Exercises with a stick for the spine. Exercise program for good posture. Features of therapeutic exercises

A gymnastic stick is often used during fitness classes. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is possible to perform interesting exercises on various muscle groups. Due to its availability, it is widely used in gyms, as well as at home.

This sports equipment not only strengthens muscles, but also promotes weight loss.

Characteristics of a gymnastic stick

This sports equipment can be different sizes, may also vary in weight.

Depending on your preparation and training goals, you can choose the appropriate option:

  • If the workout is strength training, it is recommended to use a body bar.. It has a metal base that is covered with rubber. The size varies from 0.9-1.2 m, weight from 1.5 to 16 kg.
  • When doing gymnastics, a light stick made of plastic is suitable. It's hollow inside. The length can be 90, 120 or 150 cm.
  • There are gymnastic sticks of smaller dimensions. They are suitable for training with children.

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Rules for performing exercises with a gymnastic stick

Doing the exercises correctly will give you the best results and will protect you from getting injured or sprained.

There are some starting positions for different workouts:

Also, different types of grip can be used for different exercises:

  • Straight grip (or regular). Hands are placed palms down.
  • Reverse grip - palms facing up.
  • There can also be a wide or narrow placement of the palms.
  • In some situations, you need to hold the gymnastic stick directly by the edges. Sometimes it should be positioned vertically, resting one end on the floor.

When and how to train?

There are no special restrictions on the use of such exercises. Everyone can create a program for themselves.

But, some points should be taken into account:

Training must be carried out after at least 1.5-2 hours after eating. If training is carried out in the evening, then the interval between its completion and sleep should be at least 2 hours.

What do you need to know before doing the exercises?

  • Be sure to warm up your joints.
  • If there are musculoskeletal disorders, spine, as well as other problems, you should consult your doctor. He must approve and approve the training program or adjust it.
  • If your physical fitness is very poor or the state of the body does not allow you to fully perform gymnastics, you can first perform several exercises without a stick so that your joints and muscles get used to it a little. Then use the gymnastic stick as provided in the health program.

Benefits of exercise

The benefits of training with this simple equipment are undeniable:

Exercises while standing

Lesson plan and list of exercises:

Exercises while sitting

Exercises while lying down

In lying exercises, the legs should not bend at the knees. If you are lifting your body or legs, then at the top point you need to linger for 2-3 seconds and fix the position.

Flexibility and stretching exercises

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Exercises with a gymnastic stick for osteochondrosis

This set of exercises is therapeutic in nature, and not just recreational. People with a sedentary lifestyle are susceptible to osteochondrosis. In this mode, muscles gradually lose their elasticity.

The following exercises will help in the fight against this disease:

  • Stand straight. Gymnastic stick in front of you. You need to hold it by the edges. From this position, turn your torso in different directions. Do not change the position of your hands throughout the execution.
  • The position of the first exercise remains unchanged. It is necessary to raise your hands together with the stick above your head and return them back. Do not bend your elbows.
  • Do the second exercise. At the same time, monitor your breathing. Inhale as you raise your arms, exhale as you lower them. Breathing is deep and measured.
  • Stand up straight. Hands hold a gymnastic stick above your head. It is necessary to inhale and at the same time tilt the body forward. The lower back bends. You need to touch the floor with the stick. Then straighten back up, exhaling.

These 4 exercises are considered basic. They can be performed not only for treatment, but also as prevention.

Important: This set of exercises is prescribed by the attending physician. It takes into account which area of ​​the spine suffers from the disease and calculates the norm of permissible loads.

Exercises with a stick and expander

In addition to the expander, it can also be used for exercises.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick for children

General developmental exercise therapy exercises with a gymnastic stick are useful for both adults and children of any age: small children, preschoolers and schoolchildren. In many children's preschool institutions conduct lessons with a gymnastic stick.

Exercises for the elderly

It's never too late to start exercising, even for older people. general condition body and for posture.

List of exercises:

  • In a standing position, hold the gymnastic apparatus in your lowered hands. Feet together. Raise the projectile up, lower your head. Take the starting position. Repeat the exercise.
  • Feet shoulder width apart. Gymnastic stick in straight hands above your head. The grip is wide. Perform body tilts alternately in different directions.
  • Starting position as in the second exercise. Instead of bending, turn your body in different directions.

Exercises in pairs

In order to work in pairs, you need to choose a partner who is suitable for physical parameters. There shouldn't be too much difference in weight. It is desirable that the partners be of the same gender and with the same level of training.

Attention: All exercises that involve resistance must be performed taking into account the physical strength and capabilities of the partner. The exercise should not take on a competitive nature.

  • Partners stand facing each other. Gymnastic sticks are held in the hands at chest level. Each of them tries to push the right end of the stick forward, while at the same time holding resistance with his left hand.
  • Take a sitting position facing each other. Pull the gymnastic stick, holding it by the ends. You can perform this exercise with your feet shoulder-width apart. Or you can connect them together.
  • Stand with a friend opposite the arch. Gymnastic sticks on the bottom sides. Each of them is held at different ends by both partners. Raise one stick sideways, the other up. Then change movements for the other side.

Exercises for arms, neck, posture and legs

  • One of the simplest general exercises - This is performing jumps over a stick on the floor in one direction, then in the opposite direction.
  • Place the stick vertically in front of you. Place both hands on the top. From this position, perform squats and return to the starting position.
  • Stick in hands below, feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward. Raise the stick above your head and move your arms back, arching your back as much as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat for the other leg.
  • Hold the gymnastic apparatus in front of you. Place your hands behind your head without bending them. Slowly move the stick in your hands in one direction, then in the other. The neck should not turn.
  • If pain or discomfort occurs During exercises, you should temporarily stop training and consult a specialist.
  • The room should be well ventilated so that the air is saturated with oxygen. The air temperature should not be too high.
  • Movements must be performed smoothly and carefully until the correct technique is mastered.
  • It is necessary to wear comfortable clothes for training, which will not interfere with working at full amplitude and will not hinder movement.

