Work time sheet designation. Symbols in the time sheet. How to fill out a time sheet (sample)

The accounting sheet is determined by Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/2004 (the accounting sheet is mandatory to fill out, but the law does not provide for strict limits on the form of the document). A specialized form is established, which is filled out by personnel services or accounting. This document is necessary in order to clearly control and take into account the time worked by employees. For accountants this form becomes the basis for monitoring the legality of all types of accruals. For HR department employees, this timesheet allows them to track the attendance of employees at assigned jobs according to a previously established schedule, which includes workdays and weekends. The time sheet also helps to impose penalties if one or another employee systematically violates this schedule.

The time sheet allows you to control lateness, attendance and absence of employees, that is, it is the basis for monitoring compliance with the work schedule. With the help of the timesheet, it is possible to obtain official information on the issue of time worked for each employee. Accordingly, this document is of no small importance for special statistical reporting and the formation of remuneration.

In fact, a timesheet is a well-developed form of a document, which is presented in the form of a table. Data about the employee is entered into the table, as well as all data related to his working time, attendance and non-appearance, the reasons for non-appearance are indicated, and then it is displayed total those days, as well as hours, that were worked by the employee during a clearly defined period of time. When filling out the document, codes are used to indicate the reasons for the absence of specific employees from work. The legislator determines the possibility of developing its own form of this document, on the basis of which time worked should be recorded.

The T-13 report card form is not mandatory, since in 2013 certain amendments were made to the legislative acts, which determined that the employer may refuse to use this document. But, in part 4 of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that all employers bear the obligation to draw up a document taking into account the working hours of all employees. That is, it is possible to create your own document, the filling of which will be convenient for the employees of your company. Traditionally, enterprises use the T-13 form.

Who leads the T-13 in the organization?

The legislation does not establish who exactly should maintain the time sheet. But, rules of conduct primary documentation define the following:

  • The time sheet must be maintained and maintained by an authorized person;
  • The head of a separate unit is obliged to sign the document, and it is also signed by a specialist from the personnel department;
  • Based on the timesheet, the calculation of wages is generated; accordingly, the document is sent to the accounting department.

The authorized person who fills out and maintains the timesheet is appointed by management, with a description in the employment agreement of all obligations under this direction. A document (order) is also created, which indicates the employee’s position and his individual data. In large enterprises, an employee is selected in each department who carries out the process of keeping records of actual time worked by all employees of the organization. Over the course of a month, the employee fills out the form, after which he submits it to the head of the department for study and signature. The boss, in turn, transfers the document to the personnel employee. The data is verified and other data is filled in. Required documents, and the time sheet is transferred to the accounting department, which allows you to correctly calculate wages. In small organizations, as a rule, filling out the timesheet is carried out by an employee of the personnel department.

Procedure for maintaining form T-13

Each employer can independently supervise and control the order of document maintenance. It is best to work out a manual or instruction that will provide the employee with clear instructions on all issues related to the preparation of primary documentation. And it will also become the basis for the choice clearly a certain shape accounting for actual time worked (the law defines two main forms of document - T-12 and T-13, the legislator also allows the employer to develop his own document form), etc. In the instructions or guide for drawing up a form for recording the time that an employee actually worked, it is best highlight the following main points:

  1. If the enterprise is large, then indicate that the timesheet is compiled by division. That is, in each department there is assigned individual employee who will keep track of the time worked by department employees;
  2. A description of the structure for selecting the responsible employee who will carry out the process of keeping records of the attendance of all employees of the organization is being developed;
  3. Compile a description of all additional codes that can be used to determine absenteeism or an employee’s return to work (most often, codes indicate the reason for absenteeism);
  4. Determine the full procedure for filling out the accounting form: indicate how the facts of presence/absence, tardiness, reasons for absence, etc. are reflected;
  5. Determine a procedure that will help reflect exit/non-exit data in non-standard situations.

Methods for filling out the T-13 form, basic codes for filling out the timesheet

Various options for designing a form to record actual time worked are being generated. This can be a reflection of all the data for each day, and data that relates to the presence or absence of employees must be indicated. There is also a second option for filling out the document, which involves indicating only deviations from the norm. That is, in fact, a description of absences and tardiness is formed.

Two variants of codes are determined by which information is reflected in the report card. Let us recall that the time sheet is a specialized table in which it is simply impossible to indicate all the data in writing. Therefore, there are generally accepted codes, the use of which allows you to quickly and easily fill out the timesheet.

