Disputes and conflicts on this day will not lead to good things, even if you win them. Try to spend this day “on your own wavelength,” doing only things that do not require involvement in group work. It's better if there's no particular need

General information.

Talisman stones of the month:

multi-colored jasper, rock crystal;

last ten days of the month – amethyst, white or blue jade, charoite, rhodonite

“Clouds induce sleep and drowsiness.

The rain infected us with spleen.

The summer holiday is irrevocably passed -

We have experienced the sadness of autumn.

But the soul timidly hopes,

What in the glow of fallen gold

We will find leaves skillfully

What we are looking for in real life:

Intoxication with the beauty of nature,

Inspiration of royal peace, -

What other times of the year will not give,

We will receive gold in the fall!” L. Tequieros

Magic autumn time this September will be uncharacteristic - stormy and restless. The activity of celestial wanderers (planets and luminaries), the combination of their aspects and the karmic component - all indicate that an extraordinary, little predictable autumn awaits us, but optimism and forebodings indicate that we have a chance to accomplish the impossible! And bring our victory closer!

The period of eclipses has passed, its legacy has already manifested itself, placing us within the framework of real certainty and harsh conditions that we must overcome and overcome.

And how can the Universe, that is, or rather, the Cosmos, the Universe, help us with this?

The first ten days of September are replete with harmonious aspects, although some of them are fraught with double overtones.

Thus, harmonious trines in pairs Mercury-Uranus, Mars-Uranus and sextile Jupiter-Saturn provide exceptional opportunities to realize the most daring ideas, win a place in the sun, take sky-high heights by storm and strengthen your base by developing a strategy - for a long time.

Success is likely in the fields of entrepreneurship, science, warfare, economics and business. Positive changes are also possible in international relations.

Fortune will favor those who think outside the box, have good intentions, are friendly to people and the world, act promptly and purposefully, are enterprising and know how to take risks, are ready for selfless actions and know how to lend a shoulder at the right time.

The conjunction of Mercury and Mars will make our intellect decisive, sharp and critical, and our words - literally - deadly. Therefore, when formalizing your opinions, ideas and attitudes in oral speech, remember the saying: “A word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you cannot catch it” - the way we speak and what we say magically affects this world, creating strong vibrations, shaping future events.

And the words spoken during the first ten days of this month will be very effective magic. Control your thoughts and let them be as optimistic as possible!

As for our actions, they will correspond to our decisions!

The next group of aspects is longer-lasting than the previous ones, but no less important from the point of view of fate:

Harmonious aspects between the Black Moon and the Lunar Nodes create favorable conditions for the development of negative karma - in the political and ideological spheres, in education and international relations.

False ideas, ideas, fraud, setups, emasculation of laws and moral standards, principles of humanity, bureaucracy - all these are manifestations of this aspect.

Particular attention should be paid to the sectile Jupiter - Black Moon, which will help us both circumvent the law and falsify its requirements, replacing the meaning with the letter of the law. This is an easy way to quickly accumulate negative karma, for which you will soon have to pay.

Another aspect is of a fateful nature - the harmonious combination of Jupiter and the Karmic Lunar nodes. He supports our law-abiding nature, while giving us a broad perspective and understanding of situations and events.

Undoubtedly, legality and the principles of justice will win, but victory will be for those who previously strictly observed these rules and laws.

Therefore - do not give in to the temptation to circumvent the rules today and tomorrow - demand the protection of the law and the system. – You will not receive the expected protection and help and will lose twice!

Knowledge of cause-and-effect patterns, canons of harmony and principles of Justice - as the laws of the Universe - will expand our perception of this world and change us.

But the most important for the first decade, perhaps, will be the influence of the tau square Sun - Neptune - White moon(at the top). It is this configuration that will force us to seek truth in the fog of delusion, illusions and deceptions, to bring lies and betrayal to clean water and truthfully cover all this in mass media systems or on the Internet.

Thanks to the action of the tau square, we will experience the discovery of many secrets and mysteries, insight into issues - confusing and complex, as well as interest in the spiritual formation of our personality and in the irrational picture of the world, which previously seemed flat and simple.

Our attitude towards material reality – to put it mildly – ​​will change somewhat. And thanks to this, many of us will acquire a mechanism for quickly changing RMB or the ability to glide along the waves of this reality (see the transurfing method).

Most of us will take the path of stalking and feel like Warriors of the Spirit.

And the trine of the Sun and Pluto at the end of the first decade will only spur our ambitions and strengthen our creative potential for deep elaboration of the ways of our comprehensive self-realization.

The second decade will continue to tempt us in the sphere of legality and demand fidelity to the principles of justice and legality - at the same time. The choice is ours!

At the beginning of the second decade, we will be forced to decide on a very important area for each of us - the area of ​​romantic relationships. The trine of Saturn and Venus will give us calculation and rationality in matters of love, stabilize our emotionality and return us to our previous hobbies.

The conjunction of Venus and the Ascending Node will reveal immeasurable opportunities in love, creative self-expression and the achievement of happiness, without bypassing the financial side of our current affairs.

There will be days of generosity and days of inexplicable luck and fulfillment of desires (harmonious aspects between Venus and Jupiter and Venus and Uranus will bring bright events, new friendships, adventures and a feeling of soaring into our lives).

But there will also be disappointments that will ground us and add weight to the baggage of life experience behind our shoulders: the Sun – Saturn, Sun – Black Moon squares will add bitterness to our ointment, casting doubt on whether we are truly achieving what our soul and heart strive for . And the trine of Venus and the Black Moon will tempt us - to take what does not belong to us - both in feelings and in finances.

At the end of the second decade, two oppositions Mercury - Neptune and the Sun - Chiron and the square Mercury - White Moon - can generally invalidate our personal gains, draw apart newly built bridges, destroy connections and partnerships and face the truth without sparing those closest to us.

