How to start proper weight loss: advice from a nutritionist, workouts. How to start losing weight correctly at home - step by step instructions

How to start losing weight - the heads of many fat women are occupied with this issue. "Zdravo-Bravo" will try to answer this question to all indecisive and dreaming. There is so much information around with various suggestions on how to start losing weight and lose extra pounds in just a few months and even days.

Advertising is full of various diets, pills, miracle exercises, kneading and shaking parts of the body. Talking with friends, you understand that rarely anyone succeeds, using these tools, to really become slimmer for a long time. And then doubts arise: maybe it’s not even worth trying: it didn’t help them, probably it won’t help me either.

And if you put the question a little differently: “What can you do to become more attractive, healthier, and therefore more slender and happy than now?”

1. We set a goal and tune in to methodical, hard independent work.

  • The issue of losing weight should be approached as the realization of any goal. Set a goal, develop a plan to achieve it, break it down into components and move forward in small steps every day (without missing a single day).
  • You need to decide for yourself how many kilograms interfere with you, by how many centimeters you want to reduce volumes. If you reduce weight gradually, then it remains for a long time, compared with express diets, which are simply unhealthy. Therefore, our work will be long and hard.
  • The responsibility for improving your condition, including weight loss, lies solely with you: not with a nutritionist, doctor, spouse or children, but only with you. Nobody will do it except you.

2. If you decide to seriously and permanently lose weight, then you need to consult with a team of specialists:

  • Dietitian - will help to make correct mode nutrition
  • Endocrinologist - if the reason heavy weight disease, then select drug-based therapy
  • A qualified trainer will help you choose an adequate physical activity
  • Psychologist - will help get rid of psychological problems that prevent weight loss

3. Don't schedule your weight loss work to begin on a specific day. Start right now!

  • If they do (and this happens), then it's not scary. We all stumble, but then we get up and move on. So here, if you violated the diet at lunch (this is unpleasant), then return to it at dinner. It was not possible to do the exercises on time, do it in the evening or tomorrow, but be sure. Doing something is better than doing nothing! Just keep going. Some go to the goal of losing weight like this: three steps forward, and then two steps back (it took 10 kg, 6 kg returned). The main thing here is to tune in and not give up.
  • We are not perfect and sometimes give ourselves a weakness. You just need to know the reason for such a wave-like process: violation of the daily routine, dietary errors, stress.

4. The main task is to avoid the appearance of hunger. Hunger constantly makes you think about food.

  • Small portions will drown out hunger. To lose weight you need to eat, but in small portions and often. Reduce your portion size. To do this, change the large plate to a smaller one.
  • Let there be croutons from bran bread on the table.
  • Drink water to fill your stomach: “Do you want to eat? Drink some water!"
  • Replace regular tea, coffee with or

5. Get busy exercise: fitness, climb stairs, dance, play active games with children.

  • But if you for a long time did not go in for sports, then you need to enter the active mode gradually. It is very good if you do this under the supervision of a specialist.

6. Often overweight and negative psychological problems go hand in hand. Stress eating is one of the reasons for the increase in volume. Change habits. Instead of sitting at the TV and computer, constantly snacking, go for a walk, chat with friends, find something interesting for yourself that can distract you from the process of constantly chewing.

  • Food is one of the pleasures, and a means of comfort. Remember, the baby is crying and the mother immediately soothes him with a portion of breast milk.
  • You need to learn how to extinguish stress and anxiety not with food, but, for example, with physical exercises such as “Beat the boss” or “Chop firewood”.
  • If it doesn’t work, don’t hesitate to contact a psychologist. It will help identify the cause of overeating and suggest ways to overcome it.

7. Motivate yourself. Look for the pleasant aspects of the process of losing weight, and gradually the weight loss work will turn from a routine into exciting game With myself.

  • Rejoice in your successes, even very small ones. First, the fact that they withstood the regime, then the first kilogram or centimeter dropped. It turned out in a small way, and the rest will turn out.
  • Reward yourself for small and big wins something pleasant.

