A fairy tale with the letter y. Let's study letters in action!: Letter Y. Funny poems about the letter Y for children

Little Mouse Mouse and his friend Chicken Little sat at home in the evening and ate melon. Suddenly the door swung open and a huge red rat nicknamed Dilda burst into the room. Without saying a word, with her eyes wide in horror, Tilda darted under Mouse’s bed and screamed from there in a bad voice:
- Guard!!!
- And what happened?
“I have someone sitting on the sofa under a blanket and breathing like this: “Puff-puff...”. I beg you, help!
- Did you hear that, Chick? She beats us every day, and we have to help her! Look what a big thing..., uh, healthy, and she came running to the little ones.
- He will eat all my supplies! - Dilda sobbed.
“If he is gray and shaggy, mustachioed and tailed, we refuse,” said Mouse.
— A-are you f-afraid? - Tsyp asked quietly.
-And y-you?
- Not with you.
And they went and with trembling, thin voices sang a brave song.
- Sing, little ones, sing and farewell forever! - lying under the bed, muttered Dylda.
But a few minutes later the friends returned.
- That's it, Dilda, get out. “We ate your Puff-Puff,” said Mouse, wiping his mustache.
-Who was it?
- Yes, dough. Your mother put it under the blanket for the pie, there it was, the dough, and it puffed away.

B ukva "Yo, yo"is the 7th letter of the Russian and Belarusian alphabets and the 9th letter of the Rusyn alphabet. It is also used in a number of non-Slavic alphabets based on the civil Cyrillic alphabet (for example, Mongolian, Kyrgyz, Udmurt and Chuvash).

If possible, it means the softness of the consonants, being after them, and the sound [o]; in all other cases it sounds like .
In native Russian words (in addition to words with the prefixes three- and four-), it is always under stress. Cases of unstressed use are rare, mainly these are borrowed words - for example, Königsberg surfers, complex words - loess-like or words with three- and four-prefixes - for example, four-part. Here the letter is phonetically equivalent to the unstressed “e”, “i”, “ya” or has a side stress, but can also reflect the characteristic features of writing in the source language.

In the Russian language (i.e., in Russian writing), the letter “е” stands, first of all, where the sound [(j)o] comes from [(j)e], this explains the form derived from “e” letters (borrowed from Western scripts). In Russian writing, unlike Belarusian, according to the rules for using letters, placing dots above the “е” is optional.

In other Slavic Cyrillic alphabet there is no letter “ё”. To indicate the corresponding sounds in writing in Ukrainian and Bulgarian languages after consonants they write “yo” and in other cases “yo”. Serbian writing (and the Macedonian one based on it) generally does not have special letters for iotated vowels and/or softening the preceding consonant, since to distinguish syllables with a hard and soft consonant they use different consonants, and not different vowel letters, and iot is always written a separate letter.

In the Church and Old Church Slavonic alphabets there is no letter equivalent to “е”, since there are no such combinations of sounds; Russian “yokanye” is a common mistake when reading Church Slavonic texts.

Superscript element and its name

There is no generally accepted official term for the extension element present in the letter “e”. In traditional linguistics and pedagogy, the word “colon” ​​was used, but most often in a hundred recent years used a less formal expression - “two dots”, or generally tried to avoid mentioning this element separately.

It is considered incorrect to use foreign language terms (dialytics, diaresis, trema or umlaut) in this situation, since they relate to diacritics and denote, first of all, a specific phonetic function.

Historical aspects

Introduction of Yo into use

For a long time, the sound combination (and after soft consonants - [o]), which appeared in Russian pronunciation, was not expressed in any way in writing. From the middle of the 18th century. they were designated by the letters IO, located under a common cap. But such a designation was cumbersome and was rarely used. The following variants were used: the signs o, iô, ьо, іо, ió.

In 1783, instead of the existing options, they proposed the letter “e”, borrowing from French, where it has a different meaning. However, it was first used in print only 12 years later (in 1795). The influence of the Swedish alphabet was also assumed.

In 1783, on November 29 (according to the old style - November 18) at the home of the head of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Princess E. R. Dashkova, one of the 1st meetings of the newly formed Russian Academy, where Fonvizin D.I., Knyazhnin Ya.B., Derzhavin G.R., Lepyokhin I.I., Metropolitan Gabriel and others were present. They discussed the draft full version explanatory dictionary(Slavic-Russian), subsequently - the famous 6-volume Dictionary of the Russian Academy.

