Dreaming of talking to an ex-girlfriend. If a woman dreams about her ex-girlfriend. Dead in a dream

It happens that communication with those closest to you breaks down. To find out what you are dreaming about ex-girlfriend, you need to remember all the details of the dream, as well as the reasons why your friendship ended in reality.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Before you begin the interpretation, think about why the dream caught your attention. Sometimes you dream about your ex-best friend only because the quarrel happened relatively recently and the emotions are still fresh. In this case, the dream is only a projection of our waking experiences. We lose control of our own mind when we go to bed, and all experiences come to us in dreams.

Dream books say that the interpretation depends on the reason for which you stopped communicating. If a friendship ended due to life circumstances, such as moving to another country, and neither party holds a grudge, the dream may simply be a sign that you are missing a loved one.

If your friendship was a long time ago, and you forgot to think about your former friend, and she suddenly disturbed you in a dream, you might think about it.

Basic interpretations of such dreams:

  1. Perhaps you are simply spending too much time on your past, analyzing it and preventing yourself from moving on. Let go of old grievances and past relationships, otherwise you will not be able to find happiness.
  2. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend, after which you chat nicely, does not bode well. Usually the vision foreshadows quarrels with loved ones, disagreements with partners. If in a dream you talk to a girl in a raised voice and even break into a scream, this, on the contrary, is interpreted as good sign. Relationships with loved ones will be improved, and old conflicts will be forgotten.
  3. According to Longo's dream book, when in a dream a woman seems to be sucking up to you, says overly affectionate words and tries to build ideal relationship, be careful. Someone is plotting and spreading rumors. Try to either nip them in the bud, or, if you are late, ignore them. But never give up, even if it seems like the whole world is against you.

If you had a friendly conversation with your ex-girlfriend, you are in danger of a quarrel with your lover. Ignore the rumors and try to start trusting your man.

If the plot of the dream went beyond a simple conversation, and an ex-girlfriend dropped by to visit you, a major scandal will break out very soon. Its outcome could even be separation from the chosen one. If in a dream, after inviting a friend to your house, you kick her out, the conflict will be hushed up without much sacrifice.

Walks and hugs with former friends in a dream do not promise anything good. Such dreams mean that intrigues are woven behind your back, and soon you will become a victim of cruel rumors. Spend more time with your loved ones, because only they will always be on your side.

Why do you dream about a friend’s wedding?

It would seem that a wedding celebration is a bright holiday. But even if you are ready to rejoice for the happiness of your ex-girlfriend, a dream about her wedding is not the most favorable for you. Most often it means that they are waiting for you severe trials, among which are misunderstandings with loved ones, illness of family members and troubles at work for one of the close relatives.

If, to top it all off, you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend being pregnant, the dream becomes less gloomy. Pregnancy in a dream often symbolizes new beginnings and financial luck. Perhaps you will soon win the lottery or receive a large inheritance.

Fight with an old friend in dreams

If in a dream you and your ex-girlfriend started a conflict or one of you dragged the other into a fight, in reality there were unsaid things between you. Perhaps your ex-friend is keeping a terrible secret from you. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship between your lover and ex-girlfriend. If they cross paths for work or other reasons, and the man’s behavior has changed to cold and distant, they have started an affair behind your back.

Naturally, the dream book is not the last authority in this matter, but after such a dream you should be more careful and discuss your concerns with your loved one.

Seeing reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend

Very often, such a dream plot means that you should take a break from daily hassles and devote some time only to yourself. You feel trapped. You may love your job and your loved ones endlessly, but every day seems like a copy of the previous one. If you think this could take forever, go on vacation immediately. You don't have to spend a month on the beach - an evening walk to your favorite places hometown will dispel you no less.

In most cases, an ex-girlfriend in a dream is a bad sign. Moreover, the troubles that await the dreamer will come not from the former friend herself, but from close people.

The question of why an ex-girlfriend dreams is asked by people who have had such a vision in their night dreams. Dreamers want to figure out what the emerging picture promises, whether they should be afraid or, conversely, rejoice.

The question of why an ex-girlfriend dreams is asked by people who have had such a vision in their night dreams.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, then you can understand the secret meaning of the dream with the help of Miller’s dream book. The accuracy of the prediction will directly depend on the details that the person managed to remember.