Ambivalent positions, disinformation, lies, intrigues are always costly, but this time they will also be costly to those who conceived and executed them.

At this time, you should also beware of social deceivers, as well as thieves and scammers, scammers of all stripes; double-dealing politicians and journalists, ready to sell everything for fried news and dirty sensations, can come to their senses.

Obstacles will appear for doing business, especially for those who are honest and incorruptible; in politics there will be a lot of slander and deceptions, as well as disinformation with revelations of prominent figures. It will be difficult for diplomats - they will have to balance on a razor's edge. But entrepreneurs with a “light” hand will succeed in their original “shadow” schemes. But not for long.

The third ten days of September, unlike the first two, are replete with quadratures and oppositions. Relationships will become tense, situations will escalate, someone will get tired of enduring and waiting, listening to promises, promises and lies.

The most powerful square of Chiron and the Black Moon will make compromises and long-term patience with deception in partnerships impossible. The square of Mercury and the White Moon will bring to light what they are trying to impose on us as the true picture of events, and the opposition Jupiter - Uranus will give strength, desire, will and energy to update the event plan once and for all, making radical reforms somewhere, and somewhere - by acting as a united front of revolutionary changes.

The opposition of Mars and Neptune indicates both internal pressure in society and ourselves, as well as possible external violent actions by instilling fear, aggression and negative suggestions.

There will be aspects that make it difficult both interpersonal and social, and international connections and contacts and requiring quick and volitional actions, and confusing us in the correct assessment of what is happening, inclining us to fantasies, manilovism and idealization.

And the month will end with a formidable trine of Mars and Pluto. Why formidable? Because the energy it gives will be so powerful that only wise and strong-willed people can manage it correctly, and all adventurers who are not too lazy can use it.

And in the current environment of disappointment, worry, ambiguity and indignation, without understanding it, you can make a lot of things, so that it will be difficult and time-consuming to sort things out.

The lesson of September 2017 is both complex and simple: if you want happiness and peace, wish this World happiness and harmony; if you want justice and legitimacy in relation to yourself, be honest and fair yourself. If you want to bring your dream closer, take action! And shape your future reality - with positive and kind thoughts and words!

During this period, it is easy to work off karma, but it is also easy to work on it. The choice is ours! And the choice must be made consciously!

The most significant aspects of September:

1. From September 1 to September 5 there is a trine Mercury retrograde and Uranus - the period will be rich in brilliant ideas, altruistic sentiments, non-trivial meetings and internal renewals. In many ways, we will be able to change our views and see situations from a different point of view. Old friendships are likely to be restored.

2. From September 2 to 8 - Jupiter and the Black Moon - in a harmonious sextile - the following are likely: misconceptions of a religious and ideological nature, attempts at wishful thinking, substitution of the law - the letter of the law or perversion of the meaning of legislative acts; for those in power, misconceptions about their capabilities are dangerous and the true state of things. In international relations, temptations and lies are likely. Events may occur - under the auspices of the current social ideology and religious teachings, which will later be assessed as immoral and immoral, undermining universal human values ​​and spiritual foundations. In a word, misconceptions await us in the sphere of ideas, society and religious relations.

3. From September 5 to 20, the Black Moon will be in a harmonious relationship with the Lunar nodes - a phantasmagoria of false beliefs, social and spiritual delusions will be played out karmically. For some time, our minds and souls will be taken over by distorted ideas about true values. There are likely to be temptations of an ideological nature, circumventions and violations of laws, which will be successful. Many negative tendencies will manifest themselves, but we will have to pay for our connivance later with our karma.

4. From September 7 to September 19, the Lunar nodes are in harmonious combination with Jupiter. This opens up opportunities for us to overcome limitations and boundaries, to comprehend new things, and to establish long-awaited contacts with distant partners. Significant achievements in politics, business, social sphere, education and science are likely. But in combination with the previous aspect - the true value of what we achieve, our success and the meaning of what is happening may be false, illusory and requiring a new criterion to confirm implementation.

5. From September 15 to 19 - Venus in trine with the Black Moon. We are waiting for an explosion of sexuality, passionate experiences and bright creative realizations in the field of art. Temptations are likely for many of us - in romantic relationships, as well as in financial matters. Try to evaluate your prospects and the likelihood of working out such opportunities.

6. From September 16 to 17 – the Sun – Black Moon square is in effect – awareness of illusions and misconceptions is guaranteed to us! It is likely that “all and every mask will be ripped off” in the field of politics, ideology, religious relations, international relations, legislation and science. Lies and fraud, distortions of the truth will become obvious. Deceivers and tricksters - exposed, identified and neutralized - at least mentally!

7. From September 21 to 25 - Chiron will square with the Black Moon - other setups and substitutions will be revealed and some of the partnerships will also be destroyed or come to naught. This is a period of uncompromising search for truth and sincerity. The need to put an end to dual situations, internal and external contradictions, condoning deceptions and lies, as well as distortions in ideas, will lead to an inevitable revision of all relationships and the search for new criteria in alliances.

8. From September 23 to 28, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition will bring spontaneous renewal into our lives, the search for justice and the achievement of independence. The ideological restructuring, spurred by the squares Sun - Black Moon and Chiron - Black Moon, stimulates social restructuring - revolutionary phenomena are likely. Scandals and sensations are possible - in politics, society and science. The universe will require from us a revolutionary restructuring of our worldview! In the sphere of international relations, unexpected developments are possible. Rampant elements and natural disasters are possible - mainly in the air. This is a bad time for space projects and air travel.

On September 1 and 2, harmonious aspects in pairs Mars - Uranus and Jupiter - Saturn create excellent conditions for the realization of our intentions in the field of politics, economics, business and in the learning process. Use this chance to enrich your personality with intangible values, and act in accordance with spontaneous impulses. The Universe will support adventurers and entrepreneurs.