The academicians were about to go home, like E.R. Dashkova asked if any of them could write the word “Christmas tree.” The learned men thought that the princess was joking, but she wrote the word “yolk”, which she had pronounced, and asked the question: “Is it legal to represent one sound with two letters?” She also noted: “These reprimands have already been introduced by custom, which, when it does not contradict common sense, should be followed in every possible way.” Ekaterina Dashkova suggested using the “newborn” letter “e” “to express words and reprimands, with this consent, beginning as matiory, iolka, iozh, iol.”

She turned out to be convincing in her arguments, and Gabriel, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg, who is a member of the Academy of Sciences, was asked to evaluate the rationality of introducing a new letter. So, in 1784, on November 18, the official recognition of the letter “e” took place.

The princess's innovative idea was supported by a number of leading cultural figures of that period, incl. and Derzhavin, who was the first to use “ё” for personal correspondence. And the first printed publication in which the appearance of the letter “е” was noticed was in 1795 the book “And My Trinkets” by I. Dmitriev, published by the Moscow University Printing House of H. A. Claudia and H. Riediger (in this printing house since 1788 published the newspaper “Moskovskie Vedomosti”, and it was located on the site of the present building of the Central Telegraph).

The first word printed with the letter “ё” became “everything”, then “vasilyochik”, “penek”, “light”, “immortal”. For the first time, a surname with this letter (“Potemkin”) was printed by G. R. Derzhavin in 1798.

The letter “e” became famous thanks to N.M. Karamzin, so until recently he was considered its author, until the story outlined above received wide publicity. In 1796, in the first book of the anthology of poems “Aonids”, published by Karamzin, who came out of the same university printing house, the words “dawn”, “moth”, “eagle”, “tears” were printed with the letter “e”. ", and the 1st verb is "flowed".

It’s just not clear whether this was Karamzin’s personal idea or the initiative of some employee of the publishing house. It should be noted that Karamzin scientific works(for example, in the famous “History of the Russian State” (1816 - 1829)) did not use the letter “ё”.

Distribution issues

Although the letter “е” was proposed to be introduced in 1783, and was used in print in 1795, for a long time it was not considered a separate letter and was not officially introduced into the alphabet. This is very typical for newly introduced letters: the status of the symbol “th” was the same; it (in comparison with “e”) became mandatory for use back in 1735. In his “Russian Spelling”, Academician J. K. Grot noted, that both of these letters “should also occupy a place in the alphabet,” but for a long time this remained only a good wish.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. An obstacle to the spread of the letter “е” was the then attitude towards such a “yocking” pronunciation as petty-bourgeois speech, the dialect of the “vile rabble,” while the “yokking” “church” pronunciation was considered more noble, intelligent and cultural (with a “yocking” "Fought, for example, V.K. Trediakovsky and A.P. Sumarokov).

12/23/1917 (01/05/1918) a decree was published (undated) signed by the Soviet People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, who introduced reformed spelling as mandatory, it said, among other things: “To recognize the use of the letter “е” as desirable, but not mandatory. "

Thus, the letters “е” and “й” formally entered the alphabet (having received serial numbers) only in Soviet times(if you do not take into account the “New ABC” (1875) by Leo Tolstoy, where there was the letter “ё” between “e” and yat, in 31st place).

On December 24, 1942, the use of the letter “e” by order of the People’s Commissar of Education of the RSFSR was introduced into compulsory school practice, and since then (sometimes, however, they remember 1943 and even 1956, when spelling normative rules were first published) it is considered officially included in the Russian alphabet .

The next 10 years scientific and fiction was published with almost complete use of the letter “е”, and then the publishers returned to the old practice: using the letter only when absolutely necessary.

There is a legend that Joseph Stalin influenced the popularization of the letter “ё”. It says that in 1942, on December 6, I.V. An order was brought to Stalin for signature, where the names of a number of generals were printed not with the letter “ё”, but with “e”. Stalin was angry, and the next day all the articles in the Pravda newspaper suddenly appeared with the letter “e”.

On July 9, 2007, Russian Minister of Culture A. S. Sokolov, giving an interview to the Mayak radio station, expressed his opinion on the need for writing use the letter "ё".

Basic rules for using the letter “ё” /Legislative acts

On December 24, 1942, the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR V.P. Potemkin, by order No. 1825, introduced the letter “Ё,ё” into mandatory practice. Shortly before the order was issued, an incident occurred when Stalin treated rudely the manager of the Council of People's Commissars, Ya. Chadayev, because on December 6 (or 5), 1942, he brought him a decree for signature, where the names of a number of generals were printed without the letter “e”.

