The most powerful ancient love spells. Ancient Egyptian mysteries. Ancient love magic

The Old Believers or Rodovers date back to the period of the ancient Slavs. Then it was a huge tribe that spread not only in the territory modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but in the Balkans, in the Baltic states. They worshiped the ancient gods, made rich sacrifices to them in exchange for crops and Peaceful time. Not many people know Old Russian conspiracies. They formed the basis Slavic magic, and later began to be used by modern practitioners.

They have enormous power, because their power comes from nature, the spiritual connection between man and his ancestors.

If you are looking for strong protective, healing spells, as well as effective damage, then it is worth delving into the study of this magical tradition. For the Old Believers they had great importance, will help you. The memory of generations will help you perform a powerful natural ritual. Your life will change for the better, because you know how to control its course.

Religion of Ancient Rus'

Everyone knows that Ancient Rus' was pagan. There are many beautiful legends, stories about gods and heroes. Before the baptism of Rus', sacrifices were made, the Magi helped people choose right time for crops, construction, blessed them for exploits and battles. Women received help and relief during difficult childbirth; they had the support of the goddesses Lada and Mokosh. A lot of time has passed since then. A decision was made about the Baptism of Rus', the transition to the Orthodox faith.

Temples were destroyed, idols were burned, and traditions were forgotten. But that was only in public. For a very long time, paganism remained the main, most powerful religion of the Old Believers. They did not accept the new God and his faith. New idols were built in the forests, rituals were carried out secretly. In some places they were generally against worshiping the new God. The old rituals were carried out there, services were held in the name of Perun, Yarilo, Svarozhich. People did not want to forget their gods. There were a lot of such outbreaks in the East.

The Old Believers have preserved their traditions from much earlier times. The baptism of Rus' was aimed at eradicating paganism, but it was also divided into two camps. There are several generations of Slavic pagan gods. The first, the most ancient, begins with the thunderer Perun. Later, many centuries later, Yarilo came to his place - a wise, fair, very warlike god. This is where the split occurred. The Old Believers wanted to continue their rituals in honor of Perun, and fans of the new gods shouted with one voice that the future belonged to Yaril - the Sun, Light, Power.

Old Believers and worshipers of new gods

Even before arrival Orthodox faith Entire regions appeared that did not recognize the power of the New Gods. They did not want to attach the ancestral faith of their grandfathers. Mysticism played in their lives great value. The faith of the Old Believers was closely connected with magic and rituals. Most of the conspiracies that date back to the Slavic period came to us from the times of the Old Pagan Gods. This was the beginning of the great Slavic magic, which fed from a source of natural power:

  • The earth is a mother, a protector. She provided food, clothing, the opportunity to sow and harvest crops.
  • Water - there would be no harvest without water. A person cannot live without water; plants and animals need it every day. The Slavs settled along the rivers not only for the sake of their crops, but also thinking about protection. It is not easy to cross a stormy river, so on the one hand their cities were well protected.
  • Air is no less necessary than water.
  • Fire - warmth, light, protection from wild animals. With the help of fire, you can not only cook food and heat your home, but also create weapons. Even then the Slavs knew how to subjugate metal.

These four elements are pure nature for all Old Believers. She nourished their magic, giving the power of all elements at once. Rituals were performed that formed the basis of today's elemental and natural magic.

In those days the balance between black and white magic was much stronger

Another one important feature- Genus. The ancient Slavs even had a god named Rod, who sacredly guarded the connection between generations. All the power of the ancestors is behind the back of the one who honors the family history, knows the names of his great-grandfathers and follows their faith. Nature and the power of the family helped the mystics ancient Rus'. They received enormous power with the blessing of their ancestors. Their life was full of mysticism, rituals, conspiracies. Both white and black.

In those distant times, nature and fate were merciless to man. He had to use two types of magic at once in order to survive. The Old Believers had many enemies, but they also had friends. Their gods always stood nearby, reminding of themselves with thunder, rain, bright sun or fertile soil.

Old Gods and New Gods

There are several generations of gods. They transformed, because man’s idea of ​​the world and the forces of nature changed. The most ancient gods belong to the era of Animism. This means that a person saw the soul in everything:

  • forces of nature: rain, thunder, lightning, clear weather;
  • animals: ritual, totem animals for gods and goddesses, they served as victims or, on the contrary, were glorified;
  • nature: stones, trees;
  • change of seasons: the rise to power of one or another god was accompanied by a change in weather, temperature, and living conditions.

For the Old Believers there was nothing, no one without a soul. The whole world was created at the behest of the gods, which means that even the smallest stone on a dusty road contains a part of the divine touch.

The most ancient gods:

  • Perun - Thunderer, Father and Creator;
  • Mother is earth, sky, water and fire. Later Lada.

In addition to these gods, there were also children and grandchildren:

  • Horse is a god who personifies the Sun. Later, when Yarilo came to power in heaven, he united the power of Perun and Khors in himself;
  • Dazhdbog - commanded the rains, rivers, seas. He was asked about good rains for a bountiful harvest;
  • Semargl - conveyed the will of the gods to people. He was the messenger and voice of the highest deities;
  • Stribog is the lord of the winds;
  • Rod is the protector of the clan, family, home;
  • Svarozhich is the god of fire and blacksmithing. According to legend, he gave people fire and taught them how to forge iron.