  • Employee attendance at workplace on a clearly defined day it will be reflected with the letter “I”, or with the digital code 01;
  • The standard vacation option, which is determined by the organization’s schedule and is considered annual paid, is noted in the “OT” sheet, or with a digital value - 09;
  • If we're talking about on leave granted to women during pregnancy and childbirth, the letter designation “P” is used, or the number 14 is used;
  • If an employee receives leave related to caring for a young child, then “OL” or 15 is indicated;
  • Vacation without payment, that is, at your own expense, is marked “BEFORE” or 16;
  • If an employee is sent on a business trip, then the letter “K” is indicated, and in digital value marked as 06;
  • If an absence from work occurs, taking into account the fact that the circumstances of this event are not yet known, “NN” is indicated, with a digital value of 30;
  • Sick leave in the document is reflected as “B” or 19.

The document must contain information about the employer. In the header part you will need to enter the name of the organization and information about the OKPO code. In addition, the name of the department is indicated if we are talking about a report card that is filled out for a clearly defined department of the enterprise. Information is indicated in the form of the date and document number, that is, based on this information, you can determine the exact period of the document.

The following is information about the employee. Each employee is assigned a specific personnel number. This number subsequently used to compose all other internal documents at the enterprise. Information about the position and individual details of the employee (full name) must be indicated. At certain enterprises, this column also indicates information on the basis on which the employee was hired at the enterprise, that is, the details of the order for hiring the position are indicated.

The timesheet contains all the data on the working hours of all employees (for each individual). That is, in the column for each employee, a daily description of all data on attendance, absence, vacation, day off, etc. is formed. All data is indicated in alphabetic or numerical values.

The document also reflects the total number of days and hours worked at the enterprise, taking into account all the data on working time that was indicated in the timesheet. The second and fourth lines, which are located below the lines indicating presence at work, determine the need to indicate the actual time worked in hours. These lines may not be in the document; accordingly, their completion is not considered mandatory.

The document has a column in which you can enter all the data on no-shows. That is, in fact, this is where information is reflected that concerns the reasons that became the basis for the employee’s absence from his place on a given day. The document contains an indication of the hours that the employee was absent from the enterprise. It also indicates how many days the employee was absent for one reason or another (for example, the employee did not work for ten days, 4 days due to a work trip, and 6 days due to vacation at his own expense).

After the T-13 form is drawn up by the responsible employee, the process of signing the document is necessarily carried out, which actually makes it legally significant, and then makes it a kind of basis for accruing funds in the form of wages. The document is signed by the responsible person, the head of the department, as well as an employee of the personnel department.

Vacation must be indicated on the work time control sheet. In this case, it is determined what type of leave is provided, and the dates when the person is on this leave are indicated. There are various letter designations, which are included in the document. The standard option is the next vacation, it is marked “FROM”, but if we are talking about additional leave, which will be paid for by the employer, then it is marked “OD”. If the vacation is not paid, then “BEFORE” is indicated. Often, workers carry out parallel distance learning, and for the period of study - sessions, paid leave is provided, which is reflected in the documents as “U”. There are situations when an employee attends training, but remains to perform his direct duties at the company or enterprise; in this case, it is envisaged to use a shortened working day, and in the accounting sheet this fact is reflected in the form of the letter value “UV”. Leave associated with childbirth, as well as pregnancy, is indicated as the value “P”, for child care “OZ”. Also, in certain cases, leave is provided without pay, and in this case, the letter value “OZ” is formed.

How is absence from work marked?

A specific code is also provided to indicate temporary absence from work. All data in the timesheet is indicated in letter form, which allows accounting employees to clearly determine all the nuances of the calculation wages, and necessarily vacation payments and sick leave payments. If a person does not go to work, but provides information that he is sick, then temporary disability under this condition is indicated by the letter “B”. There are situations when removal from professional duties occurs. “NB” is indicated on the report card. If the enterprise does not pay wages, then the employee has the right not to attend his work, and not to fulfill the obligations established by the employment agreement, in accordance with the provisions of the law. This fact is reflected in the report card with the letters “NZ”, which actually indicates a suspension of work due to the employer’s failure to fulfill all of its obligations to pay for the work performed. If removal from professional duties is carried out with accrual of payment from the employer, then in this case the value “BUT” is indicated, which allows accountants to accrue the amount of payment labor activity, taking into account that the employee was not present during certain working days.

How is downtime noted on the report card?