Chadayev informed the editor of Pravda that the leader wanted to see “ё” in print. Thus, already on December 7, 1942, the newspaper issue suddenly came out with this letter in all articles.

Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On state language Russian Federation» dated 06/01/2005 in part 3 of Art. 1 states that when using Russian modern literary language as the state language, the Government of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for approving the rules and norms of Russian punctuation and spelling.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation” dated November 23, 2006 No. 714 establishes that, based on the recommendations given by the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language, a list reference books, grammars and dictionaries, which contain the norms of the modern Russian literary language, when it is used in the Russian Federation as the state language, as well as the rules of Russian punctuation and spelling, are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Letter No. AF-159/03 dated 05/03/2007 “On the decisions of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation prescribes writing the letter “e” in case of probability of misreading words, for example, in proper names, since in In this case, ignoring the letter “е” violates the requirements of the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation.”

According to the current rules of Russian punctuation and spelling, the letter ё is used selectively in texts during normal printing. But, at the request of the editor or author, any book can be printed using the letter e sequentially.

The sound of "Yo"

The letter "ё" is used:

To convey the stressed vowel [o] and at the same time indicate the softness of the previous consonant: youth, comb, crawl, oats, lying, during the day, honey, dog, everything, trudged, Fedor, aunt (after g, k, x this is only used for borrowing : Höglund, Goethe, liqueur, Cologne, the only exception is actually Russian word weave, weave, weave, weave with derivatives, and formed in Russian from the borrowed word panicer);

To convey the accent [o] after hissing words: silk, zhzhem, click, damn (in this position, the conditions for choosing between writing with “o” or with “e” are set by a rather complex system of lists of exception words and rules);

To convey the combination of [j] and the percussive sound [o]:

At the beginning of the words: container, hedgehog, Christmas tree;

After consonants (a separating sign is used): volume, viet, linen.

After the vowel letters: her, loan, striker, tip, spit, forges;

In native Russian words, only the stressed sound “ё” is possible (even if the stress is collateral: loess-like, four-story, three-seater); if, during word formation or inflection, the stress moves to another syllable, then “е” will be replaced with “e” (takes - will choose, honey - honey - on honey, about what - about nothing (but: about nothing )).

Along with the letter “е” in borrowings, the same sound meaning can be conveyed after consonants - the combination ё and in other cases - yo. Also in borrowings “ё” can be an unstressed vowel.

Yo and E

§ 10 of the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, officially in force since 1956, defines the cases when “ё” is used in writing:

"1. When it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, for example: we recognize as opposed to learn; everything is different from everything; bucket as opposed to bucket; perfect (participle) as opposed to perfect (adjective), etc.

2. When you need to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word, for example: Olekma river.

3. In special texts: primers, school textbooks of the Russian language, spelling textbooks, etc., as well as in dictionaries to indicate the place of stress and correct pronunciation
Note. In foreign words, at the beginning of words and after vowels, instead of the letter ё, yo is written, for example; iodine, district, major."

Section 5 regulates these issues in more detail. new edition of these rules (published in 2006 and approved by the Orthographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences):

“The use of the letter ё can be consistent and selective.
Consistent use of the letter ё is mandatory in the following types of printed texts:

a) in texts with sequentially placed accent marks;

b) in books addressed to young children;

c) in educational texts for schoolchildren junior classes and foreigners studying Russian.

Note 1. The sequential use of ё is adopted for the illustrative part of these rules.

Note 3. In dictionaries, words with the letter e are placed in the general alphabet with the letter e, for example: barely, unctuous, fir-tree, spruce, elozit, fir-tree, fir-tree, spruce; to have fun, to have fun, gaiety, cheerful, fun.

In ordinary printed texts, the letter е is used selectively. It is recommended to use it in the following cases.

1. To prevent incorrect identification of a word, for example: everything, sky, summer, perfect (in contrast to the words everything, sky, summer, perfect), including to indicate the place of stress in the word, for example: bucket, we recognize (unlike a bucket, let's find out).

2. To indicate the correct pronunciation of a word - either rare, not well known, or having a common incorrect pronunciation, e.g.: gyozy, surfing, fleur, harder, lye, including to indicate the correct stress, e.g.: fable, brought, carried away , convicted, newborn, spy.

3. In proper names - surnames, geographical names, for example: Konenkov, Neyolova, Catherine Deneuve, Schrödinger, Dezhnev, Koshelev, Chebyshev, Veshenskaya, Olekma.”

“Yo”, “yo” and “yo” in borrowed words and the transfer of foreign proper names

The letter “е” is often used to convey the sounds [ø] and [œ] (for example, denoted by the letter “ö”) in foreign names and words.