8. Fighting overweight it is not important. The main thing is to start living a full, joyful, active life now, not when you lose weight. No standards normal weight type "height minus weight" or volume "90 x 60 x 90". Focus only on your well-being and appearance. Do you like yourself and others? Your weight does not cause painful conditions? So the extra 5 kg is not a problem.

9. Many people think that when I become slimmer, then I will be more active and sociable. This is mistake. Postponing for later, this moment may not come, even if you lose weight. You can be interesting to other people with your knowledge, mood, ability to speak and listen. Communicate - your mood will become better, and this will contribute to weight loss.

At the end of September, a new trend emerged - everyone is losing weight. Summer, as it turns out, has become a “diet” season for few people - a lot of kilograms have been gained. And now everyone is worried: how to get rid of them quickly? Should I starve? What diets are more effective? And where do you start to lose weight so that the honestly dropped kilograms do not come back?

At the end of September, a new trend emerged - everyone is losing weight. Summer, as it turns out, has become a “diet” season for few people - a lot of kilograms have been gained. And now everyone is worried: how to get rid of them quickly? Should I starve? What diets are more effective? And where do you start to lose weight?

Let's start with the main thing: you can lose weight either quickly or for a long time. Known fact: quickly lost weight quickly returns. Set realistic goals: not the mythical 30 kilograms before the New Year, but 1.5 - 2 per month. Slowly? But true.


Now about diets. A good diet is one that you can sit on, if not all your life, then for a long time. Express diets and fasting are not good. They give only temporary results, slow down the metabolism and, as a result, lead to a repeated set of kilograms - often with a "weight" too!
So what to do? Answer: go to correct system nutrition.

Starting a food diary

Sounds silly, but it's actually true. main reason set excess weight- Wrong eating habits. To understand what is wrong, you need to write down everything that is eaten during the day in a treasured notebook. And analyze it.

We study the range of stores
Make conscious purchases in supermarkets - what we bring into the house, we will eventually eat. Do not trust old habits and advertising. Read what is written on the labels.
Changing daily habits
It is they, and not overeating on holidays, that determine how much we weigh. A food diary will tell you which direction to go. Just don't try to change everything at once - it's a gradual process.
Reduce the amount of fat
So we will reduce the overall calorie content of the menu. "Fatty persons" include sausage, sausages, cakes, pastries, cookies, chips, chocolate. Plus foods with hidden fats. Important! You can not completely exclude from the diet! The norm is 35-40 g per day.
We don't starve
Otherwise, breakdowns are inevitable. We include more vegetables, fruits and berries in the menu - they create volume, but add almost no fat and calories.
We use the plate model
it effective method control the ratio of products on the menu. We fill half the plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein foods (meat, fish, legumes, eggs), a quarter with complex carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, brown rice, durum pasta, whole grain bread).
Controlling "liquid" calories
Drink water with dinner, not lemonade and packaged juices. Both do not give us satiety, but the sugar from sugary drinks provides empty calories that weigh us down with extra pounds.
1. Food must be delicious . Choose products to your liking. Don't force yourself to eat broccoli if you can't stand it.
2. Food should be enough . No need to get up from the table hungry and hope that the numbers on the scales will please you. If you are hungry all the time, there will be no sense.
3. Eat on time . Watch the intervals between meals. Eat 3, 4, 5 or 6 times a day, but regularly.
4. Allow yourself treats . In a good life there should be a place for nonsense. 80-90% of the food should be right, and the rest - as you wish.
5. Eat with pleasure . No remorse and self-hatred!

Let's not rush!
For a week you need to lose weight by no more than 0.5 kg. Otherwise, not fat, but muscle will be lost. And do not give up treats at all, but learn to eat them little by little. Then there will be no grandiose breakdowns after a long abstinence.
We act consciously
Losing weight is not only about mastering the art of energy gain and loss. Most of process is pure psychology. Our task is to change the whole way of life, and we must be prepared that this will be associated with some inconvenience. Do not be afraid to change the routine, to get out of the usual territory of comfort.
We move more!
To lose weight, you have to be in good shape. And to be in good shape, you need to move more. The easiest way is to increase the number of steps taken per day. Collect daily steps. You can use a pedometer. Go one more stop. Climb the stairs on foot, not the elevator. These seemingly small things mean a lot for weight loss.

