Rafting category 3 on the river. The most challenging commercial rafting trip in the world on the Zambezi River. History of rafting development

Over the past few years, extreme tourist routes have begun to gain popularity. Moreover, the more difficult the tour and the more dangerous, the more people want to take part in it. New routes are opening all over the world, accessible to ordinary tourists: here there are rafting on mountain rivers and climbing mountain peaks. In our country there is also a large number of areas intended for extreme recreation.

Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

The Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is located in the Northern Urals, this natural complex is one of the seven wonders of Russia. The plateau is a high plateau on which seven huge stone pillars rise. The height of the highest reaches 42 meters, which is slightly less than the height of the building of seventeen floors.

This natural complex is called weathering pillars; it attracts tourists who are partial to extreme, dangerous recreation. Moreover, there are many mystical legends associated with this place. The route to the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is considered very dangerous, since it can only be reached by snowmobiles. Moreover, tourists will need not only basic skills in driving this vehicle. Those who decide to go to the plateau must master snowmobiles, as there are no roads leading to the plateau.

The entire route is accompanied big amount clusters of stones, small sharp rocks, mountain cliffs. In addition, on the way you will not be able to take advantage of any benefits of civilization. There will be no toilet, no shower, no electricity, no internet, not even cellular communication. The expedition members communicate with each other using a walkie-talkie.

Also, the expedition’s itinerary usually includes the infamous Dyatlov Pass; its visit is usually provided for after tourists reach the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau. Those who like to tickle their nerves are delighted with this bonus to the program.

Konzhakovsky massif

Tourist routes Northern Urals almost all are extreme and extremely dangerous. Hiking to the Konzhakovsky mountain range, as well as climbing Mount Konzhakovsky Kamen, are among the dangerous tourist routes. Mount Konzhakovsky Stone is one of the most high mountains Ural mountain range, it reaches a height of 1569 meters. The lower part of the slopes of this mountain is covered coniferous forests, the passage of which is very difficult and impossible without additional training. The climb to the top of the mountain will also pass through the tundra zone and rocky areas.

Tourists who do not have mountaineering skills are unlikely to be able to overcome this dangerous route. Konzhakovsky Kamen is one of the mountains of the Konzhakovsky mountain range, which includes the mountain peaks Kazansky Kamen, Katysher and Burtym. Individual extreme tourists also climb these mountains. The fact is that there are no special tourist routes that would be laid out for climbing to the tops of these mountains. This is the main danger of such an extreme tour: you will have to become an experienced climber who can determine a reliable route himself.

A snowmobile hike to the foot of the ridge is also possible, but even here it is impossible to manage without advanced driving skills. But the beauty that opens up when climbing to the top and the adrenaline rush of climbing for many tourists seem worth all the effort and danger.

Rafting on the Belaya River

The Belaya River is one of the largest tributaries of the Kuban River; it flows through the territory of Adygea. Mountain river rafting is a type of dangerous and extreme tourism, which has also become especially popular in the last few years. Neither the sharp rocks nor the river current, which washes away everything in its path, frighten thrill-seekers.

There are mountain canyons on the Belaya River, which make this tourist route very dangerous. Beginners and amateurs are unlikely to be able to take part in this tour, since to overcome all the obstacles that exist along the entire route, you will need a special professional training. Rafting itself, or rafting, is extremely difficult. Some fans of this type of extreme tourism call rafting a “race for survival,” and indeed, once you lose control of the boat, you will inevitably receive injuries of varying severity. But, despite the danger, every year more than a thousand tourists take part in a dangerous route - rafting on the Belaya River.

Its length is about 64 kilometers. Naturally, there are also easier routes along the river, which are usually offered to people who are not involved in rafting professionally. But there are few such sections of the river.

Climbing Elbrus

Probably everyone knows that Mount Elbrus is the highest point in Europe. But not everyone decides to climb to it. However, there are such brave souls. The western peak of Mount Elbrus reaches a height of 5642 meters and is one of the seven highest mountain peaks in the world. But the main difficulty in conquering Elbrus is not in overcoming its slopes. On the contrary, the mountain has fairly gentle slopes, along which getting to the top is not difficult. The danger lies in great height, overcoming which without proper acclimatization is simply impossible and can cause colossal harm to health. At an altitude of more than 5 thousand meters, extreme tourists can expect thin air and very low Atmosphere pressure, these factors affect the walls of blood vessels and cause mountain sickness.