From September 2 to 4 – Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars (in Leo) – be true to what you say or promise. Act carefully. Active days for magicians and Warriors of the Spirit. Be creative and constructive!

September 3 and 4 – tauquadrat is in effect: Sun – Neptune (in opposition) – White Moon (at the apex) – a direct instruction from the Cosmos to seek the truth and tell the truth! It is likely that old deceptions, illusions will be debunked, spiritual emancipation and the disclosure of secrets and secrets will be revealed.

September 8 and 9 – lucky days for self-realization. Trust your ambitions and achieve your goal. Fortune favors the brave and daring! Hone your leadership skills!

September 13 – Venus trine Saturn – stability is likely financial sector and some cooling in romantic relationships. But:

From September 13 to 15, Venus will connect with the Ascending Lunar Node - success will come to all creative individuals - in self-realization (in whose astrological charts, of course, there are harmonious combinations with this position), in romantic relationships and in decisions financial issues. May we be lucky in creativity, in love, and with money!

On September 14 and 15, the Sun-Saturn square will cause us some disruption in our plans. The realization of your dream may be delayed, which will lead to disappointment and spleen. But the harmonious sextile Venus - Jupiter will support us in our endeavors. Therefore - remain optimistic, and if you get tripped up - get up and move on - to your dream, love and happiness. Become the creators of your own Destiny - smiling at obstacles and disappointments.

September 17 and 18 – Venus in trine with Uranus – you will be lucky in love, friendship, creative self-realization and new original projects. Perhaps someone will be lucky in adventures and gambling if there are astrological readings in an individual horoscope.

September 18 and 19 - Mercury in opposition to Neptune - will bring duality into our lives, and the next turn on our life will depend on our choice life path: what to prefer - practicality or irrational approach? Possible: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, tremors of the limbs, increased nervousness and – activation of kleptomaniacs and pickpockets. It is not recommended to use intoxicating substances, alcohol, medications may not detect the sedative effect indicated in the instructions. A systematic approach and scrupulousness are recommended! Information must be double-checked to the point and comma.

On September 22, the Sun enters Libra! Happy birthday to the most poetic, romantic, harmonious and fair!

September 22 is the day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day the Akashic Chronicles open and will be open for another 10 days! We have the opportunity to review our karma, flip through and rethink personal history and free yourself from excess burden. By turning to Spiritual Patrons for help and helping ourselves, we help this World and our planet to become more harmonious, cleaner, fairer, happier, in order to continue our journey in the labyrinths of Space and the Spaces of Destiny. Refer to Diana Stein's book Karmic Healing for information.

September 22 is a good day for public speaking, intellectual storming, wide communication and distribution of profits. But oral speech will require correctness and sincerity. The universe will not tolerate lies, unverified data and obscene language!

September 24 - the opposition Mars - Neptune will create psychological pressure, the atmosphere in society and personal life can become tense, causing us dissonance - internally, and a desire to be aggressive - externally. Restrain aggressiveness, and the world will respond to you with nonviolence. Drinking alcohol is not recommended. Security measures required in public places - likely inappropriate behavior drunk persons and people with mental disorders, as well as the activity of criminal elements. Fight fears and manifestations of violence - physical, mental and mental. Protect your individuality and Spiritual essence!

September 25 and 26 are unlucky days for reporting, travel, acquisitions, business communication and visiting official bodies - the Mercury-Saturn square is in effect. Traffic jams (more than ever) and delays are likely! Increased risk of injury!

September 26 and 27 - Mars square the White Moon - our activity should not be aggressive and should be supported by truthful statements. The assessment of the legitimacy of our intentions is relevant.

September 29 – Venus in opposition to Neptune will give this world an unreal flair. We will bathe in dreams and illusions and can rise high above reality by idealizing situations and people. Try to be more objective in your assessments, rely on practice and experience. But for creative individuals this day can be successful, as it will provide food for new fantasies and images. Prayers will be answered!

September 30 - Mars in trine with Pluto will give us such a charge of energy and enthusiasm that we will be able to move mountains, it is important that the direction for moving is chosen correctly - in a constructive manner! Don't remain inactive!

Express forecast by zodiac signs

Most active in September: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius. Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces will have to overcome difficulties.

Fate and the stars will bewitch you in romantic relationships, raising children and creative self-realization, but partnerships and running a business will require you to fulfill all your obligations and be faithful to the requirements of the law. Beware of temptations abroad, and also do not allow yourself to be confused by false ideas and misconceptions in scientific activity. In the second ten days of the month, pay due attention to health and completing current work tasks. Beware of intrigue!

September is the time for love interests, creative liberation and active education of growing offspring. But at the beginning of the month you will have to devote time to your family and establishing order and comfort at home. Implement your ideas to improve your living conditions, but do not count on the support of a sponsor or partner. At work, comply with the law. At the end of the month it is possible to receive a new order or switch to new job. Take care of your health, especially the condition of your kidneys.

Your mobility, communication skills and bright mind will be in demand throughout the entire period, but especially actively in the first and third ten days of September. We will have to resolve issues in the professional sphere - to expose deceivers and fight against deceptions and intrigues, and - in intra-family relationships, seeking to strengthen the walls of the home. Success is likely in business, which you can expand, and in intellectual creativity. Beware of dishonest partners and enemies.

When solving financial issues, use the carrot, not the stick. With friendliness, you will achieve more and lose more by using force. Try to invest money in your health and reorganization of processes at work, without succumbing to propaganda and persuasion from the outside. It is also necessary to harmonize relations with relatives and neighbors - intensified contacts with them will occur in the middle of the month. Success in business, travel and intellectual activity will come in the third ten days of September.

A lion.
Your creativity and activity are at their best, and fortune is also on your side! Therefore, do not spare your efforts and do not hold back your feelings in order to make this world a better and happier place and warm your loved ones with the warmth of your heart. Success is likely in intellectual activity, business, litigation and financial matters, subject to a reasonable approach. Be wary of new hobbies and ideas in creativity and love relationships. Stick to traditions in raising children.