People who have planned the fight against excess weight, first of all, ask themselves the question: “Where to start losing weight?”. Nutrition and exercise play a role in this. important role. But even more important - the right attitude and dieting. More on this and much more below.

How and when to start

To begin with, it is worth understanding that you can lose a few kilograms only if the calorie consumption exceeds their intake. This leads to the burning of fat reserves. It remains only to choose the appropriate method of losing weight.

It is believed that it is easiest to start in the warm season. when the body expends much less energy to maintain normal temperature body. It is best to start in the spring, when the revival of nature, the first sun, pleases. There is an extra incentive to prepare yourself for the holiday season and the implementation of new plans.

At this time of the year, the production of the hormone of happiness increases, so everything turns out easier and more pleasant. Activity in spring and summer also increases, which allows you to get a good result faster.

Of course, you can start losing weight in the fall, but you should not tune in to a quick result. At this time of the year, usually, the body is set up to protect itself from the cold, therefore it requires more high-calorie food.

The mental attitude is also important. It is better to start losing weight when there are no negative emotions, stressful situations. Any experiences provoke a breakdown and reduce the effectiveness of any diet. positive attitude- the main component of any undertaking, including weight loss!

What to prepare for weight loss

Before you start a diet, you should prepare for it. And the first thing is determined by the starting point. You should take a sober look at the existing problems, write them down on a piece of paper or in a notebook.

For effective weight loss, you will need the following items and equipment:

  1. Notebook! Plain, in a cage or a ruler, for constant daily recording of your results. Here, first of all, you will need to enter the initial parameters.
  2. Scales. This is a mandatory attribute, weight must be constantly monitored, and all readings recorded. This will allow you to see the dynamics of weight loss, which will increase self-confidence, and will give an additional incentive to continue what you started.
  3. Be sure to measure the main parameters of the body: bust, waist, hip measurements. Losing weight not only contributes to weight loss, but also to a decrease in volume. Most often, it is by these indicators that the first results will be visible.
  4. Diet food. You should not rush to extremes and clog the refrigerator with healthy yogurts and cereals. But at the same time, it is better to keep away all products that do not bring benefits. Just so you don't get tempted to eat them.

A list of necessary foods can be found in the description of the diet that will be used for weight loss. As a rule, they are quite extensive, and therefore it is easy to pick up more favorite food components.

Advice! Don't buy food you don't like. The process of losing weight can and should be enjoyed. If the system does not give a choice and involves the use of unloved foods, you can choose a different diet.

Any weight loss is impossible without minimal physical activity. If it is not possible to visit the gym, you can purchase simple equipment for homework:, ball,.

Determining the starting point, it is worth compiling a plate and entering the initial parameters into it: weight and volumes. To better see the result in the future, you can take a photo before starting to maintain a diet. At the same time, do not be shy. She will remain in this notebook, but will help to visually see after a certain time what the woman has achieved.

Studying information and choosing a path

weight index

You can determine the ideal weight using the weight index, and when choosing a term, it is very important to consider that healthy weight loss is no more than 2-4 kilograms per month!

The study of information will determine daily requirement in calories, liquids, after which, it will be possible to make individual plan nutrition. You should be especially careful when choosing a way to lose weight, whether it's a diet or a transition to a healthy diet.

In any case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Breakfast is a must. And it should be the densest meal of the day.
  2. Food should be fractional at least 4-5 times a day.
  3. Healthy snacks. Do not use sweets and sandwiches for snacks.
  4. Break between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours.

Choosing a training regimen and nutrition

Competent and effective weight loss begins with an increase in the diet of protein foods. The focus should be on fluid intake. Exactly pure water allows you to lose weight, while the calculation should be made on the basis of 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.

