What is the obvious difference between the Chinese copy of the iPhone and the original? How does Chinese painting differ from European painting?

Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

Many of us are convinced that the Chinese and Japanese are alike, and the chances of distinguishing one from the other are like winning the lottery. Undoubtedly, they are similar in appearance, they are united Eastern culture with her modesty, hard work and respect for elders, and the hieroglyphs are almost identical.

It seems that comparing China and Japan is the same as comparing, if not the sky with the earth, then one planet with another. We invite you to play a game: find the differences between China and Japan. We found at least a dozen. And you?

The development of any country is influenced by its geography and history. This makes up distinctive features people who have lived on these lands for centuries pass on their traditions to generations. The Chinese and Japanese states were no exception.

China is spread out across the vastness of mainland Asia, while Japan huddles on the islands Yellow Sea(and it doesn’t matter that there are more than six thousand of these islands). The Japanese are accustomed to crowding into small apartments, every now and then experiencing the jokes of nature in the form of disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions.

At the same time, no one has a question about where more people lives: China has long been ahead of the rest of the planet in terms of population, which will soon be one and a half billion. Japan ranks only tenth in this indicator.

The Celestial Empire has rich history three and a half millennia long. During this time, she replaced several powerful imperial dynasties and gave the world the greatest inventions: gunpowder, paper, tea.

The whole world took into account the interests of China, and in the 18-19th century Mongolia and Tibet were subordinate to it, and Asian countries, including Myanmar, Siam, Vietnam, and Nepal, paid tribute to it.

Mentions of Japan date back to much later years - 3-5 centuries of our era. Despite this, it opened its borders to foreigners only 150 years ago, still remaining somewhat isolated and closed.


The study of Asian culture represented by the Chinese and Japanese reveals some similarities between them. Both peoples do not suffer from inflated self-esteem; they place the public good above their own interests, and in communication they strive to find a compromise. Truth appears to them as a mountain peak, which can be reached by any, even roundabout, routes, so everyone can have their own road to it.

Guests of Japan, however, revealed the original features inherent specifically to the local residents:

  • self-control;
  • strict adherence to the prescribed rules of behavior;
  • punctuality;
  • hard work to the extreme;
  • conservatism;
  • incredible politeness;
  • love of nature and beauty, desire for purity, cult of contemplation of beauty.

The Chinese are called more open, and sometimes even shameless. They are more smiling and sociable. But their habits, which many people, especially Westerners, would call “lack of culture,” are the stuff of legends: they say that everywhere they live is dirty, they sneeze, slurp, blow their noses and spit anywhere.

Probably, compared to the Japanese, the Chinese actually behave more freely. The Japanese carefully monitor the cleanliness of the streets, and even clean up their pets properly, using special detergents on the roads.


In the land of the rising sun, shoes are given priority great value. People change their shoes before entering any room: an apartment, a cafe, a clinic, an office. Even in the toilet there are special shoes that can only be worn there.

The Japanese also like to sit on the floor or low pillows, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a tea ceremony, meditation, or just sitting with friends at a bar. Another custom is to greet and say goodbye with a bow, which shows respect for the interlocutor.

The Chinese honor their ancient traditions less zealously, so when visiting them you don’t have to worry about not knowing any rules.

Religious views

The main religions in the PRC are Buddhism, Taoism and the teachings of Confucius, in the Japanese state -. Interestingly, in both countries it is considered absolutely normal to be an adherent of several religions at once; they are tolerant of any faith.

Buddhism amazingly unites the spiritual thought of the two peoples, although there are differences here too.

In the early 90s of the last century, there was a conflict between the Chinese government and Tibetan Buddhism, which it wanted to suppress by engaging in “ patriotic education» monks. Today government agencies strictly control activities religious organizations, including Buddhist ones.

Covers most residents, but it is divided into a huge number of directions and currents. Some of them took Buddhist philosophy as a basis, others - reading mantras, and others - meditative practices.

Intertwining with each other, they formed more and more new schools, which were successful among different segments of the population. They can all be divided into two groups: classical schools and neo-Buddhism.

home and family

Family in the Eastern way of thinking in general - main value person.

The institution of family in the Middle Kingdom is tightly controlled demographic policy due to overpopulation of the state. To get married, a man and woman who are already 24 and 22 years old, respectively, need to undergo a medical examination and apply to the house committee to obtain permission for the wedding. The same permit can be obtained for one child.

To create a Japanese social unit, you do not need to go through any special procedures. Usually a couple has two or three children.


