Family horoscope for March Aquarius

In general, the life of Aquarius in March 2017 will be devoid of major unrest and shocks. Two powerful planets (Saturn and Mercury) will volunteer to protect you at once. True, not everything is as smooth as you would like, because among the heavenly leaders you will find dangerous ill-wishers (including Mars and Venus).

Why will you cause the Martian wrath, and how will the representatives of your sign make Venus so angry? Everything is simple! These planets will want to "play pranks" a little, confuse your life path, deprive you of confidence in the correctness of your actions, and so on and so forth (we are talking about everything that deprives a person of the ability to think logically). Only the most reasonable, calm representatives of your sign will be able to resist the tricks of Mars and Venus. Here they will definitely be able to choose the right path of life and with both hands to collect gifts generously sent by the patronizing planets.

The main gift for you, dear Aquarius, is Mercury. This planet will decide that you have waited too long for material success to come to you, but Mercury is not so simple as to hand this long-awaited material success right into your hands! First, he will ask you to solve some difficult puzzle (remember the choice of the path you have to go in March 2017?). So. If you correctly determine the route, Mercury will reward you with financial prosperity and other benefits.

Saturn is not capable of such tricks, but he will not rush to hand you the “super prize” right into your hands. To begin with, Saturn will decide to check whether you have the traits characteristic of a winner. If you fully show your calmness, wisdom and prudence in March, you have every chance to receive a gift from Saturn.

Aquarians in March 2017 expect dramatic changes, even if they themselves avoid any changes at work or in their personal lives.

Ordinary activity or some thoughtlessness should be replaced by cold calculation. Perhaps your previous life position has been the cause of the current unsettled events.

Do not give in to panic and despair, even if you do not know what to do. Calmly consider your next steps and try to find positive aspects in the formed situation.

Before that, you were too attached to your familiar workplace, or you valued relationships that have not brought pleasure to either you or your partner for a long time. In any case, the changes will be useful for you.

However, in March you should consider all your further actions in order to avoid repeated mistakes. Try to find the benefit in everything.

If earlier Aquarius sacrificed his interests in favor of others, now is the time to think about personal well-being.

Stop letting others use you. This applies to both work and personal relationships.

Family life and personal relationships of Aquarius in March 2017

Aquarians can be overwhelmed by emotions associated with personal experiences:

  • you are trying your best to win a loved one;
  • you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of his interests;
  • rush into the pool with your head, without thinking about the consequences;
  • forget about your own interests.

But you should consider whether this relationship is worth such sacrifices on your part.

Remember the proven truth that if you don't love yourself, others won't love you either. Aquarius himself deserves to be carried by a partner in his arms.

Take a break from these experiences, and everything will be decided by itself. Aquarians are prone to rash acts, but now it is better to refrain from them. March 2017 is not the best period for stormy relationship and thrilling novels. Even time-tested relationships can bring unpleasant surprises. You should not put them in a priority, take care of work, children, repairs ... Anything, but not self-flagellation about failures in your personal life.

You are surrounded by interesting and pleasant people. Spend more time talking to them. But Aquarius should remember that no one is obliged to support them one hundred percent in all endeavors. Stop dividing the world around you into black and white.

This month, a lot will depend on Aquarius. You will be required to fulfill all job responsibilities assigned to you. If this is the case, career success is expected, the authorities will appreciate your efforts. In the future, this will have a positive impact on wages.

If you decide that many duties can be avoided, they will still haunt you throughout the month. This will take you a lot of time and effort.

March is the month when you should try to devote yourself to rest with a clear conscience.

Do not be upset if you have to perform some of the duties of your colleagues yourself. Soon this situation will change in your favor. But don't forget to show yourself off better side in front of the boss.

Now your leadership abilities can have a positive impact on further career advancement.

Try not to fall for the tricks of colleagues, some of them may be unhappy with your activity, and as a result, they will spread gossip about you.

For Aquarius, the main thing is to be self-confident and conscientiously fulfill their duties. There will always be ill-wishers, do not take them too painfully. The same can be said about temporary difficulties at work. If you wish, you can easily deal with them.

Sometimes you exaggerate everyday problems, it takes a lot of strength and energy from you.

The financial situation will be stable for Aquarius. Perhaps you will make a long-awaited purchase. Try to rely only on yourself during this period. Avoid dubious projects, do not run to earn more than usual, March is not the best period for this.