Dazhdbog, Simargl, Stribog

These are male deities, but what about women? They had their own goddesses:

  • Makosh is a female goddess. She taught women to spin, sew, cook and keep the house clean. Later she the change will come Friday. She also taught women to create amulets, to protect the house from evil spirits;
  • Women in labor - provide assistance during pregnancy and childbirth. These goddesses keep a record of everyone born child, creating his own destiny;
  • Beregini - they are only half goddesses. This is a bird woman. A very kind character who always stood up for a woman, protected her from suffering, troubles, and misfortunes.

Everyone, young and old, believed in these gods. This tradition continues even after 1000 years.

The power of ancient conspiracies

Conspiracies were a part of everyday life. What did the Slavs protect themselves from?

Chernobog with his army of demons, devils, and watermen. They were the main enemies of humanity. In order for there to be peace in the house, children not to get sick, old people to live peacefully, and the harvest to be good, it was worth protecting yourself from the influence of the evil god. He was also revered, but his army could do a lot of harm with its cunning. All the black deeds of man only multiplied this army of evil.
Chernobog caused illness, damage, and could kill or cripple even the most skilled warrior with his will. But the worst thing is that he put bad thoughts into people:

  • to bewitch;
  • kill;
  • steal;
  • take away.

Then he no longer acted on his own, but with the help of other people. Against such black deeds, amulets and talismans were created that protected the will and soul of a person. Other conspiracies helped cure people of illnesses. This kind of magic was practiced by the Magi, but it was also common among ordinary residents. They knew how to use magic:

  • ward off diseases;
  • help in childbirth;
  • relieve fever;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • save children and adults from death.

All these rituals were accompanied by sacrifices. Today, few people make traditional sacrifices, but this tradition has survived. The gods will gladly accept from you homemade kvass, good beer, ritual fire, fresh flowers, animal blood. To do this, it is not necessary to kill a chicken or pig, as was done before. Today, fans of this tradition buy fresh meat, beef or pork heart. Such a sacrifice pleases the old gods. If you want to follow the ancient rituals exactly, you will have to slaughter a ritual animal.

Simple conspiracies

They do not need rituals at all; you can recite them every day for your protection or for your own benefit. It is best to have a small image (idol) of the deity you choose to worship. You need to make it yourself from clay, wood or stone. Such an idol helps to quickly appeal to God. These spells must be learned by heart; the gods do not like it when words are read on paper or from a computer screen. During rituals or conspiracies, it is generally better to be outside, closer to an open window. Nature will help you and give you the strength to carry out the conspiracy of the Old Believers.

A few simple spells for every day will help you get started with this amazing, interesting, ancient tradition.

Health spell

This Old Believers spell is suitable for children and adults. It can be pronounced on yourself or another person. So, use it when something hurts you, or your loved ones are sick. You need to put your hand on the person’s forehead and say:

“When I become blessed, I will go to blue sea, on the blue sea, the white-flammable stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr, the Goddess Jiva sits, holding in white hands white swan, plucks the white wing of a swan. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood, but from that wound came pure water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us!”

The pain quickly goes away, and the person falls asleep. This is the only side effect.

Conspiracy - request for protection

Ask for protection in difficult times - Slavic gods will not leave your request unanswered. Your entire family will come to your defense and support. It does not need to be used every day, but only when you are in danger. It's short, so remember it and teach it to your child.

Whatever happens, say:

“Father, you are Semargl the Fire God, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! Just as you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Help will come to you suddenly, but it will be exactly when you need it.

Conspiracy to have happiness in life

For happiness in life, this conspiracy is pronounced. It helps especially well if you have a “black streak”. No work, no money, bad relationship in family. This conspiracy will change everything, turn it upside down. You will have every chance of happiness. This is what you dream about today, the same thing the Slavs dreamed about many centuries ago. Text:

“Zarya-Zarenitsa, red maiden, mother and queen herself. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, sleeplessness. Zarya-Zarenitsa in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me (the name is spoken) and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

For success in any business

May all your endeavors be successful. Say quietly:

“Work, work, be it for me, God’s servant (name), to enjoy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Goy!

This short, simple spell is powerful. Your words will be heard. Do not do it very often, you may offend the gods with your desire for profit. It is best to choose the most important things; before you start, say this text 1-3 times. You will have the support you need.

Among the Old Believers, this ritual was carried out in the field, so it is better not to deviate from tradition.

An ancient ritual of the Forces of Nature

This ritual is suitable for strong conspiracies when you need to increase your personal power. On a windy day, go out into an open field, preferably all planted with rye, wheat, and corn.

  • You need to stand in the middle of the field and draw a circle around yourself with a new knife.
  • Light a fire in the north, place a container with rain or river water in the south.
  • East will correspond to the element of air.
  • In the west, collect fresh soil with your own hands and pour it into a pile.
  • Get on your knees and say:

“Perune! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over everyone, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

  • Ask God for strength to carry out your ritual. You need to address Perun respectfully, but without fear. God loves the brave, encourages them, and will always help them. And he doesn’t listen to those who fawn and complain.
  • In this circle, thank all the elemental elements for their presence.
  • Start carrying out your ritual and conspiracy. You now have the power of a great ancient god.

Very good sign the beginning of thunder and rain during a spontaneous ritual is considered. This means that Perun blessed you for the ritual and will help you in every possible way.

A spell to cure drunkenness

The big problem is drunkenness. To rid a person of it, you need to perform a ritual. Ask Perun and the forces of nature for help. When you have completed preparations for the ritual, place on the ground in a circle:

  • personal belongings of the patient;
  • a bottle of vodka;
  • three laurel leaves;
  • egg.