For you, September is the most fruitful and brightest month of the year. He won't deceive you this time either. Success is likely in personal affairs, solving financial issues, in love, creative self-realization and conquering new social heights and popularity - starting from the second decade. Good luck is possible in secret affairs - of a romantic nature and in obtaining tax-free profits. Do not get carried away with the acquisition of real estate or other large assets. Be careful in partnerships!

The most striking events at the beginning of the month will concern your relationships with friends and social activities, where you will take a leading position. Personal success in expanding your knowledge also awaits you. You should beware of temptations in business and contacts with criminal elements. In the middle of the month, success in secret affairs is possible, with integral measures of personal security. At the end of September, a secret romance may become an obstacle to foreign trips and improve your qualifications.

Deep personality transformation and the magic of loving inspiration will provide you with a constant incentive and energy source to bring your ideas to life. Some of your intentions are realized in the social sphere, some in business, but your main goal is to achieve success and recognition in the professional field. Success will come in the first and second ten days of the month. Avoid shady schemes by strengthening family budget, and do not forget about personal safety measures at home, at work and while traveling.

The integrity and morality of your positions will determine your personal success and achievement of your goals in the field of education, in legal proceedings, scientific research, in the field of political activity and ideology. Subject to control: your ego, loyalty to the laws and humane attitude towards the needs of the suffering. The main achievements concern creative projects, love affairs and raising children. Success in profession and financial matters is expected at the end of the month.

The beginning of the month is favorable for expanding the boundaries of your capabilities, strengthening your ideological positions, vocational training and long trips. It is likely to receive significant profits from partnerships or contractual projects. In the business sphere, greater clarity and certainty of prospects will be required; beware of setups, self-deceptions and fraud. Success in the profession will come in the third decade of September. Personal safety measures are required throughout the month!

In the first half of September, partnerships will continue to delight you with their liveliness and diversity: new contractual projects, tough confrontations and mutual love. Financial problems will require patience, thoughtfulness and serious protective measures from the outside law enforcement. Don't rely on sponsors and charities or - join the ranks of social justice advocates. Creative inspiration and new love will arrive at the end of the month.

Get ready for open confrontation, decisive actions and strong-willed decisions! In partnerships, the following are possible: the conclusion of new contracts and intense disputes. Family issues will require clarification - achieve clarity. Success is possible in reorganizing work processes and overcoming obstacles on the path to ascension in the professional sphere, especially if you cope with false ideas about your purpose and calling. New novel will start at the end of the month.

September is the month of purity and summing up, because the master of analysis - Mercury rules the constellation Virgo. The beginning of the month with a cluster of planets in the north lunar node in Leo may indicate the continuation of lion energies with thunder and lightning, with bright performances and fiery speeches, especially when the transit moon on September 8-9 goes through Aries, but let's start in order.

From August 27 to September 20, Venus moves into the sign of Leo: the desire to get all possible joys from life, the desire to indulge in idle rest and love is born. Feelings are shown openly and demonstratively. These days the number of romantic meetings is increasing sharply, intimate dates, easy, non-binding affairs. There will also be a lot of money spent: on gifts, pleasures, entertainment. People become more generous and pamper their children and loved ones with gifts. Possible small profits, occasional unexpected money. Various kinds of speculations are going well, this is also a time of sparkling rhinestones for people of art, famous people. Favorable for presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations.

On September 1, Venus passes the royal degree of Leo - it’s time to buy valuables and jewelry, elegance in feelings, generosity, the desire to shine.

On September 3-4, the transit Aquarius moon creates a tense aspect first to Venus, and then to Mars in Leo - an emotional outburst, whims and extravagance, quarrels.

On the 5th, Mercury becomes direct in its movement and this is pleasing, since a healthy analysis after the events of August will not hurt.

On September 6th, at the full moon (moon in Pisces), Mars moves into the sign of Virgo: a contradictory time when criticism can prevail over a romantic mood. Mars in Virgo is like a bull in a china shop, he is in a hurry to put things in order, put everything in its place, count, audit and record. A business that begins with Mars in Virgo usually progresses slowly, is moderately profitable, but will be constantly subject to changes for improvement and threatens to get bogged down in minutiae. During this period the role increases trade unions, the most pressing and pressing issues are those related to employment, especially for emigrants. In terms of health, Mars can provoke intestinal pain, appendicitis, in September it is undesirable to eat seeds and nuts - in nature, animals store in the fall what is useful in a hungry winter, and in the human body it goes to the reserve zone (appendix).

On September 11th Mercury also enters its native sign- Virgo, which sets society in an analytical mood and functionality.

On September 14th the sun makes an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius - heartache, vitality problems, encountering obstacles.

On the 16th, Mercury connects with Mars in Virgo at 7 degrees: relationships with friends, sponsors, and guardians deteriorate due to harshness of statements, criticism, intolerance, and nervousness. Disputes, quarrels, conflicts, blackmail, betrayal can lead to a break in relationships. The danger of an accident with a friend, the possibility of his premature death due to the mistake of another person.

On the 20th there is a new moon at 28 degrees Virgo - a time when it is good to make wishes for further materialization.

On September 21, Venus moves into the sign of Virgo: the influence of Venus brings coldness, people are less susceptible to emotions, everything is analyzed and weighed. On the one hand, this impoverishes feelings, on the other hand, it warns against mistakes in choosing a partner. Due to the fact that at this time people attach great importance to little things, the slightest trifle, often not even tracked by consciousness, can cool the developing feelings. On the other hand, excessive criticism also manifests itself in relation to oneself, for example, a person considers himself not attractive enough to care for someone or accept courtship.

On September 22nd, the equinox with the moon in Libra conjunct Jupiter is a great time for successful transactions, as well as for lavish ceremonies.