The diet is a frequent meal in small portions, the volume is approximately 250-300 grams. The stomach will quickly get used to this regime, and it will become much easier to organize weight loss.

You can not do without physical activity. Many women do not like to visit gyms and fitness clubs, someone does not have the opportunity to do so. But you can always choose for yourself a home set of exercises. For example, losing weight with a circular 30-minute workout is very effective.

And sometimes it’s enough just to dedicate 20-30 minutes to walking. If there is no time for walks in the evening or in the morning, it is enough to refuse public transport in favor of two or three stops on foot.

goal setting

First of all, you should determine the goal of your weight loss.
At the same time, settings like “I want to lose weight” and “I don’t want to be more fat” do not work for obvious reasons. We need specifics!

Therefore, you should think and answer yourself honestly why you want to lose weight. Perhaps, in order to get the opportunity to fulfill yourself, do what you love. After all, weight loss in itself is not an end in itself.

Your goals must be written down on a piece of paper, the description is made as detailed as possible.. Abstract concepts, such as health, happiness, fashionable clothes, should be absent. You need to understand what kind of clothes a woman wants, with whom exactly to communicate, where to visit.

Important! The goal should be formulated only in a positive way and in the present tense!

And now it remains only to act, and immediately.

Common Mistakes

There are many mistakes people make when losing weight. This affects the results in a bad way. Someone does not plan their menu, which leads to breakdowns.

Others allow themselves delicious dessert in hopes of making up for the calories gained with harder workouts. Pretty common mistakelight breakfast and drinking little water.

But there are more popular myths that you should know about before you start losing weight.

Dispelled myths:

  1. If you eat less, you will lose weight faster. Hunger often takes you by surprise, and uncontrolled meals affect the figure very badly. Therefore, food should be enough so that the body does not feel the need for harmful snacks.
  2. Needed for weight loss. Nutritionists unanimously argue that it is, on the contrary, very harmful! If the body receives less calories, it protects body fat even more carefully, as a strategic energy reserve. At the same time, it is not fat that is consumed, but muscle.
  3. You can't lose weight without exercising. Of course, physical activity is mandatory, but you should not rush to extremes either. If a person unprepared zealously begins to torture himself with studies, he at least develops disgust in him. In addition, good physical activity provokes appetite. Therefore, everything should be in moderation!
  4. Effectively lose weight with diuretics. In addition to losing weight, you can get the opposite effect in the form of health problems. Especially dangerous are constant enemas. It can be more difficult to cure dysbacteriosis than to lose weight.


A motivated approach to weight loss is the basis of success. let it start in triumph.

To choose the right motive, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Need to start right away as the desire arises. Do not wait for that Monday, an important event, or any other reason.
  2. Should be dealt with with your problems, and prioritize. At the same time, the goals are selected real and short-term.
  3. Better convince yourself that there is a transition to a new quality of life, and not just a diet.
  4. It is very stupid to lose weight for some event. You have to reach your ideal weight and stick to it always.
  5. Discipline should come first. The plan must be strictly followed.

Even if the plan fell through, there was a breakdown by accident, you need to move on, and not quit what you started. And to prevent this from happening, you should sometimes pamper yourself, allowing you to eat your favorite dish at least once a week.

Every woman wants her figure to be close to ideal.

For one, this is a way to increase your self-esteem and wear your favorite things, for the other, it is a way to return the favor of your husband.

In fact, the reason why there is a desire to lose weight does not matter.

If a woman decides to get rid of excess weight - it will only benefit her.

Where to start losing weight?

Everything is not as difficult as it seems. If you approach the process correctly and follow simple recommendations excess weight will go away gradually naturally.

What is the right way to start the process of losing weight: setting goals and stimulating

A simple desire to lose weight is not enough. If a woman really wants to lose weight, she must set a clear goal and think over the motivation that will help her move towards the desired result.

Important points to consider

1. A person should carefully look at himself and clearly understand what exactly he wants to change, excess weight in which part of the body worries him the most.