For example, if an old friend tries to warn the dreamer about something, then this is a reason to be wary. Such a dream can speak of gossip and ill-wishers that can cause harm.

See in a dream crying girl, who used to be best friends, can say that in real life Someone is very jealous of the dreamer, most likely it is a rival. Therefore, you should carefully protect your love relationship so that the homewrecker cannot destroy them.

If in a dream your ex-best friend wants to make peace, then such a vision prophesies good news in real life. It is possible, for example, for guests to arrive from distant countries, and this meeting will bring a lot of joy and pleasant surprises.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, then you can understand the secret meaning of the dream with the help of Miller’s dream book

If the dreamed girlfriend laughed loudly and contagiously, then in real life the dreamer will have a long trip related to work. But don’t be upset, a forced business trip will give you only positive emotions. You will be able to not only perform your professional duties efficiently, but also get acquainted with interesting people maybe find your love.

An ex-girlfriend gives flowers in a dream - in real life there is a chance to receive profitable proposition for work, new position, interesting cooperation.

The accuracy of the prediction will directly depend on the details that the person managed to remember

Seeing a dream in which a girlfriend dies is a sign. A person should change his attitude towards loved ones. It is possible that the dreamer is too demanding and arrogant about some of them. It is worth changing your behavior, otherwise at a difficult moment there is a risk of being left without support.

Why do you dream about a friend (video)

Interpretation according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

For the interpretation of dreams, there is not only Miller’s dream book, but also, for example, Tsvetkov’s. According to it, to see a smiling ex-girlfriend in your night dreams is a sign of meeting your soulmate and a quick marriage, of course, if the dreamer is still single. This marriage will become long and strong if the woman shows wisdom.

If a married lady saw a smiling friend in her night dreams, then the dream may portend a new addition to the family. By the way, there is a high probability that the dreamer will have a daughter.

Seeing former friends in a dream, walking with them in the forest - means a change of place of residence

Seeing an ex-girlfriend bringing gifts means a quarrel with a loved one. A scandal will arise over money, and it will not be easy to solve financial problems.

Giving something to a girlfriend in a dream means positive emotions in real life, you can wait for the offensive light stripe, a series of successes: everything will work out at work, on the personal front too.

Seeing former friends in a dream, walking with them in the forest - means a change of place of residence. Moreover, this will not necessarily be a purchase. new apartment or at home, perhaps the dreamer will decide to move to another city, country, changing his life 360 ​​degrees, reconsidering his values.

With a good but ex-girlfriend - to quarrels with relatives. In real life, you need to try very hard not to spoil relationships with others, to live in harmony with them.

I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend (video)

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend? In general, in modern dream book seeing an old friend means unexpected help. In other words, if the dreamer has some serious trouble, then it will not be her close people who will help her, but those from whom they did not expect help. Relatives may turn away and not lend a helping hand, but unfamiliar citizens will surprise you with their responsiveness.

Dreaming of fights with a former friend is a bad sign. The dream will be a symbol of the fact that in real life it will be very difficult to reach the intended goal. To achieve it, you will have to put in a lot of effort and go through a thorny path. At work, you should not expect promotions, encouragement, or concessions. It will be difficult to achieve success.

In general, in a modern dream book, seeing an old friend means unexpected help.

You don’t always need to flip through a dream book; an ex-girlfriend can dream about it just like that. For example, if the dreamer saw her the day before in a store or secretly wants to communicate with her. Sometimes people dream only because we think about them, there is no secret meaning.

To perceive dreams as signs from above, you need to learn to interpret them correctly, remembering the smallest details. Only with this approach will dreams provide useful information.

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Why do you dream about your ex-Girlfriend in a dream according to the dream book?


Who dreamed about an ex-girlfriend?

A married woman dreamed of an ex-girlfriend▼

For married woman a dream where an ex-girlfriend appears symbolizes idleness, a person from close circle dreamers. Most likely, it is not the dreamed friend who is planning, but a completely different person. There is also the possibility of family discord.

What can you say about this ex-girlfriend?