One can only envy both Chinese and Japanese employers - they have, perhaps, the most diligent workers in the world. They work tirelessly, often up to 16 hours a day. Having entered the service in their youth, most often employees work in the company until retirement.

Sometimes zealous hard work plays a cruel joke - clerks simply fall asleep at work. However, this is only encouraged by the authorities: it means that the person worked so hard that he fell asleep.

But there are more serious consequences. In Japan, they even came up with a word for this phenomenon - “karoshi”, which means death in the workplace from overwork. Unfortunately, in Lately cases of karoshi are becoming more frequent.

To relieve fatigue, both of them do not rush home after a tiring working day, but go to restaurants, bars or friends’ houses, where they relieve stress often with the help of alcohol, smoking and gambling.

In pursuit of hard-earned money, people are ready to lack sleep and ruin their health. At the same time, the average Chinese worker earns $700 a month, and the Japanese worker earns over 3 thousand.


Japan is a country of advanced developments and a seemingly different, high-tech world of the future, populated by robots and newfangled gadgets. Moreover, the quality of goods: electronics, equipment, cars is considered one of the best in the world.

China is also striving to reach new level technical development, although it is still difficult for him to break out of the image of a country of fakes, imitations, copies, where the main advantage is cheap labor.

Gastronomic preferences

Chinese and Japanese cuisines cannot be compared in a “better/worse” format – the dishes are completely different.

Chinese gastronomy is something exotic, enchanting, spicy and sour, sometimes incongruous, flavored with a large number of sauces and spices. Snake meat - please, turtle soup - please, a hundred-year-old egg - yes to your health.

The food of the Japanese, like themselves, is more traditional, restrained: sushi, sashimi, rolls and a hundred more microscopic dishes from raw fish combined with rice.

Attitude towards foreigners

Influence outside world on the PRC was much stronger than on Japan. Therefore, when they see foreigners, the Chinese are ready to smile, kiss, hug, make friends and almost get married.

The Japanese, although they will be extremely polite and friendly, will not have extreme trust and love for their new acquaintances.


What could be a better indicator of life than a state of inner happiness? According to independent surveys, 60% of Chinese residents admitted that they are happy, while in the land of the rising sun this figure reaches 85%.


If you are reading these lines, then, no doubt, you will no longer confuse these two beautiful, but such different countries. And to consolidate your understanding of the material, go on a trip yourself and add to our list of differences between them.

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A person interested in the East and everything connected with it will sooner or later inevitably wonder how the Japanese language differs from the Chinese language. After all, to most people these languages ​​seem very similar, if not identical. But this impression is deceptive: there are actually a lot of differences between Japanese and Chinese.

Japanese- Japanese language official language state of Japan, which is spoken by about 112 million people. Chinese- accordingly, the language of the Chinese, the official language of the PRC, a means of communication for approximately 800 million people.

Interestingly, in Japan for a long time there was no written language, so hieroglyphs were borrowed from a more developed and ancient China. So now in Japanese Almost every character has both Chinese and Japanese readings. Moreover, a hieroglyph that is the same for Japanese and Chinese can mean the same thing, but at the same time be pronounced completely differently. For example, the word “Korea” in Japanese will be read as “Kankoku”, and in Chinese as “Hango”. In the Japanese language, almost all hieroglyphs (kanji) have not one, but two or more sounds: it all depends on what words and combinations they are used in. Chinese characters (Hanzi) have only one pronunciation option. Today in Japan, about 2 thousand hieroglyphs are the most commonly used, while in China at least 3 and a half thousand hieroglyphs are used.

In Chinese, words are mostly one-syllable or two-syllable. In Japanese words consist of more syllables. In addition, the Japanese language has two additional alphabets - katakana and hiragana, each icon in which represents a specific syllable. In the Chinese language, everything is written entirely in hieroglyphs; in Japanese text, in addition to hieroglyphs, the syllabary alphabet is constantly found. If we talk about visual differences, then Japanese writing has a lot of semi-rounded, smooth lines, and easy-to-write hieroglyphs. Chinese characters are more complex in appearance and are often square in shape.

In Chinese, words are unchangeable. In the Japanese language, word formation occurs by attaching various affixes (prefixes, suffixes, endings) to the root of a word or its base; an auxiliary syllabary is used to write them. In the Chinese language there are no participles and gerunds, and there are also no tenses, genders, numbers, verb conjugations, declensions and cases, but Japanese has all this. Therefore, grammatically Chinese much simpler than Japanese.

