Seraphim is a Jewish name. What does the name Seraphim mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation

A person’s name is not chosen by himself; the baby is named by his parents. Previously, it was customary to name first-born children in honor of deceased relatives. Today, civilized society is moving away from this tradition. What does the name Seraphim mean? What is the origin and history of the name Seraphim?

The meaning of the name Seraphim

The name Seraphim means "flame", a blazing fiery soul. This girl is capable of making any person believe in her own strength with her enthusiasm and her drive. Among the Seraphim there are many outstanding personalities, which rightfully occupy a special place in history.

It is worth noting that the zodiac sign that protects the girl is Leo. This is the king of beasts and the patron of strong and resilient individuals. The planet that controls the fate of Seraphim is the Sun. And indeed, the girl is very sunny and radiant. She allows herself to bask in the rays of fame and happiness. At the same time, arrogance in behavior and anger are alien to her; compassion and complicity are closer to her.

The color that will most impress a girl is yellow and all its shades. The tree, which is a kind of herbal mascot, is elm. A plant that has a beneficial effect on a girl’s health is a sunflower.

Seraphim is patronized by the salamander, which gives her self-confidence and ingenuity. A stone that can become a wonderful talisman for her is aventurine. It will give the girl a feeling of security and joy.

Origin and history of the name Seraphim

The meaning of the name Seraphim also determines her character. She is quite hot-tempered and often demands fair treatment. Historians see the roots of the name in the culture of the ancient Jews. The name Seraphim is a Biblical name. This is one of the martyrs who were able to save the lives of other people with their life example.

Short form of the name Fima. Today it is used in many countries. The name is quite popular. Fima celebrates his name day on the eleventh of August. What does the name Seraphim mean? Fire. A fire in hearts that can only be ignited true faith in your own strength.

The character and fate of Seraphim

Seraphim tends to see in many life events a certain divine sign, a divine conduct. Seraphim often do not trust other people, but trust their intuition.

The number that patronizes this name is one. But Seraphim do not strive for fame; they rather strive to help their loved ones. Often Seraphim from the very early childhood they stop looking for friends in the people around them and begin to make imaginary friends for themselves.

Some Seraphim draw very strange pictures in which they depict non-existent animals and birds. At the same time, little girls can diligently prove to others that everything in their pictures is the true truth. Parents do not sound the alarm at such creative manifestations of their children’s personality. Many people try to send their child to a developmental section, to a talent school, or to other training courses. Many Seraphim are known as wonderful poetesses and composers. They love classical music.

Seraphim has had a very refined taste since early childhood. They first imitate older children, then adults. Seraphim never strive for fame; it is enough for them that the people around them recognize that Seraphim is a person with a subtle soul.

Friends love Fima precisely for her compassion and delicacy. She will never pass on gossip about someone, and will not engage in discussions about the good and bad qualities of a person's character. Everything that happens in her house is a secret. She tries to keep it in strict secrecy and forbids all her household members to wash dirty linen in public.

Seraphim always has many hobbies and interests. They learn very quickly, so they are simply irreplaceable employees who can almost always and timely warn their superiors about upcoming troubles. They have very accurate intuition, which quite rarely fails. Seraphim try not to lie to the people around them and to themselves. If you really need to lie, then Seraphim would be better off just keeping silent.

The negative character traits of Seraphim include:

Hot temper;


Fear of loneliness;

Lack of flexibility.

Seraphima has a rather hot temper. She does not appreciate harshness and selfishness in others, although she herself possesses these qualities to the fullest. Close people often forgive her temper due to the fact that Seraphim has a huge heart and a kind soul.

It is very difficult for her to adapt to constant changes in life. It is difficult for her to move from one job to another, from one position to another. But she enjoys helping people solve their difficult life situations. She gives advice with great pleasure. Often they turn out to be practical.

Seraphim's Love

Before choosing a man for life, Seraphim will hesitate for a long time. As a result, her hesitation will end in the choice of a balanced man with a big heart. This man will be a real family man and even older than Seraphima in age. But this doesn't bother her. She is very afraid of loneliness and the feeling that no one needs her.