3. Determining the timing of weight loss. So that the diet does not stretch out, you need to indicate the date by which the task will be completed.

Stimulation- without this, the process of losing weight will be delayed. Perhaps soon some significant event, on which a woman wants to shine in a stunning dress, or the beginning beach season? By setting a stimulus in front of you, it will be easy not to break loose and achieve weight loss.

Necessary attributes for weight loss

What is the right way to start the process of losing weight is now clearer. It remains only to prepare everything necessary in order to be constantly aware of the results achieved.

1. Scales. They are necessary in order to constantly monitor the changes in your body and evaluate the result. Now on sale you can find improved models that show the percentage of water and fat in the body.

2. Measuring tape. It will also be very useful to see how many centimeters from the waist, hips, chest are gone.

3. Book of dietary recipes. Of course, the basis of weight loss is proper nutrition. Therefore, a book is useful, which presents delicious and healthy recipes that do not contribute to the deposition of fat.

4. It is important to keep a diary, where all the results achieved will be recorded.

What is important to know about the process of weight loss: the opinion of an endocrinologist

An endocrinologist knows much more about weight loss than a nutritionist. By visiting a doctor, a woman will receive useful advice about catering, finds out where to start losing weight, how many kilograms she needs to lose and what diet is suitable for her individually.

1. Many diets say that it is strictly forbidden to eat after 18:00. This is silly. A person who is on a diet should eat every 3 hours (about 5-6 times a day). The main thing is not to eat 2 hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to process food.

2. A person needs to drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day - this is the norm. If it is not observed, the metabolism will be disturbed, which will slow down the process of losing weight.

3. On a diet, a person always feels full. If he feels hungry, then this diet is not suitable.

4. You can get better from fried potatoes or with the addition of oil. The boiled and baked product contains practically no calories.

5. Buns, chocolate, confectionery, bananas, nuts are foods that should not be present in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight.

6. Dramatically lose weight is impossible. It will be considered normal if 3-4 kilograms are gone in a month.

When a person is familiar with the nuances listed above, it will be easier to decide where to start losing weight.

An important stage: a change in lifestyle and proper organization of the diet

When the question arises of how to properly start the process of losing weight, you must first think about your diet. Perhaps it will not always be possible to eat 5-6 times a day - this is not terrible. The main thing is to be able to find Alternative option snack and not break into confectionery or flour products.

It is also necessary to review the daily diet so that the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are as satisfying and healthy as possible, but not high in calories.

Possible breakfast options

1. It is very useful to eat cottage cheese for breakfast. It is best to choose a product with a maximum fat content of 2.5%. If cottage cheese is not available, natural unsweetened yogurt will do.

2. Not suitable for breakfast White bread, butter and sausage. However, these products can be replaced with a boiled egg, hard cheese and a slice of black bread.

3. Oatmeal, boiled in low-fat milk with the addition of a small amount of dried fruits. This dish is ideal for a morning meal, as it starts the stomach and stimulates digestion.

4. It will also be useful in the morning green tea with lemon and honey.

Possible lunch options

1. Boiled rice, any seasonal fresh vegetables(or steamed). Rice is allowed to be replaced with buckwheat. You can add a piece to the dish chicken breast without skin.

2. Chicken bouillon and vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil (a small amount is good for skin, hair and nails).

3. Fish with vegetables, cooked in foil or steamed.

Possible dinner options

1. Fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Preferably without the addition of salt and vegetable oil.

2. Low-fat yogurt (250 ml) perfectly saturates the stomach and allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger.

You can't do without snacks between main meals. You can eat green apples, kefir, yogurt, dried fruits and cereals. Of course, you need to forget about cakes and sweets. It is better to replace them with grapefruits, pineapples, kiwi.

What is the right way to start the process of losing weight so that the excess weight goes away, and the feeling of hunger is not experienced. Represented helpful tips will help to properly organize the diet and as quickly as possible to bring your figure back to normal, to achieve desired result.