Experts believe that exercise therapy and exercises with a gymnastic stick are considered a priority treatment method for scoliosis. Exercises with a stick strengthen various groups muscles. Gymnastics with a stick will ensure a slim body, prevent osteochondrosis, and also help you quickly lose a few extra pounds.

Young women and men are already suffering from manifestations of osteochondrosis. This disease is accompanied by discomfort, pain in any part of the spine, and limits joint mobility. However, it is amenable to treatment, especially when started at early stage. The most effective means of combating osteochondrosis is physiotherapy(physical therapy), namely exercises with a gymnastic stick.

Unlike lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis, which begin as a result of long-term pathological processes in the spine, cervical osteochondrosis can manifest itself quite early. early age. To stop or suspend this disease, it is enough to start on time and regularly perform therapeutic physical exercises recommended by your doctor. On this moment There are many exercise therapy complexes designed to treat and relieve pain in different parts spinal column.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis have a beneficial effect not only on the spine, but also on the blood supply to the brain. As a result, memory improves and performance increases. Since only a specialist can recommend a specific load in each individual case, all exercises should be performed after consultation with a doctor.

First of all, in order to relieve pain and discomfort, you should relax the tense muscles of the cervical spine. To do this, you need to lie down on a flat hard surface(floor or couch). While lying on your back, place a folded blanket or bolster under your legs bent at the knees, and small pillows under your lower back and head. Then you should slowly turn your head to the sides, first to the left, then to the right. After 5–7 repetitions, place your hands clasped together on the back of your head and, overcoming resistance, stretch the back of your head up and to the sides.

Relaxing the neck muscles relieves pain, inflammation and swelling. In addition, such regular exercises help heal cracks and reduce inflammatory process in the fibrous rings of intervertebral discs. An exception for exercise therapy is the acute period of the disease, since active actions can increase irritation of the nerve roots and further injure the damaged disc.

After relaxing and warming up the muscles, without getting up from the floor, you can perform next exercise with a stick for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: holding the gymnastic apparatus in front of you in outstretched arms, you need to slowly bring it behind your head without bending your elbows. Then the hands with the stick should be smoothly alternately moved to the sides, trying not to turn the head.

And finally, twisting exercises: holding a stick above you with outstretched arms, you should pretend to turn the steering wheel in different directions. It is enough to perform all these steps 5–7 times. Gradually the number of repetitions should be increased to 10–15 times. Performing 1 set of exercises for the neck should take at least 10–15 minutes, along with warming up the muscles.

It should be remembered that gymnastics with a stick should be done slowly, without sudden, jerky movements. The main goal of the complex is to relax degenerative muscles, properly stretch and strengthen them. Exercises with a gymnastic stick promote the normal position of the hands, preventing them from moving apart, maintaining desired position muscles during exercise.

Over time, you can reduce the distance between your hands on the stick, which will make the exercises more difficult and increase the load.

The best methods for relapse of cervical osteochondrosis and prevention of its exacerbation are:

  • sleeping on an orthopedic pillow;
  • swimming;
  • daily walks.

Even basic compliance correct posture keeps muscles in constant voltage by training them. It is not for nothing that from childhood a child is taught to straighten his back while sitting at the table.

Currently, many complexes have been developed physical exercise with osteochondrosis. They differ in duration, intensity, direction of impact, stage of the disease and, accordingly, level of load.

Exercises for lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis include more varied exercises that can be performed both standing and lying down. This depends on the patient’s muscle fitness. At the initial stage, in order to avoid the appearance of discomfort, it is advisable to perform the exercises while lying on the floor, on a special gymnastic mat. A specialist will help you choose a complex that combines the necessary movements, increasing in degree of complexity.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick are the most common and effective for spinal osteochondrosis. To begin, you should take the starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. The gymnastic stick should be taken so that the distance between the hands is no wider than the shoulders. Next, perform the following exercises:

  1. Turn the steering wheel: at chest level, make circular movements with your arms left and right.
  2. Turns the head in the same direction.
  3. As you inhale and exhale, raise the stick up and lower it.
  4. Bring the stick to your neck (elbows parallel to the floor), at the same time lower your chin, move the stick forward, tilt your head back.
  5. Place the stick behind your neck, turn your shoulders together with the projectile to the right and left, and return to the starting position.
  6. Raise your outstretched arms above your head, while inhaling, bend forward, bring the stick to your knees, exhale, straighten up, hands in front of your chest.
  7. Bend the elbow extended upward right hand, at the same time turn your head to the left. When bending your left arm, your head should be turned to the right.
  8. Bend your elbows, hold the stick in them and place it behind your back. Turn your upper body left and right without pausing.

At the end of the complex, you should perform squats while simultaneously raising the stick in outstretched arms to chest level.

All exercises are performed at a slow pace, observing the pace of breathing, 5-7 times.

Regularly performing simple movements will strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, release pinched nerve roots, and stabilize work internal organs.

Osteochondrosis is a rather dangerous disease caused by pathological destruction of the intervertebral discs. One of the treatment methods is therapeutic gymnastics, performed independently and using gymnastic instruments. Neurologists advise using a stick to perform exercises - you can use it during an exacerbation in the presence of severe pain.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick are performed somewhat easier by patients with osteochondrosis. Firstly, everything is connected with the redistribution of the load on the body - part of it goes to the stick, which at the moment of exacerbation makes it easier to complete the entire exercise. Secondly, with the help of a stick you can diversify the course of training for treatment.

The presented projectile is universal and belongs to the group of general developmental items for performing exercises. The stick can be easily purchased at any specialized store, which makes it possible for all segments of the population to use it. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the stick has the following effect:

  • relaxes the muscles of the affected areas;
  • general developmental exercises with a stick prepare you for more complex activities;
  • helps in preventive exercises.

Important! The stick should be chosen according to your height, by simple test. Standing straight, you need to tilt your body straight and extend your arms. In this position, measure the stick - take it exactly by one end and rest it on the floor at an angle of no more than 70 degrees.

