the table. It is necessary to congratulate all your loved ones and remember all the good and bad that happened last year. The tablecloth and uneaten dishes should be left until January 8th. In ancient times, this was considered a sign of respect for deceased relatives.

It was customary to prepare baked goods for the holiday table on Christmas Eve. In the evening, housewives baked homemade pies and pancakes, but the most important decoration of the table were animal figurines. They were not only served as a treat, but also given as gifts to loved ones, and also given to the poor.

The day before Christmas, you need to clean your house and get rid of everything unnecessary. On this day, cleaning is not just a way to get rid of dust and dirt, but an important ritual. This way you save yourself from troubles and misfortunes for the whole year.

Hard work cannot be done on Christmas Day, so cleaning and washing is strictly prohibited on this day.

If on January 7 you meet poor people asking you for food or money, do not refuse them under any circumstances. You don’t have to invite them into your home, but it won’t be difficult for you to give them sweets or homemade baked goods from the holiday table.

You cannot sit at the festive table in old, dirty or black clothes. On this bright holiday, you should look impeccable, and it is advisable that your outfit be white and new.

The Christmas meal usually began in the evening, January 6th. After the appearance of the first or, as it is also called, Star of Bethlehem people sit down at the table, congratulate each other and exchange gifts, and after dinner they always go to church. On this day, festive services are traditionally held in every temple.

Despite the fact that the Nativity Fast has ended, and it would seem that there are no more prohibitions on food and alcohol, drinking large quantity alcoholic drinks are prohibited. We must not forget that this holiday is primarily religious, so only a small amount of red wine is allowed. There will be no forbidden dishes on this day, so you can eat whatever you want.

Main Christmas prayer

Christmas is a great religious holiday, so every believer on this day is simply obliged to offer a prayer to the Lord. You can pray both in church and at home. If your words are sincere, then God will definitely hear you.

“Lord God, our Defender and Savior, we glorify You and offer our prayer to You. On Your Christmas we turn to You and bow to You, thank You for Your help and Your kindness. Your Birth illuminated the Earth, the Stars and the Sun illuminated it. To this day we praise Your birth, for You, our Savior, appeared on Earth to protect us sinners from evil and injustice. We dedicate our prayers to you. Glory to Thee, Lord! Amen".

Say a prayer in the morning of January 7 and repeat it in the evening. Do not forget to turn to the Lord God as often as possible so that he always gives you his help and protection.

Christmas prayer for good luck

Thanks to the Christmas prayer for good luck, your business will go uphill all year, and new beginnings will be doomed to success.

“On the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I call my Guardian Angel. May there be no mistakes on my path in life, may only good luck and prosperity be with me. Let my life find meaning, and You just continue to help me and protect me. Amen".

Guardian Angel is your main protector. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, turn to him with prayer for all occasions, and then he will definitely hear your request.

Christmas prayer for children

Children are the meaning of our lives. Their health, happiness and future are very important to us. Be sure to pray for your child on Christmas Day to protect him from evil, troubles and misfortunes.

“Lord God, our Guardian and Savior. I turn to You on the Nativity of Christ and ask You: protect my child from illnesses and evil people. Protect him from troubles and atrocities. Let him not listen to empty and frivolous words, but protect him from lawless actions. I ask you, Heavenly King, hear my requests. Amen".

It is advisable to say the prayer near your child’s bed. Do not forget to do this annually, and then your child will always be under the protection of the Lord God.

Christmas carols are an ancient Russian entertainment. Since ancient times, both adults and children began caroling on Christmas Eve and ended only on January 8th. Plunge into the holiday spirit and have a fun and unforgettable Christmas. We wish you positive emotions And good mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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