Calling on forces is a prerequisite for the ritual

Take a personal item and place three laurel leaves on it. They have magical property protection, give wisdom and clear the mind.

“White spirits, help (name) remember his previous life the way I remember it. Help him overcome the passion that is destroying himself, his entire family, his wife and children. Help me find new meaning life and start life from scratch. Let the good remain, let the bad go forever.”

  • Place a chicken egg on the ground with the pointed end down.
  • Now you need to pour the entire bottle of vodka on the ground onto the egg.
  • While you are pouring, say: just as fire water flows into the ground from an egg, so (name) is freed from its dependence and burden. Let it be so. Goy.

The personal item should be left there on the field, and the bottle and egg should be buried in different places. At the end of the spontaneous ritual, they usually thank the deity and the forces for their presence and release them. Only after this can you leave the circle and leave the field.

A conspiracy to protect against all evils

After the ritual, you need to lie on the ground and say loudly:

“Perun, Rod, Svarog, protect my house and the entrance to it, my body and the business in which I am engaged, from all those who oppose me, from all those who wish me harm, whose names I will tell you, and from whom I suffer without guilt. Protect me. Goy"

The earth will give you the necessary power of protection. She is a mother, an ancestress, a nurse. The earth will take away any troubles from you, and give you happiness. Don’t throw away the clothes you were wearing during the conspiracy, but keep them at home as a protective talisman.

Home protection

Take a candle and bring it to the place where you will perform the ritual. After calling on Perun, the forces of the elements, light a candle. You need to talk to her:

“My beloved home! I drive out anger, envy, discontent and quarrels! May love, peace, joy and tranquility reign within these walls!”

  • Bring the candle home and light it.
  • Enclose all corners.
  • Light up the corners, jambs, and window frames with it.
  • This way your home will be reliably protected from any adversity and troubles.

Conspiracy from envious people

A conspiracy will help against envious people and evil tongues:

“From a bad hour, from a bad time, from a girl’s, from a youth’s, from a night, midnight, from a day, midday, from an hour, half an hour, from gray eye, from the yellow eye, from the black eye, which jokes and dries this person. He did not flatter you, he did not do evil to you, take all ailments out of the whole white body and from the violent head. And if you don’t stop joking and drying out this man, I’ll go and pray to my family, I’ll bow to the Sun, I’ll bow to God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to Kryshen, they will send threatening clouds on you, they’ll beat you with thunder, they’ll burn you with lightning, they’ll pierce the earth through the ashes of Mother Cheese. . Oh, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, could you have saved God, help us to dissuade us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour.”

If you know a person who spreads gossip about you and has conversations, then imagine him during the ritual. He will stop very soon, and if he starts again, the gods will punish him.

Dark magic of the Old Believers

In addition to protective and healing magic, there is another side. This is the dark magic of the Old Believers. This includes damage, curses, love spells and a variety of destructive spells. They came from Chernobog himself, who also sought to help people by teaching them to control the souls of others. Anyone who dares to pronounce these conspiracies will be able to repair their love, defeat the enemy, or take revenge for an insult. Traditionally it was believed that this great sin, but they were still used.

If you lose something valuable or get seriously cut after the spell, then your debt to Chernobog is paid.

There is no such person whom Chernobog could not convert to his faith. He tempts his soul with power, but always takes his toll. The sacrifice for him is not determined, because this ruler of the underworld, the lord of darkness, chooses his own victim.

The stronger the impact, the more valuable the sacrifice for it will be. Get ready with with an open soul sacrifice something dear to make an impact. These are the rules, they were the same in the times of the ancient Slavs, and they remain the same today. The power of this magic is in following traditions, because this is how it managed to survive even after 1000 years.

Love spell for a guy

Love spells and sugar spells belong to dark magic. They may sound quite harmless, but they are not. In fact, any love spell or sexual attraction is coercion. You destroy a person’s defenses, you subjugate his will.

To bewitch a guy, you need to go to where the birch trees grow. Tie three red ribbons onto the birch tree, tightly. The knots can be moistened with water to prevent them from coming undone. Tell:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send me love and happiness!
How birds build nests in pairs,
That’s how I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Tighten the knots tighter. Go away, don't look back. Now the first news from your loved one will come in 3 days.

Bewitch any person

To bewitch a guy or a girl is a strong spell. You need to cut your hand a little. Cut so that there is blood. Go to the guy or girl's house. Shake this blood off the ground, looking to the South near the house of your beloved person. Tell:

“I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
Help my misfortune, weave a dear one into my destiny.
He will love me, he will be dear to me.
I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
Like the branches of a birch tree and an oak tree intertwined,
So a betrothed one appeared in my life.”

Now he won't get away from you. The feet of your loved one or your beloved will be brought to you.

Return of an ancient tradition

Today you can be anyone, which means if you want to profess the religion of the ancient Slavs, Old Believers, then all the cards are in your hands. There is a lot of literature on this topic, forums, communities. You choose the path yourself:

  • join the community of Old Believers, perform rituals together, exchange experiences;
  • go your own way into the depths ancient magic.

All doors are open to you. Today you won’t surprise anyone with your interests, so you can easily get busy doing what you love. There are many workshops where amulets and ritual attributes are made in strict accordance with tradition. Buy everything you need there or make it yourself.