1. Before eating, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. This is a little "secret" that will help to dull your appetite and eat a smaller portion of food than usual. In addition, a glass of water before meals will start the work of the stomach.

2. Before going to bed, it will be useful to eat 50 grams of prunes and drink it with water at room temperature. This remedy is a natural laxative, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins and toxins.

3. Stomach volume- these are two folded together in the palm of your hand. Therefore, when a person imposes a portion of food on himself, he must visually fit it in his hands. No need to stretch the stomach once again.

4. It is not difficult to calculate the daily calorie intake for yourself. For the first time, it will be enough to limit yourself to a daily norm of 1500 Kcal, after a week to reduce the energy value of the foods consumed. This approach will start the process of weight loss.

5. Any diet should be accompanied by the use of multivitamins, so that the body does not experience a deficiency of useful trace elements.

6. Once a week, you can allow some sweets. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity.

Importance of physical activity

Where to start losing weight? The process should include not only proper nutrition, but minimal physical activity. Of course, the rhythm of life of modern ladies does not leave them time to visit gyms. However, this does not mean that now the sport should be completely forgotten. You can buy a hoop, a few dumbbells and a jump rope for yourself - this is the minimum set for home workouts. Giving them a little time every day, the process of losing weight will accelerate, the skin will tighten and cellulite will disappear.

To make it easier for a person to understand where to start losing weight, he must decide how important it is for him and what he will get after achieving the result. It must be remembered that being overweight has a negative impact on health. Get rid of extra pounds, remove toxins and toxins, cleanse your body - this will only benefit.

Want to lose weight but don't know where to start? We are offering to you step by step instructions (or at the gym). This memo is suitable for both men and women, regardless of age and the number of extra pounds.

A successful weight loss process consists of two components: balanced diet and physical activity. So, where do we propose to start losing weight?

Nutrition: step by step instructions

Step 1: remember the main rule of losing weight

The first step towards losing weight is to remember for yourself main principle weight loss. You lose weight when you eat less food than your body can use. (recycled into energy) during the day. In this case, energy begins to be drawn from the reserve reserves on the body - fat deposits. Therefore, in essence, the process of losing weight comes down to food restrictions and creating a calorie deficit.

No matter how much you try to find a magic pill for excess weight, remember that it is impossible to lose weight without dietary restrictions. Although, of course, there are people of the asthenic type who do not get better, regardless of the amount of food consumed. But if this is not your case, then you cannot do without dietary restrictions.

There is no magic food combination, there are no negative calorie foods. (like grapefruit or broccoli, as many used to think) There are no fat-burning miracle pills. To lose weight, it is enough to eat less than the body can spend. Here is a good example:

Step 2: decide on a power system

Any diets and nutrition systems essentially create the same calorie deficit, at which your body begins to use fat from its reserves. Therefore, from a practical point of view, it does not matter how you create this “deficit”. You can count calories, you can choose popular diet, you can switch to "proper nutrition", you can simply reduce the consumption of high-calorie foods. Regardless of which diet or nutritional system you choose, with a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

Step 3: Calculate your calorie intake

Even if you are wary of the calorie counting method (it seems uncomfortable or too complicated for you) and you have chosen a different nutrition system, we still recommend calculating your daily calorie intake in order to understand what numbers to focus on. Be sure to compare your chosen menu with this norm to determine if you are skewed towards over or under calorie intake.

Whatever diet you choose and whatever stunning effect you are promised, we do not recommend lowering daily allowance calories below 1200 kcal. This is both unhealthy and increases the risk of relapses.

Step 4: Optimize Your Diet

You must understand that even small dietary restrictions are still restrictions. And you probably won't feel full during the day. That is why it is important to optimize your menu so as not to be in constant hunger and not break the diet.

Remember about simple rules. Start the day with a full breakfast, do not skip meals, drink 2 liters of water, do not take long breaks in food, do not forget about small snacks throughout the day. It is especially important not to abuse fast carbohydrates, which cause hunger due to the release of insulin.