Climbing Elbrus is possible from its southern and northern sides. The southern route is not difficult and is very popular, since even a person with average training can overcome it. physical training. Climbing the southern slope, including stops for acclimatization, takes 8-9 days. But the route passing along the northern slope of Mount Elbrus is the most difficult and dangerous. There are no specially laid asphalt paths that permeate the southern slope. There are also no special lifts or benefits of civilization. In addition, the northern slope is cut with cracks and crevices, which also pose a danger. The route will take 11-12 days, and stops, which will be mandatory for acclimatization of the body, usually include accommodation in special huts or tents. But, having climbed precisely this slope, from the north of Mount Elbrus, you can proudly say that you have made a dangerous ascent along the route of the first climbers who conquered the mountain about 180 years ago.

Rafting on the Chuya River

The Altai Mountains are rich not only in stunningly beautiful natural landscapes, but also in places where travel is dangerous. However, extreme tourism, which is gaining popularity, is not afraid of dangers, because that is the point of completing the route.

The Chuya River is one of the most difficult rivers Gorny Altai, not all professionals decide to raft on this river. Chuya is a wild mountain river, which is a tributary of the Katun River. The length of the Chuya River is about 320 kilometers; it originates in a mountain glacier, which is why the water in it is cloudy, white. The length of the tourist route along the river is 84 kilometers. At the same time, you will have to travel more than 500 kilometers by SUV to the starting point of the rafting.

Beginners and amateurs are not allowed to raft on the Chuya River. Moreover, in order to become a participant in the tourist route, you need to have experience in rafting on rivers of the third (most dangerous) category of difficulty. The fact is that there are a large number of rapids on Chuya, overcoming which is extremely dangerous, since many of them reach the fourth and fifth (highest) category of difficulty. To overcome such rapids, a preliminary inspection of the area from the shore is carried out, and only then tourists are allowed to overcome the obstacle. Usually, the route is supervised by 3-4 instructors, who monitor those rafting and, in case of danger, must provide emergency assistance to tourists. If you still decide to do this dangerous adventure When rafting on the Chuya River, you must remember and follow all safety rules.

Use of metals in Everyday life began at the dawn of human development, and the first metal was copper, since it is available in nature and can be easily processed. It is not without reason that archaeologists during excavations find various products and household utensils made of this metal. In the process of evolution, people gradually learned to combine various metals, obtaining increasingly durable alloys suitable for making tools, and later weapons. Nowadays, experiments continue, thanks to which it is possible to identify the strongest metals in the world.

  • high specific strength;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low density;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • mechanical and chemical resistance.

Titanium is used in the military industry, aviation medicine, shipbuilding, and other areas of production.

The most famous element, which is considered one of the strongest metals in the world, and in normal conditions is a weak radioactive metal. In nature, it is found both in a free state and in acidic sedimentary rocks. It is quite heavy, widely distributed everywhere and has paramagnetic properties, flexibility, malleability, and relative ductility. Uranium is used in many areas of production.

Known as the most refractory metal in existence, it is one of the strongest metals in the world. It is a solid transitional element of a shiny silver-gray color. It has high strength, excellent refractoriness, and resistance to chemical influences. Due to its properties, it can be forged and drawn into a thin thread. Known as tungsten filament.

Among the representatives of this group, it is considered a high-density transition metal with a silvery-white color. It occurs in nature in its pure form, but is found in molybdenum and copper raw materials. It is characterized by high hardness and density, and has excellent refractoriness. It has increased strength, which is not lost due to repeated temperature changes. Rhenium is an expensive metal and has a high cost. Used in modern technology and electronics.

A shiny silver-white metal with a slightly bluish tint, it belongs to the platinum group and is considered one of the strongest metals in the world. Similar to iridium, it has a high atomic density, high strength and hardness. Since osmium is a platinum metal, it has properties similar to iridium: refractoriness, hardness, brittleness, resistance to mechanical stress, as well as to the influence of aggressive environments. It is widely used in surgery, electron microscopy, the chemical industry, rocketry, and electronic equipment.