  1. Before exercising, you should consult your doctor. It is strictly forbidden to start classes without his permission - one wrong move can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. The intensity of classes and the overall load are determined with the doctor. In this case, they are guided by the stage of the pathology.
  3. In the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, the stage of the lesion is taken into account.
  4. With the doctor, if possible, make up full list permitted for exercises.
  5. For comfortable exercise, it is recommended to choose cotton clothing and light sports shoes. Sometimes it is recommended to use Czech shoes.
  6. The increase in loads comes gradually - as you complete the previous exercises.
  7. Exercises are carried out regularly - preferably daily, so as not to worsen your condition.

Important! You should not do exercises during periods of exacerbation and severe pain. At first, it is better to take appropriate treatment - the pain should go away within 2-3 days. And to completely eliminate the problem, resort to charging.

Charging can include up to 20 exercises performed to treat the disease presenting with damage to the discs in several parts of the spine. But the most effective and widespread include the following:

  1. Rotation. In the traditional position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart - take the stick with your hands by the ends and stretch it in front of you. In this position, turn your body to the sides - your arms also remain in a straight position. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times in each direction.
  2. Propeller. In the same initial position, the hands are placed in front of you with a stick in your hands, holding it closer to the ends. Initially, the stick is held in a horizontal position. The propeller exercise involves changing the position of the projectile from horizontal to vertical and back. This is repeated at least 20 times for each side - the projectile is turned clockwise or counterclockwise.
  3. Breath. The initial position is the same - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward and holding a stick. The “Breathing” exercise is aimed at correct breathing actions - as you inhale, the arms rise up without bending the elbows, and as you exhale, they return to their starting position. Do at least 6 repetitions.
  4. Deflections. The initial position remains virtually unchanged, with the exception of the obligatory raising of the arms with the stick up. As you inhale, bend your back, tilt your body down and try to reach the floor with a stick. The arms and knees do not bend. As you exhale, return to the original position. Do at least 10 repetitions.

The exercises presented are far from the only ones, so when determining the permitted gymnastics with your doctor, find out more variations so that you can gradually complicate your workouts. If unpleasant sensations occur in the form of pain and other symptoms, stop the exercise and consult a doctor with complaints. The specialist will make adjustments after determining the causes of the pain. Exercises should not be a burden - in the case of osteochondrosis, even when performing them, a person should feel lightness and pain relief.

Together with the development of innovative technologies that make the work and life of every resident of a modern city easier, we have received various shapes– degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine that occur as a reaction to various factors.

These include the lack of rational physical activity and regular sports, non-compliance with proper eating behavior, and so on.

The main thing about the danger of such a seemingly “nonsense” disease as osteochondrosis for a person’s life is the fact that without proper attention it can develop at a rapid pace.

You can briefly describe the processes occurring in the body against the background of the development of osteochondrosis, point by point:

  • The spine is forced to constantly support the body in an upright position, often motionless, which is why the muscles begin to become very tense and manifest themselves in pain.
  • Frequent inflammation in the muscles provokes atrophy, that is, thinning of the tissue.
  • Weakened muscles are not able to maintain posture in the correct position, hence spinal problems such as () and ().
  • These pathologies lead to a decrease in the space between the vertebrae and an increase in pressure on the intervertebral discs. Hence the deformation of the latter, disruption of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue being replaced, and blocking of the spinal segment.

A complication of osteochondrosis is the phenomenon when the nucleus comes out of the destroyed disc.

The very first measure for other problems with the spine is to maintain correct posture.

It is the control that the back is not in a bent position for a long time, as well as the elimination of long hours of sitting at work - the key to success.

Orthopedic specialists have come up with a rule for healthy posture of a person in a standing position: if everything is normal, when we stand, the muscles of the shoulder blades, abdomen and buttocks are tense.

Is it possible to achieve this prevention by just exercising a couple of times a week?

Of course, this will be enough for some, but if your daily activity involves a sedentary position and you hardly do any sports, then it is necessary A complex approach, which includes, in addition to exercises, etc.

Therapeutic exercise is the main method of therapy or.

Most doctors believe that during the active form of the disease - acute or subacute - it is necessary first of all to relieve the symptoms of pain, and this can only be done quickly with help.

However, today there are more and more specialists who lift the ban on all movements and develop exercise therapy complexes aimed, among other things, at getting rid of painful sensations.

Their difference lies in the fact that the intensity is significantly reduced, the classes themselves are held under the strict guidance of the attending physician, and if the slightest signs of illness appear, they are stopped.

When the patient's condition is so advanced that it is necessary surgical intervention to eliminate the root cause, we are talking within the framework of a conversation about exercise therapy, it's already underway about gymnastics complexes for the recovery period.

In this case, it is useful to combine physical education with techniques that can tone and relax the muscles.

When prescribing a set of exercises, including those performed with a gymnastic stick, for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, the doctor must take into account the patient’s gender, his age, and the level of physical training.

The patient, in turn, must control his sensations throughout the entire session and regulate the complexity of certain movements. If you overstrain the body, it will not respond to any therapy, but will only react with new unpleasant symptoms.

Here standard scheme for gymnastics with a stick for the cervical region:

  1. Raise the stick, held in your hands at shoulder level, above you, then move it to the middle in front of your chest, and then lower it down.
  2. Place your hands with the stick behind your head and try to lower them as low as possible, aiming for the lower back. The narrower you grip the projectile, the harder it will be to make deep movements.
  3. Raise the apparatus as high as possible behind your back and move your arms further away from your body. Slowly lean forward while pulling your stomach in.
  4. Without letting go of the stick, we cross them. There should be tension in the area between the shoulder blades.
  5. While holding the projectile, we straighten our arm first in one direction and then in the other.

To provide yourself with basic daily workout, it will not take much time and effort, so do not neglect the advice of doctors to use exercise therapy in treatment.

Despite the fact that the described charging is quite simple, if you want to achieve its maximum efficiency and safety, we advise you to follow these simple rules:

  • Take a few minutes to exercise with a gymnastic stick every day;
  • You can choose any time for classes, but no later than a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • Combine physical exercises with breathing practices;
  • As you progress in your studies, increase the load, but without fanaticism;
  • If any of the elements of exercise therapy cause you pain or discomfort, exclude them from the complex or replace them with alternative ones;
  • Monitor your heart rate by periodically measuring your pulse.