On the 23rd, the luminary enters the sign of Libra, and the transit moon in Scorpio represents emotional vulnerability.

On the 25th, Mars becomes in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces - the transit moon in Sagittarius at the top completes the tauquadrate - a conflict situation in the struggle for justice, rallies and scandalous disclosures of deceptions.

On the 28th, Pluto comes out of the loop, connecting simultaneously with the transit moon in Capricorn - the time when you want someone's professional psychological assistance, depressed mood, depression.

Routine work, putting things in order or cleaning can make me sad, but September still breathes the hot bliss of August, the energies of creativity and love are strong. Concentration on relationships with those whom Aries loves. Gradually, going deeper into September, an understanding of the laws of dialectics comes: the transition of quantity into quality. For more windy Aries, nature will remind them of their routine and proper nutrition.

A time of love, a desire to create (manifests itself differently for everyone). Your own home can become a creative studio, and a muse, rattling pots in the kitchen, can inspire a change in home design. Taurus - women will want to purchase art objects and bring more into their everyday life bright colors. In love there is healthy criticism and debriefing. the last week September is dedicated to the “harvest”.

Geminis are masters of the epistolary genre... in September they will write romantic SMS to someone, while simultaneously renovating their house (or moving). There, under the roof of your own home, business transactions and signings can take place important projects, by the end of the month the luminary enters the zone of love and creativity.

Venus and Mars actively mix the ambivalent desire to save and spend in September, gifts also take place. The month is dedicated to an abundant flow of information of various kinds. The last ten days of the month will also bring romantic correspondence or pleasant communication with charming relatives.

a lion
Mars will leave the sign of Leo on September 6th, and Venus will continue its path, pacifying the temper of the crowned ones until September 21st. Venus will bring a lot of love warmth and adoration, romance and sensuality. The luminary, in turn, will help you easily obtain food, and gradually other planets will move into the financial zone, which Leos will be incredibly happy about. September will be very velvety for Leos.

The functional brains of Virgo are created for creating projects, but from September 6th, alien conflicting Mars enters Virgo, introducing a storm of all sorts of rubbish and aggression. Aggression is not typical for Virgos and therefore they will automatically begin to sort out this rubbish and slow down aggression, however, not everyone can do this and therefore some Virgos may develop health problems. Gradually, over the course of the month, the sign of Virgo will be filled with other planets: Mercury will bring analysis, and Venus will bring a lot of charm and softness from the 21st.

Charming Libras are given sympathy and love until the 21st, but September is not the best time for entertainment; September offers Libra a deep analysis of what is happening, acceptance of one’s sins and remission of them, this is a time of withdrawal into oneself. From September 23rd the luminary enters their sign, illuminating and bringing powerful energy sun, Libra begins to behave like kings and queens, giving the world aesthetics and beauty, increasing peace and justice.

Mars passing through the sector responsible for friends may indicate a showdown, but the entire month is dedicated to them - precious friends and girlfriends. On the 23rd-24th, the moon passing through Scorpios brings emotional dissonance, but life is good, and they feel it.

September is a little uncomfortable for optimistic Sagittarius due to the tense aspects of the sun and Mars to their constellation; bosses may demand new indicators from Sagittarius or be too critical of their professional activities. In terms of well-being, there may also be complaints about cardiovascular activity. The last week is dedicated to friends.

The velvet season is the right time for travel; business partners may appear from afar with dubious offers; the trips themselves, despite their attractiveness, may carry an underlying conflict. Foreign exchange earnings from partners are possible.

Aquarians have an active zone of extreme activity: you should be careful about the possibility of injuries and surgical intervention, therefore, it is advisable to exclude all types of extreme recreation. Financial issues with partners and government loans, in the area of ​​partnership relations - bright, unforgettable holiday days.

A very active month for Pisces in terms of public activities and partnerships; partners are not always gentle towards sensitive Pisces, and sometimes even conflict, but the sign of Pisces is so flexible that even temporary disagreements pass quickly. The last week opens the curtain on the borderliness of existence and the chemistry of magic.

The key themes of September are family, children, love, romance; and physical and mental health. Career and achieving a new position in society will fade into the background. If you inevitably have to devote time to this side of life, then reasons for disappointment, fatigue and stress will arise more often than usual.

September is favorable for strengthening family ties, relationships with children and relatives. This month we will especially clearly feel mutual support and a protected “rear”, where we can enjoy peace and security.

This month is favorable for marriage (however, this applies only to proven relationships, but not to hasty acquaintances “without a year”). At the same time, new acquaintances will also more often be successful, but if you are under 27 years old and the acquaintance took place no more than a month ago, it is advisable not to rush into vows of fidelity to each other. If you are planning an addition to your family, this month is also favorable for taking concrete steps in this direction (see).

Health issues are in second place in importance in September, and reasons for illness may be associated with disruption of usual living or working conditions. Thus, if possible, it is advisable to avoid sudden change usual work schedule (for example, changing day and night shifts or staying at the workplace for a long time). In addition, changes in diet, social style, or appearance pet can seriously affect the condition of the body. Due to increased vulnerability, it is desirable to have less stress.

Another important topic that will receive the attention of both men and women of all ages is fashion and appearance. September, with its favorable aspects, is suitable for taking care of not only your health, but also your appearance - changing your image in clothes and haircut. Sports and cosmetic procedures will bring especially noticeable effects at this time.

Planetary positions in September 2017

Sun in Virgo(until September 22): the desire for specific results in practical activities, interest in health and hygiene issues intensifies. Favorable period for the healthcare sector, working with pets.

Mercury in Leo(September 1 to 9): Thinking requires effective expression. The period is favorable for literary and creative activities, where there is an opportunity to demonstrate the gift of eloquence. Until September 5, Mercury moves retrograde: a return to previous unresolved issues, correction of mistakes.