It belongs to the group of metals and is a light gray element with relative hardness and high toxicity. Due to its unique properties, beryllium is used in a wide variety of production areas:

  • nuclear energy;
  • aerospace engineering;
  • metallurgy;
  • laser technology;
  • nuclear energy.

Due to its high hardness, beryllium is used in the production of alloying alloys and refractory materials.

Next on the list of the ten strongest metals in the world is chromium - a hard, high-strength metal of a bluish-white color, resistant to alkalis and acids. It occurs in nature in its pure form and is widely used in various branches of science, technology and production. Chromium is used to create various alloys that are used in the manufacture of medical as well as chemical technological equipment. When combined with iron, it forms an alloy called ferrochrome, which is used in the manufacture of metal-cutting tools.

Tantalum deserves bronze in the ranking, as it is one of the strongest metals in the world. It is a silvery metal with high hardness and atomic density. Due to the formation of an oxide film on its surface, it has a leaden tint.

The distinctive properties of tantalum are high strength, refractoriness, resistance to corrosion, and resistance to aggressive environments. The metal is a fairly ductile metal and can be easily machined. Today tantalum is successfully used:

  • in the chemical industry;
  • during the construction of nuclear reactors;
  • in metallurgical production;
  • when creating heat-resistant alloys.

The second place in the ranking of the most durable metals in the world is occupied by ruthenium, a silvery metal belonging to the platinum group. Its peculiarity is the presence of living organisms in the muscle tissue. Valuable properties ruthenium is high strength, hardness, refractoriness, chemical resistance, and the ability to form complex compounds. Ruthenium is considered a catalyst for many chemical reactions, acts as a material for the manufacture of electrodes, contacts, and sharp tips.

The ranking of the most durable metals in the world is headed by iridium - a silver-white, hard and refractory metal that belongs to the platinum group. In nature, the high-strength element is extremely rare and is often combined with osmium. Due to its natural hardness, it is difficult to machine and is highly resistant to impact. chemical. Iridium reacts with great difficulty to exposure to halogens and sodium peroxide.

This metal is playing important role in everyday life. It is added to titanium, chromium and tungsten to improve resistance to acidic environments, used in the manufacture of stationery, and used in jewelry to create jewelry. The cost of iridium remains high due to its limited presence in nature.

The answer is simple - its essence is in struggle, and not only in overcoming water obstacles and fighting the elements, but also in victory over oneself. And those who felt this excitement, extreme, will no longer be able to forget the feeling of going beyond their capabilities. No one remains the same after rafting.

Why is rafting good?

River rafting is good because it is suitable not only for experienced water tourists. It is actively developing, becoming more and more popular both among extreme sports enthusiasts, as it requires from them high coordination of actions, endurance, a considerable level of physical endurance and, most importantly, to quickly make the right decisions while rafting on the river, but also among ordinary vacationers who decide test what they are capable of.

The only assistants in rafting are the equipment and experience of the instructor, who is often also the captain of the team. This is an extreme and difficult activity, but all the difficulties overcome bring a lot of positivity and pleasure, which brings not only the process itself, but also the places where it takes place - after all, the sight of pristine nature, untouched by man, can leave few people indifferent.

Among professionals, two related concepts are distinguished:

  1. Rafting is a descent along the waters of a mountain river, which can last, depending on the route, from a couple of hours to one day.
  2. Rafting is a descent along a flat river, much less extreme and difficult. It can last for several days in a row.

For rafting, the age of the participants is not so important. More important are arm strength, endurance and the ability to work as a team, as well as the fortitude of the descent participant.