In borrowed words, the letter combinations “jo” or “yo” are usually used to record combinations of phonemes such as /jo/:

After consonants, at the same time softening them ("broth", "battalion", "mignon", "guillotine", "senor", "champignon", "pavilion", "fjord", "companion", etc.) - in Romance languages usually in places after palatalized [n] and [l] “о” is written.

At the beginning of words ("iota", "iodine", "yogurt", "yoga", "York", etc.) or after vowels ("district", "coyote", "meiosis", "major", etc.) spelled “yo”;

However, in recent decades, “ё” has been increasingly used in these cases. It has already become a normative element in the systems of transferring titles and names (transliteration sense) from a number of Asian languages ​​(for example, the Kontsevich system for the Korean language and the Polivanov system for the Japanese language): Yoshihito, Shogun, Kim Yongnam.

In European borrowings, the sound is conveyed by the letter “е” very rarely; it is most often found in words from the languages ​​of Scandinavia (Jörmungand, Jötun), but, as a rule, it exists along with the usual transmission through “yo” (for example, Jörmungand) and is often considered non-normative.

“Ё” in borrowed words is often unstressed and in this position its pronunciation is indistinguishable from the letters “I”, “i” or “e” (Erdős, shogunate, etc.), i.e., its original clarity is lost and it sometimes turns into just an indication of a certain pronunciation in the source language.

Consequences of not using the letter “ё”

The slowness of the entry of the letter “е” into the practice of writing (which, by the way, never fully took place) is explained by its inconvenient form for cursive writing, which contradicts its main principle - the unity (without tearing the pen from the sheet of paper) of the style, as well as the technical difficulties of technology publishing houses of pre-computer times.

In addition, people with last names with the letter “е” often have difficulties, sometimes insurmountable, when preparing various documents, since some workers are irresponsible when writing this letter. This problem became especially acute after the introduction Unified State Examination systems when there is a danger of differences in the spelling of the name in the passport and in the Certificate of Unified State Examination results.

The habitual optionality of use led to the erroneous reading of a number of words, which gradually became generally accepted. This process affected everything: both a huge number of personal names and numerous common nouns.

Stable ambiguity is caused by words written without the letter e such as: piece of iron, everything, flax, let's take a break, blowjob (will fly by without hitting you), perfect, planted, in summer, recognize, palate, tapeworm, admits, etc. are increasingly used erroneous pronunciation (without ё) and shifting stress in the words beet, newborn, etc.

"e" turns into "e"

The ambiguity contributed to the fact that sometimes the letter “е” began to be used in writing (and, naturally, read [`o]) in those words where it should not be. For example, instead of the word “grenadier” - “grenadier”, and instead of the word “scam” - “scam”, also instead of the word “guardianship” - “guardianship”, and instead of the word “being” - “being”, etc. Sometimes such incorrect pronunciation and spelling become common.

Thus, the famous chess player Alexander Alekhine, world champion, was, in fact, Alekhine and was very indignant if his last name was pronounced and spelled incorrectly. His surname belongs to the noble family of Alekhins and is not derived from the familiar variable “Alyokha” from the name Alexey.

In those positions where it is necessary to be not ё, but е, it is recommended to place an accent in order to prevent incorrect recognition of words (everyone, takes) or erroneous pronunciation (grenadier, scam, Croesus, stout, Olesha).

Due to the spelling of words without e in the 20-30s. XX century many mistakes arose in the pronunciation of those words that people learned from newspapers and books, and not from colloquial speech: musketeer, youth, driver (these words said “e” instead of “e”).

Orthoepy: the emergence of new variants

Due to the optional use of the letter “е”, words have appeared in the Russian language that allow the possibility of being written with both the letter “e” and “е”, and the corresponding pronunciation. For example, faded and faded, maneuver and maneuver, whitish and whitish, bile and bile, etc.

Such variants constantly appear in the language due to the action of contradictory analogies. For example, the word nadsekshiy has variants of pronunciation with e/e due to the double motivation: notch/notch. The use or non-use of the letter “ё” does not matter here. But, developing naturally, literary language, as a rule, strives to eliminate the options: either one of them will become unliterary, incorrect (golo[l`o]ditsa, iz[d`e]vka), or different meanings will acquire pronunciation options (is[t`o]kshiy - is[t`e]kshiy).

It is preferably pronounced not “glider”, but “glider” (stressed 1st syllable), since the following trends exist in the Russian language: in the names of mechanisms, machines, and various devices, stress is preferable on the 1st syllable, or more precisely, on the penultimate one , i.e., glider, trireme, glider, tanker, and on the last one - when indicating the character: combine operator, driver, watchman.