Aquarius health in March 2017

Now Aquarians should pay more attention to their health than usual. Listen to your condition and the recommendations of doctors, do not ignore their instructions.

Possible heart problems and blood clots. Be careful during sports and team games. Ankle fractures and other lower extremity injuries are possible.

If earlier you forgot about maintaining strength and normal psychological state, it's time to drink a course of vitamins, pay attention to your diet, do yoga for complacency. For Aquarius, this month there is a possibility of a depressive state, which you are prone to in the spring. Do not give in to weaknesses, spend more time on the street, get enough sleep.

You will have an amazing opportunity to show your talents and find a destiny. It is only necessary to draw up a plan of action, and not rely on luck. Free representatives of the sign, if they do not meet their soul mate, they will acquire true friend and families are not threatened by any life storms.

You should not constantly doubt yourself, others and the correctness of the choice. As soon as you let go of the situation, the course of events will lead you to the desired result. In the second half of the month you will bathe in the rays of attention, so it is important not to get drunk from an overabundance of feelings. Friends like to spend time with you, but there is a person in their circle who is especially eager to communicate.

A workplace romance is not ruled out, but it should not adversely affect the ability to work. Chasing two or even several birds with one stone will be a mistake - parallel relationships will bring more headaches. If there is no firm opinion yet on whom to choose, there is no need to try to act in many directions at once.

You can arrange your personal life at any moment, but there is simply not enough time to meet everyone. The more you give, the stronger your partner's emotional response will become.

If not planned further development relationships, a person should be kept cold and at a distance. Shattered hopes can become a cause for revenge, which is easy enough to avoid without fueling other people's illusions.

Aquarius Woman: Love horoscope for March 2019

Not all fans are set for a long-term relationship - this fact is important to consider when choosing. Sweet speeches will actually turn out to be empty promises, and after disappointment it is difficult to restore emotional balance.

It is better to play it safe and develop a relationship with a man, paying attention to his actions and actions. You love to chat and be the center of attention, but a new companion is unlikely to like even innocent flirting with others.

In an established relationship, you don't have to let everything take its course. A career can wait, and a romantic connection will collapse very quickly due to indifference. It seems to you that you devote enough time and attention to the chosen one, but he has a completely different opinion. It is advisable to agree to a marriage proposal, since only a responsible man is capable of a serious act.

AT family relationships will have to restrain emotions and discontent. hurtful words, said in the midst of a quarrel, hurt the spouse painfully and negatively affect the union as a whole. You should not stoop to insults, even if you think that your husband deserved them. If the marriage is at an impasse, you can take a temporary time out and reflect on a joint future.

Aquarius Man: Love Horoscope for March 2019

To attract a reliable person into life, you yourself will have to change. You position yourself as a free person, far from obligations, but are upset that you can’t manage to establish a personal life. With such a motto, the risk of fluttering alone is high. long years so reconsider your priorities. Not the most the best option will become a woman with a rich imagination - most of what she said turns out to be a lie.

Spring is not the time for hard work, so it is important to set aside time for dates with your beloved. Optimal period to propose to her if you know each other well. Do not look back and do not try to return the old love. The villainous fate will push you against your past passion more than once, but you should not regard this as a sign from above.

It is advisable to resolve conflicts arising in the family with affectionate words and tenderness. For the development and preservation of marriage, efforts will have to be made on both sides. It is necessary to more often find a compromise with your spouse and restrain natural impulsiveness.

The union may be in jeopardy due to a small fling at work, but in this case, you will fail on all fronts. The wife will not forgive betrayal, and the authorities will offer to look for another place to continue her career.

Aquarius businessmen should not accept any offer regarding their own business, especially if we are talking about expanding the sphere of influence - the horoscope for March 2019 advises. Aquarius is now not ready for this either morally or financially. A great strategy for March is to focus on doing specific daily activities.


In March, Aquarius should not convince his opponents or business partners of the correctness of his own words and actions, justify his own point of view, this looks unconvincing, and sometimes ridiculous. To do this, the stars will be given the opportunity at the end of spring. Then life itself will prove to those who did not trust you the correctness of your conclusions.

If Aquarians work as hired workers, they will be forced to simply go out of their way in order to stay in their place of work. In March, many factors do not play into the hands of the representatives of the sign, and the circumstances are such that your achievements will go unnoticed, but the slightest flaws and shortcomings will be made public.