To forced measures, on the treatment of the disease, gave you pleasure, before starting the lesson, tune in with pleasant rhythmic music.

Do not forget that positive thoughts are also very important, which will maintain the tone of the body and will not allow you to give up, even if something does not work out right away.

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical-thoracic spine

Cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is a very common disease of the spine, which leads to serious damage to the musculoskeletal system, as well as nervous system sick.

In turn, osteochondrosis can be cervical, thoracic or lumbar. There are also often cases of combined pathology, when the lesion is localized in several areas of the patient’s spine.

Fact! No matter how sad it may be, osteochondrosis is characterized by a chronic course, so it is completely impossible to cure it. Despite this, timely initiation of therapy and exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine can significantly alleviate the patient’s well-being and slow down the overall progression of the pathology. Thanks to a well-chosen complex of exercise therapy, a person will be able to lead a full life.

Before considering what therapeutic exercises include for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, we present the following facts and statistics of this disease that will help a person learn in more detail about the course of the pathology:

  1. Based on generally accepted medical statistics, the most common cause of osteochondrosis is a sedentary lifestyle. It provokes this disease in more than 70% of all cases. Moreover, due to the fact that more and more professions are associated with sedentary work, the incidence of osteochondrosis has been growing rapidly in recent decades.
  2. Due to the fact that osteochondrosis can provoke heart pain and other unusual symptoms in people, 82% of patients are not treated for it at all, but for falsely diagnosed pathologies (heart failure, etc.).
  3. In more than 75% of all cases, it is osteochondrosis that is the cause of a person’s chronic fatigue, weakness and impairment of his performance, while the patient himself can justify his condition bad sleep, weak immunity, etc.
  4. More than 55% of patients in neurological hospitals are treated for osteochondrosis in varying degrees of neglect. About 76% of people visit the clinic with this condition every year.
  5. People over forty years of age and those who do not exert any physical activity on their body at all are most susceptible to osteochondrosis (80% of patients).
  6. Osteochondrosis has high percent disability. Moreover, in 82% of all cases, patients experience serious vertebrogenic lesions.

Important! Cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is characterized as one of the most common diseases modern man, which significantly worsens people's quality of life. Moreover, this pathology can be caused by many various factors and manifest itself with rather unusual symptoms, which makes its diagnosis even more difficult.

Due to the influence of provoking factors, a person gradually develops degenerative processes in the spine. This helps to weaken and further loosen the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

In this condition, a hernia often forms on the affected discs, which, as the disease progresses, will compress the nerve roots of the spinal cord. This, in turn, threatens with severe shooting pain in the tailbone, legs and lower back.

The following factors are identified that may cause further development osteochondrosis:

  • human obesity;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • excessive stress on the spine;
  • individual genetic predisposition to such pathology;
  • professions that are directly related to frequent lifting and carrying heavy objects;
  • a poor diet in which a person does not receive the required amount of essential microelements;
  • congenital pathologies of the spinal column;
  • curvatures of the spine that were not treated in a timely manner;
  • sleeping on a soft mattress;
  • spinal injuries;
  • incorrectly selected pillow.

Fact! A fairly large role in the development of osteochondrosis in humans is played by its chronic pathologies, which negatively affect metabolism. For example, very often osteochondrosis in people develops against the background of diabetes mellitus.

Osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic form can provoke the following most common symptoms in patients:

  1. Headaches, which can have different locations and degrees of intensity.
  2. Failures in myocardial function, namely chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.
  3. Blood pressure surges.
  4. Dizziness (this symptom develops due to compression of the arteries).
  5. Tinnitus.
  6. Numbness in the fingers, which very often occurs at night.
  7. Soreness in the neck, arms, legs, or shoulders.
  8. Chronic fatigue.
  9. Sleep disturbance.

Important! All exercises for exercise therapy for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis should be selected by a doctor specifically for each patient, based on the cause of the disease, form, symptoms of the disease, etc. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of chronic pathologies.

Gymnastics for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, a video of which anyone can watch today, is indicated in the following cases:

  • increased likelihood of intervertebral disc damage;
  • back muscle atrophy;
  • the presence of pain that has vertebrogenic causes;
  • the presence of spinal curvatures against the background of developing osteochondrosis;
  • weakened muscular system.

At the same time, gymnastics is contraindicated for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis in the following patient conditions:

  • aggravated form of osteochondrosis;
  • acute heart failure, as well as recent myocardial infarction;
  • period of exacerbation of any chronic conditions;
  • the course of infectious or viral lesions;
  • aneurysm;
  • oncological formations;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension in an acute form.

Pregnant women, as well as mothers during lactation, should practice the exercise therapy complex with caution and only after the doctor’s permission.

In order for exercise therapy to truly improve the patient’s condition, one should adhere to the following recommendations from specialists for its implementation:

  1. Gymnastics for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis can be practiced only with the permission of the attending physician. Thus, before starting training, it is important for a person to consult a doctor for advice. Practice self-medication in this state can be very dangerous.
  2. Gymnastics at the first training sessions may cause minor pain and this will be normal. However, if a person feels very severe pain, this may indicate that the exercise is not performed correctly.
  3. If a person wants to carry out exercise therapy for osteochondrosis at home, then before that he is recommended to watch a training video. In such videos you can learn in detail about the features of performing exercises, as well as the most effective physical activity for different degrees of advanced disease.
  4. This kind of gymnastics should be done every day. If a person feels well, a set of standard exercises can be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  5. After training, it is very useful to have a massage.
  6. Trainers from the exercise therapy video, as well as doctors, advise gradually increasing the load.

The exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis includes the following exercises:

  1. Slowly tilt your head to the sides.
  2. Tilt your head back and forth, touching your chest with your chin.
  3. Tilt your head to the side, counteracting this with your hand on the other side. This exercise will help you quickly strengthen your neck muscles.
  4. Raise your shoulders up. Repeat ten times. You can also bend your elbows and rotate them in a circular motion.
  5. Focus your gaze on one point and, moving your head, mentally “write” words with the tip of your nose.