Followers of the Old Believer tradition recommend spending more time in nature. Make fires, swim in rivers, meet the winds, breathe deeply. This will help you be closer to nature and restore the balance of power. It is your choice to follow white magic or black magic. Anyway, this is strong spells, proven rituals, the result you need. Your world will change if you start these practices.

In ancient times, the Slavs had their own gods, including Rod, the guardian of the connection between generations. Thanks to the power of nature and the blessings of the ancestors, the lives of the ancients were filled with all kinds of magic. They performed mystical rituals and ceremonies, read conspiracies, firmly believing in the help of the gods and in their fulfillment. And we have been inherited ancient conspiracies and spells that work.

Ancient folk conspiracies that have stood the test of time

Ancient magic covered all spheres of life. With her help, matters of the heart and merchant issues were resolved. They called on the power of nature for a bountiful harvest and to protect home and family. With the help of herbs and spells, they treated various ailments and provided protection from enemies.

Folk conspiracies and rituals are the witchcraft rituals of the ancients, which for centuries helped our ancestors and still continue to help, but now to us.

Even before the advent of one God and the Orthodox faith into the world, many communities appeared that were against the adoption of a new way of life and remained faithful to their faith. That's why they were called Old Believers. The Old Believers were closely associated with magic and mystical rituals, using natural forces:

  • The earth is a protective mother who provided food, clothing and helped in sowing and harvesting;
  • Fire is a source of heat and light. With its help it was possible to heat the home and prepare food. Protection from wild animals and with its help they made weapons;
  • Water is moisture without which life on earth is not possible.
  • Air is needed no less than water.

These elements are the main components for the magic of the Old Believers. The magic of the ancients was filled with the power of all four elements at once, which formed the basis modern practice. Therefore, ancient conspiracies are very strong and effective.

For a cure

One of the most powerful is considered to be an ancient conspiracy, the magical actions of which are aimed at treating a disease or illness.

In ancient magic, there are rituals that are aimed at improving well-being and general restoration of the body - they are considered universal. There are targeted rituals that can cure a specific disease.

There are ancient spells aimed at treating childhood ailments. Not only witches and sorcerers healed with them, but any mother knew them by heart.

In rituals for health, especially if it concerns a child, it is important to pronounce the words correctly, because all the power of the spell lies in them. It is very important to believe in what you read; faith is the basis of recovery.

Positivity and self-confidence, as well as purity of thoughts and the absence of negativity, are another important component of the ritual. Only with a pure soul and an open heart can one bring relief and recovery to a sick person.

From blood loss

That's old Slavic conspiracies which will help with bleeding.

If there is a wound on a person’s skin from which blood is flowing, and there are no means at hand to stop it, pinch the wound with your finger and read the spell. You need to read it three times and not be distracted by anything.

“The earth be strong, the grass fight, and (name) stop bleeding. Just as Mother Earth heals and smoothes out her wounds, so let (name)’s wound heal. Let it be so".

Another conspiracy:

“Just as the leaves of a birch tree dry up and fall off in the fall, so let (name) the wound dry up and the disease fall off. My word is strong. Amen".

From drunkenness

It is better to carry out the ritual on the birthday of a person who suffers from alcoholism. But there are times when urgent help is needed, for this you need a glass from which the person on whom the spell will be cast drank. The glass should be washed used, not washed. At dawn, before the sun rises, pour a little alcohol into a glass and pour it on the threshold with the following words:

“You’re wearing an intoxicating potion, little devil brother. From (name of the patient) payment. He should never drink again, but walk healthy and sober.”

Ancient rituals for prosperity and prosperity

If your family has financial problems or dark clouds suddenly appear on the horizon of family happiness, then you should read ancient conspiracies. Which helped restore prosperity and well-being before and will help now.

Spells for wealth and well-being are different, aimed at attracting money, for example. After performing such a ritual, a person could easily find a coin on the ground.

Folk ritual for wealth

To carry out this ceremony, you will need to buy apples (12 pieces) at the market. There is no need to take change from the seller. So, prepare an approximate amount in advance.

The ritual is carried out over three days. On the first day, take all the apples with you, but give away only half. When you meet a beggar, give every second apple. Bring the second half in the amount of six pieces home. The next day, repeat everything the same as the first. On the third day, take the three apples that remained from the second day to the church and place them on the funeral table, while saying the following words:

“I remember my poverty, I read for its repose. Please, good people, remember my poverty (name) and read for her repose. May wealth and money be with me now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

So that big money comes to the family

A conspiracy is made for five rubles and five kopecks.

“Let big money come into the house and bring good luck with it. Amen"

Ancient love spells

This spell is read for food and drink.

“Face your husband, back to your rival. Let him love only me and not be loved. Let him look only at me and not see enough. Let him speak only to me, but not talk too much. Let him kiss only me and not kiss me. Just as a hungry man suffers for food, so let my husband yearn for me. Let my words be a vow. Key. Lock. Water. Let it be so."

A powerful ritual for love

They perform the ritual over burning wood. Open the stove door and say:

“Dym Dymovich, help me, don’t fall on the ground, don’t look at the water. Fall on (name) on his callous heart. As smoke curls in a furnace, so let (name) curl around me. My words are strong and sticky. Let it be".

Attract a girl

If you want to get attention from a girl you really like, when you see her, read the following in a whisper:

“God the Father created woman for man. I want this girl, I love this girl and am attracted to her. Amen".

Ancient conspiracies were used by our ancestors to achieve various goals. The texts of most of them were written in Latin and have not reached our days in their former volume. But on this moment magicians use adapted translations of ancient spells and use them in rituals.