Inconsistency in the use of the letter “е” is an artificial rather than a natural factor. And it helps to slow down the natural development of the language, giving rise to and maintaining pronunciation options that are not determined by intralingual reasons.

Interesting stories for students primary school. Stories by Leonid Panteleev and Irina Pivovarova for schoolchildren.

Leonid Panteleev. LETTER "YOU"

I once taught a little girl to read and write. The girl's name was Irinushka, she was four years old and five months old, and she was very smart. In just ten days, we mastered the entire Russian alphabet with her, we could already read “papa”, and “mama”, and “Sasha”, and “Masha” freely, and only one thing remained unlearned for us, the very last letter - "I".

And then, on this last letter, Irinushka and I suddenly stumbled.

I, as always, showed her the letter, let her take a good look at it and said:

- And this, Irinushka, is the letter “I.”

Irinushka looked at me in surprise and said:

- Why do you"? What kind of “you”? I told you: this is the letter “I”!

- Are you a letter?

- Yes, not “you”, but “I”!

She was even more surprised and said:

- I say: you.

- Yes, not me, but the letter “I”!

- Not you, but the letter you?

- Oh, Irinushka, Irinushka! Probably, my dear, you and I have overlearned a little. Don’t you really understand that it’s not me, but that this letter is called “I”?

“No,” he says, “why don’t I understand?” I understand.

- What do you understand?

- It’s not you, but this letter is called “you.”

Ugh! Well, really, what can you do with her?

How, pray tell, can I explain to her that I am not me, you are not you, she is not she, and that in general “I” is just a letter.

“Well, that’s what,” I finally said, “come on, say as if to yourself: I!” Understand? About myself. How do you talk to yourself?

She seemed to understand. She nodded. Then he asks:

- Speak?

- Well, well... Of course.

I see he is silent. She lowered her head. Moves his lips.

I speak:

- Well, what are you doing?

- I said.

- I didn’t hear what you said.

“You told me to talk to myself.” So I say it slowly.

- What are you saying?

She looked around and whispered in my ear:

I couldn’t stand it, I jumped up, grabbed my head and ran around the room.

Everything was already boiling inside me, like water in a kettle. And poor Irinushka sat, bending over the primer, looked sideways at me and sniffled pitifully. She was probably ashamed that she was so stupid. But I was also ashamed that I - big man- I can’t teach little man It is correct to read such a simple letter as the letter “I”.

Finally I came up with it after all. I quickly approached the girl, poked her nose with my finger and asked:

- Who is this?

She says:

- Well... Do you understand? And this is the letter “I”!

She says:

- Understand...

And I see that her lips are trembling and her nose is wrinkled - she’s about to cry.

“What do you mean,” I ask, “do you understand?”

“I understand,” he says, “that it’s me.”

- Right! Well done! And this is the letter “I”. Clear?

“I see,” he says. - This is the letter you.

- It’s not you, but me!

- Not me, but you.

- Not me, but the letter “I”!

- Not you, but the letter “you.”

- Not the letter “you,” my God, but the letter “I”!

- Not the letter “I,” my God, but the letter “you”!

I jumped up again and ran around the room again.

- There is no such letter! - I shouted. - Understand, you stupid girl! There is not and cannot be such a letter! There is a letter "I". Understand? I! The letter "I"! Please repeat after me: I am! I! I!..

“You, you, you,” she stammered, barely opening her lips. Then she dropped her head on the table and began to cry. Yes, so loudly and so pitifully that all my anger immediately cooled down. I felt sorry for her.

“Okay,” I said. “As you can see, you and I really got a little worked up.” Take your books and notebooks and you can go for a walk. Enough for today.

She somehow stuffed her junk into her purse and, without saying a word to me, stumbled and sobbed out of the room.

And I, left alone, thought: what to do? How will we finally step over this damned letter “I”?

“Okay,” I decided. - Let's forget about her. Well, her. Let's start the next lesson directly with reading. Maybe it will be better this way.”

And the next day, when Irina, cheerful and flushed after the game, came to class, I did not remind her of yesterday, but simply sat her down with her primer, opened the first page that came to her and said:

“Come on, madam, come on, read something to me.”

She, as always before reading, fidgeted in her chair, sighed, buried her finger and nose in the page and, moving her lips, read fluently and without taking a breath:

- They gave Tykov a block.

I even jumped up in my chair in surprise:

- What's happened? Which Tykov? What kind of apple? What kind of block is that?