Important! These workouts can be performed exclusively during periods of remission of the disease, when a person does not experience acute pain.

Exercises for the thoracic type of osteochondrosis involve performing the following exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides. Relax your neck. In the waist area, turn to the right and left, while maintaining the motionless position of the hips. Repeat twenty times.
  2. Exhaling, lower your head down so that your chin touches your chest. Next, relax your back muscles and bend down as far as possible. Repeat five times.
  3. Stand up straight, put your hands on your waist. Perform slow side bends, stretching one arm up.
  4. Sit down and grab the chair with your hands. Tilt your torso to the sides.
  5. Take a gymnastic stick and lift it up. Reach back and forth, using the muscles of your arms and back.
  6. Lie on your stomach and spread your arms to your sides. Raise your arms and head at the same time.

Remember! Therapeutic exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis should last from twenty to forty minutes. It is also useful to do short warm-ups between main workouts.

Such training, if performed correctly and regularly, can provide the following results:

  • restoration of spinal mobility;
  • prevention of the development of dangerous complications from developing osteochondrosis;
  • reducing the likelihood of disability in a person;
  • gymnastics for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis will reduce a person’s weather dependence;
  • uniform distribution of the load from the spine will reduce headaches and normalize arterial pressure, as well as increase human performance;
  • eliminating pinched vessels will restore normal blood circulation in the brain and relieve a person from dizziness.

Moreover, gymnastics for thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis will eliminate the most common reason This disease means a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which the patient will be able to tolerate the pathology much easier and feel much better.

Important! Progressive osteochondrosis can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, so its signs cannot be ignored. When the first suspicious symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and get diagnosed.

A mandatory measure in the treatment of osteochondrosis is following a diet, since proper nutrition will help you lose weight. excess weight to a person, as well as saturate his body with useful substances.

Dietary nutrition for patients with degenerative diseases includes the following:

  1. Should eat regularly dairy products, such as cottage cheese (preferably homemade), cream, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc.
  2. You need to enrich your diet healthy fats, which are found in nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
  3. Replace sunflower oil olive or flaxseed.
  4. Limit the consumption of sweets, namely cakes, chocolate, sweets, pastries, etc.
  5. Every day the menu should include dishes rich in fiber. Thus, vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs (parsley, lettuce, dill, spinach, etc.) will be very useful.
  6. The menu should regularly include cereals in the form of porridges with water.
  7. Patients with spinal diseases should definitely eat jelly dishes, rich fish or meat broths.
  8. Jellied meat and all kinds of jellied dishes should be consumed regularly.
  9. It is better to replace fresh baked goods with rye bread.
  10. It is important to completely eliminate the consumption of junk food (fatty, spicy, salty, fast food, etc.).

It is imperative to adhere to this diet during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Also, such diet principles should be given preference during remission of pathology.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions, of course, will be effective, but it will not completely eliminate the disease, like other treatment methods. Thus, osteochondrosis is easier to prevent than to fight it later.

Doctors provide the following tips to reduce the risk of this disease in adults:

  1. Everything needs to be eliminated possible reasons muscle tension, which can be emotional stress, neuroses, anxiety, etc. An experienced psychologist or neurologist will help you understand yourself and stabilize your psycho-emotional state.
  2. Control your weight. If a person is already suffering from obesity, then he should contact a nutritionist who will write an individual nutrition program for him. Regular exercise will also help you get rid of extra pounds.
  3. Minimize heavy lifting. If you need to lift something heavy, you should squat rather than bend. The back should be straight.
  4. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, which reduce immunity and make a person more susceptible to a number of diseases. chronic diseases and osteochondrosis as well.
  5. Carefully approach the arrangement of your computer workplace. Therefore, the optimal chair height should be set. Your sinus should be level when sitting at the table.
  6. At long stay When sitting, it is important to take short breaks every twenty minutes to warm up. During such pauses, you should definitely walk around the room and do exercises for your neck, back, lower back, arms and legs.
  7. The sleeping pillow should be orthopedic and hard. It's better if it's low.
  8. You should avoid sleeping on hammocks and air mattresses. Instead, it is recommended that you take the choice of bed base seriously. A hard orthopedic mattress is best suited for this purpose.
  9. You should always control your posture and avoid bending it.
  10. Adhere to a balanced diet, which should be rich in calcium, vitamins C, PP, E and group B. At the same time, a person should avoid eating sweets, alcohol, and eating fatty and fried foods. The basis of a proper diet should be cereals, vegetables and fruits, protein food, as well as fermented milk products.

If you do not start exercising in time for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, the disease will begin to progress rapidly, which will invariably contribute to the deterioration of a person’s well-being. Thus, it is necessary to begin the practice of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine or its other types immediately after identifying the disease.

This type of osteochondrosis is considered one of the most common. The reasons for its occurrence: an unbalanced menu and a sedentary lifestyle. Osteochondrosis is considered an incurable disease, but it can be stopped and its consequences can be minimized if treatment is started in a timely manner. One of the most effective methods Gymnastics is considered a treatment for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis.

The patient should consult a doctor if there is intense pain in the thoracic or cervical region, if the neck crunches when turning the head, or if there is visual impairment. The patient may feel nauseous and dizzy. Symptoms may resemble heart disease, so osteochondrosis is quite difficult to diagnose. A person’s hands go numb and lose sensitivity, there is limited movement of the head and neck, chest pain, and breathing problems begin. The doctor’s task is to eliminate pain and relieve tissue inflammation.

Exercise therapy is recommended for patients only after relief acute pain. Special complexes help strengthen the neck muscles, making them more flexible. Gymnastics increases local blood flow, minimizing the possibility of complications, and prevents the development of other spinal diseases.

Gymnastics helps stop the progression of the disease.

You should start exercises only under the supervision of your doctor. Typically, a specialist develops an individual complex for each patient, depending on the stage of the disease and its course.

It helps to relax muscles after intense physical activity and keeping the neck in one position for a long time, for example, when driving a car.