In the article:

Ancient spells and prayers often helped girls attract a loved one to themselves. If it was not possible to win the heart of a young man in any other way, then women resorted to witchcraft and there were quite simple rituals, consisting of one prayer, which was read early in the morning. For example:

Lord help, Lord bless, Lord, sprinkle the servant of God (his name) with holy water! Daughters of Herod, stand up and present yourself, shake off from your curls, from your elbows, from your rings the dense maiden fever, the bright and burning love. Shake his heart, shake his blood, drive love into his body with fever. In order to sleep he did not sleep, he suffered for a day per diem for me, for God's servant(your name). Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Similar prayers were addressed to the forces of nature. For example, quite often girls turned to the winds with prayers:

A little wind, a little whirlwind, where are you going... To the Sayan Mountains? Don't go to the mountains, but go where I send you. Come to the servant of God (baptized by the name of your loved one, and if not baptized, then to the unbaptized.) Cut the white body, take out the heart and liver, put in melancholy, I feel the melancholy, the pain is unbearable, so that he will cry and suffer, for the servant of God baptized (her name). So that he doesn’t eat away his melancholy with food, doesn’t wash it down with wine, doesn’t fall asleep, but keeps thinking about me. My words are strong molded. This hour, by God's command... Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy with fire for eternal love

Women were not always limited. If a sorceress needed to bind a man to her forever, then she performed one common ritual. During the ritual, the witch called on the element of fire for help. She is considered one of the most powerful and capable of kindling the flame of love in the heart of any mortal.

For the ritual, a candle made of wax was taken, set on fire and brought close to the face. In the flame, the witch imagined herself together with her lover, transferred all her thoughts and desires to real world. After which the text of the conspiracy was read three times:

I lit a fire in the silence of the night, great spirits of light, helping love, averting attacks, you will hear my voice calling to you. Do not extinguish the fire I lit, it was lit with a pure heart and thought. I didn’t set my sights on someone else’s husband, I didn’t touch someone else’s groom, but I lit a fire for the sake of my beloved, who was promised by fate to be my husband.
I pray to you, bright spirits, to give the fire your strength, good strength, love that protects from misfortune. Douse your dear heart with heat and scorch it with my love, warm it with a hot flame, melt the frozen piece of ice and his warmed heart will turn into love for me. Save my beloved with your heart full of love.

The ritual was carried out only on the full moon from 12 to 3 am. This period is the most favorable for carrying out such rituals. When the words of the conspiracy were spoken, the candle was extinguished, and the witch could go to bed. The effect of the love spell was very strong, and the effect appeared within a few days.

At all times, there were men who were accused of infidelity, but the wives did not want to remain lonely and in every way returned their beloved men to the family. A simple and effective ritual has survived to this day that will help you get your spouse back. You will need:

  • pin;
  • black candle.

Pin Black candle

An important condition is that the pin must be purchased only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. When all the attributes are ready, the sorceress can only wait until evening and begin the ritual. To do this, light a candle and place a pin next to it. Bend over the attributes and say the text so that your breath glides over the pin. Say 6 times:

I will get up, without praying, without blessing, I will not leave the hut by doors, I will not leave the yard by gates, I will go out by a black window, I will walk through a dark forest, there are stumps and roots, there is dirt and discord. In that forest there is a clearing with a cat and a dog in it, they bark and swear, and (name) and (name) will bark and swear, spit and fight and hate each other forever. My word is strong, my word is moldable, so be it.

When the pin is spoken, it must be pinned imperceptibly onto the spouse’s clothes with the left hand. The result of the ritual will not take long to arrive.

The ancients were often used in . One conspiracy has survived to our times, the appearance of which dates back to the 10th century. It was intended to stop bleeding in the wounded. The original text reads like this:

Christus et sanctus Johannes ambelans ad flumen Jordane, dixit Christus ad sancto Johanne ‘restans flumen Jordane’. Commode restans flumen Jordane: sic restet vena ista in homine isto.

In the adapted translation, the following version most often appears:

“When Christ and Saint John entered the Jordan, Jesus said to Saint John: “The Jordan River has risen.” Just as the Jordan River has risen, let this man’s blood stop.”

Some use conspiracies and.

Ancient conspiracies and spells can help you not only attract love into your life, but also... There is one ancient ritual with which you can attract abundance into your home. It is held on the waxing moon. Before you begin the ritual, you need to carefully prepare.

1. If the sorcerer decides to perform this ritual, then three days before it must be observed strict fast . On the day of using witchcraft, you need to very carefully clean the apartment, throw away trash and old, unnecessary things. They will interfere with raising money.

After you do general cleaning, it is important to cleanse yourself well. To do this, take a bath and a contrast shower. In order for the ritual to work, you need to put yourself in proper shape.

If you have long hair, then release them. Collected braids will interfere with the exchange of energy. Remove any jewelry and wear pastel colored clothing. When performing the ritual, you cannot wear shoes; it is best to be barefoot. Before starting the ceremony, open the window wide.

2. To conduct a ritual to attract money, arm yourself with the following attributes:

  • long green cotton thread (not shorter than 1 m);
  • cloves (spice) 9 pcs.;
  • green candle;
  • matches;
  • new white tablecloth.

new white tablecloth
long green cotton thread cloves (spice) green candle matches

3. Conducting the ceremony. A new white tablecloth should be laid on the table (no one should use it before). Sit down at the table and relax. Clear your thoughts as much as possible and focus only on your desire to attract money to your home.