I looked in the primer, and there it was written in black and white:

“They gave Jacob an apple.”

It's funny to you? I laughed too, of course. And then I say:

- Apple, Irinushka! An apple, not an apple!

She was surprised and said:

- Apple? So this is the letter "I"?

I already wanted to say: “Well, of course, “I”! And then I caught myself and thought: “No, my dear! We know you. If I say “I”, does that mean it’s off again? No, we won’t fall for this bait now.”

And I said:

- Yes, right. This is the letter "you".

Of course, it is not very good to tell lies. It is even very bad to tell a lie. But what can you do! If I had said “I” instead of “you,” who knows how it would all have ended. And, perhaps, poor Irinushka would have said this all her life - instead of “apple” - tybloko, instead of “fair” - tyrmarka, instead of “anchor” - tykor and instead of “tongue” - ty-zyk. And Irinushka, thank God, has grown up, pronounces all the letters correctly, as expected, and writes me letters without a single mistake.


One day Katya and Manechka decided to become clowns in the circus. They put Bobik, the doll Zyuzya, the cow Marisha made of papier-mâché, the plastic crocodile Gena, the middle-aged yellow bear Grisha and two elderly hares without eyes, without tails and without a name on the sofa and began to amuse the audience.

They painted their mouths up to their ears with red paint and began to laugh, fall to the floor, grimace, push and tumble.

The audience laughed terribly and applauded. The cow Marisha even fell to the floor laughing and her wheel came off.

Everyone else was happy too. Especially Zyuzya and Bobik. They sat next to each other, eating ice cream, and Zyuzya told Bobik that she had never seen anything funnier than these clowns in her life, slammed her big round eye and languidly added: “Ma-ma!”

Katya and Manya tumbled and made faces a little more, but soon they got tired of it, and they decided to show the trained cat Myshkin to the respected public.

They took a round hoop and began to force Myshkin to jump in it. But Myshkin refused and hid.

Then they realized that Myshkin was not ready to perform in the circus; first he needed to be trained. And the sisters began to train Myshkin. They placed half a sausage in the middle of the room and shouted:

- Myshkin, don’t move!

And Myshkin rushed over and ate the sausage. Then they put the other half of the sausage, and they themselves grabbed Myshkin and shouted:

- Myshkin, don’t move!

Myshkin began to break free from his hands, looking at the sausage, but Katya and Manechka did not let him in.

- You must be patient, stupid cat! - they told him. “If you don’t learn to endure, then you won’t perform in the circus, understand?”

“I got it,” thought Myshkin and stopped struggling. But as soon as Katya and Manechka released him, he rushed to the sausage and immediately swallowed it!

Katya and Manechka trained Myshkin for a long time, and Myshkin even became somewhat sad and frightened. Every scream actually made him flinch, but he still ate the sausage. “Try not to eat it,” Myshkin thought sadly, “if it’s lying right in front of you on the floor!” No, I’d rather not perform in the circus! I don't need fame."

Myshkin ate the sausage in no time and looked guiltily at Katya and Manechka, and the angry Katya and Manechka shamed him for a long time. One day they placed a sausage on the floor ten times in a row, and each time Myshkin rushed to it and immediately ate it. “Eh,” thought Myshkin, “to hell with everything!”

Then Katya and Manechka, having lost all patience, told him:

- Well, that's what, stubborn and nasty Myshkin! If you still don’t listen to us, we will abandon you and hand you over to prison. Orphanage for stray cats, and you can eat sausages there from morning to night, but you won’t see us again.

Myshkin was completely upset. He, of course, loved sausages, but he also loved Katya and Manechka. He didn’t even know who he loved more - sausages or Katya and Manechka. In any case, he didn’t want to go to an orphanage for stray cats. So he meowed pitifully, sat guiltily on his tail and began to wash his ears.

Myshkin's ears were very fluffy. Katya and Manechka thought: “Or maybe Myshkin is not to blame? Maybe he can’t hear through his furry ears? Maybe we should shout louder?”

They placed a piece of frozen cod on the floor and shouted so loudly that the glass in the frame shook:

- Myshkin! Don `t move! — and to be sure, they stamped their feet.

Myshkin almost had a stroke from fear. He jumped on the spot, turned over like a top, threw himself under the sofa and with difficulty squeezed into narrow space between the sofa and the floor.

Satisfied, Katya and Manya decided to repeat the experiment.

“Well,” they said. - This is a completely different matter! Now come here, Myshkin! Come here, honey! Eat this cod, we allow it.