This fear can lead to scandals within the family, jealousy and betrayal. Seraphima herself is not inclined to cheat on her chosen one, but sees in him a real womanizer. At the same time, a man may not even suspect his beloved’s jealousy.

The character and fate of Seraphim are determined by her gullibility and cowardice. She's so hungry for real and strong family, which can see the chosen one even in a dishonest person, in one who pursues exclusively selfish goals.

Seraphima often forgives her household even the biggest insults. She tries to resolve conflicts between relatives and if she fails, she gets very upset. the main objective for Seraphima – happiness and success of one’s neighbor. She does not strive for an ideal family, but for ideal relationship within the family - strives. Relatives appreciate her as a good mother, good wife, a wonderful friend. She is always ready to help.

Seraphim- “fiery” (Heb.)

This woman is always a child. Pleasant appearance, a sea of ​​charm. A man wants to take care of and protect her. Impulsive, unrestrained, but unusually capable. Always insists on his own. Values ​​his reputation.

Financially independent, firmly on her feet. Democratic. Knows how to please everyone;

Seraphim- choleric with extreme excitability and unstable nervous system. He is easily disappointed, and at the slightest failure he reaches despair and hysteria. Parents should not indulge her whims; it is better to help the girl master her emotions. Her life is difficult due to her overly receptive nature. I tend to withdraw into myself and live my own life. inner world. From childhood, it is necessary to teach her to keep her word, carry out decisions, and not retreat in the face of danger. It is necessary to ensure that she finishes the work she starts.

She is unpredictable, her reaction is lightning fast. But activity is below average. Intuition plays a huge role in Seraphim’s life. This dreamer and enthusiast lives in mysterious world“signs” and premonitions, studies horoscopes. By nature she is an intellectual, but her actions are sometimes so reckless that they often lead to serious mistakes. She has a weak memory, she forgets about everything in the world - from why she went to the kitchen to business papers. Tries to put off until later everything that needs to be done now. Very responsive. Strongly influenced. In some cases she is careless, in others she is too careful and timid. In her attentive and kind eyes you can read great love and tenderness. She is always an affectionate mother and devoted wife. Her life should not be burdened with prohibitions, this can only embitter Sima. She needs love and care. Can't stand loneliness. Too attached to family and friends. This is a charming woman, full of magnetism. It's hard to understand. She's too changeable.

Sex. The very word scares her. She does not know and does not want to understand her desires. The men she deigns with her attention are far from ideal. But she doesn’t even know what this ideal is.

Seraphima’s health is not very good. Everything depends on her mental state. She should pay attention to the intestines and genitourinary system.

"Winter" Seraphim eccentric, unstable in desires, unbalanced. She can be a hairdresser, a cutter, a fashion model.

“Autumn” - decisive, collected, calculating. It is better for her to become an accountant, an economist, a salesman. The name matches patronymics: Alekseevna, Petrovna, Vladimirovna, Pavlovna, Igorevna, Ilyinichna, Ivanovna, Vasilievna.

“Summer” is emotional, impulsive, and her nervous system is often upset.

“Spring” - in addition to all this, she is also vulnerable, touchy, but very responsive and good-natured. She has reasons to work as a doctor, artist, healer. Name Seraphim suitable for patronymics: Eduardovna, Naumovna, Boleslavovna, Bogdanovna, Valerievna.

Meaning of the name Seraphim option 2

1. Personality. Those who reveal the secrets of life.

2. Character. 84%.

3. Radiation. 80%.

4. Vibration. 102,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Excitability - receptivity - sociability - intuition.

7. totem plant. Maple.

8. Totem animal. Trout.

9. Sign. Pisces.

10. Type. Neurasthenic choleric people with an unstable nervous system. They are easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

11. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are “women-children” whom you want to protect and protect. If life becomes too difficult for their sensitive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

12. Will. Very changeable.

13. Excitability. More than strong.

14. Reaction speed. These are women with unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, just like their totem - the trout.

15. Field of activity. They are not very active. Interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. Seraphim excellent mother, gentle and devoted wife.