Dreaming about ex-best friend▼

If you dreamed about your ex-best friend and she silently looks at the sleeping person, this is most likely her unspoken grievances. Perhaps she is looking for a reason to express emotions. If you still have a good relationship, and your ex-girlfriend is sad, this could mean future experiences.

I dreamed about a friend I don’t communicate with▼

When you dream of a friend with whom you do not communicate, this is a sign: you should not limit any kind of behavior. It is better to devote several days to solitude, pay attention to your inner self, reflect, and do something that brings peace.

I dreamed about a pregnant ex-girlfriend▼

A dream where your ex-girlfriend is pregnant may symbolize the dreamer’s reluctance to create, to become the keeper of the hearth. Surely there is still a reluctance to give birth to a child, do household chores, and lead.

Dreaming about ex-girlfriend's friend▼

If you dreamed about a friend ex-girlfriend Probably, the former passion is now full of difficulties and misfortunes. However, such a dream can rarely foreshadow any drastic changes in the dreamer.

What happened in the dream?

Why do you dream about a quarrel with your ex-girlfriend▼

A quarrel with an ex-girlfriend, the dream book warns, in all likelihood foreshadows a possible reconciliation between the dreamer and the dreamed girl in reality. But, in addition, this may be a sign of future general positive trends.

I dream about my ex-girlfriend hugging me▼

I dreamed of a fight with my ex-girlfriend▼

The dreamer and her ex-girlfriend, as the dream book predicts, are a sign of serious problems that may arise on your life path. Most likely, to achieve your goals, it will take a long time, painstakingly, diligently. It is very reckless to rely on it.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend dying▼

A dream where an ex-girlfriend dies often turns out to be a warning: someone has evil plans for the dreamer. But don’t despair: you can easily resist the intrigues with due caution.

I dreamed of reconciliation with my ex-girlfriend▼

Reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend in a dream certainly indicates strong communication between the dreamer and this person. Perhaps you should renew contact, try to re-establish the old trust.

Video: Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

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Did you dream about your ex-Girlfriend, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    I dreamed of an ex-friend... with whom we used to be friends on the site... in the dream, why was she my neighbor and called me to drink tea... she ran out of milk and I went home to my place for milk... and that’s where the dream ended... please explain the interpretation of the dream

    My friend with whom we were good friends used to be 3 boys and we were 2 girls and we were great friends, so here we are for a long time We don’t see each other anymore and don’t communicate for about half a year, once we send an SMS hello hello and that’s it. Yesterday he writes and says I saw you in a dream today and immediately decided to write, I asked what was there, he says he started to show me why we are not friends like before, why forgot me, he says and I cried, I was with 3 friends and he was with someone unknown a guy he doesn’t know. Now I’m wondering why my friend sees me crying:-(ahh help and who is the guy that was in the dream why am I afraid of the stranger

    I dreamed about my best friend (an ex, to be more precise, we haven’t communicated with her for more than 2 months and she said that she thinks that our friendship is over) in the dream we seemed to meet in the future (in the dream, as in life, we were in a quarrel) and began to talk, we spent the day together, chatting and having fun, I was happy in the dream, because I miss her so much and was glad that we met
    I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday
    there were similar dreams
    we also somehow met by chance, walked, had a great time and in the dream I was very happy
    since I constantly think about our friendship, and I have already dreamed about it several times in 2 months, I would like to know what it all means
    thank you in advance

    I dreamed that my husband and I were preparing an event that looked like a wedding anniversary. He and I have a daughter, she also figured there, guests arrived, but also one who we didn’t expect and didn’t want to see with her husband arrived, she came up to him and said that she saw me smoking with some man, and my husband I believed her, although this didn’t happen at all, if we need a family and a child, why else do we need someone else? My husband didn’t believe me and went to the guests, I turned around and left, and he wasn’t even worried about me. Please interpret this dream, thank you)

    An ex-friend with whom we were friends 8-9 years ago came in a dream for the first time, we parted very hard, there were a lot of insults from gossip, and then in the dream she was so sweet, as if she was apologizing for everything, and would like to renew the relationship and with her eyes asked to forgive her and continue communicate, but in reality this is not possible in life.