Mercury in Virgo(from September 10 to September 30): management - thinking becomes more “practical oriented”; a specific assessment of ideas, thoughts, information from the point of view of their practical application prevails.

Venus in Virgo(from September 20 to October 14): fall – vulnerability in the sphere of feelings, restrictions arise in creative self-expression. Relationships and values ​​(including moral and aesthetic) are reconsidered from the standpoint of their practical benefits.

Sun in Libra(from September 23 to October 22): fall is an unfavorable period for men, especially those with power (self-esteem is vulnerable, dependence on others increases). A period of increased attention to partnerships that are tested for strength through selfishness and the ability to compromise.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn(from September 28 to April 22, 2018): a period of active deep and large-scale transformations in the sphere of politics, power, public opinion. New programs for managing various systems are being implemented (from public ones on a state scale to information systems at the cell level). New forms of control are being introduced.

Full moon: September 6 at 10:04 (Moscow time),
New moon: September 20 at 08:31 (Moscow time).

Useful tips

September - new things, new beginnings and new life, which will be more organized than ever! And not in vain: after all, it is this month that all the personal planets will gather in the sign of Virgo, and the new moon in the sign of Virgo on September 20 will add to everything the influence of the luminaries.

So, what does the first day of the 2017 fall season have in store for us? And how successful will it be?

To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that Mercury at the beginning of the month will still be moving backwards and only September 5 will become direct. As soon as he turns around, for some time he will not successfully “resolve” various types of cases for which he is responsible.

That's why from 1 to 7 September It’s better not to try to sell/buy something serious, don’t sign important documents and don’t go on trips if you have a choice. It is better to wait out this static period and wait until Mercury begins to pick up speed.

Already by September 10 he will find himself in the sign of Virgo, his home, where he will stay until the very last day of the month. This is a good time for matters that require scrupulousness, attentiveness and order.

It’s good to look for a new job, work hard, have some specific goals, establish order in your head and around yourself. When transmitting any information, you must use specific arguments, provide logical solutions, propose new clear plans. If you want to succeed, it is important now to act according to a plan carefully drawn up in advance. Avoid negative days if you want to schedule important things on them.

Difficult start school year

Mercury will conjunct Mars twice in a month: first in Leo on September 3, and then in Virgo 16 of September. The beginning of the month is not suitable for receiving information: it will not be well absorbed and will quickly disappear.

In general, the start of the new school year will most likely be very difficult for many. The buildup will only begin after 2 weeks, and before that knowledge will be accepted with great difficulty. It's best to spend these first 2 weeks of September reviewing what has already been covered . By September 16 everything should return to normal, fall into place, repeat itself, return to normal. Well, this will just free up space to gain new knowledge.

Unfavorable days of Mercury

1-7, and also 18-20 September: these days it will be difficult to concentrate on something, incorrect, erroneous (accidentally or intentionally) information may come, there is a high risk of deception and loss of orientation. It is BETTER NOT to sign important papers, NOT to enter into verbal agreements and agreements, NOT to start important negotiations with partners, etc.

September 22-25: also not the best days for resolving any Mercury affairs, but unlike the previous period, when you could be deceived, now these affairs may simply be postponed, fail, or difficulties and delays may arise in them.

Important astrological events of September 2017

date Event Time (Moscow) Degrees
September 5 Mars moves into Virgo 12:35
September 5 Mercury becomes direct 14:29 28° ♌ 25’D
6 September Full moon 10:03 13° ♓ 53′
10 September Mercury moves into Virgo 05:52
September 20 Venus enters the sign Virgo 04:15
September 20 New moon 08:30 27° ♍ 27′
September 22nd The sun moves into the sign of Libra 23:02
September 28 Jupiter opposite retrograde Uranus 07:25 27°♎ 22′
27° ♈ 22’Rx
September 28 Pluto goes direct 22:36 16°♑51’D
September 30th Mercury moves into Libra 03:42

The most special day of the month

September 20, 2017 It's going to be a special day! On this day, 5 personal planets will meet in the sign of Virgo - the most important points that will help you establish order in almost all areas of life: love, business, health, etc.

This is also a magical day when the Sun and Moon will meet in the sign of Virgo and tell you right paths way out of any problems. Your wishes this month should be pure, sincere and very specific. Make wishes and start making plans on September 20 from 08:28 until the next morning.

Opposition Jupiter-Uranus

This astrological event has already taken place in the sky in late December 2016 and early March 2017, which means this is the third, final aspect of the cycle, the loop of which stretched for almost 9 months. The exact opposition will form September 28, 2017.

This aspect symbolizes changes in society, in moods and in worldview. Moreover, the changes are painful, drastic, and difficult to prepare for. Someone may lose their bearings, someone will want to rebel and destroy, someone will change their values ​​for some reason. This aspect is complex, it will be especially felt by those who are now 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 years.

Established historical canons and recognized facts are being destroyed. What seemed indestructible, due to various reasons and circumstances, it may collapse. There may also be problems with technology, difficulties in working with modern technologies. Disasters, technical failures and accidents associated with Uranus cannot be ruled out (but some other negative aspects usually interfere, in this case Pluto’s square to both planets).

Events related to the Jupiter-Uranus aspect that took place at the end of December 2016, end of February 2017 and beginning of March 2017:

December 20, 2016– fireworks explosions in Mexico at a pyrotechnics market (31 people killed);

February 28, 2017– Amazon servers malfunctioned; smart home control systems crashed;

March 1, 2017– the most ancient traces of life were found (although this event is rather positive, it still to some extent destroys past ideas about the world and changes the worldview);

March 8, 2017- a strong storm destroyed the Azure Window in Malta - a limestone rock in the form of a bridge that took about 500 years to form!

Astrological forecast for free

Love and relationships

Love life this month will be bright and memorable, at least until September 20 while Venus will walk along Leo sign. In these three weeks, moreover, she will not be struck even once, and favorable aspects with Uranus and Jupiter can help many people get married. unexpected and bright love relationship. As always, you will find details in a separate article about love and relationships in September: Astrological forecast of love and relationships by zodiac signs for SEPTEMBER 2017 .