16. Intuition. They place excessive emphasis on intuition. They live in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

17. Intelligence. They are intellectuals, but they act so quickly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

18. Receptivity. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

19. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character; they can only cause harm; these women, first of all, need love and tenderness.

20. Health. Not very strong, depends on mental state. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

21. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They don’t know and don’t want to understand their desires, so they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

22. Activity. It is made up of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. They put off until tomorrow what can and should be done today.

23. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand loneliness. They are very influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

24. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Seraphim very variable and therefore quite difficult to understand.

Meaning of the name Seraphim option 3

Women's uniform from male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word "seraphim" means: lights, torches, fiery angels ( Seraphim- fiery).

Seraphim, Sima is not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person wonderful character. These are affectionate good people, incapable of hurting another, never raising their voices. It is no coincidence that those around them call them nothing less than affectionately: Simochka.

Outwardly, they look like their fathers, but, as a rule, they are short and plump, which does not prevent them from being very active in their youth.

Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. It is extremely rare to remarry, primarily because of children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he may seem, will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often find themselves deceived and not very happy in their marriage.

When choosing Seraphim as a wife, one should remember that she must be treated with care, like a child, for she has a vulnerable heart.

In her old age, Seraphima often has problems with the pancreas and thyroid glands.

Meaning of the name Seraphim option 4

Seraphim- from other Hebrew fiery,

Derivatives: Seraphim, Sima, Simulya, Simunya, Simura, Syura, Simuha, Simusha, Sera, Fima, Ima, Fina.

Folk signs.

On this day, one must be wary of sudden frosts, which are harmful to the bread that is still standing.


Seraphim- a sacrificial nature, ready for the sake of loved ones even to self-denial. She is usually happy in her marriage, but she creates this happiness with her own hands; Seraphim tender, submissive, skillfully adapts to the character of her spouse, ready to help and help out of any trouble. But in return he expects the same selfless love. He doesn’t allow one thing: complaints about himself. If this does happen, he reacts in two ways: either openly, passionately, angrily and harshly, or he withdraws into himself, deeply experiencing resentment. But since loneliness is not her destiny, she is forced to forgive the humiliation and again be friendly and welcoming. Seraphim very intuitive, premonitions do not deceive her. Sometimes she even makes predictions.

Meaning of the name Seraphim option 5

SERAPHIM - fiery (ancient).

Name day: August 11 - Holy Martyr Seraphim-virgin, for her faith in Christ, after suffering, she was beheaded in Rome (VI century).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • The treasured plant is the sunflower.
  • The patron of the name is the salamander.
  • The talisman stone is aventurine.


Seraphim gives great importance your intuition. She lives in a mysterious world of signs and premonitions. She is very charming, responsive: since she has an instant reaction, she does not come to help, but rushes. She radiates friendliness, love, tenderness - and wants to receive all this from other people. Does not tolerate reproaches: either he will flare up ugly in response, or he will withdraw into himself, losing most your charm. Seraphim cannot stand loneliness. She adapts her lifestyle to those she loves, and therefore family life with her is a pleasure.

Version 2. What does the name Seraphim mean?

Female form
from the male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word "seraphim" means:
lights, torches, fiery angels (Seraphim - fiery).

Serafima, Sima
- not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person a wonderful character. This
affectionate, kind people, incapable of hurting another, never raising
vote. It is no coincidence that those around them call them nothing less than affectionately: Simochka.

Externally they are similar
on fathers, but, as a rule, they are short, plump, that in their youth
does not prevent them from being very mobile.

- great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. Rarely
remarry, primarily because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, how
no matter how good he may seem, he will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world.
At the same time, Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often find themselves
deceived, not very happy in marriage.

Choosing a wife
Seraphim should remember that she must be handled with care, as
with the child, because she has a vulnerable heart.

In old age
Seraphima often has problems with the pancreas and thyroid

4th version of the interpretation of the name Seraphim

Seraphim - “fiery” (Heb.)