    for ten years I have not communicated with my friend who betrayed me, I saw her very rarely in my dreams, but today it was very clear that she was with her husband, the sleep was calm, we did not quarrel. We communicated little, and then they went to sleep in the next room and I I saw and I also knew for sure that not far from us, enemies were hiding in some cave, but they didn’t bother us

    I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend, with whom I had not seen or communicated for several years, came to my house and started hugging me and kissing me, but I was not pleased with it and I was very surprised that she was taking such an initiative towards me

    I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, we were in some kind of apartment or dacha, I went out on a beam to sit down and smoke and at that time she started laughing at me and she very often began to come to me in my dreams and it scares me a little

    ex-girlfriend returned it to me mobile phone, which was stolen from me (in reality) 5 months ago at the station. But instead, I lost in the same dream another mobile phone that was given to me at work, and I was very upset about it. And one more thing: in my dream, this friend of mine worked in some kind of medical institution (hospital), in which there were many teenagers. And I went there to see someone (I don’t remember who and why). There was one friend (a girl I don’t know in real life), also my friend in the dream - she called me somewhere and I followed her until I saw how she threw garbage on the ground, I was offended by her for this and I started running away from her, she was chasing, and I was very afraid that she would catch up with me. While I was running, I noticed that I had lost my mobile phone, which (in reality) was given to me temporarily at work.

    Recently, about a month ago, I had a fight with my best friend, today I dreamed about her. I come to work and there she is an intern for me, I go into the closet and there she is and I yell at her and she pays zero attention

    I dreamed of my late husband and he gave me to the guy with whom I was in a relationship. Also in the dream there was a friend with whom I don’t communicate and she had blood on her face, then I called my friend’s sister and said that Sveta was not feeling well (that’s my friend’s name)

    good afternoon, I dream of a friend with whom I haven’t talked for quite a long time, and besides, she calls me and invites me to go for a walk, then we see each other and she starts talking about her day, I’ve already had this dream 7-8 times, if not more. I would like to know what they are for

    I dreamed of a friend whom we said goodbye to recently because she acted very badly. We walked in our sleep through the park, near the fountain, but could not find a place where we could sit in the rain. We went into some office with a lot of chairs. We sat there, but for some reason we didn’t find shelter there either. Then I started looking for the keys to rented apartment, although I live in my own. And then we went in different directions. The dream stopped.

    I only remember that it was some night, there were dead people everywhere, everything was covered in blood, people were throwing some kind of bombs/grenades, I got on the bus, there was my classmate with whom we are not on the best terms, I remember what I asked where is Polina? she answered, and Polina died, I was in shock, I said “Kingdom of Heaven” several times, then I saw that many seats on the bus were covered in blood, and there was some kind of corpse lying under the chair..

    Good afternoon Tatyana, my name is Sabina, I dreamed of my ex-girlfriend as if we were working for my former boss, she had not worked for him before and I had this dream for the second time, the same one

    I broke up with my friend a month ago, today I dreamed that I was sitting at the computer at home and Skype suddenly turned on and she appeared asking me what was happening to me, to which I said don’t even ask. That's all I woke up with.

    My friend and I haven’t communicated for two months now, in a dream I dreamed that I was visiting his boyfriend in the summer and we went for a walk around the city, everything was the same as before
    I forgot about her a long time ago and don’t even remember, but I wondered why I suddenly dreamed about her

    Hello! My name is Timur. So, my dream was like this:
    I don’t remember the first half, but in the second half of the dream, I dreamed that I was standing next to my ex-girlfriend and a new friend. I was telling my friend something, and my ex was standing, looking at us and smiling. It scared me a little. But then I leave and go to the Auto Store and buy myself a nice, expensive car and go to the city center to the club. When I arrive, I get out of the car and again my ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend and boyfriend are standing not far from me. I go up to my friend and hug her her, and I look at ex-girlfriend and she looks at me and smiles very tenderly. Just like that. This is where my dream ended.

    Hello. I am worried about a dream, the essence of which is repeated often. The dream is about how I make peace with my ex-girlfriend, and each time in different places and under different circumstances, but the essence remains the same. I was told that if you think about a person a lot, you might dream about him. But I haven’t thought about her for 2 weeks now.