Phonetically, these languages ​​are also different; in this case, Chinese is more difficult. In it, all the sounds differ from each other very slightly; speech is built on nuances, changes in tones, stress, aspiration, lisp, pronunciation, that is, it is a very musical language. In Chinese, the same combination of sounds, depending on intonation, can have absolutely different meaning. The Japanese language has a small range of sounds, so, on the contrary, several words with completely different spellings and meanings can be read the same. What the interlocutor means becomes clear only from the context. The Japanese language sounds “clearer” than Chinese, it is closer in pronunciation to European languages and lower in pitch, it has sounds similar to “r”, “d”, “z”, which are not found in Chinese. In the Japanese language, everything is strictly according to the rules: both how it is written and how it is pronounced.

  1. Chinese characters have only one pronunciation; in Japanese, almost all characters have several sounds.
  2. In Chinese, words are mostly one or two syllables, while in Japanese they are polysyllabic. In addition, Japanese writing uses syllabic alphabet - katakana and hiragana. Therefore, the Chinese text consists of solid characters, while the Japanese text contains hieroglyphs interspersed with syllabic writing.
  3. Chinese characters are often square and complex in appearance, while Japanese ones are simpler and rounded.
  4. In grammatical terms, Chinese is much simpler than Japanese: it has no cases, genders, numbers, tenses, declensions, verb conjugations, participles or gerunds. Unlike Japanese, words in Chinese are unchangeable.
  5. Phonetically, Chinese is more complex than Japanese. It is built on changes in tonality, stress, and aspiration.

How is a Japanese different from a Chinese? To the average resident European country It's quite difficult to answer this question. However, for Asians themselves, the differences between representatives of these nations are simply obvious. Let us also find out how a Japanese differs from a Chinese in appearance. Photos of these nationalities, which will help identify differences, will also be presented in the material.

Why is it so difficult to distinguish representatives of Asian nations?

It is worth noting that the Japanese and Chinese have extremely similar phenotypes. China is a populous country. Dozens of different ethnic groups live on its territory. Currently, there are more than 50 distinct nationalities in China. Among them there are those who are not at all similar to the Chinese, but more like the Mongols. Based on this, it is extremely difficult to form an idea of ​​the phenotype of the average Chinese person.

As for the Japanese, the territory of the islands where representatives of this nation live has repeatedly been subject to an influx of migrants from China, as well as Korea. It so happened historically that these phenotypes were somewhat “mixed” with each other. That is why it can be difficult for us to determine how a Japanese differs from a Chinese in appearance.

Differences in appearance

How is a Japanese different from a Chinese? It is believed that the majority of Japanese people have oval faces. Compared to the Chinese, they have a pronounced nose. The Japanese have large eyes and a wide slant. In addition, it has been proven that the Chinese do not have such large heads.

What is the main difference between the appearance of a Chinese and a Japanese? As practice shows, most Chinese people have wide, prominent cheekbones. Exists interesting idea to differentiate individuals of represented nationalities. Thus, the Chinese believe that their appearance is similar to that of a cat. The Japanese are more like fish, because their eyes protrude a little.

Skin tone

In Japanese culture, it is common for women to use pale and white tones in their makeup. For this reason, women in this country actively use cosmetical tools, which allow you to “whiten” the skin.

On the contrary, Chinese women strive to maintain a natural appearance. They practically do not use cosmetics. The Chinese have naturally darker skin compared to the Japanese.


How does a Japanese differ from a Chinese, besides appearance? Anthropologists say that the average Chinese is shorter than the Japanese. According to scientists, modern Japanese are, on average, 5-10 cm taller than the Chinese. Research in this area shows that this trend will only intensify over time. However, back in the middle of the last century, the Chinese and Japanese were approximately the same height.


How does a Japanese differ from a Chinese in terms of behavior? The Chinese are considered the most impulsive and “loud” among all representatives of the Asian type of appearance. Compared to other nationalities of the presented phenotype, they are distinguished by active gestures during a conversation, bright facial expressions, and activity when in in public places.

The Japanese are distinguished by extreme restraint in all areas of life. Representatives of this nation try to demonstrate interest in conversation with their interlocutor and never interrupt a participant in a conversation mid-sentence. The Japanese are delicate when conducting business. In public places they try to be quiet and modest.

Sound of speech

Japanese speech is dominated by low, muffled tones. During a dialogue, they do not prefer to focus on individual words and do not raise their voices.