Astrological forecast for the month

Business matters

Most of the month ( from September 5) Mars will move through the sign of Virgo. As mentioned above, he will make a conjunction with Mercury, but the first conjunction September 3 will not be successful, but 16 of September- quite favorable. September 14-16- good days for solving some Mercury problems. You can make plans and schedules, contact your superiors with requests and suggestions, look for a job, and solve paperwork related to family and home. Resolving business issues closer to the middle of the month will be more likely to be successful.

Read also:

Things that you start while Mars is passing through the sign of Virgo will most likely not bring quick results. They will progress slowly and may be continually reviewed and reworked to achieve perfect results.

Employers may have to splurge on retraining their employees. But the game is worth the candle: labor productivity, the quality of services provided or products produced will then noticeably improve, and profits will go up.

Important days inSeptember 2017:

At the very beginning of the month ( 12-th of September) you may feel a surge of strength and enthusiasm. However, it is better to postpone the decision of some important business issues, because it is difficult to predict what people’s reaction will be at this time.

September 18-24, 2017– not the best days for serious undertakings. Agreements may break down and profits will be doubtful. There may be disappointments in the activities that you will be doing at this time, and there will be no satisfaction from work. You should be wary of scammers and swindlers. If you are offered dubious deals, or you doubt something these days, it is better to refuse and bide your time.

September 28 – October 2, 2017 This is a time of activity and growth. As the Moon grows, your activity will also increase, your strength will increase, powerful forces will appear that can help you solve even the most difficult matters. And although for love life These days are not the most successful; for business life they can be very successful. The only note: be careful in relations with business partners: you may have misunderstandings ( especially September 29).

Astrological forecast 2017

Trips, travel

From 1 to 7 September- the time of Mercury retrograde, so it is better not to start travel and trips these days, but it is good to return from them. Exceptions, however, may include trips to places you have already been to.

If you still cannot postpone your trip, be aware of the likelihood of various delays, misunderstandings and poor memory. Here are some tips for those who must travel during Mercury retrograde and static days ( September 1-7):

Prepare all documents in advance (check if your passport is valid);

Make lists of things you need for your trip and pack according to that list;

Try not to forget anything (documents, money, insurance, etc.);

Check your ticket dates several times before leaving;

It is better to agree in advance with taxi services, if you need to get to the station/airport at a certain time (or with those who will give you a lift), plan to arrive earlier, it is better to stock up on time than to be late;

The second third of the month will be more successful for travel and trips. Harmonious aspect of Jupiter with Venus September 15th will allow you to have a fun and relaxed time closer to the middle of the month. Your vacation promises to be full of fun and pleasure, although you will still be thinking about work.

Health and dangers of the month

This month, you will most likely devote enough time to health. Many will be drawn to correct image life and proper nutrition. This is a good time to start working on yourself, leave bad habits(smoking, alcohol, night work, fast food, etc.) and acquire healthy ones (regular exercise, getting up early, eating right, etc.). It's good to go to a resort to improve your health. Beware of poisoning.

This year, autumn will start productively: on September 6, the period of Mercury retrograde ends, and things will begin to develop rapidly. Further - more: the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus will activate the processes launched during the August eclipses, and the transition of Venus into Virgo will reward you with motivation for changes. We have compiled a complete astrological forecast for September 2017 - be prepared for any situation!

September 2: Mars trine Uranus

The time has come for the implementation of new projects. But don't rush to take quick steps to new goal, think and weigh your strengths, review your resources. Considering reverse movement Mercury, it’s not the right time for a new activity, but nevertheless, you will be able to plan the step-by-step implementation of a new goal. Consult more with those who have a different point of view than yours or their own original experience in solving a problem. The time is also suitable for charging talismans and amulets for good luck - preferably working with money and career issues.

September 3-17: Mercury in the loop makes an aspect to Mars and Uranus trine

All this time, unexpected ideas may come to you, unexpected new things of a positive plan may appear.

September 4-5: Sun-Neptune opposition

This time is fraught with confusion. People don’t want to see the root of problems in themselves; they attribute failures to circumstances, intrigues, negative influences (“it’s not me who’s an alcoholic, it’s the damage they brought on me”). It’s impossible to adequately evaluate your actions, so be careful.

September 5: Mars ingression from Leo to Virgo

The time for grand gestures is coming to an end. You need to stop doing everything on a grand scale - there will be no benefit from such activity. The time of “fine work”, scrupulousness, and attention to detail begins. You need to measure seven times before doing something, and when you do it, carefully work out the details: a carelessly done little thing can become a serious hindrance.

September 6: Mercury turns direct

Before going straight, Mercury seems to freeze in one place. Just today. During these hours, there are more traffic jams, ATMs and terminals are more often not working, and interruptions in the Internet and mobile communications occur.

Even though Mercury finishes “backing up” and starts going straight, its loop does not end! WITH today and until September 19 he will repeat the path he followed in August. Issues that were stalled in August will begin to be resolved. Old affairs that reminded of themselves in August-early September will develop, it will become clear whether they will continue (for example, if you recently met some old acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time, it will become clear whether communication will continue ).

Solving business problems and financial issues receives " green light“, the obstacles that prevented us from moving forward gradually disappear. Nowadays new acquaintances are relevant, and this applies not only to business issues, but also to love line. Expand your social circle, sign up for clubs and trainings, and engage in targeted activity on the Internet.

A great day to start an Internet project that will generate profit in the long term. It’s also good to charge talismans and amulets - money, career, love. You can engage in practices of attracting love.