It should definitely be noted that in enterprises there is such a thing as downtime. That is, in fact, the employee is present at his workplace, however, certain work processes are not carried out. In this case, the employment agreement initially contains data that determines the structure for calculating wages in the event that downtime is due to the fault of the employee, the employer, or due to reasons that do not depend on the employee or employer. The timesheet also contains data related to downtime. If it is formed due to the fault of the employee, “VP” is indicated, if the employer’s fault is traced, “VR” is indicated, but if the downtime is formed by other factors, then “NP” is indicated.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees must receive days off. However, in certain cases, days off do not fall on the employee’s weekend, in other words, employees have to work on weekends, but according to increased rate. The law establishes that an employee who works on holidays and weekends receives higher pay. If absenteeism occurs due to a day off, “B” is indicated on the timesheet; if the day off is incomplete, “NV” is indicated. The employer can also provide an additional day off, which will be indicated on the “OB” sheet if it is paid. If the additional day off is not paid, it is reflected in the document with the letters “NV”.

Non-standard situations when filling out a timesheet

There are non-standard situations when specialists do not know how to correctly mark certain values ​​in the accounting sheet. For example, consider a situation where an employee fell ill at the moment annual leave. The legislation establishes that if a worker falls ill on vacation, a sick leave certificate is issued, and the vacation is extended for a clearly established period, which is determined by the sick leave certificate, if any. The report card is marked with “B” instead of “OT”. If, after the vacation, the employee does not return to work, then “NN” is indicated, that is, it is indicated that the absence was due to an unknown reason. After documents are provided that determine the availability good reason for those who fail to appear, for example, they will be provided with a sick leave certificate; instead of “NN”, “B” will be entered on the report card.

Where can I find codes for filling out the T-13 form?

When preparing the T-13 form, it is the letter values ​​that are used. Since it is simply unrealistic to indicate everything in words. Most often, already developed additions are used, in the form of codes, which are provided in Appendix 1 to the official order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11/387@. However, the manager can develop eigenvalues codes In this case, a special addition to the instructions for preparing the timesheet is drawn up, in the form of a fairly simple table.

What are the differences between the T-13 and T-12 uniforms?

As you already know, there are two well-developed forms of the document, and the legislator does not limit the employer in choosing the form that can be filled out in the process of recording working hours. These forms are almost identical, but there are still certain differences. Practice shows that modern employers most often give preference to the T-13 form, since it is easier to prepare.

Shape differences:

  1. Form T-12 also contains columns for the days of the month that relate to a clearly defined employee, but these lines are located horizontally. As for the T-13 form, they are divided into two parts and are parallel. That is, in fact, in the T-13 form, you indicate all the data about visiting work in the first lines, in the second lines you indicate the amount of total working time in hours. It's more convenient;
  2. It should also be said that for each employee in the T-13 form, four lines are allocated regarding the reasons for absence from the workplace, which allows you to control all the nuances of absenteeism and the presence of valid reasons. In the T-12 form, such data is also reflected, but only two lines are allocated for them;
  3. Form T-13 contains a final part, which is not reflected in form T-12. In fact, the first option reflects not only information about the attendance and absence of each employee, but also the codes of payment types, which allows accountants to quickly navigate the issue of calculating payment for work performed.

In the specified form there is a special department that reflects all the data on the accrual of funds as payment for activities, taking into account time worked, vacation pay, absences, etc. That is, in fact, by indicating all the data on recording total working time, the opportunity is formed correct and fast enough accrual Money in accounting. The document must indicate cash payment codes. These codes are indicated exclusively in digital values:

  • 2000 - accrued wages provided in the form of wages;
  • 2012 - the amount of vacation payments, which is determined by the next vacation schedule for each employee.

This section also necessarily indicates the corresponding account, that is, a specialized account from which all costs for paying for activities are written off.

The number of days or hours worked is also indicated, taking into account a certain type of remuneration. For example, standard working hours (days of attendance) are entered, and information on travel and vacation pay is entered. The code of the type of payment and the account number from which the process of crediting the payment for certain working hours of the employee will be carried out.


A report card is a mandatory document that must be filled out at any enterprise. After all, it is on the basis of this document that the following processes are carried out:

  • Monitoring the work of all specialists at the enterprise;
  • Monitoring timely attendance at working hours;
  • Control of hours worked, taking into account the possibility of correct calculation of wages.