This woman is always a child. Pleasant
appearance, a sea of ​​charm. A man wants to take care of and protect her. Impulsive, unrestrained,
but unusually capable. Always insists on his own. Values ​​his reputation.

Financially independent, strong
standing on his feet. Democratic. Knows how to please everyone;

Seraphima is a choleric person with extreme
excitability and unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed at the slightest
failure leads to despair and hysteria. Parents should not indulge her whims,
It’s better to help the girl master her emotions. Her life is difficult due to excessive
receptive nature. She tends to withdraw into herself, to live in her own inner world. WITH
childhood, it is necessary to teach her to keep her word, carry out her decision, and not back down from
danger. It is necessary to ensure that she finishes the work she starts.

She's unpredictable, her reaction
lightning fast. But activity is below average. Intuition plays a huge role in Seraphim’s life
role. This dreamer and enthusiast lives in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions,
studies horoscopes. By nature she is an intellectual, but her actions are sometimes so reckless,
which often leads to serious mistakes. She has a weak memory and forgets everything
in the world - starting from why I went to the kitchen, and ending with business papers.
Tries to put off until later everything that needs to be done now. Very responsive.
Strongly influenced. In some cases she is careless, in others she is too careful
and shy. In her attentive and kind eyes you can read great love and tenderness.
She is always an affectionate mother and devoted wife. Her life should not be burdened with prohibitions,
this can only embitter Sima. She needs love and care. Can't stand loneliness.
Too attached to family and friends. This is a charming woman, full of magnetism.
It's hard to understand. She's too changeable.

Sex. The very word scares her. She does not know and does not want to understand her
desire. The men she deigns with her attention are far from ideal. But she
and does not know what this ideal is.

Seraphima’s health is not very good
strong. It all depends on her mental state. She should pay attention
on the intestines and genitourinary system.

Seraphim is eccentric, unstable in desires, unbalanced. May be
hairdresser, cutter, fashion model.

“Autumn” - decisive, collected, calculating. She'd better become an accountant, an economist,
seller. The name matches patronymics: Alekseevna, Petrovna, Vladimirovna, Pavlovna,
Igorevna, Ilyinichna, Ivanovna, Vasilievna.

- emotional, impulsive, her nervous system is often upset.

“Spring” - in addition to all this, she is also vulnerable, touchy, but very responsive and good-natured. She has
there are reasons to work as a doctor, artist, healer. Name Seraphim
suitable for patronymics: Eduardovna, Naumovna, Boleslavovna, Bogdanovna, Valerievna.

5 version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

– from other Hebrew fiery,

Derivatives: Seraphim, Sima, Simula,
Simunya, Simura, Syura, Simuha, Simusha, Sera, Fima, Ima, Fina.

Folk signs.

On this day it is necessary
beware of sudden frosts, harmful to the bread still standing.


Seraphima is a sacrificial nature, ready for the sake of loved ones even to self-denial. Usually
she is happy in her marriage, but she creates this happiness with her own hands; Seraphim
gentle, submissive, skillfully adapts to the character of her spouse, ready to help and help out
out of any trouble. But in return he expects the same selfless love. It doesn't allow one thing:
complaints against you. If this does happen, he reacts in two ways: either openly,
hot-tempered, angry and harsh, or withdraws into himself, deeply experiencing resentment. But since
loneliness is not her destiny, she is forced to forgive the humiliation and again be friendly and
friendly. Seraphima is very intuitive, premonitions do not deceive her. Sometimes
She can even make predictions.

6th version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

Personality. Those who reveal the secrets of life.

Character. 84%.

Radiation. 80%.

Vibration. 102,000 vibrations/s.

Color. Green.

Main features. Excitability - receptivity
- sociability - intuition.

Totem plant. Maple.

Totem animal. Trout.


10. Type. Neurasthenic choleric patients with unstable
nervous system. They are easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair.
Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

11. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are “women-children”,
whom you want to protect and protect. If life gets too hard for
their receptive nature, withdraw into themselves. From childhood they must be taught to hold
your word and not back down in the face of danger.

Will. Very changeable.