  • Eliminating stagnation.
  • Thanks to it, blood flows out.
  • Muscles and ligaments become stronger.
  • Promotes the growth of new cells.
  • Regenerates tissue.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Eliminates disk compression
  • Prevents muscle tissue from atrophying.
  • Reduces the risk of complications.


  • You should not perform exercises during an exacerbation.
  • It has a number of contraindications.

To increase efficiency, you need to do gymnastics correctly. Otherwise, the patient risks worsening his condition. The complex is selected only by a doctor or exercise therapy instructor.

It is necessary to carefully study a number of contraindications for which exercises should not be performed. Only a doctor can assess the condition of the body and recommend exercise therapy.

When exercising, the patient should pay attention to his feelings (whether there is pain or discomfort in the affected area).

The training begins with stretching exercises, then the load gradually increases.

The doctor selects a complex to perform, taking into account the level of physical fitness, stage and course of the disease.


  • Acute form of the disease.
  • Shooting character of the nerve roots.
  • Acute infections.
  • Neoplasms of benign and malignant nature.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • High pressure.
  • Tendency to internal bleeding.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Diabetes.

If you ignore contraindications, you can provoke a hernia that will damage spinal cord and nerves.

Overview of gymnastic exercises


  1. First of all, it is necessary to warm up the muscles to improve local blood flow. This can reduce the likelihood of injury to the cervical and thoracic spine.
  2. To do this, the patient tilts the body left and right, makes circular movements with his arms and shoulders. Warm-up is done until the muscles become warm.
  3. We sit on a chair, straightening our back and neck. We turn our head left and right, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  4. In the same position, lower your head, placing it on your chest. We fix it in this position for a few seconds. Slowly straighten. If it doesn't hurt, you can gently tilt it back.
  5. We sit on a chair or stand up and straighten our back. We strain the neck muscles as much as possible, carefully lifting the chin up. The head tilts back slightly and returns to its original position. After this, we turn it to the left side, tensing the muscles. Leave it in the extreme left position for a few seconds. We return to the starting position and relax as much as possible. This exercise is not done with high blood pressure.
  6. We stand up, stretch our arms along the body, keep our back straight. Slowly raise your shoulders, fix them at the highest point for 7-10 seconds and lower them. When exercising, we strain the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck.
  7. We lie down on the floor, place 3 fingers on the cervical vertebrae where it hurts, gently press on the painful points, while moving the head back. We massage the affected area with our fingertips, slowly shake our head back and forth, while simultaneously rubbing our neck.
  8. We sit on a chair and massage the shoulder blades, neck, and area between the shoulder blades with our palms.
  9. At the same time we turn our heads left and right. You can complement the exercise by rocking back and forth.

Exercises according to Shishonin

This universal exercises, which are easy to do at home, because they do not require special training or devices.

They can be used to recover from injury or to prevent disease.

This type of gymnastics has no age restrictions.

It is important to follow an exercise regimen and do it correctly.

  1. Spring. The patient stands up, turning to face the mirror, hands down along the body. The head is kept level. Then we lower our head for a few seconds, then raise our chin and stretch it forward. We fix it in this position for a few seconds and return to the original position.
  2. Metronome. The patient remains in the same position, then tilts his head to the right shoulder, fixing it for 30 seconds. We change the side of the tilt and fix the head again. Repeat 6 times on each side.
  3. We remain in the original position, turn the head to the left with maximum amplitude and leave in this position for several seconds. We do the same in reverse side. We repeat the exercise 3 times in each direction.
  4. Goose. The patient maintains the original position, but puts his hands on his belt. After this, you need to stretch your neck so that your chin is parallel to the floor.
  5. Pull your head forward, your body turns to the side. From this position, you need to touch the shoulder and fix the position of the body for 30 seconds. The same is done in the other direction. Repeat 6 times in each direction.
  6. Heron. The patient sits on the table, puts his hands on his knees, straightening his head. At the same time, we straighten our arms and slowly move them back as far as possible. We tilt our head back at the same time. We hold this body position for several seconds and return to the starting position.
  7. This exercise is a more complicated version of the previous one. The starting position is the same, only the palm of the left hand is placed on the right shoulder and the head is turned to the left. The elbow should be strictly parallel to the floor. The second hand is fixed on the knee. We repeat the same exercise in the other direction.
  8. Fakir. The patient sits on a chair, raises his arms up and bends his elbows. The head turns all the way to the left. Then we return the head to its original position. After that, turn it to the right. When turning, we fix the head in the extreme position.

This gymnastics is aimed at treatment and preventive actions against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Unlike other complexes, it is done through pain.

How does gymnastics work? It helps relieve pain, relaxes muscles, increases local blood circulation, helps relieve limited movement, and removes toxins and waste from tissues.

Gymnastics has 2 complexes: one of them is aimed at relieving pain, the second relieves the withers.

What should you pay attention to before performing exercise therapy according to Bubnovsky? All exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis are done on an empty stomach. Gymnastics duration: 20 minutes. You can do it at any convenient time of the day until perspiration appears.

To perform this, the patient will need a fitball, expander or rubber band. It is recommended to do gymnastics every day at home.

  1. The expander is attached to a hook. The patient sits on the floor so that the ends can be reached. The back rests on a fitball. We take the ends of the tourniquet in our hands and pull it towards us. The arms should bend and straighten at the elbows.
  2. The person sits down so that the expander is behind him. We lean our backs on the fitball again. Hands rise up, slowly take the ends of the tourniquet, lower them to the sides of the body. At the same time, bend your elbows and raise and lower your arms several times.
  3. We do the same thing, only raising our hands and lowering them in front of us.
  4. We do push-ups from the wall. To do this, we stand opposite it, resting our hands on it. Hands should be at shoulder level. We bend them at the elbows, without lifting the heels off the floor. We push the wall away from ourselves using the strength of our shoulders. The arms are fully straightened as you exhale.

This gymnastics is not performed during exacerbations; pain during exercise is unacceptable. The exercises are performed slowly, without sudden movements or jerks. It cannot be done if there is a herniated intervertebral disc.

Gymnastics according to Dikul helps reduce tissue irritability, improve local blood circulation, relieve pain, and improve mood. It is aimed at relaxing the neck muscles and improving coordination of movements.