Rafting categories

Depending on where the river flows, in the mountains or on the plains, the degree of difficulty for rafters varies. There are only six of them, and they are designed for people different levels preparation:

  1. The first, easiest category is absolutely nothing complicated. The rafting takes place along quiet sections of rivers, with slow flow and shift-type transitions. Along the entire route, the only dangers can be posed by rocks protruding from the water and shoals.
  2. The second category includes descents of moderate difficulty, which include more difficult obstacles: barrels (sections with reverse flow), complex rifts, and small drops are possible.
  3. The third category is already difficult routes, on which there are many stones protruding from the water, chaotic swells, elevation changes and steep rapids that will require remarkable strength from the participants. Without an experienced instructor, only experienced athletes can complete such descents.
  4. The fourth category is clearly not for beginners. Quite experienced rafters are allowed to access it, since the descents are replete with unpredictable obstacles, powerful currents and the most difficult rapids. You cannot take such routes without preparation, preliminary inspection and planning. But even if the safest route is chosen, participants will need professional skills in maneuvering and avoiding all kinds of obstacles.
  5. The fifth category is not just for experienced rafters - it is for professionals. Such descents are never started without a preliminary inspection of the route, because they include the most difficult barrels, narrow passages between rocks, drops over small waterfalls, steep canyons and sometimes do not even have one section with calm water where you could take a breath.
  6. The most difficult, sixth category of rafting is determined by the presence of rapid rapids of upper passability, and the possibility of rafting itself depends on the water level. This category is extremely extreme, it is only for the most experienced rafters who like to take risks - after all, even the smallest mistake can cost their lives. Many of these routes still remain untraveled.

Types of rafting

Rafting has amateur, sports and professional branches. Types of rafting are as follows:

  1. Tourist rafting. It involves descents along calm rivers, no higher than the second category, where special training not required. It is the most common type of rafting, which is available to any novice tourist. Each vessel, which can accommodate from four to twelve people, has an experienced instructor who gives simple commands, which participants must carry out as accurately as possible. The duration of such swims usually does not exceed several hours.
  2. Hiking rafting is a cross between sports and tourist branches. In this type of rafting, trips can last more than one day, interrupted only by sleep and short rest, and therefore the approach to choosing equipment is more rigid than in a tourist one.
  3. Sports rafting. Like any sport, it consists of a system of various competitions in various categories of difficulty. The competition program may include slalom, sprint, marathon (long descents on 14-pound rafts), kayak races. This is a young, but very rapidly developing sport, where athletes, as in other disciplines, undergo daily workouts, preparing for the championships.
  4. Separate branches of rafting are scientific expeditions to remote and inaccessible corners of our planet and rescue operations on rafts.

There is also a seasonal classification - summer and winter rafting.

For a novice water operator, knowledge of the difficulty level of the rafting is simply a must. This way you can assess the risk of river rafting. Knowing the classification, you can guess what obstacles may await you on the pond.

Features of assessing rivers for rafting

Rafting on a mountain river in different time year may vary significantly. Even a quiet descent can be quite dangerous during spring floods or after rainstorms. Therefore, if, upon arriving at the place, you saw a seething stream instead of a smooth surface, then it is better to leave the route.

There are several different methods for assessing the difficulty of river passage. In our country, the international classification is used. According to it, alloys are divided into 6 types of complexity. This is quite enough to appreciate .

These are the easiest rivers to navigate. More often than not, such rafting is more like a walk. The current is not fast. There are practically no stones on the way. The greatest danger is the shallows.

These are faster descents, but in late summer most of of them becomes very easy to complete. There may be some minor obstacles. Occasionally you come across barrels and plums. They are also among the easiest rivers for rafting, but here you can already gain some skills in overcoming obstacles.

These rivers are classified as complex. There are shafts, and they are often disorderly and quite high. There are a sufficient number of barrels, and catches may come across. The passage requires good physical condition. Some technical skills may also be required, but in general, such a route is accessible, even to a beginner who has only rafted rivers a few times.

It's more complex rivers. Passing rapids is not always possible without first assessing the flow. There are quite powerful barrels. The current is strong and there may be obstacles in the form of rocks and submerged trees. In this regard, the ability to quickly maneuver is important.

This category is considered extremely difficult. Before rafting, the river must be inspected and the direction of the flows assessed. Special attention is given to thresholds. Some of them can be life-threatening. Almost everyone meets known types obstacles.

The possibility of passage depends on the water level. There are all possible types of obstacles, and they have complex entrances and exits. Any mistake can be fatal. There are still unconquered rivers that fall into this category.

Any river rafting is quite an extreme activity. Sometimes on a completely calm river there may be a threshold that is more difficult to pass. In this case category is marked II4. This indicates that there is an obstacle on this route fourth complexity categories. Be extremely careful when preparing for the route. All beginners are advised to go through and familiarize themselves with the basic equipment and safety requirements in advance.