When you feel that the energy is beginning to overwhelm you, take a thread and tie 9 carnation buds to it. Each bud should be at the same distance from one another. Take the thread from both sides and say the text three times:

Ladder of nine knots, I created you so that the wealth I want can be mine. So that I can climb you to prosperity. This is my will, so be it!

Fill the attribute with all your thirst and faith that the spell will work. After this, hold the candle in your palm and slowly wind the thread around it. Using matches, light the wick and place the light source in front of you.

Imagine that it is divided into 9 identical pieces. On the first day of the ceremony, one part of the candle should burn out. Repeat the ritual for all 9 days until the candle burns out completely. It is forbidden to tell anyone that you are performing this ritual.. Better time to perform the ceremony - 12 noon or night.

How to protect yourself with witchcraft?

Ancient spells can be used for your own. Moreover, there are separate rituals designed to create an energy barrier that will not allow other magicians to harm you, and those with the help of which you can inflict damage on the offender (most often they use ancient spells in Latin).

Old Slavic magic

In order to defend yourself from enemies with the help of Old Slavic magic, take a wax candle. This spell can be cast not only on candles, but also on other objects. It could be:

  • wine;
  • food;
  • jewelry (only if you wear it on yourself all the time).


To install protection, you just need to light a candle (or pick up the desired object) and say the following words:

Lord, protect my house and the entrance to it, my body and the work in which I am engaged, from all those who oppose me, from all those who wish me harm, whose names I will tell you, and from whom I suffer without guilt. Protect me. Amen.

If you used a candle during the ritual, then let it burn out. If it was wine, it must be drunk, food must be eaten, and jewelry must always be worn.

Ritual with a knife

This text was used to charm weapons. Therefore, a knife or any other sharp object is best. It should always be kept in your home. As long as it is safe, no one will be able to damage your home. Hold the object chosen for witchcraft in your palm and say three times:

Just as an unbeliever will fear the Supreme Court of God, so my enemy (name) will fear me. My word and faith will defeat the evil desired by my enemy. Let it be so! Amen.

How to take revenge on an offender using spells?

This ritual is performed if you realize that it is on you. This ritual is very complex, ancient, and some of the spells are read not in an adapted translation, but in the original - in Latin. IN lately conspiracies appeared in and in Russian.

Remember that with such rituals you need to be extremely careful and do everything clearly and according to the instructions. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable. The ceremony should be performed outdoors, preferably in a vacant lot. You will need:

  • heart of a medium-sized animal;
  • 9 hawthorn thorns (they can be replaced with nails);
  • 1 large nail.

big nail
animal heart 9 hawthorn thorns

Ancient conspiracies from time immemorial have incredible strength impact on any energy field, which can be learned in detail from the material in this article.

Ancient witch spells for money and luck

So, in order to attract money and good luck, you need to perform an ancient witch ritual on an egg. To do this, you need to take an egg with “living” energy and hold it in your hands with the tip pointing up, saturating it with thoughts and desires. After this, you need to read, looking at the egg, the words of the conspiracy:

“I will go out from doors by doors, from gates by gates,
Away from your home, away from your city,
Let me go seek my happiness along unknown paths,
Winding paths on all four sides,
I'll go without looking back. My hidden happiness awaits me
Deep and strong - not to be found. Not in a strong chest,
Not in a secret hiding place, not behind pound doors
My happiness is hidden, but it will be found behind a thin shell
I can find my happiness in a chicken egg and not break it,
Don’t split it, don’t lose it along the way, and don’t give it to anyone.
The chicken can lay eggs and raise chickens, but I can live in wealth.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

At the end of reading the ancient conspiracy, the egg must be wrapped in black cloth and hidden in a secret place where no one will find it. A year later, you need to take out the enchanted egg and bury it in the ground. Immediately after this, wealth and luck will follow on your heels.

Ancient spells and rituals for love, prayers for finding a job

One of the most effective and powerful conspiracies is considered to be an ancient love conspiracy, which is done using fire. You need to perform such a ritual only on the full moon in the period from 12 to 3 am. To do this, you need to take a wax candle and bring it to your face. Direct your gaze into the blazing fire and imagine yourself together with your loved one, after which you need to read the words of the conspiracy without taking your eyes off the fire:

“I lit a fire in the silence of the night, great spirits of light, helping love, averting attacks, you will hear my voice calling to you. Do not extinguish the fire I lit, it was lit with a pure heart and thought. I didn’t set my sights on someone else’s husband, I didn’t touch someone else’s groom, but I lit a fire for the sake of my beloved, who was promised by fate to be my husband. I pray to you, bright spirits, to give the fire your strength, good strength, love that protects from misfortune. Douse your dear heart with heat and scorch it with my love, warm it with a hot flame, melt the frozen piece of ice and his warmed heart will turn into love for me. Save my beloved with a heart full of love.” After this, you should put out the candle and go to bed.

In order for good luck to accompany you in finding a good and profitable job, you need to be baptized and read the “Our Father” before starting your job search. After this, collect your thoughts and say the words of the prayer:

“I’m leaving in Our Lady’s shirt,
May the vapors of my God overshadow me,
Four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they preserve me from man and woman,
From lead, from iron, from steel,
So that they can't hurt me,
Neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace to my God!”

At the end of reading the prayer, you will need to clean sheet of paper paper write the words:
“It really exists, it exists in reality, it exists in the word, in God, everywhere!” The piece of paper should be put in your pocket and you can safely go looking for a job.