It should not be done when the temperature rises, when there is acute intense pain, or when there is muscle compression that requires surgery.

Gymnastics according to Dikul to strengthen the neck muscles

  1. The patient stands up, spreads his legs wide, arms hang along the body. The body is as relaxed as possible. Inhale, tilt your head forward, laying it on your chest, reaching your chest with your chin. As you exhale, the head is thrown back.
  2. Remaining in the original position, we tilt our head to the left, reaching our ear to the left shoulder. We do the same on the right side. While bending over, we inhale deeply, and as we exhale, we return to the original position.
  3. We move our heads in a circle, increasing the amplitude.
  4. We turn our head to the right side, then do the same to the left side. We look behind our backs without tilting our heads, and keep our chin parallel to the floor.
  5. We stand up, join our legs together, lean forward, stretch our hands to the floor. We do not bend our knees.

Other exercises

This is a set of exercises with a stick, which is done only after warming up.

  1. We stand up, place our feet shoulder-width apart. We take the ends of the stick with our hands and pull them out in front of us. Rotate the stick, doing 10–12 repetitions.
  2. The starting position is the same. We take the ends of the stick and place it either horizontally or vertically. We repeat the movement at least 10 times.
  3. We stand up, while inhaling, stretch our arms above our heads, lifting them with a stick. As you exhale, lower them smoothly.
  4. We get up, raise our hands with the stick up. Inhaling, we bend the body in the lumbar region, returning to the starting position as we exhale. We repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Exercises you can do at work

  1. The patient sits down at the table and turns his head in different directions. After the muscles become warm, we bend over and press on the head with our hand so that there is resistance.
  2. We stand with our backs to the wall and slowly press the back of our heads against it.
  3. We stand on the floor and rotate our arms back and forth.
  4. We do squats.
  5. We tilt the body in different directions.

Preventive exercises

As a preventative measure, you can hang from a bar and do pull-ups. This way you can strengthen muscle tissue and stretch the spine.

We lie down on the floor, throw our head back and vice versa, press it to the floor.

Lie on your side and stretch your arm up in front of you. We press on the hand with our head, change sides.

When a person suffering from cervicothoracic osteochondrosis wakes up in the morning, there is no need to immediately jump out of bed.

Also, be sure to watch the video with a set of useful exercises

Incorrect and untimely treatment of osteochondrosis can lead to negative consequences for all body systems and even to disability. One of the most effective methods for restoring muscle tissue and treating the disease is gymnastics.

A course of exercise therapy is prescribed only by a doctor, who selects it depending on the course of the disease, the stage of the disease and the patient’s physical fitness. To do this, you can use techniques therapeutic exercises according to Dikul, Bubnovsky and other proprietary methods that have a beneficial effect on the patient’s health. It is important to carry out preventive measures and do gymnastics at work from time to time.

Surely every person at least once in his life has thought about getting his figure in order. We're not talking about recruitment here. muscle mass, but about eliminating problems with the spine, as well as getting a flat stomach and narrow waist. For this we need a gymnastic stick (body par). We will talk about it today.

A little about the gymnastic stick

A gymnastic stick is the simplest sports equipment that allows you to correct a crooked spine, strengthen your lower back and perform complex gymnastic elements. It should be used in training during classes:

  1. Pilates.
  2. Gymnastics.

Pilates is a system of exercises that allows you to get muscular joy. It should not be confused with ordinary muscle tension in bodybuilding. Have you ever felt a pleasant sensation throughout your body after doing physical exercise? This is exactly the effect Pilates gives. To do some exercises Pilates requires a gymnastic stick.

Some elements in gymnastics require increased flexibility and mobility of your shoulder joint. This can be achieved using a gymnastic stick. Therefore, if you decide to take up gymnastics, you first need to purchase it.

Its cost usually does not exceed 300 rubles. If you buy a complete set, which includes a rubber band and a massage surface, then its price will not exceed 1 thousand rubles. You can buy it at any sports store. The material of the product will not affect the quality of your training in any way, so you can save money on it.

The length of such sticks varies from 70 to 120 centimeters. You can buy any stick lengths to suit your taste. However, it is better to purchase a projectile with the maximum length. Because thanks to this, you will have access to many more exercises.

The best exercises with a gymnastic stick

The main advantage of training with a stick is that it is almost impossible to get injured. To do this you need to try very hard. We can say that when working with body steam, you perform warm-up exercises increased complexity. Accordingly, there is no need to warm up before such a workout.

Moreover, such training is available to people of any gender and age. So your problems with the spine and excess weight are completely solvable.

Most effective exercises with a gymnastic stick:

Naturally, these are not all the exercises that can be performed with a stick. But they are the most effective. If these are not enough for you, watch a video on the Internet, where a professional will tell you about other exercises and the nuances of performing them.

Recommended grip width- wider than shoulders. However, the individual characteristics of the body and the person’s age should be taken into account. If it’s more convenient for you to do medium, go ahead!

It is worth performing exercises with a body pair for 4 or 8 counts. Remember how you did warm-up exercises in physical education classes at school. Do them with the same rhythm.

If you are just starting to exercise, you should warm up well. For example, run a few laps around the yard at an easy pace. After a few weeks of training, when your body gets used to constant stress, you won’t need to warm up.

Muscle pain after the first workouts - good sign. Don't be afraid of this, on the contrary, rejoice!

Don't make sudden movements. Most exercises with a stick are aimed at developing flexibility. If you overdo it, you can get injured.

Start your first workout with 10 repetitions in every exercise. In each subsequent workout, increase the number of times. After a few weeks of training, the number of repetitions will not matter. Do as much as you can. The main thing is that you feel muscle joy.

It is recommended to exercise with body steam an hour after meals, and at least an hour before bedtime. Otherwise, it may lead you to problems with digestion and sleep. The most best time for such activities - morning. Make pole training your morning habit, and you won’t notice how easy it is to wake up and feel energized throughout the day.