In other words, the time sheet is a document, when used, the manager receives all the necessary data about the responsibility of employees and their fulfillment of the terms of the employment agreement, as well as staffing table. And accountants, on the basis of this document, have the opportunity to correctly calculate wages in order to follow all the norms of labor legislation.

The legislator does not establish strict requirements for drawing up a form for proper recording of working time, but determines the need of this accounting. There are two developed forms, all the nuances of which we discussed with you above; in fact, you just have to study this information in order to learn how to draw up a document yourself. It should also be noted that there are specialized programs that allow you to carry out the process of recording working hours in a simplified mode; to study the nuances and features of such programs, we invite you to watch this video.

Part 4; custom– convenience of payroll calculation.

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The form or matrix of the document was determined by the State Statistics Committee in 2004: f. T-12 and T-13. The forms established by the state turned out to be convenient for organizations, they are still used today, making adjustments to suit their own conditions.

Description and purpose of the matrix

Timesheet RV is a primary accounting document intended for fixing working periods: by category - day, night, business trip, and duration - 3, 5 or 8 hours.

The basis for including an employee in the matrix is ​​an employment order. Employees are reported daily for a month. At the end of the period, a total of actual hours of work and absences is compiled. The versatility of the T-12 form allows you to keep records in the following forms:

  1. on a paper matrix;
  2. in electronic version;
  3. part of the 1C accounting program.

Example timesheet (clickable):

Preference is given to the computer filling method - its easier to adjust.

Making changes to a paper timesheet is more difficult. For example, it was assumed that the employee had absenteeism, but was later granted.

A violation previously recorded in the report card is corrected through a correction form on the basis of the site manager.

The report card has 2 pages:

  1. props, where the division, accounting period and date of completion are indicated;
  2. main– individual lines for employees. For each line of the matrix, records are made about the serial number and personal data, the number and duration of shifts.

Regulations for reflecting the working period

Those responsible for maintaining the timesheet are determined at each site, if the company is large, and in small companies this responsibility is assigned to a personnel specialist.

It is important that the employee is appointed by order of the manager. The order also indicates the person to fill out the timesheet in the event of the absence of the main employee. An order is not required if the duty is included in job description accountant

The completed document is sent to the HR department for verification, and then to the accounting department.

The time sheet records the shifts worked and the time the employee was absent for some reason. The top line of the position in the matrix is ​​reserved for entering the letter code of the event, the bottom line reflects the number of paid hours.

There are two ways to fill out a time sheet:

  1. full registration– all reports to work and days of absence are noted;
  2. recording only anomalous events: business trips and lateness, no-shows and hours.

The company chooses which method to prefer. If the shift time is constant, the second option is accepted. It is more convenient to take into account the summarized time period using a continuous tabulation, marking working days with the letter Y (attendance). If the deviation method is used, such a designation is not made.

All reasons for an employee’s absence from a shift are documented. If there is no explanation, before submitting the report card, the column in the matrix is ​​left empty until an excuse is received, and if a certificate is not submitted, the code NN is used - unjustified failure to appear.

Completed in a single copy accounting document signed by the timekeeper, site manager and human resources department. The accounting department is responsible for storing timesheets, after 5 years it is transferred to the archive for 50 or 75 years - the last period is designated for workers in hazardous and harmful industries.

Accepted abbreviations in the report card

Before the entry into force of Order of the Ministry of Finance 52n (July 2015), report card forms T-12 and T-13 were used, registered in the OKUD classifier under numbers 0301007 and 0301008, respectively.

Today both matrices are taken into account with the code 0504421, and are mandatory for use by budgetary, government and autonomous government agencies. The decoding of the letter designations is given in the text of the order and on the title page of the T-12 matrix.

Code recognition

Order 52n established 18 conditional letter indices with a note that organizations can supplement the list based on their accounting policies. In each designation, the answer to the indicated situation is guessed.

Here is a list of commonly used abbreviations:

There are little-known letter combinations:

There are special situations with many options that require explanation. They relate to days of rest and work away from the main enterprise.

Designation of business trips and vacations

Marks in the report card for these positions done on the basis of an order from the employer, where the boundaries of the event are clearly indicated. Depending on the wording, a code is entered work shift or absence on the day of arrival.

There is an option to indicate the time of work on this date: writing in the line the letters K (business trip), Z, and the number 3 means that the citizen arrived from a mission and was on duty for three hours. If the employee while away from the enterprise, took sick leave, this is also reflected in the report card.

Designations of stay on vacation depend on its type. There are a dozen options for encrypting the rest.