Because of the intrigues of spiteful critics, you can pass for a careerist and a person walking "over corpses". Therefore, the horoscope recommends Aquarius to stay away from colleagues whose intentions and purity of thoughts the representatives of the sign are not 100% sure of, refraining from talking with them or in their presence.

Business meetings, especially important ones, should not be scheduled in March. If you still postpone business meeting is not possible, then be prepared to improvise and change the plan with lightning speed. The picture drawn in the imagination of Aquarius of how the meeting will end will not correspond to reality, so think over several options for the development of events in advance.


The family boat of Aquarius will be stormy in March. The relationship of the spouses in March 2019 will be tested for strength, the representatives of the sign themselves will be to blame, the likelihood of their new hobbies and romances on the side is very high. With all this, Aquarius themselves can annoy their partner with fits of jealousy: his suspicion in March will escalate to the limit. In order not to torment yourself and your spouse, the horoscope recommends Aquarius to weigh all the facts and clearly prioritize. You should not make hasty decisions, they can become fateful, and it will be impossible to correct the situation. The crack that arose in March can finally split your family.

Aquarius Woman

Since the soul of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity born under this sign is constantly seething with many desires, in March it will need to always have sensual sensations.

At the beginning of spring, Aquarius women will be feminine, flirtatious, seductive and extremely attractive to men of literally all signs of the horoscope. Representatives of the stronger sex, not without pleasure, become her true fans, although this is dangerous: the Aquarius woman in March can easily harm the reputation of a person who had the imprudence to fall in love with her. Most men are willing to make huge sacrifices for her. Family, career, dreams can be at stake, good relations with relatives and friends. Even if he fails to conquer the obstinate Aquarius woman, she still remains with him forever, as a wound in his tormented heart.

Aquarius Man

At the beginning of the month, despite the women's holidays, Aquarius will be forced to think about business and keep everything under control. And immediately after the festive corporate party, it is urgent to plunge headlong into work, otherwise unresolved tasks will accumulate. It is optimal in March to rely only on yourself and your strength.

In March, you need to pay attention to the repair office space or another place where Aquarius has to work. The month is good for preparing for moving to a new place, but not for the move itself. In March, there will be brilliant negotiations on any acquisitions, real estate transactions, both residential and commercial. But it’s not worth taking action right away, it’s better to wait until April. March will be an ideal time to complete the projects started in the past.

Aquarius child

In March 2019, little Aquarius will most likely be haunted by the same failures and troubles as adult representatives of the sign. Detachment, emotional coldness, irritability with the transition to aggression will be hard for both the children themselves and their parents. The older generation will need all their wisdom and ability to conduct a dialogue in order to survive this difficult period in the life of a baby. Do not neglect the help of grandparents in the educational process, try to keep peace of mind appearing on the horizon of influence, the Moon will soon soften the heart and soothe your child.


The secret of good health in March 2019 for representatives of the zodiacal house of Aquarius is simple - moderation in everything. However, despite the simplicity and correctness of this advice, it will be very difficult to follow it in March: the Yellow Pig will incline Aquarius to excess in all aspects of life - in food, love, alcohol and work. Even in treatment it will be very difficult to keep the golden mean. March, and all the months following it, do not provide halftones for representatives of the sign, and succumbing to the hard pace of the month, many Aquarians will get a lot of health problems. Overwork, nervous breakdowns, exacerbation of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue, will overtake many Aquarians in March. Therefore, from the very beginning of the month, astrologers recommend taking a course on healthy lifestyle life. Follow a diet, work and rest regimen, finally go in for sports. Be careful when drinking alcohol. Temporary loss of working capacity due to severe alcohol intoxication is possible.


Horoscope for March 2019, Aquarius should postpone for more good time important business meetings.
In relationships with colleagues, you should be careful: you don’t need to be too frank.
AT amorous affairs difficulties: attacks of jealousy, romances on the side take place in March 2017.
Horoscope for April 2019, Aquarius.

Aquarius women may have difficulty with money. But in personal relationships and friendship they are waiting for you complete success and mutual understanding. There is a high probability of meeting a wealthy admirer, as Jupiter in Leo warns about. Venus and Mars in Aries will make it possible to have a light romantic affair during the trip.