13. Excitability. More than strong.

14. Reaction speed. These are women of unpredictable
lightning-fast reactions, like their totem -

15. Field of activity. They are not very active.
They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. Seraphim
excellent mother, gentle and devoted wife.

16. Intuition. They place excessive emphasis on intuition.
They live in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

17. Intelligence. Intellectuals, but act like this
so quickly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget
about everything in the world - from an umbrella to a husband!

18. Receptivity. Very responsive, but somewhat
careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire.
to a calm, problem-free life.

19. Morality. This character is contraindicated
strict prohibitions, they can only bring harm, these women first of all need
in love and tenderness.

20. Health. Not very strong, depends on the mental
condition. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

21. Sexuality. The very word scares them!
They don’t know and don’t want to understand their desires, so they often deal with partners
far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

22. Activity. Made up of dreams, unjustified
enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Put off until tomorrow what is possible and necessary
do today.

23. Sociability. Need love and can't stand it
loneliness. They are very susceptible to influence and adapt their lifestyle to
to those who are loved. Very attached to family and friends.

24. Conclusion. It's charming and attractive
women. Seraphim is very
changeable and therefore quite difficult to understand.

8th version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

SERAPHIM - fiery

Name day: August 11 - Holy Martyr Seraphim the Virgin, for the faith of Christ
after torture she was beheaded in Rome (VI century).

Zodiac sign
- A lion.

Planet - Sun.

Color - bright yellow.

Auspicious tree
- elm

Treasured plant
- sunflower.

Patron name
- salamander.

Talisman stone
- aventurine.


attaches great importance to his intuition. She lives in a mysterious world of signs and
premonitions. She is very charming, responsive: since she has an instant reaction,
help does not come, but rushes. She radiates friendliness, love, tenderness - and desires
get all this from other people. Does not tolerate reproaches: either he will flare up outrageously in response,
or he will withdraw into himself, losing most of his charm. Seraphim is not
endures loneliness. She adapts her lifestyle to those she loves, and therefore
Family life with her is a pleasure.

Numerology of the name Seraphim

Name number: 1

A few are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people They will never suffer from poor imagination, and their leadership skills will help them reach the top in business.
A few are always in the center of attention of others; they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness can be excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. These are quite contradictory personalities who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you give them due attention.

The meaning of the letters in the name Seraphim

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

R- people with the letter "R" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

F- adapt well to conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness.

Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source);
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • M- Think

The name Seraphim in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Seraphim in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The mysterious world of signs and predictions is what attracts Seraphim all her life. She trusts her intuition unconditionally. Her ability to adapt to any person, associated with a fear of loneliness, makes family life with her cozy, cloudless. Sima is always surrounded by many people. And it’s not surprising, because she will come to everyone’s aid without demanding anything in return.

Serafima Nizovskaya - Russian actress theater and cinema

Origin and meaning of the name Seraphim

The origin of the name Seraphim has Hebrew roots. It is a derivative form of the male name Seraphim. The word Seraphim comes from the name of angels with six wings - seraphim. Hence the meaning of the name Seraphim - “burning”, “fiery”, “fiery”.

Despite its origin, this female name has become widespread in Rus'. Since it came to us during the formation of Christianity, girls in religious families were often called this name. Today it is not popular, although it gives its owner a wonderful character.

IN colloquial speech commonly used different shapes of this name: Sima, Seraphim, Simulya, Simunya, Simusha, Fima.

Church calendar

The patroness of this name is the holy martyr Seraphim, who was beheaded in Rome for her faith in Christ after much torture. The events date back to the 6th century.

Your name day church calendar Seraphim celebrate August 11, remembering their patroness in prayers.

What does the name Seraphim mean for a girl, girl, woman

When choosing a name for their child, parents are guided by how it influences fate and character. Today, girls at birth often receive Orthodox name with notes of romance and antiquity.


The interpretation of the name Seraphim is “fiery.” For a little girl, this means irrepressible energy, activity, and a cheerful character. She is always surrounded by many children and adults, since the baby can easily win over anyone. Her talents, emotional, eccentric character allow her to always be in the center of attention, which the baby enjoys. Little Sima does not tolerate competition, so she tries by any means to draw the attention of others only to herself.