    It was at school, we were getting dressed to go out, but then I saw a wound on her leg and asked: “What is this?” she only answered: “fell,” although this did not happen in the dream.
    Then she lay on the school floor in street clothes. I approached her and she answered me: “go away..”
    And then I woke up

    I was sitting on a chair, two friends stood next to me (one on the right, the other on the left), she came up to me (a former friend, I don’t communicate with her now), put her hands on my shoulders, pressing and said: It’s clear who you chose. And that's it, she turned and left

    I dreamed of my ex-best friend, with whom I have not spoken for 9 years. She was in the hospital and an unknown man was hunting her. I protected her and tried to protect her. When the story of the persecution ended, she cried, and I consoled her.

    at first there was a fight with a girl, a lot of people were involved and a friend said something in a dream, I knew her name, then I left and met 2 girls, they were happy and swimming, I turned around and moved on

    Hello, I dreamed that my ex-best friend called me (we haven’t talked to her for 2.5-3 years) and invited me to go for a walk, I agreed, the three of us went for a walk (the third was our mutual good friend, with whom we both rarely, but we communicate to this day) we had fun, we were the happiest, it felt like in a dream as if we had been walking for 3 days. (And in real life we ​​stopped communicating 2.5-3 years ago, due to numerous quarrels, jealousy of new acquaintances , we tried to make peace, start communicating, but we can’t do it anymore, we have different interests) please tell me what this dream is for? The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday.

    I dreamed about my ex-best friend, we don’t communicate with each other for a month and several weeks. In the dream, she approached me with communication, and I turned away from her in the literal sense of the word.

    hello, today (03.13.17) I had a dream where I was in some room. There was my ex-best friend with whom I started talking. She looked at me with a smile all the time and wanted to hug me. I think she hugged me ( I don’t know for sure). All this time I felt a different feeling, I was in great surprise. WHAT does this mean? My gmail ^ . THANK YOU, I'M WAITING FOR THE FORECAST)))))

    Hello, we were walking near the school like buto in the summer. My grandmother and I went to get paid and she followed us as always. We came to the store and she followed us. My mother and her parents were there. I wanted all the dresses, then I got offended (I don’t remember why) and ran into the corridor of the store and my friend followed me, I started saying, “Leave me alone, leave me alone,” she said something like, “Well, let’s go Angelin.” I didn’t agree to anything, I stepped on her foot so that she would untie herself, then on her knees she quickly ran away and bought that dress, I cried.

    Hello, I dreamed that she slept with some guy in front of me and in my house, and me and my parents just went back and forth, this is my ex-best friend, we were friends with her as children

    I had a fight with my best friend a month ago, we had a very serious fight. From a lack of communication with her and from resentment towards her, I took the first step and wrote to her, expressing all my resentment, but she read it and did not answer. And now for the fifth day I have been dreaming about how she writes to me on my networks, but yesterday I blocked her on my networks and she began to write from another page, trying to measure herself. In some dreams we made up, and in some we just didn't end. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed about a friend with whom I was in a quarrel. I dreamed that we were sorting out our relationship with her. Then she went home. And she came again in an allegedly drunken state to find out again. And my dream ended there.

    I haven't talked to my friend for a little over a week. She came up to me when I was sitting on a bench and asked why I didn’t communicate with her, why I didn’t answer messages in social networks, in In reality, I really do this, I never answered.
    Then I was sitting at the computer, she came in a red dress and asked me to give her a seat, I still ignored her, but she sat on my lap and sat for a while and the dream ended.
    The dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday.
    I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest.

    I dreamed that an ex-friend came to my house to pick up her thing, I gave her what she wanted (She needed to pick up a teapot, the sticker on it had been torn off). The friend began to say that the sticker was intact, I said that she already had it for me gave it away. In the end, I kicked her out and closed the door, shouting to her that she was a sheep. She turned around and flew into the house, rushing to fight. We knocked each other to the floor, but then the fight stopped and we, as if nothing had happened, went to the computer to look at the pictures that I drew, but I didn’t find them.