September 6: Full Moon in Pisces

A difficult Full Moon, full of emotions and forebodings. Harsh words are very easily thrown out, arguments arise out of the blue, and after them it is difficult to reconcile and apologize. On this day, due to the opposition of the Sun with Neptune, it is very easy to attribute non-existent qualities to a partner, both with a plus and a minus sign. If something doesn’t suit you, then don’t brush your thoughts aside, but don’t immediately start sorting things out. It’s better to start analyzing the causes of your problems and think about why not everything in life turns out the way you would like. A very suitable time for corrective practices - harmonization, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love.

It is not advisable to spend this Full Moon actively - activity will exhaust you. It is best to devote this day to meditation to understand your deepest desires.

September 9: Moon conjunct Uranus

On this day, the changes that were started during the Solar Eclipse on August 21 are activated. A very important day, it affects almost everyone.

September 9-10: Sun-Pluto trine

The aspect will add energy to everyone. Good days in order to act in the interests large group people, find group support, control the crowd.

September 12-13: Venus-Saturn trine

An astro-event strengthens feelings and helps to take issues of aesthetic choice, comfort, and beauty seriously. Decisions in these matters will be thoughtful and mature. You can buy beautiful things, go to art exhibitions, decide on your sympathies for people.

September 13: Falling square of the Moon

People face consequences for their actions. It is no longer possible to change anything. If your mistakes and mistakes of the recent past led to failure on this day, you should not fight the circumstances, but show wisdom: look at what is happening and draw conclusions.

September 13-14: Sun-Saturn square

These are unfavorable days for taking important steps because you will encounter obstacles in the process. The days are difficult primarily for those who are focused on career heights and decisions professional problems. It may turn out that the desired promotion is delayed or the reward finds someone else, bypassing you. At this time, it is undesirable to take initiative if you really have nothing to support your achievements with.

But if you have specific numbers and facts in your hands, go ahead and decide to talk with management about a promotion or salary. But don’t try to put pressure on the complaint by talking about your problems. Only facts that speak about your high professionalism. You should also be careful with money on this day, avoiding taking out loans and expensive, unnecessary purchases.

September 15-16: Venus-Jupiter sextile

Gives good mood, and if you work hard, then good luck.

September 18: Venus-Uranus trine

Brings unexpected favorable turns in personal life and financial affairs. Promotes the perception of new things in terms of beauty and art. You can go to contemporary art exhibitions. It’s worth going to the store if you want something, but it’s not clear what: you’ll definitely be interested in something unusual, it will lead to interesting results.

September 20: New Moon in Virgo. Venus enters Virgo

For those who have been languishing for a long time waiting for sufficient motivation to start something new, this is a great time. If you are definitely tuned in to your goal, you know how to go towards it, and all you need is the energy to take the first step - this is the right day. The atmosphere in personal life and financial sphere is changing. People become more rational and restrained both in feelings and in money. Great importance little things that you shrugged off with a sweeping gesture while Venus was in Leo are gaining momentum.

You can solve any pressing problems - personal, financial, related to your profession. Please also consider positive influence Venus in Virgo - it will be easier for you to manage contacts with difficult people, but you are also required to reduce your level of criticality.

You can worry about image issues, take care of your figure - join a gym, go on a diet, or try practices to increase attractiveness. And of course, the New Moon is a great time to remove energy negativity, recharge talismans, and practice wish fulfillment.

On the same day, the opposition of Mercury and Neptune helps to distinguish lies. But this requires inner honesty, and the desire to fall into self-deception will be very great.

September 22: Sun ingress from Virgo into Libra

The Sun in Libra brings relationships with people to the fore, creates situations in which you need to negotiate, find a compromise, and act in tandem with someone. Situations are most often ambiguous; you need to be able to look at them from different angles, not rush to a decision, and weigh everything. To succeed, you need to act fairly, without ignoring anyone's interests.

On the same day, the trine of Mercury and Pluto will bring a flow of information and contacts, and what’s nice is that you will have time to process everything.

September 23-25: Mars-Neptune opposition

It increases intolerance and fanaticism in people, and in men it increases the tendency to cheat. Deceptions and intrigues prevent you from doing anything.

September 24: Jupiter-Uranus opposition begins

The influence of the astro-event will continue into October. This is an aspect that affects not individuals, but society as a whole. The destruction of stereotypes, a conflict between public opinion and reforms, and a sudden collapse of authority are likely.

September 25: Mercury square Saturn

Disputes and conflicts on this day will not lead to good things, even if you win them. Try to spend this day “on your own wavelength,” doing only things that do not require involvement in group work. It’s better not to catch the eye of management unnecessarily, even if your work is impeccable.

But it’s worth understanding yourself, especially in matters related to changing jobs or professions. good time in order to learn new skills. You can also start revising documents and putting your affairs in order. The main thing is to take your time, because in a hurry you can miss something important. A good day for practices aimed at improving material well-being and getting rid of obstacles on the way to it.

September 28: waxing square of the Moon

People become as active as possible. Also from this day until the Full Moon (in October) there will be the most active events.

September 29-30: Venus-Neptune opposition

A busy time for those who prioritize love and personal life. This is the right moment to thoroughly begin to sort out the “blockages” in relationships, analyze the reasons and find out what is hidden from your eyes. Intuition is working at full capacity today, and you are unlikely to miss its clues. Just don’t rush to voice complaints to your partner just yet, although you will be able to find out something better and better understand his behavior.

If something worries you, then you should honestly tell him about your fears. Without slipping into manifestations of jealousy and mistrust, talk about your internal problems and feelings. But be prepared to “pause yourself” at any moment and listen to the other person.

Today is a great day for love fortune-telling and corrective practices: charging love talismans, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love, harmonizing relationships, increasing attractiveness.

Another important point this day: no experiments with finances - loans, large purchases and even updating your wardrobe today will not bring you the expected results.

September 30: Mercury ingress from Virgo to Libra

This is a good position for Mercury to establish business and personal contacts, to negotiate with people, to resolve disputes fairly, taking into account the interests of all parties.

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