Here are the frequently used vacation letter combinations:

  • OT – paid regular;
  • OD – ;
  • DO – administrative without salary retention;
  • OJ – for women to care for children;
  • P - upon the birth of the baby, including the period of pregnancy;
  • OU – educational with payment for session days.

Correctly filling out the RV accounting sheet facilitates the work of the accounting department. Using the notation system allows don't make mistakes when calculating earnings.

Watch the video on maintaining time sheets:

Vacation in the time sheet - its designation is carried out using unified or corporate codes - can be reflected differently depending on its type and the status of the employee. Let's study common examples of vacation codes in more detail.

Reflection of maternity leave and child care leave

Maternity leave provided in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the report card using code P (14). Child care leave provided under Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is fixed using the coolant code (15).

A scenario is possible in which an employee on maternity leave will work part-time. If this is so, then when recording her visits in the report card, the “double” code I (01) and OZH (15) will be used. These codes can be specified in one cell of the timesheet using the “/” symbol (for example, Я/Ож or 01/15), or you can add an additional line to the timesheet form.

Theoretically, there can be three codes in one cell. For example, if an employee agreed to go on a business trip and worked a day off there. In this case, the table will write: K/RV/Coolant (06/03/15).

Find out what other symbols are used in the time sheet.


Vacation in the time sheet can be recorded using large quantity various codes, each of which is selected based on a specific type of holiday. In some cases, along with “vacation” codes, it is possible to simultaneously indicate others that characterize the current status of the employee in labor relations.

You can learn more about the use of accounting sheets in a company in the articles:

  • ;
  • .

NO 34 Suspension from work (preclusion from work) for reasons provided for by law, without saving wages NB 35 Time of suspension of work in case of delay in payment of wages NZ 36 Designation of days before taking up a position or after release from it (dismissals, transfers, etc.) .p.) X 37 Open in Word format temporary disability without assignment of benefits in cases provided for by law sample of filling out a work time sheet designation of leave in the time sheet sample of a work time sheet Type of document:

  • Toolkit


  • time sheet
  • time sheet
  • Personnel records management and Labor law

Designations and codes in the time sheet


A timesheet is a document that contains information about the days worked by each employee, absences from work for valid reasons and for unjustifiable reasons. It can be driven different ways. Information about the presence or absence of workers is recorded daily. All facts of absence, no-shows, and tardiness must be included in the report card.

The data from the Time Sheet serves as the basis for calculating and calculating wages for all employees of the company. It controls:
  • labor discipline;
  • standard length of the working week;
  • duration of overtime work;
  • work on weekends.

The Labor Code establishes a five-day working week with a duration of 40 hours and a six-day one with a duration of 36 hours. During operation, these standards may be violated.

Online magazine for accountants

T-12) Sample of filling out form T-12: Decoding the symbols in the work time sheet in 2018 In practice, mistakes are often made when drawing up the document. Usually they are caused by incorrect placement of conditional codes. Both alphabetic and numeric characters can be used.
There are no instructions for choosing them. Therefore, each company independently chooses the type of encryption depending on its convenience. Working time sheet (form T-13) Sample of filling out a working time sheet (form T-13) To avoid such errors, you should use brief recommendations for filling out the document in 2018: Digital codes Letter designation Explanation Recommendations for use 01 I Working hours You can use checkpoint information to mark daytime and evening hours.

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OD Additional paid vacation Vacation is guaranteed by the labor code, local acts or agreements. The vacationer gets acquainted with the issued order by signing it. 11 U Study leave with pay is given for an employee to improve his qualifications by missing work during his studies. The basis is the order of the manager, the direction to extra education etc.
12 HC Shortened working hours Used by employees who combine work with study without interrupting production functions. Partial retention of earnings is allowed. 13 UD Leave for study without pay The employee submits an application for leave, on the basis of which an order is issued, which is subsequently signed by the employee. 14 R Leave due to pregnancy and childbirth. 15 OZH Leave to care for a child (partially paid). 16 TO Rest without pay with the permission of the employer (time off).

Symbols in the time sheet

How to properly record working hours if the enterprise is small and operates on a five-day basis? There is no single approach to record keeping; you can keep a continuous record (record all facts), or you can only record deviations (temporary disability, absences for unknown reasons, etc.). The main criterion is the correctness of recording the actual time worked on paper, since this document is the primary one for calculating wages. In everyday work, the first option is more convenient when accounting for working periods in total; the second option is preferable when the duration of working hours is constant, as is the case with a five-day period.