    I dreamed of my best friend (with whom we are on this moment in a mess) and another friend of mine with whom they constantly walk, in this dream we were kind of in a mess, but we went to a cafe, but on the way out we quarreled again and I had a very heavy briefcase. I went to the cafe alone on the other road, while I was walking, I met one very good friend my best friend, and we went to this cafe with him. He and I were sitting at another table, and when those friends were leaving, my best friend came up and asked something, I didn’t understand. Then I started beating her to show how much it hurt me. After that, I went up to that friend and started beating her with the words, “If your best friend refused to take you away, that doesn’t mean you have to take her away from me.”

    Hello, my friend who owes me money in real life (I even sued her, I didn’t know her before, we’ve been friends for about 2 years). So I dreamed that the judge is forcing her to pay me back and for some reason that the amount is much less (that is, she owes me 1200 euros and gives me 240 lei, counting the paper money on one side the paper is white on the other side it is colored as it should be, the others are black and a portrait Tsar of Moldavia (I'm from there). After the trial, I was walking down the street and she was all furious in the car with her brother and one daughter, she wanted to run me over, but at the last moment she changed her mind, like I won the trial, and she lost.

    Please explain.
    My ex-girlfriend and I were in a cottage, surrounded by people. When we were going to bed, one guy (maybe her) accidentally touched me, she noticed and started throwing mud at me…. swearing, tears of resentment, I go to my friends, tell them about what happened in response to silence (either they supported her or were just silent) I am in tears of resentment and don’t understand, leaving them all!!! Help me understand, it seems to me that something bad is hidden here!

    I dreamed that I was walking with my ex-best friend towards my house and I asked her for advice on a matter: where can I buy small glue sticks for the thermo pistol. And she answered me that she has a large thermal gun and she buys glue sticks in the Forum, and I replied that for my thermal gun, these sticks are too big, and she replied that then she doesn’t know where else you can buy glue sticks.

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we communicated very well for a year (a friend from university) and we have not communicated for half a year. I dreamed about how we were sitting in assembly hall and the hairdresser does her hair with curls and we discuss the fashion show at the university, saying how she has no idea how she will participate because she is larger than the usual models. And I asked her for a comb, but she didn’t have an ordinary comb, there was some kind of mini comb at the end of the curling iron

    I dreamed of my best old friend with whom I had a fight 2 years ago... I dreamed that I made peace with her and we were close friends again, she shared her problems... And the problem was with her mother. For some reason, my mother constantly screamed, even threatened her, we were in the same room, and then everything seemed to work out... But then the scandal began again, she didn’t treat me very well in the dream, but it seemed like she didn’t care at all... Dream was in bright warm colors then abruptly turned into cold and gloomy ones.. After this dream I remembered the old Good times with this friend’s ex and I wanted to renew the relationship, I thought it over and considered myself guilty of the quarrel.. And now I’m thinking about how to meet her, what to say.. And will she reject me.. After such a period of time.. And if so, then I will be calm that I did everything possible and did not let everything take its course... Please explain the interpretation of my dream. Best regards, Zhanna.

    I had a dream with my ex-best friend, for the second day in a row
    From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that she was trying to talk to me, and from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that we met, talked and hugged...
    I have dreams from Wednesday to Thursday and from Thursday to Friday, and then I also had a dream from Saturday...
    help me find out what this is for?!!…
    I am Aquarius
    Date of birth January 31, 2003

    At first, the dream was not about a friend at all; various adventurous and fantastic things happened in it.
    My relatives, my favorite actress, people I had ever seen appeared there as minor characters. But then I met my ex best friend. We helped each other in various tasks. Then we gathered together in the bathroom (for some reason) to have a heart-to-heart talk. We became best friends again. Then she told me what gifts she wanted for some holiday and said that she would give it to me. I went to collect gifts for her in various places, and they turned out to be very original, perhaps not even what she wanted. Then the dream ended.