Step 5: Review Products

As we noted above, it is not necessary to completely exclude "sweets and harmfulness" from your diet in order to lose weight. Sometimes it is enough to reduce their number to meet your caloric intake. But if you want to not only lose weight, but also clean up your diet, then it will be necessary to reconsider your list of favorite foods.

Try replacing sweets with fruit, morning sandwiches with oatmeal, sweet yogurt with kefir. When going to the store, bypass the departments with hazards, trying to linger at the shelves with fruits, vegetables, meat and natural dairy products. So you get rid of temptations and can improve your nutrition not only during the diet, but also in the future.

Workouts: step by step instructions

If weight loss is so dependent on nutrition (and it’s not for nothing that they say that the result of losing weight = 80% nutrition, 20% training) Why do you need to play sports at all? Let's emphasize once again that training will help you:

  • burn extra calories
  • speed up metabolism
  • to tone and tighten the body
  • maintain muscle mass
  • increase stamina and strengthen the heart muscle

You can lose weight without sports, but with training, the process will go faster, and the quality of the body will improve. Of course, if you have contraindications or you at all If you don’t like sports, then you don’t need to force your body. But if you simply consider yourself not athletic or hardy enough, then in this case it is better to cast aside doubts. There are many workouts and exercises for beginners, where you do not need to have experience in classes.

Also, do not refer to the lack of time. Even the busiest person has at least 20 minutes a day to workout at home. It can be in the evening after work or vice versa. early morning. Even training for 15-20 minutes will help you strengthen your muscles and improve your body, as well as energize good mood all day.

What to do, if..?

1. If you do not plan to exercise, then we recommend increasing daily activity: walking more often, taking long walks, trying to avoid passive leisure. Although increasing daily activity will be useful for everyone, regardless of the presence of training and even weight loss. But for those who do not play sports, in particular. You can also look into walking-based workouts that you can do at home in front of the TV or to music.

2. If you Are you planning to take group classes?, then choose programs based on the offers in your fitness club and physical capabilities. If you have time, devote 3-4 hours a week to training in the gym.

3. If you planning to go to gym , then we strongly recommend that you conduct at least a few introductory classes under the guidance of personal trainer. Otherwise, there is a risk of ineffective training or even injury.

4. If you planning to train at home, then just for you below is a step-by-step plan on how to start classes.

Step 1: Decide on the type of activity

So, you have decided to train at home. It is really very convenient, home workouts are only gaining popularity every year. Many even equip a mini-hall at home, acquiring various sports equipment and doing it calmly, without leaving home. The first question that you have to decide for yourself, do you want to do it yourself or with ready-made video workouts?

Training on ready-made videos is convenient in that you do not need to “reinvent the wheel”, a lesson plan has already been drawn up for you, sometimes for several months in advance. Now there is such a huge selection of home programs that absolutely everyone can find the perfect workout for themselves. Regardless of your level of training, specific goals, availability of fitness equipment and initial data, you will have the opportunity to find the best option.

Self-training is good because you do not need to choose a program for yourself. You can always compose a lesson according to your abilities, focusing on your basic knowledge or information on the Internet. But this option is only suitable for those who are ready to choose exercises themselves, correctly regulate the load and train autonomously.

Step 2: choose a specific program

When choosing a program or set of exercises, always build on the following principles:

  • Choose a program and exercises based on your level of training, do not take training "for growth".
  • Do not be afraid to progress and gradually complicate classes.
  • Change programs periodically to avoid stagnation and increase the effectiveness of classes.
  • Use additional fitness equipment to diversify your workouts.
  • You can't train just one problem area»For weight loss, you need to train the whole body as a whole.

Step 3: buy fitness equipment

You can work out at home and without the use of additional equipment, but you simply need fitness equipment if you want to. effectively work on strengthening muscles,diversify classes, increase the intensity of training. It is not necessary to purchase heavy equipment (dumbbells and weights), you can buy compact fitness elastic bands, expanders or TRX loops, which do not take up much space and are very easy to take with you.