The Chinese, regardless of nationality, have an abundance of high tones in their pronunciation, sonorous sounds. Representatives of this nation usually speak quickly and support their own speech with appropriate emotions, as well as active body movements.

Clothing style

The fundamental differences between the Chinese and Japanese can be seen in the clothing they wear in public. The Japanese style is more American and European. Most citizens of this country have good taste. The Japanese prefer clothes from well-known world brands over things that can be purchased on the regular market.

The Chinese have their own, clearly distinguishable style. Representatives of this nation feel absolutely no embarrassment when appearing in public in homely attire. For example, a resident of the Middle Kingdom can easily be found on the street, walking in an ordinary robe.

Chinese men prefer comfortable and practical clothes. It is their custom to go out in public in tracksuits. In general, the Chinese style is not particularly pretentious and does not focus on placing the right accents when creating an image.

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We have long had stereotypes about Chinese goods. Manufactured in China - this means a cheap and low-quality product.

However, recently the Chinese have become more adept at producing copies of goods from well-known manufacturing companies. In our article we will talk about copies of iPhone.

Most people use smartphones throughout the day. They play games, watch videos, listen to music, use GPS to find the right road. It is for these reasons that today it is not just phones that are in demand, but smartphones, and preferably it should be an iPhone!

Due to such great popularity of iPhones, Chinese manufacturers are making every effort to ensure that Chinese replicas are not inferior to the original, and in some ways even surpass it. So let's figure out how the Chinese iPhone differs from the original.

How is the Chinese iPhone different from the original?

Just a few years ago, the Chinese copy of the iPhone looked pretty poor compared to the original. There was a noticeable design inconsistency, poor quality smartphones, slow performance, and freezing. And they did not “serve” their owners for long, quickly breaking down.

Now everything has changed, a Chinese fake is quite difficult to distinguish from the original. Even owners of original smartphones cannot always determine which is a copy and which is the original.

How to distinguish Chinese iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7 from the original

In fact, the iPhone model does not have of great importance, replicas of any smartphone model are completely identical to the original in design and functionality. We will not consider very cheap replicas, since they are clearly not High Quality, are designed for the “budget” buyer who wants to “show off” for a penny.

A high-quality Chinese counterfeit is more expensive, but it is still orders of magnitude cheaper than the original. For example, a replica iPhone 7 for 5 thousand rubles is clearly not a high-quality fake, which can be easily distinguished from the original by design and quality of work.

We will review high-quality Chinese replicas. By the way, a high-quality copy of the iPhone seventh model costs no less than nine thousand rubles. But will you agree that this is much more profitable than the original for 60 thousand?!

What is the difference between a Chinese iPhone and an original one?

Let's take a Chinese replica of the iPhone 7 plus for review. Let's try to identify obvious discrepancies.

Let's consider appearance Chinese iPhone 7. The metal body feels like plastic to the touch, but the sensations are deceptive, since it is aluminum.

I would also like to note that the replicas have a retina display with JD resolution, with a color gamut that ensures high-quality image transmission, and tinted glass. The touch button on the front panel is flush with it.

That is, it does not protrude forward, does not fall inward, and reacts to touch with a weak vibration. There is a function to lock the device using fingerprints.

Live photos, Siri voice assistant, slow motion, fast motion. There is a parallax effect, live wallpaper that responds to touch. Do you want to write messages on social networks? Your friends will see online that you wrote from an Apple device.

It's safe to say that the overall design is identical to the original. Even a specialist will need time to identify a copy.

Then maybe there are differences in functionality?

Let's consider this question as well.

First of all, we are interested in technical specifications Chinese device:

  • Quad core mtk processor.
  • Video chip: Mali – 400 MP.
  • Google Android 5.0 RAM (however, the menu is made like iOS-10)
  • Built-in memory 32 GB, RAM 2 GB.
  • SIM card: Nano-SIM, (insert in the same way as on an Apple iPhone).
  • Satellite GPS is synchronized with Yandex, Google, and others.
  • Screen: 5.5.
  • There are two cameras: Main 8 megapixel, front 2 megapixel for selfies (Sony optics). Auto-focus, stabilization, LED flash, HDR, face detection, panoramic shooting, touch focusing.
  • Video recording: 8 Megapixels
  • Language: Russian (without errors), English, other languages.
  • Motion sensors.
  • Network: 3G, 4G (works with all mobile operators RF and other countries)
  • Communication: Wi-Fi, modem, bluetooth.
  • Dimensions: 77.9\158.2\7.3 millimeters, weighs 188 grams.