    Good afternoon. In September I had a quarrel with my good friend Alena, and not so long ago I was offended by another friend of mine, Katya. Yesterday I was all laziness thinking about making peace with them as quickly as possible, but I wasn’t sure that Alena would also want to make peace with me, and that Katya and I would soon make peace.
    Today I dreamed that Katya apologized and we made peace with her. I told her, “Well, you communicate with everyone,” and she agreed. Then somehow I dreamed that I saw Alena. She called me her friend and, as it seemed to me, we began to make peace, but suddenly she disappeared. She left without saying goodbye.
    Second dream: I dreamed that some woman was unraveling me, looking carefully into my eyes. She had beautiful, light hazel eyes.
    This is all

    My ex-girlfriend left me and found another friend, whose name is Yulia. I haven't talked to her for about 7-8 months. Today I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was crying and asking for forgiveness from me. I didn't understand.

The interpretation of this dream must be approached from different angles. Firstly, both men and women can dream about their ex-girlfriend. The meaning of this dream is different for different genders. Secondly, you need to take into account what actions took place in the dream and what other characters appeared.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, it means you are still thinking about her and not letting her go. You still have hope for a revival of the relationship, but this dream is a warning to you that you need to move on and look for a new relationship. If she dies in a dream, then this dream symbolizes a new beginning. If you dream that you had something with her sexual relations, then in real life a new romantic relationship awaits you. The partner may be new, or maybe you dreamed about it.

On the other hand, your ex-girlfriend may be dreaming of some fateful meeting. If you talked to her in a dream, then your past may soon appear. If in a dream you argued with her or there was some kind of conflict, then perhaps in the near future you will be set up. You won't expect this from this particular person. If you fought with her, interesting events will happen in your life soon.

If you dreamed that you kissed her, then in the near future you will meet people whom you have not seen for a very long time, and if you married her, it means changes in your life. If you see her with a new boyfriend, it means you have to make a choice.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

An ex-girlfriend in dreams can symbolize an upcoming loss. There may be conflicts with family or friends, or you will suffer some financial losses. This dream can also warn you about gossip or malicious gossip. If she hides her gaze, then it means that they don't trust you. If she sleeps in your dream, then everything in your life is going well and all your plans will come true. If in a dream you had a fight with her and also fought, then this means that in reality you are striving for something impossible, but this will come true only at the end of your life.

Family dream book

This character appears in dreams when you think about him a lot. The dream suggests that in reality you will receive support from where you do not expect it. If you dreamed that you lost your best friend, then this dream suggests that you have real friends at any time. Hard time they will be there for you. If you dreamed that she took your boyfriend away from you, then this dream symbolizes your fear. You are so afraid of something that all your thoughts are loaded only with this. Perhaps this dream warns you about your boyfriend's infidelity. Pay attention to this.

If your girlfriend laughs or looks down on you in a dream, then this means that there is a crack in your relationship, and if she just smiles, then changes will occur in your life better side. A chance meeting is possible.

Some sources also report that an ex-girlfriend in a dream can symbolize an improvement in your situation in real life, and if you had a fight with her in a dream, then in reality this means that your relationships with people are improving.

Sometimes a person sees in his dreams people who have long left his life, and perhaps whom he does not even remember. In this case, the subconscious wants to tell the dreamer something, and this is very important for him.

Our article will tell you why your ex-girlfriend dreams.

General interpretation of a dream about an ex-girlfriend

If you often dream about your ex-girlfriend, this indicates that a person is emotionally attached to her. Perhaps he harbors a grudge against her or, conversely, wants to surprise her. In this case, you need to mentally let her go and try to forget everything. Also, this symbol can promise confusion in business and problems with superiors.

Why does a woman dream about her ex-girlfriend?

If a woman saw her ex-girlfriend in a dream, then she will have unexpected problems. Swearing at her means a scandal at work; hitting her means a quarrel with colleagues. Gossiping with a friend in a dream - to bad news. Also, such a dream can promise a distortion of the truth. Most likely, the dreamer is not being told something, and she may get into trouble because of this.

If a man had a dream about his ex-girlfriend

For a man, an ex-girlfriend may portend problems with his wife or with the girl with whom he is currently in a romantic relationship. Arguing with an ex-girlfriend is a symbol of the fact that someone will tarnish the dreamer’s reputation. Dancing with her means a fleeting romance, beating her means serious troubles in your personal sphere. If a man passionately kisses his ex-girlfriend in a dream, this indicates that he still has feelings for her. He should find her and meet, have a heart-to-heart talk; perhaps she will not mind continuing the relationship.

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