Time sheet: explanation of abbreviations

U 16 9 Reduced work time for students UD 17 10 Additional study leave without pay U 18 11 Maternity leave p 19 12 Child care leave (with partial pay) p 20 13 Child care leave (unpaid) ozh 21 14 Unpaid leave until 22 15 Unpaid leave for reasons established by law OZ 24 16 Sick leave B 25 17 Unpaid disability t 26 18 Hours of reduction of work personal 27 19 Downtime (for reasons not related to the employee) vp 28 20 Absenteeism for reasons established by law (with retention of wages) g 29 21 Absenteeism without good reason PR 31 22 Unworked hours (if the employer has established a part-time working day) NS 32 23 Weekends in 33 24 Strikes ZB 34 25 Absences for unclear reasons NN 35 The table describes the most commonly used symbols in the time sheet.

Letter designations in the report card


After all, in the final calculation of the time worked, zeros do not matter, and with the same length of the working day, all that remains is to perform the simplest actions: count the number of empty cells in the top line (these are attendances) and multiply by the number of hours. This method is more convenient for experienced personnel officers and accountants. It is also well suited for small organizations where the number of staff is small.

If your management doesn't know about a simpler time tracking system, now is the time to offer it to them. Keeping a time sheet on a computer In addition to the paper version, there are also several electronic ones. As mentioned above, the timesheets in mandatory must be duplicated.

This is necessary to ensure that data on the work of employees is not lost and their accuracy is confirmed (after all, it is not possible to use a computer everywhere).

Designations in the time sheet

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 91 Labor Code RF, public sector entity is obliged to keep track of labor time in the timesheet. This is a mandatory document on the basis of which wages are calculated. Legend in the work time sheet in 2018. The codes in the document for recording the working hours of employees are necessary for correctly filling out the paper.

For this purpose, letter designations are used in the working time sheet; they are indicated in methodological recommendations to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n. For example, for a planned vacation in the timesheet the designation is “O”. So, let’s study the working time sheet: the designations of the letters that are used to fill out, as well as their decoding, are given in the table for convenience.

Designations in the time sheet

A similar complete registration is carried out when employees are on maternity leave (P), on parental leave when they reach the age of three years (OZ) and unpaid leave (UP). 4. How are days off on vacation designated? If, when an employee is on annual basic paid leave (PA) or on annual additional paid leave (AP), a public holiday falls during the period of his rest, in the report card the OT or OD code must be replaced with B (weekends and non-working days). holidays), because, in accordance with Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-working holidays falling during the period of paid leave are included in the number calendar days vacations are not included. 5.

Designations in the time sheet 2015

B", digital (19);

  • temporary disability without benefits: letter code “T”, digital (20);
  • absenteeism: letter code “PR”, digital (24);
  • weekends and non-working holidays: letter code, digital “B” (26);
  • failure to appear for unknown reasons (until the circumstances are clarified): letter code “NN”, digital (30);
  • absenteeism: PR (24);
  • day off or non-working holiday: B (26);
  • downtime due to the fault of the employee: VP (33);
  • absenteeism from work due to the performance of state or public duties: G (23);
  • additional paid leave in connection with training: U (11);
  • advanced training with a break from work: PC (07).

Notes on the timesheet are made by the person responsible for maintaining primary document working time recording.

Designations in the time sheet Belarus


Who should keep track of working hours and who should be responsible for it? If the organization is small, one person can keep time records. If the structure of the enterprise is significant, it is advisable to appoint a responsible person in each division. All responsible persons, regardless of their number, are appointed by orders for the main activities in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.

Responsibility for the completeness and correctness of filling out the timesheet lies with the person authorized by the order. The head of the department is responsible for the timely submission of timesheets to the accounting department. The employer is responsible for everyone. 8.

Designations in the work time sheet Ukraine

More detailed description and a complete list is usually located on the first sheet of the form. This makes it easier to navigate the notation and determine in what situation what to put in the cell. Normal form filling Filling out a time sheet is a painstaking job that requires attention.
This can be done using, for example, the method of continuous appearances and no-shows. In this case, data is entered into each column. Symbols indicate both the presence of employees at the workplace and their absence, indicating the reasons. The number of hours spent at the place of work is also indicated. In the timesheet itself, it will look like this: on a day off, put the letter “B”, under it 0, on a working day, respectively, “I” and the number of hours, for example 8. Similar to weekends, various reasons for absence from work are noted, starting with business trips and ending with absence for unknown reasons.

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