Posted Mon, 23/10/2017 - 07:20 by Cap

The most popular rivers for rafting in the world

An exciting sense of danger, close-knit team spirit and refreshing splashes of icy water from mountain rivers - these are the main features of rafting, which increase the number of fans of this extreme sport every year. Attracts rafting and people mature age, and children who go to conquer the elements with their parents.

And if some people are simply attracted to beautiful mountain rivers, then others, in search of extreme sports, go to the most remote places on the planet. Some rivers are considered incredibly dangerous for rafting due to the changeable currents and the abundance of difficult rapids - they become the target of experienced extreme sports enthusiasts.
For competitions, athletes also choose the most dangerous river rapids in order to have the opportunity to fully demonstrate their skills. If you have long felt at one with an inflatable boat, then it’s time to go on a trip to one of the most dangerous places for rafting.
Water treatments strengthen the body and strengthen the spirit, especially when it comes to extreme rafting. This original way acquaintance with the water element will quench the thirst for adrenaline even in the most desperate daredevils - high speed, raging waves and dangers that await around every turn.

For fans of extreme rafting and simply lovers of active tourism, we have prepared a selection of the most dangerous and interesting river routes in the world.

Franklin River. Tasmania, Australia

“The Franklin River has a special energy - in its waters you forget about all your problems,” writes Martin, a rafter from Australia. Franklin is one of the deepest and long rivers"Green Continent". It's scary to think, but just 25 years ago Franklin could have been killed. Local authorities wanted to build a dam in its waters, but after a long struggle the guards environment managed to prevent this.

Now Franklin is a popular place among lovers of active tourism. According to the international sports classification, rafting on this river is classified as the highest category of difficulty. The river often changes its course, and the route is complicated by fallen tree trunks. In addition to forest debris, pitfalls and river rapids, tourists will have to overcome the psychological factor - the rafting takes place far from civilization, and in the event of a disaster, rescuers will arrive only in a couple of days.
The best time for rafting is from October to April. Australian travel agencies offer rafting programs lasting 8 and 10 days. An eight-day rafting trip will cost about $2,500.
Franklin flows through National Park Franklin-Gordon-Wild Rivers. You can get there from the state capital of Hobrat along the B62 towards New Norfolk in 1 hour.

- a river in the central part of Altai, the right tributary of the Katun, one of the largest.
Length 106 km (without the Akalakha River), basin area 9550 km².
Argut begins at the merger of Jazator and Akalaha. The abundance of glaciers determines the character water regime: 40% of the runoff comes from glaciers and eternal snow, 34% from seasonal snow, 17% - rain, 9% - The groundwater. It freezes in November and opens in April. The average slope of the river is 10 m/km, the average annual flow at the mouth is 112 m³/s.
Argut has a high water flow, which is highly dependent on tributaries flowing mainly from the glaciers of the Katunsky and Chuysky ridges. In the Argut basin there are calm rivers and streams of the Ukok plateau, powerful milky-white tributaries with boiling whirlpools starting from glaciers, and transparent, clean, swift streams flowing from lakes.

confluence of Argut and Katun, Altai

Argut is one of the few places in Altai where Snow Leopard(irbis). The largest group of Siberian ibex in the Altai-Sayan region also lives here.

The most registered here high performance density mountain goats that graze on steep mountain slopes. There is good fishing on the Argut and its tributaries - Karagem, Yungur, Shavla. IN upper reaches Grayling is caught in the tributaries, and in the lower reaches there are also usch and taimen.

The valley of the Argut River is also rich in archaeological sites. Burial mounds are found everywhere here. Many of them are adjacent to winter huts - square structures, usually with a flat roof, covered with logs and turf. In addition to mounds, you can find stone fences, balbals, and stone women. In some places ancient drawings have been preserved on rocky ledges. There is such an abundance of archaeological sites here that, for sure, life was once in full swing here. Now these places can be called wild. From settlements- only the village of Belyashi, one of the most remote villages of the republic, and Argut or Arkhyt, a small village of several houses, as well as winter huts, which are inhabited only in summer time(cattle are driven to the Ukok plateau for the winter).


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