“Thank you,” Myshkin thinks under the sofa. - Try to get out of here, I’m stuck!.. No way! I don't need any of your cod! I feel calmer here. This is what you've brought me to. Screaming like that can make you nervous.”

Katya and Manechka spent a long time pulling Myshkin out from under the sofa, but he resisted and meowed wildly.

The bell rang and neighbor Anna Ivanovna came running:

- What's going on here? What kind of screams? What kind of unthinkable stomping is this? I have a crystal vase from the shelf

fell down! Dismissed the children! Hooliganism left and right! I'll call the police now!

Here Katya and Manechka were seriously scared themselves. And Myshkin, hearing what a threat arose over his mistresses, wanted to crawl out from under the sofa, but could not and howled even more.

- So you also torture animals?! — the neighbor knelt down and looked under the sofa. - Poor cat, why did these nasty children push you there? Well, the kids are off! And what do only their parents teach them?

She put her hand under the ottoman and wanted to pull Myshkin out, but Myshkin took it and scratched her, and even bit her.

- Ay! - the neighbor screamed. - Stupid cat! He doesn’t understand who is doing good to him! Unconscious creature! All in their mistresses!

Then Myshkin took it and got out. He could not stand to have his mistresses insulted. Raising his tail, he crossed the room with great dignity and walked out, as if wanting to make it clear that he did not need anyone’s help and asked any neighbors to leave him alone. Long gray skeins of dust hung from Myshkin's sides and tail.

- You see! - said Katya and Manechka. - We don’t torture anyone! Your Vovka himself pestered our Myshkin in the yard yesterday and pulled his mustache. And if he continues to pull at him, we ourselves will report your Vovka to the police.

Then the neighbor got up from her knees, shook herself off indignantly and said:

- Lord, but dust, dust! I suppose they haven't swept for a long time! And it smells, it smells! Well, just like in a zoo! An intelligent family, they say! Joke! - And she left indignantly.

Since then, Katya and Manechka have not trained Myshkin anymore. But really, why train him? He's so smart! Well, cats don’t have to perform in the circus.

Our planet is very beautiful. Seas and oceans, emerald waterfalls and mirror lakes, plains and high mountains, striving for the sun, forests and steppes - all this is the enormous wealth of our blue planet. And how many cities, towns, villages there are. You probably can’t count everything.

Titles settlements on the planet starts on different letters. There are a lot of things on “A”, “B”, “C”. But there are very few settlements starting with the letter “Y”. One of the cities whose name begins with the letter “Y” is located in a country rich in sunshine - Turkey. And it is called Ysparta. Agree, unusual name. This city is very ancient, like many cities in Turkey. In those distant times, when the sun shone brighter and the earth was completely different, in one of the countries of Asia Minor, called Lydia, there was a territory on which the ancient Hittites organized a city. The Hittites were an intelligent people who had their own written language and were famous for their ability to make war chariots.

The territory on which modern Isparta is located, in different time belonged to different conquerors. Emirs and sultans changed, but this region remained fertile, warm, sunny.

The main symbol of modern Ysparta is a huge rose. The rose is the flower of the gods, a flower whose luxury has been admired at all times. It is no coincidence that the rose is present in Yspart as a symbol. There are several factories in the city whose activity is the processing of roses. They are very proud of the production of rose oil in Isparta; it originated in this territory in the 19th century. Thanks must be given to the Muslim refugees from Bulgaria who transferred some of their activities to this territory.

Rose oil is a useful thing, including for the healing of our body. Queen Cleopatra loved to rub rose oil on her precious body. In the city of Isparta, cosmetics and perfumes with the addition of rose oil are produced.

Who among us doesn't like sweets? Of course, there are people who are indifferent to desserts, but hardly anyone can resist the main Turkish sweet dish - Turkish delight. Lovers of tasty treats buy Turkish delicacy made from roses and rose jam in Isparta.

Ancient territories are amazing. The buildings on them are unique. Nowadays they don’t build like that at all. But this is natural. Times change, fashion changes. But the magic of antiquity attracts many. Ancient mosques, an ancient city fortress, buildings of historical value attract people to the city a large number of tourists. There is no fuss here, you can look at everything calmly, and only the quickly approaching South night will interrupt the walk.

This is what city starting with the letter Y is on Earth.

Words with the letter Y in the middle of the word: roof, mouse, smoke, hole,
The letter Y at the end of a word: cars, balls, tables,

Riddles about the letter Y()
Walks with a stick, alas,
Letter by page...

Do you know this letter?
It is in the words: “moles”,
"Beads", "cheese" and in the word "we".
Remember the letter...