Features of a copy of the Chinese iPhone 7

Copies of the Chinese iPhone 7 received a new, more powerful A-10 Fusion processor. The speed is forty percent faster than the previous A-9 model, 3 times faster than the A-8. The latest functionality of this chip not only allows it to act faster, but is also able to regulate power, depending on the tasks assigned.

That is, accelerated - at high loads, economically, when power is not so important for the tasks at hand. Chinese iPhone 7 is the first smartphone that is resistant to water and dust.

You can use the device in the rain, in the shower, in the bath. They can withstand immersion under water to a depth of 10 meters.

There are also new features for video cameras. Optical image stabilization minimizes loss of sharpness caused by moving objects or smartphones. Sensitive sensors allow you to monitor and balance even small fluctuations.

Buy Chinese iPhone

Chinese iPhones of the latest generation are not only about the quality and versatility of the device. Nowadays, Chinese iPhones are excellent means of communication, providing the owner with a lot of communication opportunities and pleasant emotions.

Therefore, everyone who values ​​information transfer speed and multifunctional convenience wants to buy a Chinese copy of the iPhone.

If you want to buy a copy of an iPhone, and the request “I’ll buy a copy of an iPhone” is relevant for you, I can recommend the site to you verified online store. This site sells only high-quality iPhone replicas, but affordable prices. Regular customers are provided with discounts and other pleasant bonuses.

You have the opportunity to buy an iPhone, even a copy, but only buy it where high-quality copies of the iPhone are presented!

What is the difference between the Chinese iPhone (iPhone) and the original, summary

So we figured out how the Chinese iPhone differs from the original. To summarize, we can conclude that there are very few differences between the iPhone copy and the original.

The only thing, significant difference– small price. You can buy a copy of an iPhone for several times less than the cost of the original. The main thing is to buy high-quality replicas with a warranty period.

I would also like to say that in this store you can purchase unique gadgets and unusual phones. And for a child you can buy excellent radio controlled models at an inexpensive price.

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Bamboo chopsticks are called either Chinese or Japanese, often combining the cuisines of these cultures. It would be more correct to call these cutlery Chinese, since they appeared there. The cultures and cuisines of China and Japan are indeed similar, but there are differences, each with its own flavors. Lack of spicy seasonings in Japanese cuisine. The Chinese table serves quite intricate dishes, prepared with an abundance of seasonings, so that sometimes it is simply impossible to guess what components the dish consists of. Japanese chefs are adherents of the true natural taste of food. It is important for them not to give new taste dish, and to enhance the original one, for this they use only one single seasoning - aji-no-moto. Fish and meat. Chinese cuisine differs in a variety of products for cooking. Meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood - all this is used in the most unexpected combinations and is subject to various heat treatments. Japanese chefs do not often use meat when preparing food; they give preference to fish and seafood dishes, and the Japanese try to bake and cook them as little as possible so as not to destroy the primary taste. Aesthetics and beauty of Japanese dishes. All chefs try to make a masterpiece out of their dish, but the dishes look truly aesthetic and unusual Japanese cuisine: they are often made in the form of some kind of animal or some kind of figure. The landscapes on the plates, laid out from the ingredients of the dish, look especially unusual. They are so beautiful that it becomes a pity to eat them. The Japanese menu is tied to the time of year. The menu depends on the time of year: there are dishes that are prepared exclusively at certain times of the year. Young bamboo shoots are considered a spring dish, trout and vegetable soups, autumn - kuri gohan (rice with chopped sweet chestnut), winter - fish soup Yosenabi. Fish. Fish dishes occupy a special place in oriental cuisine. When setting a table, according to Chinese tradition, the fish is placed with its head facing the guest, thereby the owners of the house express their respect and say that it is a great honor for them to host you at home. Dessert. Japanese desserts can hardly be called sweet, since sugar is almost never used in this culture. These are, rather, dishes that are served with tea. The most popular sweets in Japan are wagashi. They are often prepared from seaweed, rice dough, and nuts. For the Japanese it is important to use natural products, so there are no artificial additives in desserts. Chinese sweets are also quite specific and original. In a Chinese sweet shop you can find such exotic desserts as chicken feet, covered with caramel, or pork in sesame seeds with sugar. Serving sizes. Chinese dishes tend to be larger in weight than Japanese dishes. This is all explained by the fact that the Japanese have a very clear sense of moderation. Conversation at the table. In Japan, it is not customary to talk about business while eating. But you can slurp and chew loudly - this is considered a sign that you like the food.

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