Training with a stick will not take you much time. If you are in doubt whether to buy a body pair or not, then buy it! You will spend only 300 rubles, and in return you will get a healthy spine and slim stomach, spending only 20-30 minutes every day.


In conclusion, I would like to wish you good luck in your training, and say that everything ingenious is simple. There is no need to take your spinal problems too seriously, as if it were an impossible task. This is a completely everyday situation that sooner or later arises in all people. Practice with a gymnastic stick, and you will become the happy owner of a strong and healthy back! I wish you success!

Incorrect posture is not uncommon these days. The posture stick is often used for the prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis, as an addition to physical therapy and during rehabilitation after injuries and operations. Exercises with a gymnastic stick will help keep your back straight, form a muscle corset around the spine, and strengthen the muscles of the abs, buttocks and legs.

Preparation for classes

Selecting equipment for therapeutic exercises is not difficult. Usually performed using a stick 120–130 cm long, made of wood or plastic. Such shells can be bought at any sports store. In extreme cases, you can resort to improvised means (for example, a mop handle will do).

It is best to do gymnastics on fresh air: in a park or on a sports ground. Good for cold seasons Gym. If you have enough free space, training can be done at home.

The ideal time to practice is morning. Exercises with a posture stick can be performed during the day, but not on a full stomach. After eating, at least 1.5–2 hours should pass. If there is no time at all during daylight hours, gymnastics is done in the evening, but no less than 2 hours before going to bed.

Before performing the main complex, you need to warm up properly. It is recommended to start with a light jog, jumping in place or skipping rope. Stretching exercises for all muscle groups and joints are performed. Breathing practices are very useful.

Before correcting your posture using stick exercises, you should consult your doctor. This type of gymnastics has contraindications.

If you have injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, or pathologies of internal organs, it is better to perform classes under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Exercises while standing

  1. Bend forward. We sit on the floor, with our feet shoulder-width apart. We place the projectile on our shoulders and smoothly bend forward. The exercise can be made more difficult by raising the stick above your head or fixing it between bent elbows. We do 2 sets of 10–15 times.
  2. Bends with a stick. We sit down with straight legs brought together, the stick rises above our head. We lean forward so that the projectile touches the feet. The position is held for 3–5 seconds. 1-2 sets of 15-20 times.
  3. Lifting the body. We lie on our stomachs, the stick is placed on the thighs under the buttocks. From this position, you need to lift the front of your body as high as possible, moving your arms back. We hold the pose for a few seconds and lower ourselves. At least 10–12 times per approach.
  4. A similar exercise, but the projectile is held with outstretched arms in front of you, then pulled back to the shoulders.
  5. Boat. In the prone position, the apparatus is placed on the front of the feet. It is necessary to bend upward as much as possible, lifting the front of the body and legs off the floor. We stay in this position for 3-5 seconds and lower ourselves. 10–12 times per approach is enough.
  6. Twisting. Starting position - lying on your back with your knees bent. The projectile is held in front of the chest in outstretched arms. Without changing the position of the limbs, abdominal crunches are performed. At the same time, we pull our shoulders and arms up. 2 sets of 15–20 reps.
  7. Birch. We lie down on the floor, holding the projectile with a wide grip in outstretched arms. We pull our legs bent at the knees to the chest, and place the stick under the buttocks. Gradually straighten your legs and body upward, while your hands remain on the floor and hold the projectile. We stand in the birch tree for at least 30 seconds.
  8. Plow. A similar exercise, but the legs are pulled back and held in weight or touch the floor behind the head. Hold the pose for 20–30 seconds. Inverted poses have contraindications: first 3 days female cycle, spinal hernia, traumatic brain injury.

The first results of such exercises can be seen within a few weeks. The muscles will strengthen and will easily hold the spine in the anatomically correct position.

In addition, physical therapy with a stick will serve as an excellent preventive measure. various diseases and will help you lose extra pounds.

A gymnastic stick is a piece of equipment that should help, first of all, strengthen the abdominal muscles. This equipment helps you do more complex exercises that are difficult to perform without this sports accessory. After all, this sports equipment allows you to train with greater amplitude, as well as move your arms synchronously. Slimness, good posture, better mobility and stretching - this can be achieved by exercising with a sports stick. In addition to physical activity, the stick is used in therapeutic exercises and physical education (physical education).


The gymnastic stick is the simplest exercise machine, 1.2 meters long, which can be used at home. It fixes the spine in certain positions, helping the posture to become correct, the shoulder joints become more mobile, all exercises are performed more clearly due to the rigid fixation of the arms. Sometimes rubber bands are put on the ends of the stick, the other ends of which are secured to the toes, so it’s like an expander for the whole body.

The stick is held in the following positions during exercises:

People of different ages can do exercises with a stick, but, of course, those who are older will find the movements more difficult, so adjustments need to be made for age. If a movement does not work out, it should be done with a smaller amplitude, gradually achieve the desired stretch and control the balance. You should follow some simple tips:

Exercises while standing

In a sitting position

  1. Place the stick on your shoulders, bend forward with your back straight, increase the tilt gradually and by swaying, springing with effort.
  2. The stick is on the shoulders, we turn the body to the side, raise the stick, turn in the other direction, lower the stick, repeat again.
  3. Hold the stick under your knees, rest your heels on the stick and straighten your legs.

Lying down

You can also use the apparatus to do stretching exercises, balance exercises (swinging one leg over a vertical stick) and much more. In ancient times this item was reliable protection and the simplest weapons. Therefore, being on open space, you can arrange a battle with a fictitious enemy, twisting a stick like a sword (the main thing is not to injure anyone and not to fight with a real enemy). And it is not necessary to have a special sports equipment - at home you can use a mop handle, and in the forest you can cut it out of straight wood with a cross-section of about one and a half centimeters, so that it is comfortable to hold in your hand.

Except special exercises, you can just do it morning exercises to rhythmic music, organize children's relay races, jumping over a row of sticks on the floor. You need to use your imagination, the main thing is to adhere to safety precautions and maintain distance during group classes. Children especially like to practice with apparatus - just give them sticks in their hands and the exercises will be transformed beyond recognition, and this despite the fact that they will not actually change.

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