Ancient conspiracies are very powerful and the spell of Genghis Khan

An ancient very powerful conspiracy is considered an Old Slavonic conspiracy, which is read for health from dashing illnesses and various misfortunes. The words of the prayer are read quietly for seven days, under no circumstances skipping a single day. The words of the spell are:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (name), put him under a stone and lock him up. He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever. My words are strong, only those who chew a stone with their teeth can overcome them. Let it be so!"

A prayer for good luck is also considered a strong conspiracy. It should also be read for seven days in a row at dawn; if after seven days things do not improve, then the ritual should be repeated after 14 days. The words of the prayer are:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Most Pure Mother! Don’t leave us, don’t leave us without happiness and love! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you! So be it, so be it, so be it, while the Yarilo sun shines on us!”

To carry out the spell of Genghis Khan himself, complete solitude and concentration are required. It is unimaginably strong and effective, and therefore must be done in complete harmony with your thoughts and desires. Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to cleanse yourself by washing with spring water. There is no need to wipe off the water; it should dry on its own on your face and hands. After this, you need to light candles to call upon the good spirits of nature for help and drive out the evil ones, and read the words:

“Aba Ami Ariun Dallaga, Khurai, Khurai, Khurai!
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar
Ahmad-o-Lillih Rabil Amiin
Vadu ya Slim Sallam
Sabhan Allah
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar.

After this, quickly put out the candle and remain in a certain state of meditation for a few more minutes.

Ancient conspiracies and spells for enemies to make them feel bad

For ancient ritual With which you can punish your enemies and return to them all the bad things they have done, you need to take two needles: one small, and the second large and long, and insert the smaller one into the big one’s eye. Tie the place where they connect with black thread and read the words of the conspiracy over them:

“My needle is short, but yours is long, my deed is good, and yours is evil. I pierce your perfect evil now and at that moment I return to you everything that was intended for me, everything that was directed at me, get everything mine back at this moment and forever. Amen".

After the needles are charmed, you need to go to the offender’s house and stick the larger needle into the enemy’s doorframe so that the tip of the small needle points to the right. There you should say the words of the conspiracy again. Then turn around and go home without looking back.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells that work

The ancient Slavic conspiracy against damage and the evil eye must be carried out at dawn, going out into the street and turning your gaze to the sky, saying three times:
“In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of our ancestors is pure,
Heavenly Power!
Amulets, save
Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name)
From every evil eye, from bad times,
From feminine, from masculine,
From children's, from others,
From joyful, from hateful,
From slander, from negotiation!
So be it! Goy!

For well-being and protection, the ancient Slavs used a conspiracy - an appeal to mother earth. For such a ritual, you need to go out into the field to bow to the ground and light a candle and say the following words:
“Mother of Cheese is Earth!
I was born from you, my body is made of you,
You carry me
You feed me
You will take me back after death.
Mother of Cheese - Earth!
Protect me, your child,
Guide Lada's path!
May my deeds be for your glory!
I bow to you! Goy-Ma! The words of the conspiracy must be read three times and bowed three times after each reading.

Ancient conspiracies for Christmastide, Maundy Thursday, full moon

One of the most powerful Christmastide conspiracies is carried out on Vasily’s Day. To perform such a ritual, you need to purchase three candles from the church, light them and go to the threshold of the house, reading the following words above them:

“Happiness is in the palace - all troubles, misfortune are out the door. Whoever intends evil will be returned threefold; whoever wants to jinx it, trouble will befall him. And the Lord will protect this house, Saint Basil will look after it. Amen".

After the words are spoken near the threshold, the same will need to be done near each corner in the house. At the end of the ceremony, the candles need to be wrapped in white fabric and hide it in a secluded place.

One of the effective ancient conspiracies on Maundy Thursday the attraction of good luck, happiness, prosperity and profit is considered to be a conspiracy that is done on the surface. To carry out such a ritual, you need to wake up at sunrise on Maundy Thursday, draw the purest water from the spring and speak it with these words:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all Orthodox people glorify Easter, so people would glorify me, both young and old, so that the servant of God (name) would be held in high esteem by his superiors, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Immediately after this you need to cross yourself and wash yourself with the enchanted water. An ancient ritual for protection from the evil eye and damage is performed at night full moon. For this ritual, you need to light a red candle, sit by the window and pour a pinch of salt on a handkerchief. Moonlight should fall on the person who performs such a ritual. Having fixed your gaze on the salts, you should say the following words of the conspiracy:

“From distance to distance, a river flows, wide and deep, going around the surroundings, wrapping around me, protecting me from the witch’s and witch’s eyes, from any spell, from love spells, about love spells and slander!”

At the end of such a conspiracy, the salt must be wrapped in a scarf and stored where no one will find it. In the morning, this handkerchief with salt should be placed in a bag or in a clothing pocket; in short, it should always be nearby.

Ancient spells, prayers, whispers from fullness

In order to carry out ancient conspiracy from completeness, you need to light a red candle and at sunset during the waning moon read the words in a whisper:
“In the black-blue sea, hunger is constipated.
Don't let hunger out,
The servant of God (name) may not know.
Insomnia-hunger, calm down.
Dissolve into all directions of the world.
My eyes, sleep, don’t bother your soul.
Just as there is no night, so I don’t know grief.
Sleep your eyes, don't break your body.
He said his word and tied it with a knot.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Some ancient healing spells

To stop bleeding:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

It is not I who speak, the true Christ speaks

and Mother herself Holy Mother of God!