An excellent period for those Aquarius men who are planning business trips and meetings with partners. You will be on top of success - Jupiter in Leo will give you promising business connections with influential people, Venus and Mars in Aries - the ability to communicate, win over new acquaintances. And Saturn in Sagittarius will strengthen the old, proven friendship.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius woman

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius women in March 2017: 2, 7, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27 March.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius women in March 2017: 2, 9, 14, 28 March.

Love. You just need an army of fans who will enthusiastically support your ideas. The army is not an army, but you have a small regiment.

  • March 1st to 10th. Holidays in the company of a loved one - what could be better? Time will fly by unnoticed, and you will remember this wonderful and adventurous period for a long time to come.
  • From 11 to 20 March. Use someone else's experience, learn from the mistakes of others, this will help you achieve harmony in personal relationships.
  • From 21 to 31 March. You can be happy in married life, but you can perceive it as a heavy burden. What does it depend on? Yes, first of all, from yourself - do not forget about it.

Health. Now should be given Special attention health of children or younger family members.

  • March 1st to 10th. Don't get carried away with drugs The best way- These are old, time-tested folk remedies.
  • From 11 to 20 March. Take care of your health, your personal affairs directly depend on your well-being. It will be a shame if you are invited to visit and have to refuse because of some stupid cold.
  • From 21 to 31 March. Drink as much as possible pure water. So everything harmful will quickly leave the body, and more strength will appear.

Finance. After listening to the news, you suddenly want to secure your future in an unusual way for you - by making some reserves for a rainy day. We'll have to save on everything and arrange a couple of unloading days.

  • March 1st to 10th. This week you can earn unexpectedly a large amount money, if you are not afraid to take risks.
  • From 11 to 20 March. You may have to play a difficult double game, but it's worth it, you will get double the profit.
  • From 21 to 31 March. financial support your spouse or close relative. Do not forget to call your aunt or congratulate your uncle on the upcoming holidays.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius man

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius men in March 2017: 3, 7, 13, 22, 26 March.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius men in March 2017: 2, 8, 15 March.

Love. During this period, you will be torn between your spouse and parents - each of them will begin to assert their rights and demand complete obedience from you.

  • March 1st to 10th. There may be some cooling in relations with a partner. She suddenly decides that you don't really need it.
  • From 11 to 20 March. It will seem to you that you are sleeping and seeing beautiful dream. Beloved will fulfill all your cherished desires, in a dream or in reality - it will be difficult for you to distinguish one from the other.
  • From 21 to 31 March. harsh reality interferes with your romantic dreams so often that it can ruin your mood. And mood is a fragile thing. A little change - and the precious balance is lost.

Health. It is better to spend time at home - plunge into memories, re-read old letters, look through a photo album.

  • March 1st to 10th. Massage of acupuncture points of the body is shown. This will energize you for the week ahead. Better to have it done by a professional.
  • From 11 to 20 March. Sports activities will good influence on the body, especially if it is team game or trainers.
  • From 21 to 31 March. It is worth limiting communication with people who want something from you. They can weaken your energy tone.

Finance. Do not build Napoleonic plans, your relatives will still not let you bring them to life. It is better to put up with the role of the middle peasant, especially since it is not for long.

  • March 1st to 10th. In pursuit of profit and success in your career, you can easily forget about the most important thing. You should remember your loved ones even when you are resolutely storming your career heights.
  • From 11 to 20 March. Get ready, everything will not be easy for you at work - continuous intrigues, denunciations, showdown, transition to personalities. The key is to stay above the fray.
  • From 21 to 31 March. Silent mutual distrust between colleagues can end in open confrontation. And here your role as a peacemaker will come in handy. You can calm everyone down.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius child

Daughter. The Aquarius girl will show leadership ambitions. Especially brightly - in the middle of the month, when your daughter will receive confirmation that her friends respect and appreciate her. You may be upset by the girl's reluctance to carefully monitor her appearance or her ability to choose clothes that, in your opinion, do not suit her at all. However, her friends like everything, and this will be the main thing for your child.

Son. He is able to drive you crazy with his antics and ideas. In the life of an Aquarius boy during this period, everything will happen rapidly. New friends, old friends - he wants to communicate with everyone, he will introduce everyone and become the head of the company. Your child will be very lucky to have true friends. However, you will be amazed by his ability to give everything to his friends, to take off his last shirt.

Read your horoscope for March 2017 for other zodiac signs:

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