Although the meaning of the name is associated with spiritual values, the girl cannot be called an angel in the flesh. Her dreams are aimed at a beautiful, eventful life, where she will dominate. To prevent the predominance of traits such as narcissism and narcissism in a girl’s character, parents need to try hard.

The meaning of the name also leaves its mark on studies, where Sima succeeds thanks to her good memory, curiosity, and ability to quickly learn new material.

Young woman

The emotional Sima already at a young age develops such traits as pickiness, morbid touchiness, and excessive self-confidence. The young lady does not like to be held responsible for what she has done. The girl sincerely believes that she is always right in everything. And only her openness and sociability make it possible to maintain a good relationship with others.

Sima does not tolerate loneliness and tries to surround herself with pleasant people. The girl is the first to rush to help if someone she knows is in trouble. He values ​​sincerity, honesty, and consistency in people. When faced with rudeness or rudeness, he will not respond. She’ll just try not to date an unpleasant person again.

Girls named after Seraphim are distinguished by their femininity and attractive appearance. The meaning of her name leaves an imprint on her personal life. When choosing a partner, she is guided by her intuition. And if she tells her that the man she likes is not suitable for her, then Sima breaks off all relations with him, contrary to common sense.


With age, Sima's character changes little. The woman is still sweet, good-natured, open, and emotional. The interpretation of the name for an adult Seraphim means speed in making decisions, which is why she often makes mistakes. Therefore, leadership positions are not suitable for her. Sima is a good performer. A woman fully demonstrates her professionalism in areas where long-term planning is not required.

A calm and patient man can become Sima’s life partner. In the family, she often manifests herself as a gentle and refined nature, requiring a strong shoulder. Sima easily adapts to circumstances, which means there are practically no conflicts between spouses. A woman becomes a good mother to her children, although sometimes she needs to be a little firm in raising them.

Famous people

Serafima Yablochkina – dramatic actress

Serafima Chebotar – writer, journalist

Serafima Blonskaya – teacher, artist

Serafima Amosova - pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War

Serafima Lyulakina - writer, Erzya storyteller

There are worldly names, and there are those whose sound immediately reminds one of communion with Christianity. Believers love them. By giving such a name to a child, the mother hopes that heavenly protection will extend over her child all his life. But is this really so?

It's biblical, ancient Jewish name. It comes from the word “saraf”, meaning “flaming”, “flying dragon” (an image symbolizing trials on the path to victory), “lightning snake”.

In the Bible, this name is given to a six-winged angel standing near the throne itself.

If the birth of a girl falls on the day of this angel, the priest may advise the parents to name her Seraphim.

This name is given by the patronymic: Serafimovich (Serafimych), Serafimovna.

Friendly address to the bearer of this name: Sima, Fima, Simka, Fimka, Simochka, Fimochka, Simushka, Fimushka.

In other countries it is transformed into: Serafin (Spain, France, Czech Republic), Serafino (Italy).

Character that only Seraphim possesses

Advantages: he is a generous, pure-hearted person. He is very independent in his opinions, has both a creative touch and the ability to learn and think logically. He is active and can quickly respond to changes.

Most Seraphim love traveling, so they either become avid tourists, or move to live from city to city (or village).

Disadvantages: he is a fickle, impetuous man. Due to her eternal incontinence (including in words), Fima’s life cannot be called calm. If he learns to be careful, he will heal much better.

This man does not like control, so he may often argue with his wife or superiors. If his freedom is at stake, he will quit his job or get divorced.

The fate of the bearer of this name in our country

  • Childhood ( early years life). This is a very diligent, independent toddler. He is very friendly with elders. Cheerful, loves outdoor games.
  • School period. Many classmates believe that he is unscrupulously lucky, but in fact, Sima gets excellent grades thanks to his hard work. He is also very inquisitive, which teachers cannot help but like. The main task of parents is to instill willpower in the boy.
  • Youth, character development. As a boy and young man, he loves to read, and he may not find it interesting to be friends with his classmates, since he has nothing to talk about with them. He can find friends in a club of similar interests (it could even be a sports club).
  • Mature years. This is a strong-willed, talented man who knows his worth well. He loves peace, although he is not averse to having fun in good company. Friends consider him very sociable, and certainly not boring.