A horse goes, an old man goes;

an old woman walks, leads an old dog;

the dog fell, the servant of God (name of the rivers)

(or the servant of God, the name of the rivers) all the ache fell behind

and hot blood rose forever and ever!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I will get up and be blessed, I will lie down, cross myself, and lie down in an open field, in a green field; I will get up, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, into an open field, into the green seaside, I will look at the eastern side: from the right, from the eastern side, three corvids, three brothers are flying, three eolotes are carrying keys, three gold locks; they locked, they closed waters and rivers, and blue seas, springs and springs; they locked, they locked up the bloody wounds, the flammable blood; just as rain does not fall from the blue sky, so the servant of God (name of the rivers) would not bleed!

On the sea on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan there lies a white flammable stone; on this stone there is a hut built, there is a throne table; on this table sits a beautiful maiden, this is not a maiden, but the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos; she sews, embroiders with a golden needle and silk thread; thread, break, blood, bake, so as not to cause blood and not to hurt your body!

To this matter, amen, amen, amen.

From distant, distant lands, from distant distant from distant people, a red girl came out, took out a needle with a silk thread and sewed up the bloody wound of the servant of God (name of the rivers); so that you don’t hurt that bloody wound, blood, ore, from now on and forever and ever! Amen.

A good hernia plot

I will get up, blessing myself, and cross myself, I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field.

A honey river flows in an open field, the banks are golden; a fish swims along this river, and its name is pike: its teeth are iron, its cheeks are copper, its eyes are tin; and the melting pike, with iron teeth, copper cheeks, and pewter eyes, gnaws, bites and smoothes out the collateral hernia, the keel hernia and the water hernia, the umbilical hernia, the vein hernia, the blood hernia of the servant of God (the name of the rivers) from their homelands to the first baini, from the first baini and to the last bain and to the imminent death, child and relative, and every dashing gnawing and illness! It is sung and enchanted by the servant of God (the name of the rivers) forever and ever! Amen.

Whatever the master didn’t finish teaching or didn’t say himself, then everyone will do it in advance. Be my words strong and firm, the key and the lock forever and ever!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Note: Baya (i)t - to speak, tell, tale - a fairy tale, bayun (bayukon) - talker, storyteller, talker, joke, lull (baikat) - rock a child to a song, charm, (bewitch, charm) - seduce, enchant, old man, obavnik (charmer) – sorcerer, caster of charm 2); illir. bajanie - conspiracy, sorcery, song, poetic fiction, bajan - sorcerer, sorcerer; Polish bajac - tell tales, bajacz (bajarz) - storyteller, baja - fairy tale, bajeez well - fabulous; Czech bag, bagar, bagec – storyteller, bageni – fable, speech; Serb. bajati - to conjure, bajach - sorcerer, bajalitsa - witch, bajaibe - magic. These expressions also explain the “boyan” of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” - a singer, a sorcerer. From the verb “bayat” comes baliy, a word explained in the “Azbukovnik”: “enchanter, sorceress”, and in the Freisingen manuscript used in the meaning of a doctor; Balstvo - divination (Afanasyev).

Lord God, bless!

I, the servant of God (name of the rivers), will become blessed,

I will cross myself from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates,

I will go to an open field; there is an Okiyan-Sea in the open field,

and there is a white stone on the Okiyan-Sea, and there is under a white stone

golden pike - and golden feathers, and golden bones,

and gold teeth; and come, pike, to the servant of God (name of the rivers),

and gnaw from the servant of God (the name of the rivers) with your golden teeth

varicella hernia, ruptured hernia,

vein hernia, bone hernia,

mastitis hernia, red hernia,

wet hernia, hernia from father, hernia from mother,

everything that happens; and go down, hernia, to the belt,

and go out with urine and tricks on the ancient stone,

and live three hours a day,

and go, hernia, off the rocks

to an empty place, to a dark place where the sun does not warm,

where people don’t walk or visit, where birds don’t fly,

where animals do not enter; and go, hernia, beyond the fast rivers,

and go, hernia, beyond the rattling streams,

and when Christ's second coming,

turn back, hernia!

Amen to those words forever and ever!

In an open field there is a damp oak tree, and in that damp oak tree there is an iron man, and that iron man cannot be given water and food, neither bread, nor salt, nor any vegetables, but to feed that iron man from a living man: from the heart with a hernia, from under the breasts a hernia, a hernia from the navel; besides, there is a white stone in the blue sea-ocean, and that’s why white stone a red maiden comes out and comes to that servant of God (the name of the rivers), and takes out a hernia from that servant of God from the navel, a hernia from the heart, a hernia from under the navel, and puts it on a silk ribbon, and takes it to the damp oak, to the iron husband; and that iron man eats and devours a hernia from that servant of God, a hernia from under his breasts, a hernia from his navel, and with this the iron man remains full!

Just as an old nanny didn’t have to stitch up her children, so the slave (name of the rivers) didn’t have a hernia!

For viscera (tumor of the abdomen). It is read thirty times in the bathhouse, and the patient is hovered with a broom the same number of times. Then the broom is thrown into the field to the west.

I will become a servant of God (name of rivers),

dissuade the servant of God (name of rivers),

interior interiority, come out from the servant of God (name of the rivers),

from his white body, from his belly;

go out into the open field, where there is emptiness;

there are oak tables, bran tablecloths,

honey drinks, sugar dishes; you were invited to visit!

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