And don't forget to buy sports shoes:

Step 4: Plan Your Schedule

If you work out for an hour a day, you can train 3-4 times a week. If you work out for 20-30 minutes a day, then you can train 5-6 times a week. Of course, be guided by your individual capabilities, classes can be either more often or less often. If you take a set of workouts, then they usually offer ready schedule for 1-3 months.

Step 5: Pick a class time

In terms of efficiency, it does not matter what time of day you train. Again, it is better to focus on your individual biorhythms. Exercising in the morning will help you cheer up, but at this time the body has not yet woken up, so physical activity can be harder. Working out in the evening is more convenient for working people, but intense exercise at night can disrupt sleep. Choose optimal time days for classes can only be experienced.

Motivation and results tracking

It is impossible not to say about another important component of the process of losing weight - about motivation. Without setting a goal and tracking intermediate results, it will be very difficult to realize your intention. It is the attitude, self-confidence and at the same time a sound assessment of your own capabilities that will help you lose weight without problems.

Step 1: Record Your Results

First of all, fix your initial data: weigh yourself, measure volumes, take a photo in a swimsuit. Scales do not always give an objective characteristic, therefore, not only figures in kilograms are important, but also changes in the volume and quality of the body. Weigh yourself once a week, measure volumes and take photos twice a month. Do not do this more often, losing weight is not sprinting! If you like to weigh yourself every day, then it is better to leave this habit, since such daily control only demotivates.

Step 2: set a goal

In no case do not set yourself sky-high goals, and even more so specific tasks like “I want to lose 5 kg per month.” The body may have its own plans for losing weight, and its planned pace may not coincide with your desires. Instead, set yourself training, nutrition, or activity goals for fresh air. In other words, something that depends only on you and your motivation.

Step 3: be prepared for different periods in weight loss

Get ready for the fact that the weight will change abruptly. Usually in the first week there is an active weight loss - it goes away excess water from the body. Then the weight loss comes at a slower pace. Sometimes there can be a good minus, and sometimes an increase in weight. And this is absolutely normal! It doesn't mean that you are doing something wrong.

A good illustration of the process of losing weight is the graph below. As you can see, from the starting point of 57 kg to the end point of 53 kg, the weight moved in a zigzag pattern. At one point there was even a jump in weight up to 1.5 kg. But if we evaluate the picture as a whole, then the weight gradually decreased over 3.5 months. Please note, not 3.5 weeks, but 3.5 months! By the way, this is the question of how to lose weight by 10 kg in a month.

Step 4: tune in not just to lose weight, but to change your lifestyle

Many people think that you can go on a diet for 3-4 weeks, lose extra 5-10 kg and return to your previous lifestyle with excess food and low physical activity. And this is a very common mistake of losing weight. If you want to not just lose weight by a certain date, but keep the result achieved, then you will have to completely change your lifestyle.

Imagine if you were on a diet or in a slight calorie deficit and lost weight to your desired shape. What happens if you return to eating without restrictions (with a calorie surplus)? That's right, you will gain weight again. Therefore, do not look for easy ways, cleanse your diet of harmful, high-calorie, fatty foods. Not on a short time but for life if you want to keep your shape.

Step 5: Don't get too bigoted

Losing weight is really not an easy process that requires moral endurance and willpower from you over a long distance. However, we urge you to keep a cool head and not exhaust yourself with starvation diets and excessive physical activity, and also not focus only on the issue of losing weight. try to live full life, simply improving nutrition and adding comprehensive physical activity.

If weighing in the morning makes you feel intimidated, you avoid talking about food, and you constantly feel overwhelmed, then you may need to let go of the situation a little, stop blaming yourself for failures and reconsider your approach to losing weight.

It's simple step-by-step instruction how to lose weight at home will help you navigate and plan your route to getting rid of extra pounds. Remember that there is no “magic pill” that will make your figure perfect without effort and worries. For a quality result, you will need patience and a portion of effort.

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