Poems about the letter Y() (more )
Here's the axe.
The log is nearby.
We got what we needed:
The result is the letter Y -
We all should know it.

And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas.

In Russian, alas,
There are no words starting with "Y".

The letter "Y" has a strange sound:
It's like "I", but harder than "Y".
Dimka turns into haze,
Milu into soap, and rice into lynx.
Lynx, similar to Timka,
And I’ll tell the lynx - scatter!

Letter Ynot to be at the beginning
But both YOU and WE have met
That letter, tearing off the saffron milk
And gliding on fast skis

WE are passing the letter "Y",
The word contains "pants"
In the word "smoke" and in the word "bull",
Are you used to this letter?

Do you know this letter?
It is in the words "moles"
"Beads", "cheese" and in the word "we".
You remember the letter "Y"!

The mice came out of the hole,
nibbled on hearty cheeses.
And candy and beans,
And cutlets and mushrooms.

The cat dreamed of a full dinner:
Leaky cheese on the window,
The fish was fried in the oven,
The MOUSE sent rolls.

I know: the bull and the mouse,
Soap, smoke, poke, balls.
Bittern, ski track, hole, baby...
There are a lot of words with letter "Y".

Pure sayings with the letter Y
RY-RY-RY - I will eat mountains.
YR-YR-YR - the mouse found the cheese.
DY-DY-DY - here's a glass of water.
YD-YD-YD - to be greedy is a shame.
WE-WE-WE are already waiting for winter.
YM-YM-YM - smoke was coming from the chimney.
NOW-NOW-NOW - we will wait for spring.
EUN-EUN-EUN - son in the garden.

Tongue twisters with the letter Y()
Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped her soap
I didn’t wash the bear with soap.

The letter Y bought soap,
She washed the dishes with it.
Soap lathered and soap,
The soap had a lot of power.

- Do you think the letter Y is washed with soap?
- Imagine that the letter Y has lost its stick. Who will she turn into then?

Images of the letter Y

Let's talk to the letter Y()
- What do you like to eat?
- Cheese.
- What animals do you know?
- Mouse, rat.
- What do you wash with at home?
- Soap.
- What do you like to do?
- Jumping, skiing.
- What plants do you know?
- Melon, pumpkin.

Defectology - sound [Y].
My child did not know how to pronounce the sound [Y]: he has a BEAR and a MOUSE - everything is the same. I tried to explain how to set the language, but it was all in vain...

After rummaging around on the Internet, I found several notes about how to help a child - here they are:
1) wide smile, open your mouth wide (there is a gap of about 2 cm between the upper and lower teeth), hide the tip of your tongue behind the upper incisors and pronounce the sound YYYYYY.
2) Hold a pen or pencil between your teeth (not put it in your mouth, but hold it across between your teeth so that your tongue does not rise up) and say “And.” When the child understands where the sound “Y” is formed, he will be able to pronounce it himself.
2a (in other words): Let the child smile and say “I.” Then take a pencil or spoon and push the tip of your tongue back. In this case, the tongue should be “bumpy”, and also show by personal example.
3) You must first ask to pronounce the sound “I”, then ask to pull the tongue back and press the back of the tongue down.
4) For the child to understand how the sound “Y” is formed, let him say “KY-GY-KY-GY” - it’s the sound “G” that will help the tongue move back.
5) Say a long “Uuuuuuuuu”, and then, without changing the position of the tongue, change the position of the lips, stretching them into a smile.
6) Pronounce the sound “Mmmmmmmmmm”, then open your mouth a little, stretching your lips in a small smile - you get “mmmmmyyyyy”.

We made it!!! :) Now the sound “Y” is there, you just need to practice a little for a few days :) Exercises No. 1, 5, 6 gave the greatest results. My son really liked Exercise No. 2 (after all, it’s not every day that mom allows him to put a pencil in his mouth! :), but in my opinion it didn’t give the same result (or I didn’t do it quite right).

A tale about the letter Y()

One day the letters began to play a game: each of them took turns naming the words that began with it. The letter that could not name the word was lost. Letters solid sign And soft sign They refused to play, saying that they had a lot to do and had no time to play.

The remaining letters were played many times, and each time the letter Y became the loser. She couldn't think of a single word that started with her.

Having lost in Once again, the letter Y was very upset and decided to leave the alphabet. She said:

There is not a single word that begins with the letter Y. This means that I am not needed in the alphabet, I will leave and never return.

The letters began to persuade her to stay, but Y was adamant.

What could convince you to come back? - then the letters asked.

What else to read