Patrons and talismans

  • Planet named: Saturn.
  • Zodiac sign that will suit you better than others: Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20).
  • Name color: yellow.
  • A stone that will become an ideal talisman: amber.
  • Totem animal: this is a bird, a kingfisher.
  • Name plant: indoor - ficus, as well as yard flower - phlox.

Angel Day and patron saint

  1. January 15 for Orthodox Christians, January 2 for Catholics. On this day they remember St. Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833). From his youth he chose the monastic path. He had the gift of prophecy and healed physical and mental illnesses through prayer. He revered the Virgin Mary very much, and she repeatedly appeared in his cell.
  2. December 17 (December 4). Day of the Hieromartyr Seraphim, a bishop killed by the Turks at the very beginning of the 17th century.

In different life situations, Seraphim will do this...

  • Love and relationships. Fima has been looking for her beloved for a long time. May visit the registry office several times. It is important for him that his chosen one is a true caretaker of the hearth. It often turns out that his wife looks like a carbon copy of his mother.
  • Family life. He is economical. She sincerely cares about her spouse and children, turning a blind eye to many of their shortcomings (you must admit, this is a very rare quality). During a conflict, he knows how not to aggravate, but, on the contrary, to soften the situation. He is good, loving father, although it can be strict as necessary.
  • Friends. Sima has many close friends, since he is reliable and true friend. And besides, people are attracted to his education and erudition.
  • Work and career. In work, this person is talented and ready to take calculated risks. He is inquisitive (even one step away from retirement) and hardworking, so he has a good career. Colleagues and subordinates respect him. The bearer of this name should choose a job based on communication with people - a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer. However, his creative streak can manifest itself well in a more creative profession - an architect, an actor, a musician.
  • Diseases and health. As a child, he visits the pediatrician quite often (as do most of his classmates). His vulnerable organs are gastrointestinal tract. He shouldn't go hungry for long periods of time, so keep snacks on hand at all times. And of course, a guy’s (man’s) diet should be healthy.

Compatibility with female names: good and bad

successful relationships, happy marriage: Ada, . And besides, this man will be happy with a woman whose church or secular name is Euphrosyne.

Short relationships, broken marriage: Zina, Fedora, .

Famous and respected namesakes

  1. Seraphim Anikeev (1904-1962) - operetta artist from the USSR.
  2. Serafim Parnyakov (1913-1987) - scientist from the USSR, creator of many instruments for satellites and military missiles.
  3. Seraphim Orekhov (1904-1950) is another Soviet engineer working for the benefit of the army.
  4. Seraphim Kudryashev (1907-1943) is already a botanist scientist. Born in Kazan, worked in Tajikistan. He made many discoveries, thanks to which several plants bear his name.
  5. Seraphim Vlasov (1910-2000) - Russian engineer, author of textbooks on mechanics.
  6. Hieromonk Seraphim (1934-1982) - church name monk of the Russian Orthodox Church. Interestingly, he lived and worked in California, USA. The Holy Father wrote a lot about Orthodoxy and Russia at that time.
  7. Seraphim Pinto Junior, or Pipi (1915-2001) - football player from Brazil, unfortunately, not very famous in our country
  8. Serafim Todorov (1969) - boxer from Bulgaria, European and world champion, Olympic medalist.

In modern Russian culture, this name is often found in films:

  1. “My Boyfriend is an Angel” (2011), feature youth film. Seraphim is the name of the main character, played by Smolyaninov.
  2. “The Extraordinary Journey of Seraphim” (2015) - an animated film with a religious theme. This cartoon received the Golden Eagle Award.

If you are a Christian and are interested in the personality of St. Seraphim of Sarov, you can learn a lot of useful and very enlightening information about him from this film, which tells in detail about his life and miracles (both lifetime and posthumous).

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